Ernie Varitimos teaches stock traders how to earn a 1,000% profit margin from trading 0DTE options. Ernie teaches PX 0DTE strategies through his mentorship, course, YouTube channel, and podcast. In this Ernie Varitimos review, we will go over who Ernie is, what his claims are, his mentorship program, his course, and weather 0DTE options trading is the best for you.
Zero days to expiration (0DTE) is when options contracts will expire on the same day they are opened. Traders can exploit short-term price changes, quickly respond to news, and adapt their positions to market conditions. Research by Option Alpha estimated that 0DTE options traders have a 50% chance of earning a profit. 0DTE traders usually target a 3:1 risk-to-reward ratio to minimize loss.
Zero day options work by opening contracts in the morning and then closing them later in the day or when the options have reached the desired price. Once an options contract expires, it will become worthless. Research by the Cboe Global Markets (Cboe) estimated that 23% of options expire worthless. The risks of 0DTE are tied to its short-term nature, rapid price decay, and vulnerability to significant price swings. Trading 0DTE options is not for beginners, as the lack of knowledge and experience with risk management techniques often leads to large losses.
Ernie Varitimos Review: Pros and Cons
Ernie Varitimos is very knowledgeable in options trading and offers a lot of value.
Learning to trade 0DTE options is a great way for experienced traders to diversify their trading strategies.
0DTE is not recommended for beginners, as it is complicated and risky.
0DTE options trading has a high learning curve.
Ernie Varitimos' options course costs $297, the VIP coaching program costs $6,000/year, and the customized coaching with lifetime plan costs $10,000.
Refund Policy
30 Day money-back guarantee for the course.
Blue Print to trade for. $297 is a joke. That fee “allows” you to be UpSold to the $6k-$10k program. Was able to get money back quickly tho ..thus the 2 stars, I wasted alot of time listening to their repetitive training videos. Don’t do it is my recommendation. I rarely review – but I would Not recommend sadly
Scam. Stay away.
IMHO Ernie’s strategy is a gambling strategy requiring no great skill. You basically put on a Put butterfly spread and a Call butterfly spread at the same time using index options. His discord group calls it the Batman trade. The hope for a profit revolves around option premium decay. Price must end up within a certain distance of the middle of either the Put or Call spread near the end of trading session to make a profit. Otherwise you lose both sides of the trade. You are betting that if you win on one side of the trade, it will more than offset the loss on the other side. There are certain parameters that Ernie recommends on these trades regarding risk. Even so, most trades are losers, even for Ernie. It was a very unsatisfactory way to trade. Save yourself the trouble and find free trading advice online elsewhere. ICT would be a good choice to actually learn how markets book and learn some real skill. P.S. Ernie is a great salesman with a poor trading strategy IMHO.
you can’t get your money back. You have to wait a year. Put a call or put butterfly on that will be 10K please.
PatternCast sucks!
What Is Ernie Varitimos' Claim?

Ernie Varitimos claims that the asymmetric trading method that he teaches will consistently give you a reward-risk ratio of 10:1. He claims that his Inversion of Risk strategy will increase your win rate as high as 85% compared to the 50% average. Ernie also claims that his course alone can teach beginners to have this kind of results. Just how likely is he able to deliver on these claims?
0DTE Options Are Too Volatile to Profit From Consistently
0DTE options are high-risk investments because of the high volatility and sensitivity to market events. Because of its short-term nature, sudden price movements can spell huge profits or losses. While Ernie’s claim reward-risk ratio and win rate are possible to achieve, consistency cannot be guaranteed. If you are a beginner, you will need to spend a lot of time and risk a lot of money to gain crucial experience to become a proficient trader. It is strongly recommended that beginners start with a less complicated options trading strategy.
Who Is Ernie Varitimos?

Ernie Varitimos is a trading coach, technology management consultant, and serial investor from Sharon, Massachusetts. Mostly known for his 0-DTE mentoring, Ernie is also the creator of the AI-based trading signals tool, PatternCast, the chief investor of the research and newsletter company, Asymmetric Advisor, and the CIO of the alternative investment firm, Pearl Private Equity.
Ernie has a bachelor's in electrical engineering from the Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. He has years of experience in financial technology and was the chief technologist of JavaChief for 18 years. Ernie also worked for Sun Microsystems as a chief architect. Currently, Ernie is a full-time trader and mentor.
What Is 0-dte.com?

0-dte.com is Ernie Varitimos' platform for coaching and mentoring stock traders. The platform was founded in 2021 and currently offers a 0DTE training course and coaching programs. You can also access the 0DTE blog, the podcast, an options glossary, and the strategy guide.
What Is Ernie Varitimos' Zero Days To Expiration Podcast?

