30 Side Hustles For Therapists (5 Steps To Make Extra Cash Through Side Gig)

April 16, 2024

Some best side hustles for therapists are:

  1. Starting lead gen biz.
  2. Offering professional supervision to new therapists.
  3. Personal development coaching.
  4. Becoming a wellness instructor.
  5. Offering marriage counseling workshops.
  6. Providing mental health webinars.
  7. Becoming a psychological consultant.
  8. Becoming an art therapist.
  9. Facilitating peer support group.
  10. Engaging in mental health advocacy and public speaking.

In the realm of mental health professionals, about 17% of the 227,800 folks with a psychology doctorate or professional degree in the U.S. work part-time, doing less than 35 hours per week in their primary jobs. This info is from the National Science Foundation. Of these, 45% of women do it because of family stuff, and 26% take on extra jobs. These numbers show that lots of therapists have side hustles. It means they work extra jobs along with their main one.

Kati Morton, a licensed therapist, author, and public speaker, is well-known for her mental health-focused YouTube channel. She covers topics like family dynamics, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and trauma. It provides valuable insights and practical advice to her viewers. Kati's approach is non-judgmental and makes her content accessible to everyone. According to Social Blade, her YouTube channel has 1.32 million subscribers and is earning an estimated monthly income of $353 to $5.7K. This real-life example shows how a licensed therapist can earn extra income alongside their main job. 

This article will provide you with the ultimate list of side hustles for therapists to generate extra funds. We've collected statistics on the opportunities, potential income, and drawbacks for each side gig. Additionally, the article will cover steps to start a side hustle as a therapist and address questions related to therapist side hustles. In the end, we'll introduce you to a business model that you can set and forget but can still earn you $500 to $2,500 per month.

30 Side Hustles For Therapists

1. Professional Supervision For New Therapists

Professional supervision for therapists involves providing guidance and mentorship for new professionals in the field. It involves giving valuable insights, feedback, and support to enhance one's skills and knowledge in therapeutic practice. With a staggering 192,497 therapists currently employed in the United States, the demand for professional supervision services is substantial, as per Zippia. You can tap into this opportunity by providing your expertise to a vast pool of potential clients seeking guidance in their professional development.

Considering the financial aspect, the average hourly pay for an Instructor Therapist in the United States is $25.22, according to ZipRecruiter. This presents a decent financial incentive for therapists engaging in professional supervision as a side hustle. It can contribute to your overall income. To embark on this side hustle, explore platforms like BetterHelp, TheraNest, or join professional networks such as the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). These avenues provide a structured environment for therapists to offer their supervision services and connect with those seeking mentorship. While professional supervision offers valuable opportunities, you may encounter challenges such as time constraints, managing multiple commitments, and potential emotional demands. 

2. Personal Development Coaching

Personal development coaching involves providing guidance and support to individuals seeking improvement in career goals, personal relationships, and overall well-being. According to the International Coaching Federation, 60% of Americans express a desire for life coaching, yet a staggering 80% of them have never been offered this service. This significant gap signals an untapped market for therapists to explore and potentially fulfill the growing demand for personal development coaching.

For therapists considering personal development coaching, the average annual pay is $56,712 in the United States, as reported by ZipRecruiter. This highlights the substantial earning potential in this field that makes it an attractive avenue for therapists seeking additional income. To begin, you can leverage platforms like Coach.me, Noomii, or consider joining professional coaching associations such as the International Coach Federation (ICF). However, there is a competition in the field. According to IBISWorld, the life coaches industry in the US employs 51,446 individuals as of 2023. 

3. Wellness Instructor

A wellness instructor refers to a professional guiding individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. This side hustle role involves providing support, knowledge, and motivation to enhance physical and mental well-being through personalized coaching. Laurnie Wilson of CivicScience indicates that a notable 36% of respondents have either utilized a health and wellness coach (18%) or express a future interest in doing so (18%). This underscores a substantial opportunity for you to step into the wellness instructor role and cater to the growing demand for personalized health guidance.

For therapists considering wellness instruction, the average hourly pay stands at $19.01 in the United States, as reported by ZipRecruiter. This figure highlights potential for therapists looking to diversify their income streams by engaging in wellness coaching. To begin, explore platforms like LinkedIn, Precision Nutrition, and Wellcoaches. However, research from the International Consortium for Health and Wellness Coaching (ICHWC) reveals that between 150,000 and 200,000 individuals identify themselves as health or wellness coaches in the United States. This suggests a competitive landscape. 

