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Top 127 Fastest Growing Businesses To Start in 2024

May 16, 2022

Looking for new business ideas for jump-starting your journey to self-employment? 

You’ll definitely find one on this list.

I cover the 127 best and fastest growing business ideas to start in 2021. 

Many of these jobs are unique, exciting, and surprising-- so if you want some inspiration for creating your own small business, then you’ve come to the right place.

But before we get on with this list...

A lil bit about me... My name is Ippei...
Tree Care Service Gif

I went from working a cubicle day job to living in a nice apartment in San Francisco by working from home building & ranking simple websites that generate leads for small businesses.

That tree service site above has been making me $2000 per month since 2015, imo this biz model is one of the best opportunities on the internet.

You can click here for more info on this lead generation business.

Without further ado, let’s dive right in with rest of the business models.

We use Google Trends to show businesses that are trending upwards.

Business Management


1. Bookkeeping

Keeping track of expenses is something all businesses have to do.

Along with everything else a healthy business requires, this is a pretty important task. 

Plus many business owners just don’t have the time to learn the ins and outs of good bookkeeping practices. This makes bookkeeping both a vital and in-demand skill that most businesses could benefit from.

You can either choose to work remotely or locally in your general area. Typically, you should either have solid work experience in this field or enough time to invest in education and training.

You’ll also need some software to do the job like QuickBooks or another CRM with invoicing, bill-pay, and account reconciliation capabilities.

With relatively low start-up costs and growing demand, bookkeeping is a lucrative way to make steady money remotely. 

2. Virtual Assistance

The virtual working world is all the rage currently and so many businesses are taking advantage of what this technological revolution has to offer. 

A virtual assistant offers business owners the chance to outsource tedious and time-consuming tasks that distract from their main business goals.

This is great news for anyone interested in starting an online remote business.

As a virtual assistant (VA), you’ll handle a wide variety of business-related tasks such as calendar management, email management, travel arrangements -and much more!

You get to choose the clients you work with and whether you’d like to specialize in a certain niche while charging the rates you value your services at.

3. VA Agency Owner

Though we all wish it were so, most business owners soon learn that they can’t be good at doing it all. Finding one place to locate niche experts to outsource different tasks to is literally a business owner’s dream.

Most VA agency owners start off as freelance VA’s themselves, however you can pretty much start an agency up with minimal investment and little experience.

You price services for clients to choose from, outsource these tasks to your VA team, and pocket the difference between typical rates and subcontractor rates.

Plus, you’re contributing to the growing trend of virtual workers as more companies turn to the convenience and accessibility of this option.

4. Financial Advisor

Finances are hard to juggle at any point in life, no matter how much money you may have.

Financial advisors support their client’s lifestyles responsibly and collaboratively.

This skillset is obtained after completing a bachelor’s degree program with additional certification requirements.

Going the self-employed route can be especially lucrative for financial advisors hoping to start up their own firms. 

financial advisor stats

5. Business Consultant

Consider yourself an expert in an area businesses could use your input? Be it IT, team-building, systems improvement? 

You could start a business as a consultant.

Your professional network is worth far more than anything when it comes to finding clients, so make sure you’ve built strong connections in your field as well as a good-sized emergency fund should business be slow at the start.

Along with the chance to travel to clients all over, business consultants can charge what they feel their experience brings to the table.

business consultant stats

6. SEO Consultant

We talk about offering SEO services to local businesses as cash flow to fund lead generation sites.

You can also decide to offer just this service alone and really hone in on developing SEO expertise or choose to work for a business or agency.

graphic design sample

7. Graphic Design

As social media and visual design grows more important for brands and businesses, graphic designers can expect to see an uptick of business.

Software programs like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator along with a powerful and high-functioning computer include the main starting costs. 

If you can mix together a tasty drink that supports healthy weight loss, you’re that much closer to snagging a slice of the n. You can even capitalize on creating an affiliate or MLM program from your product line.Since the smart home industry is , this shift actually makes the most sense.As people continue to get busier, house cleaning services will only increase in demand. The cleaning industry alone accounts for and that’s expected to grow, making it a small business idea to jump on as 2020 approaches.With  owning a pet, now is the time to follow that passion. You can start offering your knowledge by traveling to client homes and facilities which saves you the headache of renting a space for a good length of time.
graphic design stats

8. Transcription

Doctors, lawyers, professors, and speakers often need transcription on a weekly basis as part of their normal routine. 

Become the right-hand transcriber to clients from many different backgrounds and get into an exciting career with an influx of new work to keep you busy.

You’ll just need to purchase special equipment like foot pedals, time tracking and transcription software. 

9. Freelance Writing

Writers can actually be very well paid, despite what you’ve heard.

Every business benefits immensely from well-crafted, punchy, and attractive sales copy to both attract and retain clients. 

Though writers can write a variety of content types: blogs, articles, social media copy, autobiographies, e-books--- the riches are in the niches.

Copywriters take the cake when it comes to writing profits, seeing rates over $100/hour. They can choose to work for an agency, corporation, or on a self-employed basis. 

10. Travel Consultant

While simply working as a travel agent doesn’t exactly net an envious salary, the real money comes from creating your own travel agency and hiring outside contractors to scale.

With the advent of sites like and, niching down in the travel industry is now more necessary than ever.

Expanding into the virtual and online booking arena proves vital to long-term success as well.

travel consultant stats

11. Tax Preparer

Tax preparation really meets its peak season from January-April of each year.

So this wouldn’t really be a full-time business venture, yet it can yield some profitable returns if you maintain your business each successive year.

The tax codes and rules constantly change causing more people to seek tax preparation assistance. Top tax preparers who work quickly and efficiently can earn close to $60,000 or more in California.

Not too shabby for a business that runs 3 months out of the year.

Throwing in mobile and after-hours service can increase your business’ appeal to customers.

tax preparer stats

12. Voiceover Actor

If you’ve got the charisma and smoothness to serve as the virtual face of a brand, then voice acting may be the right career path for you.

Maintaining a career as a voiceover actor requires the proper equipment for flawless recordings and static-proof audio.

Many voiceover actors work around their own schedules which often require long hours memorizing and practicing scripts.

Those that do the job well can expect a handsome salary, with the average California voiceover actor pulling in nearly $90,000 yearly.

voice actor stats

13. Editing/Proofreading 

Proofreaders need to be seasoned writers to spot minutiae errors within copy and produce impeccable results for clients, authors, and businesses.

Put your skills to the test and you could earn as much as $50 per hour for just one client. Did we mention your start-up costs aren’t much more than a computer?

editor/proofreader stats

14. Business Coach

Business coaches tend to be individuals who have achieved massive success in their field.

