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Joshua T Osborne’s BAM University Review – 5 Hidden Facts

October 4, 2024

Above pictured is myself (Ippei), Dan Klein & Joshua T. Osborne, the founder of BAM University (Cool Marketers).

We all live the laptop lifestyle because we understand how to leverage the internet to create passive income.

Dan was the mentor that taught both me and Josh.

The digital real estate business model otherwise known as local lead generation is about ranking websites we own & control and then selling the leads to small business owners. 

If you become an expert in building & ranking these local lead generation websites, you can create a life of freedom beyond your wildest dreams.

I have websites from 2015 that I've hardly touched, that's making me $500 to $2000 per month, like this tree care site.

Tree Care Service Gif
Dan Klein is the mastermind behind this amazing business model, which he started coaching in 2014 and the group is still running strong with 7000 students. Check it out here

Myself & Josh were one of the top students which allowed us partnership opportunities with Dan.

In 2018, Josh started his own program called the Cool Marketers (BAM), teaching the exact same model that Dan teaches, with Dan as the partner behind the scenes. 

I went into full-time blogging & marketing for Dan's program.

In this BAM review, I'll cover all the pros and cons of this business model and what I feel about Joshua Osborne, his coaching program, and how it's similar or different from ours.

5 Hidden Facts about BAM University

1. Dan Klein is partners with Josh Osborne for BAM University

If you join BAM university, you will not see Dan Klein inside the program at all but Dan still gets a good % of the business because Dan is the one that taught Josh the lead gen business model and how to successfully run a coaching business. By the time Josh started BAM, Dan has been running his JK coaching program for well over 5 years. Dan continues provide guidance for Josh on a weekly basis. This whole concepts of owning "digital real estate" are terms that Dan has come up with, so its almost his intellectual property.

2. Most of the backend softwares in BAM is actually developed by Dan's team

When you join BAM you will be using various softwares and tools like snapps (web builder) or callsling (call tracking) these are all softwares developed by Dan and his team of developers that he's been working with for the last 7 years. 

3. As time goes on, Josh & Dan's program will be more different

These two coaches have different styles and as they continue to refine the training, it will continue to evolve in the direction that reflect their style of operating the business. Josh likes to put the metal to the floor and go all out, massive imperfect action. Dan's style is more methodical where he tries to come up with new ideas that no ones doing in the market place so he can be standout from everybody else and become the go-to expert in the field. Dan is currently revamping his entire course for the 6th time.

4. Josh T. Osbourne isn't the first proxy coach that Dan has developed

Dan Klein has developed other coaches that were students that had zero internet business experience and today they also have a coaching business. Abdul & Chance, Douglas James, Cory Long, Aimie Ball, Blake Snodgrass, and the crazy thing is these people all tried to lie / steal from Dan, for example lying about business expenses so they can keep bigger % of the profits. People assume that Dan is made of money so he won't notice. Josh T. Osourne is the only one so far that have stayed loyal and continue to work as partners with Dan.

5. Dan & Josh both don't like the technical aspect of this business

In this business, the main skill that makes you valuable to small business owners is your ability to rank websites in Google's search engine. The funny thing is both Dan and Josh don't really like this aspect of the business because it's more on the geeky side. They are great at more the personal human interaction aspect of the business, which is why they're coaches and I'm not. I'm Dan's right-hand man because I bring the more technical aspect of SEO to the table, which I have mastered to a very high level. To be truly dangerous in this business, you need both, or at least to certain level of competency, be able to do the technical SEO stuff like high-level backlinking and be good with people, building relationships with business owners. I think as time goes on and Google's algorithm gets more advanced, Josh will need someone like me on their team to continue to enhance the SEO technical aspect of their training.

Who is Joshua T. Osbourne?

Josh has a crazy up bringing of growing up in trailer parks, spending time in prison, being homeless, working odd jobs...

One of the things, I appreciate about Josh is his openness about all the struggles that he went through. 

Only a man that has truly overcome his demons of the past can share them publicly without shame.