4. Marriage Counseling Workshops

Marriage counseling workshops involve providing support and guidance to couples to strengthen their relationships and prevent divorces. This addresses communication issues, conflicts, and enhances the overall quality of their marriages. According to the American Community Survey, there are 7.6 out of every 1,000 marriages in 2019, resulting in divorce. It means there is a significant opportunity for you to position yourself as marriage counselor. This data suggests a demand for preventive counseling to help couples navigate challenges and avoid reaching the point of divorce.

Considering the financial aspect, the average hourly pay for a Marriage Counselor in the United States is $37.23, as per ZipRecruiter. This showcases a substantial earning potential for therapists who choose to specialize in marriage counseling workshops as an additional source of income. To initiate marriage counseling workshops, explore platforms like BetterHelp, Talkspace, or even consider organizing local workshops and seminars. Additionally, joining professional associations such as the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) can provide resources and networking opportunities for therapists entering this field. However, as of May 2022, the headcount of marriage and family therapists in the United States varied from state to state. According to Statista, it ranges from 40 therapists to 28,910. 

5. Mental Health Webinars

Mental health webinars involve conducting online sessions to address various mental health topics. It provides therapists with a platform to share knowledge and support individuals seeking mental well-being. As per the Adult Prevalence of Mental Illness (AMI) in 2022, 19.86% of adults, approximately 50 million Americans, are currently grappling with a mental illness. This highlights a substantial opportunity for you to contribute to mental health awareness and support through hosting webinars.

In terms of financial aspect, EasyWebinar suggests that therapists can earn an average of $500 to $3,000 or more per webinar. This potential side income showcases the potential for therapists to generate income while addressing the mental health needs of a wide audience. To initiate mental health webinars, use platforms like Zoom, GoToWebinar, or even leverage social media channels for broader outreach. However, as highlighted by Communique, one of the primary risks associated with virtual events, including webinars, is technical difficulties. These may involve challenges with internet connectivity, software glitches, or equipment failure. 

6. Psychological Consultant

A psychological consultant refers to a professional who offers specialized guidance and support using psychological expertise to address various mental health concerns. As indicated by the 2022 COVID-19 Practitioner Impact Survey, psychologists find themselves in high demand. On average, psychologists report being contacted by over 15 potential new patients monthly. Notably, 79% of psychologists have observed an increase in patients with anxiety disorders since the onset of the pandemic, and 66% have seen a rise in demand for depression treatment. This creates an enormous opportunity for you.

For therapists interested in consulting psychologists, ZipRecruiter reveals an appealing average annual pay of $92,813 in the United States. This reflects a substantial income potential for you. To begin, leverage online platforms like BetterHelp, offering teletherapy services, or establishing a private practice. Additionally, you can collaborate with medical professionals and mental health organizations to expand your reach and impact as a psychological consultant. However, you must know the competition. According to Zippia, there are currently 127,233 Mental Health Consultants in the United States.

7. Become An Art Therapist

Becoming an art therapist involves using art as a therapeutic tool to address emotional and psychological challenges. Art therapists help individuals express themselves, understand their emotions, and promote mental well-being through creative processes. Research highlighted in Arts & Health underscores the positive impact of art therapy, especially for children. The study revealed that 79% of participants reported increased self-esteem and a more positive self-image after engaging in art therapy sessions. This highlights a significant opportunity for you to leverage art therapy to foster positive mental health outcomes.

For those considering a career as an art therapist in the United States, ZipRecruiter shows an average annual pay of $66,321. This demonstrates a viable income potential for therapists who choose to specialize in art therapy. Starting as an art therapist involves pursuing relevant certifications and joining professional associations such as the American Art Therapy Association (AATA). Additionally, you can explore opportunities in healthcare institutions, schools, or even consider private practice. Online platforms like TherapyRoute and Psychology Today can also connect therapists with potential clients seeking art therapy services. Despite lucrative opportunities, Zippia reports that there are currently over 4,273 art therapy specialists employed in the United States. While this indicates a growing interest in the field, therapists entering this space should be mindful of potential competition. 

