Airbnb hosts make $1,910 on average per month in 2025. Based on our research, you can earn anywhere between $200 and $25,000 monthly, depending on your location, listing type, and pricing strategy.
This article contains detailed revenue breakdowns for different categories (from countries and cities to property types and amenities). All findings are drawn from official Airbnb statistics and market data over the past 12 months from short-term rental intelligence softwares AirDNA and Rabbu. Given its expansive global coverage, AirDNA was used to break down revenue by location. For the non-location categories like revenue by bedroom number and property type, both AirDNA and Rabbu were used. The breakdowns in those sections are centered on US markets.
Note that all figures depict average revenue, not average Airbnb income. Determining a host’s actual earnings is more complex, as they depend on varying startup and operating costs. On average, it costs $1,500 to $3,000 to start an Airbnb business, but it could be more depending on the following expenses:
- Purchase Price: The average US home is priced at $430,000 as of 2023, according to research by The Motley Fool.
- Startup Costs: These include furnishings, home improvements, closing costs, etc.
- Monthly Operating Costs: Operating costs include Airbnb fees, cleaning and maintenance fees, HOA fees, insurance, management payouts, utilities, and lodging and property taxes.
Aside from the revenue breakdowns, this article also covers the best Airbnb calculator for estimating market data for your unique property. You’ll also find expert tips to ensure you don’t just meet but exceed the potential revenue for your Airbnb listing.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by US State
State | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
Alabama | $4,595.00 |
Alaska | $4,623.96 |
Arizona | $4,945.83 |
Arkansas | $3,210.00 |
California | $6,921.26 |
Colorado | $7,397.14 |
Connecticut | $5,782.50 |
Delaware | $4,046.79 |
Florida | $6,278.57 |
Georgia | $4,447.92 |
Hawaii | $10,406.75 |
Idaho | $5,143.75 |
Illinois | $3,542.86 |
Indiana | $4,322.08 |
Iowa | $3,302.50 |
Kansas | $2,788.54 |
Kentucky | $4,111.67 |
Louisiana | $3,453.47 |
Maine | $7,514.58 |
Maryland | $3,693.75 |
Massachussetts | $7,594.44 |
Michigan | $5,998.08 |
Minnesotta | $5,845.83 |
Mississippi | $3,274.38 |
Missouri | $4,319.64 |
Montana | $6,280.56 |
Nebraska | $2,999.79 |
Nevada | $4,136.19 |
New Hampshire | $6,153.33 |
New Jersey | $6,255.56 |
New Mexico | $3,900.00 |
New York | $8,948.81 |
New Carolina | $5,510.24 |
North Dakota | $2,469.44 |
Ohio | $3,814.91 |
Oklahoma | $3,163.33 |
Oregon | $4,622.22 |
Pennsylvania | $5,147.22 |
Rhode Island | $6,107.05 |
South Carolina | $6,402.78 |
South Dakota | $4,223.33 |
Tennessee | $4,675.76 |
Texas | $4,219.57 |
Utah | $4,692.50 |
Vermont | $6,541.88 |
Virginia | $3,812.73 |
Washington | $4,676.56 |
West Virginia | $3,150.88 |
Wisconsin | $5,862.50 |
Wyoming | $4,525.85 |
It’s evident from the average monthly revenues above that location plays a significant role in determining host earnings. Hawaii is the top earner, with an average monthly revenue of $10,407. Despite New York’s strict short-term rental regulations, it’s still second on the list, with the average Airbnb host earning $8,949 monthly. Florida, known for its steady stream of visitors throughout the year, is somewhere in the middle. Airbnb hosts make an average of $6,279 in Florida.
