If I say "MLM," what's the first thing that comes to your mind?
For many people it's "scam." Or maybe even "pyramid scheme."
But is that really the case?
Well honestly, in some cases the answer is yes.
Are all MLM's bad? Definitely not.
But you definitely want to do your research, because there are are more MLM programs that you should avoid than participate in.
As always, though, I'm here to help you out. So here's how it's goin' down:
Step 1: We list the top 132 network marketing companies by their revenue.
Step 2: We use Google Trends to identify the MLM's that are trending upwards.
Because the reality is, most MLM's tend to do this:

They rise up in popularity in the first 2-3 years, there's a lot of hype around them and then the hype begins to die down.
You want to join a MLM that's on the upward climb in popularity.
We did the research for you down below and ranked the top 11 MLM's that's trending upwards currently in 2021.
Then we'll discuss an alternative to the whole MLM thing that I fancy: the lead generation business which is currently my #1 recommendation to create passive income from home.
But first, let's take a look at the top 132 MLM companies ranked by their revenue, from lowest to highest.
Top 132 Network Marketing Companies Rankings by Revenue (Updated 01/14/2021)
How You Can Tell Which MLM is Ascending vs. Descending
If you're really in MLM to make money--which most people are, but believe it or not, there are some people out there who just want a hobby--you really want to capitalize on a company that's trending upwards.

I used Google.com/trends to look up every MLM before I even think about joining them.
It'll basically show you the search volume of the company name since 2004.
If it’s going up, that’s a clear indicator that it’s picking up steam, which is what you want.
Even if the results display a consistent level of search volume since 2004, that’s a good sign as well.
What you see a lot more often, though, is a sharp rise when the company first came into the market, then slow decline in popularity over the years.
I'm not 100% sure why that is, but I'd be willing to bet that it's an indicator of oversaturation.

But sometimes you can find companies that are still trending up. The below is what we're looking for.

A graph that goes up in the beginning and stays consistent (without dramatic downward trends) is also good, because that indicates that it’s enduring, which probably stems from selling great products.
You'll see some examples of consistency later in this article.
But watch out! Steer away from joining MLM companies with trends that display this . . .

I'm sure you're getting the hang of it by now and can figure out why.
I'll say it again: Research is key.
Choosing to join a MLM that's trending upwards can literally be the difference between success and failure.
You'll want to pick a reputable company with strong business policies that's backed by ethical leaders, and most important of all: one that provides products that sell themselves!
Products that actually deliver real value to the marketplace.
Last thing you want is a company that sells BS. Not just because of any ethical conflicts, but because if the FTC catches wind of things, they'll swoop in and shut the whole operation down after you put years of hard work into building your organization.
Okay, so who do we want, then?
Let's find out.
Top 11 Hottest Trending MLM that's on a Upward Tick
You would be shocked to find that so many MLM's are already over the hill and are at downward turn in popularity which you do not want to join if you're wanting to actually build a profitable MLM business.
We researched all the top revenue MLM companies and the following companies are ones that are still on the upward tick in popularity, these companies are great opportunities worth looking into.

Amway got started in 1959, still going strong with a large inventory of healthy & beauty products. They have everything from weight loss shakes, eye & lip care, laundry detergent, household cleaners, and more. Their compensation plan is strong with plenty of bonuses for recruiting new distributors. Google trends show steady popularity over the years with a slight up-take in recent years. Google estimated monthly search volume for "Amway" is at 1,830,000/mo.

As of 2021, Avon has been around for a whopping 135 years.
That's incredible. And company sticks around for that long unless they're providing something valuable to the market. As you can see by the Google Trends data above, this MLM is trending downwards in recent years. But I mean...they've been solid for over a century, so I'm really not worried about it.
How much do you make selling Avon? Well, you can look forward to making 25% for everything you sell. You can also look forward to a bonus of $20 for every $200 in each sales campaign. For every $1,000 cumulative sales, you'll earn a 10% bonus as well. You can also earn bonuses if you invite others to join the ranks and work with in the business.
If you think you might be into an MLM that's really withstood the test of time, Avon might be for you.