8. Peer Support Group Facilitator

Peer support group facilitator involves guiding individuals with shared experiences through structured group sessions to foster mutual understanding, encouragement, and personal growth. In terms of opportunity, Community Tool Box reports that over 6.25 million Americans actively engage in self-help groups, with approximately 15 million having taken part in their lives. This widespread participation in peer support groups highlights a substantial opportunity for you.

Becoming a facilitator in a peer group session is a practical way to earn side income. ZipRecruiter indicates that the average hourly pay for a peer group facilitator is $23.93 in the United States. To start, begin with joining organizations like the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) or the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Additionally, you can explore online platforms such as Meetup or create your own groups through social media to reach a wider audience interested in peer support. However, you may face challenges in managing group dynamics, ensuring a safe space, and addressing potential conflicts among participants. 

9. Mental Health Advocacy And Public Speaking

Engaging in mental health advocacy and public speaking involves actively promoting awareness, understanding, and destigmatizations of mental health issues. You can leverage your expertise to address audiences, both large and small, to foster dialogue and education around mental health. Cause IQ highlights that there are 27,679 mental health organizations in the United States. Together, these organizations employ 771,652 people that generate over $51 billion in annual revenue, and possess assets totaling $46 billion. This extensive network presents a significant opportunity for therapists to position themselves as impactful mental health public speakers and potentially collaborate with these organizations.

With regards to how much you can make, ZipRecruiter reports an average hourly pay of $29.71 in the United States. This indicates a reliable income stream for you. To embark in this side hustle, start joining platforms like Mental Health America, NAMI, or contacting local mental health organizations. While advocating for mental health is rewarding, therapists may encounter challenges such as addressing diverse audience needs, handling sensitive topics, and managing potential backlash or criticism.

10. Research Psychologists

Research psychologists specialize in designing and conducting studies to explore various aspects of human behavior and mental processes. They utilize scientific methods to gather and analyze data, contributing valuable insights to the field of psychology. As reported by Zippia, the demand for research psychologists is substantial, with a projected growth of 14% from 2018 to 2028. This upward trend signifies a promising opportunity for you.

For side income potential, ZipRecruiter highlights an average annual pay of $99,577 in the United States. This represents a competitive income potential for those interested in contributing to the advancement of psychological knowledge through research. To begin, pursue advanced education, typically at the doctoral level, and gain research experience through internships or assistantships.

You can also explore opportunities at research institutions, universities, or private research organizations. Platforms like the American Psychological Association (APA) and ResearchGate provide valuable resources and networking opportunities for you. While research psychology offers intellectual fulfillment, therapists entering this field may encounter challenges such as the time-intensive nature of research, the need for extensive education, and potential competition for research positions.

11. Developing Mental Health App 

Developing a mental health app involves designing a digital platform that provides accessible mental health support that allows users to address anxiety, depression, and related concerns conveniently through their smartphones or devices. Research from the Kaiser Family Foundation indicates a doubling of adults in the United States experiencing anxiety and/or depression indicators during the epidemic. The research recognizes the increasing importance of developing a mental health app that offers therapists the opportunity to reach a broader audience, especially those hesitant to seek in-person therapy.

According to Tekrevol, top-performing apps in the app store's top 200 earn an average of $82,500 daily. This highlights a substantial income potential for you. It makes it a lucrative avenue to both provide support and generate revenue. Starting a mental health app involves gaining knowledge in app development. Platforms like Apple Developer and Google Developers provide resources and guidelines for creating apps. Additionally, therapists can explore collaboration with experienced app developers or use app-building platforms such as Appgyver, Thunkable, or Bubble to simplify the development process. However, you need to familiarize yourself with programming languages to develop a mental health app.

12. Psychological First Aid Training

Psychological First Aid (PFA) training involves acquiring the skills to provide evidence-informed assistance based on the concept of human resilience. It aims to reduce stress symptoms and support a healthy recovery process following various situations, including traumatic events, natural disasters, public health emergencies, or personal crises. As highlighted by the Minnesota Department of Health, PFA presents therapists with an opportunity to contribute to resilience-building. Leveraging PFA skills enables you to play a crucial role in reducing stress and aiding recovery in individuals affected by challenging circumstances.