These high-revenue states benefit from high tourism and attractive destinations, so there’s demand for short-term rentals, leading to these impressive numbers. On the other hand, some states in the Midwest, such as Kansas, Nebraska, and North Dakota, have the lowest averages (less than $3,000 per month). These areas may have less tourist appeal or face greater competition from traditional lodging options, resulting in lower earnings.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by US City
City | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
San Juan, Puerto Rico | $3,908 |
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina | $8,583 |
Savannah, Georgia | $6,400 |
Kihei, Hawaii | $10,867 |
Honolulu, Hawaii | $6,800 |
Louisville, Kentucky | $5,225 |
Indian Rocks Beach, Florida | $7,983 |
Kailua Kona, Hawaii | $8,625 |
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee | $6,217 |
Saint Augustine, Florida | $5,558 |
Fort Walton Beach, Florida | $6,525 |
Bradenton Beach, Florida | $8,775 |
Gatlinburg, Tennessee | $6,833 |
Las Vegas, Nevada | $5,367 |
Sevierville, Tennessee | $7,342 |
San Francisco, California | $5,633 |
Charleston, South Carolina | $8,275 |
Gulf Shores, Alabama | $7,125 |
Los Angeles, California | $5,783 |
Kissimmee, Florida | $6,492 |
South Padre Island, Texas | $6,300 |
Vail, Colorado | $15,842 |
Nashville, Tennessee | $6,692 |
Broken Bow, Oklahoma | $6,717 |
Davenport, Florida | $5,742 |
Washington, D.C. | $4,500 |
South Lake Tahoe, California | $9,033 |
Banner Elk, North Carolina | $4,758 |
Palm Springs, California | $9,908 |
San Diego, California | $7,042 |
The US cities listed above are the best Airbnb locations in 2025 according to AirDNA’s market scores, which are calculated based on an area’s demand, investability, and regulations. Cities with significant tourism appeal, like Kihei, Hawaii, and Vail, Colorado, command impressive monthly revenues of $10,867 and $15,842, respectively. Usually, areas with natural attractions or a rich cultural history hold immense potential for Airbnb entrepreneurs.
However, the data also implies that revenue can be influenced by factors outside of pure tourism demand, such as tighter regulations or high property costs that affect Airbnb income. For instance, despite being a major city, San Francisco, with a monthly average of $5,633, lags behind lesser-known destinations like Indian Rocks Beach, Florida, where hosts make around $7,983 per month.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Country (National Averages)
Country | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 | Country | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 | Country | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
Albania | $290.70 | Grenada | $5,488.93 | Papua New Guinea | $1,066.77 |
Algeria | $768.45 | Guatemala | $1,299.49 | Paraguay | $885.77 |
Andorra | $3,285.82 | Guinea | $658.33 | Peru | $2,548.21 |
Angola | $1,087.38 | Guyana | $1,358.33 | Philippines | $1,041.03 |
Antigua and Barbuda | $4,237.40 | Haiti | $930.52 | Poland | $1,915.28 |
Argentina | $857.08 | Honduras | $932.72 | Portugal | $1,699.69 |
Armenia | $1,299.19 | Hungary | $3,125.78 | Qatar | $4,138.11 |
Australia | $3,670.95 | Iceland | $4,059.43 | Romania | $945.72 |
Austria | $3,445.66 | India | $981.34 | Russia | $1,432.12 |
Azerbaijan | $730.39 | Indonesia | $825.92 | Rwanda | $787.04 |
Bahrain | $1,814.48 | Iraq | $696.60 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | $888.69 |
Bangladesh | $553.51 | Ireland | $2,322.98 | Saint Lucia | $2,789.06 |
Barbados | $2,406.19 | Israel | $2,903.51 | Samoa | $1,822.06 |
Belarus | $1,791.09 | Italy | $2,965.88 | San Marino | $1,806.39 |
Belgium | $3,232.05 | Jamaica | $4,995.33 | Saudi Arabia | $1,240.44 |
Belize | $1,612.34 | Japan | $3,414.27 | Senegal | $592.84 |
Benin | $502.08 | Jordan | $1,120.86 | Seychelles | $4,027.31 |
Bolivia | $343.76 | Kazakhstan | $767.39 | Singapore | $3,914.40 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | $940.16 | Kenya | $961.26 | Slovakia | $1,474.93 |
Botswana | $813.94 | Kosovo | $621.18 | Slovenia | $2,344.13 |
