Harry & Otis Coleman’s Revolt Ecom Review – What Is Ecom Revolt 1-1 Mentorship Call?

June 21, 2024

Revolt Ecom by Harry & Otis Coleman is an educational and coaching program for dropshipping. The platform merges Harry's Beast Ecom and Otis' Ecom Wizard expertise. They teach you how to scale your dropshipping store using product research and optimized ads. The platform also covers strategies for store systems and operations for store scaling. Students make money by maximizing their store's potential through Revolt Ecom's strategy. Harry and Otis' Concept Store is a dropshipping method for maximizing sales. It's not a general or niche store, but a combination of both. It's a store where you can test-winning products but also has a branded feel for customers.

Revolt Ecom's review is positive based on its sales page. It's planned to entice potential clients to enroll in the program. Additionally, there are very few independent reviews of Revolt Ecom. Some reviews online state that joining the Revolt Ecom community is a valuable step for dropshipping success. On Reddit, a thread discussion said that Beast of Ecom by Harry Otis, is worth it.

In this Revolt Ecom review, we will discuss the program's inclusions, pros, and cons. We'll also give you information on its specific features and strategies. You'll know more about Harry and Otis Coleman, drop shipping, and whether it is worth it. This article also introduces you to local lead generation and why it's a better alternative to dropshipping.

Revolt Ecom Pros And Cons


Revolt Ecom has 70 step-by-step video training modules that covers all aspects of dropshipping. This ensures participants have a solid foundation and ongoing updates.

Revolt Ecom participants receive one-on-one mentorship through private Slack communication and Zoom calls. This personalized support has unique guidance and accountability.

Revolt Ecom delivers a strong performance guarantee. Mentors support participants until they reach a $10,000 monthly profit in six months. The program offers a full refund if participants don't recoup their investment.is one. 


Revolt Ecom is one of the more expensive courses. This is because they'll guide you for 24 weeks.

Revolt Ecom has very few independent reviews. This makes it difficult for potential clients to gauge the program’s effectiveness from unbiased sources.

Revolt Ecom's intensive mentorship and training process requires a significant time commitment. This is challenging for individuals with other full-time responsibilities.


Revolt Ecom has not mentioned the price for their 1-1 mentorship call. But, it can be expensive because they will guide you for 24 weeks.

Refund Policy

Revolt Ecom's 1-1 mentorship call offers a full refund if you followed all steps and did not make back your initial investment.


Revolt Ecom's founding date is 2023.


Revolt Ecom has a good reputation online.

June 21, 2024

Based on my experience, Revolt Ecom’s dropshipping mentorship is solid and promises results. The curriculum and mentorship are big pluses. And there’s a performance guarantee too. But it’s pricey and pretty intense. So, if I were you, make sure to think it through.


3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

What Is the Revolt Ecom 1-1 Mentorship Call?

The Revolt Ecom 1-1 Mentorship Call is a gateway to an extensive dropshipping coaching program. It helps you start and scale your dropshipping business through Revolt Ecom's guidance. Participants can access mentors through private 1-1 Slack communication and 1-on-1 Zoom calls. This ensures personalized support and accountability with its members. The program also has twice-weekly group coaching calls, recorded for convenience. Here, you can ask questions and learn from other entrepreneurs' experiences

Additionally, you'll gain lifetime access to over 70 step-by-step video training modules. These modules cover all aspects of dropshipping, providing you with a solid foundation and ongoing updates. With mentorship and group sessions, the program offers a private Discord community. It's where you can network and collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs.

Over the course of six months, the mentorship aims to guide you to achieve at least $10,000 in monthly profit. Their structured approach enables us to do this through store setup and product research. They also guide you with traffic generation and advanced scaling strategies. The program includes pre-built themes, product templates, and high-converting ad copy frameworks. It ensures you have everything needed to succeed without unnecessary guesswork.

The Revolt Ecom 1-1 Mentorship offers a strong performance guarantee. If you do not achieve $10,000 in monthly profit within six months, mentors will continue to work with you until you do. Additionally, if you followed all steps and did not make back your initial investment, you have the right to a full refund. This guarantee shows confidence in transforming your dropshipping venture into a profitable online business. The 1-1 mentorship call price is undisclosed, but it can be costly because of the 24-week guidance.

How Can You Book To the Revolt Ecom 1-1 Mentorship Call?

You can book to the Revolt Ecom 1-1 Mentorship Call by first going to their website (www.revoltecom.com/apply-now#tmp_customjs-40596). You'll then see a calendar app where you can set the date for the call. Choose the time and date most convenient for you. Next, you'll asked several questions as you go through the booking process.

First, they'll get your contact information. They'll ask for your name, email, Instagram, country location, and why you want this call. 

They'll then ask if you have the funds available to invest in mentorship. If yes, they'll ask how much you would invest in yourself to make over $10,000/month profit with your dropshipping store. Next, they'll ask if you can start immediately once you are accepted into the program. They will ask you to confirm your attendance and ensure you will be available at the designated time in a quiet location. Lastly, they'll ask which channel led you to find Harry and Otis and book this call. 