According to ZipRecruiter, therapists engaged in psychological first aid training can earn a salary ranging from $21 to $69. This income potential emphasizes the value placed on individuals with expertise in PFA. It provides therapists with a financial incentive for their valuable skills. To begin, start by exploring certification programs recognized by organizations like the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. Additionally, you can collaborate with community centers, schools, or healthcare institutions to conduct training sessions. Online platforms such as Coursera or FEMA's Emergency Management Institute also offer relevant courses for you to enhance your PFA skills. However, you need to be aware of growing competition. According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, over 3 million people in the United States have been trained in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). 

13. Mental Health YouTube Channel

A mental health YouTube channel involves creating an online platform on YouTube to share informative content, discussions, and support related to mental health topics, targeting an audience seeking valuable information on well-being. Research by Quintin Gaus, Anna Jolliff, and Megan A. Moreno indicates that approximately 20% of teens seeking information about depression online turn to YouTube videos. This presents you with a significant opportunity to reach a younger demographic by creating content that addresses their mental health concerns.

For potential income, according to ZipRecruiter, therapists managing a YouTube channel focused on mental health can earn an average annual income of $68,714. This demonstrates an extra income source for therapists to not only provide valuable information but also generate income through their YouTube content. To start, you can follow the example of successful channels such as The Mighty, Julia Kristina Counseling, and Anxiety United. While establishing a mental health YouTube channel can be rewarding, you may face challenges such as building an initial audience, addressing potential negative comments, and managing the time required for content creation.

14. Teletherapy Services

Teletherapy services involve providing therapeutic interventions to clients through online platforms that allow therapists to conduct sessions remotely using video conferencing tools. In terms of opportunity, Doctor On Demand reports a significant surge in new patients seeking teletherapy services, exceeding 50% in the past six weeks. This rise is even higher than the peak during the heightened anxiety related to COVID-19 in March and April. This creates you an enormous opportunity.

As per ZipRecruiter, therapists specializing in teletherapy occupational therapy can earn an average hourly pay of $45.37 in the United States. This indicates a lucrative potential income for you by offering teletherapy services. To embark, explore platforms like Doctor On Demand, BetterHelp, or Talkspace. These platforms provide a user-friendly interface for you to connect with clients virtually. However, according to Verywell Mind, technology-related issues can pose challenges in accessing teletherapy treatment when needed.

15. Career Counseling Service

Offering career counseling service involves assisting individuals in navigating career choices, optimizing job opportunities, and advancing in their professional pursuits. You can provide guidance on educational paths, skill development, and career planning. Survey data from the Strada Education Network reveals that 52 percent of Americans find it challenging to secure good jobs or encounter limited opportunities for career advancement. This underscores a significant opportunity for you to offer career counseling services.

ZipRecruiter reports that the average hourly pay for a career consultant in the United States is $25.11. This indicates a tangible potential income for you to cover some of your expenses. You can initiate your career counseling service through online platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, or Glassdoor. It can help you connect with individuals seeking career guidance. However, Zippia notes that there are over 10,881 career counselors currently employed in the United States. It means there is a competition in this field.

16. Assessment Psychologist

An assessment psychologist specializes in evaluating and analyzing individuals' cognitive, emotional, and behavioral characteristics to provide valuable insights for personal and professional development. The demand for assessment psychologists is notable, with Glassdoor reporting an average annual salary of $92,336 in the United States. This reflects a substantial opportunity for therapists to engage in this side gig and earn extra cash.

To begin, explore opportunities in educational institutions, healthcare settings, or private practices. Utilizing reputable job search platforms like Indeed or specialized psychology job boards can help you identify relevant openings. While the field offers substantial income potential, therapists entering assessment psychology may encounter challenges related to the need for specialized training and certification. 

17. Yoga Or Meditation Instructor

Yoga or meditation instructor involves guiding individuals in practicing yoga and meditation techniques to enhance their physical and mental well-being. This includes leading sessions that focus on mindfulness, relaxation, and physical postures. The CDC, through the National Health Interview Survey interviews conducted in 2012 and 2017, highlighted the increasing popularity of yoga and meditation. This trend offers you abundant opportunities.