Brazil | $1,290.77 | Kuwait | $1,347.74 | Solomon Islands | $1,441.57 |
Brunei | $677.33 | Kyrgyzstan | $661.35 | South Africa | $558.27 |
Bulgaria | $1,479.52 | Laos | $665.18 | South Korea | $1,111.34 |
Cabo Verde | $1,117.35 | Latvia | $938.67 | Spain | $2,406.95 |
Cambodia | $425.75 | Lebanon | $434.13 | Sri Lanka | $1,472.16 |
Cameroon | $1,047.80 | Liberia | $1,093.61 | Sweden | $4,142.81 |
Canada | $2,652.44 | Liechtenstein | $2,831.73 | Switzerland | $4,318.27 |
Chile | $1,568.75 | Lithuania | $901.49 | Taiwan | $1,675.96 |
China | $3,252.69 | Luxembourg | $2,542.48 | Taijikistan | $561.12 |
Colombia | $449.77 | Macedonia | $598.71 | Tanzania | $600.87 |
Costa Rica | $2,242.63 | Madagascar | $1,113.83 | Thailand | $3,621.23 |
Côte d’Ivoire | $915.37 | Malaysia | $1,532.59 | The Bahamas | $4,233.33 |
Croatia | $5,003.52 | Maldives | $2,409.18 | The Gambia | $754.12 |
Cuba | $416.23 | Malta | $3,510.20 | Togo | $591.55 |
Cyprus | $2,951.27 | Mauritius | $677.41 | Tonga | $1,661.06 |
Czech Republic | $1,591.97 | Mexico | $1,935.74 | Trinidad and Tobago | $1,770.22 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | $1,285.10 | Moldova | $540.37 | Tunisia | $1,397.17 |
Denmark | $1,209.56 | Monaco | $4,277.21 | Turkey | $1,178.86 |
Dominica | $2,687.58 | Mongolia | $2,015.23 | Uganda | $447.22 |
Dominican Republic | $2,932.47 | Montenegro | $264.03 | Ukraine | $587.37 |
Ecuador | $283.33 | Morocco | $803.64 | United Arab Emirates | $5,082.00 |
Egypt | $3,236.25 | Mozambique | $1,240.00 | United Kingdom | $2,596.94 |
El Salvador | $1,034.71 | Myanmar (Burma) | $644.84 | United States | $4,997.09 |
Estonia | $1,065.98 | Namibia | $1,184.16 | Uruguay | $1,228.76 |
Ethiopia | $665.98 | Nepal | $747.49 | Uzbekistan | $939.38 |
Fiji | $25,441.12 | Netherlands | $3,487.44 | Vanuatu | $3,087.97 |
Finland | $1,346.66 | New Zealand | $2,738.42 | Vatican City | $5,395.38 |
France | $2,138.81 | Nicaragua | $1,131.58 | Venezuela | $222.86 |
Gabon | $836.16 | Nigeria | $856.24 | Vietnam | $497.37 |
Georgia | $240.78 | Norway | $2,699.57 | Zambia | $933.33 |
Germany | $3,388.96 | Oman | $1,082.27 | Zimbabwe | $1,183.33 |
Ghana | $992.98 | Pakistan | $485.24 | Cell | Cell |
Greece | $2,306.26 | Panama | $2,200.00 | Cell | Cell |
Country | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2023 |
Fiji | $25,441.12 |
Grenada | $5,488.93 |
Vatican City | $5,395.38 |
United Arab Emirates | $5,082.00 |
Croatia | $5,003.52 |
United States | $4,997.09 |
Jamaica | $4,995.33 |
Switzerland | $4,318.27 |
Monaco | $4,277.21 |
Antigua and Barbuda | $4,237.40 |
The Bahamas | $4,233.33 |
Sweden | $4,142.81 |
Qatar | $4,138.11 |
Iceland | $4,059.43 |
Seychelles | $4,027.31 |
Singapore | $3,914.40 |
Australia | $3,670.95 |
Thailand | $3,621.23 |
Malta | $3,510.20 |
Netherlands | $3,487.44 |
The revenue potential for Airbnb hosts varies per country since it’s intricately tied to the socio-economic and tourism landscape unique to each nation. Some countries, particularly exclusive travel destinations like Fiji and Vatican City, are outliers with monthly revenues of $25,441 and $5,395, respectively. Then, nations like Venezuela continue to struggle economically, yielding a modest average of $222.86 per month.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by City
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Canadian City
City | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 ($CAD) |
Saint Joachim, Quèbec | $6,058 |
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories | $3,958 |
St Lawrence, Québec | $3,250 |
Smithers, British Columbia | $3,142 |
Telkwa, British Columbia | $2,542 |
Trois-Rivières, Quèbec | $3,125 |
City of North Battleford, Saskwatchewan | $1,700 |
Sackville, New Brunswick | $2,625 |
Zeballos, British Columbia | $5,058 |
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan | $1,808 |
Dawn-Euphemia, Ontario | $3,717 |
Medicine Hat, Alberta | $2,175 |
Grande Prairie, Alberta | $2,308 |
Victoriaville, Quèbec | $1,683 |
Kitimat, British Columbia | $2,483 |