He had the deck stacked against him, yet he persevered through it all, and eventually had his own moving company, but grinding long hours over the years would eventually took its toll on his health.

This is when he decided he needed to make a change. As fate would have it, he met Dan Klein, who taught him the digital real estate business.

It takes a special person to go through all that and turn it all around.

He has a passion for empowering people, because he knows what it's like to be down and out.

Which is why he wanted to start his own lead gen program, the Cool Marketers (BAM).

Who is Sean Kochel?

Sean Kochel is a 7-figure lead generation coach and partner to Joshua Osborne in the BAM course. His expertise is in generating leads with paid traffic on Google and Facebook. Sean has managed millions of dollars in ad spend for his Silicon Valley clients and created a paid traffic ads course called Social Ad Tribe before coming on as partner with Josh.

What is ScamRisk?

Scam Risk is an online course review blog that Joshua Osborne created. According to his homepage, Scam Risk is focused on providing free reports and unaffiliated online course reviews to help you make better decisions when looking to invest in an online program. Its goal is to uncover online scams so you don't have to go through the headache of wasting your money on online coaching programs that don't deliver enough value. Scam Risk has reviews for courses in a variety of industries, such as Business, Finance, Investment, Health & Beauty, and more.

Is legit? is legit because they actually go through a variety of online courses and bring to light what you'll learn in each course. In a nutshell, each of the Scamrisk reviews breaks down who the course creator is, if they have any skin in the game, if there's any value to be had in their course, the pros and cons of the course, and then Joshua gives an in-depth explanation on why he thinks BAM University and digital real estate are better options than the courses and business models he's reviewing. More on what Scamrisk digital real estate is all about in a few.

What is Center For WorkLife?

Center For WorkLife is an online course and business model review blog by an entrepreneur named Hope. Her blog is similar to what Scamrisk is, except Josh Osborne isn't the owner. But Molly is Josh's partner because her course reviews send people to the BAM lead generation program. 

Is the Center For WorkLife Blog Legit? blog is legit because Hope gives a complete overview of many business models and online courses. After reading through her blog, you can see that she reveals the facts of what she's talking about. Most of it is for the purpose of funnel people into BAM's coaching program, centerforworklife is basically a marketing blog.

Who is Dan Klein?

The man, the myth, the legend

The guy that started the digital real estate business model & still coaching today. He showed me, Josh & countless other students over the years how to live a better life by leveraging digital assets.

Dan's digital real estate (lead gen) program now has over 7400 students.

Dan Klein is a natural born entrepreneur that's been doing side hustles since he was 6 years old. 

Picking up pennies & quarters on sidewalks to selling sneakers to high school teams when he used to work at Foot Locker, buying & flipping cars, on and on. He's got stories for days of all the different ways he used to make money as a kid.

Dan will say that for the longest time, since he was little, his focus was on money.

Today his focus has expanded to how can I have the biggest impact to as many people as possible.

He first got into the online space after he was let go from his car sales job back in 2009. He decided he was done with having jobs and embarked on a journey of starting his own business, an internet business because he wanted the freedom.

Through a lot of trial & errors, he created the business model which we now call local lead generation or digital real estate.

He got this business up to $30K per month on his own and then started his coaching program in 2014, formerly known as Job Killing.

I joined the program in 2014 so I was one of the first students. I believe Josh joined a year or two later.

Both our lives became exponentially better through this program because of how powerful this business model is and Dan's ongoing mentorship.

Twice per week, 1-2 hour lives where he gives us invaluable business insights from 2014 to present.

This post by Josh on Dan's birthday sums up our feelings pretty well

Some of the students that Dan has taught and made into coaches have not stayed loyal.

Unfortunately, there's people out there that succumb to greed.

So I respect Josh for his ongoing loyalty & gratitude for Dan.

Although Josh runs the show, Dan provides the on-going ideas and a lot of the backend products that's available for Dan's lead gen program is made available to Josh's BAM.

Josh says Dan Klein is his cheat code

Dan Klein is the original coach

IMO the original lead generation program is much better than Josh's BAM 

I'm also the SEO coach in the original program and my skills in SEO is very high level.