ZipRecruiter reports that therapists venturing into Yoga instruction can earn an average hourly pay of $33.64 in the United States. For those specializing in meditation instruction, the average hourly pay is $28.02. This showcases a promising income potential for you. To start, explore opportunities at local fitness centers, wellness studios, or even establish their own classes. Platforms like Mindbody or ClassPass can aid in reaching a broader audience. While there is a growing demand for yoga and meditation instruction, you may face challenges related to high competition. According to YogaBaron, there are between 250,000 and 650,000 registered yoga teachers in the United States alone.

18. Group Therapy Sessions

Group therapy sessions involve a therapist guiding a gathering of individuals to address shared psychological concerns and foster mutual support. This collaborative approach allows participants to connect, share experiences, and work together towards improved mental health. Research by American Psychologists indicates that meeting the unmet psychological needs in the United States through group therapy could cause substantial savings of over $5.6 billion. Additionally, it could reduce the need for 34,473 new therapists compared to individual therapy. This opens you an untapped opportunity.

For therapists engaging in group therapy sessions, ZipRecruiter reports an average annual pay of $63,943 in the United States. It shows decent income potential. To start, collaborate with local community centers, mental health clinics, or even establish your own groups. Online platforms like Zoom or TherapyGroups can facilitate virtual sessions that expand your reach to a broader audience. While this side gig presents various benefits, you may encounter challenges related to group dynamics, varying participant needs, and potential conflicts. 

19. Become An Adjunct Professor

Being an adjunct professor involves part-time teaching at educational institutions, typically colleges or universities. Adjunct professors are not on a tenure track and may teach specific courses without the long-term commitment of a full-time professor. As per the U.S. Department of Education, 45% of U.S. public schools faced teacher vacancies by October 2022. It creates you ample opportunities.

In terms of how much money you can make, Indeed reports a national average salary of $123,279 per year for adjunct professors. This figure indicates a substantial potential income for you by exploring part-time teaching roles besides your main clinical practice. To begin, explore openings in local colleges, universities, or online educational platforms. Also, websites like HigherEdJobs or Academic Positions can serve as valuable resources for finding adjunct positions. Despite the opportunities, you should know the field is competitive. According to Zippis, there are over 476,445 adjunct professors currently employed in the United States. 

20. Start Freelance Writing

Becoming a freelance writer involves working independently as a writer, producing content for various clients, websites, or publications. Freelance writers are not bound to a specific employer and can take on diverse writing projects. As per Upwork's survey, freelance copywriting claimed the top spot as the most popular and in demand freelance job in 2022, with 19% of freelancers identifying as writers. This indicates a substantial opportunity for you to engage in freelance writing.

As for potential side income, according to Indeed, the average salary for a freelance writer is $22.77 per hour in the United States. This hourly rate showcases the potential income you can earn while contributing to various writing projects. To begin, explore platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer to find writing gigs. However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes a significant freelancer presence. It estimates 73.3 million freelancers in the United States as of 2023. This growing figure, increasing by at least 2 million yearly since 2017, may suggest heightened competition in the freelance writing domain.

21. Apply As Virtual Assistant 

Being a virtual assistant involves providing administrative support remotely. You may handle tasks like scheduling, email management, and data entry that contribute to the smooth operation of businesses. In 2020, the demand for virtual assistant jobs surged, with 25% of businesses with less than 100 employees hiring virtual assistants for administrative services, as per Statista. Small business owners foreseeing increased needs for virtual assistance made up 54% of respondents. It showcases a substantial opportunity for you to tap into this growing demand.

For income potential, ZipRecruiter reports that the average hourly pay for a virtual assistant in the United States is $24.40. It shows that you can make money by providing administrative support. To start, explore platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr to find relevant opportunities. However, considering remote freelancers broadly as virtual assistants, there is significant competition. There are tens of millions of freelancers on platforms like Upwork (12 million), Freelancer (20 million), and Fiverr (3 million), according to Prialto and Wikipedia. 

22. Consider Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services for companies and earning a commission for every sale made through your referral. It's a performance-based marketing strategy where you can partner with brands and earn income through successful referrals. A Rakuten/Forrester Research study reveals that a significant 80% of brands utilize affiliate marketing programs. This presents therapists with a valuable opportunity to collaborate with brands and earn commissions by leveraging their online presence and professional networks.

