Sandy Gallagher’s Proctor Gallagher Review: What is the Proctor Gallagher Consultant Business Model?

June 20, 2024

Proctor Gallagher Institute is a personal development company led by Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher. Their mission is to help people determine who they are, what they’re capable of, and what they want in life. Proctor Gallagher offers events and programs with the goal of elevating people’s thoughts and bring their inner genius to the surface.

Proctor Gallagher Institute recently underwent a significant change following Bob Proctor’s passing in 2022. In June 2023, co-founder Sandy Gallagher acquired the remaining interest in the company and renamed it to Proctor Gallagher. Now, Sandy Gallagher has complete control over Proctor Gallagher’s direction and content.

Proctor Gallagher has a generally negative reputation from popular review sites, such as Trustpilot and Better Business Bureau (BBB). Complaints are mostly about the company’s alleged pyramid scheme activity, astronomical prices, and failure to deliver some services. Here’s an example of a BBB review:

Proctor Gallagher Trustpilot review

The thing with personal development or life coaching programs is if they don’t work, it’s probably the clients’ fault. It’s just hard to find accountability in pseudo-scientific or even esoteric teachings. This is also true for Proctor Gallagher that attributes personal development issues on “wrong paradigms” in the “subconscious.”

Life coaching is said to be the second fastest growing industry in the world, with an annual growth of 6.7%. However, new personal development coaches usually struggle to establish social proof, find clients, or earn enough money to make up for the time they’re spending in life coaching.

This Proctor Gallagher review will cover the platform’s array of programs. We will also discuss Bob Proctor and Proctor Gallagher’s association with pyramid schemes, and the challenges of a life coaching business.

Proctor Gallagher Pros and Cons


The primary course creator has decades of experience in personal development coaching.

Multiple products to choose from.

Has free and paid resources.


Content is repetitive, blurring the difference between the free and paid resources.

The platform is strongly associated with pyramid schemes, especially the consultancy program.

The consultancy program is extremely expensive, with a low probability of getting ROI.

Content is mostly based on popular books that are easily available in the market.


The New Lead the Field costs $2,995 or a four monthly payment of $800. Principle of Prosperity is $1995, with a payment plan option of 4 payments of $555. Thinking Into Results is around $3K to $10K. The Secret Science to Getting Rich is $997. Prices for the Proctor Gallagher Coaching program and the Inner Circle are not publicly available. The cost to be a Proctor Gallagher Consultant is also not publicly available, but online forums suggest it’s around $18K to $32K.

Refund Policy

All of the programs, except the Principles of Prosperity, have a no refund policy.


Proctor Gallagher Institute started in 2014.


Proctor Gallagher Institute or Proctor Gallagher has a 1.75 rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and a 3.6 rating on Trustpilot.

September 22, 2024


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June 20, 2024

I studied Proctor’s material for a couple of years and even attended a seminar he endorsed. While Proctor comes across as an “honest” and “wise grandpa,” I urge you to stay away for these reasons:

The seminars are repetitive and offer nothing new beyond what’s available for free on YouTube. I’m not exaggerating!

I attended a five-day seminar in Austria where Proctor repeated the same fluff. Worse, he endorsed this seminar organized by a con artist named Wolfgang Sonnenburg, filled with MLM staff trying to recruit attendees. It was creepy and manipulative, with no refunds offered for the misleading promises.

Proctor regularly endorses MLMs, which are notorious for being scams. A responsible person should know better than to promote such a flawed business model that sets people up for failure.

In a call with a sales rep (or “success advisor”), I was patronized instead of being supported. They seem to keep people in the dark and under their control.

Their videos constantly hype a so-called “secret,” which is just basic advice anyone knows: choose a goal, start working on it, ignore fear, and imagine the end result. This is not worth the $7,000 they charge. Plus, they bombard you with recruitment and referral requests.

Proctor’s marketing uses manipulative language like “the missing link” and “like instant coffee,” treating viewers like idiots. This is especially clear in their program “The Art of Goal Achievement,” which is just a series of basic steps anyone can figure out.

In a seminar with Wolfgang Sonnenburg, Sandy Gallagher, Proctor’s business partner, led a disturbing exercise that felt like brainwashing. I was shocked and disappointed.

Overall, my experience with Proctor, his organization, and those he endorses was deeply disheartening.


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)

What Is the Proctor Gallagher Consultant Business Model?

The Proctor Gallagher Consultant business model is a reseller program that allows for anyone to enter the personal development industry. For a consultant fee, one can get training and the right to sell one of Proctor Gallagher’s main offers. A Proctor Gallagher consultant mentors clients along their personal development journey.

