Aaron Martinez is one face of the Remote Closer Academy program by Cole Gordon that teaches high ticket closing. This article will uncover some interesting facts about who Aaron Martinez is and how he is connected to Cole Gordon's inbound closing program. Remote closing is a business model that many online courses and SaaS creators have benefitted from.
The issue with remote closing is that your income is not predictable each month and you don't decide how much commission you'll make on high ticket sales. There is also no guarantee that when you get on a phone call, people will automatically say yes, no matter how good of a high ticket closer you are. Remote closing is not a business model that will allow you to earn a residual income each month.
Aaron Martinez Review: Pros and Cons
Aaron Martinez has made over 7-figures as a remote closer and coach.
High ticket remote closing allows you to make money from home.
Your income potential is uncapped, meaning you can make thousands of dollars each month.
The Remote Closer course teaches you sales strategies.
The remote closing industry doesn't offer you an income you can rely on each month.
You must be on calls all day to close enough deals each month so you can make thousands of dollars.
Competition is high in the high ticket inbound closing space.
No job security with this business because a company can stop taking on clients at anytime.
Who is Aaron Martinez?

Aaron Martinez is a successful entrepreneur from Virginia Beach, Virginia. He attended Old Dominion University for a degree in communications. In 2012, Aaron began his career as a YouTuber, creating content about digital marketing around 2013-2014. One of his YT channels grew to over 170,000 subscribers in a matter of a year. Companies and brands wanted to sponsor the channel and Aaron was making $5,000 to $6,000 per month. Eventually, the channel didn't grow.
He eventually started working as a voice-over artist, a SnapChat creator, and real estate videographer. In 2019, Aaron got into digital marketing and began working with solar panel companies, generating more leads. He soon realized that there were too many things he needed to manage and had no time for his family.
Aaron is now partnered with Cole Gordon and the Remote Closing Academy program. On the Aaron Martinez - Remote Closing Academy YouTube channel, he has over 27.7K subscribers and posts content about how to make money as a remote closer. On Instagram, he has over 127,000 followers and he posts content about remote closing.

What is Aaron Martinez Net Worth?
Aaron Martinez has a net worth between $800,000 and $3 million. The reason is that he makes over $35,000 in commissions each month and thousands of students have taken the Remote Closing Academy course.
What is the Best Way to Schedule an Appointment with Aaron Martinez?
The best way to schedule an appointment with Aaron Martinez is to click the link on his Instagram bio, watch the free webinar, and book an appointment to speak to Aaron or a member of their team to join the Remote Closing Academy program.
What Does Remote Closing Mean?
Remote closing means closing deals over the phone or virtually without having to do so in person. Online coaches and SaaS companies benefit from having remote closers handle each sales appointment so they can focus their time on their business while more members continue to join.
What is Remote Closing Academy?

Remote Closing Academy is an online course by Cole Gordon that trains students to become a high ticket sales person. Cole launched the program in 2020 and over 2,200 people have been hired as a part time or full time inbound closer by major companies in need of remote closers. Aaron is now a partner to help generate more leads for the program. Cole uses this course along with Closers.io to help companies and consultants scale their business.
More Info: Remote Closing Academy Review
Extra Info: Closers.io Review
How Much Does Remote Closing Academy Cost?
Remote Closing Academy costs $8,400 according to what one forum user said.
Is Remote Closing Legit?
Remote Closing is legit because there are companies that will pay hundreds and thousands of dollars in commission to people who can get more new clients to pay for their product or service. It ends up being cheaper than having to pay someone on a full time or even part-time basis to take sales calls every day. If you don't feel you are an expert at high ticket closing, you get all the training in Cole's course and you can practice with each call you take. If you aren't impressed by Aaron's promoting of the RCA course, you can look to the Closer Cartel by Luke Alexander.
Local Lead Generation Offers More Control & Income Predictability Than Remote Closing
Local lead generation is a business model that offers more control because the digital assets you create are yours. No one else owns them. You choose the niche you're going to generate leads in and you choose your ranking strategy. You get to decide what local business you're going to work with and how much they have to pay you. If a client stops working with you, you don't lose out on money because you can send the leads to their competitors who are hungry for leads.
Local lead generation offers a more predictable income because after you have your service sites ranked at the top of the search results, they will generate leads that local businesses will be happy to pay for. Once you come to an agreement on what you're going to charge them, they will pay you each month and there is no guessing as to what that client will pay you every month they work with you.
This business model allows you to earn a residual income without having to take dozens of calls each day and dealing with objections from potential deals. To learn how to achieve financial freedom with digital assets you own and spend more time with your family, check out the local lead generation business model.