Becoming an affiliate is a straightforward way to earn cash. Glassdoor reports that the average salary for an affiliate marketer is $59,060 annually. To start, explore reputable affiliate programs on platforms like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or ClickBank. Then start creating content on blogs, social media, or websites related to mental health and recommending relevant products. However, LinkedIn emphasizes that success in affiliate marketing demands time and effort. Results may take a few months to materialize, and substantial earnings often require 6-12 months.

23. Try House-Sitting

House-sitting involves taking care of someone's home while they are away, ensuring security and maintenance. The Travelling Housesitters highlights that 44% of homeowners find new house sitters on house-sitting websites. Another 19% use word of mouth, while 19% rely on groups. These numbers show that there are huge homeowners looking for a trusted house sitter that create an enormous demand for you.

As per the Economic Research Institute (ERI), the average pay for house sitters is $16 per hour in the United States. It shows that house-sitting offers you a chance to earn while enjoying a temporary stay in different locations. To begin, join platforms like TrustedHousesitters and House Sitters America. However, Zippia reports over 4,624 house sitters currently employed in the United States. You should know potential competition.

24. Offer Mobile Notary Service

Providing a mobile notary service involves offering notarization for various documents at the client's location that provide convenience and flexibility. According to Notarize with Proof, there are over 1.25 billion documents notarized annually in the US. Each document represents a significant moment, such as starting a small business or purchasing a home. It offers you a huge customer base offering mobile notary service.

In terms of profitability, ZipRecruiter reports that the average annual pay for a mobile notary public in the United States is $64,777. This presents you a viable opportunity to earn additional income aside from your primary job. However, The National Notary Association highlights that there are over 4.4 million commissioned notaries in the United States, and this number continues to grow as more individuals seek part-time opportunities. If you’re entering this field, you should know potential competition and strategize ways to differentiate your services effectively.

25. Become An Appointment Setter

Becoming an appointment setter involves scheduling appointments on behalf of businesses or professionals. In terms of opportunity, Zippia reports a projected job growth rate of 6% for appointment setters from 2018 to 2028, anticipating the creation of approximately 32,900 new jobs in this field over the next decade. It offers you tons of job openings in the future.

As per potential side income you can make, ZipRecruiter reveals that appointment setter domain can earn an average hourly pay of $24.26 in the United States. This hourly wage presents a good source of supplementary income for you. To initiate this side hustle, therapists can explore job platforms such as ZipRecruiter, Upwork, and Indeed for appointment setter opportunities. However, Zippia estimates that there are currently over 17,965 appointment setters employed in the United States. While this indicates demand for such services, it also means competition. 

26. Start Social Media Marketing Agency

Starting a social media marketing agency involves helping businesses enhance their online presence through strategic social media campaigns. Search Engine Journal reveals that 68% of marketing agencies discover new clients through social media. Furthermore, SproutSocial states that 80% of business executives express a desire to increase investment in social media marketing. It indicates a substantial demand for you.

Building your own agency is a lucrative way to make extra cash. According to Agency Analytics, you can generate significant income ranging from $1,500 to $25,000 per month for a single client. It means you can earn more than that by acquiring more clients. To begin, explore platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Despite the lucrative prospects, according to a Hootsuite study, 50% of social media marketing agencies face closure within the first year, and only 10% survive beyond five years. This underscores the importance of your careful planning and effective execution when starting a social media marketing agency.

27. Become An Amazon Influencer

Becoming an Amazon Influencer involves leveraging your social media presence to promote Amazon products. To qualify, you need a minimum of 1,000 followers on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram, with a focus on active engagement. The opportunity lies in the accessibility of the Amazon Influencer program to anyone with a substantial social media following. The more followers you have, the better your chances of approval.

To give you a practical example. A Business Insider article by Amanda Perelli highlights the earning potential of successful Amazon Influencers, such as Jeremy Sciarappa, who reportedly earns around $16,000 monthly. While Sell Saas notes an income range of $4-500 per month. It emphasizes the varying potential income based on your product type and value. To begin, initiate the process by applying through the Amazon Influencer Program on the platform. Having a substantial follower base on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram is essential.

Despite the income potential, you should know the commission structure. The Leap by Thinkific notes that Amazon's commissions typically range from 1 to 10%, except for Amazon Games, which has a 20% commission rate. Understanding these commission structures is crucial for your realistic income expectations.