What Dropshipping Strategies You Will Learn From the Revolt Ecom 1-1 Mentorship Call?

The dropshipping strategies you will learn from the Revolt Ecom 1-1 Mentorship Call are building, research, ads, and operations for a store. They'll assist you in building a branded Concept Store, setting you apart from other dropshippers. You'll receive a pre-built store theme with their customizations, so all you need to do is change the logo, colors, and products. Learn how to create a product page that turns visitors into buyers and saves your advertising budget. Once you’ve set everything up, you'll send it to them for a personal review to check for any errors, ensuring everything is perfect.

  • Dropshipping Store Building teaches a step-by-step process for building a Concept Store. This Concept Store makes you stand out from other dropshippers. This mentorship call includes a pre-built store theme with customization. But you only need to change the logo, its colours, and the products you sell. They'll also guide you in creating a high-converting product page that maximizes ROI. Once you've set everything up, you can send it to their team for our personal review to avoid errors.
  • Dropshipping Product Research covers how and where to find winning products. They'll also teach you how to test whether products are worth testing. They'll be the ones to review products before you test them to avoid wasting money. Their team will do the research and provide you with 5 winning products to test weekly. Revolt Ecom ensures that new products will give a memorable user experience.
  • Setting Up Your Dropshipping Ads teaches how to test & scale ads. This is so you don't waste your money and time doing stuff that doesn't work. They'll give you their frameworks for creating high-converting ad copy, videos, and thumbnails. This is a proven framework that works. They'll give you their Horcrux bulletproof Facebook ads structure and vendor plugs if you've had bans. This helps you never to have to worry about bans again. Submit your ads for review to ensure everything is ready.
  • The Dropshipping Operations & Systems give you all our templates for email marketing flows. This is so you can print extra money by copying and pasting. They'll show you how to hire VAs and give you templates for job descriptions. This is to automate parts of your business so you can focus on growing and scaling. They'll also give you access to their personal fulfilment agents. This handles millions of dollars worth of orders and can ship your product faster and cheaper than using AliExpress. 
  • 1-1 Mentorship Call Bonus gives access to live case studies. The bonus provides a detailed account of their daily testing and scaling using Facebook and TikTok ads. You get to look behind the scenes inside their ad accounts.

What Can You Get From the Revolt Ecom Dropshipping Course?

You can get a comprehensive guide to starting and scaling an online store with Revolt Ecom dropshipping course. It begins with a Welcome Video where Harry and Otis Coleman introduce the course. They promise to teach you how to set up your first online store and achieve at least $1,000 in daily sales. The course covers developing a success mindset, dropshipping, and building your store. It also teaches how to conduct product research, advertising strategies, and system operations. Additionally, the course includes bonuses and a reduced-cost Shopify offer.

Welcome Video

The Welcome Video introduces you to the free dropshipping course. Harry said you will learn how to set up your first online store and scale it to at least $1,000 daily in sales. He introduces himself and his brother Otis Coleman as the course's instructors. They will teach you to create a successful concept store, identify profitable products, and drive traffic using paid ads.

Insider Closer Accelerator Program

Developing the Mindset for Success teaches how to grow a dropshipping mindset. Harry explains what an unsuccessful person's mindset is and what a successful person's mindset is. It highlights four key mindset elements for being successful. You must first understand your "why" and then have a clear and defined goal. You must also develop a feedback loop to learn from mistakes and never quit.

Understanding the Dropshipping Model

Understanding the Dropshipping Model discusses the nature of dropshipping. Its three major components are the customer, the store, and the supplier. The process involves the customer purchasing a product and forwarding it to the supplier. After that, the supplier delivers the product to the customer. The lesson also talks about the benefits of dropshipping. It has a low barrier to entry and requires minimal investment. It also doesn't need warehousing or inventory and allows for operation from anywhere.

Module 1 - Store Build

The New Way To Dropship

The New Way To Dropship covers a new and effective method designed for beginners. This is in contrast to older methods. Traditional general, niche, and one-product stores have significant market limitations. The fresh approach, "concept store," involves creating a flexible, generic, brandable store name. It allows for testing and selling various products without traditional constraints.

Opening A Shopify Account

Opening A Shopify Account explains how to open a Shopify store. This lesson came from Otis Coleman. First, you need to visit Shopify.com and start a free trial. You can then select options like "Online store" and "Dropshipping." Finally, you confirm your email to complete the setup and start designing your store. Unfortunately, Revolt Ecom focuses on Shopify stores and not TikTok stores.

Choosing Brand Names

Brand Names covers finding names for a new Shopify store using free tools. These tools are NameQL, NameLix, and Shopify's business name generator. NameQL is favored for suggesting names and checking domain availability. Harry recommends creating short, six-letter, random, brandable names for concept stores.