With the code cracked, a business coach may offer their expertise to other like-minded business professionals so that they too may be successful. 

Rates are largely up to the coach, with those who tailor services to high-end executives and budding entrepreneurs able to command more than $200 per hour.

business coach stats


15. Social Media Marketing

Businesses that aren’t utilizing social media in 2019 are losing out on so much more than views. 

These days, a solid marketing strategy must include social media to truly be successful.

Yet each social media platform comes with its own rules and algorithms to understand-- so the learning curve can be quite steep.

Hiring out these services to a specialized social media manager saves businesses the pains of education, testing, and content creation-- all things which take tons of time to perfect. 

This field is seeing a 9% growth rate as social media continues to grow in popularity each year.

16. Email Marketer

This is a sector within freelance writing that’s a very profitable niche.

Email marketing typically encompasses most of marketing copy, both long and short-form. The art of email and nurturing leads is always vital for businesses of all types.

Copywriters who focus solely on email clients can start clients off with a  $1,500 monthly retainer and command higher rates as time progresses.

17. Ghostwriter

Capturing the essence of a person’s character through their words and mannerisms requires talent and deep interaction. 

It’s no wonder then that celebrities, athletes, and influential people alike elect to utilize the services of a ghostwriter when the time comes to pen their autobiography or release their documentary. 

Top-tier ghostwriters can command extremely high rates, sometimes earning close to six figures for a full-length autobiographical project.

ghostwriting stats

18. Weight Loss Beverage

Skinny tea, hot cocoa that burns fat-- consumers are constantly on the hunt for a simple beverage to curb cravings and assist in fat loss. 

early $176 billion weight loss market

weight loss stats

company merch

19. Selling Branded Merch

Get your company swag game going strong!

Branded pens, socks, t-shirts, and sweaters help companies proudly represent their business while also promoting it to customers.

Even the big business players continue to produce company branded promotional products. (photo of company-branded swag)

Find the right supplier to cut you a deal for bulk orders and you’re well on your way.

20. Reusable Bags Design

Saving the environment and going green has never been more trendier.

As cities enact plastic bag bans, consumers need to get creative to resume normal activities.

Reusable bags made from natural materials like hemp, synthetic fibers, and other biodegradable materials have thus become a necessity.

People love to express themselves through the design of the bag they choose, so a business creating custom designs or printing pre-made designs on reusable bags would not only help the environment, it would also put a little more green in your pocket too.

reusable bag design stats

21.  Brand Design Agency

Got an eye for curating attractive brand reputation and imagery? Lend your services to small businesses and brands from a variety of niches.

Running your own creative agency can either remain completely remote as you build a small team or you can rent a small office space to collaborate in person. 

The power of price-setting and client prospecting lies entirely with you in this business model while start-up costs include software, computers, internet, phone, and advertising.

brand design stats

22. Facebook Ads Agency

There’s no doubt that Facebook dominates the social media landscape. Facebook advertising has become essential for small and large businesses to utilize (link to facebook ads article I did).

Not many people know the secret sauce that goes behind a successful Facebook ads campaign so they end up wasting money and time with no strategy in place.

 If you’ve got these skills, then you’re ahead of the game.

A seasoned Facebook ads marketer takes the guesswork out of Facebook advertising for clients and generates high returns on initial ad-spend.

Several courses exist to educate students on the ins and outs of Facebook advertising, but you can also peruse free information on the web. 

23. Digital Marketing Agency

Older generations still struggle with the changing technological aspect. 

This means so many business owners don’t have a clue when it comes to their digital marketing strategy-- which also means a loss of profit.

Those with know-how in this area consult clients and implement effective strategies to generate traffic, engagement, and leads for their customers. 

Other than your proven experience, you won’t need more than a computer and a website to start finding clients.

24. Blogging

Contrary to popular belief, blogging isn’t dead yet.

People utilize the Internet more than ever these days and having a useful blog post ranked on Google could generate great passive income. 

The real money in blogging comes from partnerships, affiliate marketing, and social media influencer agreements.

However, income isn’t exactly guaranteed as these results depend on the useful, engaging, and interactive content you produce to bring traffic to your blog. 

When done right, top bloggers have been able to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars per month completely online.

Maintenance costs like website hosting, web developing, and social media tools seem very minor in comparison to the earning potential from a single blog.

25. Amazon FBA

Amazon already dominates the online shopping sphere, so it just makes sense to take advantage of their reputation. Enter: Amazon FBA.

Amazon FBA functions much the same way as an ecommerce store, however without holding stock or dealing with packaging or shipping. 

All you need to worry about is finding winning items and getting those items to Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

26. Dropshipping

Dropshipping became popular as an ingenuous way to move product without actually owning a warehouse or dealing with shipping suppliers yourself. This very off-hands approach to owning an online store helped this online business method quickly blow up in popularity.

Though many gurus will tout its simplicity, the truth is that dropshipping takes time to be profitable with very low profit margins in the beginning.

You’ll want a hefty amount to invest as start-up capital for research, shipping and advertising. As markets become saturated with more and more competition, pouring dollars into the market research phase is absolutely crucial to succeed.

dropshipping stats

27. Meal Kit Prep & Delivery

Everyone desires a healthy home-cooked meal after a long day. The problem is that most of us just don’t have the time to prep, cook, and clean.

Meal delivery kits help fulfill this gap by providing convenience to consumers to support their busy lives. 

So whether you want to service die-hard vegans, gluten-free vegetarians, or low-carb lovers, the market is wide open.

meal kit stats

28. Resume Writer/Editor

If you’re someone who knows how to craft a highly effective and winning resume to land a dream job, you’d benefit well from offering your services as a resume writer/editor.

The key to branding your expertise matters here, so understanding marketing on all platforms serves this business well.

Consider outsourcing social media and digital marketing to an expert as a start-up cost (this can fall within the range of $24,000 per year).

Highly sought resume writers can command rates between $100-$400 for a single resume, working from anywhere in the world. Once a solid client base is secured, this field can pay extremely well.

29. Real Estate Investor

Viable as either a side hustle or a full-time gig, most people can jump into real estate investing for under $1,000. 

There are so many investment strategies to employ to help with turning a profit and profit potential varies drastically. 

If you’re looking to enter the next income bracket, real estate is one of the best stepping stones to maximize your income potential.

real estate investor stats

30. Podcasting

So many people listen to podcasts, it’s insane. 

32% of Americans are monthly podcast listeners with average listening time at 6 hours 37 mins according to this report.

That’s relishing news for fans and podcast enthusiasts, since starting your own podcast can run as low as $250 if you already have a computer. Top podcasts can even earn millions of dollars from sponsorships, products, and affiliates.