28. Sell Printables On Etsy

Selling printables on Etsy involves offering digital files that buyers can download and print at home. These can range from planners and artwork to organizational templates. You can tap into the sizable Etsy market, as Statista reports approximately 92 million active buyers in the Etsy ecosystem for 2022. This vast customer base provides you a substantial opportunity to showcase and sell printables.

Etsy seller Rachel Jiminez shares insights into the potential income, stating that she earns $9,500 per month by selling printables created on Canva. This example shows the lucrative possibilities for therapists looking to monetize their creative and printable offerings. To embark on this side hustle, start the process by setting up an Etsy shop. Also, using platforms like Canva to create printables and Etsy to sell. However, the competition in this side hustle is fierce. Statista indicates that Etsy had 7.3 million active sellers in 2022. 

29. Flip Furniture

Flipping furniture involves buying second-hand pieces, refurbishing them, and selling them for a profit. The opportunity for furniture flipping is evident. According to Statista, 40% of respondents. It expresses enormous interest in purchasing or already purchasing second-hand furniture for their living rooms. You can leverage this demand by obtaining unique and upcycled furniture pieces. In terms of income you can make. According to Sharetown, the earning potential in furniture flipping varies. You can earn between $500 to $10,000 per month, depending on factors such as the type of furniture chosen, the selling platform, and the time you invested in the refurbishing process.

To start, source second-hand furniture, refurbishing it, and listing it for sale. You can use online platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or apps like Letgo to find and sell furniture. However, Essential Living notes an 88% increase in searches for 'furniture flipping' since late December 2020. It indicates a growing interest in the field. However, this also implies heightened competition, with new flippers entering the market. 

30. Real Estate Agent

Becoming a real estate agent involves facilitating property transactions, helping clients buy or sell homes, and navigating the intricacies of the real estate market. The opportunity in this side hustle is growing. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 3% growth in employment for real estate brokers and sales agents from 2022 to 2032, with approximately 51,600 job openings annually. Therapists can tap into this growth by transitioning into real estate, leveraging their interpersonal skills in a new context.

With regards to financial aspects, the average income for a realtor stands at $96,520, as reported by Indeed. Although actual earnings can vary based on location, city, and state, the majority of averages surpass $80,000 per year. This presents a significant income potential for you if you enter the real estate sector. To embark, explore real estate licensing programs like Zillow, Realtor.com, and MLS (Multiple Listing Service). It can serve you as valuable resources for listings and property information. However, The National Association of Realtors highlights that there are over 3 million active real estate licensees in the United States. While this shows a thriving industry, it also shows a competitive landscape. 


If you're a therapist who has keen eye to detail and language proficiency, you can check my list of proofreading side hustles for more options. 

5 Step For Therapists To Start Side Gig To Make Extra Cash In 2024

1. Identify Your Niche

Identifying your niche involves pinpointing your specialized area of expertise, whether it's Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), marriage counseling, or stress management. This process is vital for focusing your skills and establishing a distinct presence in the competitive market. According to ReadWrite, establishing a niche is fundamental for effective branding and marketing strategies in startups. This differentiation enables therapists to highlight their unique offerings. It makes it easier for you to connect with a specific target audience and stand out amidst the competition.

2. Check Licensing And Compliance

Checking licensing and compliance refers to ensuring that all legal and regulatory requirements related to practicing therapy are met. It includes being aware of state licensing regulations and complying with industry standards to avoid potential legal issues. The importance of this step is evident in the statistics provided by Navex Global's 2023 Definitive Risk & Compliance Benchmark Report. They reveal that approximately 19% of risk and compliance professionals have faced legal or regulatory action because of compliance issues. For therapists, especially those offering online therapy, understanding and adhering to regulations such as HIPAA are vital. 

3. Create a Business Plan And Brand Identity

Creating a business plan and establishing a brand identity involves outlining services, pricing, and growth goals. Following BusinessDIT's insight that around 70% of businesses surviving for 5 years have a strategic business plan, therapists can enhance their chances of long-term success by detailing their business strategy. Utilizing resources such as the U.S. Small Business Administration's website can provide valuable guidance in developing a comprehensive business plan. Additionally, developing a brand identity, including a business name and logo, is equally important. Tools like Canva can assist you in the design process. 

