How To Promote Amazon Products On Pinterest (PLUS 5 Types of Pins That Work Best For Amazon Affiliate Links)

May 21, 2024

To promote Amazon products on Pinterest:

  1. Sign up for the Amazon Associates program.
  2. Set up your Pinterest business account.
  3. Create engaging Pinterest boards.
  4. Obtain affiliate links from Amazon.
  5. Enable rich pins for your affiliate products.
  6. Embed affiliate links in your pins.
  7. Maintain a regular pinning schedule.

Pinterest is a valuable platform for promoting Amazon products because it’s a highly visual and interactive platform. Users often look for inspiration and new products that fit specific categories like fashion, home decor, DIY and crafts, and travel. According to Sprout Social, 1 in 3 Pinterest shoppers has an income of over $100k. Research from Pinterest Business also shows that 85% of weekly users have made a purchase from Pinterest pins. This means you can promote your Amazon affiliate links or products to an audience of ready buyers who fit within your niche. 

Both Amazon sellers and Amazon affiliates can use Pinterest to market their offers, but the strategy will differ. Oliver Boyers, founder of Pinterest marketing automation tool Pin Generator, says that Amazon sellers should focus on showing direct product benefits and seasonal promotions in their pins. Amazon affiliates should focus on creating engaging content tailored to niche interests, like cat lovers or DIY crafters.

You can earn $400 to $800 per day by promoting Amazon products on Pinterest. You wouldn’t even need a large existing following, website, or YouTube channel. A Reddit user shares using Pinterest Business for affiliate marketing through Amazon Affiliates. They spent $14 on ads and received 64,000 hits. It’s important to use compelling imagery, useful tutorials, and engaging infographics. This helps build awareness and drive traffic to your affiliate products, which results in higher sales and commissions.

In this article, we’ll go over the 12 steps to promote Amazon products on Pinterest. We’ll also give 5 examples of Pins that work best for promoting Amazon products on Pinterest.

12 Steps To Promote Amazon Products On Pinterest

1. Sign Up for The Amazon Associates Program

To get started with Amazon affiliate marketing on Pinterest, you'll first need to join the Amazon Associates program.

  • Visit the Amazon Associates Page. Head to the official Amazon Associates website. Look for the “Sign Up” button to begin the signup process.
  • Create Your Account. If you don't have an existing Amazon account, you'll need to create one. If you do, simply sign in with your credentials.
  • Provide Your Information. Enter basic information about yourself, your business, and the platforms you'll be using (like Pinterest). This will include your website if you have one, or your Pinterest account information.
  • Select Your Niche. Pick a few relevant categories for the type of Amazon products you'll promote. For instance, choose "Home & Kitchen" if you're focusing on home decor.
  • Explain Your Marketing Plan. Answer questions about how you plan to drive traffic, promote products, and engage your audience. Be honest and clear to ensure compliance.
  • Verify Your Identity. Amazon will need to verify your identity via phone. They’ll provide a PIN code for you to enter during the call.

To meet the requirements for effective promotion, align your Pinterest boards with Amazon's guidelines for affiliate marketing. Ensure you focus on products that match your niche to boost engagement. Craft visually appealing boards and pins that link directly to Amazon product pages for seamless user navigation.

2. Set Up Your Pinterest Business Account

Business accounts grant access to valuable features such as Pinterest Analytics. It provides data on pin performance and audience engagement. You’ll be able to run Promoted Pins. You'll also get access to Rich Pins.

Steps to Set Up Your Pinterest Business Account:

  • Log In. Log in to your existing personal Pinterest account or sign up if you're new to the platform.
  • Business Conversion. Click on the three-dot menu at the top-right corner and select "Convert to Business" or "Create a Business Account."
  • Fill Out Details. Provide information like your business name, website URL (if you have one), and the industry you're working in.
  • Profile Optimization. Add a profile picture (preferably a logo), and write a concise business description, using relevant keywords that align with your affiliate products.

To maximize the effectiveness of your Pinterest profile, incorporate high-traffic keywords into your business description to attract the right audience. Maintain consistent branding and imagery throughout your profile for easy recognition. Ensure it reflects the Amazon products you promote. With your Pinterest business account set up and optimized this way, you'll have a solid foundation for sharing pins that resonate with your target audience and direct traffic to your Amazon affiliate account or store.