Buying Store Domain

Buying Store Domain explains purchasing a domain for your Shopify store using Google Domains. The tool is user-friendly and includes a professional email setup. Harry demonstrates searching for available domains, adding one to the basket, and configuring settings like Google Workspace. He also covers buying domains in other countries, linking them to Shopify, and setting up a customer service email.

Designing A Logo

Designing A Logo shows how to create an effective logo for your Shopify store using Photoshop or Photopea. He explains that a minimalist approach, such as a word with a full stop, aligns with the store's color scheme. The tutorial covers resizing, cropping, and creating transparent backgrounds for website versatility. Harry explains this strategy's importance to ensure visibility and aesthetics.

Shopify Apps To Use

Shopify Apps to Use covers essential apps for a Shopify store. It starts with Sendvio for email marketing and recovering abandoned carts. Uplinkly Sticky Cart keeps the add-to-cart button visible, boosting conversions. Vitals stands out for product reviews and sales notifications. One Click Upsell by Zipify OCU boosts revenue through post-purchase offers. True Profit tracks profit, while Klaviyo handles email marketing and SMS Bump covers text marketing.

Pages To Setup

Pages To Setup outlines the essential pages needed for a Shopify store and how to set them up. First, Harry advises to set up key policies, such as a return policy and terms of service. He provides you with templates that are available in the Shopify settings. He covers creating necessary pages like "Track Your Order." He uses the 17track widget for "FAQs," "Contact Us," and "About Us."

Store Build Design

Store Building Design teaches building a Shopify store using the Sense theme, suitable for regions needing language translation. Key elements include an announcement bar, logo, main menu, high-quality images, best-selling columns, customer benefits, and social proof reviews. Harry emphasizes using generic, branded names for flexibility and higher conversion rates while demonstrating how to create product pages and add social proof.

High Converting Product Pages

High Converting Product Pages cover effective product pages with live examples. Key components include high-quality images, benefit-driven bullet points, testimonials, FAQs, guarantees, and social proof. Harry suggests optimizing for mobile and personalizing pages with branded names and eBooks. These strategies, along with preparing pages before running ads, help achieve higher conversion rates.

Dropshipping With A.I

Dropshipping with AI explains using ChatGPT to enhance a dropshipping business. Harry advises to use AI to generate high-quality product descriptions by emulating top copywriters. AI applications include creating brands, generating eBooks, and using Pixelcut for product images. These AI tools streamline workflow, create interesting product pages, and increase conversion rates.

Module 2 - Product Research

Products to Avoid

Products to Avoid discusses four types of products to avoid in dropshipping. First, avoid selling trademarked or copyrighted items like Star Wars or Harry Potter merchandise to prevent legal issues. Avoid low-margin products to ensure profitability at scale due to rising costs. Also, avoid generic items like pens or nail clippers, as they lack a wow factor. Be cautious with expensive electrical items, especially those from China, to avoid financial losses.

What Makes a Winning Product

What Makes a Winning Product breaks down winning products into problem-solving and wow-effect categories. Problem-solving products address specific issues, save time, or boost confidence, like a dog hand shower. Unique products captivate with novelty, such as a hand-knitted unicorn scarf. Additionally, product archetypes include trending products popular for a time, seasonal products performing well in specific seasons, and evergreen products selling year-round.

5 Step Viability Framework

5 Step Viability Framework explains product viability for dropshipping. It requires a five-phase framework to ensure efficiency and profitability. To start, one can find potential products using various methods. Next, ensure the product either solves a problem or has a unique appeal. Confirm if it's available from suppliers. Verify that the product has enough profit margins and existing marketing content. This method reduces spending and improves product success rates.

Tricking Facebook To Show You Products

Tricking Facebook To Show You Products explains finding potential products through your news feed. Identify ads with high engagement, noting those with likes, comments, and shares. Check comments for positive feedback and visit the product’s website to trigger Facebook’s pixel. Adding the product to your cart and starting checkout signals interest, prompting Facebook to show more similar ads.

Finding Winners Using Facebook Ads Library

Finding Winners Using Facebook Ads Library shows how to use Facebook Ads Library to find winning products. To start, search for ads using keywords to find engaging ones. Verify the advertiser's page for quantity and start dates to gauge product success. You can combine this method of tracking ads on your Facebook newsfeed. It allows you to identify potential winning products and is free to use.

Find Viral Products Using TikTok Desktop

Find Viral Products Using TikTok Desktop is a lesson on using TikTok Desktop to search for products. Search for "TikTok made me buy it" keywords to find viral videos of popular products. Check the engagement metrics to gauge the product's popularity. Another method involves using the free "sort for TikTok" extension. This identifies the most viral video on a creator's profile. It provides insights into high-engagement products that could perform well on other platforms.

Using TikTok To Find Products

Using TikTok To Find Products teaches finding products on TikTok using your phone. Search with keywords, filter by time frame and like count for trending items. Save potential winning products to your favorites for easy access. Check your "For You" page for ads and interact by starting the checkout process to signal TikTok to show similar products. Be cautious of products that seem too good to be true, as they might be scams.