You can discuss anything and everything you’d like on your podcast-- the joys of creative and time freedom! 

31. Car Flipping

Getting hassled at the dealership just isn’t appealing to most consumers anymore. 

The staggering amount of people who use the Internet to search for new and used cars (78% of consumers according to these statistics), notably third-party sites like Craigslist, has increased tremendously over the past few years.

That’s good news for those interested in the car flipping business. This business model entails purchasing lower-priced vehicles and selling them for a profit. 

The sweet spot tends to be cheaper vehicles in good condition in the $500-$5,000 range.

A small investment of less than $1,000 can easily get you started. Use the profits from your first flip to fund more and watch the pure profit start to trickle in.

32. Online Boutique 

E-commerce replaces the traditional consumer shopping experience, giving people the ease of purchasing items online and getting them delivered quickly.

So whether you sell thrift store finds, create your own clothing line, or flip bargain items-- an online store is an ingenious way to reach customers all over the world.

Not every store can be successful, but those that are can reach six figures MONTHLY in sales.

Costs include hosting for your web store, advertising, and shipping.

33. Athleisure Clothing & Apparel

Sports apparel dominates for both genders in the marketplace, which isn’t surprising since this industry includes items like leggings, sports bands, waist trainers, shorts, and more.

Athleisure generated nearly $200 billion in 2019 alone.

Social media has ushered in a new aspect of the market entirely as more companies utilize influencers and social proof to get eyes on new products and transcend untouched markets.

athleisure stats

34. Ebook Publishing

Self-help is a huge industry that many are jumping on, especially in the e-book realm.

As more and more book stores close due to consumer preference for electronic book versions, the marketplace is ripe for authors who wish to self-publish their e-book on Amazon Kindle and other platforms.

It's relatively cheap to start the process and it's a great way for some passive income.

35. Course Creator

Courses are the perfect way to generate a revenue stream for years to come. 

You could enjoy the life-line of the course you’ve created with very little upkeep on your part, especially when paired with a killer digital product or subscription for sale.

Video recording software, graphic design, and marketing are all needed to build out the foundation of your course with costs fluctuating based on how fancy you want to get.

36. Online Mortgage Broker

Home sales and declining interest rates mean that more people are on the search for new property.

This drastically different atmosphere (at least from a 2004 perspective) means potential home-buyers or commercial business owners need help navigating the market to ensure they receive a fair deal.

A mortgage broker acts as the gate-keeper between clients and real estate companies in this regard.

If you already possess a broker license in your state, you won’t need much to get started save a computer, some advertising, and fishing within your personal network.

Offer services like credit assistance, investment advice, and more to pad your cash flow while waiting for commission if your state allows it.

37. Real Estate Agent

Ah yes, in every housing bubble you will find a smiling real estate agent hungry to close the deal.

The economy remains in fair condition, with predictions of a steady increase within the next decade or so. This is especially good news as 30 year fixed-rate mortgages continue to slip to nearly 3.8% according to a recent Bankrate article.

Now is the perfect time for motivated individuals to pursue licensure and sort out their marketing plan.

Depending on the area you specialize in, a single home sale can bring a sizable commission. 

38. Arts/Crafts Sales

If you enjoy making crafts with your hands and endeavor to start a small handmade jewelry boutique, becoming an Etsy seller may be right for you.

While success isn’t a sure thing, many have seen their small businesses skyrocket by starting out on the platform.

39. Peer to Peer Lending

Sometimes it seems like when you need cash or a loan fast, banks refuse to lend to you.

In a P2P lending platform, samaritans band together to enable people from all backgrounds to borrow the money they need and pay it back responsibly with interest. 

With an astounding growth rate that’ll make you blush, starting your own P2P platform could be incredibly profitable.

Consult your state laws and legal counsel to get an idea of the logistics behind this business model.

40. Baked Goods/Snacks

Home-made always trumps generic, as I like to say.

As more people undergo lifestyle changes, the search for healthy yet tasty treats soars.

Let’s not forget the rise of veganism and increasing preference for low-carb and gluten-free foods.

You can target these exploding industries by creating delicious treats that fulfill this target criteria and selling them to individuals, grocery stores, and convenience stores.

41. Waist Trainer/ Shape Wear

Just because you can’t replicate SKIMS, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your share of the shapewear market. 

The versatility of shapewear products and their appeal to the dominant culture of the younger demographic makes them a vital product that’s here to stay.

shapewear stats

42. T-Shirt Design

T-shirts with relatable and witty captions or cool designs always become wildly popular. 

Find the last viral trends and stamp them onto a custom T-shirt designed by you!

Whether you make the shirts in-house or use third party printing and design services, a well-designed T-shirt business can prove highly lucrative with simple web hosting, shipping, and advertising eating up most of your expenses.

43. Phone Case Seller

There’s always going to be a new smartphone out on the market.

So why not capitalize on the overwhelming number of mobile devices and specialize in creating personal accessories?

The phone model and case type you design will help narrow down your intended market a bit. You’re most likely going to primarily sell online so finding a reliable supplier and store-front hosting are going to be your biggest investments. 

phone case seller stats

44. YouTuber/Influencer

This video-sharing platform racks in millions of users daily, eager to consume a massive volume of content on all topics. 

Need to learn how to do something? It’s almost guaranteed you’ll find a video on YouTube.

Becoming an expert in one niche and producing valuable content that gets clicks can actually earn you a good sum of money, believe it or not. 

Gaining fans and social proof takes time, but your efforts can undeniable pay off. Take a look at what some of the highest-earning YouTubers make.


45. Software Development & Sales

Nowadays, you can enjoy the nest egg of software without even being a developer or programmer yourself.

Spend time perfecting your creative vision for a software, hire a software developer, and breathe life into your idea.

You can also outsource sales if you’d rather focus on other areas in the business.

Once your software is finalized and out on the market, you can enjoy constant hefty profits while working on another idea or scaling the business-- functioning as a form of passive income.

46. Phone/Electronics Repair

Our phones contain everything we need to survive, basically. In addition, smart-phones are becoming increasingly necessary and even more expensive to buy today. 

Phone insurance and replacement encompass hefty out-of-pocket costs, so it makes sense that more and more consumers turn to traditional cell-phone repair.

Let’s also not forget the once-off cracked screen or water damage incurred.

Even if you’re not a techy phone repair expert, videos on the Internet and some basic tools provide the arsenal you need to get your cell phone repair business running.

You can also upsell your customers by selling phone cases, phone protection equipment, and other accessories!

phone accessory photo

47. Electronic Accessories

Smart phones’ capabilities continue to grow and their price tags multiply right alongside them.

As a result, people are more than willing to invest in protection and decoration for their cellphones.