In this model, Proctor Gallagher consultants are basically “resellers.” Specifically, they resell the Thinking Into Results program to new clients. It is at their discretion how much they would sell the program, but the suggested price is $3K to $10K. The frequency of coaching and mentorship offered by Proctor Gallagher consultants is also at their discretion. The price you have to pay to be a consultant (consultant fee) is not publicly disclosed. However, online forums and reviews from former consultants suggest it’s $18,500 to $30K.

The satisfaction rate for the Proctor Gallagher Consultant program isn’t explicitly stated in the available resources. However, Proctor Gallagher Institute has a 1.75 rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and a 3.6 rating on Trustpilot. This may not reflect the exact satisfaction rate for the PGI Consultant program, but it shows the platform’s rating as a whole.

What Is the Proctor Gallagher Consultant Salary?

The Proctor Gallagher Consultant salary is unknown. However, there are some references. A top consultant, Kim Calvert from Northern Ireland, earned $300K in her first year. She was previously working as a nurse and was earning $35K annually.

Other insights about a PGI consultant’s earnings from its previous members are grim. A blog post from a former PGI consultant says that there were approximately 30 client activations announced per week. There were 550 consultants at the time based on the private Facebook group membership.

This means it would take 18 weeks (around 5 months) for everyone to activate at least one client. Assuming they all sell Thinking Into Results for $10K, that’s around $20K to $25K a year. There are consultants who activate clients repeatedly each week, so this is a generous estimate. Also, some consultants may be selling the product cheaper to activate more clients.

What Are Proctor Gallagher's Tips and Tools?

The Proctor Gallagher’ Tips and Tools are free and paid resources to help individuals improve their work quality, increase income, build a business, or enhance any other area of their life. Here are some resources they provide:

  1. Free Webinars

  2. Bob Proctor’s Book Holder

  3. Free Downloads: 

    • You Were Born Rich Book

    • Goal Card

    • Meditation & Relaxation Audio

    • Visioneering Checklist

    • Business Builder Checklist

    • Covid-19 Relaxation Audio

  4. Daily Quotes and Blog Posts.

What Are the Programs Offered by Proctor Gallagher Institute?

Bob Proctor Coaching

Bob Proctor Coaching or the Proctor Gallagher Coaching is a year-long program for personal development under the same platform. It is a step-by-step instruction and mentorship, drawing from Bob Proctor’s 60 years of study, wisdom, and application. The curriculum includes several powerful programs:

  • Goal Achiever 

  • You Were Born Rich

  • Science of Getting Rich

  • Working with the Law

  • Success Puzzle

  • Winners Image

As part of the program, you’ll join a community of coaching students. You’ll also get dedicated mentors personally trained by Bob Proctor. The price of Bob Proctor Coaching isn’t publicly disclosed.

The New Lead the Field Coaching

The New Lead the Field Coaching program is a 120-day course designed by Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher. It’s based on the original, personal development series of recordings, “Lead the Field'' by Earl Nightingale. This program assists you in expanding your level of awareness and understanding of how to apply ancient truths and laws to achieve success in your life.

Here are some key elements of the program:

  • Universal Laws: The program explains the laws of the universe in a concise and personal way, including the spiritual aspects of successful living.
  • Action Planner and Videos: A detailed action planner and 24 videos to help participants fully engage with and benefit from the program.
  • Power of Repetition: The program incorporates the power of repetition for easier and faster internalization.
  • Personal Growth: Participants are encouraged to jot down notes about where they’re starting. It describes how things stand in various areas of their life. This serves as a benchmark to compare against the new you four months from the day you started the program.

Enrollment to The New Lead the Field costs $2,995 or a four monthly payment of $800.

Principles of Prosperity

The Proctor Gallagher’s Principle of Prosperity is a personal development program based on the teachings of Bob Proctor and the classic success principles outlined in Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich. It aims to reveal the ‘mysterious secret’ referred to by Hill, which is believed to be the key to transforming every aspect of one’s life.

Here’s what the program entails:

  • Understanding the Secret: It focuses on understanding the secret to success as described in Think & Grow Rich. It involves harnessing the power of the mind and the laws of the universe.
  • Personal Application: The program encourages personal application of these principles. It teaches that success is not a one-size-fits-all formula and requires consistent application to see transformation.
  • Comprehensive Guidance: Bob Proctor, along with Sandy Gallagher, provides guidance through various materials and coaching.

