11 Key Benefits of Local SEO: Optimized Visibility, Targeting, Conversion Rates, and More

May 20, 2024

Key benefits of local SEO

Here are the key benefits of local SEO:

  • Increases visibility for local search queries
  • Placement at the top of Google search results
  • Better targeting for marketing campaigns
  • Brings more foot traffic to business location
  • Capitalizes on current trend of consumer preference for local shopping
  • Builds authority with local expertise
  • Local searches have high conversion rates
  • Positive Google reviews generate more consumer interest
  • Affordable costs compared to standard SEO
  • Features in local news outlets lead to more brand awareness
  • Enhances understanding of local competition

Local SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies. A WebFX report showed that almost half (46%) of Google searches are about local businesses. Because these are highly relevant searches, the top websites that appear have an impressive 80% conversion rate. Local SEO increases profit as it helps rank your website, and so brings more local customers to your business to purchase a product or service. The best part is that you don’t need to spend a fortune to get this type of website and foot traffic. 

If done right, your business can experience significant growth and success. One great example is Pizzaiolo Primo, a family-owned pizza restaurant in Pittsburgh, PA. With so many pizza places in the area, they struggled to attract customers despite offering quality pizza and service. The owners then decided to work on their online presence through local SEO strategies. They created a website, Google Business Profile, and social media accounts. They also made sure that their business information was accurate and consistent across all platforms. As a result, Pizzaiolo Primo is now one of the more well-known pizza places in the area. Their website gets almost 800 visits every month to reserve a table. Here are a few other local SEO success stories from users on Reddit:

Key benefits of local SEO
Key benefits of local SEO
Key benefits of local SEO

In this article, we're going to go over the 11 key benefits of local SEO. We'll also provide some steps on how to achieve these benefits. Furthermore, we'll show you which businesses benefit the most from local SEO practices. 

11 Key Benefits of Local SEO

1. Local SEO Increases Visibility for Local Search Queries

Local SEO increases visibility for local search queries by relevance to specific locations. So if someone searches for “[business] near me” or “[business] in [city]”, your business is likely to be one of the first to appear. Since you offer exactly what the person is looking for in the area, there is a high chance they will visit your store or make an appointment within 24 hours. According to Think with Google, 28% of local search queries result in a purchase. 

How to Achieve: You need to research and add relevant location-based keywords throughout your website. Keyword tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs can help you with this. These tools show you which keywords have the highest search volume for your business and location.

Google Keyword Planner

2. Local SEO Provides Placement at the Top of Google Search Results

Local SEO provides placement at the top of Google search results to make your website stand out. A First Page Sage study found that the top website in Google SERP receives 39.8% of the clicks. The second website received 18.7% of the click-through rates. If your website is #1 in the search results, more people will check it out and know about your business. 

Besides your website, you can also appear on top with your Google Business Profile (GBP). The role Google Business Profile plays in local SEO is that it serves as the virtual storefront for your business. When people look at it, they’ll know exactly what your business is about. It also puts your business in Google Maps. This is why you need to include:

  • Business name

  • Full address

  • Phone number

  • Opening and closing hours

  • Business description

  • Link to your website

  • Messaging button

How to Achieve: Several local SEO strategies will help rank your business website. The first one is to optimize your on-page website. This includes fast loading speeds, easy navigation, great design, and quality content. This will affect visitor behavior on your website, which will improve your ranking placement. You'll also need to get backlinks from reputable local websites, create a Google Business Profile, and have many online reviews. Your citations - business name, address, and phone number (NAP) - should be accurate and consistent across all online platforms, too. This includes in your website, social media, online directories, etc. Here’s how Boostability divides these factors:

Local SEO ranking factors graph

3. Local SEO Has Better Targeting for Marketing Campaigns

Local SEO has better targeting for marketing campaigns as it hyper-focuses on a specific area. The US Chamber of Commerce found that 56% of consumers prefer to buy from neighborhood stores. With this trend, your targeted traffic should be people in the area and no one else. This is why local SEO is one of the best marketing campaigns for local businesses. 

How to Achieve: The use of relevant local keywords can bring potential customers to your website. To make them stay and engage with it, you need clear details, nice web design, quality content, easy navigation, and a call-to-action button. If your website is visible and great, visitors will be more than willing to do business with you.

4. Local SEO Brings More Foot Traffic to Business Location

Local SEO brings more foot traffic to business location as it details the NAP (name, address, phone number). This will make it much easier for people to find your business information and visit your store or make an appointment on the spot. A Visual Objects report said that 44% of consumers use the internet to find information about a business before heading there. 

Your NAP citations should be accurate and consistent across all platforms. This way, search engines will know exactly what location you're targeting, and so will bring your business to the top in local search queries. Plus, this avoids confusion among potential customers and will build more trust. 

