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FBA Boss Academy Review: 5 Roadblocks that Lower Amazon FBA Profit Margins

August 14, 2024

The FBA Boss Academy is an Amazon Private Label course taught by Kevin Pak, a self-made Asian-American entrepreneur, and his partner Kevin Kunze, a cryptocurrency mining expert. Designed for complete beginners, Kevin P and Kevin K aim to teach students how to set up their own Amazon business and make at least $10,000 a month in profit or consistently have a profit margin between 30-45%.  

However, historical data shows that the average profit margin for Amazon FBA is 10-20%. While it is definitely possible to be part of the top 10% of sellers who earn more, you will always need to be on your toes - constantly researching new products, taking care of inventory, and managing customers, among other things. 

On the other hand, Local Lead Generation allows you to earn more dependable passive income because you rank in local cities & towns instead of competing globally with other big e-commerce companies.

So, can FBA Boss Academy really teach beginners how to build a six-figure business in just a few months? Let’s break it down:


Mentors have first-hand experience in setting up a successful Amazon FBA from scratch.

Exclusive access to Kevin P’s photography and design team.

Ongoing 24/7 support.

Comprehensive training that includes over 70 videos and other content.


Unclear and expensive enrollment fee.

Too much focus on Helium 10.

Not recommended for advanced/experienced sellers.


Usually $5,000 but can range from $2,500 to $7,000, which is determined on a case-to-case basis.

Refund Policy:

A full refund is available in the first 14 days upon enrollment, given certain conditions.




This is the first review of the FBA Boss Academy.

5 Roadblocks That Lower Amazon FBA Profit Margins 

1. Amazon increasing seller fees 

Amazon has been increasing its seller fees each year, stating that these charges cover the growing logistics costs of shipping worldwide.

In fact, Amazon recently stated that it has increased the fee charged to third-party merchants who use FBA by 5% to cover fuel and inflation. This surcharge will take effect from October 15, 2022 to January 14, 2023. After this time, Amazon will review this initiative. 

What does that mean for you in the meantime? This means that all the products you sell will be charged, on average, 24 cents more than usual.  

2. Lots of competition 

There are around 4,000 new sellers joining Amazon every day. The chances of you having a competitive advantage are slim - and even if you gained one, you risk having someone else sourcing the same product as you at lower prices. 

3. Amazon started its own Private Label 

Amazon has its own Prival Label brand called AmazonBasics. There have been a lot of discussions that this business has undermined the normal Amazon FBA seller because it doesn't play fair. This is a leading reason Amazon FBA is a bad idea in the eyes of some private label sellers. 

4. Expensive shipping costs 

Amazon's annual shipping costs have been steadily increasing each year as well. Data shows that sale-related fees can range from 6% to 45% of each product's selling price, with the average seller paying around 15%. 

Many sellers have also stated that the ongoing pandemic has skyrocketed freight costs, causing a significant impact on profit margins. 

5. More Chinese suppliers joining FBA 

More Chinese suppliers are creating FBA businesses themselves, cutting out the middleman and operating at the slimmest margins. This makes it extremely difficult for the normal Amazon FBA seller to compete at the same level. 

Can FBA Boss Academy Address These Roadblocks? 

Owning your own Amazon Private Label can be profitable, if it is done correctly. Studies show that this model has the biggest potential for higher profit margins and is relatively easy enough for the beginner seller to start. But first you need to have the right information.   

Given what I've discussed earlier, the biggest question now would be, "Is FBA Boss Academy the right course for me? Can the program address these roadblocks?" Let's address this first with a few considerations: 

Why Is FBA Boss Academy So Expensive (And Secretive)?

The biggest selling point of FBA Boss Academy is that it's taught by an Amazon expert who has broken down the business into a reliable formula. Each module breaks down specific strategies into a mathematical process: Follow C, D, and E rules, and if you see Y, do Z, and if A happens, apply B, and so on.

It's meant for the beginner Amazon reseller who has no previous experience in E-commerce. The hefty price tag eliminates uncertainty in doing keyword research, handling customer service, managing your Amazon inventory, and tracking orders in your fulfillment centers. The team will also choose your first product for you and help you create an Amazon PPC (pay-per-click) based on Helium 10 (their preferred FBA tool). 

Well, if it's so good, why did it take 2 years for FBA Boss Academy to become popular? Why am I only hearing of this now?