Herbalife Nutrition offers a number of ways that their "Independent Distributors" can participate in their program. They can (1) buy HN products at a discount for their own or household use (2) sell HN products to make a retail profit, or (3) recruit others who are interested in consuming or selling HN products. To enter into the program, you must buy a "conversion pack" for $59.95 and then complete the required distributor training.
After you completed that process, you can begin earning money selling their products at a discount, which starts at 25% and goes up to a maximum of 50% the more you sell. Since health and nutrition is a major focus these days, there will always be people looking out for healthy things to put into their bodies. If you have a passion for consumable health products such as this, you might find this MLM to be more "fun" than "work."

This one's for the ladies.
Like Avon, Mary Kay is another MLM that has weathered the decades pretty well. I'm pretty sure everyone's seen at least one of those pink Cadillacs in their lifetime, am I right?
The structure is also fairly similar to Avon's, in that you purchase Mary Kay products for half the retail price, and then try to sell them. You have the ability to decide the pricing--I would assume that most sell for half the retail price for obvious reasons--and you'll potentially earn a 50% profit.
Mary Kay's starter kit only costs $100, which is peanuts compared some other MLM startup kits (those things can get pricey.) If you want to be involved with a nationally recognized brand, and you have a network of people who trust you and might be interested in this products, this might be the MLM for you.

You know how Kleenex has somehow become the name for every tissue ever made?
Well I don't know about you, but when I was growing up, every plastic storage container in our house was called "Tupperware," no matter what brand it was.
Everybody knows Tupperware, and that will only work in your favor if you decide to sell this item. And they've got a LOT more products than the classic square with the rounded edges that my mom was always using for leftover rice. This is another brand that just ain't goin' nowhere, which provides a feeling of comfort and stability for anyone considering this MLM. You'll even notice that according to the Google Trends graph above, they've experienced an increase in popularity recently that you typically don't see in MLMs that have been in the game for this long.
Tupperware provides a virtual "kit" of digital tools to individuals who are looking to start their business. The best part is, it's priced at a modest $15. Can't beat that! I really like this because it shows that they're equipping their partners with the tools they need to keep up with the times.
Could this be why they're still going strong after 75 years?

Atomy was founded in 2009, its a MLM that offers Korean skincare & cosmetic products made out of all natural ingredients. They also have come out with dish detergent and some health supplements. There is a US headquarter in Washington. They also strive to make their products as affordable as possible, their motto: "Absolute Quality Absolute Price". They offer a strong multi-tier compensation plan like any other popular MLM's out there, the maximum is 35% commission over your total sales volume with all the bonuses. Atomy is gaining some serious popularity in recent years, if you like skincare & cosmetic products, I believe this is one of the best MLM's out there you can join. Google estimated monthly search volume for "Atomy" is at 135,000/mo.

Norwex was founded in 1994, their flagship product is an antimicrobial ultra-microfiber cloth that allows consumers to clean their homes without harmful chemicals. The motto is: "improve the quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in our homes." The compensation plan is rock solid at 35% which is amongst the best rates in all of MLM's. The prices are affordable from $5 to $112. Their popularity has been on the rise for a while now which is indicative of their strong product & marketing. They even offer a 2 year warranty which is really impressive. There's great reviews about their products so this is a definitely a solid MLM company with Monthly Google search volume for "Norwex" at 165,000/mo. Also, if you happen to be in San Franscisco, Bay Area and is looking for millwork, home remodelling and landscaping service. Feel free to check this site out.

They also have Identity Theft protection product as well at $14.95 per month. By recruiting others into LegalShield you earn some commission but the real money is made when you are able to sell LegalShield's prepaid legal services as their associate but you may need backround in legal matters to effectively pull this off. They even claim they'll provide leads to their associates even though as more associates have joined their company its not certain just how consistently you will get leads from them. In anycase if this niche tickles your fancy, LegalShield is definitely the best MLM out there in the law niche, also they're consistently rising in popuarity and Forbes voted them as 78 out of 100 best company in America. Google estimated monthly search volume for "LegalShield" is at 22,000/mo.

