Marcel Fernandes’ Chat Money System Review – 3 Challenges Digital Marketing Brokers Face

June 19, 2024

The Chat Money System by Marcel Fernandes is an online training course that teaches you how to make money online by becoming a digital marketing broker. You send direct messages to businesses on Instagram and connect them with digital marketing service providers. Marcel shows you how to find lists of businesses to reach out to, how to approach them, and how to get them to pay you.

This Chat Money System review will uncover if brokering digital marketing services will pay you a passive income on Instagram and how it compares to the local lead generation business model that pays you a predictable income every month. 


Marcel teaches you how to make money without having to make any monetary investment. 

Marcel has made millions of dollars teaching this business model in the United States and Brazil.

You can do this business in any country in the world.

Marcel provides you with scripts and templates to put to work immediately.


After you purchase the course, not all the modules are available for you to view.

Selling digital marketing services on Instagram is not passive and requires you to send a massive number of messages to business owners.


Chat Money System costs $97 and $28.62 per month for one-on-on coaching.

Refund Policy

The Chat Money System has a 60-day double your money-back guarantee if you're not happy with the course.


13 training modules with over 30 videos of content. 


Marcel's friend Diego, introduced him to this business model in 


Marcel appears to have a good online reputation, especially in Brazil because he's had many students make money with this business model. If you look on his Instagram, one of his Story Highlights shares many of his students that have made money with his Chat Money System.

September 18, 2024

I purchased Marcel’s program about 30 days ago. He lies when he tells you you can return your investment within a week.

I am not impressed with his program AT ALL! I’m going to ask for a refund. Did someone in the above thread say they invested nothing?

I was charged over $1000. I don’t feel the money was worth what I got, which is nothing but a bunch of videos.

I paid for the weekly support and never once checked up to see if I needed any help. In the meantime, I came across another program called DEAL.Ai, in which I invested $160 for the first part. I’m way more impressed with this platform than Marcel. DEAL.Ai’s platform puts Marcel to SHAME.

Today, DEAL.Ai called to see if I had any questions and if I could navigate their site.

I ended up on the phone for 45 min. And because we didn’t cover everything I had questions on, he rebooked with me again for tomorrow. If you’re looking for a REAL Marketing Coach, definitely check out DEAL.Ai

Stefanie Veon
September 3, 2024

This is what happens when a retarded salesman reaches a retarded audience: scam, money losing, and headaches.

September 3, 2024

I need a coach pls. I’m broke.

July 14, 2024

If anyone has the course, please share content with me at

I cannot afford.

Shayan I.
June 20, 2024

I started this program at the end of 2023 and I gained a lot of knowledge about selling on Amazon. Eric has an amazing support that will answer any questions regarding selling on Amazon. He’s very active in the community and always willing to help members. I was able to get ungated in many brands and make a lot of sales during Q4 in 2023 thanks to Eric.

T. Smith

2.3 out of 5 stars (based on 10 reviews)

3 Challenges Digital Marketing Brokers Face

1. Little control

When brokering digital marketing services, you have little control over what type of results your clients are going to get. This is because you outsourced all the work to a freelancer on UpWork or If your client isn't happy with something, you can't immediately make changes because your freelancer is doing all the work. Hope they respond quickly so you can resolve your clients' problem should any come up. If the business decides they don't want to work with you anymore and the freelancer already did the work, then you're stuck with having to pay them anyway and you lose money. Not having control can be your downfall as a digital marketing broker.

2. Business Owners not trusting you

Though many business owners understand the importance of social media in business, there are still those who will simply not trust you. Some business owners prefer not to be sold on anything or make any business decisions on social media. Especially by someone who they just met and who hasn't established themselves as a legitimate brand. They may just want to use social media to showcase their work. Selling digital marketing services on Instagram is difficult unless you create an excellent sales funnel and video sales letter you can put into an ad. 

