9+ Done For You Amazon FBA Companies Reviewed: Best Investment 2024?

August 28, 2024

Done for You Amazon FBA companies are online entities that take over your Amazon store, either starting it or taking your Amazon FBA business to the next level. For beginners, most Done for You companies will help you set up your Amazon Seller account, find products, and get Amazon customers through listing sponsored products and Amazon PPC. If you’re already an FBA seller, an Amazon automation service may set you up in the Amazon Brand Registry or cultivate product reviews to boost your metrics. 

It costs at least $10K to $30K to start Amazon automation. On top of this, done for you services often collect a profit share. Some even charge a monthly fee. Make sure the done for you service you choose aligns with your goals and your budget.

Local lead generation is another way to make money online in 2024. To get started, you need far less of an investment. Yes, you do the work to start the business, but that means you remain in full control. Once your site is ranked, rent it out to a small business that needs traffic.

Just One Dime Done For You with Seth Kniep: Proof that Done for You Companies Can Go Under

Just One Dime’s Done for You program promised to run an Amazon FBA private label store for their clients. The investment cost $10K per product besides business startup costs. Seth required that you start with 3 products, bringing your total investment between $30K and $60K.

As of late 2022, Just One Dime is shut down because of bankruptcy. They have also been sued by a former client. 

Renae, a popular Amazon FBA YouTuber, has documented her experience with Just One Dime since she started the program. Sharing fairly unbiased, factual experiences was helpful to her followers, many of whom also signed up for Just One Dime.

  • Then, on October 14, 2022, Seth and his team announced to their clients that they were shutting down operations.
  • Clients had until October 28, 2022 to take over their stores (a breach of Just One Dime’s own contract, detailing 30 days for any end of contract).
  • Meanwhile, Seth and his team began pushing a new product, all about retail arbitrage. He offered this product for $20K, and many clients bought in, still believing the dream.
  • On November 23, 2022, Seth filed bankruptcy. It takes longer than just a few weeks to realize bankruptcy is coming, which means he sold a new product while in the process of filing.
  • Today, when frustrated clients ask if they will ever receive the product they pay for, the response they receive is that it's “up to the trustees” handling bankruptcy. FTC complaints are being filed, and clients are left with tens of thousands of dollars gone.

Renae took her online store back from Just One Dime in the 2-week time frame. It makes $500/month. 

Here’s what other former clients are saying:

SUMMARY: Is Amazon Done for You Legit?

Amazon Done for You is not legit, when done by Just One Dime. However, there are more reputable done for you Amazon FBA companies out there that follow through on their promises. Still, it’s important to understand that Amazon automation companies are often scams.

8+ Done for You Amazon Store Reviews

1. FMA

FMA, or Fully Managed Agencies, is an asset management company that works with both Shopify and Amazon. They will also manage your portfolio for you. Their goal is to optimize their brands’ M&A: aka merge and acquisition. This means they will help consolidate your brands for optimum profitability.


Experienced teams with over 1000 clients historically

Brand building and ad management

Automated product ordering


Not active on social media

150% ROI “guarantee” is too high and unrealistic

Most content is from 2021


  • Dropshipping on Amazon can cause account suspensions if you start too quickly. It's not worth it to dropship on Amazon without first warming up your account. You should choose a private label or wholesale business model as an Amazon seller.
  • In one of their promotional videos, it’s revealed that a client is making only $15,000/month in profit, when their sales were $142,525.71. This is a 10.5% profit margin, which is right in line with how much money Amazon sellers make on average. However, it still seems a tiny margin for something with so much revenue.

2. Robert Vitelli’s Done for You Biz Solutions

Robert Vitelli was the president of Accelerated Results, a business consulting firm, for almost 27 years. Now, he is the president of Done for You Biz Solutions and has written 8 books. He has several webinars and trainings that teach things like how to become a “celebrity” in your field and attracting traffic to your fitness business or golf business. He also offers 1-on-1 coaching. 

His Done for You Biz Solutions service is not featured on his main website, but you can find information on one of his many sales funnels. If you decide to work with Done for You Biz Solutions, they will handle product research, market research, marketing, customer service, shipping, and accounting.


Has been in the ecommerce world for 27 years

Operates an actual business with a verified Google My Business page

100% refund within 18 months, in a written contract


“Best-selling” books are like other creators’ low content Amazon KDP book

Need at least $15,000 liquid capital and $10,000 on a credit card (besides the cost of the service)


  • With so many income streams, it’s unlikely that you’ll work directly with Robert. He also offers assistance with multiple marketplaces, like Etsy- not just Amazon. If someone is doing a service for you, you want to make sure that they are the experts and solely focused on your strategy. These marketplaces are vastly different, so they might miss some important tactics needed for your automated Amazon store because they assign a VA more focused on Facebook Marketplace.