AliExpress Dropshipping Center

AliExpress Dropshipping Center teaches product selection for success. By signing into AliExpress, you can explore various products. It focuses on those with videos and analyzing their growth rates and sales data. It analyzes trends and video content availability to identify dropshipping products. This method enhances market research by providing additional insights.

TikTok Creative Center

TikTok Creative Center teaches how to find winning products using TikTok's ads library. Like Facebook, however, it's more limited as it only includes allowed ads. Analyzing engagement metrics reveals successful dropshipping products. Harry shows how to save and analyze ads. Additionally, he suggests cross-referencing products on AliExpress and TikTok. This is to find available items and creatives.

Revealing Any Stores Winning Products

Revealing Any Stores Winning Products covers finding products on other Shopify stores. It uses a specific URL trick by affixing "/collections/all?sort_by=best-selling". This is used for the store's domain name. You can sort their products from best-selling to least best-selling. Clever dropshippers may mask this by redirecting you to a different page. This method works for most stores that don't use such tactics. It's useful for uncovering top-selling products and understanding what others are selling.

Finding Gems In Reddit

Finding Gems on Reddit teaches how to use Reddit and specific subreddits to find untapped winning products. Subreddits like "Didn't know I wanted that" " are resources where people post unique products. Browsing these subreddits makes you identify popular items with high engagement. Once you find a promising product, you can search for it on AliExpress. This method provides a unique edge as it uncovers less saturated products.

Amazon Movers & Shakers

Amazon Movers Shakers introduces a method for finding winning products by listing the biggest gainers in sales rank over 24 hours. Harry explores different categories, identifies trending products, and cross-references them on AliExpress and TikTok for availability and content. He also suggests checking Amazon's Most Wished For section to gauge demand. This method is useful for generating product ideas and identifying trends.

AliExpress Untapped Search Method

AliExpress Untapped Research Methods teaches finding winning products on AliExpress. Harry emphasizes using incognito mode to avoid personalized suggestions. Scan for unique, eye-catching items by sorting categories by order and exploring subcategories. He recommends checking seller recommendations for top-selling products in specific stores to be first to market and scale effectively.

YouTube Guru Method

YouTube Guru Method teaches watching YouTube guru videos that highlight top dropshipping products. YouTube gurus release these videos monthly with titles like "top 10 winning products." However, it's important to note that many of these products don't work. They rarely fit key criteria for successful dropshipping. These videos can provide product ideas, but conducting your own research is better.

The Secret Chinese TikTok

The Secret Chinese TikTok introduces Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, as an untapped resource for finding winning products and ad creatives. Access Douyin by translating the site into English and getting an account through a Chinese supplier. Use Google Translate for Chinese keywords to search for trending products. Filter search results by most likes to identify popular gadgets and tools. Harry shows finding a unique mop gadget and checking its availability on AliExpress, showcasing Douyin's value for discovering innovative products.

Identify Products Before Competition Launches It

Identify Products Before Competition Launches teach how to track other dropshipping stores. This is to discover new products other stores are testing. Use the free tool CommaFeed.com to subscribe to a store's feed by adding "/collections/all.atom" to the store's URL. This allows you to see all products added to their store and the date. By monitoring these feeds, you can stay ahead of trends. You can also be the first to test new products using the research efforts of other dropshippers.

How To Find a Good Supplier

How To Find a Good Supplier covers how to find reliable suppliers for your products. Harry encouraged choosing suppliers with high positive feedback ratings (above 90%). He also wants suppliers to have a good track record of fulfilled orders. He compares suppliers with ratings, longevity, and customer reviews. Harry said to exercise caution with new suppliers.

Why Use Paid Tools?

Why Use Paid Tools explains the advantages of using paid tools over free methods. Paid tools save time by reducing manual searching and filtering, scraping the best ads and products with high engagement. They display successful ad examples to help identify winning products and understand what makes an ad effective. Additionally, these tools generate creative ideas for ads and searches, helping you explore new niches and products you might not have considered otherwise.

Findiful - Find Real-Time Winning Products

Findiful - Find Real-Time Winning Products explains Findiful, a paid tool for automating the search for live winning products from Facebook Ads Library. Users can input keywords, select countries, and set the minimum number of ads to display, streamlining the search for high-performing ads. Harry demonstrates how Findiful pulls in relevant ads based on these parameters, providing options to visit the ad page, check the domain name, and view the website. It’s useful for downloading creative assets and calculating the breakeven ROAS.

Shophunter - Spy on Shopify Stores Revenue

Shophunter - Spy on Shopify Stores Revenue explains how to use ShopHunter.io to spy on any store's sales and confirm product viability. The tool tracks a store's daily, weekly, and monthly revenue. The tool also tracks the number of orders, average order value (AOV), and the number of SKUs. You can view the store's sales performance and top-selling products. Additionally, you can view the store's theme and apps. It helps you decide if a product is worth selling based on its sales metrics.


