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Best Local Lead Generation Courses: Top 5+ Picks For 2024

September 26, 2024

The best local lead generation courses are:

  1. Ippei & Dan's Local Lead Generation Program
  2. Local Marketing Vault By James Bonadies & Jason McKim
  3. Modern Millionaires By Abdul Farooqi & Chance Anthony Welton
  4. Digital Storefronts By Cory Long
  5. Digital Real Estate Secret Shortcuts By James Kuck

In the fast-paced world of local lead generation, choosing the right course can make all the difference in your success. As digital marketing evolves, it's vital to invest in a strong, up-to-date program with a large student base. These courses provide up-to-date info and networking. They also offer insights from a diverse community of learners. A well-established program with a record of success will help you. You'll access cutting-edge strategies, ongoing support, and the wisdom of thousands of entrepreneurs.

1. Ippei & Dan's Local Lead Generation Program

This is the updated coaching program brought to you by me and my legendary mentor, Dan Klein. He has been teaching since 2014 and is considered the best in the business. Many of today's lead generation coaches started with Dan Klein's Job Killing program. I achieved a $52K/month passive income with Job Killing.

Our local lead generation training program is the combination of both our years of experience and improved expertise. It is regularly updated to remain at the top of the market. We continue to refine the best ways to deal with constant changes to Google algorithms. This includes leveraging social platforms and the use of tools and AI technology.

One important thing I learned from being a student in Job Killing is that mentorship is priceless. Having regular coaching kept me on track and addressed all my concerns. In our program, I will be doing the live coaching calls every week. With over 7400 students, their success speaks for the effectiveness of our methods.

photo of dan klein

My mentor, Dan Klein, is an industry expert and the creator of Job Killing. This father of two went from being a used car salesman to building an online empire. What started in 2012 and took 18 months of hard work and grind to fine-tune the most recent version of his lead gen course. Dan launched his training program in 2014 to help others make money online. And his commitment hasn't wavered. Now almost a decade later and 7000+members strong, Dan is still showing up week in and week out. He continues to add new updates and hacks on negotiation tactics and landing big-ticket potential customers.

2. Local Marketing Vault By James Bonadies & Jason McKim

LMV teaches students how to generate leads for business owners using paid ads. Learn how to leverage platforms and design profitable Facebook ads and Google AdWords campaigns. Watch as Jason and James share industry hacks on B2B sales.

Plus, strategies to secure high-paying clients long-term. LMV also offers pre-built landing pages and Click funnels. Members get training on email marketing, Craigslist lead automation, and cold prospecting. In addition, students get tips on how and when to scale. And how to become paid ads experts.

But the entire premise of the program is on paid advertising. The LMV philosophy is that paid ads get results faster. But ads come with a price. (Unlike lead generation, which leverages organic (free) traffic and ‘leads in advance’ techniques). So, you need to be able to sell your services before you make money. And if you can’t deliver, the client will go elsewhere. 


Paid advertising allows you to tap into a more extensive scope of people on social media platforms.

Ads are a quick way to get results.

Jason and James are active in the Facebook group and still practice what they teach.



LMV depends on paid advertising, which is expensive (and increasing), and doesn’t offer any training around local SEO.

Clients can end contracts or decide they no longer need your services, and there are no repercussions.

It takes considerable skill to sell paid ad services to business owners.


Local Marketing Vault costs $5,000

Refund Policy

Refunds requested within 72 hours of purchase will be granted.




LMV has a private Facebook group with over 3,000 students. Plus, they provide over 50 niches of fully optimized funnels you can swipe-including the design and copy. LMV also offers 1:1 tech assistance in their LMV Tech Concierge option, LMV Approved Partners D4U services. And their LMV Accelerator ($997/month). An individual training and coaching program with top-tier industry leaders for students looking to fast-track their success. James also has a YouTube channel where he shares free content.


LMV includes 20 modules of in-depth video training. Watch as Jason teaches students how to create landing pages that convert. Learn the exact keywords to get leads and how to launch PPC campaigns that will make money. Students also get tips on customer psychology and sales strategies. Plus, access to tools like Dashclicks and Zapier. (Software to help you automate and scale your online business).


Once a week.

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James Bonadies is the motivator and internet marketer extraordinaire in this partnership. (James was also a student in Dan Klein's Job Killing coaching program). But instead of leveraging organic traffic, James shifted his focus to running paid ads. James has a background in education and holds an MBA. But he also holds a ton of talent in sales and prospecting. (Skills he learned from DK). And James is now the co-founder of LMV.

picture of james mckim

Jason McKim is an ad agency genius and the owner of 8-figure businesses. He's also the creator and coach of LMV. An Air Force veteran with a background in finance, Jason has seen marked success as an entrepreneur. And he's been published online in articles like Yahoo Sports. A master at his craft, Jason has taught over 3500 students how to make money using paid advertising. 

