Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn Operating System Review: Here’s How The Course Will Help You Make Money Online

November 27, 2023

The LinkedIn Operating System is a program created by Justin Welsh that teaches you how to unlock the full potential of your LinkedIn brand. The course features a step-by-step system that accelerates your growth as it monetizes your account. Establishing a personal brand on LinkedIn is one of the many ways to make money online.

Statista revealed that in the United States, 18% of social media users indicated that they liked LinkedIn. The platform also has 875 million members with more than 700 million active subscribers. With these numbers, advertising your products and increasing your brand visibility on it should be a no-brainer. There is one business model that is better when it comes to earning a more passive income.

This review explores the components of the LinkedIn Operating System. It will also introduce you to the inclusions of the program and whether the course is for you.

LinkedIn Operating System Review: Pros and Cons


No fluff, self-paced course that can be finished in two hours or less.

Features an excellent content creation strategy.

A walkthrough on how to establish lasting relationships with your audience that ultimately results in landing leads or sales.

Comes with foundational elements of copywriting and building a profile funnel that helps you get discovered.


The course could have produced more plug-and-play templates.

The course doesn’t come with a transcription for hearing-impaired learners.

The course also doesn’t feature strategies on no-code automation.


The price of the LinkedIn Operating System is $150.


The training for the LinkedIn Operating System is self-paced.


The LinkedIn OS doesn’t have Facebook or Instagram groups. 

Refund Policy

The refund policy for the LinkedIn Operating System program isn't disclosed.


Justin Welsh has over 466K followers and 500+ connections on LinkedIn; Welsh also has 25.6k followers on Instagram.

What is LinkedIn Operating System?

The LinkedIn Operating System is a course by Justin Welsh that teaches you how to grow and make money off your personal LinkedIn brands. At the core of the program is leveraging the use of a profitable sub-niche, one that is also easy to stand out in the competition. The three important traits a solopreneur must have to grow a large audience are also revealed. 

Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn Operating System also teaches you strategies for content creation. You’ll learn how to crush “writer’s block”; two critical parts that must be addressed when producing your content are likewise disclosed. There’s that creation of excellent content that can be employed, which can also be reused to your advantage.

The LinkedIn Operating System course’s other key inclusions are the ways to capture leads. In this section, you’ll be introduced to ways in which the right audience will find you, with more leads than ever in your inbox. Finally, the program has its prized business design included. You’ll be acquainted with two critical prospecting approaches in which you can generate income through LinkedIn.

What is inside the LinkedIn Operating System?

1. Introduction

In the first part of the program, you’ll be introduced to the course, along with the journey Justin Welsh has experienced so far.

2. The foundation

The foundation of the LinkedIn Operating System is discussed in this section. Welsh lays out the structure of the program, which includes ways on how to define your sub-niche and building your persona. Three vital traits are also explained. These so-called traits are aligned to the foundation.

3. Becoming a content machine

The most important section of the course happens during content creation. Subscribers will learn the three necessary paths in which the audience is critical. Some of these include leading them to your content and what and how you can discover for them. There’s also the program's “content matrix,” which is newer and more improved.

Participants are also introduced to rapid content iteration and the basics of copywriting. The use of analytics when repurposing is likewise included.

4. Gathering your audience

The importance of interaction with your audience gets tackled during this section. Participants will learn how to find and filter only the most relevant people as their leads. The top performers in terms of audience building are also revealed.

5. Capturing leads

How do you capture leads using the LinkedIn platform? The section introduces how to use information from profile visitors and discover the “hero” in your profile. The importance of closing with the use of social proof and Call to Action (CTA) is also stressed.

6. The business behind the system

The core business behind the operating system is disclosed in this section. Subscribers will be taught how inbound and outbound prospecting strategies work. Finally, the profitable ways of selling on the platform are shared.

How does the LinkedIn Operating System help you make money online?

The LinkedIn Operating System helps you make money online by teaching you how to grow and monetize your personal brand or profile. Your profile's monetization comes from how focused and efficient you are when it comes to content creation. Your effectiveness on executing your strategies on attracting more leads is also crucial.

Who is LinkedIn Operating System for?

The LinkedIn Operating System is for individuals who think content creation can be profitable. Bloggers, vloggers, and YouTubers can also enjoy this course. 

The LinkedIn Operating System program is also for people who intend to polish their skills on LinkedIn B2B lead generation. It is for small business owners who want to establish a name on the platform. The program can also be beneficial to marketing agency owners who plan to use tried and tested strategies for their current clients.

Who is LinkedIn Operating System not for?

The LinkedIn Operating System is not for those who have little to no experience of the LinkedIn platform. If you have large businesses or are already an established content creator in your field, you might not benefit from it.

Does Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn Operating System Have Success Stories?

Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn Operating System has success stories. These stories include a boost of presence on the platform and the execution of prospecting strategies. Actionable insights on engagements and connections are expressed by its users too.

Who is Justin Welsh?