Principle of Prosperity consists of 16 video lessons with nearly 6 hours of content. Early-bird enrollment is only $1995, with a payment plan option of 4 payments of $555. A complimentary results coaching session with one of Bob’s trained coaches after 30 days of completing the program. It also has a 100% no strings attached money-back guarantee within 30 days.

Proctor Gallagher's Inner Circle

The Proctor Gallagher’s Inner Circle is a community mastermind founded by Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher. Earl Nightingale’s inner circle that Bob took part in decades ago influenced it. Members have access to Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher, can share ideas with others worldwide, and associate with like-minded individuals.

To join the Inner Circle, you need to fill out the form to speak with one of the coaches. The price of Inner Circle is not disclosed publicly.

Thinking Into Results

Thinking Into Results is a comprehensive program developed by the Proctor Gallagher Institute. It’s designed to facilitate change in any area of your life, including personal development, financial improvement, and professional growth. The program is structured into a series of 12 lessons that build upon each other. They guide participants through a process of goal setting, behavior change, and mindset enhancement to achieve desired results.

Here’s an overview of what each lesson covers:

  • Lesson 1: Establishing a worthy ideal and understanding goal setting and achieving.

  • Lesson 2: Bridging the gap between knowing and doing to improve return on investment.

  • Lesson 3: Harnessing the power of the infinite mind for productivity and efficiency.

  • Lesson 4: Learning about the ‘Secret Genie’ within for peak performance.

  • Lesson 5: The core concept of thinking into results for innovation and proactive thinking.

  • Lesson 6: How the environment reflects our self-image and creating powerful teams.

  • Lesson 7: Overcoming the ‘Terror Barrier’ to surpass barriers to success.

  • Lesson 8: The Power of Praxis - aligning beliefs with behavior.

  • Lesson 9: Understanding ‘The Magic Word’ for attitude and mindset.

  • Lesson 10: Becoming the most valuable person through effective leadership.

  • Lesson 11: Leaving everyone with the impression of increase.

Thinking Into Results is the same product sold by Proctor Gallagher consultants. The price depends on the discretion of the consultant, which can be around $3K to $10K.

Secret Science to Getting Rich

Proctor Gallagher’s Secret Science to Getting Rich is a program that teaches the principles and strategies for achieving personal wealth and success. The program is based on the book of the same name by Wallace D. Wattles, which was published over a century ago. The book has been influential in the field of personal development.

The program emphasizes the importance of developing a positive self-image. It teaches that our self-perception is closely tied to our level of success in various areas of life, including financial wealth.

Here are some key components of the program:

  • Affirming Your Right to Wealth: The program affirms that everyone has the right to be rich, and that wealth is essential for a harmonious life.
  • Understanding the Science: It teaches a systematic approach to acquiring wealth. It is also likened to a science, so anyone can learn and apply it.
  • Overcoming Obstacles: Participants learn to transform obstacles into opportunities. They foster a mindset that sees every challenge as a stepping stone to greater success.
  • Sustainable Growth: The focus is on long-term, sustainable growth rather than quick fixes, ensuring that the wealth created is lasting.
  • Expert Guidance: Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher guides the program, who provide not just motivation but actionable strategies that adapt to our rapidly changing world.

The Secret Science to Getting Rich program comprises 17 sessions. The program costs $997.

Paradigm Shift Seminar

The Proctor Gallagher Paradigm Shift Seminar is an event designed to help individuals shift their paradigms and create positive changes in their lives. Here are the key points about this seminar:

  • Purpose and Focus: The seminar helps participants identify their paradigms and, most importantly, teaches them how to make a paradigm shift.
  • What Are Paradigms?: Paradigms are mental programs in the subconscious that influence our thoughts, behaviors, and results.
  • Making a Paradigm Shift: Changing your paradigms can transform your results to create a more abundant and fulfilling life.

Seminar participants can join complimentary webinars or recorded live streams to learn directly from Bob Proctor. All Paradigm Shift webinar sessions are free.

What Is the Proctor Gallagher Affiliate Program?

The Proctor Gallagher affiliate program allows individuals to share in the commissions paid out by promoting their programs. It offers a range of products for affiliates to promote, including programs like the Principles of Prosperity, The New Lead the Field, Secret Science to Getting Rich, and more. As an affiliate, you’ll get access to banners, images, and swipe copy to effectively promote Proctor Gallagher products.

To sign up, you need to create a Clickbank account to get an Affiliate ID. All Proctor Gallagher’s affiliate transactions go through Clickbank.

Are Proctor Gallagher Consultants Successful?