The top Canadian cities for Airbnb listed above were also based on AirDNA market scores. While average host revenues in the top 2 Canadian cities (Saint Joachim with CAD 6,058 and Yellowknife with CAD 3,958) are notable, they fall short compared to top US destinations in the previous section. This disparity may be attributed to factors like the international allure and year-round appeal of certain US locations (such as Hawaii’s tropical beaches or Colorado’s ski resorts) or a more entrenched short-term rental culture in the country.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by UK City
City | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 (£GBP) |
Lake District, Cumbria | £4,217 |
Gloucester Cheltenham, England | £4,175 |
Perth/Dundee, Scotland | £3,875 |
Southern Scotland | £3,458 |
East Yorkshire, Yorkshire and the Humber | £3,533 |
North East England | £3,275 |
Suffolk, East England | £4,633 |
Shropshire and Herefordshire, West Midlands | £3,317 |
Peak District, England | £3,683 |
Mid Wales | £3,942 |
Norfolk, East England | £3,975 |
West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and the Humber | £3,625 |
Argyll and Bute, Scotland | £3,825 |
Nottingham/Lincoln, East Midland | £2,783 |
Aberdeen, Scotland | £2,708 |
The average monthly revenues for UK cities in 2025 were promising for Airbnb hosts. Lake District in Cumbria tops the list with £4,217 monthly revenue, closely followed by Gloucester Cheltenham at £4,175. Comparing these figures to North American revenues, the top UK destinations are competitive, with some cities surpassing many Canadian locations. Still, plenty of US cities show even higher revenue figures.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Australian City
City | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 ($AUD) |
Albury, New South Wales | $5,158 |
Sydney, New South Wales | $7,275 |
Perth, Western Australia | $5,458 |
Griffith City Council, New South Wales | $4,433 |
Renmark Paringa Council, South Australia | $7,850 |
Kentish, Tasmania | $6,042 |
Brisbane, Queensland | $5,883 |
Joondalup, Western Australia | $4,075 |
Whitsunday, Queensland | $15,125 |
Auburn, New South Wales | $6,950 |
Ararat Rural City, Victoria | $8,850 |
Kyogle Council, New South Wales | $5,475 |
Bridgetown, Western Australia | $6,517 |
Bunbury, Western Australia | $4,700 |
Rockingham, Western Australia | $5,775 |
Australia’s monthly Airbnb revenue averages AUD 6,638 in 2025. Among all the Australian cities above, the Whitsunday region is undeniably the standout, with a staggering monthly host revenue of AUD 15,125. This figure surpasses many top US locations, like San Juan and Honolulu, and could be attributed to the area’s world-renowned islands and the Great Barrier Reef. In contrast, Joondalup in Western Australia, despite having a high occupancy rate of 74%, yields one of the lowest average monthly revenues at AUD 4,075.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Market Type
Market Type | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
Coastal | $10,188.89 |
Mountains / Lakes | $7,023.77 |
Suburban | $6,015.56 |
Urban / Metro | $8,596.11 |
Mid-Sized City | $7,583.89 |
Small City / Rural | $4,674.44 |
Airbnb hosts make the most in coastal locations (like Kahuku, Kilauea, and Koloa in Hawaii), with a monthly average revenue of $10,189 for this type of market. This high value is unsurprising since travelers often seek ocean views and beach activities for relaxation and adventure. Closely following coastal markets are urban areas (such as Boston, Massachusetts and Nashville, Tennessee), with a monthly revenue of $8,596 due to their dense population, business hubs, and cultural offerings.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Listing Type
Listing Type | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
Entire Place | $7,716.39 |
Private Room | $1,947.78 |
Shared Room | $1,134.17 |
