Copywriting Side Hustle Guide: 8 Steps to Kickstart Your Copywriting Side Gig

October 22, 2024

A copywriting side hustle is a part-time freelance writing job. You create persuasive marketing content for clients alongside your main job. CareerExplorer says there are about 131,200 employed copywriters in the U.S. This number is expected to grow by 7.6% from 2016 to 2026. It indicates a growing interest in this field.  

Furthermore, approximately 4,536 individuals in the United States work as freelance copywriters. There is a high demand for copywriting as a side hustle. It can also earn a lot of money for anyone. According to Glassdoor, a U.S. copywriter's estimated total pay is $73,292 per year. The average salary is $69,047. The high number of Americans in copywriting shows strong demand. However, you must also see the rising competition in the industry.

Chris Orzechowski is a freelancer from Westfield, New Jersey, who turned his copywriting side gig into a business in 2017. He learned the ropes through online coaching and courses, books, and blogs. By regularly sharing content with his email list, Chris attracts clients. He earned about $52,000 from copywriting in 2016—almost as much as his day job.

Reddit insights reveal key strategies for a successful copywriting side hustle. It includes patience in building a stable client base and perseverance through low-quality jobs. It also involves networking to find valuable clients. This means diversifying across platforms and specializing in a niche, like technical topics. Also, Reddit says the writer's work on Upwork and a French copywriting site shows a need to build a strong reputation. It helps attract clients seeking specific skills.

Filthy Rich Writer discusses starting some notes before starting a copywriting side hustle. She includes treating it as a business. Nicki Krawczyk advises managing finances and planning taxes. Also, consider seasonality when scheduling work. Filthy Rich Writer advises those wanting to freelance full-time to build a client base and savings slowly.

I’ve been running this blog for a few years now, trying to crack the toughest keywords on Google. I'm doing a certain online business that now brings in over $52K a month. In this article, I’m sharing 8 practical steps to help you kickstart a copywriting side hustle. Plus, I’ll give you some extra ideas to earn a little more on the side through copywriting.

1. Find Your Copywriting Niche

Finding a copywriting niche means choosing a specific area of focus for your writing services. This helps you stand out in the market and become an expert in your field. To find your niche, start by identifying your interests and skills. For example, if you have experience in healthcare, you might focus on writing medical content. HubSpot says 82% of businesses want industry-specific content. So, specializing can make you more attractive to clients.

Next, research market demand to ensure your chosen niche is profitable. Look at job postings on platforms like Upwork and LinkedIn to see which industries need copywriters. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects digital marketing jobs, including copywriting, to grow by 10% through 2026. 

Some profitable copywriting niches include:

  • E-commerce
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Financial services
  • Healthcare
  • Technology

These copywriting niches can lead to higher pay. For instance, ZipRecruiter reports that healthcare copywriters earn about $36.74 per hour on average. This makes it an attractive option for copywriting side hustlers. Choose a niche that balances your interests with market demand to ensure a steady flow of work. Remember, as a side hustler, you can start in one niche and expand or switch as you gain experience and identify new opportunities.

2. Build Your Copywriting Portfolio

Building your copywriting portfolio involves a collection of your best work samples. It showcases your skills and helps you get clients. 

To build a strong portfolio for a copywriting side hustle, a writer should:

  • Select their best work: Choose 5-10 pieces that show strong writing skills. Include samples that match the jobs they want. For example, if targeting e-commerce clients, include product descriptions. A Slash Workers survey found that 48% of freelancers find work via a website or portfolio. 
  • Create spec ads: Make fictional ads for real brands to show skills. This is useful for new writers without much experience. A survey by the American Association of Advertising Agencies found that 74% of agencies recommend including spec work in portfolios.
  • Show diverse copywriting skills: Include different types of writing, like blog posts, social media content, and email newsletters. This proves that you can adapt to different styles and industries.

A good portfolio helps you find a side gig. A LinkedIn study found that a strong portfolio boosts freelance job wins by 70%. Also, Forbes reports that 48% of freelancers find clients via their online portfolio or website. Your copywriting portfolio should include a mix of real client work and spec ads to show your full range of skills. 

3. Market Your Copywriting Services

To market your copywriting services, build a strong personal brand. Use social media to reach potential clients. The first step is identifying your unique selling proposition (USP). This could be a niche expertise, a unique style, or a knack for meeting tight deadlines. For example, if you excel at writing persuasive emails, call yourself an "Email Copywriting Specialist." Forbes notes that a clear USP can boost your brand and attract your audience. This message should be consistent across your website, social media, and portfolio.

