Ippei's Tools

Ippei's Keyword Research Tool

I've trained various AI agents with custom scripts to create this keyword research tool. Enter your main keyword and this tool will give you 50-100 more highly relevant keyword that you should think about including in your content / writing articles about on your site. Your content being rich in keywords is one of the basics of ranking in Google, so is having a site that covers more topics related to your main keyword. Your content needs to show Google that it has higher information density than the competition. Also, your website should have separate pages that target other high buyer intent keywords. When your website gains more impression through even targeting long-tail keywords, then it helps to rank your homepage for the main keyword as well.

-> Ippei's Keyword Research Tool

Ippei's Homepage Outline Tool

This is for your local lead generation website.

Enter your niche & city, and this tool will help you outline what you can choose to put on the homepage. Homepage is the most critical page on your lead gen site. You do not have to include everything from this tool, however it does give you very good ideas on what you can choose to put especially to make your content stand out and be unique from the competition.

-> Ippei's Homepage Outline Tool

Ippei's Email Scraper (Prospecting Tool)

Enter your niche & city, and this tool will help you collect email addresses from every business listed on the map listing. The scraper can find emails even if its hidden on the site. This saves you a lot of time to having to find the email manually.

You now have the direct email to pitch your services such as web builds, SEO, lead generation, reputation management, more.

-> Ippei's Email Scraper Tool

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