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REI Game Changers: James Hodges’s Wholesale Real Estate Mentorship

September 29, 2024

REI Game Changers is a wholesaling real estate coaching and mentorship company. The company has helped over 200 clients break multiple 6 and 7 figures. James Hodges, who based it on his experiences with other real estate coaching courses, designed the program.

What is the story and qualifications of the men behind this program? Who is the program designed for and what service does the mentorship provide? In this REI Game Changers review, these questions will be answered and more.

It may be worth your time to check out the alternative Local Lead Generation business model. It works like real estate investment minus all the hassles of dealing with physical properties. This works by renting out digital real estate to local businesses and creates passive income.

September 29, 2024

The program is nothing like they advertised. Almost everyone in the program is a beginner. They say they handpick clients, but that’s clearly not the case. The coaching is subpar and limited to Zoom sessions. When you ask a question in their Facebook group, expect to wait 4-5 days for a response.


1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Who Is James Hodges?

James Hodges is a real estate investor from Midland, Texas, who has found huge success with real estate wholesaling. Previously a personal trainer who sold fitness offers through the phone/gym, he got into real estate in early 2018 after reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad".

As a personal trainer, James was only making about $17k a year. Since he began in real estate, James invested in a $25k mastermind after closing his first 3 deals. He invested almost six figures in mentorship and coaching in the first year alone.

James co-founded Awaken Real Estate, LLC with Alan Biel, it was a real estate investment company that buys and sells property in Midland-Odessa 2018. He was able to scale his real estate business to 7-figures in 3 years. The company made $2M in the first 18 months, and $1.1M in the next 12 months ($720k in the first 8 months and $380k and in the next 4 months after hiring Frank Kern). Frank Kern is one of the best direct response internet marketing consultants.

In 2019, James co-founded REI Game Changers LLC, headquartered in Austin, Texas. He has a YouTube channel that posts YouTube shorts almost daily. He also has a Facebook page that has 2.4k followers and posts short videos of useful tips everyday. He’s also active in speaking in video interviews, podcasts, and real estate investing events.

Who Is Alan Biel?

Alan Biel is a real estate investor who co-founded Awaken Real Estate and REI Game Changers with James Hodges. Like James, Alan is from Midland, Texas. Graduated from Texas Wesleyan University in 2003, he was a USPTA Tennis Professional for 16 years.

Alan was investing part time in real estate for 12 years before co-founding Awaken Real Estate with James Hodges. They were able to wholesale 60 houses in their first year. Alan is also active in video interviews, podcasts, and real estate investing events.

In 2019, together with James Hodges, he co-founded REI Game Changers. The company grew quickly and had the chance to have some of the top investors in the United States as clients.

Who Is the REI Game Changers Mentorship For?

REI Game Changers is not a training course for beginners. It offers consultation and mentorship to current real estate investors who are looking to improve and scale their real estate business. They offer the service to experienced real estate wholesalers and flippers who are only closing only 2+ deals per month. If you think that this course is not for you, check United Tax Liens

What Do You Get With REI Game Changers?

To sign up for REI Game Changers, they will ask you to enter your name, email, and phone number. You will be greeted by an intro video, which gives an overview of the methods, James’ backstory, and student success stories.

Then You will pick a time for your phone appointment. After is a page where you will enter basic details of your real estate business and it's performance.

After booking the call, they will direct you to a page where James presents the overview of their strategy in 4 videos.

  1. "How is REI Game Changers Different?" - The mentorship customizes coaching based on the state of the market you are in and your skill level.
  2. "Do You Have a Marketing Machine?" - They recommend that marketing channels have to be giving you a 5x ROI (return of investment) to be efficient. It is recommended to stick to 2 channels the most to keep it simple and only expand channels once you scale.
  3. "Which is Actually More Valuable, Time or Money?" - Their philosophy is that time is more valuable than money. The coaching focuses on creating consistency first before scaling. The right investment will yield better returns in the longer run while freeing up your time.
  4. "Have You Worked With Someone In My Market Before?" The mentorship deconstructs the process: marketing - leads - appointment - seller contracts - buyer contracts. REI Game Changers will strategize which marketing channel to use based on your market.

The course costs $7,000 and there is no refund policy. This makes REI Game Changers one of the most expensive wholesaling course out there. The program lasts an average of 2-3 months, although you can stay as long as it takes to reach the set goal.

The coaching program claims to teach you 4 important lessons that you can emulate James Hodges’ success:

  1. The "Blue Ocean'' strategy that their clients use to find motivated sellers.
  2. 4D marketing system to predictably find buyers and generate deals.
  3. Stabilization and optimization of the entire process.
  4. Delegation of the work and scaling the business.

You will also have access to an exclusive Facebook group with 12.5K members. Here you can get further support.

How Do You Make Money REI Game Changers?

