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Top 127 Fastest Growing Businesses To Start in 2024

June 17, 2024


Updated by Ippei Kanehara using 2024 market research and analysis

The top fastest growing businesses to start among the 127 listed include:

  1. Local lead generation
  2. TikTok dropshipping
  3. AI engineering
  4. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
  5. Print on demand
  6. Remote setter / closer
  7. Starting a paid community

As of 2024, a significant portion of businesses are increasingly focusing on digital technologies such as AI, blockchain, and digital assets. According to data from Exploding Topics, over 77% of companies are using or exploring the use of AI technologies in their business operations. Blockchain and digital asset adoption have also seen considerable interest, with many industries beyond finance, such as retail, healthcare, and manufacturing, incorporating these technologies for various applications like supply chain transparency and secure data management.

In this article, we will explore each of the 127 top fastest growing businesses to start, how they performed in the past year based on Google Trends, and how aspiring entrepreneurs can earn money from these business models. We will look at the most trending and lucrative businesses, including digital content, AI products, healthcare, and hospitality services.

Top 127 Fastest Growing Businesses To Start in 2024

1. Local Lead Generation

The local lead generation business model involves creating and optimizing digital assets like websites to attract potential customers in specific geographic areas for local businesses.

Over the last 12 months, interest in local lead generation has grown significantly, as it provides a cost-effective way for businesses to connect directly with potential local customers, increasing their visibility and sales potential.

The profitability of this business can be quite high, with the potential to earn $500 to $2,000 per month from a single site. Local lead generation offers scalability, allowing you to expand by creating and optimizing more sites to generate additional passive income.

2. TikTok Dropshipping

TikTok dropshipping leverages the TikTok platform to promote and sell products directly to consumers without holding inventory, using the viral potential of short video content.

Interest in TikTok dropshipping as a business model has grown substantially in the last 12 months, especially among younger demographics who actively engage with the platform.

According to industry sources, dropshippers can start with as little as $100 for initial setup and marketing. The average profit margins for TikTok dropshipping range between 20% to 40%, depending on the product niche and effectiveness of marketing strategies.

3. AI Engineering

An AI engineer operates a business model that revolves around developing, managing, and implementing artificial intelligence systems to optimize operations, enhance services, or create new technologies.

Over the last 12 months, there has been significant growth in the AI sector, particularly in generative AI technologies, which have seen extensive innovation and application across various industries, such as quantum computing services and cloud storage solutions.

The market for AI continues to expand rapidly, with businesses increasingly integrating AI into multiple operational facets to drive efficiency and innovation. AI engineering remains a lucrative field with considerable growth potential.

4. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a business model where authors and publishers can self-publish their books directly to Amazon's Kindle platform, earning royalties without the need for traditional publishing intermediaries.

Amazon KDP has remained strong over the last 12 months as an increasing number of aspiring authors recognize the accessibility and potential profitability of self-publishing. 

Statistically, the average KDP author can start with minimal upfront costs, primarily related to book design and editing; successful new authors on the platform often see profit margins of 40% to 60% after Amazon's fees, depending on the book's price point and sales volume.

5. Print on Demand

Print on demand is a business model where products such as t-shirts, books, and other merchandise are printed and shipped only after a customer makes a purchase, eliminating the need for inventory storage.

Print on demand has grown significantly over the last 12 months, driven by its low entry barriers and the increasing popularity of customized products.

The startup costs for this type of business are typically low, often requiring just a design tool and a partnership with a print provider; new entrants can expect profit margins ranging from 20% to 40%, depending on product types and effective marketing strategies.

6. Starting a Paid Community

Starting a paid community is a business model where you create a private, subscription-based platform where members pay for access to exclusive content, networking opportunities, and specialized knowledge or support.

Interest in paid communities has grown significantly in the last 12 months as people increasingly seek niche expertise and more intimate, focused social interactions online.

This business typically requires moderate initial investment, mostly in building a robust platform and marketing; early adopters who successfully engage their niche can expect to see profit margins between 50% to 70%, depending on the value provided and the subscription pricing structure.

7. Remote Setter / Closer

Remote setter/closer is a business model that involves setting appointments (setter) and closing sales (closer) for companies, all performed remotely.

Remote setting has increased over the past 12 months as more businesses shift towards virtual operations and look for cost-effective ways to boost their sales pipelines.

Starting this business can be relatively low in terms of initial costs, primarily needing a reliable communication setup and sales training; beginners in this field often experience success early on, with average profit margins ranging from 30% to 50%, largely dependent on the industry and their effectiveness in sales roles.

8. Health Care Solutions

Healthcare technology companies are centered on digital and platform-enabled solutions that integrate various health services. These models often incorporate telemedicine services, mental health apps, nutritional planning platforms, virtual reality therapy, online pharmacy services, genetic health testing, wellness travel planning, holistic health products, and personal health record platforms to deliver comprehensive and integrated care to patients.

Interest in healthcare technology has surged over the last 12 months, particularly in areas like telemedicine, which saw a significant jump in user adoption from 11% in 2019 to 46% recently, showing a strong pivot towards virtual care models. 

The future growth potential of healthcare technology is robust, with projections suggesting that up to $250 billion of current US healthcare spend could be virtualized. The market for digital health is expected to grow substantially, driven by integrating advanced technologies that enhance patient care and improve operational efficiencies.

9. Generative AI

Generative AI refers to the business model that involves using artificial intelligence to generate new content, ideas, or data-driven solutions based on trained models. The business uses the generated content into articles, art, and videos.

Interest in this model has surged significantly since its mainstream debut in November 2022. Businesses and individuals alike are exploring its potential to automate creative processes and enhance data analysis.

The startup costs for a generative AI business can be relatively high, often requiring substantial investment in technology and talent; however, early adopters have reported promising profit margins, sometimes as high as 20% to 30% within the first year, depending on the application and market demand.

10. Machine Learning

Machine learning involves developing systems and algorithms that can learn from and make decisions based on data. 

This field has seen a significant increase in interest over the last 12 months, largely due to advancements in technology and increased awareness of its potential applications across various industries. Starting a business in machine learning typically requires a substantial initial investment in talent and technology, as expertise in this area is highly specialized. 

However, businesses that successfully develop and implement machine learning solutions can achieve high profit margins, often in the range of 20% to 50%, depending on the complexity of the solutions provided and the value they deliver to clients.

11. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a business model that involves providing protective services and solutions to safeguard digital environments against cyber threats.

Over the past 12 months, the cybersecurity market has experienced significant growth, with an annual increase of approximately 16%, demonstrating robust demand even amidst economic uncertainties.

The market is projected to continue this upward trajectory, with spending on cybersecurity products and services expected to rise by 13% annually up to 2025. This growth is largely driven by the increasing sophistication of cyber threats and the ongoing digital transformation across various sectors.

12. Fintech Solutions

Fintech solutions encompass a business model that integrates technology into financial services to improve and automate them, including activities such as payments, lending, and asset management.

The sector has experienced notable growth over the past year, with the total revenue of fintech firms estimated to rise significantly, aiming for over $400 billion by 2028, which represents a substantial annual growth rate.

Since 2023, early-stage fintech companies saw a funding increase of 26% year-over-year, reflecting a continuing investor confidence in the foundational and innovative capabilities of fintech solutions.

13. Green Energy Consultancy

Green energy consultancy is a business model that assists companies in implementing sustainable and renewable energy solutions to enhance efficiency and comply with regulatory standards.

Over the past year, the market for sustainability consulting, including green energy, has seen substantial growth because of increasing regulatory requirements and corporate commitments to reduce carbon footprints.

The global spending on ESG and sustainability consulting services was approximately $6.24 billion at the end of 2021 and is expected to grow to $16 billion by 2027, reflecting a compound annual growth rate of 17% during this period.

14. Digital Marketing Agency

A digital marketing agency offers services that help businesses enhance their online presence through strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing.

Since last year, the digital marketing agency sector has seen significant growth, with the market size expected to more than double by 2027, reflecting a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.32%.

This growth is primarily driven by the increased adoption of digital platforms and the demand for personalized marketing that meets modern consumer expectations.

15. Blockchain Business

A blockchain business leverages the technology of a decentralized digital ledger to offer services such as smart contracts, secure transactions, and digital asset management.

Blockchain technology has consistently grown over the last 12 months, fueled by its potential for disruption in financial services, supply chain management, and secure data operations, among other areas.

