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Generate Agent Leads Review (R.E.M.C. Launch Program) – 5 Challenges with Real Estate Marketing

August 29, 2024

The R.E.M.C. by Prab Mangat is a certification program for real estate professionals looking to start or scale a real estate marketing consultancy. Their goal is to teach you how to gain your first 10 clients in a matter of weeks. They teach you the steps needed to make over $100K per month, how to automate your process & scale, as well as how to increase the LTV (lifetime value) of your clients.

This GenerateAgentLeads Review will uncover if traditional real estate will pay you a passive income or if digital real estate with the popular local lead generation business model is the better option. 


Prag Mangat has earned multiple 7-figures in his company by the age of 21 and has built a $3 million per year marketing consultancy

Creating an online course for real estate agents is less of a hassle than selling homes yourself

Weekly live Q&A calls with Prab and Jas


Traditional real estate doesn't pay you passively because it has a lot of moving parts 

Creating an online course also has many moving parts and requires lots of time to give support to your students

Paid traffic methods are expensive because they require you to often split test your ads and the rise of ad cost is because of the increase in competition on all platforms


Pricing varies; estimated between $5K-$15K (financing options available if approved)

Refund Policy

Double your money guarantee; make double your initial investment or get a 100% refund


Direct coaching and training videos; Templates, scripts, processes, SOPs, call recordings, and automations.


Private group chat of real estate marketers on Slack for support


They started the R.E.M.C. Launch Certification Program in 2021


Prab Mangat has an excellent reputation as he's helped thousands of real estate marketers grow their businesses. You won't find a negative review online.

5 Challenges with Real Estate Marketing

1. Expensive Real Estate Marketing costs

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 97% of buyers used the internet to search for a home in 2021. It's only logical for realtors to use the internet in their search for buyers. The problem is that real estate marketing is more competitive than other industries. The cost of paid traffic is rising every year and if you want to have a good organic presence on Google, you're going to encounter some competition. Companies like Zillow make it where real estate agents don't need marketing firms. Marketing firms are now losing out on large real estate clients. With social media, you've got to be consistent and to provide value in person and online for potential buyers.

2. No immediate ROI

Although homes are being bought every single day, that doesn't mean that in your market, you're going to do the same. As a real estate agent, you know it takes time to for someone to buy a home. In Zillow's 2019 Consumer Housing Trends report, buyers spend an average of 4.5 months shopping for a home. This means that you're going to have to spend your own money upfront knowing that you may or may not sell a home. Real estate marketing is a high-risk activity, especially for new realtors. You've got to implement many marketing strategies, such as Facebook ads, cold calls, virtual home tours, email marketing, an open house, and more if you want to get closer to making a sale. It's also worth noting that many real estate agents get their business from referrals. It's all about building relationships. To gain an edge and maybe save some time, you've got to know property developers or companies that buy and renovate homes for flipping.

3. Not understanding your buyer

Many marketers and realtors aren't able to convert leads because they don't understand their buyers. For example, they'll waste time on social media by posting homes their target demographic isn't looking for. Understanding your ideal buyer's avatar is an essential part of being a realtor and requires due diligence on your part. You need to pay attention to your pictures, palettes, branding, and copy to ensure that you are appealing to your potential buyers.

4. Not having a way of following up with leads

Not following up with leads is costly in business. As was mentioned in the Zillow consumer report, buyers take months to buy a home. It is in those months that you are to build a rapport with potential buyers and help them find what they're looking for. Even if your marketing funnels are clear and dialed in, if you don't consistently follow up, you will lose out on deals. It would be counterproductive.

5. Market Inflation

Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a period. During these times, people do not want to buy homes because everything gets expensive. Therefore, your marketing efforts will result in a low to negative ROI for some time. It's something you need to expect when looking to make money in the real estate industry.

Who is Prab Mangat?

Prab Mangat is from British Columbia, Canada. He studied at the University of the Fraser Valley in British Columbia. He was applying to medical school and had an athletic scholarship for college soccer. After switching to the University of British Columbia to prepare for medical school, he realized college and the medical field weren't for him. So, Prab dropped out and studied sales and marketing for a couple of years.

Prab was able to apply and improve the sales and marketing skills he had learned. He realized he had some skills in the real estate niche. It wasn't easy, but he and his partner found success. As a result, they founded where they focus on helping real estate agents make more money. They scaled this business to over 6-figures in just 8 months, going from $7K to $250K with their real estate marketing consultancy.

Prab and his partner Jastej Choong are Two-time 2 Comma ClickFunnels Award winners.

To date, they've helped over 500 customers and over 1000 real estate agents scale. This has all resulted in them accumulating over $100K per month in profits.

What do you get with the R.E.M.C. Launch Certification Program?