Cases and screen protectors top the charts for electronic accessories with newly designed cases and shatter-proof glass protectors paired together. This booming market is projected to hit close to $300 billion by 2026.

electronic accessories stats

48. Home Security Systems

Home security systems are exploding in popularity alongside smart home devices, with an impressive CAGR of 10.4% expected until 2023. 

Remote security cameras that can be viewed from any number of smart devices, alarm systems with motion detection capabilities-- small businesses can get involved within this industry in a number of ingenuous ways.

home security system stats

VR Photo

49. Virtual Reality

There’s no doubt virtual reality’s changed the game.

With all the success of companies like Oculus (owned by Facebook, of course) and more innovative ideas being developed, small businesses can jump in the mix and grab hold of a slice.

There’s no stopping anytime soon, especially with a compounded annual growth rate of 48.7% and growing from now until 2024.

An immersive video game store solely dedicated to VR consoles and games? These particular products need to be tested in person for the full experience, making this business model lucrative. What about an arcade?

The possibilities are currently endless in the VR sphere.

50. App Creation

If you get hands-on and do all of the app development yourself, your earning potential with the perfect app idea can prove to be a golden ticket with very little upfront costs.

The mobile app industry is expected to top $200 billion in 2020 alone, with projections soaring beyond that number.

Whether it’s for gaming, subscription, or lifestyle-- there’s an app to fit most target demographics.

51. Smart Home Installation

Lights, ovens, televisions, and faucets that obey your every command? Welcome to the era of the smart home.

Those with electrical and other device installation experience can easily turn their focus to the installation of ‘smart’ home devices. 

estimated to reach nearly $200 billion by 2025

52. Web Developer

Businesses of all types need well-built websites to sustain their online networks. That’s where a web developer comes in.

Though there aren’t really formal education requirements (self-teaching is definitely plausible), many pursue an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in the field.

The return on investment in this path appears positive, with the average web developer salary in places like San Francisco as high as $108,017. 

Web developers can work directly for companies or create their own freelance business and work from home.

53. IT Support

This field recommends the minimum of a bachelor’s degree to safely compete in the insanely growing IT field.

Extensive computer knowledge and useful connections provide the base for securing your own freelance client base. 

Both small and large businesses rely on tech support and trouble-shooting to continue operations, so your services will definitely be needed in a high capacity. 

The outlook is amazing for those interested in this field with over 500,000 new jobs to be filled beginning in 2020 alone.

54. Computer Programmer/Coder

Knowing multiple coding languages, HTML, and more programs can not only land you a great job with benefits at any company-- it also opens doors for self-employment and the work/life balance you crave.

Medical offices, software companies, B2B, and a multitude of fields employ computer programmers, so the specific industry you work in is entirely up to your discretion.

With an entry-level salary of $60,000 with tons of room for growth, expect competition to accompany the thousands of expected job opportunities.

55. 3D Printing

This business model is like something out of a science fiction movie, but it’s becoming a major reality in everyday life.

Invest in the 3D printer, materials like thermoplastic, and 3D printing software and you’ve got a full-blown 3D printing business. 

Like most businesses, niching down can net you higher profits and a more loyal client base.

3D printing stats

56. Security Consultant

A skilled and knowledgeable cybersecurity expert also holds value to corporations and businesses, especially as technology expands.

Take a look at the major security breaches that recently affected Experian and Wells Fargo, even these huge companies become vulnerable to hacks and other cybersecurity threats.

Get started by pursuing an IT or systems administrator role. Specialty certifications also become necessary in this field.

The best part? You can work from home in your jammies while ensuring your client’s security network is up-to-date.

Commercial/Residential Services

house cleaner

57. Home Cleaning

What other business could you get off the ground with a business license and some cleaning supplies?

With less than $500 in start-up costs (depending on city and state business licensing requirements), you could build and scale a full-fledged cleaning business from scratch.

 Of course, to keep costs this low, you’ll mostly be cleaning the homes yourself until you build enough clientele to hire a team. 

over 40 billion dollars annually in revenue 

58. Home Remodeling/Renovation

Though for this business model it’s often recommended to have a fairly large investment to start (sometimes more than $250,000), you can also get started with just your hands, skills, and the proper licensing. 

Of course, you’ll need to have construction or renovation skills if you don’t have the capital to hire contractors right away.

Plus, you’ll most likely see steady business as home renovation is popular year-round, with around 50% growth seen since the recession.

59. Home Decor  

Interest rates for home loans continue to decline, meaning more people are becoming homeowners for the first time. 

This increase in disposable income means people are looking to spruce up their homes with decorations and such. Throw pillows, rugs, decorative picture frames, and linens are some of the most popular items consumers shop for.

The advent of social media and the appeal of home decor and remodeling shows has aided in the steady increase of this industry’s size.

home decor stats

60. Appliance Repair

Those who love tinkering with their hands can now reap the financial and time benefits of their labor. 

Though some appliances require specialized training to tackle, if you're good at figuring out how to make things hum again then you're well on your way.

The greatest setback to getting started would have to be the investment on mechanical equipment and licensure needed to do the job.

appliance repair stats

61. Window-Washing

You could start a window-washing business today after gathering up the staple supplies you’ll need to complete the job.

Watch some YouTube videos and read some how-to guides to gain the knowledge you need to get the job done right.

Commercial businesses and high -end homes should be your main targets when searching for clients.

62. Pool Cleaning

Better job prospects and promising investments mean more disposable income for many Americans.

The luxury of pool installation comes with its share of maintenance costs, namely the upkeep of chemical levels and debris. 

The recurrence of pool cleaning services every 4-6 months allows you to build a solid customer base while scaling your advertising efforts to find new clients when business stabilizes.

63. Carpet Cleaning

Appearance is tantamount, both to commercial entities and home-owners. Flawless indoor carpeting makes a place stand out and maintaining carpet cleanliness takes work.

That’s why carpet cleaning makes up a nearly $6 billion industry.

Professional carpet cleaning is highly sought after by customers due to how quickly dirt and grime build-up. Home-owners with children and pets and walk-in businesses often require more regular treatments, which can help you gain loyal clients.

64. Landscape

If you live in an area where snow and colder weather are the norm, this business model probably wouldn’t be very profitable for you.

However, springtime and warmer months occupy the busiest times of the year for landscaping and lawn-care professionals, with those residing in temperate climates benefiting most.

Landscaping is expected to increase in demand, keeping pace with the booming housing market.

65. Junk Hauling

Americans store too much junk in their storages, garages, and living spaces. How often have you seen old furniture and broken appliances sitting curb-side?

If you’ve got access to a pick-up truck, you can get started hauling away unwanted junk in your local area and making easy money with only your truck and hands.