How to Achieve: You can use Whitespark Local Citation Finder to see all the places your business NAP is listed online. If there are any errors in one or two listings, you need to change them right away. Also, if you have duplicate listings in one platform, remove one as it will either have wrong information or look spammy to Google. If your business has several locations, make an individual NAP for each one. Here are some errors to look out for:

Local SEO NAP citations

5. Local SEO Capitalizes on Current Trend of Consumer Preference for Local Shopping

Local SEO capitalizes on current trend of consumer preference for local shopping by directing them to businesses in the area. With the surge of people wanting to ‘support local’, these shoppers are expected to grow to 79% in the coming years. Following this trend, Fundera did a survey and shared the results:

Local shopper survey results

According to On The Map Marketing, 98% of consumers find local businesses online. Utilizing local SEO for your business can attract customers eager to buy locally.

How to Achieve: Center your website around your geographic location. Use a local address and phone number, as well as keywords. Regularly post updates on community events, news, and activities. This not only demonstrates your connection but also provides information to residents. In turn, this will increase the relevance of your website in local searches.

6. Local SEO Can Build Authority With Local Expertise

Local SEO can build authority with local expertise through content marketing. This involves blogs, social media posts, videos, engaging in neighborhood forums, etc... The goal is to develop credibility, engage with the community, and help others. So whenever someone in the area likes your content, they will treat you as an authority in your field. In turn, they may decide to do business with you when they need it. 

Pimlico, a home improvement business in London, UK, uses local SEO and content marketing to establish authority. They included a blog on their website to help people in areas like plumbing, heating, and handyman work. At the end of each blog post, there’s a call to action to hire their professionals instead. When people read that blog and see that the company knows what they’re talking about, they will trust them more. Pimlico also posts on social media about its local projects and activities for more visibility. Today, Pimlico completes 100,000+ services each year!

How to Achieve: Following Pimlico’s strategy, you can write blog posts about your expertise. Don’t forget to include local keywords to attract the right audience. Another good strategy is to post your products or services on social media or YouTube. What's more, you can get your business name out there by participating in online forums and genuinely helping the local audience. All this will show that you have authority in your industry or niche.

7. Local SEO Searches Have High Conversion Rates

Local SEO searches have high conversion rates as they target users actively looking for local products or services. For example, if someone searches for "Plumber in Paris", it indicates a strong intent to hire a plumber in the area. A Local SEO Jet study says that a massive 93% of searches on Google include “near me” or “[business] in [city]” searches. Moreover, they also found that 28% of these searches lead to a purchase. 

How to Achieve: You need to let Google know exactly what you offer and where you’re located. You must let them know your business is legit, too. To do that:

  • Use relevant local keywords. Conduct thorough keyword research to find relevant local search terms for your business
  • Create local content. Post blogs, videos, or guides tailored to your local traffic’s interests and needs
  • Keep consistent citations. Your business name, address, and phone number should be consistent and accurate across all platforms
  • Provide directions to your location. If you have a physical store or office, make sure to give clear directions on how to get there
  • Optimize Google Business Profile. Provide all your business information, including NAP, opening/closing hours, description, etc
  • Encourage reviews and testimonies. This will tell Google and consumers that your business is reliable
  • Make your website mobile-friendly. Always make sure that your website looks good on mobile as 82% of “near me” searches are done through mobile phones

8. Local SEO Boosts Positive Google Reviews to Generate More Consumer Interest

Local SEO boosts positive Google reviews to generate more consumer interest as it increases visibility. The more people find your business online, the more purchases you will get. If customers are satisfied, they will be willing to leave a positive review. These reviews can then improve business reputation. This is because businesses that rank well in local search queries are perceived as more credible and trustworthy. DemandHub found that 93% of consumers let online reviews influence their decisions. Finally, the snowball effect will lead to social proof and trust. Local SEO and positive reviews show your business’ quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

How to Achieve: If you want positive reviews, you need to do much more than just have a strong local SEO presence. You’ll have to make sure that the products or services you offer are top-quality. You need to ensure that you provide exceptional customer service, too. When customers are satisfied, you only need to give them a small nudge to leave a review online.

9. Local SEO Is Affordable Compared to Standard SEO

Local SEO is affordable compared to standard SEO as it focuses on local search results. This means fewer resources are required to rank your business website. Plus, targeting a specific location allows for more precise and efficient optimization efforts. Because your target audience is in one area, you won’t be competing against global markets. What is the difference between SEO and local SEO? Here is a comparison table by the Outreach Monks:

Local SEO vs standard SEO

How to Achieve: Local SEO doesn’t cost a lot if you leverage free or low-cost tactics. For the most part, you’ll only need to spend around $30 to $100 to create a basic website. Optimizing your Google Business Profile, researching local keywords, and obtaining local citations can all be free. However, doing local SEO on your own will take a lot of your energy and time. If you prefer to hire a local SEO service, it can cost you anywhere between $500 to $5,000.

10. Local SEO Allows Features in Local News Outlets That Lead to More Brand Awareness

Local SEO allows features in local news outlets that lead to more brand awareness through online visibility and local PR. Community newspapers, magazines, and radio stations feature reputable businesses in the area. This is still relevant as a 2022 Statista survey saw 71% of loyal local communities still read and trust local news. Now, if you use local SEO to increase visibility and trust, you may get recognized by these outlets. That’s free advertising for you. If you want a higher chance to be featured, you can take advantage of local PR. 

