Ippei's Content Writer

This content writer uses agentic workflow to produce far better content than what is possible with GPT4. Agentic workflow means using multiple AI agents that each specialize in singular task and they all check each other's work to make further improvements. I've trained these agents based on my 10+ years of experience in SEO content marketing. Learn more about agentic workflow

  • Automatically researches Google's SERPs to optimize your articles.
  • Uses real-time data to create well-informed, helpful content that is factual & up-to-date.
  • The option to create outline that you can change if you want more full control over the article.
  • The option to add FAQ which pulls related People Also Ask, related searches & more.
  • Produces content that will actually rank, other AI writers required tons of editing to fix quality & accuracy issues.

Agent 1 - Researcher

Goes into the SERPs and extract over 100 relevant keywords & entities from the top ranking articles.

Only on paid version

Agent 2 - Outline Creator

Analyze real time data to create an optimized outline with proper heading hierchy flow.

Agent 3 - Writer

Uses advanced language models GPT4 & Claude to write the article that includes all keywords while creating NLP based, helpful content.

Agent 4 - Editor

Fine tuned model that's specifically designed to remove repitition, removes AI sounding words & sentence structures, split paragraph into 1-2 sentences and makes them easier to read.

Target Keyword or Describe the Content You Want:

Enter target keyword or describe the content, ex: "homepage of a roof repair company in Dallas, TX - company name is Legacy Roof Repair"

GPT Version:

GPT-4 is only available to paid users. It can result in much higher quality and unique articles. Try paid version
GPT-4o Mini
High quality but often not as accurate or original as GPT-4o.
GPT-4o (Recommended)
Uses 2x more words. Produces higher quality content.
Claude 3.5 Sonnet
Uses 2x more words. Highest quality and works very well with custom prompts. (Claude is testing higher than ChatGPT currently)

SEO Optimization: Default: Regular optimization using current knowledge base & best on-page practices, however no deeper SERP research to cover all possible relevant topics.

Manual: Specify a list of keywords & entities to cover in the article.

AI-Powered: First research 100 keywords and entities that are topically relevant to the main topic from the top ranking articles. Then utilize these keywords with proper semantics to produce a much more thorough article that has better chances to rank.

AI-Powered SEO Optimization is only available for paid accounts because it requires analyzing dozens of pages for every article. To see the full power of IppeiWriter App we highly recommend that you try it out along with GPT-4o. Try paid version

Related Keywords / Entities / Topics: Use this field to list any keywords, entities, or topics that you want the article to cover. We will automatically try to assign them to their semantically relevant section and naturally use them in the article. Separate with commas or new lines.

Article Length: Default: The AI will choose how comprehensive the article should be. Will produce articles with an average of 9 sections or 1,900 words but this depends on the topic and is only an average.

The average length of each section is 220 words.

If you want shorter or longer article you can choose from one of the options below. You can also choose the exact number of sections by using the "Custom Number of Sections" option.

Number of Sections:

Point of View:

Use Real-Time Data If enabled, we will fetch data from the search results for each section and use that data to help generate the article.

Cite Sources If enabled, we will attempt to cite sources from the real-time data that we fetch. Works best when using GPT-4. Somehow GPT-3.5 will not be able to properly cite sources.

Use Outline Editor If enabled, an outline will first be created before your article is written that you can edit. You can re-order, delete, and add new sections to the outline before generating the article!

You can also add background information, custom prompts, and more for every individual section, giving you full control over the article!

Include FAQ Section If enabled, we will add a FAQ section based on SERP analysis.

Include Key Takeways If enabled, a new version of the introduction will be used that included a key Takeaways section.

Current Usage: 0/5,000 words used. Get more by buying a credit pack.

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