Airbnb hosts with “Entire Place” listings secure the highest average monthly revenue of $7,716. This number reflects travelers’ preferences for privacy and comfort that come with a full-fledged living space. In contrast, “Private Room” listings, where guests have a dedicated room within a shared property, earn significantly less, with an average revenue of $1,948. The lowest revenue bracket is occupied by “Shared Room” listings, pooling in a modest $1,134. These are spaces where guests share the room with others, similar to hostels, and they appeal to budget travelers or backpackers. They command a lower price point and have a limited market, resulting in lesser revenue.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Real Estate Type
Real Estate Type | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
Apartment | $4,270.00 |
B&B | $3,039.17 |
House | $8,297.22 |
Unique | $4,173.61 |
Based on real estate type, houses take the lead with an average monthly revenue of $8,297. It only makes sense because entire homes accommodate large groups or families and have multiple rooms, facilities, and a homely environment for extended stays. Apartments take second place with $4,270 monthly revenue. And unique listings, encompassing anything from treehouses to converted barns, trail closely behind with an average of $4,174.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Bedroom Number
Number of Bedrooms | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
1 | $3,671.39 |
2 | $4,610.83 |
3 | $7,166.11 |
4 | $9,138.06 |
5 | $15,173.89 |
6+ | $28,363.33 |
The average monthly host revenue for Airbnb listings directly correlates with bedroom number. After all, the more bedrooms you have, the more space you rent out, thus more earnings. However, properties with more bedrooms have increased operational costs.
The figures above indicate a robust market for larger accommodations, possibly driven by big families, group travelers, or corporate retreats. There’s also a high demand for such properties in rural and coastal markets — areas that cater to destination weddings, large group vacations, or conference venues.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Guest Capacity
Number of Guests | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
1 | $4,873.33 |
2 | $3,286.67 |
3 | $3,805.83 |
4 | $3,338.33 |
5 | $3,783.33 |
6 | $4,666.67 |
7 | $5,240.83 |
8 | $6,775.83 |
9 | $9,146.48 |
10+ | $10,662.50 |
Interestingly, the revenue breakdown by guest capacity doesn’t follow an increasing pattern like the average monthly revenues per bedroom number. Instead, the averages in the first four guest capacity categories fluctuate. While it seems counterintuitive that the revenue decreases for a capacity of 2 ($3,287) compared to 1 ($4,873) and then increases again for 3 ($3,806), these changes may be attributed to factors like property size, listing type, or pricing strategies.
Hosts with a capacity for only one guest may be offering unique, high-end accommodations like private suites or studios, which may justify the higher revenue. In contrast, properties with a capacity of 2 may consist of more standard rooms or shared spaces, potentially leading to a lower average revenue. And for a guest capacity of 3, hosts may offer a combination of room types, leading to a revenue increase. Hosts may also employ different pricing strategies for different guest capacities. They may offer discounts for single travelers or premium rates for couples. These strategies can impact revenue figures.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Occupancy Rate
Occupancy Rate | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
0-20% | $684.93 |
21-40% | $2,469.17 |
41-60% | $3,866.81 |
61-80% | $5,196.73 |
81-100% | $7,162.65 |
As the occupancy rate increases, there’s a clear upward trajectory in average monthly host revenue. This trend isn’t surprising, as higher occupancy rates typically translate to more frequent bookings and greater income potential for hosts. In the 0-20% occupancy range, Airbnb hosts make only $685 per month, while those in the 81-100% range achieve an impressive $7,162. Occupancy rates over 80% represent the pinnacle of host success, and hosts achieving these high occupancy rates are likely employing advanced pricing strategies, providing top-notch amenities, and maintaining exceptional guest satisfaction.