Starting a blockchain business generally requires a significant investment in both technology and expert personnel, as the field is complex and evolving rapidly. Early-stage blockchain companies that successfully navigate the regulatory and technical challenges can achieve substantial profitability, with some reporting profit margins of 30% to 60%, depending on their business model and market application.

16. Property Management Software

Property management software is a business model where companies offer digital platforms to help property managers, real estate agents, and housing associations manage residential and commercial properties efficiently.

Since 2023, this market has seen a growing demand, especially for cloud-based solutions, which offer advantages such as scalability, ease of use, and comprehensive property oversight through centralized platforms.

The market is projected to grow significantly, with an expected global market size of USD 50.79 billion by 2032, marking a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% from 2024 to 2032.

17. eCommerce

eCommerce operates as a business model where products and services are bought and sold over the internet.

Over the past 12 months, eCommerce has continued to expand, demonstrating a sustained increase in online retail sales, particularly notable in regions with growing digital infrastructures like the Philippines, India, and Indonesia. 

In the first quarter of 2024 alone, U.S. e-commerce sales grew by 8.5% compared to the same period in 2023, reaching about $268.12 billion and accounting for 22.2% of total retail sales.

18. Bookkeeper

Keeping track of expenses is something all businesses have to do.

Along with everything else a healthy business requires, this is a pretty important task. 

Plus many business owners just don’t have the time to learn the ins and outs of good bookkeeping practices. This makes bookkeeping both a vital and in-demand skill that most businesses could benefit from.

You can either choose to work remotely or locally in your general area. Typically, you should either have solid work experience in this field or enough time to invest in education and training.

You’ll also need some software to do the job like QuickBooks or another CRM with invoicing, bill-pay, and account reconciliation capabilities.

With relatively low start-up costs and growing demand, bookkeeping is a lucrative way to make steady money remotely. 

19. VA Agency

Though we all wish it were so, most business owners soon learn that they can’t be good at doing it all. Finding one place to locate niche experts to outsource different tasks to is literally a business owner’s dream.

Most VA agency owners start off as freelance VA’s themselves, however you can pretty much start an agency up with minimal investment and little experience.

You price services for clients to choose from, outsource these tasks to your VA team, and pocket the difference between typical rates and subcontractor rates.

Plus, you’re contributing to the growing trend of virtual workers as more companies turn to the convenience and accessibility of this option.

20. Voiceover Actor

If you’ve got the charisma and smoothness to serve as the virtual face of a brand, then voice acting may be the right career path for you.

Maintaining a career as a voiceover actor requires the proper equipment for flawless recordings and static-proof audio.

Many voiceover actors work around their own schedules which often require long hours memorizing and practicing scripts.

Those that do the job well can expect a handsome salary, with the average California voiceover actor pulling in nearly $90,000 yearly.

21. Virtual Assistance

The virtual working world is all the rage currently and so many businesses are taking advantage of what this technological revolution has to offer. 

A virtual assistant offers business owners the chance to outsource tedious and time-consuming tasks that distract from their main business goals.

This is great news for anyone interested in starting an online remote business.

As a virtual assistant (VA), you’ll handle a wide variety of business-related tasks such as calendar management, email management, travel arrangements -and much more!

You get to choose the clients you work with and whether you’d like to specialize in a certain niche while charging the rates you value your services at.

22. Etsy Seller

An Etsy seller operates a business model where individuals create and sell handmade or vintage items, craft supplies, and unique factory-manufactured items directly to buyers through the Etsy online marketplace.

Since 2023, the number of active Etsy sellers has grown significantly, reflecting an increase in the platform's reach and the potential for higher gross merchandise sales and revenue. As of the first quarter of 2024, there are 7 million active sellers, marking a 19% increase year-over-year.

Etsy's total gross merchandise sales (GMS) for 2023 amounted to $13.161 billion, with the platform maintaining a take rate of 15.2%, indicating a stable revenue flow from transaction fees and other charges.

23. Skincare

A skincare company typically revolves around the creation and sale of skin care products, often emphasizing specific benefits such as anti-aging, moisturizing, or acne treatment. Many modern skin care businesses have embraced the wellness subscription box model, curating a selection of products delivered regularly to subscribers, promoting continuous engagement and consistent revenue.

Interest in skin care has grown substantially over the last 12 months, propelled by increasing consumer awareness of health and wellness, and bolstered by digital marketing strategies that enhance reach and customer acquisition. 

Starting a skincare business can be profitable, with the global market projected to thrive. Successful entrepreneurs can find significant opportunities, especially those who effectively utilize digital platforms for sales and engage in high-profile virtual events and collaborations to boost brand visibility and drive further interest in their product lines

24. Event Planner

Event planning is a business model that involves organizing and managing all aspects of events such as conferences, weddings, and corporate gatherings.

Interest in event planning has rebounded significantly in the last 12 months, driven by the resurgence of in-person events and the continued popularity of hybrid (virtual and in-person) formats. 

The event planning market is expected to grow to more than $2 trillion by 2028, highlighting its rapid recovery and expansion post-pandemic. Additionally, 67% of event planners have reported increases in their budgets, reflecting growing investments and opportunities within the industry.

25. Meal Kit Delivery Services

Meal kit delivery services operate by sending pre-portioned ingredients and recipes to customers, who then cook meals at home.

The industry has seen a robust increase in demand over the last 12 months, with many consumers choosing to continue using meal kits post-pandemic due to convenience and health considerations. 

The global market size for meal kit delivery services was valued at $20.54 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.3% from 2023 to 2030.

26. Hair Care

A hair care service involves being a barber or stylist specializing in cutting, styling, coloring, and treatment for hair. It can operate from a fixed salon location, rent a booth in an established salon, or offer mobile services to clients' homes.

Over the last 12 months, interest in hair styling services has remained robust, driven by ongoing trends and the social nature of personal care industries. 

Starting a hair stylist business requires starting costs that can range from $10,000 for a basic home setup to over $100,000 for a high-end salon in a prime location. According to recent industry data, a hair salon can earn an average gross revenue of $317,000 per year, showcasing the profitability potential of this venture.

27. Home Remodeling

Home remodeling involves offering services to upgrade or renovate various parts of a home, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and exteriors.

Over the past 12 months, interest in home remodeling has shown considerable growth. The U.S. home improvement market is projected to expand further by an additional 7.6% by 2025, indicating a sustained interest in remodeling services.

Starting a home remodeling business can be profitable, with median annual spending per household on home improvements being significantly high. However, the industry also sees a substantial amount of competition, with numerous new businesses entering the market each year. On average, new remodeling businesses have been increasing at a rate of 2.6% annually since 2018.

28. Caterer

Catering is a business model where companies provide food services for events, ranging from corporate gatherings to weddings.

Over the past 12 months, the catering industry has seen a growth spurt, particularly in corporate catering, which has become a major revenue driver. In the United States, the catering market reached a value of $72.67 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% between 2024 and 2032.

This growth trajectory underscores a promising landscape for new caterers entering the market, with both small and large-scale operations achieving substantial annual revenues ranging widely from under $250k to over $10 million.

29. Vegan Store

The business model for a vegan store involves sourcing and selling a variety of plant-based products such as foods, beverages, and possibly even non-food items on plant-based food platforms and healthy snack subscriptions that align with vegan and ethical consumerism values.

Interest in vegan stores has grown significantly over the last 12 months, reflecting a wider consumer shift towards plant-based diets and sustainable living.

Starting a small to medium-sized vegan store might involve costs ranging from $20,000 to $100,000, considering inventory, leasing, and marketing expenses.

30. Appliance Repair

Appliance repair is for those who love tinkering with their hands can now reap the financial and time benefits of their labor. 

Though some appliances require specialized training to tackle, if you're good at figuring out how to make things hum again then you're well on your way.

The greatest setback to getting started would have to be the investment on mechanical equipment and licensure needed to do the job.

31. Videography

Videographers are employed on film and television productions, as well as by companies that utilize the Internet for advertising and promotional capacities.

Over the last 12 months, interest in videography has continued to grow, driven by the increasing demand for video content across various platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and corporate marketing strategies.

Starting a videography business typically requires an initial investment in quality equipment and software, which can range from $5,000 to $10,000. However, the potential for profit is significant, with professional videographers charging day rates starting at $150, and potentially much higher, depending on their expertise and the project scope.