Minea is a dropshipping tool for finding winning products. This is across Facebook, TikTok, and Pinterest ads. Harry uses Minea to search for engagement ads by setting criteria for regions, languages, and engagement levels. The tool sorts ads by metrics and provides detailed information for each ad. This comprises product pages and other ads from the same shop. Minea has the advantage of combining many ad platforms in one tool.


Dropisy is a paid tool for finding potential winning products by scraping ads from platforms. It allows users to filter products based on specific criteria. These criteria are creation date, country, language, and likes. Users can customize their searches to focus on recent products. It ensures they are sourcing from reliable suppliers, especially on Shopify. The tool provides insights into performing ads.


Ecomhunt is Harry's trusted marketing tool. It provides hand-selected winning products without the ability to search for specific items. It presents three winning products daily, with costs, profit margins, and engagement metrics. This helps users understand potential winning products. Many users test the same products, but Ecom Hunt offers insights for beginners. It provides direct links to suppliers, stores, and ads for profitable dropshipping products.


PipiAds is a paid tool focused on TikTok ads. It's ideal for those running TikTok campaigns and can also help find products on Facebook. Its features include keyword searches and winning products with significant engagement. Users can filter searches by country, platform, and engagement levels. Despite its higher cost, PipiAds provide downloadable content. This makes it useful for optimizing dropshipping product research and advertising strategies.

Module 3 - Advertising

Traffic Sources - Why FB Ads

Traffic Sources - Why FB Ads cover traffic sources for advertising platforms. Traffic is important for generating sales. Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Google, and Snapchat are the five platforms. He also discusses the pros and cons of each. They praise Facebook for its stability, scalability, and superior algorithm. TikTok's volatility is good for geo-restrictions. Pinterest offers lower costs but slower optimization. Google provides high conversion rates because of search intent, but it is costly. Snapchat is like TikTok in terms of creative fatigue and volatility. Harry recommends Facebook for its proven success and wide reach.

Business Manager Overview

Business Manager Overview explains how to create a Facebook Business Manager account. It also provides a comprehensive overview of its features. Harry guides viewers to create an account via Google and set up a business profile. The video covers key sections, such as adding people to different access levels, managing pages, and creating ad accounts. He covers payment methods, pixels, domain verification, and two-factor authentication for security. It equips viewers with the knowledge to use Facebook as Business Manager.

Installing Facebook Pixel

Installing Facebook Pixel explains how to install a Facebook pixel on a Shopify store. This is without using the problematic Facebook app from the Shopify app store. First, verify your domain by updating the DNS text record. Then, create and add a new pixel to Facebook's Pixel Manager. Finally, you must paste the pixel code into the Vitals app on Shopify.

Video Ad Creatives

Video Ad Creatives cover how to create ad creatives using three primary methods. The first method involves copying and presenting a competitor's video as yours. Platforms like Fiverr, Bands of Ads, or Viral Ecom Ads can outsource the creation of ad videos. The third method is finding and editing clips using Camtasia or DaVinci Resolve. Otis provides detailed steps for downloading and editing videos from Facebook and TikTok.

Image Ad Creatives

Image Ad Creatives teaches ad creatives for products on fashion and home decor items. Otis starts by finding suitable images on AliExpress. He then uses the Chrome extension AliSave Plus to download variant images. Otis uses AliSave Plus to download variant and dominant images from AliExpress. He uses PhotoJoiner, a free online tool, to create appealing collages of the products. The video explains how to create appealing ads for fashion items and home decor products. He stresses the need for careful image selection and minimal text for a clean, professional look.

FB Testing Strategy For Top 4

FB Testing Strategy For Top 4 teaches how to set up and launch Facebook test campaigns for the US and top English-speaking countries. The process includes creating campaigns and establishing targeted ad sets. It also involves configuring ads with relevant creatives and UTMs for tracking. It discusses split-testing elements like thumbnails and duplicating ad sets for different countries. This identifies the best-performing regions while managing CPMs.

FB Testing Strategy For EU Markets

FB Testing Strategy For EU Markets uses a localized approach to set up and launch Facebook test campaigns for EU countries. The strategy is to create a translated website, product pages, and ad copies for EU markets. The setup includes selecting interests, setting a daily budget, and split-testing ad creatives. You can test and optimize your campaigns for various EU countries using this.

When To Cut & Scale Ads

When To Cut Scale Ads shows when to cut and scale Facebook ad sets based on specific metrics. Harry explains that a good cost per link click for a winning product is below $0.70. This is with CPMs below $10 in the EU and $20 in the USA. He emphasizes the need for a positive return on ad spend. He also suggests duplicating successful ad sets into a campaign budget optimization. This is for scaling while cutting non-performing ones. The approach includes daily monitoring, price adjustments, and decision-making based on engagement metrics.