FBA Boss Academy began marketing its program in 2020 and there were initial marketing efforts in promoting it, mostly on Kevin Pak's YouTube channel. However, for whatever reason, Kevin P stopped plugging in the FBA Boss Academy in his videos and focused on creating content on becoming an Amazon FBA seller instead. 

This would explain the lack of reviews on the course or information about it. Still, the Program boasts to have trained more than 500 students 

So what's in it for me (at $5,000)?

This FBA Private Label course takes most of the guesswork away and there are two weekly phone calls for members to ask anything under the sun. 

However, the lack of any sort of student reviews speaks volumes. What did the students do after they completed the course? Why have none of the students who have taken the program talked about it? 

What’s Included In The Program? 

FBA Boss Academy is a self-paced learning program with 16 different sections that need to be completed in sequence for you to successfully graduate from the course. Once you enroll in the Academy, you will be automatically included in the private Facebook group, where you can ask questions or clarify certain modules from either or both Kevins. 

The curriculum is as follows:

  • Section 1: Intro & Mindset Into Business
  • Section 2: Setting Up Seller Central & Alibaba Accounts + Navigation
  • Section 3: Finding your Budget
  • Section 4: Amazon Product Research
  • Section 5: Build a Dummy Product Listing (Part 1)
  • Section 6: Finding the Best Suppliers & Shipping Your Product to Amazon
  • Section 7: Don’t Trade Time For Money! Source work from Fiverr!
  • Section 8: Build an Amazing Product Listing
  • Section 9: Earn Customer Trust: Getting 5 Star Reviews!
  • Section 10: Product Launch: How to Start Making Sales!
  • Section 11: Become a PRO at Amazon Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
  • Section 12: Officially Launching Your Product
  • Section 13: Removing Hijackers OFF your Listing!
  • Section 14: Maintenance After Product Launch
  • Section 15: Understanding Cashflow of the Business
  • Section 16: Amazon Accounting

After enrollment, you will have unlimited access to all sections and any updates made to the program. You can access the program across all devices and operating systems. 

Who Are Kevin Pak and Kevin Kunze?

The two Kevins have over 10 years of combined experience in creating and managing a successful Amazon FBA business, respectively. Together, they have sold over $50 million worth of products across various industries.

Kevin P's Success Story 

Kevin Pak used to be a fitness coach and recognized bodybuilder, earning around $4,000 a month while working 12 hours a day. Even though he loved his job and was passionate about what he did, he knew he would never reach financial freedom as a regular employee. After reading “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki, Kevin began researching ways to earn passive income and came across Amazon FBA as a viable option. 

He was initially inspired by a wealthy, self-proclaimed “Amazon guru” but was disappointed when he found out that the same person did not own their own Amazon business - they simply made courses about them. Wanting to learn from someone “in the trenches”, Kevin took a course by Tanner J. Fox and decided to invest in his first business with only a $3,000 capital. 

While his first product launch was a failure, Kevin found his groove and earned $100,000 in revenue in only a few months. He kept the momentum and reinvested the profit to sell more products. He currently makes YouTube videos on his story and offers advice on setting up an Amazon Private Label business.

Kevin K's Success Story 

Kevin Kunze is the Founder of Central Mining, a cryptocurrency mining hosting company. He is passionate about the decentralized finance (DeFi) market and wants to help people build successful mining businesses of their own. 

Still, he knows that not everyone wants to enter the blockchain industry and is looking for other ways to earn passive income. He understands this better than most: Before Central Mining, he was doing door-to-door sales and struggled with an inconsistent salary. He decided to step out of his comfort zone and launched his own business through Amazon FBA. 

Within three months, he was profiting over $10,000 a month and is currently earning $25 million in sales per year between multiple accounts. 

Does Kevin Pak Still Actively Sell on Amazon?

Yes. Kevin Pak sells multiple products which he researches and analyzes for product ranking and profit margin using Helium 10, an FBA seller software which he consistently recommends to his YouTube audience.

What is Helium 10? 

Kevin Pak swears on Helium 10, an Amazon product research tool. The solution enables an Amazon FBA seller to view important business indicators to help you decide the best product to promote at any given time. 

Helium 10 also helps you expand your Amazon business by increasing the visibility of your products, estimating demand for your goods, and managing inventories, among other things.

There are 5 pricing plans that you can choose from, ranging from $39 to $399 per month. 

There are alternatives to Helium 10, but you'll have to do your own research if you plan on taking Kevin Pak's course. 

If Kevin Pak Successfully Sells on Amazon, Why Does He Teach a Course?