32. Life Coach

The business model for life coaching generally revolves around providing personalized guidance and support through one-on-one sessions, group coaching, digital products, and remote personal coaching online, catering to clients who prefer flexibility and convenience in their coaching sessions.

Interest in life coaching has been growing, especially with the shifts in work-life dynamics brought on by the pandemic.

Regarding the financial aspects of starting a life coaching business, the initial investment can be relatively low, especially for models like online coaching. The revenue potential varies based on the coach's ability to market their services effectively and tailor their coaching to meet the specific needs of their clients.

33. Home Cleaning

The business model for a home cleaning service typically involves offering cleaning services to residential clients, charging either on a per-job basis, hourly rate, or a flat rate depending on the job's complexity and size.

The growth in this sector has been steady over the past year, with an increased focus on health and hygiene due to ongoing health concerns enhancing demand for residential cleaning services.

In terms of financials, the average startup costs for a home cleaning business can range from $2,000 to $6,000, including initial equipment and marketing efforts. This relatively low barrier to entry makes it an attractive option for many entrepreneurs. 

34. Editor

The editing services business model involves providing professional proofreading, revision, and enhancement of written content to improve clarity, flow, and overall quality.

Over the last year, this sector has seen an increase in demand, likely driven by the growing need for polished, professional communication in academia, business, and online content creation.

According to industry observations, many editing services have expanded their offerings to include diverse packages tailored to different client needs, such as academic manuscripts, corporate documents, and creative writing.

35. Home Decor

The business model for a home decor business typically revolves around curating and selling decorative items that enhance the aesthetics of a living space.

Interest in home decor has been robust, fueled by an increased focus on home improvement and personalization of living spaces.

Starting a home decor business can be financially promising, with the market for such products being large and diverse. The initial investment and ongoing expenses can vary widely depending on the scale of operations and the specific niche or style catered to.

36. Senior Care

Senior care assists elderly individuals with daily activities and medical needs. This can include in-home care, assisted living facilities, and specialized services, such as memory care. Many providers also incorporate technology, such as telehealth services, to enhance care delivery.

Senior care has continued to grow since 2023 because of the aging population and increased awareness of the benefits of professional care services.

Starting a non-medical in-home care service might cost between $50,000 and $100,000. Despite these costs, the sector offers significant growth potential; the average revenue for established in-home care businesses can reach several hundred thousand dollars per year, reflecting the high demand for these essential services.

37. Online Grocery

Online grocery involves selling food products and everyday essentials through digital platforms, delivering them directly to customers' homes or offering pickup options.

Interest in online grocery shopping has increased over the past 12 months, driven by the convenience it offers and ongoing enhancements in e-commerce technology. 

Key statistics indicate that the global online grocery market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.3% from 2021 to 2028. New entrants can find significant opportunities for profitability, with some online grocery services reporting an average customer retention rate of around 30%.

38. Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent involves facilitating the buying and selling of properties, earning commissions based on the transaction value.

Over the past 12 months, real estate has seen a steady increase, with a notable rise in home prices, showing strong market activity and demand.

For those starting in this field, the median sale price for homes has increased by 6.1% year-over-year as of April 2024, demonstrating the potential for lucrative dealings in the current market. The average days on market for homes have varied by region, reflecting different levels of competition and market dynamics, which can influence a new agent's strategy and potential success in the industry.

39. Electrician

The business model for an electrician involves providing electrical installation, maintenance, and repair services to residential, commercial, or industrial clients.

Over the last 12 months, the electrician business has seen a growth trajectory, influenced by the ongoing need for electrical maintenance in existing infrastructures and the rise in new construction projects.

The initial investment required to launch an electrician business can vary, but it typically includes costs for licensing, equipment, a vehicle, and insurance, which can total between $19,000 to $54,500. On an ongoing basis, monthly expenses such as rent, utilities, payroll, and marketing can range from $4,950 to $11,600. Despite these costs, the profit potential in the electrician industry is significant, with profits per service ranging from $50 to $800, depending on the complexity of the job

40. Electronic Accessories

Electronic accessories involves manufacturing and selling supplementary components that enhance the functionality or aesthetics of main electronic devices, such as smartphones, computers, and gaming consoles and may also involve tech gadget rentals. 

Interest in this market has grown substantially over the last 12 months, fueled by the continuous release of new electronic devices and consumer desire for customization and functionality enhancements.

According to market research, the global electronic accessories market is projected to grow from $61.37 billion in 2021 to $103.75 billion by 2030, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3%. Start-ups in this field can expect relatively low initial investment costs compared to technology manufacturing, with successful businesses often achieving profit margins ranging between 10% and 20% within the first few years.

41. Financial Advisor

Financial advising is a business model where professionals offer personalized advice on wealth management, investments, and financial planning.

Over the last 12 months, the sector has shown positive growth trends, demonstrating a robust demand for personalized investment options and digital financial services. 

The financial advisory market in the United States is projected to grow by 7.99% from 2024 to 2028, reflecting ongoing expansion and innovation within the industry. 

42. Travel Consultant

A travel consultant business model involves offering personalized travel planning services to clients, including itinerary creation, accommodation bookings, and providing travel advice tailored to clients' preferences and needs.

Over the past year, the travel consulting industry has seen increased activity, buoyed by a rebound in travel interest as more travelers make plans and bookings for future trips. 

According to industry reports, the appetite for travel started 2024 on a softer note, yet maintained growth with positive air passenger numbers and robust foreign visits, suggesting steady client engagement for travel consultants.

43. AI-Based Customer Service Solutions

AI-based customer service solutions use artificial intelligence to enhance customer support operations, automating responses and personalizing interactions to improve the user experience.

In the past year, this sector has seen significant growth, particularly as more companies adopt AI to meet rising customer service expectations and to handle increasing volumes of service interactions more efficiently.

Statistics reveal that 56% of companies have already implemented or plan to implement AI in their customer service operations, with 75% of customer service teams using at least one AI application. This high rate of adoption underscores the effectiveness of AI in reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency, which are critical for businesses looking to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

44. AirBnB Host

An Airbnb host operates a business model where they rent out their property, or a portion of it, to guests via the Airbnb platform, earning money from each booking.

Interest in Airbnb hosting has continued to grow robustly over the last 12 months, with significant increases in the number of listings and bookings. In the second quarter of 2023 alone, Airbnb added more net active listings than any previous quarter in its history.

Financially, the average Airbnb host earns approximately $13,800 annually, with substantial variation based on location, property type, and management efficiency.

45. IoT Device Management

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) device management involves monitoring of connected devices such as smart devices at home to ensure they function properly and securely. 

Over the past year, the IoT device management market has seen significant growth, with an increasing focus on network security, IoT network expansion, and the rising need to monitor IoT device health.

This sector is projected to grow from a market size of USD 7.21 billion in 2024 to USD 19.40 billion by 2029, demonstrating a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.92%. This growth trajectory indicates strong potential for businesses entering the IoT device management field, especially as industries continue to expand the use of IoT technologies.

46. Logistics Management

The business model for logistics management primarily revolves around optimizing the flow of goods from suppliers to customers to maximize efficiency and reduce operational costs. This model often involves third-party logistics providers who specialize in integrated operations, warehousing, and transportation services that can be scaled and customized to meet customer needs.

Over the past year, interest in logistics management has significantly increased due to heightened supply chain volatility, driven by factors like fluctuating consumer demand and global disruptions. Businesses are increasingly relying on advanced logistics strategies to gain competitive advantages, such as enhanced agility and improved cost-efficiency.

Starting a logistics business typically requires a substantial initial investment in technology and infrastructure to manage transportation, warehousing, and distribution effectively. Despite these costs, the sector offers considerable growth opportunities, with successful logistics firms leveraging their expertise to reduce delivery times and costs for clients, enhancing their profitability and market position.

47. Handyman Services

Handyman services typically involve offering a range of home repair and maintenance services, such as plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, carpeting, and painting, either through independent operation or via franchising. 

Over the past year, the interest in handyman services has seen substantial growth, supported by an increase in home improvement projects and the ongoing need for regular maintenance.

Starting a handyman business can be quite profitable with average gross revenue for established franchises around $540,000 per year. The initial investment for starting a handyman business can vary, with estimates suggesting a range between $92,000 to $162,000, which includes costs for equipment, vehicle, marketing, and more.