Average Monthly Host Revenue by Amenity
Amenity | Average Monthly Host Revenue 2025 |
Backyard | $3,485.33 |
BBQ Grill | $3,667.66 |
Beach Access | $3,701.56 |
Beachfront | $4,399.27 |
Dryer | $3,543.99 |
EV Charger | $4,499.14 |
Gym | $3,861.66 |
Hot Tub | $4,469.21 |
Kitchen | $3,364.74 |
Lake Access | $3,122.72 |
Outdoor Furniture | $3,584.92 |
Parking | $3,335.76 |
Patio or Balcony | $3,486.51 |
Pets | $3,348.08 |
Pool | $3,794.16 |
Sauna | $4,019.43 |
Self Check-In | $3,341.35 |
Ski-In / Ski-Out | $4,072.73 |
Washer | $3,511.34 |
Waterfront | $4,091.11 |
Workspace | $3,480.78 |
Various amenities can enhance a property’s appeal and contribute to an Airbnb host’s increased earnings. EV chargers lead the pack, generating an average monthly revenue of $4,499, likely attracting eco-conscious guests with electric vehicles. Beachfront properties are also associated with higher earnings, with an average monthly revenue of $4,399. Other sought-after amenities, like hot tubs ($4,469) and pools ($4,019), significantly boost host revenue, especially in leisure destinations. Meanwhile, practical amenities such as kitchens and washers contribute positively to earnings but may not command as high premiums.
What Is the Best Airbnb Calculator for Estimating Your Average Monthly Income?
AirDNA’s Rentalizer is the best Airbnb calculator for estimating your average monthly income as a short-term rental host. Typically, Airbnb income calculators compute a property’s earning potential by analyzing key data points, including occupancy rate, ADR, and revenue, over a specified period.
Rentalizer gives you an accurate assessment of your property’s earning potential by aggregating data from properties similar to yours in terms of location, room count, and guest capacity. It provides you with the Airbnb average occupancy rate for your property and ADR (which includes the cleaning fee and discounts over the booking duration). Rentalizer is a paid subscription software, but its free plan has enough features to analyze any Airbnb property anywhere in the world.
Other free Airbnb calculators online include Mashvisor, Rabbu, and BiggerPockets. Specialized tools like FlyFin, an Airbnb income tax calculator, can also help you calculate your income tax based on your location and Airbnb revenue. If you want to calculate your income manually, you can also use the following formula:
Airbnb Profit Formula:
Airbnb Net Profit =(Occupancy Rate Average Daily Rate) - Net Operating Expenses
9 Tips to Achieve (and Exceed) Your Airbnb Property’s Monthly Revenue Estimates
Understanding all initial and ongoing expenses for your Airbnb listing ensures you achieve the monthly revenue estimates for your property. Initial costs include redecorating and furnishing, investing in security systems, and providing WiFi, Smart TVs, toiletries, and extra towels. You may also need to budget for professional photography and pantry staples like condiments to enhance the guest experience.
If you’re involved in Airbnb arbitrage, keep a close eye on security deposits, monthly rent, and maintenance as stipulated in your lease agreement. You should also factor in the Airbnb host fee. Airbnb charges a 3% service fee, which is part of a split fee between you and the guest. Guest fees are around 14% of the booking subtotal. Being diligent with your expenses will help you become more profitable and increase your income.Optimizing your listing price means striking the right balance between charging a competitive rate that attracts guests while ensuring your property remains profitable. To achieve this, use Airbnb calculators or STR host software to determine the best price for your Airbnb unit.
Preparing for short-term rental regulations will safeguard your monthly revenue as an Airbnb host. So, ensure it’s legal to host in your area to avoid potential fines. According to research by AirDNA, STR regulations, particularly steep fines, can affect your business. When Berlin and Santa Monica imposed strict Airbnb rules by introducing fines ranging from $500 to $100,000, the cities experienced reductions in Airbnb listings by 49% and 37%, respectively. San Francisco’s 90-day cap on entire-home rentals also resulted in a 5% decrease in Airbnb listings.
Getting liability insurance will protect your short term rental business from unforeseen events, such as injuries, property damage incurred by Airbnb guests, harm to neighboring properties, and legal violations. Liability insurance will ensure that incidents won’t have a significant financial impact on your earnings.
First, set up a legal entity, like an LLC, to shield your assets. While Airbnb offers liability coverage up to $1 million, purchasing a separate insurance policy for your Airbnb business will provide more comprehensive protection. So, apply for a policy like Proper Insurance that caters to rental property owners. Note that Airbnb insurance differs from homeowners or landlord insurance, which is for long term rental hosts.
