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Mary’s System Review | 5 Red Flag Signature of the Ongoing Scam “Bouquet”

September 13, 2024

marys system review

Mary’s System is a program that claims you can earn $1,000 or more in a day. All you have to do is sign up. Does it sound too good to be true? Well, that’s because it is. Mary’s System is just the latest offering in a series of scam sites and programs that have been going around for over a decade. "Mary Wilson" claims that this automated income system can provide you with financial independence with only 15-20 minutes of work per day, but she never explains how.

Do we know if this is a scam? What are the red flags? What are the other scams related to Mary’s System and how long has this been going on? Read along to learn how to spot scams and stay away from them.

Mary’s System does not give any information on what kind of business you’ll be running. "Mary" just simply says they will build you a site and redirect the traffic to it, and you’ll magically earn passive income without having to do anything at all. If you’re looking for a legitimate business that can earn you a passive income, check out local lead generation. It works by renting out your site that you have ranked on Google to local businesses. This is a legit business that, if done right, can lead you to financial freedom.

September 13, 2024

Scam. It’s too obvious.


1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

5 Red Flags of Mary’s System

First, let's answer the number 1 question. Is Mary's System a scam? Yes, it most certainly is. I've found 5 red flags in their video that are also similar in their other scams.

1. Talking in circles

The intro video is just a prolonged sales pitch with the speaker, "Mary," just going on and on about how much money you can make without making much logical sense. She keeps asking you to just pay attention for 5 minutes and then she will explain how it works. She never gets around to explaining the details of how this system actually works.

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2. Zero experience

They only look to "partner" with people who have zero sales experience. "Mary" explicitly states that they are looking for people who have no knowledge or experience in any e-commerce business. The less you know, the better. This points that their targeted victims are those that don't know anything about online businesses.

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3. Fake scarcity

“Mary” claims that the offer is only open for 3 more days and that there are only 2 slots left. This video has been up since 2021 and hasn't been updated. When you start the video, you’ll see a constant notification of people currently “joining” the program. If you refresh the page, you’ll see it repeating with the same people. If you try to close the page, you'll get a pop-up offering you a further discount.

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4, Legal Disclaimer

If you go to the Terms & Conditions page, you’ll find a legal disclaimer that states that the people in the video are all paid actors. They had to shut other sites and programs connected to this program down because of the lack of privacy policy pages and legal disclaimers. It appears they learned to include them for legal compliance.

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5. Fake Testimonials From Hired Actors

A bit of research and you’ll find these actors for hire on Fiverr. Some of them are also recurring casts from previous programs. This should be taken as a warning as the program is falsely hyped up.

marys system review testimonial
marys system review testimonial 2

What Is TurnKey Ecommerce?

The only useful information "Mary" gives you is that you will receive a site completely done for you. They set everything up for you, including all the automation, the products, and even the marketing. This is called "turnkey ecommerce," in which you’ll be buying an existing online business.

Buying an already existing ecommerce business has risks and cons just like starting one from scratch. You need to do your homework and gather the necessary information and learn the necessary skills. Check out related posts online, such as this guide to buying a turnkey ecommerce businesses.

5 Details that Point to a Scam

This is when things get sketchy. These are the signs that tell you they are not running a legitimate business.

1. Your TurnKey Site

You’ll get a generic sales site with products that no one would really buy. You will receive a training package along with the site so you can learn how to use it. Other than that, you won’t be receiving any more support. They will also bombard you with constant upsells to “improve” your business.

2. Fake Contact Details

The number they provide does not work. The only way of contacting them is through their online channel, which brings you to an EasyKits site. was first registered in 2012 and was blacklisted by watchdogs for years. They have gained notoriety for charging users without providing the product or service. They are also the same channel used by the other related scams.

3. Non Existent Address

They have an address listed as 30 SW. Elm Ave. Desoto, TX 75115. If you Google this address, you’ll find out it doesn’t exist. Some reviewers have tried tracing the IP and found the location to be in San Francisco, California, but this could mean they are using a VPN to mask their IP.

4. No Information on Owner

The company name listed is Markenark. You can also find this name on their other related sites. The BBB is unable to locate the business. Here's one of the complaints about the company.

marys system review markenark review

5. No Refund

When you ask for a refund, you’ll find out that it’s almost impossible to get one. EasyKits was notorious for not refunding customers. You won’t find any help through their phone number, either. Here are some of the reviews from customers complaining about EasyKits and their refunds. You'll find that this is the same company behind the other scams.