How to Achieve: Local PR is a local SEO strategy that involves:

  • Identifying newsworthy events. See which business events or initiatives you can do that may land you in the local news outlets. This can include hosting a charity, participating in community projects, launching a new product or service, achieving a significant milestone, etc
  • Crafting compelling press releases. This should include all the key details, significance, and impact. Make it interesting to the local journalists and news outlets
  • Building relationships with local journalists. This is essential for securing media coverage. You can do this by joining networking events, engaging in social media, and making personalized pitches
  • Pitching press releases, story ideas, or expert knowledge. Once you’ve built a relationship, you can then pitch your press releases. Or, you can come up with a story idea or expertise that highlights unique angles, local interests, or community benefits to the outlet’s audience
  • Utilizing online platforms. You can further amplify your local PR efforts through your online presence. Share your press releases, media coverages, and behind-the-scenes insights. This will allow you to engage with a local audience and attract more media outlets in the area

11. Local SEO Enhances Understanding of Local Competition

Local SEO enhances understanding of local competition as it forces you to get insights into:

  • Competitor strategies. If you want to rank higher than your competitors, you’ll need to be better than them. For that, you need to look into their content marketing, engagement, web design, etc… Identify their strengths and weaknesses and refine your own approach accordingly. You can even find new products or services to add if you see your competitor doesn’t have them
  • Keyword targeting. Scan to see what keywords your competitors are using to attract local customers. Then, find ways to incorporate those keywords into your website. But this time, make yours even better. It’s all about staying on top of what’s working and what’s not
  • Online presence. To see what you’re up against, you must observe your competitor’s online presence. This includes visibility on Google SERP, local directory listings, and social media platforms. Try to identify areas where they may be falling behind. For example, your competitor might lack a Google Business Profile or social media engagement. You can gain a competitive edge by excelling in those areas

How to Achieve This: Analyzing local competitors' strategies involves several steps:

  • Research who your competitors are

  • Review their online presence

  • Assess their SEO tactics

  • Monitor their content marketing

  • Evaluate their local listings

  • Examine their social media activity

  • Track their advertising campaigns

  • Compare pricing and promotions

Which Business Is Likely to Benefit From Local SEO Practices?

The business that is likely to benefit from local SEO practices is a small business serving a specific location. This includes:

  • Plumbers

  • Electricians

  • HVAC technicians

  • Cleaning 

  • Moving 

  • Pest control 

  • Locksmiths

  • Landscape and lawn care 

  • Restaurants and cafes

  • Real estate

  • Law firms

  • Medical 

  • Professional services

  • Local retail stores

  • Tourism and hospitality

  • Repair shops

  • Pet services

Local SEO is important for small businesses as it helps them reach many people in the area. LocaliQ states that 97% of people learn about a local company online. Plus, 80% of these searches convert. Local SEO can also increase a small business’ online reputation with reviews and accurate information. This will build trust and encourage customers to try the products or services. 

The kind of business that should use local SEO is one that relies heavily on local customers for revenue. Since most people look for local businesses online, you’ll want your website to appear on the top results. Moreover, a strong online presence will make consumers trust a local business more. All this will grab the attention of the targeted audience and lead to foot traffic and conversions.

What Are Some Local SEO Tips for Small Businesses?

  • Perform keyword research. This is to see which terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. You can choose high-traffic keywords. Or, you can go for long-tailed keywords that don’t get as much traffic but are more likely to lead to a conversion
  • Improve your business website. Make sure it has great design, quality content, fast loading speeds, accurate information, customer reviews, support, and mobile-friendliness. This will keep visitors on your pages
  • Optimize your Google Business Profile. Fill in all relevant details accurately and use high-quality images to draw attention
  • Keep your citations consistent. Go through all your online listings. The business name, address, and phone number should all be the same
  • Get backlinks from local authority websites. Search engine crawlers will see this as a sign that your business is trustworthy. In turn, it may help boost your website to the top
  • Publish relevant content. This is a great way to help the community and use relevant local keywords. For this, you should always create content with EAT (expertise, authority, and trust) in mind
  • Encourage online reviews and testimonials. People are more likely to trust your business if it has many positive reviews from local customers

Conclusion: Is Local SEO a Good Investment?

Local SEO is a good investment because it provides a high return on investment (ROI). Since it helps reach local customers and builds trust, local businesses will see higher conversion rates. According to LocaliQ, 40% of local SEO campaigns deliver at least five times the return on investment. If you own a local business or cater to a local audience, local SEO is worth it.


Even if you don’t have a local business, you can still take advantage of local SEO through local lead generation. In this business model, you create a website, use local SEO to rank it, and rent it out to local businesses. Because local businesses need a well-ranked website to attract customers, they will be more than willing to rent it from you. If you’re able to rent a few websites, you can earn a streamlined revenue of $50,000 every month! This business has a high potential for passive income.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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