Social media platforms are powerful tools for marketing your copywriting side hustle. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can help showcase your work and build a professional network. 

Consider these social media marketing strategies:

  • Regularly post copywriting tips or case studies on LinkedIn.
  • Engage in relevant discussions and join industry-specific groups.
  • Share your portfolio and participate actively on platforms.

Forbes reports that 77% of businesses use social media to connect with customers. This shows its effectiveness. Additionally, LinkedIn states that 80% of professionals consider networking crucial for career success. By engaging on these platforms, copywriting side hustlers can boost visibility. They can also establish themselves as reliable experts in their field.

4. Set Up Your Copywriting Side Hustle Business

To set up a copywriting side hustle, choose a business structure. Then, create a pricing model. Finally, set up systems for contracts and invoices. Most freelance copywriters operate as sole proprietors. It's the simplest structure for a one-person business. Collective reports state that over 80% of freelancers are sole proprietors. This setup is ideal for part-time service providers. However, an LLC (Limited Liability Company) might be better for those planning to scale or hire subcontractors. It provides personal asset protection.

Creating a fair pricing model is crucial. Options include charging per word, per hour, or per project. Smart Blogger says entry-level freelance copywriters charge $15 to $30 per hour. Experienced copywriters can charge up to $100 per hour. 

Consider these factors when setting your copywriting rates:

  • Your specialization (e.g., high-converting sales pages).
  • Market research on your niche and competition.
  • The value you provide to clients.

Lastly, professional handling of contracts and invoices is critical. Written contracts should outline the scope of work, deadlines, and payment terms. You can use templates from platforms like Hello Bonsai or for basic contracts. Invoicing software like FreshBooks or QuickBooks tracks payments. It ensures that they arrive on time and reduces disputes.

5. Master Copywriting Techniques

Copywriting techniques help side hustlers write content that attracts and converts clients. One critical technique is crafting headlines that convert. A strong headline grabs attention and encourages reader engagement. According to Copyblogger, 80% of people will read your headline, but only 20% will continue to read the rest of your content. To make headlines effective, focus on clarity, urgency, and benefits. Experiment with different formulas, such as questions, how-tos, and numbered lists.

Writing persuasive body copy is essential to keep readers engaged and drive action. It should address reader pain points and offer solutions. It should also build credibility through examples or testimonials. A study by Jakob Nielsen found that web users generally read only 20% of the text on a webpage, so concise and impactful writing is key.

To improve readability:

  • Use short paragraphs.
  • Include bullet points.
  • Add clear subheadings.

Creating effective calls to action (CTAs) is the final push to convert readers into customers. WordStream reports that using the word "free" in a CTA can boost conversions by 4.2%. Make CTAs specific, action-oriented, and aligned with user intent. A strong CTA must convey value and urgency. It should prompt readers to sign up for a newsletter or make a purchase.

6. Enhance Your Copywriting Skills

Enhancing copywriting skills lets you stay competitive and meet client needs. Continuous learning is essential as the copywriting landscape evolves. Sites like Udemy, Skillshare, and Coursera offer copywriting courses. They cover topics from SEO to conversion techniques. According to a report by Whop, there are approximately 16,330 monthly searches for copywriting courses. It shows a high demand for these educational resources.

Workshops and webinars are also great for improving skills and staying current with industry trends. A report by Luisa Zhou states that 86% of marketers run up to 150 webinars a year. It highlights the importance of these events in professional development. Organizations like the Copywriting Conference and Copyhackers host events on advanced techniques.

These events provide opportunities to:

  • Learn about email marketing and storytelling in copy.
  • Interact with other copywriters.
  • Gain insights from top professionals.

Following industry experts helps you learn new strategies and stay motivated. Experts like Joanna Wiebe of Copyhackers and Ann Handley of MarketingProfs share insights on social media and blogs. They offer free advice on topics like optimizing landing pages and improving email copy. A GetContrast survey found that 91% of B2B professionals prefer webinars. It makes it a valuable resource for learning from industry experts. Following these experts will give you access to their proven, advanced writing techniques.