Scaling Strategies

Scaling Strategies teach horizontal scaling, vertical scaling, and using Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO). Horizontal scaling duplicates successful ad sets to show them to new audiences. Vertical scaling increases the budget of successful ad sets. The CBO strategy creates new campaigns with high-performing ad sets. It also uses a single best-performing ad, starting at a $200 budget and scaling up if successful.

EU vs Top 4 Dropshipping

EU vs Top 4 Dropshipping explains the differences between EU and traditional top four dropshipping. EU dropshipping uses native languages, ads, and payment methods for EU markets. Traditional dropshipping only uses English. EU dropshipping has less competition, lower CPMs, and a higher winning product ratio. It also has similar shipping times and customers with disposable income. However, there are difficulties in obtaining local payment methods. It has lower scalability, VAT issues, and limited 3PL importing options.

Dealing With Facebook Bans

Dealing With Facebook Bans covers how to deal with Facebook bans. It also teaches effective methods to prevent them. Types of bans are ad account bans, page bans, profile bans, and business manager bans. It's a step-by-step approach to appeal these bans, including suggested language for appeals. Otis also covers strategies for building structures to mitigate the risk of bans. He shares several do's and don'ts for handling Facebook ads. These are avoiding aggressive ads, not using the same rejected ads, and separating payment systems to cut risk.

Case Study EU $100k/Month

Case Study EU 100kMonth is an in-depth case study of a dropshipping store in Denmark. It generated over $100,000 in a month. Otis covers the entire process from testing to scaling. He tested 25 products in a month, averaging 6-7 per week. His strategy involved ad sets with broad interests and explaining product identification. He scaled them using Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) and surf scaling techniques. He encourages continuous testing, interest exploration, and creative variations.

Module 4 - System & Operations

How To Get An Agent

How To Get An Agent discusses the importance of using a Chinese agent for dropshipping when scaling, as Aliexpress becomes less practical. A Chinese agent buys products, stores them, and fulfills orders, leading to lower costs, faster fulfillment, and quicker shipping. To find an agent, contact your current Aliexpress supplier. Use apps like Deanne Exami to automate the fulfillment process, improving customer satisfaction and business efficiency.

Building a Team

Building a Team teaches the importance of a team for business growth. Hire once cash flow is consistent and non-growth activities consume your time. Use platforms like Upwork and OnlineJobs.ph to find candidates, each with pros and cons. Tools like G Suite, Loom, and communication channels aid in team management. Otis emphasizes delegating tasks to capable individuals to ensure customer satisfaction and business growth.

Utilizing Credit Cards

Utilizing Credit Cards explains the importance of using credit cards for business expenses. Spending on credit cards allows you to earn rewards points that you can redeem for other perks. It also helps you manage cash flow more with delayed payment terms. It discusses the extra advantages of building a good credit score. Recommendations include specific credit cards like American Express.


How I Made $10M With Dropshipping Training

How I Made 10M With Dropshipping Training explains Harry Coleman's journey to $10 million in four years through dropshipping. He emphasizes that anyone can succeed by following his strategies, regardless of background. Coleman highlights the importance of building a branded concept store and identifying winning products using a five-phase framework. He offers a detailed blueprint and personal coaching to help others reach a $10K monthly profit within 24 weeks.

FB Ads Pre-Launch Checklist

FB Ads Pre-Launch Checklist ensures a successful campaign with several steps. First, select the campaign type as 'SALES' and choose 'Purchase' as the conversion event. Set a budget of $10-20 per ad set, configure audience demographics and interests, optimize ad placements, and target countries. Use a consistent post ID for all ad sets, include multiple creatives, and add UTM parameters for better tracking. Verify the product page's functionality and appeal before launching. Following this checklist streamlines the process for a successful campaign.

Shopify Store Checklist

Shopify Store Checklist is a tool for checking elements of your Shopify store. It has Facebook tasks and Shopify tasks as a foundation and theme. It also has Shopify tasks for pages and apps. The checklist ensures a successful ecommerce store launch. 

Eddie X Beast of Ecom Interview

Eddie X Beast of Ecom Interview is conducted by Harry Coleman. They share their journey from average students to successful e-commerce entrepreneurs, emphasizing action, adaptability, and comfort with risk. Harry discusses traditional education's inefficiencies for entrepreneurship, stressing the need for practical experience. He offers practical advice for beginners and highlights the importance of proven strategies.

Arie Scherson X Beast of Ecom Interview

Arie Scherson X Beast of Ecom Interview features two dropshipping entrepreneurs sharing their journey and insights. They discuss experiences and strategies, emphasizing customer communication and continuous learning. Harry encourages leveraging TikTok for organic reach and investing in real estate for financial balance. He advises entrepreneurs to focus on gradual improvement to attain their goals.

What Is the Revolt Ecom Secret Group?

Revolt Ecom Secret Group is an interactive channel on Telegram where other entrepreneurs share valuable insights, tips, and success. The secret group is also a source of resources from Harry and Otis Coleman. Both founders post student success stories and encourage the coaching program. It's free, and all you need to do is sign up.