3. Instagram may limit your new account

Instagram may limit your new account in the first month and may not let you send over 50 DMs in one day. This is because Instagram wants to keep fake accounts away and many marketers use bots for their cold outreach. If you're going to broker digital marketing services, you may have to take it easy for the first month, or so before you send hundreds of direct messages per day, which is ideal if you're going to sell digital services. Your actions on social media need to be natural if you want Instagram to leave your account alone. 

Who do you learn in the Chat Money System?

Module 1)

In the first module of this course, you Marcel welcomes you to The Chat Money System and helps you set your expectations. 

Module 2)

Module two is where Marcel talks about the mindset you need to have when starting this business and shares his best practices for getting the most out of his course. 

Module 3)

In this module, Marcel helps you pick the niche you're going to get into and promote through Instagram messages.

Module 4)

Marcel shows you how to increase your status on Instagram by optimizing your Instagram profile.

Module 5)

In module 5, you learn exactly how to send Instagram messages to potential customers.

Module 6)

In this module, Marcel shares his proven scripts you can copy and paste as you reach out to business owners. 

Module 7)

Marcel offers you the opportunity to partner with him by promoting his course as an affiliate. He explains all the details in this section, and the offer you'll promote. He also provides you with several offer examples you can copy. 

Module 8)

In module 8, you learn how to draw interest from your potential customers, how to grow their desire to work with you and how to set up cold emails and direct messages.

Module 9)

There is only one video in module 9 that goes over how to follow-up with potential customers. 

Module 10)

This module is titled "Rest Day". In business, you will always need a rest or not. 

Module 11)

Module 11 is all about how to handle objections and turn leads into money. Marcel shares with you his sales script. 

Module 12)

Marcel teaches you what to do after you've closed a deal.

Module 13)

In the last module, Marcel emphasizes the importance of winning. You learn how to continue making deals and not lose the momentum after closing your first deal.

Bonus Module: Instant Profits

In the bonus module in this course, Marcel shares 3 ways to make money fast. They are:

  • Infinite list (reaching out to the contacts in your phone and ask for a referral)
  • Garage sale
  • Flipping (go to Facebook marketplace, get free products and sell them back on the FB marketplace)

Who is Marcel Fernandes?

Marcel Fernandes is a 7-figure online entrepreneur from Brazil. Growing up, his family had little money to spare. When he was 20 years old, he was living in a studio apartment with less than $100 in his bank account. Many times, he didn't have enough money to buy food because his bank account had a negative balance. These financial problems caused him to have marital problems.

After learning how to make money online, his life completely changed. In his 'FalaMarcel1' TikTok account, he has over 290K followers who are mostly from Brazil and he shares content about how to make money online selling digital marketing services.

On his english Instagram account, he only has over 70 followers. His biggest market is clearly in Brazil. 

How Marcel Fernandes Became A Millionaire at 26

Marcel's Background and Story

Marcel was under-privileged and was born in a third-world country, but he didn't let this stop him from achieving his dreams of becoming financially free. His life changed when he took the advice of Jim Rohn and Tai Lopez, particularly Jim Rohn's "Best Life Ever" seminar, which he attended about 5 years ago.  This seminar reshaped his outlook from a "poor mindset" to becoming more optimistic and open to new business opportunities.

How He Became a Millionaire at 26

Marcel emphasized the importance of having the right mindset to achieve financial success. He was skeptical at first, but slowly learned that real progress isn't about uncovering secret strategies but about changing one's mindset. He stopped blaming external factors for his circumstance and took personal responsibility for his life. 

Marcel's first business was dropshipping. He soon realized that there was more money in selling digital products rather than physical inventory. So he re-strategized and shifted his focus to digital course creation. 

Marcel's Tips for Young Entrepreneurs

  • Marcel advises young entrepreneurs to change their mindset and focus on proactive thinking.  
  • He recommends choosing high potential businesses (such as course creation and digital marketing brokerage) because they are more financially rewarding. 
  • He recommends digital marketing brokerage for beginners because he believes it is an in-demand business in the social media marketing agency realm. 

What's not mentioned in the video: Digital marketing is a highly competitive and saturated market. According to IBIS World, there are over 74,000 digital advertising agencies in the United States alone. 