48. Online Consultant

An online consulting business model leverages digital platforms to provide expert advice and services remotely to clients across various industries. Over the past year, the demand for specialized online consulting services has continued to rise, driven by the need for expertise in digital transformation and niche markets.

Statistics show that small niche consulting firms are growing at a rate of 18%, significantly outpacing larger firms because of their ability to meet specific client needs more effectively.

Moreover, the consulting market in the UK alone has seen revenues grow by 25% over the last year, emphasizing the robust demand and profitability in the consulting sector.

49. Graphic Design

The graphic design business model involves creating visual content to communicate messages or create media designs like logos, fonts, and icons that help market the product or company.

Over the last 12 months, the industry has seen a significant demand increase, particularly from the advertising and marketing sectors which remain the largest employers of graphic designers.

The global graphic design market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.2% from 2021 to 2026, indicating steady growth within the sector. Additionally, the U.S. graphic design industry alone was valued at $12.7 billion, suggesting strong domestic market potential. These statistics underline the viability and growth potential for new graphic design businesses entering the market.

50. Content Writer

Writers can actually be very well paid, despite what you’ve heard.

Every business benefits immensely from well-crafted, punchy, and attractive sales copy to both attract and retain clients. 

Though writers can write a variety of content types: blogs, articles, social media copy, autobiographies, e-books--- the riches are in the niches.

Copywriters take the cake when it comes to writing profits, seeing rates over $100/hour. They can choose to work for an agency, corporation, or on a self-employed basis. 

51. SEO Expert

An SEO expert operates a business model focused on optimizing clients' websites to improve their search engine ranking, enhance visibility, and drive traffic.

Since the beginning of 2024, the demand for SEO services has been consistent, as businesses continuously seek to improve their online presence and adapt to Google's evolving algorithms. 

Most SEO professionals agree that noticeable results from SEO strategies generally begin to manifest between 2 to 6 months after initial implementation, depending on various factors like website authority and the competitive nature of the niche

52. Email Marketer

Email marketing is a business model that utilizes electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial messages to an audience.

Interest in the sector has observed an appreciable growth in engagement, with a notable increase in email open rates and interactions.

The email marketing industry is expected to generate substantial revenue, after it reached nearly $11 billion by the end of 2023.

53. Social Media Marketer

Social media marketing is a business model where brands and businesses promote their products and services through social media platforms to enhance brand exposure, engage with customers, and increase sales. 

Over the past year, the global number of social media users grew by 320 million, reaching a total of 5.04 billion by January 2024, indicating a significant expansion in the potential audience for social media marketing campaigns.

The total social media advertising spend is anticipated to grow by 6.1% in 2024, emphasizing the increasing financial commitment businesses are making towards leveraging social media for marketing purposes.

54. Business Consultant

A business consultant offers guidance, expertise, and support to business owners or entrepreneurs to help them clarify their business goals, create strategic plans, and enhance their overall business operations and performance.

In the past 12 months, the demand for business coaching services has continued to rise, especially as businesses navigate post-pandemic recovery and seek to adapt to rapidly changing markets and technologies.

While specific earnings can vary widely based on niche, reputation, and client base, coaches often charge premium rates, with experienced coaches earning anywhere from $200 to $500 per hour, reflecting the high value clients place on effective business guidance.

55. Online IT Trainer

Online IT training is a business model that offers courses and certifications in various information technology fields through digital platforms, allowing students to learn remotely at their own pace.

Over the past year, there has been a considerable expansion in this market, fueled by the increasing demand for IT skills in the workforce and the convenience of online learning. A

A notable trend in this sector is the rise of professional certificates offered by major tech companies, which have been shown to significantly boost employability upon completion, with many participants moving directly into high-demand tech roles.

56. YouTuber

Being a YouTuber involves creating and sharing video content on YouTube to generate revenue through ads, sponsorships, and fan funding.

Over the course of 2023, YouTube has introduced significant updates to facilitate content creation and monetization, reflecting the platform's dynamic growth and adaptability to creator needs.

Statistically, successful new channels can reach monetization milestones rapidly, with one creator reporting reaching 500 subscribers and 2,000 watch hours in just five months, and earning significant income shortly after meeting these criteria. Moreover, with the introduction of YouTube Shorts, creators have seen a substantial increase in engagement, highlighting the platform's potential for rapid audience growth and increased revenue opportunities.

57. Web Developer

Web development involves creating and maintaining websites, encompassing aspects like web design, web content development, and network security configuration.

The interest in web development services has grown over the last 12 months; the demand for skilled web developers is highlighted by the adoption of modern technologies and frameworks, which require up-to-date knowledge and skills.

A notable trend in the web development industry is the rising use of Jamstack, an architecture designed to make websites faster to load and easier to scale, which saw a 30% increase in adoption among developers in 2023. The market for web development is robust, with opportunities for developers who are proficient in new technologies and frameworks.

58. Driving School

A driving school provides educational services focused on teaching driving skills, traffic laws, and road safety for eligible individuals.

Interest in driving schools has remained stable over the last 12 months, with a growing emphasis on integrating technology, such as virtual driving simulations, to enhance the learning experience.

Starting a driving school can be a lucrative venture, with the industry in the U.S. generating approximately $1.8 billion in revenue in 2023. The costs to start a driving school range between $91,000 and $272,000, which covers expenses such as facilities, equipment, insurance, and initial marketing.

59. Brand Design Agency

A brand design agency specializes in creating and revitalizing brands through strategic design and communication solutions.

Over the last 12 months, the demand for these services has escalated, driven by businesses aiming to differentiate themselves in increasingly competitive markets. 

The global market for design agencies is expanding robustly, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% from 2024 to 2032, reflecting the industry's dynamic growth . Furthermore, brand design agencies can expect significant profitability, with market insights indicating that well-established agencies can achieve substantial earnings, often charging between $1,000 and $5,000 for brand identity projects alone.

60. Online Food Store

An online food store operates where food and grocery products are sold to customers through digital platforms, offering convenience and a wide range of products directly to their doorsteps. 

Over the last 12 months, the online food delivery market has witnessed robust growth, driven by increasing consumer demand for convenience, rising smartphone usage, and broader internet access.

The market for online food delivery was valued at $134.9 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $317.7 billion by 2032, with a growth rate of 10.0% during this period. Factors such as rapid urbanization, the integration of advanced features like GPS tracking, secure payment gateways, and personalized shopping experiences are enhancing customer satisfaction and expanding the market.

61. Cannabis Store

A cannabis store is the retail sale of cannabis products for recreational or medicinal purposes. This can include a variety of product forms such as cannabidiol (CBD), flowers, edibles, tinctures, and concentrates. Many cannabis stores also offer delivery services to meet the rising demand for convenience.

Interest in the cannabis industry has continued to grow significantly over the past 12 months, bolstered by ongoing legalization efforts across various regions which have expanded market opportunities and consumer access.

Financially, starting a cannabis store involves considerable investment, but the returns can be substantial due to the high demand and expanding legal markets. The North American cannabis market was valued at about $34 billion in 2023 and is projected to continue growing, with U.S. legal cannabis sales expected to reach nearly $35 billion in 2024.

62. Pet Care Services

Pet care services encompass a business model where providers offer a variety of services such as grooming, boarding, training, sitting, and walking to pet owners.

Interest in pet care services has grown significantly over the last 12 months, driven by an increase in pet ownership and owners' willingness to spend on their pets' well-being. 

According to a market report, the global pet care market is expected to reach $261 billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1%. For newcomers in this industry, the average profit margin ranges from 10% to 20%, with specialized services like pet grooming and premium pet boarding achieving even higher profitability.

63. Nanny / Babysitter Agency

People are always going to have children and many parents can’t afford the luxury of staying home.

Many also don’t have the time or resources to properly vet each and every potential babysitter that comes their way.

As sites like aids parents painlessly online, budding entrepreneurs can sustainably build a nanny/babysitting agency to match qualified sitters to jobs, without ever doing the babysitting themselves if they don’t want to. 

Beneficial for career nannies/sitters and parents alike, a babysitting agency can average between 5-20 bookings per week.

64. Blogger

Blogging is where individuals or organizations create content on a website to earn revenue through various methods like advertisements and affiliate marketing. One reason for the enduring success and growth potential of blogging is its adaptability and the continuous evolution of content strategies to match reader preferences and technological advancements.