Ernie Varitimos’ Zero Days To Expiration Podcast is one channel where he teaches stock traders how to increase their risk to reward options when trading 0DTE options. The podcast is available on Apple, 0-dte.com, and YouTube. Zero Days to Expiration has 100+ episodes. The episodes average 25-35 mins long. Zero Days to Expiration podcast gets an average of 1,000 listeners per episode.
What Are the Reviews on Ernie Varitimos?
Reviews on Ernie Varitimos are mostly positive. An Ernie Varitimos Reddit review corrects the other comments in that he does not offer an alert service. The long review praises Ernie and his expertise but points out that the programs are still in its early stages and still improving. The comment also criticizes the disorganization of his website.

0-dte.com reviews are several student testimonials. Take these with a grain of salt as they offer no real-world examples of success or show any evidence of their results.

Who Is Ernie Varitimos 0DTE Programs For?
- Beginner stock traders who want to learn how to trade 0DTE options. While 0DTE is complicated for traders with no experience, the coaching program can hold your hand but at a costly price.
- Experienced stock traders who want to learn 0DTE options trading. The depth and range of strategies taught are more suited for those who are already used to trading options.
What Is Ernie Varitimos' Coaching for Performance?

Ernie Varitimos' Coaching for Performance is a custom 3-Phase 1-on-1 0DTE mentorship. You get a lifetime plan, which includes 12 scheduled coaching calls, which you can schedule bi-monthly and unlimited support via email, Discord, or phone. Coaching for Performance costs a onetime fee of $10,000.
What Is Ernie Varitimos' O-DTE Membership?

Ernie Varitimos’ O-DTE Membership is the basic coaching program that focuses on trading weekly options on the final day of expiration for the S&P 500 Index, E-mini S&P futures, and other indexes such as the NDX. The membership costs an annual fee of $6,000 and includes access to the Discord-based trade community, daily live streams, weekly group meetings, and other educational resources.
What Is Ernie Varitimos' O-DTE Options Trading Blueprint?

Ernie Varitimos’ O-DTE Options Trading Blueprint is a course that teaches stock traders the basics of 0DTE. You will learn how to use Ernie’s asymmetric strategies when trading 0DTE options in order to maximize profit and minimize risk. 0DTE options trading is not recommended for beginners as they may find it difficult to understand and will find it challenging to make profitable trades.
What Do You Get With Ernie Varitimos' O-DTE Options Trading Blueprint?
Is Zero Days to Expiration (0DTE) Options Trading Worth It?
Zero days to expiration (0DTE) options trading is worth it if you have great risk management skills. 0DTE options are profitable but also have the high risk of incurring substantial losses. Compared to regular options, the bid-ask spread is wider with 0DTE, which means fewer people are trading, leading to higher chances of expiration. People buy 0DTE because of the lower value of the options. 0DTE traders seek to make quick short-term profits without large upfront capital.
0DTE is best done full time. You can trade 0DTE options as late as 3:59 p.m. EST. The options market closes at 4:00 p.m. EST and options can no longer be traded past that time. The options market opens at 9:30 a.m. EST. If you missed this window, your options could expire worthless and you will lose the money you spent on premiums.
Having a sound strategy is important in 0DTE options trading. Iron Butterfly is considered the best 0DTE strategy. Other popular 0DTE strategies are short put spread, iron condors, and short call spread. It takes trial and error to find what works best for you. You can back test zero DTE strategies by using programs that track intraday option price data. OptionNet Explorer is one such program that tracks data in 5-minute intervals.
Algorithmic trading is the best way to trade stock options. An algorithmic trader uses real-time trading technology in combination with complex formulas based on mathematical models and human oversight. Using algorithmic trading provides a systematic and disciplined approach. This lowers the risks and increases profitable trades, but takes a long time to master.
If you have no experience with stock trading, you should consider creating an online business instead. There are several business models, such as local lead generation and affiliate marketing, that are less risky for beginners and have the potential to create passive income.
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My Recommended Low-Cost, Low-Risk Business That Creates Passive Income
Local lead generation is my recommended low-cost and low-risk business that creates passive income. With as little as $500 in initial investment, you can start your local lead generation business. As a type of digital real estate business, you create and rank your website on Google using free SEO tactics. You will then rent out this ranked site to local businesses for the organic leads it generates. Once your site is rented, you earn a stable passive monthly income with almost zero risks.

Take a look at this tree site I made back in 2015. It’s been earning me $2,000 of passive income every month and remains mostly unchanged. A site can stay ranked on Google for years without the need for you to update it. Compared to stock trading, where you need to constantly keep yourself updated on the market, a local lead generation is hands off once your site is ranked and rented.
Scaling a local lead generation business is as simple as repeating the process. There is no limit to the number of websites you can rank and rent. This means you have an unlimited earning potential. These qualities makes local lead generation my number 1 business model for creating time and financial freedom.
Pearl Private Equity. website is shut down
Same with JavaChief.