A positive Airbnb guest experience leads to repeat bookings and glowing reviews for your Airbnb rental. To enhance guest satisfaction, provide excellent customer service to Airbnb users by promptly responding to inquiries and communicating with them throughout their stay. Keep your vacation rental clean and add personalized touches like welcome baskets or local guides. If you consistently maintain an average rating of 4.9 to 5 over the past year, you can qualify for Airbnb Plus. This designation highlights top properties and increases their visibility on the platform.
A well-maintained property attracts more guests, increasing your monthly revenue in the long run. It also saves you more money by lessening the repairs you make in a year. Proactive maintenance includes allocating a portion of rental income for upkeep and addressing all issues promptly. It encompasses plumbing, lawn care, electrical, roof repairs, painting, pest control, and appliance replacement.
To estimate your maintenance costs, you can follow strategies like the 1% rule (allocating 1% of the property’s value annually for maintenance), the 50% rule (setting aside half of your monthly rental income for property-related costs), and the square footage rule (budgeting approximately $1 per square foot per year for maintenance costs).
Holding events and offering additional services adds more income to your Airbnb hosting business. Events like weddings, birthdays, or company gatherings allow you to tap into different guest demographics and expand your presence in the real estate market. Providing extra services like meal preparation, organizing local activities, and offering airport transportation will enhance guests’ experience. Staying informed about upcoming events, such as local concerts and festivals, also allows you to adjust your listing prices and offer special deals to attract event attendees.
Effectively marketing your property increases gross revenue. Collaborate with social media influencers and launch Facebook ads to market your Airbnb and boost its online visibility. You can also offer special discounts, feature your property on design blogs, provide virtual tours, and introduce experience packages to potential guests. Also, strive to become an Airbnb superhost to increase your property’s credibility.
Joining Airbnb host communities can impact your monthly revenue by providing resources that improve your business. These communities, including Facebook groups, YouTube channels, online forums, and email newsletters, offer insights from experienced short term rental business owners. Participating in these communities allows you to network with fellow hosts, stay updated with Airbnb-related news, and even build partnerships or co-host opportunities.
Is Airbnb Still Profitable in 2025?
Airbnb is still profitable in 2025 for property owners with listings in popular yet unsaturated vacation spots. Examples of these locations are Davenport, Iowa, Crane Hill, Alabama, and Brownsville, Kentucky, which have witnessed significant Airbnb revenue increases, with year-over-year growth ranging from 6% to almost 33%, based on an analysis by real estate investors Sara and Tony Robinson.
According to Awning, a vacation rental management company, the average Airbnb profit margin ranges from 4% to 8% — close to the 10% average profit for traditional renting businesses. However, Airbnb still offers more income potential due to its higher nightly rates, pricing flexibility, and the ability to attract guests during peak seasons.
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Why Digital Real Estate Beats Airbnb Profits
Digital real estate beats Airbnb profits because it has lower overhead costs, it’s more scalable, and you eliminate the need for physical property ownership to generate income. While Airbnb can yield substantial earnings for hosts, it comes with challenges like market saturation, regulatory restrictions, high competition, and plenty of liability risks. On the other hand, digital real estate, particularly local lead generation, is less competitive and doesn’t require you to abide by ever-changing short-term rental laws.

Local lead generation caters to local businesses in specific niches, such as dentists, real estate agents, roofing contractors, personal injury lawyers, and landscaping companies. With this strategy, you help businesses connect with their local market by building a website that ranks high in search engines and, in turn, generates high-quality leads that convert into customers.
It only costs around $500 to create and rank a local lead generation website. And you can rent it to local business owners for $500 to $5,000 per month, depending on the industry. In contrast, running an Airbnb business will cost you at least $1,500 to $3,000 to furnish a property, not to mention the costs needed for property acquisition (if you’re buying), maintenance, cleaning, and business registration requirements. After all that, the average revenue for hosts globally is only $1,910 per month. So, if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur looking for a more cost-effective and lucrative business opportunity, it’s well worth exploring the potential of a local lead generation business.