How To Do Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest Without A Website + 5 Traffic-Boosting Strategies

May 24, 2024

To do affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a website:

  1. Research affiliate programs without a website requirement.
  2. Set criteria for selecting affiliate programs.
  3. Join affiliate programs that match your criteria.
  4. Create a Pinterest business account.
  5. Understand Pinterest’s affiliate link policy.
  6. Develop engaging and high-quality pins.
  7. Create content-rich Pinterest boards.
  8. Use rich pins for product information.

You can promote your affiliate offers on Pinterest without a website by directly linking your pins to affiliate products. By leveraging Pinterest's platform to create content and generate traffic, you can drive sales and earn commissions directly through your pins. Potential customers won’t need to get redirected to an external website. Pinterest attracts nearly 1 billion monthly users, with a significant percentage (76.7%) being female. You can target a specific audience of buyers who tend to spend more on luxury and beauty products.

Pinterest users are often in discovery mode. They are actively seeking inspiration and products, which increases the likelihood of engagement with your content. The larger your audience, the more potential customers you have. 

Pilar Newman, an affiliate marketer and founder of Loud Money Moves, shares having 650,000 monthly viewers on Pinterest, which helped her get more clicks to their offers even without a website. Instead, she creates landing pages for affiliate products on ClickFunnels. Pilar notes that this lets you generate new, fresh links that Pinterest favors. She makes $100 or more per day with this method.

It’s easy to attach your affiliate link on a Pinterest pin through the “Add a Destination Link” section. Interested users can click the link and land on the product page where they can place an order. However, this method is not always effective. Affiliate marketer Martin Roch from Isle of Wight, UK shares that his conversions decreased after creating pins that included an affiliate link and not a link to a website. His monthly views also dropped by 200,000 after a month of testing the method.

In this article, I’ll show and explain to you the 13 steps to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a website. I’ll also let you in on 5 strategies to drive traffic from Pinterest to your affiliate offers.

13 Steps To Do Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest Without A Website

1. Research Affiliate Programs Without a Website Requirement

Start your affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a website by researching and identifying affiliate programs that accommodate marketers who use social media or other platforms. Focus on finding programs that are flexible regarding the platforms their affiliates use to promote products.

Several affiliate networks and platforms are known for leniency towards non-website-based affiliates. This includes ClickBank, CJ Affiliate, and ShareASale, where you can join multiple affiliate programs that don't require a website. These platforms host a diverse range of affiliate offers across various niches. This makes it easier to find products that align with your Pinterest content.

You can also directly approach companies that run their independent affiliate programs. When searching, always ensure to verify that the affiliate program’s terms and conditions align with using Pinterest as the primary promotion tool.

2. Set Criteria for Selecting Affiliate Programs

The next step is to establish clear criteria for selecting affiliate programs. Start by considering the commission rates offered by each program. Higher commission rates can impact your earnings per affiliate sale. Prioritize programs that offer competitive rates.

Next, ensure that the affiliate products are relevant to your target audience on Pinterest. Promoting products that align with your audience's interests and needs will increase engagement and the likelihood of conversions. 

Partner with reputable brands that your audience trusts and recognizes. High-quality brands enhance your credibility and increase the chances of successful affiliate sales. Researching reviews and customer feedback on the brand’s products can provide insights into their reliability and appeal.

3. Join Affiliate Programs That Match Your Criteria

Once you've established your criteria for selecting affiliate programs, the next step is to join programs that align well with your goals. Start by visiting the websites of the affiliate programs that meet your criteria. Look for an "Affiliate" or "Partners" link. 

When you find a suitable program, complete the application process. This involves filling out a form with your personal information, details about your marketing methods, and any relevant social media or content channels you plan to use. Be honest and thorough in your application to increase your chances of acceptance.

After submitting your application, you may need to wait for approval. Some programs offer instant approval, while others take a few days to review your application. Once approved, you'll gain access to your affiliate dashboard. This is where you can generate affiliate links, track your performance, and access marketing materials. Familiarize yourself with each program’s specific guidelines and terms.

4. Create a Pinterest Business Account

Follow these steps to set up your account:

  • Sign Up for a Pinterest Account. Visit the Pinterest website or download the Pinterest app. Click on "Sign up" and select the option to create a new account. Fill in your email, create a password, and provide your age. You can also sign up using your Google or Facebook account.
  • Convert to a Business Account. If you already have a personal Pinterest account, you can convert it to a business account. Go to your profile and click on the three dots in the top right corner, then select "Settings." In the settings menu, find and click on "Account Settings." Scroll down to "Account Changes" and click "Convert to a Business Account." Follow the prompts to complete the conversion.
  • Complete Your Business Profile. Once you have a business account, fill out your profile. Add a profile picture or logo that represents your brand. Write a compelling business description. Include relevant keywords related to your niche and affiliate products.
  • Claim Your Website. To access analytics and other business tools, claim your website. Go to your account settings and find the "Claim" section. Enter your website URL and follow the instructions to add a meta tag or HTML file to your site for verification.
  • Set Up Pinterest Tags: Install the Pinterest tag on your website to track conversions and gather data on how users interact with your pins.
  • Create Boards and Start Pinning. Create boards that align with your niche and affiliate products. Use descriptive titles and keywords to make them easily discoverable.
    Start pinning high-quality images and content that will engage your audience.

