’s AI Marketing Agency Training Review: Is Software Enough To Outpace SMMAs?

January 12, 2024

AI Marketing Agency Training by is an online training program created by Alex Mehr, Arman Noor, and Terry Shand. It teaches marketers and online entrepreneurs how to start an AI marketing agency. The course covers topics on AI content creation, marketing agency workflow for finding clients, and automation. Also, it promotes the use of’s proprietary AI software that makes it easier to create content and launch marketing campaigns.

There aren’t many reviews for this course online, but the AI marketing agency business model is not entirely new. One of its major advantages is that you can create content faster through tools like ChatGPT and Dall-E. In fact, 32% of marketing companies already use AI, according to Hootsuite. Mike Kaput is a prime example of an AI marketer. He is the Chief Content Officer at Marketing AI Institute, and makes an average of $201,109 per year, according to Glassdoor. This shows that there is a significant earning potential from an AI marketing agency model.

This AI marketing agency training review will look at the benefits and challenges of an AI marketing agency business model, and if’s training can help you successfully launch your own marketing agency. I’ll also introduce an alternative business model that is more profitable than an AI marketing agency.

AI Marketing Agency Training Review: Pros and Cons


Students get their own AI Marketing Academy account with the complete course dashboard and access to an exclusive members’ community

The training is taught by an established online entrepreneur and investor with experience in digital marketing, mergers and acquisitions, and business development.

Course members can attend live weekly calls to get advice on their progress.


The course promotes’s proprietary AI marketing software. Students will need to buy a separate subscription to apply the lessons in the training.

Learning the AI tool takes time, on top of implementing the agency business strategies taught in the training.

No student testimonials or reviews on the website, or on other platforms, so it’s hard to verify the training’s effectiveness.

Price’s AI Marketing Agency Training costs $97. They also offer a $69/month payment subscription.

Refund Policy

AI Marketing Agency Training offers a no questions asked 30-day refund for monthly subscriptions.

Origin was founded in 2023 on Long Island, New York. AI Marketing Agency Training was launched soon after.


The founders of AI Marketing Agency Training have been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg, and The Wall Street Journal.

Is an AI Software Enough To Outpace Social Media Marketing Agencies?

No, an AI software is not enough to outpace social media marketing agencies because it lacks the human intuition and creativity for launching effective social media strategies.

Despite what’s AI Marketing Agency Training claims, human-led SMMAs are not “dead.” Even though 50% of marketers use AI technology and machine learning in their marketing efforts, it can’t replace the human intelligence needed to understand customer behavior.

For example, an artificial intelligence tool like Buffer can automate content creation and scheduling on Instagram. But it can’t match the real-time engagement and customer experience that human marketers provide.

What is AI Marketing Agency Training?

AI Marketing Agency Training, also known as “7-Day AI Marketing Agency,” is an online course that teaches how to start your own AI-powered marketing agency.

It covers lessons on AI for content marketing, generative AI for analyzing customer data, and marketing automation. Students learn how to run their own agency without a full marketing team.

The course was launched by, a proprietary AI marketing tool that helps with buying and selling small businesses.

What Do You Get With AI Marketing Agency Training?

You get training videos, an exclusive community, weekly live coaching calls, and downloadable resources with AI Marketing Agency Training. The training also includes an AI marketing agency workflow with strategies for closing clients.

You can buy an add-on subscription to the software with the course. This gives you access to their proprietary AI marketing tools like Scroll Stopping Ads, Magic Hooks, and Ultra Fast Funnels.

Who is AI Marketing Agency Training for?

AI Marketing Agency Training is for aspiring digital marketers, small business owners, online entrepreneurs, and freelancers who want to start their own AI digital marketing agency and create a passive income stream.

Are AI Marketing Agency Training Students Getting Results?

No, the students of AI Marketing Agency Training are not getting results based on the lack of reviews online. The course website also does not feature any student testimonials to show if’s marketing agency approach actually works. One reason may be because the training program is still new and was only launched this 2023. It might take time before students see any notable results.

However, many people have expressed their skepticism about and its founder, Alex Mehr. This is a question posted on Searfunder, a website dedicated to buying and selling profitable businesses. One person answered that it might not be worth using given the founder’s reputation for “scamming” investors.

Some people on Twitter have also commented on Alex Mehr’s post promoting, saying that their approach to AI marketing and M&A isn’t new. According to their comments, it only relies on ChatGPT.

Who are the Founders of

Alex Mehr, Arman Noor, and Terry Shand are the founders of

Alex Mehr started the company after his success with his previous online businesses, Zoosk and MentorBox. He brought in Arman Noor and Terry Shand who specialize in digital marketing, AI, and data analytics.

They created to apply AI in marketing to create effective and data-driven mergers and acquisitions (M&A) decisions.

Who is Alex Mehr?

Alex Mehr, Ph.D. is the Co-Founder and CEO of He completed his post-doctoral studies in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland. He also took an MBA at the University of California Berkeley, which he left to start the online dating app Zoosk. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Alex Mehr was a Research Scientist at NASA Ames Research Center from 2005 to 2007. He has been interviewed by Forbes and Yahoo Finance on his e-commerce retail acquisitions as the former CEO of REV, along with his partner Tai Lopez. Mehr currently lives in Puerto Rico.

Who is Arman Noor?

Arman Noor is the Co-Founder and President of He is a business consultant and lawyer licensed by the State Bar of California. He holds a Juris Doctorate in Intellectual Property from the University of the Pacific – McGeorge School of Law. Prior to starting, Arman was the Marketing Director at Palms Imaging Center in Oxnard, California. He also served as the Legal Advisor and Brand Manager at MAS Group from 2016 to 2020. Arman has worked with the entrepreneur Rob Dyrdek on his MTV show Ridiculousness.