3. Create Engaging Pinterest Boards

Creating thematic Pinterest boards helps showcase Amazon products more effectively. You can start by identifying themes that complement the types of products you plan to promote. Make sure your boards are visually appealing and easy to browse. You can group related products so users can find exactly what they need. 

Use clear board titles and descriptions with relevant keywords. This makes your boards discoverable to people searching for those specific products. Curate a mix of your pins, product images, and related lifestyle or tutorial content to keep the boards varied and engaging. A well-structured and visually consistent board will keep viewers engaged. This increases the chances that they will click on your Amazon affiliate links.

4. Obtain Affiliate Links from Amazon

Obtain your unique Amazon affiliate links by logging into the Amazon Associates dashboard. Then navigate to 'Product Linking.' Use the search bar to find products that align with your Pinterest boards and themes. Click 'Get Link' next to the product you want, and you'll receive a link or HTML code to embed in your pins.

Create a system for tracking affiliate links. You can use a spreadsheet or a software tool to categorize your links by product name, associated boards, and pin types. This makes it easier to update or switch out affiliate links. Analyze which products are generating the most clicks and conversions, then adjust your Pinterest strategy. 

5. Design Click-Worthy Pins

Designing click-worthy pins helps drive traffic to your Amazon affiliate links. Start by using high-quality images that highlight the products you're promoting. Visually appealing pins should be vibrant, well-lit, and focused on the item’s key features.

Amazon Associates’ terms do not allow you to copy images directly from an Amazon listing and use it in your pin. Copyright law protects them from being distributed or used for other commercial purposes. Make sure you use your own images, DIY graphics, or stock photos for your pins. Following these guidelines helps you avoid any legal pitfalls and potential fees.

Craft compelling pin descriptions with relevant keywords to improve discoverability. The descriptions should be concise but informative. Pair these descriptions with text overlays on the images, stating the purpose or benefit of the product. For idea pins, use multiple slides to show the product's features and benefits.

6. Enable Rich Pins for Your Products

Rich pins are an enhanced version of regular pins that automatically include extra details about your products. This includes price, stock availability, and a direct link to the product page. This feature provides users with up-to-date information directly within the pin. It makes them more likely to click and purchase. For Amazon affiliates, enabling rich pins can simplify the shopping experience and significantly boost conversions.

To set up rich pins for your products, ensure your Pinterest business account is linked with your website or Amazon storefront through a verified process. This will allow Pinterest to pull real-time data so that your affiliate links are always accurate. Once enabled, rich pins will automatically update when there are changes in pricing or availability.

7. Maintain a Regular Pinning Schedule

Maintaining a regular pinning schedule ensures your content reaches users regularly. Aim to pin at least once a day or as often as your niche requires. This steady stream of pins will keep your boards fresh and encourage user engagement.

Using scheduling tools like Tailwind or Pinterest’s native scheduler can help automate this process. With these tools, you can plan and schedule pins weeks in advance. This ensures your Pinterest presence remains active even during busy periods. By optimizing your pinning schedule, you'll maximize exposure for your Amazon affiliate links, helping to increase clicks and conversions.

8. Embed Affiliate Links in Your Pins

To embed Amazon affiliate links in your Pinterest pins, you'll need to ensure you're following Pinterest's guidelines and policies for affiliate marketing. Use the affiliate link you obtained from the Amazon Associates dashboard. When creating a pin, add this link to the URL section. This ensures that it leads directly to the product's page on Amazon. Don't forget to disclose your affiliate relationship, either in the description or directly on the pin image itself.

Stay up-to-date with Pinterest’s affiliate link policies to avoid potential penalties. By adhering to these guidelines, your affiliate links will be correctly embedded and compliant.

9. Analyze Your Performance with Pinterest Analytics

Accessing Pinterest Analytics can help you understand how your affiliate marketing strategies are performing. To start, navigate to the analytics section of your Pinterest business account. Here, you'll find an array of valuable metrics, such as pin performance, click-through rates, and audience demographics.