As mentioned, they do not give you a specific strategy to follow. REI Game Changers is a custom mentorship program that will customize the steps and strategy depending on the specifics of your business.

With the mentorship, you will be able to set up a consistent lead flow and stabilize your company by following their 4 step pillar.

  1. Proven marketing system
    4D marketing system:
    A. Audience/market - Use the Flywheel method which targets hidden pockets of motivated sellers.
    B. Marketing channels - Master one or two marketing channels to make sure it gives at least 5x ROI.
    C. Messaging - Finding and delivering the right message to your target market.
    D. Metrics - Business has to stabilize and be long-term profitable.
  2. Acquisition
    Creating the right messaging, setting up proper screening processes, setting up dual follow-up systems, and other efficient ways to convert leads and close deals.
  3. “White Glove Dispositions” system
    Attracting the top buyers by building yourself up that they'd prefer to do business with you.
  4. Delegate and automate
    Delegate responsibilities and systematize the process. Create, train, and properly onboard your employees.

The mentorship starts by auditing your business, and what marketing channels you’re using. They will then give you a realistic goal. Next, they will create a custom business plan for you to follow. They tailor everything to your market.

Once your program is created, they will move on to find the best combination of inbound and outbound channels to maximize ROI in your market. Once you have a predictable and consistent lead flow, you will move on to optimizing your processes. To ensure maximum efficiency, you will delegate responsibilities to your team, such as onboarding an internal lead manager. If everything goes smoothly, you will have an automated business — a well-oiled machine.

Now you have time, since everything is now stable and automated (converting above 20% closing rate on appointments), you can go one with the last step of scaling your business. This is the goal of the program. The focus is on your ROTI (return of time invested) rather than on your ROI.

Do Clients of REI Game Changers Make Money?

James and Alan’s REI Came Changers, as well as Awaken Real Estate, have an overwhelming positive review from previous clients. You’ll find video testimonials on their site as well as other review websites.

Judging by the client reviews and the duo's track record, we can say that their service is legit and effective.

Here's a photo of one of their meetings with legacy clients.

How Hard is Real Estate Wholesaling in 2024?

There’s a lot of money to be made in the real estate industry in 2024. The question you should ask is if this is for you. Real estate investing takes a lot of time and capital and, if done right, can give you high returns, yet can financially devastate you if you fail. You need a lot of skills and the proper connections if you are to succeed with real estate investment.

There are other, less risky ways to earn. I have run several businesses and my most successful one is local lead generation. It works like real estate, just in digital space. One of the most common ways of earning in real estate is by charging rent. Local lead generation earns you income from charging local companies to use your digital space. This works by ranking your site on Google. Once it’s ranked, you offer your space to local businesses. They will get leads from your site in exchange for “rent”.

Local lead generation real estate

The differences between real estate wholesaling and local lead generation is that real estate requires more skills, time, and capital, while lead generation only needs a tiny fraction of that investment. You don't have to worry about finding properties, sellers, and buyers. You don't have to worry about property maintenance and managing a bunch of employees..

The returns may not be that big outright compared to real estate, but an easy-to-set up scalable online business that gives you consistent passive income may be best for you in the long run. Local lead generation is an authentic example of a passive income business model.

If that sounds good to you, check out Local Lead Generation to know more.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. I will say this. I Purchased several Real Estate Investment Training programs and I don't think their course is worth the $8,000 is it now today. They teach you very minimum about Real Estate Investing. Stuff that you can find on YouTube University for Free. I was not pleased and they really think that you're slow mentally because they try to hype you up about Joining FB Groups to make posts. And what's worse is that there are several Videos about this topic. Other courses I have paid for did a much better Job at delivering. Pro Tip: if they don't offer a moneyback Guarantee don't use them. This is a sign of a sleazy sales tactic for a trashy product that really can't deliver on a minimum of 70% of their Students. I should have never joined and I regret it. I feel that they were dishonest with me in the first. The sales guys just wanted his commission. You have to think about it… if a company makes half of its revenue off of selling Students, then are they really a viable training platform still in the Trenches? It's a Coaching company that shows people how JH did what he did in 2019. And I remember he was marketing other stuff before he all of a sudden got into Real Estate. Stay way and Change your Credit card if you already Purchased from this guys. I promise you there are better companies out there. Anything over $5K Stay away as a rule of thumb!

  2. The program itself is alright, wouldn't say it's worth what you pay for it, nor would I choose them again compared to their competitors who deliver far better results, with more testimonials, and just better overall. Still is was alright, they're all nice, wouldn't invest into it again at all, do regret joining. Have also heard stories from the salespeople that work for them, and how their hiring process dehumanized them and insults them, I'm not too familiar with that but the sales rep did seem to be having a bad day when I joined. Either way, can attest it was alright.

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