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Local Lead Generation

Ippei's Number One Business for 2021

Learn how over 6500 students are learning to generate passive income by building, ranking, and licensing websites to local businesses.

It's simple. When a site is ranked to the top of Google's local listings, it begins to bring in customers. Local businesses then pay you to funnel them the leads you have generated.

Why would business owners pay you? Can't they just do this themselves?

Because ranking at the top of Google is not easy to understand for most people. It's a relatively difficult skill to master. 

The trick is in owning the sites the we rank. This means we have full control where we send the leads to.

Biz owners have to pay you month after month to continue to get the leads. (passive income).

I quit my job in 7 months after starting the Lead Gen program.

I never looked back.

Because my income is entirely passive, it has allowed me repeat the build, rank, and rent process over and over, effectively scaling my business overtime.

With Lead Gen, more clients does not equate to more work.

It also allowed me to try out other forms of digital marketing (in an effort to diversify my income streams), such as Shopify Dropshipping, Amazon FBA, and Facebook & Affiliate Marketing. 

Below, you'll see where these forms of digital marketing fell short and why, ultimately, even after having found success, I decided to double down on my Lead Gen efforts.

Shopify DropShipping

  • Too much reliance on selling fads
  • FB ads are unreliable
  • Hassle dealing with suppliers

Amazon FBA

  • Most niches are overly saturated
  • Too many variables that can fail
  • Amazon's fees are expensive

Affiliate Marketing

  • Extremely saturated
  • Takes years to start up
  • Low commissions

Social Media Marketing

  • Clients can fire you at any time
  • FB ads are expensive
  • Ads require constant monitoring

The Story of Ippei and Dan

"What makes our training different? It teaches the real skills required to become a successful entrepreneur."

The Power of Mentorship

In 2018, I moved away from Detroit to San Francisco where Dan, my long time mentor was living at the time.

I had great things going on at home, but it was time to get serious about my career. I was hungry to make the next step and take my business to a higher level.

Change can be tough, but it's also necessary. It brings with it new experiences and new people, all which go into shaping the person that you are. We are the sum of our experiences

Dan has been a teacher to me, but also a friend and, (since 2017), my business partner. I have undergone massive personal growth over the last 7 years - and Dan has played a major part in that.


By no means am I Dan's only student. He's been a mentor to thousands of people around the world in the Lead Gen family and beyond.

He engages with the students of our program with an incredible level of dedication and accountability. Their success is the result of following a step-by-step process that's been fine tuned over the years.

Between our refined and effective course materials, personal mentorship, and his bi-weekly coaching calls, never before have I encountered a marketing coach as dedicated and committed to the success of his students.

He could be charging tens of thousands an hour for private consultation with industry pros, but instead he's made the knowledge accessible to anyone with the drive, passion, and the desire to make their dreams happen.

Dan does not simply offer a course. He has developed a training method intended to change the lives of his students.

If you're interested in learning more about how our business model works, fill out the form field below!

In 2019, I was a speaker at our annual Vegas Live event.

After all of these years, I am constantly reminded of how fortunate I am to have been introduced to the Lead Gen community.

My LG websites have allowed me to pay off debt, travel the world, work from home, and live wherever I want.

Lead Generation has given me a level of personal confidence that I never had before. But also (and just as important) it has instilled in me the knowledge, intuition, and competence required to run a successful business.

The first Lead Gen site I made was a limo site in Lansing, MI.

I had no idea what I was doing, but I followed the training exactly as it was laid out.

I finished the site in 2014 and have not touched for years - and is has been making me $750 a month ever since.

By the end of 2021, I'll have made over $63,000 off of that one site alone.  That's $9000 a year. I spend less than an hour a month on the site - and that's only because I like to touch base with my clients from time to time.

My limo site brings the client between $3000-$5000 in additional revenue every month, so they're quite happy with our business arrangement. They've never missed a payment.

The best part, of course, is that the income generated by my website is entirely passive.

So how long does a site like this take to create?

I spent roughly 7 hours (and this was literally the first time I had ever created a website). In total, I was paid $9000 for each of those working hours.

Check out the Lansing Limo page below!

Sure. The limo site is great. But I have sites that bring in an upwards of $2500 a month alone.

Roofing, HVAC, concrete, and industrial plumbing and lighting...

These are the businesses that pay out big.

Up next, we'll discuss how many sites I own - and how I've been able to effectively scale my business.

The Lead Generation business model is similar to real estate.

Build a property and then rent it out to tenants for a monthly fee.

The more properties you own, the more money you make.

But with Lead Gen, you don't have to worry about repairing and maintaining a home.

You don't have to deal with frustrating tenants.

Oh, and did I mention the start up costs are next to nothing?

Costs maybe $30-50 per site, plus a few hours of your time.

It would make sense that, once you have one property up and running, to keep repeating the process over and over, right?

With most businesses, however, more income is generally means more work.

But not with Lead Gen. Once a site is built and you have a paying client, very little work needs to be done to maintain the site.

In 2019, I was able to travel to Japan and visit my family I hadn't seen in over 12 years.

There was a point in my life, early on, when I was forced to say "no" to many things.

Music festivals, vacations, trips, and even just going to the bar or out to eat with friends. Not only did my 9-5 job suck up most of my free time, but it's also hard to afford having fun when you're just scraping by.

The passive income of Lead Generation, once it came into my life, changed everything. It has given me unlimited freedom in the way that I choose to live my life.

And when I am working, I'm working from home.

I've been to over 25 countries, been to dozens of music festivals, and I've hiked up mountains... Once, I even paddled over 90 miles in a kayak during a blizzard in January.

(My friend convinced me to go on that hellish trip).

The best part of all this, though?

The Lead Gen community.

I've met some of the best friends I've ever had through this business.

I can speak all day about our business model and why I love it, but our community is what defines us; the LG fam is what gives it all meaning.

The last six years have been the best years of my life - none of which would have been possible had I not said yes to Lead Generation.

We are the sum of our experiences - and a reflection of those who most closely surround us.

As I have said before, the best part of our group is the group itself; our vibrant, driven, and thriving community.

Together we have formed a culture of success - and the energy is infectious.

From our annual Vegas conference, to our regional events, and to just plain hanging out, we know how to lift each other up (and we know how to have a great time doing so).

Check out the photos from some of our events below!

Click here to check out what our students are saying about our program.

We host our annual Lead Generation conference in Vegas every year, to which hundreds of people show up. We're super looking forward to our 2021 event!

We also host regional events around the country. Check out the photos below!









Los Angeles

Our students are enthusiastic about sharing their success - and we're in no short supply of positive feedback. Check out what our community is saying about Lead Gen below!


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Ready to take the next step? A big life change could be right around the corner!

Fill out the form below. We'll answer your questions and reveal more details of how our business model works 

and show you the ways in which you can get involved.