Yes, Proctor Gallagher Consultants are successful, but only a few of them. One notable success story was from Kim Calvert, the owner of Dynamite Lifestyle. But as shown previously, most consultants are not regularly activating new clients. Some complaints on BBB and Trustpilot are also from former consultants who did not get a return of investment from their consultancy fee. 

What Are the Most Common Complaints About Proctor Gallagher?

The most common complaints about Proctor Gallagher are about failed refund requests, not getting results, failure to receive service as promised, and not getting ROI for the consultancy fee.

Here are some complaints submitted to the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

Procto Gallagher BBB complaint about a product
Proctor Gallagher BBB complaint of not getting results

These complainants are requesting refunds for “non-refundable” Proctor Gallagher products. They claim they did not get results or did not receive the promised service – this may include one-on-one coaching, regular consultation with a success advisor, and so on. Most responses from Proctor Gallagher reiterate the non-refundability of these products.

former PGI consultant complaint on BBB

This complaint was really unfortunate. The complainant left their full-time job and took out a loan to pay for consultancy. As per usual, Proctor Gallagher’s response pointed out that not getting results was a shortcoming on the consultant’s part. They also denied that the complainant was not getting the support they needed.

There are Proctor Gallagher Institute reviews from Trustpilot. They mostly follow the line of the BBB complaints, but with some positive reviews. Here are some examples.

Bob Proctor Trustpilot review

Proctor Gallagher has an average score of 3.6 on Trustpilot, so there are more positive reviews. Here are some of them.

Proctor Gallagher 5 star review on Trustpilot
Proctor Gallagher positive review on Trustpilot

Is Proctor Gallagher Institute a Pyramid Scheme?

The Proctor Gallagher Institute is not a pyramid scheme. However, it has some strong elements of a pyramid scheme. The platform’s consultancy program associates Proctor Gallagher to a pyramid scheme-like system. Here’s how it works:

  • A student pays a consultancy fee to get the right to resell Thinking Into Results and become a “consultant.” The way Proctor Gallagher promotes it, an individual consultant is an independent entrepreneur reselling the product and offering coaching. They can set their own price and branding for their business.
  • The consultant sells Thinking Into Results to new clients, taking all of the profit.
  • The new clients can choose to help resell Thinking Into Results. The consultant can take some form of a commission from these transactions as they are the one activating the program access.

As you can see, this is not an outright pyramid scheme, since Proctor Gallagher is not receiving profits from the subsequent resells. However, Bob Proctor was also involved with Vemma and iMarketsLive—two companies that were shut down for running pyramid schemes. This further strengthened Proctor Gallagher’s association with pyramid schemes and MLM.

Who Should Enroll in Proctor Gallagher?

Anyone who is deeply interested in Bob Proctor’s teachings should enroll in Proctor Gallagher. It’s hard to support pseudo-scientific ideas like the law of attraction or positive self-imaging, so just decide for yourself if you’re willing to pay money to learn these things. These ideas may or may not work for you, especially if your end goal is building wealth. If you only want to learn from Bob Proctor without regard for profit, you can easily take the courses.

Are the Proctor Gallagher Products Worth it?

No, the Proctor Gallagher products are not worth it unless you’re really interested in Bob Proctor’s take on the popular personal development gurus such as Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, and others. Most of the value will come from the coaching sessions, as the core ideas were already clearly expounded in the books. It means that what you’re paying for is Bob Proctor’s interpretations of these authors’ works and his personal experience.

Bob Proctor's own works were mainly centered on Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. Thus, Bob frequently alludes to “the secret” in all of his programs. Napoleon Hill didn’t explicitly mention this “secret" in his book, but I don’t think that he wasn’t being clear enough with his ideas. Also, you may or may not be comfortable with the concept of auto-suggestion through repetition—which is literally semi-hypnotizing yourself to strengthen your resolve for a single idea or desire. This is exactly the reason why the programs are repetitive.

Who Are Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher?

Bob Proctor Review
Sandy Gallagher Review

Bob Proctor is a Canadian new-age self-help author, lecturer, and motivational speaker. He and Sandy Gallagher co-founded the Proctor Gallagher Institute. Bob authored the New York Times best-selling book You Were Born Rich in 1984. He also contributed to the film The Secret in 2006. This film popularized the concept of the law of attraction.

Bob’s life changed after reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. He spent over 50 years studying and applying this book. He went from being a high school dropout to a successful entrepreneur, and eventually the co-founder of one of the biggest self-development institutions in the world. Bob’s teachings center on changing one’s paradigms to attract success. This was rooted in James Allen’s and Andrew Carnegie’s (and later Napoleon Hill’s) idea of how a single thought or desire can have physical realization.