In the last year, the blogging sector has seen increased activity with a surge in SEO adoption to boost visibility.

There are currently over 600 million blogs worldwide, with significant monthly content generation, demonstrating the model's viability and growth potential.

65. Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is a business model where sellers store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and Amazon handles packing, shipping, customer service, and returns for these products. Over the past year, the popularity of Amazon FBA has continued to grow, partly because of its ability to simplify logistics for sellers and provide access to Amazon's vast customer base.

Amazon FBA can be highly lucrative but also competitive. Most sellers are profitable within their first year, with a significant percentage achieving profitability in under six months. Sellers can start with budgets ranging from under $500 to over $5,000.

66. Podcaster

Podcasting is a business model where individuals or organizations produce and distribute audio content on various topics to engage with a dedicated audience, typically monetizing through advertising, sponsorships, or subscriptions.

Since 2023, the podcasting industry has seen a 26% increase in ad revenue, outpacing the overall digital ad market's growth. Currently, there are over 4.1 million podcasts, highlighting the substantial increase in content creation and consumption. This robust growth indicates significant opportunities for new podcasters, with forecasts suggesting the global podcasting market could reach $30.03 billion by 2024, underlining its potential as a profitable venture.

67. Phone Repair

The phone repair business model involves fixing damaged or malfunctioning mobile phones, often focusing on common issues like screen repairs, battery replacements, and software troubleshooting.

Interest in the phone repair business has grown over the past 12 months due to the high cost of new smartphones and consumers' preference for repairing over replacing their devices.

Startup costs for a mobile phone repair business range from $2,400 to $6,700, which includes expenses for tools, training, and initial setup. The phone repair industry can be quite profitable, with average earnings for repair businesses ranging from $70,000 to $120,000 per year, depending on location and services offered.

68. Influencer

The business model of a social media influencer involves creating content that attracts and engages an audience on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok, monetizing through sponsorships, ads, and partnerships. Over the past year, the influencer marketing industry has continued to experience robust growth, particularly with a significant increase in funding and the development of platforms dedicated to influencer marketing.

In terms of starting this business, the entry barriers are relatively low, but the success rate can vary significantly based on factors like niche, content quality, and audience engagement. Data suggests a noteworthy trend towards nano and micro-influencers, who often achieve higher engagement rates due to their more personalized content and audience interactions.

69. Programming

Programming is a business model where individuals or companies develop software or applications across various platforms, using different programming languages to solve problems or create new functionalities.

In the last 12 months, the programming industry has witnessed steady growth, driven by increasing demand for digital transformation and software solutions across all sectors.

The need for programmers is particularly high in technologies like AI and machine learning, which are seeing rapid expansion and application in various fields. The global demand for programmers remains robust, with significant job growth and opportunities for professionals with expertise in popular languages like JavaScript, Python, and new emerging languages like Rust.

70. Storage Rental

Storage rental involves leasing space to individuals or businesses for the purpose of storing personal belongings, inventory, or other items.

Interest in the storage rental business has been stable, with industry statistics showing consistent demand due to factors like downsizing, relocating, or the need for additional space.

Starting a storage rental business can be capital intensive, requiring significant investment in real estate and construction or the purchase of an existing facility. Profit margins are generally high, with facilities operating at good profitability levels when they maintain healthy occupancy rates, typically recommended to be between 80% to 90%.

71. Home Security Systems

Home security systems involve designing, installing, and monitoring security devices and software to protect residential properties.

Over the last 12 months, interest in home security systems has grown, driven by increasing concerns over home safety and the integration of smart technology into security products.

For new businesses entering this market, the initial investment can vary widely, but the sector offers strong profit margins, often between 40% and 60%, especially for companies that provide comprehensive services including system installation, monitoring, and maintenance.

72. Gym Owner

The business model for a gym typically revolves around membership fees where customers pay a monthly or annual rate to access gym facilities and services. This model has been evolving to include more flexible options like pay-as-you-go and hybrid models, which combine in-person and online fitness coaching. 

Over the past year, interest in gym memberships and fitness services has remained robust, influenced by an increasing focus on health and wellness.

When considering the profitability and success rates for new gyms, initial investments can be significant, but the potential for a high return is solid due to the ongoing demand for fitness services. For example, integrating online fitness platforms can reduce overhead costs and reach a broader audience, enhancing profitability. Market analyses suggest that well-strategized gyms, particularly those that adapt and offer flexible and diverse service models, are positioned well for financial success.

73. Facebook Ads Agency

A Facebook Ads agency specializes in creating, managing, and optimizing advertisements on the Facebook platform for clients aiming to increase their online presence and sales.

In the last 12 months, there has been a noticeable increase in the utilization of Facebook Ads as more businesses seek to leverage Facebook's vast user base to target their advertising more effectively. 

According to industry reports, Facebook's ad revenue continues to grow robustly, indicating a strong demand for advertising on the platform, with a significant portion of Facebook's nearly $32 billion ad revenue in 2023 coming from businesses engaging such agencies. Moreover, agencies that effectively manage Facebook Ads can expect to see high engagement rates with an average click-through rate (CTR) of 2.50% across all industries, suggesting a strong potential for successful campaign outcomes.

74. 3D Printing Service

3D printing services involve using digital files to create three-dimensional objects layer by layer, utilizing various materials such as polymers, metals, and ceramics. The interest in 3D printing services has grown substantially over the past year, with the market expected to expand from $22.39 billion in 2023 to $150.20 billion by 2032.

Starting a 3D printing service offers promising prospects, particularly in prototyping, where this technology dominates due to its precision and efficiency. The global 3D printing market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.6% from now until 2032.

75. Software Development

Software development is a business model where companies or individual developers design, develop, and maintain software applications tailored to specific user needs or market demands.

Over the past 12 months, the software development industry has continued to grow, with a significant increase in the number of developers and the adoption of advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning enhancing development processes and outputs.

The number of software developers is expected to surpass 27.7 million by 2025. Approximately 57% of IT companies are planning to increase their focus on software development, indicating strong future demand and potential for high revenue streams from this sector.

76. T-Shirt Design

T-shirts with relatable and witty captions or cool designs always become wildly popular. 

Find the last viral trends and stamp them onto a custom T-shirt designed by you!

Whether you make the shirts in-house or use third party printing and design services, a well-designed T-shirt business can prove highly lucrative with simple web hosting, shipping, and advertising eating up most of your expenses.

77. Online Movie Production

The online movie production business model primarily revolves around streaming services, which offer films directly to consumers through subscriptions, allowing content creators to take creative risks and produce original content.

Over the last 12 months, interest in online movie production has increased significantly, spurred by the growing influence of streaming services and changes in consumer preferences due to the pandemic.

Entering the online movie production industry requires a relatively low initial investment compared to traditional film production, with some estimates suggesting starting costs as low as $10,000 for basic equipment and software. Furthermore, the average revenue for small independent filmmakers in their first year can range between $70,000 to $120,000, depending on the success of their content on streaming platforms.

78. Journalism

Journalism has evolved significantly, now incorporating a range of strategies to sustain operations amid changing consumer habits and digital media growth.

Interest in journalism has remained stable over the last 12 months, despite the broader challenges facing media globally.

The industry has been proactive in adopting digital platforms like Substack, making journalism more accessible and allowing journalists to operate as digital nomads or freelancers, which broadens the scope of potential content creation without the constraints of a physical newsroom. For those starting out in journalism, the digital-first approach offers lower initial costs compared to traditional media setups.

79. Construction Technology

Construction technology is where digital tools and software are utilized to enhance efficiency in building and design processes.

Over the last 12 months, the interest in construction technology has continued to grow, particularly in digital collaboration and mobility solutions, which facilitate real-time updates and information sharing on construction sites.

The construction technology market is challenging due to its fragmentation and the capital-intensive nature of the industry, but it holds significant growth potential. According to McKinsey, achieving scale in this industry can be difficult due to low margins and economic pressures, yet companies that successfully integrate tech solutions often see a high return on investment by improving operational efficiencies and reducing costs.

80. Mobile Laundry

Mobile laundry service is a convenient door-to-door laundry and dry cleaning services, leveraging mobile apps to facilitate easy scheduling, pickup, and delivery.

Over the last 12 months, interest in mobile laundry services has increased, driven by consumer trends favoring convenience and personalized services.