What is Digital Real Estate?

You build and rank websites in Google that generate leads for service providers like plumbers, electricians, roofers, landscapers, more

We call it digital real estate because we own the website and the phone number. And we're allowing our clients to essentially rent our property from us for a monthly fee and in return they get all the phone calls & e-mail leads that our websites generate.

Another way I like to look at these sites is virtual billboards. We own the sites, which means we own the virtual billboard and we use tracking phone numbers so we can control who we send the leads to. 

The beautiful thing is there's only 3 spots at the top of Google's map pack.

When you have the top position, that's like owning prime real estate. Every business owner in town is going to come to you to rent digital assets.

Most business owners don't have the digital marketing skills to get top rankings.

This is where we come in and rank our own sites to the top of Google and we can rent to whoever we want. We're essentially selling our clients leads from these digital properties we own.

This is why this business model is sometimes called Rank & Rent.

and every city there's at least 30 different rank & rent niches.

So the opportunities are everywhere.

And yes I have clients all across the country, so you don't even need to stay LOCAL.

Pros & Cons of Digital Real Estate

Even though I love this business model, no business is perfect. These are the pros & cons in full transparency.


Once the site ranks, it keeps generating traffic & income on auto-pilot

There's over 100 niches and thousands of cities you can go into

You can generate leads for big ticket jobs like roof replacement, unlike affiliate marketing where the commission is small, you can make good money with less traffic

Once you know how to rank websites & generate leads. You will always be in demand. Internet & small businesses aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


Site can take some time to rank: 6 weeks to 6 months. It can vary on many factors. The best thing to do is build 10 lead gen sites from the beginning.

You have to pay out of pocket to build & rank these sites. Although its not much. Couple hundred bucks. But once the site ranks then its only $25 per month for domain, phone number & hosting.

Sometimes it can take time to find the business owner to work with. The solution is to simply have more digital properties out there, some will be easier than others. We like to call it more shoes on the shelf


You cannot bat home runs 100% of the time. Some sites take longer than others to get a client. The best way to combat this is to simply build more sites so that you have more shoes on the shelf that you can sell. I've been in this program since 2014, and I can say that students that's built at least 10 lead gen sites have some money coming in. And its not that hard to build out 10 sites. Much easier to do than a lot of other online businesses

Job Killing (JK) vs. Cool Marketers (BAM)?

JK is the original program that Joshua T. Osborne founder of BAM was a student of. BAM teaches the same business model as JK. The main difference is that JK has been around longer, so it's a bigger program and the difference between Dan & Josh.


Job Killing

Cool Marketers




Group size

7000 students

2000 students


2x weekly (Tuesday & Thursday)

2x weekly (Monday & Wednesdays)


$5860, payment plans available

same price as JK


2x weekly (Tuesday & Thursday)

2x weekly (Monday & Wednesdays)

Since Job Killing has been around longer, we have more leaders that provide coaching and run different teams where students can join smaller groups of 15-20 students that keep each other accountable.


Josh T Osborne is a great motivator and hard worker. He has taken what Dan Klein has taught him and added his own flair to it. He has an inspirational story of growing up with the deck stacked against him and clawing his way out and taking destiny in his own hands. If you take his teachings to heart, and put in the work. You will have success.

Obviously, I'm going to be biased here and say that I believe Dan Klein is a very special mentor.

He has changed so many lives since 2014, and continues to teach and provide new training & business insights on a weekly basis with great passion.

I also provide high level SEO training inside JK. There's also this amazing family atmosphere inside JK that you won't find anywhere else. Dan has been building this community since 2014. Doing live Vegas events each year and online live coaching 2x per week for the last 7 years.

Dan & his wife Tori put their heart & soul into JK. It's a program that changed my life and continue to change the lives of countless others.

Click here to check out the course by Dan Klein. The OG lead gen / digital real estate coach. This is where Josh Osborne and myself learned how to successfully build this business.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. Hi. I'm interested in the program. I've spoken with someone at Digital CEO and I'm considering other options. Please have someone get in touch with me.

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