James Bonadies & Jason McKim's Course: Local Marketing Vault
See my review of Local Marketing Vault

3. Modern Millionaires By Abdul Farooqi & Chance Anthony Welton

Modern Millionaires is a lead gen course by Abdul Farooqi and Chance Anthony Welton. Both are ex-students of Job Killing by Dan Klein. (Who taught them a lot of this information). But MM relies primarily on paid advertising.

And while they do share a VIP section on SEO and content marketing. The primary focus is on paid ads. MM show students how to scale faster and get results quicker because of paid ads. They also share tips on sales and prospecting. And how to land big-ticket players. 


Abdul and Chance are both 8-figures business owners.

MM offers exemplary training in sales and prospecting.

Abdul and Chase share actionable tips on how to automate your agency.


Modern Millionaire has a poor online reputation (it's been rebranded three times). First, it was Officeless Agency, then Millionaire Middleman. And now it's Modern Millionaire.

Paid ads are expensive, and if you don't know what you're doing, you're going to lose a lot of money.

The material is pretty thin for the cost of the course.


Modern Millionaires costs $5,000-$8,000.

Refund Policy

No refund policy.




MM has a private Facebook group with over 5,700 students. However, neither Abdul nor Chase is regularly active.


MM includes 4 modules of video training sharing tips on a lead generation strategy that uses only paid ads. Students get training on topics like how to launch profitable Google Ads and Facebook Ads. And how paid ads can make you a lead magnet if you know how to leverage the platforms to your advantage. Unfortunately, Chase and Abdul only teach paid ads. (So have a budget because paid advertising is big bucks).


There are no lives

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Abdul Samad Farooqi began his online journey in 2013. A commerce graduate from the University of British Columbia, he started Samad Consulting (a digital marketing company). Abdul joined JK in 2014. And he saw impressive success super fast. 

(He landed his first client after only 6 days in Dan's program). Samad launched his own training course with Chase in 2019. And he has continued to see notable results. 

Chance Welton is a free spirit who spent time living in a van and journeying around the USA. Chance found Job Killing in 2014 and, like Abdul, was a quick study. (Landing his first $2K/month client after only two weeks in the lead gen program).

Chance continued on his path of success. And he amassed an income of around $50K per month using the skills Dan teaches. But it wasn't enough. And in 2019, he partnered with Abdul to facilitate their own training course. 

Abdul Farooqi & Chance Anthony Welton’s Course: Modern Millionaires
See my review: Modern Millionaires

4. Digital Storefronts By Cory Long

Digital Storefronts will show you how to build and rank a website. Learn how to discover 'low-hanging fruit' niches. And industry hacks on how to dominate the local market.

Cory teaches his students how to attract high-paying tenants. Plus, why you need to outsource if you want to scale. Cory also shares tips on how to fast-track the process. And his prospecting techniques that are guaranteed to get your sites rented. 


Cory is an animated instructor, and his video training is easy to digest.

DSF provides a detailed breakdown of building, ranking, and renting your lead gen sites.

There are a ton of testimonials and success stories on their website.


Cory pilfered his entire program from his coach and mentor.

DSF encourages outsourcing, but their services are pricey and not of the best quality.

The course is pretty basic for the price tag.


Digital Storefronts costs $5,000.

Refund Policy

No refunds policy.




Students get access to a private Facebook Group where they can connect with 6,000 other members, veterans, and Cory himself. DSF offers numerous D4U outsourcing services and additional coaching like 'The Fast Track to $20K Training' and 'Fast Cash Challenge Program.' In addition, DSF hosts live events, sales, prospecting events, and 24/7 customer support.


DSF is divided into 7 modules, sharing a complete guide on how to build, rank, and rent websites. And Cory says you can do this without tech skills, large investment capital, or design skills. Long shares information on how to pick a profitable niche. And what to look for in a location. Learn how to scale quickly using outsourcing options. Plus, what techniques to use to land high-paying clients that will stay with you for a long time.



image of DSF logo

Cory Long is the creator and CEO of Digital Storefronts. A devoted husband, father, and minister. Cory has spent nearly two decades in ministry. And was the CEO of a private home for abused and underprivileged children. Now Long is teaching other faith-driven entrepreneurs how to make money online. But he's using a local lead generation model he stole from his original coach and mentor. Cory Long was a student of Dan Klein's Job Killing program. And he saw tremendous success with the business model while in the group. 

But after five years in Dan's program, Cory jumped ship. He reformatted Dan's content and created his own lead generation course. Long has since taught thousands of students and generated over $42 million in sales. A 2-Comma Club Award recipient Cory and his family now travel the USA in their RV. 

Cory Long’s Course: Digital Storefronts
See my review: Digital Storefronts

5. Digital Real Estate Secret Shortcuts By James Kuck

The DRE lead gen course by James Kuck teaches students how to build 'simple digital properties,' rank them and generate a steady flow of online traffic. James covers topics like how to pick a niche and what to look for when choosing a location.

Learn where to find paying clients and how to design and optimize your lead gen sites. DRE also teaches you insider hacks for on and off-page SEO and tips on how to produce results. 