Starting a mobile laundry service is relatively cost-effective, with initial investments primarily directed towards purchasing a delivery vehicle and laundry equipment. Industry analyses suggest that the average startup cost for a mobile laundry service ranges between $62,000 to $95,000.

81. At-Home Daycare

A home daycare involves providing childcare services from a residential location, offering a convenient and often more personalized alternative to larger daycare centers.

Over the last 12 months, the interest in home daycare services has been on the rise, supported by the increasing need for childcare options due to more parents returning to the workplace.

Starting a home daycare business typically requires an initial investment that can vary significantly depending on location, size, and services provided. Despite the initial costs, home daycare can be a profitable venture with careful financial planning and effective management, providing a valuable service in the community.

82. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a business model where sellers accept customer orders without keeping stock on hand, instead directly shipping products from a supplier to the customer.

The global dropshipping market has seen substantial growth, with a significant increase in market size from $192.76 billion in 2022 to $249.16 billion in 2023, forecasted to reach $724.26 billion by 2027.

Statistically, dropshipping stores with at least one social media account can generate 32% more revenue than those without, showing the importance of digital marketing in this business model.

83. Photo Booth Rental

Parties never go out of style or season.

So having a small business dedicated to party/event success will always get you business!

Photo booths provide the perfect touch to any event. Customized photos serve as the ideal keepsake for making fun memories at any party.

With the variety of photo booth types out there, you can even get started with a traditional photo-booth for all the nostalgic feels.

You’ll need to pay for 2-5 photo booths to start and get your business rolling, not to mention advertising and maintenance costs. However, you can make your investment back fairly quickly, with corporate events bringing in around $400-$700 per hour on average. 

Hire a small team to run the photo booth at events and you’ve got a form of passive income to enjoy.

84. Online Mortgage Broker

An online mortgage broker acts as the gate-keeper between clients and real estate companies.

If you already possess a broker license in your state, you won’t need much to get started save a computer, some advertising, and fishing within your personal network.

Offer services like credit assistance, investment advice, and more to pad your cash flow while waiting for commission if your state allows it.

85. Moving Service

A moving service typically involves providing comprehensive services for relocating homes or businesses and leverages last-mile delivery solutions to ensure efficient and timely delivery of items to customers' new homes or offices.

In the last 12 months, interest in moving services has grown, partly driven by the increasing mobility of the workforce and the flexibility of remote work, which has led many to relocate according to their lifestyle preferences or economic needs.

Initial costs can vary, with significant investments needed in moving vehicles, equipment, and a workforce trained to handle diverse moving tasks effectively. According to industry insights, starting a moving company could bring in significant annual revenue, with profit margins potentially attractive if operations are managed efficiently to control costs and maximize service quality

86. Real Estate Investor

Real estate investing involves buying, owning, managing, renting, or selling real estate for profit.

Over the last 12 months, the real estate investment market has seen significant activity, with a noticeable increase in global investment volumes, driven by strong performance in sectors like industrial and residential properties.

Data shows that global real estate investment volumes were up by 38% year-over-year, highlighting a robust market recovery post-pandemic. Particularly, residential real estate became the largest sector for investment, surpassing offices, showing strong demand and a shift in investment focus.

87. Doula

Compassion and a nurturing spirit encompass some of the qualities of an amazing doula. Aside from midwives and practitioners, doulas are tasked with providing care and support to women undergoing the pregnancy and childbirth process.

A short certification program is the normal starting path, though no official certification or education requirements exist.

Doulas have the benefit of selecting the clients they work with and working appointment times and counseling around their other commitments.

Pricing structures vary with many doulas charging hourly or a flat fee and some estimates as high as $2,000 for a single birth.

88. Online Music Classes

The business model for online music classes involves offering music instruction and interactive lessons through video tutorials on YouTube and Udemy, or send demos to digital music distribution platforms like SoundCloud and Spotify.

Interest in online music classes has grown over the last 12 months, driven by ongoing digital transformation in education and the widespread adoption of remote learning tools.

While startup costs can range from $1,000 to $5,000, the potential for profit is significant because of low ongoing operational costs and the ability to scale globally without physical limitations.

89. Ebook Publishing

Ebook publishing is a huge industry that many are jumping on, especially in the e-book realm.

As more and more book stores close due to consumer preference for electronic book versions, the marketplace is ripe for authors who wish to self-publish their e-book on Amazon Kindle and other platforms.

It's relatively cheap to start the process and it's a great way for some passive income.

90. Peer to Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a financing model that allows individuals to lend and borrow money directly from each other via online platforms, bypassing traditional financial institutions.

Over the last 12 months, the P2P lending market has seen significant growth, with the market size projected to increase from $143.54 billion in 2023 to $190.22 billion in 2024, marking a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32.5%.

This growth is reflected in the increasing number of active lenders and borrowers on platforms such as LendingClub, indicating a robust expansion of this alternative financing model. For those starting in P2P lending, the sector offers attractive returns, with average annualized returns for investors ranging from 5% to 7%, depending on the platform and risk level of the loans.

91. Transportation

The business model for transportation companies is evolving rapidly, heavily influenced by technology and changing consumer demands. Companies now integrate advanced technologies like remote vehicle diagnostics, urban mobility apps, logistics management software, virtual traffic management, ride-sharing platforms, electric vehicle charging apps, freight marketplaces, and supply chain analytics to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Interest in the transportation sector has grown over the last 12 months, driven by technological advancements and a shift in consumer preferences towards more sustainable and efficient transportation options.

For entrepreneurs considering starting a transportation business, the initial costs and business dynamics can vary significantly based on the specific niche—whether it’s a ride-sharing service, a freight operation, or an urban mobility solution. The potential for profit is promising, especially for businesses that leverage technology to optimize operations and enhance service offerings.

92. Waist Trainer

Just because you can’t replicate SKIMS, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your share of the shapewear market.

The versatility of shapewear products and their appeal to the dominant culture of the younger demographic makes them a vital product that’s here to stay.

93. Course Creator

Courses are the perfect way to generate a revenue stream for years to come. 

You could enjoy the life-line of the course you’ve created with very little upkeep on your part, especially when paired with a killer digital product or subscription for sale.

Video recording software, graphic design, and marketing are all needed to build out the foundation of your course with costs fluctuating based on how fancy you want to get.

94. Make-Up Service

The make-up service exploded in the past year, so it makes sense that the demand for make-up artists increased steadily too.

Make-up artists have the freedom to work with clients around their schedules with the option of extensive travel an attractive part of the job. 

They work year-round in industries like film, television, weddings, theaters, and many more. Thanks to YouTube and TikTok, make-up artists have made money online providing useful cosmetic content such as cosplays, lookalikes, and essential beauty tips.

95. Genealogy

A genealogy service is a business model of personalized research and analysis to help individuals or organizations trace their family histories, lineage, public records, DNA analysis, and customized reporting.

According to a 2023 report, experts project a significant expansion of the market for genealogy services, with expectations of reaching a market size of $15.8 billion by 2033. They expecta compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.3%.

Starting a genealogy business can be financially intensive, with estimated startup costs ranging from $9,000 to $25,000, including office space rental, professional memberships and initial marketing efforts.

96. Keto Diet

A keto diet enterprise typically revolves around being a keto lifestyle coach or selling keto-friendly products such as low-carb snacks, supplements, and meal plans, often through e-commerce platforms or physical stores. This market caters to individuals seeking weight loss solutions and healthier lifestyle choices by adhering to a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet.

Interest in the keto diet has been robust over the past 12 months, driven by ongoing trends in health and wellness and the growing demand for dietary products that support weight management and metabolic health.

This sustained interest is evident from the projected growth of the ketogenic diet market, which is expected to reach over $12 billion by 2028, demonstrating the strong consumer engagement and market potential for keto products. Initial investments for keto product vendors or creators of keto meal plans are typically moderate but can yield high returns due to the niche market's willingness to invest in quality, effective dietary solutions.

97. Athleisure Clothing & Apparel

Sports apparel dominates for both genders in the marketplace, which isn’t surprising since this industry includes items like leggings, sports bands, waist trainers, shorts, and more.

The sports industry generates $159 billion annually, which signals a large number of people buying sports merchandise.

Social media has ushered in a new aspect of the market entirely as more companies utilize influencers and social proof to get eyes on new products and transcend untouched markets.

98. Transcription

Doctors, lawyers, professors, and speakers often need transcription on a weekly basis as part of their normal routine. 