Who is Terry Shand?

Terry Shand is the Co-Founder and CSO of He is originally from London, England but now lives in Phoenix, Arizona. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services from the University of Leeds. Terry was the CEO of his own company, Tezza LLC before co-founding Tezza LLC works with businesses to build their sales teams and improve online sales.

As a media and marketing professional, Terry worked in Music Publishing at DMP UK (Eagle-i Music) in Los Angeles where he managed North American licensing for artists such as Ronnie Wood and Deep Purple.

What is is a proprietary AI platform focused on automated and data-driven decisions for mergers and acquisitions (M&A). After acquiring the AI copywriting tool,, applied the same AI algorithm to digital marketing strategy. They launched the AI Marketing Academy and AI Marketing Agency Training to help online entrepreneurs automate their process and achieve their marketing goals.’s Claims claims that you can start your own social media marketing agency with AI. They mention that traditional social media marketing agencies are “dead” and relying only on ChatGPT in 2024 for your online marketing is not enough.

Its proprietary software promises to simplify marketing, buying, or selling a business through AI and predictive analytics. This can supposedly give you a “competitive edge” against other marketers or marketing agencies.

The AI Marketing Agency Training also claims that their platform can teach you the same methods Alex Mehr used to grow his $150M business. And that you can achieve these with no marketing or AI experience.’s Claims DEBUNKED

Building an AI social media marketing agency with no marketing or AI experience isn’t realistic. Building a successful agency involves an understanding of market dynamics, client relationships, and strategic planning.

Even with AI assistance on your social media content and analytics, you need to have at least a foundational knowledge of marketing. Even more so if you want to reach the same $150M revenue as Alex Mehr.

Also, an AI model has limitations and biases. It may not always provide accurate or contextually appropriate suggestions, especially in complex or changing markets. You still need a human team to learn and implement the AI tools.

Digital marketing is already a competitive industry, with 50% of agencies saying that competition is the biggest challenge for growing their business, as per the Wix agency panel.’s proprietary AI software alone isn’t enough to give you a competitive edge to succeed.

Can You Fail in an AI Marketing Agency Business?

Yes, you can fail in an AI marketing agency business if you don't fully understand your AI model. Your marketing strategies may not be effective and decision-making could suffer. Note that 72% of marketing agencies surveyed by SpiceWorks failed because they didn’t account for the learning curve involved in AI before applying it to their marketing campaign. You can also fail if you don’t know how much it actually costs to run an AI marketing agency, with AI tools already forming a big part of your budget.

How To Be a Successful AI Marketing Agency?

Invest in the right AI software, create unique marketing campaigns, and use data-driven strategies to be a successful AI marketing agency. Researching an AI course and joining high-quality training can help. Here, you can learn more about AI writing tools and how to develop content creation strategies that will set you apart from competitors. Running a successful AI marketing agency also requires a client-centric approach. You need to be transparent and keep up with the changing market trends. It helps to build a strong network that will help you provide better customer service.

What is the Future of an AI Marketing Agency?

Teamwork is the future of an AI marketing agency. With both human expertise and AI capabilities, you can grow a successful AI marketing agency. Human marketers bring creativity, intuition, and a personal touch. While AI adds speed, data analysis, and automation. As per Agency Analytics, 78% of marketing agencies already use AI content creation. With AI-focused roles, such as AI educators, trainers, prompt engineers, and chatbot designers, there are other opportunities to grow in the industry.

What are Other Ways To Use AI To Generate Passive Income?

Other ways to use AI to generate passive income are ranking local lead generation websites, writing blog content, email marketing, publishing eBooks, and creating online courses. In receiving leads from a local lead generation website, for example, the potential earnings could reach from $500 to $3,000/month. Posting AI generated content on blogs offers significant income potential, with average bloggers earning around $84,000 annually, as reported by Glassdoor.

Challenges of an AI Marketing Agency Business Model

The challenges of an AI marketing agency include a steep learning curve, data privacy issues, and competition.

Mastering AI technology is tough for beginners, and mistakes can be common early on. This means that finding new clients and keeping them is not only expensive, but it also requires a constant effort to stay updated on AI trends.

Then there's ‌data privacy since mishandling a client’s personal data can lead to big problems, as seen in cases like the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Agencies need to be extra careful and always comply with privacy laws.

Another risk is relying too much on specific AI tools. If these tools stop getting updates or the company behind them shuts down, agencies can find themselves in a tough spot. Ethical concerns are also a big deal. Overusing AI can make marketing feel impersonal, which can turn people off.

Lastly, standing out in the crowded AI marketing field requires unique strategies, which aren't easy. All these factors make running an AI marketing agency a hard task that needs a steady balance of technology, ethics, and business knowledge.

Local Lead Generation is a Proven and Tested Business Model Than an AI Marketing Agency

Local lead generation is a more reliable business model than AI marketing agencies. It offers a stable and predictable system for getting clients. On the other hand, AI marketing agencies struggle with up-and-down income, finding new clients, and learning to use AI tools.

Compared to AI marketing agencies, local lead generation is simpler. Getting and keeping clients in AI marketing can be hard and cost a lot. But with local lead generation, it's easier and more direct to get clients. Also, AI marketing needs you to keep up with complex tools, but local lead generation doesn’t require a lot of technical training.

Local lead generation works by building and ranking a website targeted for local services like plumbing or remodeling. Once the website ranks, you can find customers in specific areas and refer them for a fee to local businesses in your area. It connects with people in the community, which means clients trust and stay loyal to these businesses more.

People who do local lead generation can make anywhere from $500 to $2,000 per month. This method of making money online is great because businesses always need to attract local customers, no matter what the economy is like. If you're thinking about starting a digital marketing business, consider local lead generation.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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