What Is the Revolt Ecom Community on Skool?

Revolt Ecom on Skool is a platform for entrepreneurs to start and scale dropshipping businesses. It's a community that combines courses and communities for learning. The design is user-friendly and perfect for online businesses. It offers gamified learning to keep users engaged. It has features like content creation, subscription management, and analytics. Skool is a hub for growth and connection. This makes it a lively space where creators and learners interact and thrive.

The cost of join the Revolt Ecom community is Free. Its community is part of the Skool platform. It offers monetization tools, course management, and gamification. This makes it an ideal environment for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. The community is public and accessible, with over 89.6k members.

The Revolt Ecom community holds the #491 ranking on the Skool Discovery page. The Skool platform has gained recognition for its quality, pricing, community, and features. Skool is a platform that boosts online communities and businesses effortlessly.

Who Is the Revolt Ecom for?

Revolt Ecom is for people looking to start an ecommerce dropshipping store. Founders Harry and Otis want members to escape the 9-5 grind. The program targets individuals who want to start a dropshipping store. The common aspects are finding winning products or getting poor results.

By joining Revolt Ecom, you can access abundant resources and personalized mentorship. Revolt Ecom supports beginners and seasoned dropshippers in building and optimizing their stores. Its specialties include detailed product research, high-converting ads, and effective store systems. This ensures you avoid common pitfalls and maximize your potential from the get-go.

Additionally, Revolt Ecom is for those currently dropshipping but struggling with inconsistent results. The program offers advanced scaling techniques to maintain and boost your business performance. This is for big and small businesses specializing in ecommerce. Revolt Ecom helps you reach $10,000/month profit in 24 weeks through mentorship, coaching, and community. It  helps you to achieve your financial goals through dropshipping.

However, Revolt Ecom is not for you if you're bothered by high costs. The program can be expensive since it will provide mentorship for 24 weeks. This can be demanding. The mentorship and training process is also very intensive. It requires a significant time commitment, which might be challenging. It's not for individuals with other full-time responsibilities. 

Are The Community Members of the Revolt Ecom Getting Results?

Community members of the Revolt Ecom are getting results. Maarten from Belgium, a Revolt Ecom student, was working long hours at his job. This left him feeling exhausted always. His solo dropshipping business attempts resulted in challenges and financial losses. Feeling discouraged, he joined our dropshipping program. With program support and guidance, Maarten overcame initial struggles. He used effective strategies, optimized his store, and improved audience targeting. As a result, he is now achieving $5,000 in sales per day and has already reached $40-50K for the month. The program helped him exceed his financial goals and make his dropshipping business successful.

Emir and Kerem are also Revolt Ecom students. American dropouts who attempted dropshipping but struggled to succeed. Their collaboration led to initial success, but scaling their business presented challenges. Seeking further help, they joined our program. With our guidance, they overcame their scaling issues and generated over $200,000 in sales in July. This achievement highlights our effective support in surpassing their business goals.

However, it's important to understand that these reviews came from their sales page. It's designed to entice potential students to enroll for the mentorship call. The lack of independent reviews makes Revolt Ecom's effectivity questionable.

Is the Revolt Ecom Worth Joining?

Revolt Ecom is worth joining if you are serious about building a successful dropshipping business. It's also worth it if you're willing to invest time and money into a mentorship program. It benefits those new to dropshipping or who have not achieved results independently. The program has a structured approach to building and scaling a dropshipping store. It also has personalized mentorship, detailed training modules, and community support.

The one-on-one mentorship and twice-a-week group coaching calls provide guidance and accountability. It helps you navigate the complexities of dropshipping. The performance guarantee promises continued support until you achieve $10,000 in monthly profit. This is within six months, demonstrating confidence in the program's effectiveness. Access to all these features means you'll have less guesswork in dropshipping.

However, it's important to consider the cost of the program to know it's worth it. The time commitment required is also an important factor. Revolt Ecom is a valuable investment if you have the financial resources and dedication. Revolt Ecom provides a comprehensive and supportive environment for financial success.

Who Is Harry Coleman? 

Harry Coleman is the co-founder of Revolt Ecom. He runs his own dropshipping coaching program called Beast of Ecom. He is a master in Facebook ads marketing, having generated over 8 figures in revenue and spent over $5 million on Facebook ads. In 2016, he started his journey after getting fired from his job. Harry overcame early failures through perseverance and learning from setbacks. He's known for starting niche stores within general stores and solving specific problems. His expertise extends to crafting benefit-focused ad copy and maintaining consistent focus.

Harry is an excellent coach and entrepreneur. His teachings cover Shopify setup, Facebook ads, email marketing, and scaling via outsourcing. Coleman’s credentials are impressive, with over $10 million in generated revenue. He also has 35,000+ YouTube subscribers, and thousands of mentored students. Additionally, he has a 10,000-member Facebook group. He loves networking and offers ecommerce consulting services to help entrepreneurs. He graduated from Bingham University and is passionate about teaching and entrepreneurship.