DRE is ideal for beginners, and James explains the rank and rent business model's fundamentals well.

Good value for money.

DRE offers an active and supportive online community for members.


The course is pretty introductory.

James 'add-ons' don't offer a ton of value.

Rank and rent isn't the only online business model James promotes. (Cool, but then why teach?)

Other Local Lead Generation Courses

The Local SEO Accelerator Rank and Rent by Saravanan Ganesh

Saravanan Ganesh

The Local SEO Accelerator was designed by digital marketing expert Saravanan Ganesh. It offers a practical approach to local SEO and lead generation. The course targets beginners. It covers key SEO topics, such as keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, and link building. The course also covers using tools, like Google Analytics and Google Maps. It includes video modules, access to a private community, and downloadable templates. The course focuses on strategies for ranking easy local keywords and website monetization. It gives students the skills needed to use SEO for business growth.

Price: The Rank and Rent full course costs $997, and the mini-course costs $37.

More Info: The Local SEO Accelerator–Rank and Rent Review

Rank and Rent Masterclass by Mike Martin

Rank and Rent Masterclass by Mike Martin is rank and rent course focusing on client acquisition and automation through Lead Simplify and Magic Page Plugin. The course outlines five crucial steps in the rank and rent business, emphasizing niche selection, website construction, SEO techniques, rental strategies, and scalability.

While the course provides valuable insights for those already in the rank and rent field seeking automation, potential drawbacks include heavy reliance on software and limited skill acquisition due to this dependency. Overall, for individuals already the in rank and rent business and seeking automation solutions, Rank and Rent Masterclass offers worthwhile insights and strategies to enhance their businesses.

Price: Rank and Rent Masterclass costs $670.

More Info: Rank and Rent Masterclass Review

Digital Rental Method by Sean Kochel

Digital Rental Method is a lead generation course and strategy. It involves building niche websites and using paid ads on platforms like Facebook and Google to attract visitors. These websites are then rented out to local businesses, which benefit from the generated leads. The program includes courses, coaching calls, templates, and sales funnels to support users in implementing this strategy.

Price: Digital Rental Method's price is given during the discovery call. 

More Info: Digital Rental Method Review

Local Marketing Mastery by Allie Bloyd

The Local Marketing Mastery mentorship is a comprehensive 12-month program designed to help local business owners and marketers automate client acquisition and sales processes. It features the AB3 Ad Strategy, focusing on creating effective Facebook and Instagram ads that minimize manual work and maximize scalability. The program includes live coaching, extensive video tutorials, and a resource library, all aimed at building a predictable and efficient marketing system tailored to local businesses.

Price: The cost of Local Marketing Mastery is only given during the discovery call.

More Info: Local Marketing Mastery Review

Jamie Tsang's Rank and Rent Course

Jamie Tsang’s Rank and Rent course on Udemy offers a practical guide for creating a sustainable passive income through SEO and local lead generation. The course covers a straightforward 3-step process: building a website, ranking it on search engines, and renting it to local businesses for recurring revenue. With over 70 lectures and 8 hours of content, it provides comprehensive training on website creation, SEO strategies, and client acquisition.

Price: Jamie Tsang's Rank and Rent costs $84.99

More Info: Jamie Tsang's Rank and Rent Course Review

Is Local Lead Generation Profitable?

Local lead gen can be highly profitable. But you need to find the ideal margin between acquisition costs and your selling price. The beauty of lead generation is that you can use tried-and-true methods to cultivate leads. So you don't need to reinvent the wheel.

But by taking a local lead generation course, you get inside information on profit hacks. Plus, you gain access to industry secrets on negotiating the best deals. Small business owners don't have time for client procurement. But they need leads to stay in business. And if you learn the skills and become a lead generation machine, you can make a lot of money with the business model. 

And because you own the leads, you call the shots when it comes to payment. But a few of the more popular ways to cut a deal include:

  • Flat Fee: A monthly, weekly, or biweekly automatic payment arrangement
  • Pay-Per-Lead: Get paid for every qualified lead
  • Commission: Earn a percentage on closed deals

Pro Tip: The more lead generation assets you own, the more money you make. Plus, there's no cap on earning potential. 

Conclusion: Local Lead Generation Is the Best Way To Generate Leads or Passive Income

Local lead generation is by far the best sustainable and recession-proof business model to create predictable passive income. It takes come skill to rank websites on Google but can lead to long-term passive cash flow if executed successfully. Selecting the best course that suites your goals and situation will equip you with the tools, help you avoid costly mistakes, and teach you effective SEO tactics that will increase your chance for success.


The SEO skills you learn for a local lead generation business with also be extremely helpful in other business models should you choose to diversify. You can also use the same process to rank the website of your own business to create free organic leads. You can also start a digital marketing agency or work as a freelancer. SEO is also one of the most effective ways of generating leads for affiliate marketing. Therefore, what you learn in a local lead generation course will also help you succeed in different business models.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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    1. Hey Kelly, the business really does work, we have many testimonials of students who continue to start and scale their local lead generation business.

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