Scaling your junk removal business takes work but it can be done. Just take advice from the founder of 1800-JUNK.

66. Moving

Put your back into it (actually, don’t-- always use proper lifting technique)!

Moving is a pain for most people, whether they’ve got to high-tail it out of state or transfer new furniture to a different part of the house.

Though it’s back-breaking and laborious work, the industry continues to trend positively with steady growth.

With a small van or pick-up truck, you can get a moving business going with little else in the way of expenses. Just make sure you obtain the proper licensing in your state.

67. Plumbing

The trades are continuing to remain steady career paths to pursue.

Only requiring a high school diploma and acceptance into an on-the-job apprenticeship, this is an extremely attractive option for both the younger demographic and career-changers.

The field anticipates a 14% growth rate through 2028 and it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Plumbers are needed year-round.  Many plumbers also turn to self-employment and work on a mobile basis with or without a physical location.

68. Electrician

Here’s yet another trade with exciting growth and promising prospects.

With a high-school diploma, anyone is eligible for an apprenticeship or entry into a trade program. However, competition remains high as the number of applicants soar each year.

It’s no surprise- considering electricians can earn upwards of $100,000, this figure being even more attainable for self-employed electricians.

69. Handyman Services

Good with fixing things that break or need maintenance? 

Consider starting a mobile handyman service. 

Make yourself available at odd hours to both residential and commercial clients, and you’ve got yourself a growing customer base.

Hotels, small businesses, homes, offices-- all need some sort of tinkering with something. 

If you don’t already own tools, most of your costs upfront are from tools and supplies, sprinkled in with some advertising. Very little investment for a high return.

70. House Painter

Enjoy grabbing a paintbrush, deciding what color to paint a room, and getting to work with careful precision?

A house painting business is an inexpensive business model that requires expenses such as the paint, a ladder, rollers, and brushes.

Though permit and licensing requirements vary by state, you can be up and running in a relatively short time and establish your local client base.

71. Transportation

We all have somewhere to go, places to be… so why not make a business out of the necessity for transportation?

Trucking, logistics, air cargo, taxi/limo service-- all are great ways to get your feet wet in this booming industry.

The avalanche of smart scooters and on-demand bike/car rentals have also soared, so this area is worth exploring as well.

72. Interior Designer

Those with an eye for beauty and a flair for design can excel in the interior design space.

Plus as disposable income grows it’s likely that more people will turn to home improvement and renovation.

The most important thing a new interior designer should possess is a strong portfolio highlighting samples of their work. While some choose to pursue higher education, it still stands that on-the-job training provides the best experience before starting your business.

With the social media age in full swing interior designers now have access to millions of potential clients, giving them the chance to showcase their talent through photo and video sharing.

Personal/Mobile Consumer Services

dog walker photo

73.  Dog Walker

Enjoy a stroll in the park with your furry friends, spend an afternoon playing, and get them home safely.

If this sounds like your type of day, starting a dog walking business could be a fun money-making venture to pursue.

It’s important to research your area and assess the demand for dog-walking services. Keep in mind apps like rover and wag dominate many areas.

74.  Pet Sitter

A genuine love for animals and their well-being are key criteria for running a pet sitting business from your home.

Most pet owners bring their pet’s necessities with them, so you only need to worry about stocking the basics and maintaining the right insurance coverage.

Though it can take a good amount of time to build up enough steady income to scale, the very low upfront costs and crazy flexibility make it a good business model to invest in.

75.  Pet Groomer

The appeal of a mobile pet-grooming service lies in the accessibility of services. 

Pet owner’s schedules can be hectic enough and making time to take pets to the groomers is yet another hassle.

Offering a commercial vehicle to transport pets carefully to and from your home for grooming helps pet owners skirt past this issue entirely.

You’ll want to have some pet grooming experience, much of which can be acquired on-the-job or through a separate training program. 

76.  Pet Trainer

Well-behaved pets cause less stress for their owners and make pet ownership truly enjoyable. But most owners don’t possess the time, patience or expertise to properly train their pets.

Do you have a knack for getting animals to obey you or simply love getting hands-on with animals?

A pet training business could be the key to unlocking your dreams of entrepreneurship.

over 56% of U.S. households

77.  Light/Sound Equipment Rental

Whether you go the franchise route or start your own rental business from the ground up, this business model is a great way to generate profit with light effort.

Local businesses, individuals, and groups often need access to light and sound equipment for different events and purposes.

Having a stock supply of this equipment ready to lend out helps fulfill this need for both long-term and short-term clients.

Your investment will primarily cover the various pieces of equipment, a rented location to house the equipment, and advertising efforts.

equipment rental stats

78. Storage 

Who do you know that could use a thorough clean-out of their home followed by a trip to the storage unit? Nearly everyone.

Though the storage unit industry’s profit margins far exceed most small businesses (typical ROI for small businesses hovers somewhere between 2-3%), it does cost a pretty penny to get this business idea off the ground.

Construction and land-acquisition make up most of the hefty start-up cost.

If time isn’t a factor in your business decision, you can expect a healthy 11% profit margin with low maintenance and various money-making strategies at your disposal in a few years when business stabilizes.

79. Driver's Education School

There will always be young and inexperienced drivers eager to get on the road. With many states imposing mandatory behind-the-wheel educational hours, business should flock in year-round.

Research the appropriate licenses and certifications you’ll need to work as an instructor and secure a small place to home your location.

To cut starting costs, use your own vehicle to foot the insurance and gas costs until you can invest in another one.

80. AirBnB Host

The new wave of vacation rentals has come to fruition with the massive success of rental giant AirBnB.

Extra space in your home or an additional property could potentially earn you passive income to the tune of $10,000 per month.

You can use this initial rental income to invest in more real estate and expand your rental empire.

The mechanics and more behind this business model are covered in great detail over at the Millenial Money blog.

81. At-home Daycare

Both men and women compete in the rat race for promotions and new opportunities and reliable child-care paves the way for this desire career mobility.

You can get started in your own home and register for the appropriate licensing to make your daycare legitimate.

Before you hire staff, food, activities, and insurance make up the bulk of your expenses.

If you’ve got young children of your own, an in-home daycare provides the flexibility to earn an income while watching over your own child.

82. Make-up Artist

As much as we’ve seen the make-up industry explode in the past year it makes sense that the demand for make-up artistry increases steadily too.

Make-up artists have the freedom to work with clients around their schedules with the option of extensive travel an attractive part of the job. 

They work year-round in industries like film, television, weddings, theaters, and many more.

83. Photo Printing

Technology isn’t always perfect, as you may have seen with system crashes and data breaches in recent years.