4. Set Up Your Online Presence And Workspace

Setting up your online presence and workspace involves building a professional website using platforms like Wix or Squarespace. This website should highlight your services and credentials that provide a centralized and accessible platform for potential clients. According to Zippia, 79% of business owners with a website expect a 25% growth in their business over the next three to five years. It emphasizes the significant impact of an online presence on business success. For therapists offering in-person sessions, creating a conducive workspace is essential. This involves setting up a physical space in compliance with local business regulations. A well-organized and comfortable workspace not only enhances the therapist's professionalism, but also contributes to a positive client experience.

5. Implement Scheduling And Payment Systems

Implementing scheduling and payment systems involves using tools like Calendly for efficient appointment bookings. As reported by Marketing Scoop, approximately 60% of Americans now prefer scheduling appointments online rather than through traditional methods. This preference extends to small and medium businesses (SMBs), where the use of online scheduling systems correlates with a significant 26% increase in new customers compared to businesses relying on manual booking processes. Moreover, setting up a reliable payment system is equally vital for therapists venturing into a side hustle. It includes utilizing entities such as PayPal or Stripe to handle client payments securely and efficiently. As consumer behavior shifts towards online transactions, having a streamlined payment process not only enhances the client experience but also contributes to your overall success.

What Is The Best Side Hustle For A Divorce Therapist?

The best side hustle for a divorce therapist is offering marriage counseling. This choice aligns perfectly with your skills as a therapist and meets a significant need. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the U.S. divorce rate in 2022 was approximately 2.3 per 1,000 population. This statistic highlights a large pool of couples who might benefit from proactive relationship support. By offering marriage counseling, you can help couples address issues before they escalate, potentially reducing the likelihood of divorce.

How Can Therapists Manage A Side Hustle Alongside Their Main Therapy Practice?

Therapists can manage a side hustle alongside their main therapy practice by using time-blocking techniques. It is where you designate certain hours in a day solely for your private practice and others for your additional business. Tools like Google Calendar or Trello can help keep track of these blocks effectively. It's crucial to keep each venture legally distinct, ensuring proper licensing and insurance are in place for both, as guided by the American Counseling Association's code of ethics. Additionally, you should leverage digital tools like QuickBooks for financial management and Doodle for scheduling to streamline operations. 

What Resources Can Help Therapists Start A Side Hustle?

Therapists can use resources like SBA and ACA to help them start a side hustle. For business planning and legal guidelines, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the American Counseling Association (ACA) offer valuable tools and information to ensure compliance with professional standards. Platforms like Medium for writing, Udemy for creating online courses, and Canva for marketing materials help therapists to share their expertise and promote their services. Financial management can be streamlined with software like QuickBooks, and professional networking through LinkedIn can provide community support and opportunities for collaboration. To manage tasks and time, productivity apps like Trello or Asana are beneficial. These resources, when used together, can set a strong foundation for a successful side hustle in therapy.

Conclusion: What Is Best Side Hustle For Therapists?

Starting a local lead gen is the best side hustle for a therapist because it doesn't cost much to start, there's not too much competition, and you can make a lot of money. To begin, you only need around $500 to set up a lead generation website. Once it's up and running, it keeps bringing in leads without costing much to maintain. If your site gets a good spot on Google, you can rent it out to local businesses for $500 to $2,500 every month. It's like being a digital landlord–you own the online space and the leads it generates. This gives you full control of your business, and the initial money you put in can pay off big over time.

What makes local lead generation even better is that you're not competing with a ton of other businesses globally. Instead, you're going up against 10-20 local companies in your area. This makes things much simpler. But what really makes it stand out is the money you can make. Unlike other gigs where profit margins might be 10%-40%, with lead generation, it's a whopping 95%. This is because you're selling leads instead of physical products, and you're getting free traffic.


Let me share a real-life example. I spent just 15 hours building and ranking a tree service site, and it's been making me $2,000 every month since 2015. That's $168,000 over seven years, and I didn't have to do much after the initial setup. So, if you're a therapist looking for extra income, local lead generation is a winner. It can bring in up to $2,500 a month passively, making it a simple, profitable, and long-lasting choice.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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