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Matt Leitz Review – How To Build Profitable AI Chatbots that Work For You 24/7?

May 17, 2024

head piece matt leitz

Matt Leitz is a serial entrepreneur who founded BotBuilders and revolutionized lead generation. BotBuilders help entrepreneurs build bots or create bots for them. It lessens the cost of acquisition of leads for higher sales and interactive experience.

Matt Leitz reviews online are few, but they're mostly positive. In a recent video uploaded on Matt's YouTube channel, he encouraged people to search for verified reviews. Most reviews are found on Matt's BotBuilder website.

In this Matt Leitz review, we'll go over who he is, his past ventures and what is BotBuilders. We'll also cover how to build profitable AI chatbot according to Matt. Lastly, I'll introduce you to my #1 business recommendation in this current ecommerce landscape.

How To Build Profitable AI Chatbots that Work For You 24/7 According To Matt Leitz

  • Understanding Chatbots and AI Integration: Chatbots can work on many platforms such as websites, Facebook, Instagram, and text messaging. According to Matt, the best way to use them is to combine AI with a planned structure, creating a system that guides users, while smartly responding to questions. 

  • Importance of Platform-Specific Capabilities: Chatbots can do different functions depending on the platform they are used in, like Facebook and Instagram. Understanding these differences is important for making good chatbot strategies.

  • The Power of Hybrid AI: Combining structured chatbot flows with AI makes more controlled and effective interactions. This hybrid approach ensures that the conversation follows a logical path, and it also leverages AI for more complex queries or interactions.

  • Empowering Human Workers: Matt Leitz emphasized that using AI and chatbots does not replace human workforce but rather compliments it. He said automating mundane tasks empowers human workers to focus on higher-level tasks. 
  • Multi-Platform Integration: Integrating chatbots across various platforms (including social media and websites) will enhance lead generation and sales processes. Matt Leitz also discusses the potential of integrating chatbots with email marketing platforms for a more cohesive marketing approach. 

Matt Leitz's Predictions for AI and Chatbots in 2024

  • Greater Integration Across Platforms: AI and chatbots will likely be more seamlessly integrated across various platforms, including social media, websites, and mobile apps.

  • Enhanced Personalization: Expect advancements in AI enabling chatbots to offer more personalized and relevant interactions based on user data and behavior.

  • Wider Business Application: More small and medium-sized businesses will start using AI and chatbots for customer service, marketing, and sales.

  • Voice-Enabled Chatbots: As voice recognizing devices become more popular, people should also expect more voice-activated chatbots that allow hands-free interaction.

  • Integration with Other Emerging Technologies: Matt also predicts that Chatbots and AI will integrate with other emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to enhance user experience. 

Who Is Matt Leitz?

Matt Leitz is an entrepreneur, podcaster and a trailblazer. In 2011, he co-founded Clever Investor, an education and technology company for the estate investing market. Clever Investor was listed #4 of Top Educational Companies by Inc Magazine. This was after his 2-year job at Valor Real Estate Solution as operations manager.

Then, he also turned one of his passions, board games, into a lucrative business, with in 2017. They sold a variety of tabletop games and has a monthly subscription, PlayCrate.

Matt Leitz is the CEO of Bot Builders. The company provides training to build your own bot without technical skills. They can also build your bot for you, like Mike Y., CEO of the biggest chatbot software housing ManyChat, and Grant Cardone. Bot Builders also got listed in INC 5000.

Matt Leitz graduated high school at Willard High in Willard, Ohio, in 1997. Then, he finished college at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio in 2002. Matt graduated college with degree in BA Communication. Matt currently lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife, Emily, and their two kids.

What is BotBuilders?

BotBuilders is a company that makes chatbots and offers training for bot building. Matt Leitz co-founded BotBuilders with Nic Frachon, a graduate of Loyola University Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. BotBuilders claims to teach students how to sell bots to other businesses that need automation. It also covers automated 1 click opt-ins for building email lists and promises to create a recurring income for your business.

chatbots deliver matt leitz

Before selling it to the public, Matt applied his bots to his company, Clever Investor. It ranked the #1 bot on Facebook within 2 weeks (finance category). In Matt's words, bots are a mix of a funnel and an email autoresponder sequence. It basically works depending on the replies of your potential clients and offers the best solutions depending on the needs.

Who is BotBuilders for?

  • Entrepreneurs who want to automate a process in their business.
  • Aspiring business owners who want to sell bots to other businesses.

What is BotBuilders' Pricing Plan?

  • Do-It-Yourself Plan - In this plan, BotBuilders will only provide the instructions and the software. You'll have to create your own bot. Do-It-Yourself Plan costs $997.
  • Do-It-Together Plan - Do-It-Together Plan will give you access to BotBuilders' Facebook group and helpdesk. So, you can ask questions while you build your bot. This plan costs $1999.
  • Done-for-You Plan - In this pricing plan, BotBuilders will setup everything for you. You don't have to learn anything about bot building. It costs $35k.  

Should You Start A Chatbot Automation Business?

You should start a chatbot automation business if you're planning to target B2B companies. According to Relay, 58% of companies in B2B sector use chatbots. It has higher usage than B2C companies. And Statista's analysis showed only 9% of stores in the world use chatbots. There is an opportunity. But customers reported to Outgrown that the best feature of a chatbot is its 24/7 availability. And according to 60% of customers from Userlike, they prefer to wait in queue and talk to a real agent.

Another hurdle of chatbot automation as a business is the steep learning curve. Despite the comprehensive support, there is an acknowledged learning curve, especially for the less tech-savvy. According to Drift, 6 out of 10 customers expect a chatbot to reply within 5 seconds. So if there's a problem on the chatbot and you can't fix it right way, you're losing customers. It also depends on the platform. You'll have to constantly know social media sites updates and get your chatbot aligned.

Passive Income Ideas To Consider in 2024

These passive income ideas typically require work upfront. Some have automations plugged in too. However, once they're set up, you can usually expect recurring income at varying degrees. If you're skilled at something, you can set up a course, write a book or a make a video out of it. Teachable, Nebula and Udemy are learning platforms you can set up your course. Amazon Kindle is a go to for self-published ebooks. And YouTube can provide ad revenue and pay-per-view for videos.

Investing in stocks, bonds, annuities and real estate is also an option. Although this passive income idea usually requires more capital. It also has a steep learning curve so you don't expose your money to huge risks. For a recurring passive and predictable monthly income, creating websites for local businesses is the best option. Although local lead generation will require work upfront.

Local Lead Generation: My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online in 2024

Local lead generation is creating websites and ranking them on SERPs. You gain traffic and leads for free using SEO techniques. Once the website is ranking, you can send the leads to local businesses for a fee. And because there are over 50 niche services, you can repeat the process and scale.

Local lead generation is also passive. Since you're not competing globally, you can rank in 3 to 6 months with 15 to 30 pages. And it pretty much stays there because Google updates don't have a huge impact on local lead gen sites. You don't have to worry about the performance of your bot and how to keep it updated with platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

The tree care site I created in 2015 regularly generates me $2000 per month. It took me at least 15 hours to make it, and it only required minimum maintenance since then. I grew my portfolio this way, and today I earn $52k per month with all the local lead gen sites I own. So, if you're looking for a business with passive and predictable income, local lead generation is my #1 recommendation.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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