Pay particular attention to metrics like impressions (how often your pins are seen), saves (how many times users add your pins to their boards), and click-through rates (how often users click your affiliate pins to reach Amazon). Google Analytics is also helpful for tracking overall traffic and affiliate sales. By linking your Pinterest and Google Analytics accounts, you can gain deeper insights into how Pinterest traffic contributes to conversions.

10. Interact with Other Pinterest Users

To engage with the Pinterest community for promoting amazon products:

  • Comment on niche-relevant pins
  • Share encouragement and tips
  • Ask questions that provide value

Genuine interactions can attract users to check out your boards. This increases their chances of engaging with your content and affiliate links. Interacting with other users also builds a community that can increase the visibility of your affiliate pins. 

Repinning is another effective strategy for engaging with others. By curating high-quality content from other users that align with your niche, you add value to your boards and show appreciation for the original creators. Following boards and profiles with high-quality content within your niche can also strengthen your network.

When promoting Amazon products specifically, focus on engagement with boards and pins related to your product category. For example, if you’re marketing tech gadgets, interact with tech or DIY boards. Acknowledge users who respond to your comments or repin your pins. Consistently engaging in niche conversations helps your affiliate pins gain organic visibility. This can lead to higher click-through rates and conversions.

11. Invest in Promoted Pins

Investing in Promoted Pins can expand your reach on Pinterest. This allows you to target potential buyers. To set up paid promotions, navigate to Pinterest Ads Manager and create a new campaign. Choose your objective, such as boosting traffic to Amazon affiliate products or increasing engagement with your pins. Then, specify your target audience using criteria like location, interests, demographics, and keywords relevant to your Amazon product niche.

Start with a daily or lifetime budget that aligns with your marketing goals. Monitor how different pins perform and adjust. To use Pinterest ads for promoting Amazon products:

  • Create visually striking pins that showcase the product.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords into the pin description.
  • Ensure the promoted pin links directly to the product page.
  • Set a budget and duration for your Pinterest ad campaign.
  • Track views and clicks regularly to see which pins are performing well.

12. Monitor Amazon Affiliate Performance

Monitoring your Amazon affiliate performance can help you understand which products resonate with your audience and where improvements can be made. Begin by accessing the Amazon Associates dashboard. Navigate to the “Reports” section, where you can explore various analytics tools that provide insights into clicks, conversions, and earnings.

Pay close attention to metrics like “Clicks” and “Conversion Rate” to identify which Amazon affiliate links are driving the most interest and resulting in purchases. The “Earnings” report offers detailed breakdowns of commissions and revenue generated over different periods.

Use this data to spot trends, such as products or categories that perform well consistently. This will help you tailor your future Pinterest content to focus on similar items. If certain affiliate links underperform, consider changing their pin descriptions, using richer imagery, or promoting different products altogether.

5 Types of Pins That Work Best for Promoting Amazon Products

1. Product Pins

Product Pins are ideal for directly showcasing Amazon products. By using high-quality images, these pins give potential customers a clear understanding of the product. It also links directly to the Amazon listing.

To optimize product pins:

  • Use high-resolution images to highlight key features of the product.
  • Create a consistent style with your branding and visuals.
  • Overlay brief text on your images to emphasize benefits.
  • Include a direct affiliate link to the product on Amazon.

2. Lifestyle Pins

Lifestyle Pins feature products in real-life settings. This helps potential customers visualize how these items will fit into their lives. You can create relatable scenes that evoke an emotional response by showing Amazon products in action. This lets viewers see the product's value and benefits in context.

Use high-quality, aesthetically pleasing photos that convey the intended mood. Include diverse settings to reach various audiences. Add descriptive text or captions that highlight the unique benefits of the product and a link to the Amazon listing.

3. Infographic Pins

Infographic Pins are an engaging way to communicate the features, benefits, and comparisons of Amazon products. These pins transform complex information into easily digestible visuals. It makes it simple for users to understand why a particular product stands out. You can create infographics highlighting product specifications, showcasing key benefits, or comparing features between similar items.

Craft a pin description that explains the purpose of the infographic. For instance, include a headline like “Top 5 Features of [Product Name]” or “Why [Product Name] Beats the Competition.” Make sure the graphics are clean, visually appealing, and branded consistently with your other content.

4. How-to and Tutorial Pins

How-to and Tutorial Pins demonstrate the practicality of Amazon products. By creating step-by-step guides or tutorials, you show potential customers how to use the product. It makes it relatable and encourages them to try it themselves. 