Plexus came into the scene hot in 2006 with a whole array of supplements & body creams to assist in nutrition, skin health, & weight loss. Their flagship product is the Plexus Slim which is a weight loss powder to be mixed with water that's designed to burn calories & fat, it does not contain any caffeine. Its also claimed to help with healthy cholesterol, lipid, and blood sugar levels. They have a solid compensation plan as well at 25% at first level, 15% and 10% at next 2 levels of recruits. Plexus has maintained steady popularity over the years and still going strong into 2021 with signs of showing slight uptick since 2016, their product is so easy to use and raved for its good taste that they have solid customer retention. Google estimated monthly search volume for "Plexus" is at 301,000/mo.

Modere entered the market in 2015 their products include health & wellness, collagen science, household products, and personal care products. Their products have been used for 25 years though since it is a relaunch of a MLM that was called Neways International. Solid commission at 10-20% from retail which isn't the highest but solid compensation plan for recruiting because you can earn down 8 levels at 3-5%. Their most popular product is their biocell collagen line and their weight management line. The Modere CellProof Serum is an anti-aging serum that is one of the primary attraction toward Modere. Modere has proven to show consistent rise in popularity since its launch in 2015, their products are definitely very interesting and so its a great MLM opportunity to consider. Google estimated monthly search volume for "Modere" is at 135,000/mo.

OPTAVIA is a weight loss MLM, their main product is the Medifast meals and shakes. The distributors are considered health coaches that not only sell the products but teach consumers & recruits to follow a specific keto diet plan of 5 meals per day. Physicians used to offer the OPTAVIA meals to patients for weight loss before the direct selling (MLM) marketing approach came into play. These meals are perfect for those that are busy and on the go, as you can easily carry a whole day worth of meals with you. Their popularity is clearly on the rise according to Google trends, with estimated monthly search volume for "OPTAVIA" being at 165,000/mo.
98% of People Who Sign Up to Join MLMs in 2021 Fail. Here's Why:
Did you know that MLM business model has a very high attrition date?
98%!!! That's the failure rate, not the success rate.
That means a lot of dreams will be dashed, bank accounts drained, and only the most vicious will rise to the top.
These numbers are bleak and should discourage people from signing up with the next hot ticket, but they still do!
The 98% bad news came from a report done by Consumer Awareness Institute's Jon M. Taylor, MBA, PhD for the Federal Trade Commission.

Why such a high failure rate?
Here's the top reasons why people fail at their MLM business:
The Top Reasons Why People Fail at their MLM Business:
Why I Quit MLM and How I'm Earning Over 6 Figures Online in 2021 Generating Leads for Small Businesses
I used to think network marketing was the best vehicle for me to finally quit my 9 to 5 job and live the life I wanted to live.
I joined Empower Network in 2013 for $1,500, back when it was starting to take off.
Then it hit me. It was super hard to generate leads for a network marketing business!
I wasn't stoked with selling their products to family and friends.
Looking back, I noted that the people who were making good money with network marketing companies had a killer skill that 98% of distributors didn't have:
- Knowing how to generate leads online with a blog
- Generating leads by consistently producing YouTube videos
I was out of my depth. But that experience taught me a valuable lesson.
I needed to learn marketing skills ASAP. Ranking websites and generating free traffic are super valuable skills.
My upline made his money by ranking a blog targeting the keywords "empower network review" and other keywords related to "Empower Network."
This pushed me to enroll in a coaching program that taught students how to make money working from home by generating leads for small businesses.
This training taught me to build my own lead gen sites like these:

Six months after I joined the mentorship program, I had several clients, making $3,000 total every month, and I was able to quit my job.
If you've had success with MLM, good for you.
I still encourage you to learn online marketing skills so you can generate leads for your own business in-house.
People fail in business not because they don't work hard, it's because they jump into businesses without first developing high-income skills that's going to support that business.
Lead generation using free traffic, is one of the most high-income skills to grow your own business.
This is the biz model in a nut-shell.