7. Manage Your Workflow

Managing workflow is crucial for copywriting side hustlers to stay organized and meet deadlines. Effectively organizing projects and deadlines is the first step. Use time-blocking or priority lists to manage daily tasks. A content calendar in Google Calendar can track key deadlines and milestones. According to Reclaim AI, time-blocking can increase productivity by as much as 80%. Breaking larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps ensures focus and timely completion.

Project management tools are essential for streamlining workflow, especially when handling multiple projects. TeamStage reports that 77% of successful projects use project management software. This shows the tools' importance in organizing work and meeting deadlines.

Apps like Trello, Asana, and allow copywriters to:

  • Create boards and assign tasks.
  • Monitor deadlines in one place.
  • Set due dates and track progress.
  • Collaborate with clients in real-time.

Balancing multiple clients is challenging but crucial for freelance copywriters. Using color-coded systems in apps helps differentiate between clients and prioritize projects. Set boundaries to manage client demands. Use fixed office hours for communication and Calendly for scheduling meetings. Exploding Topics says 44% of project managers see a lack of resources as a major challenge. It underscores the importance of effective client management.

8. Scale Your Copywriting Side Hustle

Scaling a copywriting side hustle involves strategies to grow the business and increase income. One key approach is hiring subcontractors. As the workload grows, you must bring in other writers or specialists. This will help you meet deadlines and handle larger projects without losing quality. Upwork and Fiverr help you find reliable subcontractors for tasks like editing, research, and writing. A Billd report found that 70% of subcontractors struggled in 2023 due to a lack of workers. This highlights the need for dependable help.

When managing subcontractors, you must:

  • Set clear expectations.
  • Provide detailed briefs.
  • Maintain open communication.

If you don't want to hire freelancers, you can scale it by using finding writing tools that can help you streamline produce high-quality copy. Ippei's Content Writer can be a great tool for freelancers looking to scale their copywriting side hustle. It uses advanced systems to create optimized, well-researched content. It helps you deliver high-quality articles quickly. It analyzes Google search results and uses real-time data. So, it makes sure your content is accurate and up-to-date. Plus, the option to create and customize outlines gives you more control. It makes it easier to handle multiple projects and grow your copywriting business.

Another way to scale is by expanding your copywriting service offerings. Diversifying services can attract new clients and increase income. For instance, a copywriter who writes blogs might add email and SEO content. Guidant Financial says 71% of small businesses expect revenue growth by expanding their services. Tools like Yoast SEO can help you optimize content for search engines. Apps like Mailchimp can assist in managing email campaigns. 

19 Copywriting Side Hustle Ideas to Boost Your Income

1. Landing Pages or Sales Page Copywriting

Landing page or sales page copywriting involves creating persuasive content to boost conversions on websites. It's about writing words that urge visitors to take actions, like buying. According to HubSpot, the average conversion rate for landing pages is 5.89% across various industries. There's a good chance you can help businesses. You can improve their online effectiveness with compelling copy. You can kickstart your journey by exploring platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. These platforms let you show your skills and land your first gigs.

ZipRecruiter says sales page copywriters earn $36.74 an hour, on average. This hourly rate sets the stage for a decent income, especially if you efficiently deliver high-quality copy. To boost earnings, focus on building a strong portfolio showcasing your successful projects. You could also offer package deals or extra services, like A/B testing suggestions. However, it includes tight deadlines, client revisions, and a need to stay updated on industry trends. 

2. Publish a Book on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Publishing a book on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing means creating and self-publishing digital books for sale on Kindle. It's an opportunity for you to share your work with a wide audience through the popular Kindle e-reader. According to Statista, Amazon Kindle boasts over 30 million active users in the United States alone. This large user base provides you with a vast pool of potential readers. It gives you a chance to reach a broad audience. To start, use Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. KDP allows you to upload and sell your books in Kindle format easily. The platform's step-by-step guidance makes it easy to self-publish.

You can make a decent side income through self-publishing. Zonguru reports that self-published Kindle writers can earn from $150 to over $20,000 per month. This income potential makes Kindle publishing an attractive option for you. To boost earnings, try effective marketing. Use social media, create an author website, and join Kindle promotions. However, WordsRated notes that Amazon's KDP is the largest self-publishing service. It has enabled over 1 million authors to publish their books. However, the sheer volume of published works also means increased competition. 

3. Resume Writing

Resume writing involves crafting compelling and customized resumes for individuals seeking employment. It's about using your copywriting skills to improve someone's job application. CareerBuilder says 84% of resumes are rejected for being impersonal. Other reasons include a lack of a thank-you note (57%) and a lack of resume customization (54%). You can help by making resumes more personalized and professional. This is a big opportunity to use your expertise. To start, explore platforms like LinkedIn ProFinder, Upwork, or Indeed.