Kevin has mentioned that he uses his Amazon FBA business as a means to an end, not the goal itself. He wants to help other people become financially independent and live the life they want at an early age. He also wants to offer real-world advice and tips on starting an Amazon FBA business in 2024.

Does Kevin Pak Sell Any Other Programs?

No. Currently, Kevin Pak is focused more on building his YouTube community and releasing short videos on how to start your own Amazon FBA business. His most current video discusses his initial attempt to try AirBnB as another way to earn passive income. 

What is the Cost of FBA Boss Academy?

No one really knows. FBA Boss Academy is pretty tight-lipped about how much their program costs, but some people have said that it can range from as low as $2,500 to as high as $7,000, depending on the needs, desire, and drive of the potential student. Most people say that the course is around $5,000.

How Much Does an Amazon FBA Course Cost?

You can find a decent Amazon Private Label course for around $1,000. This may reach up to $10,000 if you are looking for one-on-one coaching and a little hand-holding.

Some more popular courses include: 

  • Seller Pro Academy by Jonny Bradley
  • Freedom Ticket by Kevin King
  • BJK University by Bashar J Katou
  • Zon Ninja by Kevin David 
  • Amazing Selling Machine by Jason Katzenback and Matt Clark
  • Blue Sky Amazon by Sophie Howard 

How Much is Seller Pro Academy?

To give you a point of reference, SellerPro Academy - which is one of the more comprehensive FBA courses out there, with 19 training modules and over 100 lessons - costs only $1,200 and offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

Although Seller Pro Academy is primarily for UK Amazon sellers, American entrepreneurs can also learn a thing or do from Jonny. 

What is the Freedom Ticket? 

Freedom Ticket claims to be the best Amazon Seller Academy out in the market today. It is meant for the beginner Amazon seller and guides students step-by-step to creating their first successful e-commerce. The whole course goes for $997.

Who is Bashar J Katou?

Bashar J Katou claims to know the winning formula to developing a seven-figure Amazon FBA business in only 90 days. Unlike other Amazon FBA experts who advise students to focus on a single home-run product (such as FBA Boss Academy), Bashar believes in launching as many diverse products as possible.

Is Bashar J Katou Course Cost?

Bashar set up his own coaching program called the BJK University. According to students who have posted online, the University’s online courses are roughly $5,000. His course is not as extensive as the FBA Boss Academy, but does offer a different perspective in setting up your own business. 

Read this BJK University review to see whether the course is worth your money. 

How Much is Kevin David Amazon FBA Course?

Another program of interest is Kevin David’s Amazon FBA Zon Ninja Course. While it is comprehensive and simple, the course is dated and has a lot of upsells. This course costs $1,997 - which some students already say is quite expensive.

Read my review on Zon Ninja here. 

What is the Amazing Seller Machine?

The Amazing Selling Machine is an 8-week Amazon training program that includes over 19 hours of video content. It has a proven system that has helped hundreds of graduates successfully set up their first business and is considered by some to be THE gold standard to legitimately earn "free money" for only a few hours a day (this is not true, by the way, but it does help you earn a good income if you work for it).  

I demystify some of the more popular perceptions of the Amazing Selling Machine in this report.

What about Blue Sky Amazon? 

Blue Sky Amazon by Sophie Howard is a popular course that costs $3,995 and is not meant for beginners. The course is also outdated. 

Is Amazon Seller Academy by Eric Michael Good? 

For those who prefer reading rather than online courses, there is a popular Kindle book called Amazon Seller Academy by Eric Michael - which some readers call the "Amazon gold mine" of information for beginners. Michael has been a successful Amazon seller for 15 years, reselling used items (thrift arbitrage) and flipping new items from stores (retail arbitrage).

The book has recently been updated to include techniques for 2024, including creating an Amazon private label product, understanding the Amazon marketplace, and appreciating other small business models, including retail arbitrage and dropshipping - even some strategies used by Eric Michael himself!

Reviews of the product say that the book is a complete guide to Amazon selling.

That said, if you want to do more product research and learn about Amazon selling from other experts, you can check this report on the best seller advice for the beginner business owner.

When Did Kevin Pak Create FBA Boss Academy? Has He Kept it Up to Date?

The FBA Boss Academy was created in 2020, but only recently gained traction with its newly revamped website. It is up to date. 

Does FBA Boss Academy Have Upsells?

No. Based on online student reviews, the course is an all-in program. 