With free traffic you can give biz owners free leads so that you can prove yourself with real results before you even talk to them. With that said, you can also visit one of my lead gen sites, check this out Best Seattle Asbestos Removal & Inspection Company.
You do the leads do all the talking for you.
No hard-selling required.

What's great about this biz is that once you have the skill you got something no one can take away from you.
And generating leads is a highly demanded skillset.
Small businesses aren't going anywhere anytime soon, neither is the internet.
A smart business owner is always looking to invest in good marketing.
This is my limo site in Lansing, MI.

Been making me $750 per month since 2014 like clockwork.
In my world, leads = $$$!
It's like building a money-printing machine the legal way.
Get away from the 9-to-5 grind. Build residual income that frees up your time.
Click here to find out more about this lead-gen biz model, I promise you once you grasp it, it'll make total sense why it's such a smart business.
Check out all the reasons why lead generation is the best business model for anyone looking to start their own online business. If you're interested, click the "Get Started with Lead Generation" button at the bottom of the graphic.
I'll see you soon.

A well-written and 100 Percent Unique long article. There is no need to search again anything. You cover all this. Thank YOU for all this
A well-written and 100 Percent Unique long article. There is no need to search again anything. You cover all this. Thank YOU
I have ventured into a few MLM style companies over the years (some of which have appeared in your list above so great job there) though when I was looking to see if my current company was present I then realized it was originally written in January 2022 before the company launched
So many have struggles seeing their reps duplicate due to high entry points, requirements to purchase product monthly and limits on how you can promote with things like social media. I finally found a company that removes all that with their Membership model known as LiveGood which you and your readers may definitely find intriguing with how they are revolutionizing the industry
Hi Dave! Thanks for reading and for sharing your MLM experience with my readers. For me there is no better way to earn a consistent and semi-passive income than local lead generation. I don’t have to sell to my friends or family, but I appreciate alternate perspectives and how other people make money online so I’m glad you found something that is suited to your long-term goals. Wishing you much success.
Thank you for this article. A well-written and 100 Percent Unique long article. There is no need to search again anything. You cover all this
We find this article very helpful. Thank you for doing all the hard work and made things easy for us.
Amazing Buddy Thank you for the article. A well-written and long article. There is no need to search again anything. You cover all this.
Hi Biku! Thanks for taking the time to comment, and glad to hear you got value from the article. Are you affiliated with an MLM? Do you have a favorite one you would recommend to my readers?
Such a valuable Article. It gives us a wide range of understanding about MLM and Network marketing. You have covered everything and written very well. Thanks, a lot brother to share this information with us.
Hi Abhay! Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read and comment on my article. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the post. Are you an MLM marketer? What was your favorite suggestion-anything to add to this list? I post new content regularly, so please come back anytime.
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Neil, we have a number of students operating in the UK with our Lead Generation program and they do very well. Look for the pink ‘coaching’ button in the top right of any page or the other areas to enter an email address. We’ll send you all the juicy info and let you know how to connect with one of our coaches who can answer any specific questions you have.
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Thank you for the article. A well-written and long article. There is no need to search again anything. You cover all this.
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Good Article
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Thank you
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Hey Ippei,
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not affecting our biz at all, Siri will also look at the top ranked companies which is what we do.
Hello, So I just quit LegalShield after 8 yrs. Total waste of almost a decade. I’ve 40 yrs experience as an entrepreneur with my last company of 29 yrs building commercial industrial construction projects. Last two projects were $15,000,000 and $3,000,000… I’ve 6 yrs left before I retire and would like to do something fun and needed by business.
I want to join your company
Yes you can join our MLM company.
Let me help you herbalife.