Agency Partner Program Review: (Deep Dive) into Jason Wardrop’s Latest Program

August 15, 2022

Agency Partner Program

Yo, what's going on?

No doubt you're looking for more info on Jason Wardrop's latest course?

Awesome - you've landed in the right spot!

In this Agency Partner Program review I'm gonna cover everything you need to know about his new course, and let you know whether I think you should buy it or not.

Here's the thing...

I'm fortunate enough to be making $50K a month with my local lead generation business, so I like to think I know a thing or two about how the business model works.

Allow me to reintroduce myself... My name is Ippei...
Tree Care Service Gif

While I already have my own thriving lead gen business, I'm a serial entrepreneur, and I'm obsessed with finding new nuggets I can use to help grow my income stream.

So with that in mind, let's find out more about how Jason's course stacks up, and if it's something you should consider getting yourself...

Let's go...

What is the Agency Partner Program?

Also known as (APP), the Agency Partner Program is touted as the solution for those looking to create multiple streams of income, and make additional income online.

Created by Jason Wardrop, the idea of the course is that you "partner" with him by being able to copy his multi 7-figure lead generation business.

He is well known for training users on how to generate leads on social media such as Facebook, YouTube etc, usually for local businesses like real estate agents and other local based services.

Jason claims that he'll take your hand and show you step-by-step how to create multiple streams of income & start making money online almost immediately by doing the same.

Interesting, right?...

The course is targeted at total newbies who have never made a cent online, all the way up to experienced interenet marketers who are already churning and burning, but want to keep scaling.

Everything you do in this course is built around one core create more income passively online.

Who is Jason Wardrop?

Jason Wardrop is known for helping business owners market their businesses. He does this using paid avertising platforms, such as Instargram, YouTube, Google Adwords and Facebook.

Jason Wardrop

He'll proudly tell you that over the last few years he's generated well over 100,000 leads for his own business, and has worked closely with over 5,000 businesses, helping them do the same.

He isn't shy to drop money on paid advertising, and claims to have spent 7 figures on Facebook ads alone, along with a few hundred grand more on other platforms such as Google Adwords.

He's got a pretty impressive YouTube following of just under 100K followers, where he shares different lead generation strategies in weekly videos.

More About the Agency Partner Program Course

As we've covered, the idea behind the Agency Partner Program course is that you can get your own online lead generation business up and running by relying on Jason Wardrop's tried and tested methods to help you.

If you're wondering about cost, you're looking at $997 all in. Obviously the course and training is all online, and that price will get you full blown lifetime access to everything once you sign up. 

The idea is that you can either jump in full steam ahead and ripp through the course content, or you can take your time and digest everything on offer at a pace that suits you. 

The choice is yours!

The format of the course is pretty simple...

You watch the videos, and are then assigned a list of action items that you'll need to work through and complete.

You'll be able to use the tools and templates that are provided with the course to assist you with these taks, and you'll also be able to get help from the Facebook group, as well as take part in the live calls.

Jason's mantra is simple:
"Follow the process, get results!"

What Do You Get With the Course?

One of the big foundations of this course is built on the theory that in order to build a business that will actually change your life, you'll need to do more than simply "take a course", or watch a few training videos. 

That's all well and good in theory, but without rolling up your sleeves and actualy getting drity (i.e. taking action), nothing actually happens.

Take Action

Jason believes that the key is to engross yourself in an immersive environment, where you will be able to work with professionals who are already doing what you want to do.

This is what this course supposedly offers.

A Proven Process:

First up, they offer a proven process which in theory removes the painstacking guesswork that would usually come from trying to figure things out yourself. 

Their process comes with step by step instructions that have a proven track record.

High Quality Tools:

Jason goes hard by offering a lot more than just a course with some training videos.

He also includes some pretty legit tools with the course, that will help you build and run your busines.

You get full blown access to all of these tools, templates and funnels that will allow you to simply plug them into your own business.

This is known to as "white labelling" and it can be very powerful when done correctly.

Along with the course and tools, you'll also get access to an engaging community of like minded people that are all working through the course themselves.

What I liked about this is that you'll have the opporunity to not only learn from these like-minded people, but also to collaborate and build business partnerships where you see fit.

By getting access to the Private Facebook group, you're effectively hanging out with millionaires...the kicker is that you can ask them questions and get help whenever you want.

What About Bonuses?

The course is broken down into 6 modules which are meant to show you everything you need to copy Jason's course to the letter.

You get full acces to his sales funnel, with the abiity to make tweaks and customizations to fit your own campaign.

He even allows you to sell his product and use his email campaigns as well as all his lead templates which you can use, regardless of the industry that you're in.

You also get his in-depth strategy for generating leads through social media. He focuses primairly on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Linkedin, but this works across other social media platforms as well.

On top of all of the above, Jason then throws in a couple of extra bonuses for the first 20 signups...

