Why THIS is the Smartest Business in 2025 REVEALED
The Repeatable 3 Step Process We Use To Get Paid upto $2500/month per Website
Using Phone-driven Digital Assets.
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Dan Klein Documentary
**Our clients get AMAZING results- but this is because they were committed to their success, applied the tools and lessons given in the course, and worked hard to achieve their goals. As a result, we must insert a disclaimer that we can not guarantee that your results will be the same.**
Student Testimonial Highlight Reel
Highlight Reel of Students Expressing Their Gratitude for Dan's Coaching
Student Case Studies
- Real estate & mortgage business since 20 years old
- Became a wholesaler of jewelry
- Faced bankruptcy
- Paula's family life change with Lead Generation
- He's been with the oil field for 7 years
- His life changed completely after he started the program in 2020
- He used to work long hours in the construction business for 15 years
- Have tried multi-level marketing & sales
- He got 50-65 Lead Gen properties
- He started his own junk removal business when he realized how much leads he was producing
- He got his daughter involved who has her own lead gen business now while going to college
Craig (Australian)
- He's from Melbourne, AU, originally from Scotland
- From sales in a credit company, to Lead Generation
- He fell in love with the concept of "digital real estate"
- Built over 100 lead gen properties
- Believes that if there's no risk, no high reward
- Josh is making $160K a month
- He was a pizza delivery guy when he started
- He got into a lousy sales gig before joining the lead gen program
- Josh achieved over 6 figures per month - 6 month in a row
Trevor & Devan
- They have 60 Lead Gen property
- 75% of their business is lead generation
- They're earning $40,000 revenue per month
- They also do Lead Generation for their own business
- Peter got addicted to passive income
- He experiences early failures with various other businesses
- Joined the program in 2016
- His advice to newbies is to have faith and build as much lead gen properties as you can right from the beginning
- 65 yrs old Grandma hits $10K per month
- Joined the program 2015
- Built her lead gen business while bedridden, recovering from carbon dioxide poisoning
- He has tried many things including freelancing
- He has worked with digital marketing in different agencies
- They fired him from his job and somehow found Ippei's blog
- From Lead Generation, he is now earning 5 figures
- Beau Supports His Family's Farm With Lead Generation
- He was a bartender and making a good money but still not enough
- He moved from Florida to Virginia to take care of his uncle and the farm while doing Lead Generation
- You can go from being dispensable to indispensable with Lead Generation
- From Soul Sucking Sales Job to Lead Generation
- She was working in a public company as a cold caller, taking 1000 calls per day
- She has 6 Lead Gen property that's roducing cash flow
- She's earning $59k a year for all her Lead Gen property and continues to grow
- She talks about 1 towing site that's making her $750.00 per month
- Alec Paid for His College with Lead Generation
- Got 15 Lead Gen Sites and 2 SEO clients
- Corporate employee to business owner.
- "This is not just a training program. Some things will take you out of your comfort zone, but that's ok, because that's how you grow."
- "3 time university dropout, but knew she was destined for greatness & entrepreneurship. Lead gen changed her family's life."
- Made her sister's company become the top performing cleaning company in Alberta, CA and surrounding cities
- Bought a new home with lead gen
- Landed his first client in 2-3 months into the program for $6K, reinvested it into building more lead gen properties for the same client, now that client pays him $7500 per month on auto-pilot
- Used to work in Television in Los Angeles but now quit his job and be able to move anywhere
- "This is the best business model I've found"
- A former welder can still provide for his family after having surgery on his arm because of lead gen.