Sandy Gallagher was an attorney specializing in banking law. She handled huge transactions, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) for Fortune 500 companies. Sandy’s life took a decisive turn when she attended one of Bob Proctor’s seminars. His teachings resonated deeply with her, revealing the reason behind her own success. She decided to start working with Bob, and together they created the program Thinking Into Results. Sandy Gallagher is the CEO and president of the Proctor Gallagher Institute, now Proctor Gallagher.

Is Life Coaching Profitable? What Quora Users Say

Life coaching is profitable if you're willing to put in a considerable time and effort in marketing and sales. According to the Financial Times, the average earnings of a life coach is $231/hour. However, this sky-high rate can be misleading, as most coaches only have a couple of core clients and don’t bill 40 hours a week.

This Quora entry follows this same line of thought about a life coach’s earnings.

Quora review on life coaching earnings

Another entry suggests that life coaching is massively profitable. And the greatest cost is the time you spend in marketing and sales, skills development, and the actual coaching. It also says that those who don’t earn enough in life coaching are either not good at coaching or bad at business.

Quora answer on a life coach's earnings

Best Personal Development Courses

We have a list of the best personal development courses in 2024. The list includes courses on building, fitness, and personal growth. It also includes highly specific personal development courses for non-commissioned officers (NCO), college students, and more.

What Are the Challenges of Life Coaching Business?

The challenges of a life coaching business are finding clients, establishing credibility, limited scalability, competitive market, and the negative reputation of the industry in general.

Here’s a breakdown for each challenge of a life coaching business:

Finding Clients. This seems to be the foremost challenge of life coaches, especially the new ones. One of the major conflicts of finding new clients is deciding your market by niching down versus having a broad set of problems to solve.

Responses to an r/lifecoaching subreddit post shows how finding clients is the number one challenge for new and aspiring life coaches.

Reddit - What's the number one problem you faced as a life coach
Reddit response on life coach problems
Reddit response on a life coach's challenge of getting a client
Challenge of getting clients as a life coach

Establishing Credibility. Closely related to finding clients, establishing credibility as a new life coach is another high hurdle. Getting an International Coaching Federation (ICF) certification is one step that some established coaches recommend. However, nothing beats personal referrals and testimonials in building credibility. To achieve these, some new coaches are resorting to providing pro bono services.

Limited Scalability. It’s true that you can scale a life coaching business by building a team of coaches to teach more students in your place. However, the life coaching industry is highly personal. Meaning most clients may choose you over other coaches because it’s “you.” Thus, you can’t entirely remove your personal involvement in coaching. This could be a problem if you’ve reached a certain number of students that was more than you could handle with your time.

Competitive Market. According to the ICF Global Coaching Study of 2023, there are 34,200 professional life coaches in North America alone. This data may not look much, but this is just a close estimate for ICF and non-ICF members. Life coaches are also rapidly increasing by the year. Data from the same report shows a 54% increase of practitioners in 2022 from the 2019 global estimate. Niching down may be the best solution to avoid this level of competition.

Negative Reputation of the Life Coaching Industry. Life coaching has always been associated with scams, or even pyramid schemes. The industry remains deregulated up to this day. Meaning, everyone can just decide to be a “life coach” on a whim.

This post from the r/lifecoaching subreddit describes the bad rep personal development industry is currently in.

Reddit response on life coaching's bad reputation
Reddit response on life coaching's poor reputation expounded

Without regulation and standardization, personal development is plagued with pseudoscience with some bordering the occult. Some have questionable pricing and marketing strategies. This poor reputation brings everyone down, making it harder for new life coaches to get clients.

Local Lead Generation is More Scalable and Sustainable Than Becoming a Life Coach

With respect to Napoleon Hill and his book, a positive mindset and a strong desire do have a crucial role in financial success. However, these are insufficient without a sound plan to actually earn money. The life coaching industry has huge potential to be lucrative, but there should be a better alternative to earning money online that is more scalable and sustainable.

local lead generation

Local lead generation is definitely one of the best online business models out there. It lets you earn extra income or you can do it full-time by scaling. As an overview, local lead generation works by creating a website for a certain niche and ranking it “locally” in search engine results. A ranked website can be set to receive leads that local businesses need. Scaling in local lead generations involves creating more of these lead magnet websites.

You can rent out a site for $500-$3000 a month. Ranked websites stay at the top of search results for a long time based on how search engines work. This means local lead generation can be a consistent and sustainable source of passive income for months or even years.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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