3. Amazing Marketing Co

Amazing Marketing Co focuses on building Amazon private label businesses for their clients. They offer upfront pricing that depends on the size of the business operations they will take over. Amazing Marketing will create a fully unique brand for you and work to feature unique products to increase your profitability.


Private label businesses are less likely to get banned on Amazon

Private label businesses are more likely to have higher profit margins

It’s possible to scale and sell your private label business after it becomes successful. You can’t do this when you are selling another brand’s products, like you do with dropshipping or wholesale.


Must invest between $20,000 and $200,000 for your best chance of success

Takes at least 12 months to make money from the time you hire Amazing Marketing. But, it’s really cool that they are upfront about this.


  • Amazing Marketing does not have their own fulfillment centers, so you will need to cover the cost of using an Amazon warehouse and full FBA services. Amazon FBA fees are just one part of Amazon private label costs, which can reach up to 45% of each sale!

4. Zon Hack

Zon Hack provides Amazon FBA and dropshipping businesses for you- already set up and running. You’ll have 2 programs to choose from: FBA Accelerator and Dropshipping Starter. FBA Accelerator gets you your own private label brand, and you’ll be able to choose if you feature 2, 3 or 5 products. If you would rather do dropshipping, they’ll set you up with an Amazon account and a Walmart account.


Both programs include training on continued business growth

The FBA Accelerator includes 7 product images

The Dropshipping Starter helps you with state tax exemption filing


The FBA Accelerator lists a 30%-35% profit margin, but this is probably after some time and cannot truly be guaranteed

Typos on their website make me question their attention to detail

Zon Hack pauses taking new members if they get too full, and in early 2023 this was the case


  • It’s not clear if there are separate Amazon FBA and Amazon dropshipping teams. The person operating your account may not be an expert in the field you want them to be.
  • Zon Hack speaks about this opportunity as an Amazon automation investment, but there are other investments out there that guarantee a higher profit margin than 30%-35%. For instance, land leasing is at 50.3% in the US in 2023.

5. Five Star Product Solutions

Five Star Product Solutions has a full suite of offerings for new clients to choose from, including product evaluation and sourcing, PPC ads management, and more. In addition, they offer two done for you services.

One is a “ready for you” product, where Five Star will choose a product for you. They also supply a ton of information about their choice, including supplier pricing, MOQ details, and a list of keywords for your listings. You also receive 6 months of direct support from them. Their full done for you service is really a startup service. Five Star will get your new private label business on the right track and stay with you for 2 months after launch.


Five Star seems very legit, not just another online get-rich-quick scheme

Gets you past the tricky part of getting your business off the ground

You have a dedicated project manager


Doesn’t stick around with you for long after launch

Will not help you scale, unless you pay for account management

While Five Star’s à la carte format is a great idea, it’s not the right choice for someone looking for full automation.


  • You may rack up a large bill if you continue to go back to Five Star for different assistance through the life of your business.
  • The Five Star team has their own products that they sell online, so there’s a chance this may affect their decisions about your products.

6. Amazonautomation.com

Amazon Automation has been in operation for the last 5 years and deals only in Amazon FBA, not FBM. They also have 2 offerings, the FBA Pool and FBA PODS. In FBA Pool, you act as an investor in the Amazon marketplace and receive 15% annually. FBA PODs is a more traditional done-for-you-store where you receive a profit share each month.


FBA PODS doesn’t do dropshipping

FBA Pool deals in wholesale and specializes in getting contracts set up with gated brands

Amazonautomation seems pretty legit and has an easy to navigate website with free demos


For FBA Pool, you need to invest at least $50,000

FBA PODS’ minimum investment is $25,000

It will take about a year to receive your ROI. FBA Pool pays out 15% of the investment annually and FBA PODS only 10% per month depending on how gross sales are doing.


  • For FBA PODS, you share the investment with other investors. This can be a good thing- you’ll be able to scale your store even further than you would alone- but it also means that more people can influence and make decisions based on the investment. You will have far less control for a business that you bring over $25K into.
  • There are no amazonautomation.com reviews online besides their website.