1) Craft a Marketing Offer

The first thing you're going to be helped with is to craft or improve a marketing offer so that you stand out from your competitors. They'll also help you create a Unique Selling Proposition that is going to benefit your ideal customers. The goal is to get your real estate marketing consultancy ready to make money and scale. In this section, there's a lot of coaching and guidance with worksheets laying out the steps you need to take. 

2) Build a Selling System

The next thing Prab and his team do is teach you how to sell your consultancy. They show you how to expect and prevent any objections you might get from potential customers. 

In this Sales Mastery section, you'll learn how to control every conversation and even how to perfect the closing technique they teach you to use. The type of offer you have will determine which selling method you use, and Prab's team will help you figure it all out.

There are many call recordings in this section for you to listen to and learn from.

3) Real Estate University

You're given access to a course inside of this program called Real Estate University. There are 107 training videos.

This course helps you avoid wasting time and guessing what you need to do. They provide you with proven sales, marketing, and fulfillment systems into your R.E.M.C. This is a "Copy Paste" system that will help you provide results for your clients and saves you time.

4) Build Outbound & Organic Marketing Systems

They also teach you how to do organic and outbound marketing to get your first couple of clients to get started and scale. This is all accomplished with the help of a CRM they provide you with.

You're able to send automated messages by email and SMS to potential clients who have the highest probability of buying into your offer and try to close them. This software helps you save time in your business.

5) Build a Backend

Prab helps you increase your profits by continuing to sell your current clients instead of neglecting them, like most marketers do.

6) Build a Delivery System

You're then taught how to set up an affiliate system within your R.E.M.C. so that you can reward your clients for referring more real estate agents to your course.

Bonus 1) Real Life End to End Sales Process Walkthrough

You're given access to the sales process of Prab's real high-ticket deals. You can see emails, texts, and phone call conversations. All this will help you learn to improve your own sales process.

Bonus 2) Complete In Depth SOP For Client Success Team

Bonus 2 is the complete SOP checklist Prab's team uses for you to follow in your business.

Bonus 3) Early access to purchase tickets for in-person events at 75% discount (4 events per year)

At these events, you'll be able to meet and network with high-level entrepreneurs, with the goal of increasing your motivation in your business to keep working towards earning 7+ figures. 

The location of these events are in places all around the world like Spain, Capetown, South Africa, and more.

R.E.M.C. Launch Certification Program Success Stories

Clint Liang is one of Prab's students who found success in the R.E.M.C. Launch program. He is a full-time father who is juggling being a father and business owner, as well as needing time to sleep. Clint stuck with what he was taught in the program and in a span of 5 days, he closed 3 deals. He's made over $12K in revenue since joining the program and he gives all the credit to Prab and Jastej for helping him take his real estate marketing company to another level.

Before joining Prab's program, Sam was starting his journey with a marketing agency. He had problems scaling because he wasn't dialing in his offer. This resulted in him maxing out at 10-12 clients and it stressed him out. After working with Prab's team, Sam grew his business to over $60K per month in profits. Currently, Sam is building his business to where he earns a passive income, all by delegating tasks instead of working in the business.

William Fontaine is from Quebec, Canada and also grew his business with Prab's help. Like Sam, he was a marketing agency owner struggling to get clients. With what he learned, he made the adjustments to his business that would increase his revenue and profits for good. Today, William is running a hyper profitable real estate marketing consultancy program doing 50% net margins using an outbound sales team. His current goal is to scale to 7+ figures per month. 

Ricardo's Testimonial: How He Built A $20K/Month Agency in 60 Days

Ricardo's Background and Story

Ricardo is a 24-year-old entrepreneur from Trieste, a medium-sized city near the border with Slovenia in northern Italy. He was initially interested in e-commerce because of Tai Lopez and Iman Gadzhi's programs. However, this interest did not prosper so he eventually explored opportunities in SMMA. His ability to speak in different languages, including Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English, has helped him progress in this industry. 

Building a $20K Per Month SMMA Business

Ricardo built his $20K per month Social Media Marketing Agency by first working alone and then teaming up with a friend from Canada who was excellent in computer science.  

His main leads source was cold calling which was tough at first but got better with practice. Ricardo believed so much on the value of his business, which helped him overcome the fear of rejection. He grew his SMMA by strategically delegating tasks which allowed him to focus on his sales. 

Challenges Ricardo Encountered and How He Overcame Them

Cold Calling for Lead Generation: Ricardo narrated that he struggled most with cold-calling in finding leads. He overcame this by staying consistent and commited to his goals. 

Quality Service: Ricardo differentiated his SMMA business by providing high-quality service to his clients. He stayed true to his promises and delivered genuine results. 