Our data, especially our precious memories, are prone to getting lost in the data-sphere.

Time to implement old-school saving methods.

Printed photos take up a bit of room but they immortalize your special moments in case your digital file gets deleted. Creating memory books and collages is also still very much a thing, so starting a business catering to high quality digital photos is a wise idea.

photo printing stats

food truck photo

84. Food Truck

Don’t want to be tied down to a physical location but eager to let the world taste your culinary delights?

Get a food truck business going.

Setting up shop near a busy area filled with hungry lunch seekers brings needed foot traffic. 

Public events also typically invite food trucks to park and serve in a designated area-- just the exposure your food truck needs to grow its client base, expand its service area, and get business for various events. 

Either way, the outlook for the mobile food business is awesome with over 85% of food truck owners reporting over $100,000 in annual income.

85. Coffee Shop

Out of all the brick and mortar food businesses you could start, coffee is perhaps one of the smartest areas to build a successful brand around.

People are always on the hunt for authentic and great-tasting coffee to separate from al the Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts chains.

Attracting loyal clientele depends on your shop’s location and the amount of foot traffic your area receives.

The amount you can make varies per coffee shop owner, but you can rest assured that the demand for coffee won’t wane anytime soon.

86. Catering

If you’ve got a reputation for wholesome and delicious cooking and family members always gobble up your dishes, then it may be time to transform your culinary skills into a business.

Living in a diverse area offers the advantages of expanding into ethnic and fusion cuisine.

Since parties aren’t limited by season, there will always be events that need authentic home-made food for guests to indulge.

Since the catering business appears to be trending upwards, toppling $58 billion alone in 2017, the time to jump in is better than ever.

87. Vending Machines

You see vending machines nearly everywhere you go, you’ve probably even purchased a couple of items from them in the past when you were super hungry.

Now you can take part in the action and start by purchasing your first few machines.

Decide what you want to sell in your vending machines, find a place to house them, and you’ve got a growing little business!

Purchase more machines and hire staff to transport and collect the machines and the money you’ve earned to really get going.

88. Gym Owner

Niche and specialty gyms still stand out from the big name franchises and national gym brands.

Kickboxing, martial arts, cycling, yoga, and CrossFit-- there are so many possibilities that exist for those interested in starting their own gym. 

Once you’ve established whether your gym will thrive in your chosen environment, securing funding is the next hurdle. 

Significant start-up capital is usually needed to start a gym but the healthy annual growth rate of nearly 4% in the $36 billion industry should help you turn a profit after a few years.

gym stats

89.  Mobile Laundry/Dry-Cleaning

Picture the stressed CEO flying out for an important meeting tomorrow who needs his suit pressed as soon as possible.

Oh, and he can’t physically pick up or drop off his items. 

He would call your mobile dry-cleaning and laundering business without hesitation.

A mobile laundry/dry-cleaning service exceeds customer expectations and takes care of every detail without inconveniencing customers.

Customer service tops the list of importance with this business model as many times you only ever communicate with your customers via phone.

With some household appliances or a pre-arranged deal with a local dry cleaner, this business model doesn’t require much to start. Make sure you’ve got liability insurance so you’re covered in case of any mishaps.

90.  Senior Care/Companionship 

Seniors who live alone or are retired often find themselves lonely or needing assistance with different tasks throughout the day. 

Family members are given the peace of mind they need when they’re able to entrust a companion or aide to visit and help with their loved ones.

This also allows seniors to remain independent and reside comfortably in their homes for much longer.

This service will only continue to grow in demand, with predictions that over 25% of America’s population will comprise of seniors 65 and older by 2060.

91.  Nanny/Babysitter Agency

People are always going to have children and many parents can’t afford the luxury of staying home.

Many also don’t have the time or resources to properly vet each and every potential babysitter that comes their way.

As sites like aids parents painlessly online, budding entrepreneurs can sustainably build a nanny/babysitting agency to match qualified sitters to jobs, without ever doing the babysitting themselves if they don’t want to. 

Beneficial for career nannies/sitters and parents alike, a babysitting agency can average between 5-20 bookings per week.

92.  Bike Repair

Americans have become more health-conscious, not to mention more environmentally aware.

Areas with vast modes of public transportation tend to be more urban. So high pedestrian areas include a large percentage of bike traffic.

Bikes, like cars, need regular maintenance and spur-of-the-moment repairs. Selling refurbished bicycles also provides another income stream.

Location is everything here, but if you wind up in a bike-friendly area you’re bound to get business.

93. Car Wash

The technology behind a good car wash hasn’t changed much in recent years. 

What has changed is the demand for mobile service providers and the preference for quick and easy service at the tap of a button.

Understanding professional standards for car detailing and washing is key to preventing damage or complaints. Make sure you study up before purchasing cleaning supplies and organizing your commercial van to transport everything to client sites.

94. Headlight Restoration

Going to the mechanic for something as minor as headlight repair can prove an inconvenience for many. 

Why not close the gap and offer your mobile headlight restoration services to customers (after defining a reasonable service area limit of course)? 

If you’re already handy around cars, then narrowing your focus to headlights saves you tons of time and gives you the edge you need to get the ball rolling.

95. Notary Public Loan Signing Agent

Requirements vary from state to state, but the attractiveness of a career as a mobile notary remains the same. 

In California, applicants need to be a minimum of 18 years of age, take a 6-hour education course, and pass a written exam to be eligible for a notary public commission.

Notaries public can work in a range of areas, making it both an ideal career path or a perfect side-hustle. 

Notary public signing agents command the highest rates in the field, with estimates of payment between $75-$250 per hour for a single appointment.

General notary work is also great for quick cash infusion while you’re out marketing your services and getting other certifications to make yourself competitive in today’s real estate market.

96. Videography

Videographers are employed on film and television productions, as well as by companies that utilize the Internet for advertising and promotional capacities.

While formal education isn’t a hard requirement, studying an associate’s or bachelor’s program in fields like mass communications or broadcasting help with getting experience under your belt.

Equipment costs need to be factored in as well.

Videographers can thrive working as a freelancer, with some earning an average of nearly $93,000 in California.

97. Barber/Hair Stylist

With the expansion of metropolitan areas and higher populations comes a huge market of consumers looking for hair cuts and hairstyling.

The 8% growth rate for this role just demonstrates this point clearly.

Many barbers and hairstylists work out of established shops where they rent stations or also provide mobile on-demand services to client homes. 

However social media and video sharing have allowed hair professionals to create brands for themselves as they utilize YouTube tutorials and Instagram photos to showcase their talent and work.

98. Tattoo Artist

Body art and piercings are the trend to follow, with over 38 % of youths aged 18-29 possessing one or more tattoos.