5. Understand Pinterest’s Affiliate Link Policy

Understanding Pinterest's affiliate link policy helps you maintain compliance and build trust with your audience. Always disclose your affiliate relationships clearly in pin descriptions. Avoid using URL shorteners. Pinterest prefers full URLs for transparency and to prevent spammy behavior. 

Digital marketing specialist Brian Gabriel shares that you can place your affiliate disclosure at the end of your pin description. He suggests writing "affiliate link" in quotations or brackets so it's clear to users that you're promoting that product. He also notes that it's better to promote fewer, high-quality pins than a handful of pins with thin content.

The Federal Trade Commission Handbook has a list of approved words and phrases you can use for your Pinterest affiliate disclosures. These include: 

  • Ad
  • Advertisement
  • Sponsored
  • Commissions
  • NikePartner (or any brand)
  • Nike Amabassador (or any brand)

6. Develop Engaging and High-Quality Pins

Creating engaging and high-quality pins helps you promote affiliate products on Pnterest. Start by using pin templates to maintain consistency and professionalism. Focus on visually appealing pins with high-resolution images or graphics that capture attention. Incorporate idea pins and video pins to showcase products in action or provide tutorials. This taps into current Pinterest trends.

Make sure each pin has a clear, compelling title and description. Integrate relevant keywords to improve search visibility. Utilize vibrant colors, clean fonts, and a strong call to action to encourage clicks. Consider using Pinterest's native tools to create idea pins that offer detailed, step-by-step content.

Tools like Canva and Adobe Spark have customizable templates specifically for Pinterest pins. They also support animation and sound elements if you want to post video pins. Another option is to outsource the designs from freelancers on Upwork or Fiverr. You can request bulk pins for specific categories and content types for $100 or less depending on the designer.

7. Create Content-Rich Pinterest Boards

Organizing content-rich Pinterest boards highlights affiliate products and attracts users. Start by creating thematic boards that align with your niche. Some examples could be "Best Kitchen Gadgets" or "Fitness Essentials." Each board should have a clear and descriptive title. Always include relevant keywords to enhance discoverability. 

Populate these boards with a mix of product pins, idea pins, and related content like how-to guides or infographics. Use rich pin features to automatically update product details like price and availability. 

8. Use Rich Pins for Product Information

Rich Pins are Pinterest pins that automatically sync information from your website to your pins. They provide extra details about the products. This includes pricing, availability, and product descriptions. It makes your pins more informative and engaging for users. Unlike standard pins, rich pins update in real-time. This ensures that your audience always sees the most current information.

To set up Rich Pins, you first need to add metadata to your website. This involves adding specific tags to the HTML of your product pages. Once the metadata is added, you can validate your pins through Pinterest’s Rich Pin Validator. Simply enter a URL from your site to verify the tags, and upon approval, your pins will automatically display enhanced information.

9. Implement A Strategic Pinning Schedule

Maintaining a regular pinning schedule ensures that your content appears frequently in your followers’ feeds. Consistency can also help build trust with your audience.

To implement a strategic pinning schedule, plan to pin at peak times when your target audience is most active. Tools like Tailwind or Pinterest’s native scheduler can help you automate and manage your pinning schedule. Aim to pin multiple times a day. Mix new content with repins to keep your boards active and engaging. Regularly reviewing analytics can help you fine-tune your schedule.

10. Cross-Promote Pins On Social Media

Cross-promoting your Pinterest pins on other social media platforms broadens your exposure and drives traffic to your affiliate products. You can reach a wider audience by sharing your pins on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Start by linking your Pinterest account to your other social media profiles. Share your pins directly, or create posts that feature a link to your Pinterest boards or specific pins. Make sure to tailor your message to fit each platform's audience. Consider using Google Ads to promote your pins to a targeted audience. This boosts visibility and engagement. 

11. Leverage Pinterest Analytics to Track Performance

Using Pinterest Analytics helps you understand what works. So, you can optimize your affiliate marketing strategies. Pinterest Analytics provides valuable insights into how your pins perform. This includes metrics like impressions, click-through rates, saves, and engagement. You can identify which pins and boards perform well by reviewing these analytics.

Start by accessing Pinterest Analytics from your Pinterest business account. Focus on key metrics like high engagement rates and click-through rates. These show how often users interact with your pins and visit your affiliate links. Analyze which types of pins perform best, whether they are product pins, lifestyle pins, or infographics. You can use this data to refine your content strategy. Adjust your pinning schedule based on peak engagement times to maximize visibility. 

12. Engage with the Pinterest Community

Engaging with the Pinterest community boosts your credibility and increases clicks on your affiliate links. Interaction on Pinterest helps build a loyal following. It can also enhance the visibility of your pins through increased engagement. You can establish yourself as a trusted source of valuable content.