These include campaigns he uses for affiliate marketing, his digital products which you can white label and sell as your own, and access to weekly 1-1 coaching calls. 

Jason values all of this at just shy of $16K...whether it's worth that is up for debate, but either way, it seems to be a lot of value.

What Do Students Say?

The sales page for the Agency Partner Program course is littered with postitive student testimonials. 

There's just one issue with these...

They are totally controlled by Jason and his team as they obviously have full control over what is publisehd on their sales page, and more importantly what is not.

What you're seeing is a form of them controlling the narrative.

Let's be're never going to see a negative review on a sales page are you?

I don't have a problem with this, but the problem was that I struggled to find any legit reviews of the course on 3rd party platforms like Reddit and TrustPilot. 

Maybe the course is just too new...I dunno?

Pros of the Agency Partner Program Course


  • The lead generation business model works.
  • Course is well laid out and informative.
  • Solid bonuses and extra content.

OK, so here's what I like about the Agency Partner Program.

First up, the local lead generation business model is solid. 

Since the beginning of time, business owners have always needed more customers and leads, and as far as I can see, they always will.

Lead Generation

So the business model of generation leads is never going anywhere - it will always be in demand, unlike some other business models that may just be a passing fad.

The information in the coure is also fairly intuative and well laid out. It's pretty simple to work through the 6 modules and bonus content.

On the subject of bonus content, Jason really steps up in this area, and goes out of his way to provide extra value to students.

He values all of the content at around $16K which kinda sounds like an old marketing "percieved value" trick.

While the content is all solid and good value, I'm not convinced it's worth that much.

Cons of the Agency Partner Program Course


  • Copy and paste model has a shelf life.
  • Competition will be fierce with this process.
  • Running paid traffic can be expensive.
  • You have limited control over your business.
  • Traffic source is only luke warm.

While I'm a huge fan of the local lead generation business model (I make $50K a month myself using it), I'm not a big fan of the "copy and paste" model.

As someone that's done a ton of paid traffic in the past, I can tell you now that copying and pasting other campaigns is NOT the way to go! 

You'll find that with social media, campaigns don't last forever, and things can become extremely competitive and saturated, especially if every man and his dog is going after the same niche, running the same campaigns, and targeting the same traffic sources.

Paid traffic can also get super expensive, especially when things are competitive. 

Lastly, I've found that social media traffic converts at around 10% at best. 

Paid Traffic Conversion Rates

Think about this...

Which traffic do you think will convert better...

1) A person that is browsing Facebook and sees an advert for a plumbing service

2) A person that goes to Google and types in "Plumber near me".

I can tell you now that option #2 is going to be a much warmer lead, because that person is actively looking for a plumber right now!

Targeted Traffic

The first person is just surfing Facebook, kicking the breeze. They might click on your ad (and cost you money), but they might not be actively looking to book a plumbing service right then and there.

I also don't like the idea of relying on paid traffic to generate leads. 

In my opinion, ranking sites in Google is a much better skill to learn, and one that you can use for many years to come. 

You're not relying on Facebook to send you your traffic, which is kinda risky considering you could get your advertising account banned at any time without any warning.

Conculsion - Should You Buy the Course?

So here's the deal...

The local lead generation model is alive and well, and in my opinion it is the best online business model out there.

With local lead generation, you're helping local business owners who need your help getting more leads and customers.

Lead Generation Tree

In other words, you're adding a ton of value to their business, by solving a big problem (where their next customer is coming from).

But here's the deal...

Doing lead generation the way Jason teaches it is simply not the best foundation to build a business on in my opinion.

With the competitive nature of paid advertising, and the saturation that will inevitably follow from using a "copy and paste" formula like he teaches, I personally think there is a better way to generate leads, and I'll show you how I do it below...

My #1 Online Business Pick

OK, so you know I'm a big fan of the local lead generation business model.

What I'm not a big fan of is using paid traffic sources, and copy and paste swipes to build my business. 

I've already mentioned I'm making a pretty solid 5 figures a month generating leads for local business owners like tree services, plumbers, carpet cleaners, concrete contractors etc. 

The difference though is that I use the "rank and rent" business model, where I build little websites and then rank them organically in Google. 

This may take a little longer to get results, but it's a much better way to build your lead generation business, because you're ranking assets (websites) in Google that you own, and always will own. 

That means that once you have a site ranked, you have a free income source for life. 

Once you find a hungry business owner to take the leads and pay you for them, you could have an asset that pays you every month for the next 10 years. 

Here's a tree service site that's been paying me $2K a month for the last 6 years...

Tree Care Lead Gen Site

The beauty of ranking sites in Google is that it costs you nothing once the site ranks, and because of the low competition (you're only competing against local contractors), you'll find that your sites usually stay pinned to the top of Google for years to come. 

If you want to do a deep dive into how I manage to rank my sites and now generate a solid income each and every month on autopilot, then feel free to click here to learn more.

Follow Me
Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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