Most tattoo artists start as apprentices before transitioning to full-fledged tattoo artists, where they learn all about drawing and proper technique.

While you need to pay for booth rental in a studio, supplies, and licensing--top tattoo artists can charge up to $250 per hour. 

Plus, social media and YouTube provide wonderful creative outlets for tattoo artists to showcase their talent and attract more clients.

99. Translation

Immigration and emigration have made a globally connected world ripe with hundreds of languages and dialects.

Knowing more than one language is always valuable, especially if you have knowledge of the most in-demand languages.

Huge businesses are in constant need of reliable and effective translation to communicate with customers and potential leads. Sorry, Google Translate just isn’t accurate enough.

With a translation agency, you can employ a team of the best and most capable freelance translators and match them with clients. 


tele-med photo

100. Tele-Medicine

Like I keep saying, the digital world has become an inescapable reality that businesses need to adapt to.

Any service, software, or piece of technology that improves health-care providers’ efficiency of care brings unmatched benefits to the field, which makes the global $405 billion industry extremely lucrative.

Medical care will always be needed wherever people live, especially as populations age and live longer.

Remote patient monitoring, improved transcription, accurate record-keeping, and retention of important data-- these are all opportunities for a small business to expand on.

101. Registered Dietitian (R.D.)

For this route, you’ll need to be licensed as a registered dietitian which is obtained only after successful completion of a bachelor’s degree program.

Most R.D.’s work in hospitals, health clinics, schools, and more.

With the influence of social media and online publications, R.D.’s can benefit financially from public education and providing consultant services to various institutions.

RD Stats

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102. Workout/Exercise Supplements

Pre-workout smoothie, powder, or supplement-- whatever it is, you bet a fitness junkie is interested in buying it!

All-natural and healthy ingredients are a must to compete in today’s supplements market, as consumers continue to educate themselves. 

You’ll want to look into selling from an online store-front while also retailing a small portion within gym franchises and chains.

workout supplement stats

103. Medical Transportation

This business model takes advantage of both the senior care and transportation industries, making it an attainable money-making opportunity.

Note that the senior care services boast an impressive 7% growth rate over the long run for the $400 billion industry as a whole.

Many seniors no longer get around as easily as they used to, with many unable to drive. You can offer your services as a non-emergency vehicle driver, transporting them to medical appointments, the grocery store, and other activities. 

104.  Medical Courier

You don’t need to be a doctor to nurse to rake in income from the always booming medical field.

The most you’ll need to take off is some HIPAA/OSHA training and a commercial vehicle. Every employee you hire thereafter will also need to meet the same standards.

As your business grows, you’ll also eventually require a physical office location to handle logistical aspects of delivery, invoicing, and client contact.

105. Marijuana

As more states jump on board with legalization, the legal marijuana industry spiked its 2019 sales by 31.7% alone.

There’s room in the market to approach the industry from many angles: starting your own small-scale growing operation, expanding your baked goods into edibles, developing a CBD oil ideal for sleep-- these are all profitable ventures to consider when you want to branch out in the marijuana industry.

106. CBD

CBD, the sister industry to marijuana, has taken the world by storm. The natural and therapeutic oil serves as a remedy for pain, stress, and a number of other ailments.

CBD products include lotions, oils, topical solutions, edibles, and concentrates. 

Developing a CBD product line makes so much sense based on projected growth that doesn’t look like it’s faltering in the next decade or so.

107. Health Coach

We could all stand to eat healthier and get a bit more exercise.

Health coaches take their knowledge of healthy intuitive eating practices, nutritious diets, and sustainable living to create custom plans for clients to improve their overall well-being.

Many health coaches are employed by hospitals and clinics while a large percentage of others electing to work with clients solely online.

While the health and wellness industry continues to explode with new products and services on the market, you too can grab a slice of the$4.2 trillion pie.

108. Life Coach

Do you have personal goals to reach but are struggling to reconcile with setbacks and shortcomings?

A life coach’s job is to see you through your goals and work with you to develop a clear actionable plan to reach them.

Though often confused for therapy, life coaches try to be a therapeutic and logical influence in your life. 

Many business professionals and budding entrepreneurs may benefit immensely from the positive support a life coach embodies.

109. Doula

Compassion and a nurturing spirit encompass some of the qualities of an amazing doula. Aside from midwives and practitioners, doulas are tasked with providing care and support to women undergoing the pregnancy and childbirth process.

A short certification program is the normal starting path, though no official certification or education requirements exist.

Doulas have the benefit of selecting the clients they work with and working appointment times and counseling around their other commitments.

Pricing structures vary with many doulas charging hourly or a flat fee and some estimates as high as $2,000 for a single birth.

110. Massage Therapist

Take your expert massage therapy skills to the next level as a self-employed mobile massage therapist.

With back and joint pain on the rise as Americans succumb to the demands of their busy careers, massage therapy continues to grow.

As a trained and certified massage therapist, now is the time to showcase your passion and care for customers through the art of massage with your own massage therapy business.

While starting up a brick-and-mortar massage location in a high foot-traffic area would serve your business and clientele well, consider the benefits of mobile massage therapy services.

You won’t have to maintain a physical location, you’ll simply travel wherever your clients need you! Factoring in your cost of supplies, travel costs, and business licensing requirements, you can pull in a hefty profit from running this business model.

massage stats

111. Essential Oils & Scents

Natural home remedies are the popular alternative to traditional medicine.

Various oils boast benefits like headache relief, anti-nausea, stress relief, and many more purported solutions to everyday ailments.

Direct sales industries like DoTerra and Young Living bloat with nearly 23% of the profit share in the essential oils industry.

Yet as more healthcare providers and conscientious individuals turn to local, trustworthy, and natural oils, the market is still ripe for fresh entry.

essential oils stats

112. Keto Lifestyle Coach

Gone are the get-results-quick diet fads of the past.

 Sustainable lifestyle changes like veganism and the ketogenic lifestyle continue to grow in popularity as consumers see drastic results and other positive changes.

This market encompasses supplements, key food groups, beverages, powders, and more. A keto-friendly product touting proven health benefits and aiding in weight loss and maintenance would net positive profits for entrepreneurs.

keto coach stats

113. Keto Food/Beverage

Sustainability matters to consumers when they’re looking for a lifestyle change, which is why those like veganism and the ketogenic diet outshine the rest.

Those who enjoy the many benefits the keto diet provides (weight loss, reduced cravings, decreased blood sugar) are always searching for delicious substitutes for the foods they miss.

Capitalizing on this exploding market allows small businesses to experiment with products in the beverage, snack, and workout areas.

keto food stats

114. Meditation & Motivation Self-Help

The power of a positive mindset intrigues consumers to no end.