- Rob now works in lead gen full-time"
- The corporate financial world had Bryan looking for ways to make money online. After learning lead generation he now earns 6-figures per year
- All his clients are Lead Gen sites
- People reaching him out to help with their site's rankings
- He starts Lead Gen sites in a small suburb to rank faster
- Loves closing 10% commission deals
- His top paying property is $2,000 a month
- He was a CEO back in children's home in Kansas
- Cory's family has a safety supply business
- He's looking for a way to market their business and started Lead Generation
- Cory has 45-50 Lead Gen sites and keeps on growing
- Lead Generation changes their life
- She's been selling in the financial industry for the last 15 years
- Started Lead Generation, but she's still skeptical at first and not confident
- Followed the process and got up to 10 clients
- She redesigned a site for her client who franchised an international brand and cut out an $80k
- Now lives the laptop lifestyle
- Full-time teacher in a private school
- She tried a network marketing and never worked out
- She's now working on 10 sites in less than 6 months
- Jessica's advice to everyone is that if you follow every process and step, then you will not fail
- He was in the real estate industry
- He owns 19 Lead Generation properties
- Achieved time freedom with lead gen
- Better quality life for his family
- His first lead gen site produces 140 calls for a landscaper
- Landed a plumbing client, ended up building 6 Lead Gen sites for 1 client
- Addition to other 12 sites they're working in different niches
- His Lead Gen sites continuously growing
- He was an Electrical Engineering student
- An introvert person who only has corporate experience
- Pressured by family to work in a company
- Dropped out of school, he meditated, which changed his mindset in life
- Joined Toast Masters to improve speaking in front of people and boost confidence
- He is a basketball coach
- His first client was the junk cleaner he hired to clean his garage
- They referred Nick to a friend of the cleaner
- He used to be in sales
- Also tried network marketing
- Todd's first deal continues to pay him month after month
- Goal is to double the income by the end of the month
- Been in sales since 2004
- Started Lead Generation but not being paid regularly at first
- Following the process and finding the right client made him successful
- She was working full time on different stuff when her dad got her involved in a Lead Generation
- Her biggest concern was time needed to commit to the lead gen business
- She's now doing lead gen full-time for 2 years
- Hitting $20,000 a month
- She was working mortgage industry
- Pressured when she lost her job and done nothing online before
- First month of the year, she joined the Lead Generation
- Got a client deal and cut out a $3,000 income
- Fired banker living on friend's couch
- built up dental clients
- Got to $15K per month, complete difference in quality of life
- Moved into a new home after 1 year of doing lead gen
- used to be a struggling massage therapist
- He's a 20-year-old entrepreneur
- A WordPress expert and tech savvy guy
- He's been with a lifestyle company doing web stuff
- Got to 9 Lead Gen sites
- Used to own a moving company, overworked, stressed out
- First site built was Fence Repair Colorado Springs with $750 a month deal
- Their team own 18 Lead Gen sites in Colorado Springs
- Ended up getting $6,000 deal in Wisconsin asking to do reputation management
- $9,000-10,000 a month income
- Advise to everyone is to get around the right people
- He's a 30-year-old entrepreneur
- Used to have a snorkel retail store
- In the process of a $1,000 - $1,500 income per month deal
- Kevin's advice to everyone is to simply put consistent effort
Reggie (Australian)
- Reggie is from Melbourne, Australia
- He used to be in financing before joining the program
- After 3 - 4 months got his first client
- "Forget about your passions, lead gen will give you the power to pursue your passions"
Edvin (Sweden)
- The dumpster rental was his first Lead Gen
- He is now earning $18,000
- With 100 - 200 Lead Gen properties
- He used to work in a call center
- Big goals for the future
Ibi (Australia)
- Scientist from Perth, AU
- Some success with network marketing & affiliate marketing, but nothing lasted long-term
- Already earning more with lead gen than any of his side hustles
- Plans to quit his job as a scientist and concentrate on Lead Gen
Dominique (Canada)
- He was on general marketing, doing websites and campaigns
- He has 42 Lead Gen websites and a couple more being built
- He's now working with her partner full-time
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DISCLAIMER: The figures stated above are my personal figures. Please understand my results are not typical. I'm not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. I'm using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors...including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this webinar.