Become the right-hand transcriber to clients from many different backgrounds and get into an exciting career with an influx of new work to keep you busy.

You’ll just need to purchase special equipment like foot pedals, time tracking and transcription software.

99. Digital Music Distribution

Digital music distribution is a business model where companies distribute music tracks and albums digitally to various online platforms like streaming services, digital music stores, and social media channels.

Interest in this model has grown significantly over the last 12 months, particularly as more artists seek to bypass traditional music labels and reach audiences directly.

The global digital music market is projected to reach $43.1 billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.2%. For those starting in digital music distribution, the initial setup costs can be minimal, primarily requiring robust digital infrastructure and partnerships with music platforms.

100. Ride-Sharing Service

A ride-sharing service involves connecting drivers, who use their personal vehicles, with passengers who need rides, through an app called a ride-sharing platform. This service is often more cost-effective and convenient than traditional taxis and car services. 

Over the last 12 months, interest in ride-sharing has continued to grow, with industry leaders like Uber and Lyft seeing increases in consumer spending, reflecting a rebound from the pandemic's impact.

Starting a ride-sharing business requires consideration of several financial aspects, including initial investments for app development and marketing, as well as ongoing operational costs like support and technology maintenance.

101. Tax Preparer

A tax preparer business involves offering services to individuals and businesses to assist in preparing and filing tax returns accurately and efficiently.

Over the past year, the demand for tax preparers has remained consistent, as tax laws continue to evolve and individuals seek professional help to ensure compliance and optimize their tax situations. 

According to industry insights, the average hourly pay for tax preparers was $16.58 in 2024. Additionally, many tax preparers find that diversifying their services beyond the tax season can help stabilize their income throughout the year, making it a more sustainable business model.

102. Online Cooking Classes

Online cooking classes involve providing live or recorded cooking tutorials that can be accessed remotely, typically through a dedicated platform or website.

In 2023, this sector has grown as more people seek to enhance their culinary skills from home, leveraging the convenience and flexibility of learning online.

Starting an online cooking class business can be quite affordable, with initial costs mainly related to technology setup, such as high-quality video equipment and a professional website. According to industry insights, the startup costs can range from $2,000 to $10,000, covering aspects like website development, initial marketing, and basic kitchen equipment for recording.

103. Drone Delivery Service

Drone delivery services utilizes unmanned aerial vehicles to transport packages to consumers, often significantly faster than traditional delivery methods.

Interest in drone delivery has sharply increased over the last year, with a surge in the number of companies and operational deliveries globally, highlighting a growing trend towards faster, more efficient delivery solutions.

Starting a drone delivery business typically involves moderate initial investments primarily for technology acquisition, regulatory compliance, and establishing operational infrastructure. Despite these costs, the drone delivery sector is expanding rapidly, driven by advancements in technology and an increasing number of use cases from e-commerce to healthcare, indicating significant potential for profitable ventures.

104. Bike Repair

A bike repair shop maintains and repairs bicycles, which can range from simple adjustments to complex overhauls. This model may also include sales of parts and accessories to complement the service offerings.

Bike repair grew in 2023, leading to a higher demand for maintenance and repair services, as more people use bikes regularly.

The average startup cost for a bike repair shop is estimated to be around $35,000, which covers equipment, initial inventory of parts, and leasing of space if necessary. The potential for profit in this sector is promising, especially in areas with a high density of cyclists, with successful shops potentially earning significant annual revenue from services and parts sales.

105. Coffee Shop Owner

A coffee shop owner creates a welcoming environment where customers can enjoy coffee and other beverages, often accompanied by light meals and snacks.

Over the past year, interest in the coffee shop industry has been robust, as evidenced by a growing global coffee market and the proliferation of specialty coffee offerings.

Starting a coffee shop can be profitable, with potential annual earnings for small to medium-sized coffee shop owners ranging significantly depending on location, management, and market conditions. Typically, the startup costs involve expenses for equipment, rent, licenses, and marketing.

106. Automotive Batteries

The business model of automotive batteries involves manufacturing and selling batteries that are crucial for the operation of vehicles, particularly focusing on electric vehicles (EVs) as they rely heavily on battery performance and efficiency.

As of 2023, interest in this sector has grown substantially, primarily driven by the increasing adoption of electric vehicles and advancements in battery technology.

The automotive battery market is experiencing rapid growth, with projections indicating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3% from 2024 to 2030. Additionally, the electric vehicle segment, which heavily depends on automotive batteries, is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the same period.

107. Risk Management

Risk management in cybersecurity, particularly for clients in the gambling and online gaming industries, involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with cyber threats.

Since 2023, the interest in cybersecurity for these sectors has sharply increased due to the high stakes involved and the lucrative targets they present for cybercriminals.

For businesses starting in this field, providing specialized risk management services for online gaming and gambling can be highly profitable, given the critical need for security. Moreover, effective risk management not only protects the client's financial assets but also preserves their reputation, which is crucial in these customer-focused industries.

108. DJ Production

DJ production creates and distributes digital music tracks and performs at events. DJs leverage digital music distribution platforms to sell their music worldwide and may also participate in virtual concerts and events, reaching a global audience without the constraints of physical venues.

Interest in DJ production has grown significantly over the last 12 months, particularly in music apps like SoundCloud and Spotify, where DJs have expanded their presence.

Successful DJs can achieve considerable profits, with digital distribution allowing them to earn revenue from global sales and high-profile virtual concerts providing significant exposure and income opportunities. These platforms offer DJs not just a venue for their music but a comprehensive ecosystem to manage, promote, and capitalize on their art.

109. Nail Salon

A nail salon provides nail care services such as manicures, pedicures, and nail enhancements, as well as selling related products like nail polish and care kits.

Interest in nail salon services has grown in the last 12 months, driven by a resurgence in personal care and grooming post-pandemic, as consumers return to more social activities and seek professional beauty treatments.

Starting a nail salon can be a lucrative business with the right location and marketing strategy. Initial setup costs can vary, but on average, range from $75,000 to $150,000 depending on the salon's size and location. 

110. Car Wash Service

Car wash service is a cleaning service for vehicles, ranging from basic exterior washing to more detailed interior cleaning.

Interest in car wash services has been growing, fueled by technological advances and a shift towards more eco-friendly and water-saving cleaning solutions. The car wash industry in the U.S. alone is expected to see a growth rate of 5.7% annually from 2023 to 2030.

For those starting a car wash business, the initial investment can vary significantly based on the scale and type of services offered. However, with mobile app-based services and other technological integrations, the potential for profitability is high, as these innovations can help reduce operational costs and attract a wider customer base.

111. Monthly Subscription Service

A monthly subscription service offers products or services regularly, typically monthly, where customers pay a regular fee for continuous access, including produce, snacks, and crafting materials. 

Over the last 12 months, the subscription e-commerce market has seen significant growth, with projections showing it could reach over $450 billion by 2025. 

For those interested in starting a subscription-based business, particularly in niches like subscription-based crafts or online recycling tips, the market presents lucrative opportunities. Leveraging subscription management tools and ensuring a high-quality customer experience can achieve substantial profitability and customer loyalty.

112. Tattoo Artist

Body art and piercings are the trend to follow, with over 38 % of youths aged 18-29 possessing one or more tattoos.

Most tattoo artists start as apprentices before transitioning to full-fledged tattoo artists, where they learn all about drawing and proper technique.

While you need to pay for booth rental in a studio, supplies, and licensing--top tattoo artists can charge up to $250 per hour. 

Plus, social media and YouTube provide wonderful creative outlets for tattoo artists to showcase their talent and attract more clients.

113. Augmented Reality Applications

Augmented reality applications use digital technology to overlay information or visuals in real-world environments, enhancing user interactions and experiences.

In the past 12 months, the market for these applications has grown rapidly, reflecting increased adoption across various sectors, including healthcare, automotive, and retail. 

The augmented reality market was valued at approximately $57.26 billion in 2023 and is projected to surge at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.8% reaching about $597.54 billion by 2030.

114. E-learning

E-learning is a business model that delivers education through digital platforms, offering courses and materials online for diverse learners. Over the past year, the demand for e-learning has significantly increased, driven by its flexibility and the wide accessibility it offers, evident from its projected growth rate of about 14% to 15.87% annually from now until the early 2030s.