Is the Chat Money System legit?

The Chat Money System is legit if you've got extra time in your schedule to send direct messages to business owners. If you can automate the entire process with automation software, you may save time and reach out to more business owners offering digital marketing services.

The issue with this business model is that to make 6-figures, you've got to be on your phone all day. You have to spend time looking for business owners in need of digital marketing services and freelancers who are going to fulfill the work in a timely manner and do a great job. Also, if the company whose digital marketing services you're selling isn't as efficient, you may get a poor reputation which can hold you back from getting more sales. 

There are too many aspects of this business model that are out of your control. 

What Marcel teaches is good as a side hustle, as with other online business models, but should not be your main business.

Chat Money System Successful Students

Most of Marcel's successful students come from Brazil. But on his English language sales page, these students gave their video testimonials.

This student made $1,000 in her first month of joining Marcel's program. In her second month, she made $4,000 after implementing all of Marcel's strategies. Now, she's making an average of $6,000 per month in revenue with The Chat Money System. She gives Marcel and his course credit for teaching skills that allow her to make thousands of dollars each month. 

This student didn't share his name, but he did share that he is making an average of $7,800 per month. According to him, this type of income and the course Marcel put together has allowed him to give his family a good life. This is something he says he is proud of. He is very grateful to Marcel.

Finally, this student shared that what Marcel teaches is one of the easiest methods on the market to make money. She claims to earn an average of $7,300 per month by working on her cell phone, copying and pasting messages to business owners.

Chat Money System #1 Alternative

Local Lead Generation Training Program by Dan Klein

The #1 alternative to finding digital marketing services is generating leads for local service providers using digital properties you own, control and rent out each month. That's what Dan Klein teaches in his Local Lead Generation training program. In it, you learn how to build a simple website offering a phone driven service people go to Google for. You rank the site at the top of the search results and send the leads to a local business owner looking to take on more work each month. Then you get paid every month for sending that business exclusive leads. 

In this training program, you get taught the business model from website creation to Google ranking, sales and scaling. Every week, you can tune into two live coaching calls hosted by Dan an other highly successful students where you learn the newest ranking and renting strategies that can take your lead generation business to the next level.

These are the same strategies that help me continue to make over $50K per month in passive income. 

When you join the program, you're given access to our private Facebook community, where you receive constant support and have access to the most valuable contacts and resources that you can use to your advantage in this business. Many students have created their own online programs because of what Dan Klein taught them.

Local Lead Generation Using Organic Traffic Is Better Than SMMA Brokerage on Instagram 

Generating leads for local small businesses is better than brokering for social media marketing agencies. The biggest problem with SMMA brokerage is you don't have control over the business. Your credibility is at risk if the client underperforms. Since it is a commission-based job, income can be inconsistent and will fluctuate depending on the number of clients you successfully referred to SMMAs. 

With local lead generation, you're positioning yourself and your clients in a way that will attract people who are already looking for their service. There is no need to waste time creating any campaign offering a digital marketing service that may or may not generate your clients more business. Your lead generation site is already ranked, and it's giving you consistent warm leads that keep your client's business going. 

It's an evergreen market because you don't have to do any hard-selling. 

This tree care site is a perfect example of how building and ranking a website on Google can pay $2,000 every month for 7 years or more. 

It only took me a few hours to build the site, then a few weeks to rank locally. Ranking locally is easier because you're only competing with a few local business owners who have no idea how to market themselves on Google.

Tree Care Lead Gen Site

Once you rank your site, all you do is send the leads to a local business owner and have them pay you what you should reasonably get paid on autopilot month on month. Over 7400 students are building their digital real estate empire to earn a passive income. All the work is done upfront. After you rank your site, you don't have to do too much else to it.

To learn how to make money online by sending leads to local businesses instead of pitching digital marketing services, check out the local lead generation training program.

Follow Me
Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. I am just a student.i don't have any idea about this Marcel offering to help us in need of financial aid I want to help my family life is so hard without much knowledge in this business..
    I don't have a website..I don't know how to create

    1. Nobody that has such money making system sells it . This is the same BS of some dude selling a course and that is the way he has become rich.