Power of Delegation: He explained the importance of delegating tasks in growing an agency. You cannot do everything at once. To develop an efficient process, you need to adapt to the changes in the market. 

What's not mentioned in the interview: Ricardo did not mention how much he spent to start and scale his SMMA business. It usually costs upward $700, or more depending on the location and scope. New agency owners spend on fixed costs like website domain ($10/year), website ($30), professional email address ($5), and an LLC ($150). 

Traditional Real Estate vs Digital Real Estate

Traditional Real Estate
Digital Real Estate

Startup Costs

High; acquiring physical real estate requires you to put a down payment of many thousands of dollars and have good credit

Low; you don't need to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars; all you need is to purchase your domain name and website hosting to build your digital asset. Your credit score doesn't matter here. Make more money and you can fix your credit.

Property type

Physical property (Ex. Duplex)

Digital Property (Ex. Website, Google Business Profile)

Profit margins

Low and not guaranteed; you spend a lot of money on maintenance, repairs and your mortgage that your profit margin on one property may only be a few hundred dollars per month until the property's mortgage is paid off in full which takes 20+ years

High; there will always be a local small business owner willing to take on more leads: Everything your clients pay you each month is all profit (80%+)


Challenging; there is always something that needs fixing on a physical property, which means your work isn't passive. Either you're doing the work or you're spending money to have someone do it for you.

Easy; After you've built and ranked your digital property, there isn't much else you've got to do but some slight maintenance now and then to make sure everything is running smooth.


It's difficult to find good tenants who won't cause any issues like damage property, be noisy or who are late with payments. Finding new tenants takes time.

If your client doesn't treat your customers with respect, doesn't provide excellent service or refuses to pay, you can easily send the leads to their competitors and charge more

Final Thoughts

SMMA is a legit business and it has business potential. However, this biz takes a lot of hard work and capital to start. The digital marketing landscape is always evolving. You constantly need to adjust your strategies and be on the look out for new trends and demands. 

SMMA is not a passive business. It is only for people who have the time, technical skills, and managerial prowess to handle a virtual team. 

If you are looking for a business that's more hands-off, I recommend local lead generation. This biz builds digital properties like websites and ranks them on Google.

When your lead generation websites are ranked at the top of Google in your local town, they are marketing the service you're promoting. All you do is send the leads to a local service provider who is more than happy to accommodate clients. It's a win-win scenario for everyone with none of the hassle of maintaining a physical property, dealing with tenants, or paying a mortgage while your profit margins are 80-95%.

Unlike SMMA, you don't have to constantly manage a virtual team or lookout for new trends to stay head of the competition. Local lead generation is also more consistent and stable compared to running an SMMA. Agency clients can leave you anytime, but in local lead generation, they're always after you for leads. The leads you supply keep their business going. That's why lead gen clients stay for years whereas agency clients come and go. 

Over 7400 students have learned the skills needed to build and scale their digital real estate portfolio and enjoying financial independence. Learn the business today through the best local lead generation training program

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. I recently invested $10k CAD in's REMC program.

    They promised a full refund if I didn't double my investment within 4 months. Unfortunately, my experience with the program fell short of expectations, and I did not double my investment within the given timeframe. When I reached out to request a refund, I was met with a lot of resistance.

    They're selling this program to too many people, which saturates the market and everyone is offering the same thing. All of my prospects that I pitched this to said that another company offers the same thing, over and over.

    The fundamental problem is that is creating copy-cat businesses going after the same market, with the same product. It just floods the market.

    Not only did refuse to honor their guarantee, but they also threatened legal action against me and even threatened to send me to collections. This behavior was unacceptable, and left me feeling taken advantage of and frustrated with my investment.

    Based on my experience, I cannot recommend to others. If you're considering working with them, I would advise caution and recommend exploring other options before committing a significant amount of money to their program.

  2. I did not have a good experience with Generate Agent Leads. They charge $4,000 plus we are required to pay for any Facebook ads. I did that. The leads that were generated were primary Buyer leads, when we were "guaranteed" Seller leads. They have a "guarantee" that says if you follow the program for 1 year, and don't get a listing, you would get a refund of the $4,000 (but not the FB ad money you spend). I followed the program for more than 1 year. Nothing. Very poor buyer leads too. When I requested the "guarantee" for the refund, they refused. They said I had to follow up on the leads I was given. I did that for the year. They do not honor their guarantee, and continue to send you marketing emails promoting their services. I have spent over $9,000 on this program with zero results. Do not fall for their marketing promotions!

    1. This is why I stay away from the real estate niche even in my local lead generation business. There’s too much competition, Facebook ads are expensive, and there are no tangible results. Digital real estate is the way to go 100%.

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