7. DBC Limited Amazon

DBC Limited helps you start your online business, grow your online business, do your taxes, manage sales tax intricacies, and more. It also offers done for you Amazon FBA or FBM services. They can also help you within the Facebook marketplace. DBC Limited operates out of Columbus, OH, Chicago, IL, and Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


DBC Limited helps with account suspensions

DBC focuses on lowering costs so that you can have higher margins

They help you manage accounting and taxes, as well as the product side of your business


DBC Limited has affiliates, so DBC Limited Amazon reviews online may be biased

ROI is between 8% and 12%

Refund policy is within your contract, not up front


  • There is a discrepancy in messaging with DBC Limited. One part of their site says that they handle Amazon and Facebook, but another part includes Walmart. Another part mentions eBay. Also, on their FAQ page, I found this:

8. David Zaleski FBA Academy Done for You

David Zaleski offers some great products and services through his EcomHub, including the FBA Academy training course and the FBA Academy Done for You Program. David’s Done for You program doesn’t involve a large upfront investment. Instead, you get the course and additional support through product research, product testing, and your Amazon listing.


Great middle ground idea between offering just a training course and an expensive DFY

Teaches you how to get your business license

David’s team takes over 60-80% of your startup tasks. You handle the rest and remain in control


Not a 100% done for you automation company

Can take weeks to get Amazon product ideas from David’s team

Doesn’t seem to be evidence of a refund policy.


  • There are not a lot of customer reviews online for the done for you service. This could mean that they do not have many clients for the $5000 price point. Or, it could mean that there is a required NDA clause that doesn’t allow students to say anything bad about the program. Of course, it could also mean there is nothing bad to say about it.

How to Decide What Amazon Automation Companies are Worth It?

  • Look for companies with transparent pricing, software details, and refund policies.
  • Ask yourself “Do I trust this company and its founder/ front man?”
  • Check Facebook reviews, Trustpilot reviews, and Better Business Bureau complaints.
  • Remember that many companies have affiliate programs or ask their students to leave fake reviews. If a review seems “salesy”, it’s probably spam.
  • Understand exactly what you’re buying. Don’t assume that every service will complete the same tasks. Some may not know how to cultivate Amazon reviews, and others may not specialize in setting up sponsored brands.
  • Make sure you’re clear on the limitations of what you’re purchasing. Do you get to keep all the profits? How long do you get full-term support? Is there a way out of your contract without losing too significantly?
  • See if you can visit the company’s warehouse and/or offices.
  • Ask to speak to current customers (not company reps!) and the founder.
  • Pay attention to what else the company has going on online. If they aren’t focused on a single business model, or seem to have simply added their automation business as another income stream, it may not be as important to them to manage your store.

What are the Best Ways to Automate Your Own Amazon Business?

  • Hire VAs. Virtual assistants can help you with the mundane tasks related to your business, like reaching out to suppliers or writing listing copy.
  • Use automation software. Tools like Helium 10, Teikametrics, and Repricer will take certain functions off your to-do list, like analytics, keyword building, and repricing. Repricing is important for winning the buy box. Winning the Amazon buy box helps boost sales. Note: you can only get the buy box if your FBA business operates on Amazon Prime, which you cannot take advantage of if you use FBM.
  • Hire freelancers from Fiverr or UpWork. Freelancers like these specialize in certain aspects of the business, like creating a beautiful product listing or managing Amazon advertising for you. You might even find an experienced Amazon FBA seller who is now outsourcing their skills. Be careful to hand over your entire store to a complete stranger you met on the internet, though. Find people with great reviews and test them out slowly with smaller tasks before trusting them entirely.
  • Combine the use of software and affordable experts. While a “full-service” store may sound simple, automating exactly what you want and only what you need help with can be just as helpful and must be more cost effective.

Are Done for You Amazon FBA Companies the Best Way to Make Passive Income Online?

Done for You Amazon FBA companies are not the best way to make passive income online. They certainly can bring in extra income for you, but at a high cost. You will have the assistance and support of a team, but this team is most likely overseas and shoulders none of the risk. You risk your investment without remaining in full control of your business. Plus, if your done for you company jumps right in with a dropshipping store, there is a high probability that your seller account will be suspended before you see any real profit.

Local lead generation is one of the best ways to make passive income online. The startup investment is far less than a done for you Amazon company. For a few hundred dollars, you can get a locally based service site set up and ranked on Google. Then, you rent out this digital asset to a small company that needs the traffic for their business to stay afloat. You will not have to maintain the website much, leading to the most passive income stream online in 2024.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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