Justin Welsh is the founder of the LinkedIn Operating System course. The “diversified solopreneur,” graduated from the Ohio State University, with a marketing degree. After graduating, he went on to work as a sales representative in Bioavail, then as a senior sales associate in GlaxoSmithKline. For two years, Welsh was employed in Stryker Endoscopy as a surgical sales rep.

From 2009 to 2014, Welsh was an employer for ZocDoc. It is an application that allows doctors to reach patients they want to serve as they grow their practice. He worked as an account executive and regional sales manager, before becoming the director for strategic sales.

Apart from spearheading the LinkedIn Operating System, Welsh is also the founder and the CEO of The Official Justin. He is also an executive mentor, a revenue operator, and SMB SaaS advisor. With experience on revenue leadership, he advises founders with strategies that drive growth past $50M. Welsh now lives in a house with his wife in the Catskill Mountains in New York, United States.

How does Justin Welsh make money?

Justin Welsh makes money through his courses and digital products. Welsh currently has two courses he’s making money from: the LinkedIn OS and Content OS. For both of these courses, it is estimated that he’s earning above $1 million dollars. 

Apart from these courses, he also has other sources of income. These include coaching, sponsors, and subscriptions. Welsh also sources out his income from affiliate marketing. Through this platform, Welsh is noted to be linking some of his prized tools. As of February 2023, he earned $25k from affiliates alone.

Is Justin Welsh’s course worth it?

Justin Welsh’s course is worth it. The course can help professionals who plan to grow or widen their reach through their brands. It also teaches you how to generate income from the LinkedIn platform. With its contemporary approach to building a foundation and ways to create engaging content, its $150 fee is justified.

Is Justin Welsh's LinkedIn course effective?

Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn course is effective. Welsh already has an established presence on LinkedIn. And with hundreds of thousands of followers and numerous connections to boot, this is reflective of its efficacy. The program has also accumulated testimonials that mirror the effectiveness of the course. These include the increase of their followers on the platform and their brands' visibility. The cost-effectiveness of its price is also a highlight.

Justin Welsh’s claims

Justin Welsh claims that with the LinkedIn Operating System course, you’ll be able to increase your followers from zero to over 450K+. The program will enable your business or your brand to earn almost $5 million dollars. With the OS by your side, Welsh also guarantees that you’ll be generating over 8 billion impressions in no time.

Justin Welsh's claims debunked

Justin Welsh’s claim that you’ll be able to build your own LinkedIn brand with such presence doesn’t check out in the real world. With the way the program is conveying, building a profile on the platform is easy-peasy. It isn’t. First, you have to identify your brand. Next, you have to contribute and engage. Then, you have to ask for testimonials and recommendations, and so on and so forth. Like the rest of established profiles on it, you’ll be needing more than a token page with adequate information.

Why is building on LinkedIn important?

Building on LinkedIn is important, as it allows you to expose yourself to like-minded audiences and populations. This can be beneficial to your business. Apart from promoting your online business, having a strong LinkedIn profile also means that you’ll be able to enhance your brand’s credibility. And as a thought leader in your niche, gaining more prospects or leads is easy.

Can I earn money on LinkedIn?

Yes, you can earn money on LinkedIn. One of the ways you can take advantage of the platform is by promoting your products and services. With more than 700 million active users, such a massive reach can prove helpful. You can also make use of affiliate marketing through the channel. With quality and unique type of content will also allow people to connect with your brand. Through this connection, the use of affiliate links can be beneficial.

Another way to earn money from LinkedIn is through offering consultations. Along with one-on-one coaching, you can also consider creating online courses. Other means to earn income are offering interview preparation, career advice, and resume writing.

How to make money on LinkedIn in 2024?

  1. Results-driven content strategy.

  2. Curate contents that are about your customers.

  3. Build a brand that your customers trust and can rely on.

  4. The use of long-form content.

  5. The use of Call-to-Actions (CTAs).

  6. Build rapport with your connections.

  7. Content strategies must be analytics- and statistics-driven.

  8. The use of LinkedIn Ads and Groups.

LinkedIn Operating System alternatives

Final thoughts: Is establishing a personal brand on LinkedIn the best way to make money online?

Establishing a personal brand on LinkedIn isn’t the best way to make money online. Monetizing your brand on the platform doesn’t only need a single approach to make it profitable. Sponsored content, coaching, and affiliate marketing are also a must. LinkedIn account owners would also do speaking engagements, brand partnerships, and even writing a book. But this doesn’t indicate that your means cannot be profitable.

Hootsuite reveals that LinkedIn generated a revenue growth of 21% year-over-year during the first quarter of 2023. This is higher than 2022’s 17% YoY results. The platform also now boasts 875 million members, only behind Facebook and Instagram. With a hyper specific business population, your audience here is worth focusing on.

There’s one business model though that is better when it comes to making money online. Local lead generation is infinitely more passive than building a presence on LinkedIn. The business model I’m recommending is completely digital and all you need to do is rank a website on Google that generates leads. Consider the local lead gen biz model and start experiencing a more passive income stream!

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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