You can start by commenting on and repinning content from others within your niche. Follow relevant accounts and participate in group boards to reach a wider audience. Respond to comments on your pins. Thisfosters a sense of community and shows that you value your followers' input. Share helpful tips, answer questions, and offer insights related to the products you promote.

13. Stay Informed About Platform Changes

Pinterest frequently updates its platform to improve user experience and enforce guidelines. This can impact how your pins are distributed and how effectively they reach your target audience. You can adapt your strategies to maintain visibility and compliance by keeping up-to-date.

Regularly check Pinterest’s official Newsroom and follow their updates on social media. Join Pinterest marketing forums and groups to share insights and learn from other marketers. Subscribe to newsletters from reputable sources that cover social media marketing trends.

5 Strategies To Drive Traffic From Pinterest To Your Affiliate Offers

  • Optimize Your Pinterest Profile. Ensure your Pinterest profile is complete and optimized with a professional bio, a clear profile picture, and relevant keywords. This helps attract the right audience to your pins and builds credibility in your niche. Add a link to your website or blog and make sure your boards and pins align with your affiliate offers.
  • Employ SEO Tactics. Use Pinterest SEO to increase the visibility of your pins. Research and incorporate relevant keywords in pin descriptions, titles, and board names. This helps your pins rank higher in Pinterest search results and attract more traffic.
  • Leverage Group Boards. Join and contribute to group boards related to your niche. Group boards have larger audiences. It allows your pins to reach more users. Share high-quality, engaging content that links back to your affiliate offers to drive traffic from these boards to your site.
  • Promote High-Performing Pins. Identify your best-performing pins using Pinterest analytics and promote them through Pinterest ads. Investing in Pinterest ads can boost the visibility and reach of these pins. This drives traffic to your affiliate offers.
  • Collaborate with Influencers. Partner with influencers in your niche to expand your reach. Influencers can share your pins with their followers. They can provide endorsement and attract new traffic to your affiliate offers. Collaborations can take the form of sponsored posts, joint giveaways, or featuring each other’s content.

Is It Legal To Do Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest Without A Website? 

Yes, it is legal to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a website. Pinterest allows direct affiliate links on its platform. This allows you to promote products directly through your pins. However, it's important to follow Pinterest's guidelines to avoid issues. 

You need to disclose that your pins include affiliate links. Ensure your activities are genuine and not spammy. Overloading your profile with affiliate pins without providing valuable content can be seen as spammy and might cause penalties from Pinterest. 

Pinterest's rules for affiliate marketing prohibit the use of fake accounts to create or save affiliate links. You shouldn't engage in practices like asking other users to save their affiliate Pins in a quid pro quo arrangement or asking them to create Pins with affiliate identifiers. The platform also restricts the creation of affiliate Pins repetitively or in large volumes. Users should use affiliate links in moderation. The content should be original and provide real value to pinners. 

What Are The Best Affiliate Programs for Pinterest If You Don't Have a Website?

The best affiliate programs for Pinterest if you don't have a website are:

  • Amazon Associates. Amazon Associates allows you to generate an Amazon affiliate link for any product. With a vast range of products and a trusted brand, Amazon makes it easy to find items that align with your Pinterest content. Commission rates can vary depending on the category and they offer a 24-hour cookie duration.
  • CJ Affiliate. Formerly known as Commission Junction, CJ Affiliate hosts a large variety of companies and offers detailed performance metrics that can help you optimize your Pinterest campaigns. Their platform provides access to many advertisers who are comfortable with affiliates promoting products without a website.
  • ShareASale. Known for its user-friendly interface and a wide array of affiliate programs, ShareASale is another excellent option for Pinterest users. It offers tools that make it easy to track your earnings and understand which pins and strategies are most effective.

When selecting an affiliate network or program, consider the types of products available, the ease of linking on Pinterest, the commission structure, and how well the program's products align with your audience’s interests. 

Can You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing And Affiliate Links On Pinterest?

Yes, you can make money with affiliate marketing and affiliate links on Pinterest. According to Anastasia Blogger on YouTube, you can earn up to $1,370 a week with Pinterest affiliate marketing without a website. She adds that you can even earn up to $10,000 monthly. Some of the niches she recommends for Pinterest affiliate marketing are fashion, home decor, beauty products, and visually appealing food. Anastasia Blogger also offers a Pinterest course, the Pinterest SEO Traffic Secrets Program.

Is Pinterest Affiliate Marketing The Best Way To Make Money Online In 2024?

Local lead generation is the best way to make money online in 2024 because with Pinterest affiliate marketing, you need to constantly update and maintain a visually appealing presence. This requires continuous content creation. Affiliate marketing on Pinterest is subject to fluctuating rules and commission structures that can affect earnings unpredictably. There is also high competition on Pinterest.  

Local lead generation involves creating websites or digital assets that generate leads for local businesses. It offers more stable earnings because you are often paid for the lead itself, not just for a sale that may or may not happen. You can earn $500 to $3,000 per month from owning a single lead gen website. Local lead generation also allows for deeper relationships with local businesses who value the leads you generate, providing a more predictable and sustainable income stream.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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