FBA Boss Academy does not upsell any new product or service. There is a high emphasis, though, on using the tools that Kevin Pak uses (Helium 10, for example), but students have the option to find their own resources. 

What is the Success Rate for FBA Boss Academy Students?

I don’t have actual figures, but Kevin Pak has posted some screenshots of his students earning their first $10,000 in their first month on his new FBA Boss Academy website.

This may be a misnomer, however. There is a difference between actual sales and net profit. So while students may be earning $10,000 in sales, they may only be profiting $2,500. 

Is the Amazon FBA Program Legit?

For the most part, Amazon FBA programs are great ways for you to learn everything you need to know about starting your own e-commerce. 

The key is choosing the right program that is both affordable and comprehensive. You can read this related post on how to spot an Amazon FBA course scam for more information. 


Is FBA Boss Academy Legit?

Yes, FBA Boss Academy is legit. Based on student posts, the program offers a step-by-step process into creating your first Amazon business and provides ongoing support. The only negative feedback I found was that the course focuses solely on Helium 10 (the program that Kevin Pak himself uses) and does not account for other research tools. 

What is Amazon FBA?

Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) has been a legitimate business model since 2006. Anyone enrolled in Amazon FBA lets Amazon handle all the shipping, including returns and refunds, as well as product warehousing and customer management. 

If you want to sell on Amazon and invest in an FBA course at a low price, you can check my article about FBA Roadmap

What is the Startup Investment for Amazon FBA, Other Than the Cost of FBA Boss Academy?

In a 2020 podcast interview, Kevin Pak said that he encourages beginner sellers to have at least $6,000 for their first business. This is to give you flexibility and cushion room, just in case you sell your first inventory and need to restock immediately, but haven't received your profit yet. 

If you're on a tight budget, it's possible to become an Amazon FBA seller with only $3,500. 

How Much Money Do Amazon FBA Sellers Make?

The average Amazon seller earns around $1,000 to $2,500 a month. You can easily keep track of this in the Amazon Seller Central.

How are FBA Fees Calculated?

There is a flat fee per unit, based on its size and weight. Since April 28, 2022, a 5% fuel and inflation surcharge was applied to FBA fulfillment fees. A sample chart would look like this:

Is Amazon FBA in a Saturated Market?

Yes, Amazon FBA is saturated. In the last 16 years, Amazon has amassed more than 2.5 million sellers, with 3,000 more registering every day. 

Amazon FBA is an extremely competitive market with countless risks and challenges that a beginner entrepreneur may not be prepared for.

What are the Challenges of Amazon FBA in 2022?

One of the biggest challenges of Amazon FBA in 2024 is the constantly changing Amazon Terms of Service. Most of the time, Amazon doesn’t inform you of these changes and you could possibly lose all your traffic overnight due to a shift in their algorithm. 

For more information, read this article on why people quit FBA

How Long Does It Take to Make Money with Amazon FBA?

Realistically, a new seller can profit from their Amazon business in around six months to one year.

This takes into account finding and contacting suppliers, receiving product samples, shipping products to your preferred fulfillment centers, paying fees, and restocking inventory, among others.

I break this down even further in this article on how long it takes to make money with FBA.


Try making an  Amazon FBA part-time business instead. Despite its challenges, the business model can be profitable,  if you know how to optimize your resources and outsource work, when necessary. You also need to be patient: Amazon FBA is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme.

How Can You Learn and Do Lead Generation Businesses?

A more profitable and less saturated option to earn passive income is local lead generation. It is my online business model of choice that doesn't require a virtual assistant or a complicated wholesale formula to memorize.

Rather, it allows you earn passive income by targeting niche markets. Because small business owners are already looking for your service, you are assured of consistent traffic without having to pay a lot of money on social media or Facebook ads.

Read this related post on creating your own local lead generation business.

CONCLUSION: Is FBA Boss Academy Worth It?

While FBA Boss Academy holds your hand in starting your own Amazon FBA business (even going as far as choosing your first product for you), it is expensive and forces you to use the tools that Kevin Pak does. 

After completing the course, you have the option to request a DFY (done-for-you) program for product research, reviews, and set-up for your first advertising campaign based on Amazon PPC. 

So, while it makes life simpler for you, it also makes it very easy for people to copy you and become your competitors. FBA Boss Academy is, again, one of the pricier courses you will find and offers no long-term advantage except hitting the ground running. 

A safer and more dependable business model is Local Lead Generation, which is easy enough to get started but not easy enough for people to duplicate it. 

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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