The e-learning market, valued at approximately $399.3 billion in 2022, is anticipated to grow robustly, reaching around $1 trillion by 2032. For entrepreneurs entering this market, the expanding adoption across corporate, academic, and government sectors suggests diverse opportunities for profitable ventures.

115. Quantum Computing Services

Quantum computing services involve providing access to quantum computers or quantum computing power through platforms, often based on a service model, which helps businesses and researchers solve complex computational problems.

Over the last 12 months, the anticipation of achieving quantum advantage has propelled an increase in investment and interest in this sector, with stakeholders keen on harnessing quantum computing to drive innovation across multiple industries.

According to IDC, the global market for quantum computing is projected to grow from $1.1 billion in 2022 to $7.6 billion in 2027, marking a compound annual growth rate of 48.1%. Furthermore, as the technology continues to mature, investments are expected to reach nearly $16.4 billion by 2027, emphasizing the significant financial commitment and the expected impact of quantum computing on future technological landscapes.

118. Food Truck

Don’t want to be tied down to a physical location but eager to let the world taste your culinary delights?

Get a food truck business going.

Setting up shop near a busy area filled with hungry lunch seekers brings needed foot traffic. 

Public events also typically invite food trucks to park and serve in a designated area-- just the exposure your food truck needs to grow its client base, expand its service area, and get business for various events. 

Either way, the outlook for the mobile food business is awesome with the average food truck salary at $37,440 per year, while some earn as high as $72,000 annually.

118. Car Flipper

Car flipping involves purchasing vehicles at a lower price and selling them at a higher price, capitalizing on market demand.

Over the past year, the car flipping market has seen a surge due to rising used car prices and the popularity of online vehicle ordering, which offers significant profit opportunities. 

While the exact profit can vary, the current market conditions have allowed for notable gains, with some flippers making thousands in profit per transaction. However, this business model involves risks such as potential price drops and associated fees like sales tax and registration.

118. Virtual Reality Development

AI-based customer service solutions use artificial intelligence to enhance customer support operations, automating responses and personalizing interactions to improve the user experience.

In the past year, this sector has seen significant growth, particularly as more companies adopt AI to meet rising customer service expectations and to handle increasing volumes of service interactions more efficiently.

Statistics reveal that 56% of companies have already implemented or plan to implement AI in their customer service operations, with 75% of customer service teams using at least one AI application.

119. Bridal Stylist

A bridal stylist provides expert fashion advice, helping brides choose their wedding attire and accessories to create a perfect look for their special day.

Over the past 12 months, interest in bridal styling has grown, as evidenced by the increasing investment and expansion in the bridal wear market.

According to industry insights, the average hourly pay for a bridal stylist is $11.86, with potential earnings ranging from $16,000 to $52,000 annually, depending on experience and location.

120. Cloud Storage Solutions

Cloud storage solutions involve providing remote data storage and management services over the internet, allowing users to save, access, and manage data without maintaining physical storage systems. Over the past 12 months, the cloud storage market has experienced rapid growth, with a projection to expand from $99.2 billion in 2023 to $234.9 billion by 2028.

For new businesses entering this market, the prospects are promising because of the high Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18.8%, showcasing a vibrant growth trajectory. Additionally, cloud storage solutions are increasingly being integrated with advanced technologies like AI and machine learning, enhancing their appeal and utility across various industries.

121. Photo Printing

Technology isn’t always perfect, as you may have seen with system crashes and data breaches in recent years.

Our data, especially our precious memories, are prone to getting lost in the data-sphere.

Time to implement old-school saving methods.

Printed photos take up a bit of room but they immortalize your special moments in case your digital file gets deleted. Creating memory books and collages is also still very much a thing, so starting a business catering to high quality digital photos is a wise idea.

122. Medical Service Management

Medical service management involves a business model where companies oversee and optimize the administrative and operational functions of healthcare practices, enhancing efficiency and patient care. Medical services can branch out into an online business, especially for people struggling with anxiety and depression through mental health apps.

In the past 12 months, there has been a growing interest in this field due to the increasing complexities of healthcare regulations and a greater emphasis on cost efficiency and patient satisfaction.

The market for healthcare management services is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% over the next five years. New entrants in this field can anticipate substantial revenue opportunities, with average profit margins for established firms ranging from 10% to 15%.

123. Food Waste Solutions

Food waste solutions encompass a business model that involves developing strategies and technologies to reduce food waste at various stages, from production to consumption.

Over the past 12 months, interest in this sector has grown significantly, driven by increased awareness of environmental sustainability and regulatory pressures to reduce waste.

Statistically, the global market for food waste management is projected to reach $53.63 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1%. For entrepreneurs entering this market, the initial setup can be cost-effective, especially with technologies that are scalable and can adapt to various market needs, potentially offering a high return on investment within a few years of operation.

124. Inflatable Rentals

Jumpers and other pop-up inflatables are the staples of many parties. Fun for guests of all ages, people are always looking for a nearby spot to rent a bouncy castle.

Depending on your intended brand image or niche, buying inflatables out-right costs anywhere from $300-$3,000.

Considering you can set your hourly rates and don’t have to do much other than setting up and deflating the jumper, this is a pretty sweet business model.

125. Virtual Reality Therapy

Virtual reality therapy (VRT) is a business model that uses virtual reality technology to provide psychological therapy for various disorders such as anxiety, PTSD, and phobias.

Over the past 12 months, the interest in VRT has grown significantly, with advances in affordable VR technology making these therapies more accessible and effective for a broader range of patients.

The global virtual reality in healthcare market, which includes VRT, is projected to grow from $2.14 billion in 2020 to $42.84 billion by 2030, showing a substantial growth opportunity for businesses entering this field. Entrepreneurs starting in this space can benefit from the high efficacy of VR therapies, which have shown to improve patient outcomes significantly.

126. Message Therapy

A massage therapy business offers therapeutic massage services aimed at enhancing physical and mental wellness, including spas, private practices, or mobile services that deliver therapy directly to clients' homes.

Massage therapy has grown significantly over the last 12 months, largely driven by increased attention to personal health and wellness, as well as the rising popularity of self-care practices among consumers.

Starting a massage therapy business can be moderately costly, with initial expenses typically covering professional training, equipment, and facility costs if a physical location is used. According to industry sources, the average startup cost for a massage therapy business ranges from $5,000 to $15,000.

127. Ghostwriter

Ghostwriting is a business model where writers create content that is officially credited to another person.

Over the last year, the ghostwriting market has experienced a steady growth rate of 6.5% annually, driven by increased demand across various sectors.

This industry offers opportunities for ghostwriters to earn substantial amounts, especially in niches like book writing, with project fees ranging widely from $1,500 to $200,000 depending on the complexity and length of the work.

Why You Should Start a Local Lead Generation Business in 2024

Starting a local lead generation business is still the fastest growing model in 2024 than the rest of the business models is because of several important factors, including initial investment, competition, better workload, and higher return on investment (ROI).

Local lead generation often requires less capital upfront compared to other business models like ecommerce, digital marketing agency, and rentals. Physical stores like nail salons, catering kitchens, and cannabis shops involve costs in warehousing, logistics, and inventory. Local lead generation has fewer costs because it only needs a host server, a domain, and several local SEO advertising to get started.

Local lead generation is also less dependent on labor costs. Virtual assistance agencies, healthcare services, and bookkeeping companies require several workforces to grow the business and earn from multiple clients, but the costs of staff could take a toll on your profits. Local lead generation requires minimal workforce because once a lead generation website is active and ranked on search engines, it can gain leads passively.

Plenty of business models like dropshipping, generative AI, and remote setting have high competition because of their promise of letting people make money passively without doing much effort. Because of the low skill ceiling of these business models, plenty of people are trying them out, making competition fiercer. Meanwhile, local lead generation has a lower competition because it focuses on smaller markets and niche locations. This makes it easier to dominate a position and earn better ROI than most business models, especially online.

Lastly, local lead generation is a stable business model. TikTok dropshipping, YouTube, and influencing depend on the user's popularity, relevance, and engagement with their community. However, according to statistics, most influencers and YouTube content creators' relevance fall off after 3 to 5 years, unless many loyal followers back them up. Also, the algorithm for TikTok and YouTube could make or break the influencer's dependence on fame. Local lead generation does not need all that. It only requires a local target market and set up a lead generation website, and ranking on search engines to earn passively.

If you want to start a business with a low capital, a stable ROI, and less active management, local lead generation could be your best decision.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.