  2. Hii,
    I saw Mr. Marvel's video on Instagram but as I was joining in, I accidentally closed the site and lost that video to join his program.
    Could let me know where can I join?

    1. Hi Lynn! Thanks for reading my blog and taking the time to comment. The price is listed in the article with the options offered by the course creator.

    1. Hi Dorlin! Thanks for reading. I am the owner of the local lead generation coaching program discussed in this article. If you have questions about our coaching program or want more information you can book a call and speak with one of our coaches using this link: Look forward to connecting and wish you much success.

  3. Hey I only saw comments on marcels course and I would like to hear what goes on lead genereation buisness..

    1. Hi Arinze thanks for taking the time to comment. I would love to talk to you more about our local lead generation coaching program. If you’re interested, you can use this link to book a call that’s convenient for you and one of our coaches would be happy to answer any questions or give you more information about lead generation: Best of luck and look forward to connecting!

  4. I requested a refund 4 days ago, again 3 days ago. Neither have I received a refund, or a response.

    I’m requesting one more time, before contacting BBB and Reddit

    1. Hey Amer! Thanks for your comment and for taking the time to read my blog. You can book a call to speak with one of our coaches with this link: Always happy to provide information or answer any questions you might have about our lead generation coaching program. Best of luck and look forward to connecting.

  5. Hello Marcel I want to do your system really Really want to but I don't have the money to join the Chat system . I am at rock bottom and really need to do something for me and my family please give me some time just to get the money pleas

    1. Hi Christo! Thanks for reading. Unfortunately, I’m not affiliated in any way with Marcel or his course. I review courses and share my opinion in hopes of giving people an objective angle on what’s being offered. I would suggest reaching out to Marcel or his team if you have questions. or if you’d like to learn more about our lead generation coaching program, which is my number one recommendation. If you want to make money online in 2023, you can book a call with this link: Best of luck with your online journey.

  6. Hi Ippei

    Have you ever researched the online business of WEALTH AFFILIATE?

    Do you have any suggestions on how to contact Marcelff of
    Chat Money Systems?

      1. At the moment i can only dedicate one or two days a week to send these mesaages that i keep hearing about to these businesses.

        Would this be enough time set aside to focus on this?

        I am thinking of paying for a course.

        Would welcome any feedback to help make my mind on whether to invest in this course?

  7. Hi

    I messaged Marcel on March 23 asking for a refund as I think I am not fit for the job. Messaged him both Instagram accounts no reply. Also messaged him in messenger Facebook still again no reply.

    Again I would like to ask for a full refund on my account as I am entitled for a full refund. I only listen to the program for a couple of days and it is not for me.

    Thank you. Kindly credit it before April 11 so as not to incur finance charges. Again thank you.

    1. Hi Anna-sorry to hear this has been your situation. I’m in no way affiliated with Marcel (I just take and review online courses and try to give people an objective overview of what the coach is offering). I would suggest reaching out to Marcel again as unfortunately, I’m not positioned to offer you a refund or any information about his program. Best of luck and hope you are able to resolve the issues.

      1. I so this is not a scam, but it takes a long time for anyone to get into this kind of situation with affiliate marketing so to speak. It’s so enticing to get into these things and then the work that Hass to be put in it’s more than an eight hour job, and that may be fine, but Jay just need to be honest and tell you you’re gonna have to put in some long arduous hours to make this work

    2. Hi Anna,

      I’m just a reader of these posts and just suggesting that you should remove your credit card number from your post. You should never post any credit card info for the public to see.

      1. Well done, I spotted that too. It's crazy! to share personal information while online, I sincerely hope he managed to delete it before some nefarious individual takes all of his money. X

    3. Please delete your personal details from your message above.
      Your bank account could be hacked. 🙏

  8. I want to join the program….no I need to join this program….my life needs to change….but I’m an American who lives in Japan and when I watched your video and clicked the link it’s only in Japanese….please help

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