To make these pins even more appealing, include clear, concise instructions within the pin or in the description. Visual cues like arrows or numbers can help users follow along easily. Incorporate action shots and close-ups of the product.

5. Seasonal or Thematic Pins

Seasonal or thematic pins allow you to leverage timely trends to boost your Amazon product promotions. You can create a sense of urgency and relevance by tying your product with these trends. For example, around the holidays, showcase gift ideas featuring your Amazon products in an engaging holiday-themed pin. During summer, focus on essentials like beach gear or outdoor cooking items.

To capitalize on these trends, design visually appealing pins that align with the season or theme. Incorporate related imagery, colors, and keywords. Pin descriptions should also emphasize the relevance of the product to the current season. For example, "Get ready for summer barbecues with this must-have grill tool!" This strategy helps your pins stand out, driving traffic and increasing click-through rates.

What Are The Best Practices For Amazon Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest? 

The best practices for Amazon affiliate marketing on Pinterest are:

  • Enabling rich pins
  • Adhering to Pinterest’s guidelines
  • Promoting a mix of content types
  • Using relevant Pinterest keywords

You should pin amazon products a few times a week on Pinterest to avoid repeating the same links while also adding more relevant content for the Pinterest algorithm. Post a mix of content from inspirational quotes, tutorials, and blog posts. This balance helps maintain user engagement while still showcasing your affiliate products.

What Are the Common Mistakes to Avoid in Pinterest Amazon Affiliate Marketing? 

  • Ignoring Pinterest’s Affiliate Link Policy: Not following Pinterest’s rules around affiliate pins can lead to content removal or account suspension. Always include a clear affiliate disclosure in your pin descriptions to maintain transparency and trust with your audience.
  • Overloading Pins with Promotional Content. Flooding your boards with purely promotional affiliate pins may alienate your followers. Create a mix of valuable content that includes both affiliate and non-affiliate pins to keep your boards diverse and engaging.
  • Neglecting SEO in Pin Descriptions. Without optimizing pin descriptions with relevant keywords, your affiliate pins might not reach their target audience. Incorporate niche-specific keywords into titles and descriptions to improve visibility in Pinterest search results.

Is Pinterest Good for Affiliate Marketing on Amazon?

Yes, Pinterest is good for affiliate marketing on Amazon because of its visual focus, active user base, and search-driven nature. Pinterest users frequently search for products, ideas, and inspiration, making it an ideal platform to showcase Amazon products through eye-catching pins, tutorials, and infographics.

According to KnowledgeBase on YouTube, Pinterest is good for affiliate marketing on Amazon because Pinterest gives you access to a range of potential customers. By leveraging Amazon's extensive product inventory, you can find items that align with your niche and audience interests. Amazon Associates' commission rates also reach up to 10% on eligible sales.

However, it can be hard to get high sales as an Amazon affiliate on Pinterest if you get direct links from your pins. According to Wealth Builders Journal CEO Jeffrey Conrad, Pinterest users who see your pins are just beginning the sales process. They need proof that what you're promoting benefits them. Jeffrey recommends that your strategy focus on building a connection by addressing the potential customer’s needs. You can do this by linking your pin to a an informative blog post that positions your affiliate products as solutions. This increases the likelihood of conversion from interest to actual sales.

Why Local Lead Generation Is Better Than Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Local lead generation is better than Amazon affiliate marketing because of the fluctuating commission rates with affiliate marketing. Amazon’s affiliate cookies also usually last only 24 hours. This limits potential commissions if customers don't make an immediate purchase. In local lead generation, leads often translate to direct business opportunities over a longer period. Affiliates depend on Amazon’s inventory and may struggle if products are out of stock or discontinued. Local lead generation allows for a more controlled selection of services and offerings.

Local lead generation offers a more stable and potentially lucrative opportunity. In this business model, you create websites or digital assets that generate leads for local businesses. Unlike affiliate marketing, local lead generation doesn't depend heavily on fluctuating commission rates or strict platform policies. Once established, these websites consistently deliver high-quality leads to businesses, creating a steady income stream. Many marketers have earned substantial incomes by connecting customers with businesses in their local areas.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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