Other Programs of the Scam “Bouquet”

This group has created many scams for over a decade under different names. There are so many that it would take me a very long time to find them all. They tend to close and rebrand often, although they keep their signature presentations. They offer you a "money-making site" without explaining any more details. They also always use paid actors, claim limited spots, and are all under $100 to begin with.

Here are some of the more recent ones in the past few years.

Facebook Bonanza

This scam is not at all related or endorsed by Facebook.

marys system review fb bonanza scam

MYIGAA (Make Your Income Great Again and Again)

Presented by an actor named "Matthew Cooper". The screenshot is also of the same actress from the Mary's System video.

marys system review MYIGAA scam

Their logo is also suspiciously very similar to a company in the Philippines.

marys system review Myigaa scam 2

The Retired Millionaire

Presented by an actor named "Greg Larson". He claims he was the creator of the program for 15 years. You won't find any information online about this "millionaire" or his business.

marys system review the retired millionaire scam

The Push Button System

Fronted by an actor named "Jay Brown". He talks about how a single push of a button can start making you money. Does not explain what it is or how it works. He just gives a "You don't ask the pilot how the plane works" remark.

marys system review The Push Button System scam

"Jay" claims that it is free but will ask for a small deposit to "keep the riff raff out." If you sign up, you won't be receiving any income, and you'll be receiving a phone call telling you that your lack of success was due to a problem in the system, and if you deposit additional money, your chances of winning increase.

Mega Marketing System

Presented by an actress named "Jennifer Callahan." You'll also see the same familiar faces from the Mary's System video.

marys system review Mega Marketing System scam

MSWSystem (Money Sucking Website)

Headed by an actor named "Willy Hancock" who uses a stock photo to show his "family picture."

marys system review MSWSystem scam

Other previous scams:

Copy Paste Money System
Amazon Data Jobs
Accelerated Income
My Online Dream Biz
The Job Quitter Club
Website ATM
Cashpoint ATM
Website Profits Pro
Profit Point Autonomy

Unfortunately, none of these scams will provide you with a passive income business. When one site goes down, another one immediately takes its place. It will save you time and money to know how to spot the red flags of these illegitimate businesses.

Legitimate Passive Income Businesses in 2024

There are many business models that have the potential to generate passive income for you. There is Amazon FBA, dropshipping, affiliate marketing, or even digital real estate, just to name a few. Each has its own pros and cons, and while most don't achieve financial freedom with these businesses, you will have a legit chance to put in the work to make it work. Not all courses teach businesses. There are a lot of high demand skills you can learn without going to college. For example, Coding With Mitch teaches the high paying, high demand skill of Android development.

My Passive Income Business Recommendation for 2024

I found that the business model with the highest success rate and lowest risk for creating passive income is local lead generation. Compared to other business models which have insane competition in saturated markets, you don't have to worry about that with local lead generation as your business is targeted to local markets.

You earn passive income by creating and ranking your site on Google using tactics such as SEO, and then renting it to local businesses. It costs very little to set up and run, and all you have to do to scale is to repeat the process. Your sites can stay ranked on Google for years without having to update them. This is what makes Local Lead Generation a truly passive income business model that can bring you time and financial freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. Btw the guy in the video claims his name is jonathan williams and that he is forbes young business innovator of 2023.. if you look it up none of that exists he is st8 lying.. htf do these people sleep at night

  2. Thank you Ippei Kanehara, Your review deserves *****. First off it appears real. Also detailed yet brief, ample images with annotations!

    Having lost $2k on these "systems" and "mentoring" I check scamadvisor, truspilot. BBB hasn't been useful to me.

    Your review would've helped dozens. Keep up your valuable service. Take care

  3. I'm a single mom trying to get a reliable income source I can do from home. I get so frustrated with all the scam artists ruining the opportunity for people like me , honest hard-working, just to rip us off and scare us into quitting for fear of being scammed again. Thank you Ippei for your hard work at exposing these lazy unprofessional criminals that are too stupid to see once your face is out there you will be exposed! Thank you for your recommendation for local lead generation also. I will give it a try.

    1. Hey Melissa, thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. If you want to speak with one of our coaches and learn more about our local lead generation coaching program you can book a call with this link: look forward to connecting and all the best!

  4. I tried every credit card in my wallet to pay my $57 for Marys System but I continuously got a red message that the
    card couldn't be used and try another one. I finally gave up & decided to check here and I am so glad I did! Saved that $57. Thanks.

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