Helping job seekers in creating their resume' is a nice way to generate extra funds. According to ZipRecruiter, the average hourly pay for a resume writer in the United States is $18.27. It shows good potential income. To boost earnings, build a strong online presence on LinkedIn. Also, you can offer extra services, like writing cover letters or optimizing LinkedIn profiles. However, managing client expectations and staying updated on trends can be time-consuming. 

4. Technical Writing 

Technical writing involves creating clear and concise documents that explain complex technical information. It's about translating complex concepts into easy-to-understand written materials. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 7 percent growth in employment of technical writers from 2022 to 2032. This growth shows a steady demand for you. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 4,800 annual job openings for technical writers. This presents a great opportunity for you. To kickstart, explore job platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed.

Indeed reports that the average salary for a U.S. technical writer is $37.13 per hour. This hourly rate means you can earn a good income by offering technical writing services. To maximize income, consider specializing in a specific industry or technology. A strong online presence can attract more clients. Use GitHub or a personal website to build it.

5. Transcription Services

Transcription services convert spoken language from audio or video recordings into written text. Simply put, it's about turning spoken words into readable documents for your clients. U.S. Legal Support says demand for transcription services is growing across industries. U.S. Legal Support projects that legal transcription services will keep a 90% market share in North America until 2029. This trend shows a big chance to provide transcription services, especially in law. To start, consider platforms like Rev, TranscribeMe, or GoTranscript.

6. Product Descriptions Writer

A product description writer creates engaging, informative descriptions for products. It involves using words to highlight the features and benefits of products to attract potential buyers. Shopify says 10% of e-commerce sites cannot meet product description needs. Also, Conversioner found that 76% of online shoppers prefer descriptions over reviews and images. To initiate, create profiles on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Indeed. You can also reach out to some sellers in the marketplace, like on Amazon, Etsy, and Facebook.

7. Content Editing

Content editing involves refining and improving written materials, ensuring they are accurate, coherent, and engaging. You polish and enhance the quality of written content. HubSpot says 72% of marketers value relevant content for success. This is a big chance for you. You can help create great, error-free content. With the demand for quality content on the rise, there is ample space for your skills in content editing. To embark, explore freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or ZipRecruiter.

In terms of money-making potential, Zippia reports that the average hourly pay for a content editor in the United States is $36.06. This rate signifies a competitive income potential for you offering content editing services. To boost earnings, consider specializing in certain industries or content types. This includes blog posts, articles, and marketing materials. However, Zippia expects the demand for content editors to decline by 5% from 2018 to 2028. This suggests potential challenges for you in acquiring positions in the future.

8. Proofreading

Proofreading means checking writing for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You ensure that the written materials of your clients are flawless and error-free. Ashley Festa noted that 54% of employers would hire a proofreader for spelling and grammar mistakes in their tweets and posts. This is a great chance to use your skills. You can improve the quality of articles, blog posts, and academic work. To start, check freelancing sites like Upwork. Also, try tools like Grammarly and ProWritingAid.

For extra income, Indeed reveals that the average salary for a proofreader in the United States is $22.37 per hour. Furthermore, Zippia reports an 11% increase in proofreader salaries over the last five years.

9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Writing

SEO means optimizing online content to improve its visibility on search engines like Google. You use keywords and other elements to improve a website's search ranking. In 2023, 69% of companies invest in SEO, says EnterpriseAppsToday. This shows a widespread recognition of its importance. This is a huge chance to help companies. You can optimize their online presence and improve their search engine rankings. Use tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, or Moz. They can help you find SEO trends and keywords.

10. Video Scriptwriter

A video scriptwriter creates engaging scripts for clients' videos. They cater to each client's needs and goals. ReelSEO found that 96% of B2B firms use video in their marketing. Of these, 73% see a positive ROI. You can improve marketing strategies through storytelling in videos. To embark, visit Upwork or Freelancer where businesses seek skilled writers for their video content.

For extra money, Glassdoor reports that a video scriptwriter in the US earns $63,973 per year. To boost your earnings, consider offering services like storyboarding or video editing. Also, learn video editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro. It will help you align your scripts with the visuals.