People like listening to nice words to get inspired, so the self-help market in the meditation and mindset niche is one to capitalize on, with a revenue of $1.1 billion and growing.

It seems the mobile industry is trending increasingly positive for this niche, with apps like Calm and The Mindfulness App dominating app store leaderboards and entrepreneurial and motivational e-books on the rise.

meditation app stats

115. Personal Trainer

Personal trainers often need extensive knowledge of the body and motion to successfully perform the job.

So a certification or associate’s program both provide great choices for educational investment.

The market predicts a steady 13% growth rate for personal trainers as the health and wellness industry continues to flourish.

116. Esthetician/Skin-care

The skincare industry reaps in profits year after year. 

Yet recent trends show a dramatic surge in consumerism, thanks to the aesthetics afforded by social media and rampant interest in health and wellness.

Budding estheticians should expect to complete a formal training program with licensing fees and requirements determined by the state.

They use this knowledge to perform skin treatments and provide other services like applying eyelash extensions or make-up.

Self-employed estheticians set their own schedules and rates affording them time and financial freedom, with many pulling in six figures per year.

117. Medical Billing

Those interested in medicine and good on the computer should consider starting a medical billing business.

All you really need is a certificate of completion in medical billing which can be obtained through an online or in-person secondary education program.

You’ll also need medical billing software, a printer, and a faxing machine.

Smaller medical practices such as ambulance providers benefit well from smaller medical billing businesses, especially those skilled in insurance codes and science.

medical billing stats

topical skincare photo

118. Topical Skincare

Skincare covers a wide range of product types from facial creams to body scrubs and body oils. 

Younger women obsess over keeping that youthful glow while older women seek maintaining a clear and young-looking complexion.

Men are not to be ignored in the skincare realm either, with male consumption of skincare products jumping 7% in the past year alone.

A high-quality sustainable skincare product such as a body sugar scrub, a shower body gel, an after-shower body oil, and tons more would excel in the online skincare retail space.

topical skincare stats

119. Yoga/Meditation Teacher

Mindfulness brings forth progress and peace, as the power of positive thinking influences our actions for the better -- namaste!

Yoga is known for clearing the head-space and reframing your plan of action.

It’s a healthy way for many to release stress and align their minds with their goals.

The online sphere has transformed the way yoga teachers reach students with streaming and video-calls making it possible to form a global client base and following. So the income possibilities are totally open.

It’s also worth noting that the number of men who practice yoga has doubled since 2012, which speaks volumes about its growing popularity.


120. Online Music Teacher

With the ease of online video platforms, the way music teachers perform their jobs has drastically changed.

Aside from in-person sessions, music teachers now have the chance to broadcast lessons and give pupil feedback completely online.

The accessibility of this service means premium rates are not far-fetched or unreasonable.

A YouTube channel offers yet another income stream that music teachers can use to distribute content, offer their services, and build brand partnerships.

121. Photo Booth Rental

Parties never go out of style or season.

So having a small business dedicated to party/event success will always get you business!

Photo booths provide the perfect touch to any event. Customized photos serve as the ideal keepsake for making fun memories at any party.

With the variety of photo booth types out there, you can even get started with a traditional photo-booth for all the nostalgic feels.

You’ll need to pay for 2-5 photo booths to start and get your business rolling, not to mention advertising and maintenance costs. However, you can make your investment back fairly quickly, with corporate events bringing in around $400-$700 per hour on average. 

Hire a small team to run the photo booth at events and you’ve got a form of passive income to enjoy.

122. Monthly Subscription Service

Subscription boxes continue to grow in popularity. Consumers can get a monthly box filled with all sorts of things-- clothing, beauty, food, and much more!

Overhead can start off very low (perhaps $5,000 or less) if you do the work yourself, and profits can eventually scale to high margins. 

Most of the hard part comes from narrowing down your niche and deciding what benefits you’re going to provide to your customers.

123. Event Planner

Every season of the year is ripe for various parties and events.

It takes amazingly impeccable planning and budgetary skills to pull off a huge party, something that’s best left to a seasoned event planner.

Like most fields, sticking to what you know best is always the recommended option.

So if your expertise lies more in coordinating weddings and graduation parties, then just focus on doing that.

124. Inflatable Rentals

Jumpers and other pop-up inflatables are the staples of many parties. Fun for guests of all ages, people are always looking for a nearby spot to rent a bouncy castle.

Depending on your intended brand image or niche, buying inflatables out-right costs anywhere from $300-$3,000.

Considering you can set your hourly rates and don’t have to do much other than setting up and deflating the jumper, this is a pretty sweet business model.

125. E-Book Publishing

Self-help and personal growth matter to Americans, which has caused the industry to balloon to $10 billion in 2016.

E-books serve as the perfect resources for those looking for self-help material; people can read directly from their devices without lugging around a paperback.

With platforms like Amazon’s Kindle, you can even publish your e-book completely free and make money from your efforts (while giving Amazon its cut).

126. Journalist

Journalists seek out exciting and newsworthy content to share with the public. 

The best part is many aren’t stuck to their desks, they’re constantly on the move to find their next story.

The dangers and high stress surrounding this position make it a job primed for only the most daring and passionate reporters.

Relationships and pitches are everything to a journalist’s small business, so make sure you have those networks in place before making the jump blind.

127. DJ

You’ve definitely gotta have the talent to perform this job well. Possessing those killer mixing skills could provide you with healthy cash flow.

Snagging regular DJ gigs either full or part-time can put between $500-$1,000 in your pocket per gig.

Get 10 gigs per month and that’s a minimum of $5,000 per month.

DJ’s need specific equipment to run the show which can get expensive in the beginning, but you can make your investment back after a few gigs.

Our #1 Recommendation is the Lead Generation Business

From my own personal experience, after years of finding ways to make money online, I've come to the conclusion that lead generation is still the best online business model.

And it is exploding today in demand.

Millions of new business ideas are waiting out there to be explored, each with its own risks and downfalls.

Lead generation has always remained a consistent way to generate income on a nearly-passive basis. Once a site is built out and ranking, I do nothing more than collect checks to invest in the next project.

I follow six simple steps, each time in order, and I've got myself a full-scale digital marketing agency.

I built this site years ago and it's still netting me $2,000 month after month:

Local lead generation is the only business model I know of that requires very little upfront investment in exchange for a sustainable and residual form of income.

We have a lead generation coaching program that has taught over 6800 students how to build this business from the ground up.

So... What Do You Think?

You can create a business out of just about anything these days.

Before partaking in any business venture, it's important to do your homework so you know what you're getting yourself into.

Is there anything you didn't see on the list that needs to be added?

Let me know in the comments below.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.