Who Is Otis Coleman?

Otis Coleman is the brother of Harry Coleman and the co-founder of Revolt Ecom. Known for his expertise in dropshipping, he goes by the name of the Ecom Wizard, which is also the name of his company. Despite their connection and shared background, Otis has a distinctive approach to e-commerce. He runs a popular YouTube channel and the Facebook group "The Ecom Wizards Shopify Mastermind." It's where he shares valuable content with aspiring entrepreneurs. He specializes in guiding Shopify and Facebook ads, and maximizing returns on a small budget.

Otis's journey in dropshipping began with a passion for solving problems and identifying products. He emphasizes the importance of quickly setting up functional stores. His success stories show expertise in making niche products profitable. Otis tackles dropshipping hurdles like managing ad costs and custom checkouts. His strategies have helped thousands achieve ecommerce success.

Harry & Otis Coleman's Claim: Launch a Concept Dropshipping Store To $10K/Month in 24 Weeks

Harry & Otis Coleman claims that you can launch a Concept Dropshipping Store To $10K/Month in 24 Weeks. With their mentorship call, then can make your store earn $10k a month consistently. They also provide a guarantee that if you do not get any results, they will give you a full refund. This is if you have done every instruction.

Harry & Otis Coleman's Claims Debunked

Harry & Otis Coleman's claim that you can launch a Concept Dropshipping Store to $10K/month in 24 weeks is very optimistic. Yet, several reasons can disprove this claim. Their mentorship guarantees a full refund if you don't get results after following every instruction. However, there are several reasons to be skeptical of such promises.

Optimism bias can lead you to believe that you can also get results as those presented by Revolt Ecom. You overestimate your chances of success because of their success stories. This can lead to you underestimating the challenges and competition in the dropshipping.

Statistically, only a small percentage of dropshippers achieve significant financial success. Market Pulse says only about 10% of dropshipping businesses are profitable. The average revenue for most dropshippers falls below $1,000 per month. This is because of varying factors.

Inherent challenges in dropshipping include thin profit margins, supplier reliability, and high competition. Effective marketing strategies are vital but can be costly and take constant optimization. Customer service and handling returns can also be challenging. It's because dropshippers do not control inventory directly.

While reaching $10K/month is possible, recognize that it requires more than following instructions from a course. It demands significant effort, strategic planning, and, often, a fair amount of luck. The refund guarantee is reassuring but doesn't mitigate the needed financial and time investment.

What Are The Reasons Why Dropshipping Is Hard?

The reasons why dropshipping is hard are the lack of control over inventory and fulfillment and market competition. Ad and marketing costs and account restrictions are also a challenge. Customer expectations, service demand, and unpredictable profit margins also make dropshipping hard.

  • Lack of Control Over Inventory and Fulfillment: Relying on suppliers can cause stock shortages, delays, and inconsistent quality. The high rate of returns is because of poor quality or delayed shipments. This reduces the low-profit margins, ranging from 10% to 20%.
  • Fierce Competition: Low entry barriers result in market saturation. This makes it possible for many entrepreneurs to enter the dropshipping space. Competitors can copy successful product ideas and marketing strategies. This leads to price war and reduced profitability.
  • Rising Advertising Costs: The increasing advertising costs on social media platforms hinder profitable returns. Effective marketing is crucial, but higher ad costs squeeze already thin margins.
  • Platform Bans and Restrictions: Because of high-risk assessments, payment gateways and advertising platforms ban dropshipping accounts. Account bans stop operations and disrupt revenue streams, requiring constant vigilance and adaptability.
  • High Customer Expectations and Service Demands: Customers expect fast shipping, seamless delivery, and excellent customer service. Handling customer inquiries, complaints, and returns is time-consuming and stressful. It requires a well-structured customer service strategy.
  • Unpredictable Profit Margins: Profit margins are a variable in dropshipping. Margins are lower because of return costs, advertising, and supplier fees. Success in dropshipping requires finding low-cost products with high perceived value. You also need to market products effectively to maintain decent profit margins.

Conclusion: Why Local Lead Gen Biz Is a Better Path Than Dropshipping?

Local lead generation biz is a better path than dropshipping it is a more stable and profitable business alternative. It offers recurring revenue from businesses paying for leads. Dropshipping, however, is volatile because of demand and supplier issues. CallRail showed 92% of businesses focus on finding leads. This shows that there is a strong demand for lead generation services.

In contrast, dropshipping faces challenges with intense competition, low profit margins, and supplier dependency. eMarketer found the average profit margin for dropshipping is only 10-30%. Rising ad costs and shipping fees further squeeze margins. Local lead generation, however, builds strong relationships with service providers. This ensures better control over lead quality and customer satisfaction.

Try the local lead generation biz, which presents a clearer advantage over dropshipping. Ranking websites locally is faster and a repeatable process. It's for entrepreneurs aiming for a more reliable passive income that is lucrative and flexible.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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