11. Social Media Management

A social media manager creates and curates content. They manage online interactions and boost a person or business's social media presence. The Department of Labor Statistics predicts a 10% growth for social media managers before 2026. It indicates a substantial opportunity for you to have another source of income. To start, learn about popular social media platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Assisting businesses to enhance their online presence is a great way to generate side income. According to Indeed, the average salary for a social media manager is $57,773 per year in the United States. It highlights the potential steady income you can make. To boost your earnings, offer extra services. Try social media ads, analytics reports, or influencer collaborations.

12. Blogging

Blogging involves creating engaging content for websites that are commonly used on landing pages. Your content aims to attract and inform readers and drive them to take desired actions. LinkedIn says the top US blogging niches are the most profitable. They are: health and wellness, personal finance, travel, food, and technology. This is a chance to specialize in these niches. There is high demand for quality content. To begin, consider platforms like WordPress, Blogger, or Medium for creating and hosting your blog.

You can really make decent money through blogging. According to Millennial Money, finance blogs can generate substantial income. After two years of building traffic and subscribers, bloggers in this niche can earn over $100,000 annually. This showcases the wide earning potential you can have in blogging.

13. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting involves crafting content, such as books or articles, on behalf of someone else. You remain anonymous, while the credited person takes ownership of the work. Kary Oberbrunner of Medium says there is a big opportunity in ghostwriting. Approximately 70% of books published by traditional publishing houses are penned by ghostwriters. Moreover, 99% of books by artists, celebrities, and politicians use a skilled ghostwriter. This creates a huge opportunity for you.

To launch, consider platforms like Upwork, Guru, or Reedsy. They connect individuals and publishers with ghostwriters for various projects. ZipRecruiter says the average pay for a U.S. ghostwriter is $55,000 a year. To boost your gains, develop a niche in a genre, like business, self-help, or fiction.

14. Become a Freelance Writer

Freelance writing involves creating content for various clients on a project basis. Scott Galit, CEO of Payoneer, notes that the pandemic raised demand for freelance writers. Also, reports that, in Q3 2023, writing and marketing jobs were the fastest-growing freelance fields. It provides you with a significant opportunity to leverage your copywriting skills. To begin, join platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or ProBlogger.

For salary potential, ZipRecruiter reveals that the average monthly pay for a freelance writer in the United States is $4,034. This suggests that freelance writing can provide you with a substantial side income. To raise your rate, build a personal brand. Use social media to show your expertise. It helps you attract higher-paying clients. The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that 131,000 in the US identify as writers. This indicates competition that makes it crucial for you to stand out.

15. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your unique affiliate link. It's a performance-based marketing strategy. You must create content to drive conversions. As noted by Ben Alistor, an Amazon FBA mentor and entrepreneur, affiliate marketing stands among the top 5 side hustles in 2024. Ben emphasizes that it offers a low-investment way to earn extra income. It lets people supplement their earnings without a big commitment. This allows you to have extra sources to generate more money. To start, join affiliate programs on sites like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or CJ Affiliate. Additionally, utilize social media, blogs, or YouTube to promote products through engaging content. 

16. Email Marketing

Email marketing involves crafting persuasive content for promotional emails. Your goal is to engage and convert the target audience and contribute to businesses' overall marketing strategy. Email marketing is a big opportunity. Campaign Monitor found that 64% of small businesses use it to connect with customers. Moreover, HubSpot Blog Research further reveals that 38% of brands are increasing their email budgets. It indicates a growing demand for skilled email copywriters. To kickstart, explore platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Sendinblue. These tools offer you a user-friendly interface for creating and managing email campaigns.

In terms of money you can generate, reports that the average annual salary for an entry-level email marketing specialist in the U.S. is $50,700. This figure shows your earning potential in specializing in email marketing. To speed up your salary, stay updated on industry trends. A/B test to optimize your content. Consider getting certifications from email marketing platforms to boost your credibility. However, you may be challenged to navigate stringent spam filters. You may face hurdles in ensuring your content avoids spam categorization.

17. Start a Social Media Marketing Agency

Starting a social media marketing agency involves offering services specifically tailored for social media platforms. This means creating great content, managing ads, and engaging with the audience. The goal is to boost a brand's online presence. DataReportal's October 2023 report says 61.4% of the world uses social media. That means there are 4.95 billion potential customers. This vast user base allows you to venture into establishing social media marketing agencies. To start your SMMA, use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn as your main channels. You can also use Hootsuite or Buffer for social media management. 

Social media marketing agencies can earn $1,500 to $25,000 per month from a single client, says Agency Analytics. This demonstrates the significant earning potential for you specializing in SMMA services. However, starting an SMMA costs about $12,272, says Pat Walls, founder of Starter Story. This includes various costs such as advertising expenses and software subscriptions. 

18. Become an Amazon Influencer

Becoming an Amazon Influencer involves creating content, such as unboxing videos or product reviews, to promote Amazon products. You'll craft compelling descriptions and reviews to influence potential buyers. The opportunity lies in the vast potential income stream within the Amazon ecosystem. Amanda Perelli says some influencers can earn $16,000 a month from unboxing videos and product reviews. To kickstart your Amazon Influencer journey, sign up for the Amazon Influencer Program. Leverage social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube to showcase your content. 

To boost earnings, create high-quality, engaging content. It must resonate with your target audience. The Leap by Thinkific highlights a drawback of the Amazon Influencer Program, despite its potential. The program only tracks cookies for 24 hours, which is a relatively short window. If a customer clicks your link but delays buying for over 24 hours, you may lose your commission.

19. Become a Freelance Digital Marketer

Freelance digital marketing involves providing digital marketing services on a project basis to various clients. It involves creating great content for online campaigns and social media. This helps businesses boost their online presence. The freelance digital marketing field is booming. Companies are increasingly outsourcing these tasks. Clutch's data shows that 34% of small businesses outsource digital marketing. This makes it a top freelancing opportunity. This allows you to tap the growing demand for digital marketing services. To begin, check platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. Also, learn digital marketing tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Ads Manager, and Mailchimp.

The profit potential in freelance digital marketing is decent. It averages around $66,000 per year, as reported by data from Upwork, Talent, ZipRecruiter, and Glassdoor. To boost your earnings, consider specializing in a niche of digital marketing. This could be social media content creation or search engine optimization (SEO). However, you need to be mindful of the unpredictable income flow and project-based work. Noble Desktop's research on freelancing found a "feast or famine" nature. It can lead to uncertain finances. Additionally, freelancers often lack traditional job benefits like health care and a 401(k).

How Much Can You Make In Copywriting Side Hustles?

You can make an average salary ranging from $32.81 per hour to $69,047.08 per year in a copywriting side hustle. This is according to various platforms such as Indeed, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter,, and

  • According to Indeed, the average yearly salary for a copywriter in the United States is $62,848.
  • Glassdoor indicates a salary range between $48,711.84 and $110,849.62, with an average of $69,047.08 for copywriters.
  • ZipRecruiter reports an average hourly pay of $36.74 for copywriters in the United States.
  • specifies an average annual salary of $68,247 or $32.81 per hour for copywriters in the USA.
  • As of December 27, 2023, reports that the average copywriter I salary in the U.S. is $57,971. The typical range is $52,011 to $65,683.

Is Copywriting A Good Side Hustle Idea?

Yes, copywriting is a good side hustle idea, especially considering the growing market for this skill. CareerExplorer reports that the U.S. currently employs about 131,200 copywriters, with an expected increase of 7.6% from 2016 to 2026. Along with the financial prospects, Glassdoor reports an average salary of $69,047 per year for copywriters. This field offers flexibility and many opportunities in various industries. They include advertising, marketing, ecommerce, healthcare, technology, finance, and banking. This growth shows a steady demand for you that makes it a viable and lucrative option to earn extra cash. However, this increasing demand also suggests rising competition in the field.

Conclusion: Create Predictable Passive Side Income with Local Lead Generation

Local lead generation can really create you a predictable passive side income. It also doesn’t require you to have huge upfront costs. You can build websites for as low as $500 each and rank them in Google search results. After you rank well on search engines, you rent these websites to local businesses. They pay $500 to $2,500 a month for each site. In terms of competition, local lead generation wins. In copywriting side hustles, you compete with about 131,200 employed U.S. copywriters. That's a huge number. In local lead gen, there's much less competition. You're ranking in local cities and towns. You typically compete with 10-15 handfuls of companies.


Finally, the remarkable aspect of local lead generation is its impressive profit margins that can reach up to 95%. It's because you're selling leads and generating free traffic without costs for goods or inventory. A tree service website I built and ranked in 15 hours has made $168,000 since 2015.

So, if you are looking for a business model that has low initial investment, less competition and high ROI, look no further with local lead gen biz

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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