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Traffic & Funnels Review 2024 (Chris & Taylor) – Is it legit?

August 12, 2024

traffic and funnels review

Traffic and Funnels was a company created by Taylor Welch and Chris Evans that helped businesses generate more leads and sales through online marketing strategies courses and done-for-you marketing services. The program specialized in Facebook advertising, sales funnel optimization, email marketing, and sales psychology. After getting into trouble with the FTC in 2022, the company declined and eventually started losing money. Taylor and Chris have since moved on to other ventures.

Taylor Welch created the sales training program, Inbound Closer, with his brother Payton.

While Traffic and Funnels is no longer active, you can read along to find out what they use to offer and what the clients said about them.

Quick Stats

14 hours, 27 minutes & 19 seconds
Geared toward service providers that are looking for more qualified leads
4.0/5 - excellent, comprehensive course
Starts at $9,800, but Cost varies depending on the Level of Coaching Desired

What is Traffic & Funnels at its core?

Traffic & Funnels teaches you how to create a personal brand and run Facebook ads.

With Facebook ads, you'll be able to put yourself in front of an audience that has no idea who you are.

This is where funnels come into play.

With them, the goal is to take cold traffic and turn them into warm leads.

Who's Traffic & Funnels for?

This is for people that already have a professional skill or service that they can offer.

  • Coaches
  • Consultants
  • Other professional services

What do you need to succeed with Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are not cheap, therefore you need an irresistible offer plus, it should be a high-ticket product or service.


It's hard to win with Facebook ads if your product/service is cheap and it only solves a small problem.

All your marketing skills like copywriting & creating sales videos will NOT work if your product isn't superb.

Pros & Cons of Running Facebook Ads

Rising cost of Facebook Ads over the years

It's supply & demand.

As more people jump on Facebook to run ads, the cost keeps rising because now there's more demand than "inventory" (aka: ad space)

Here's a graph that illustrates why the cost of FB ads will rise...

Why I personally stay away from Facebook ads today

No matter what, you need traffic on the internet to make money. 

Facebook ads provides that opportunity for a lot of people.

But because it's become so easy for anyone to do, it's become saturated and as a result, the cost per acquisition has gone up A LOT in the last few years.

Also, Facebook ads require a lot of maintenance.

Sometimes your ads aren't profitable, which means you have to kill the ad and create a new one asap.

Otherwise you start losing money.

So, it always feels like you're playing a cat & mouse game.

This is why I like ranking websites in Google because once you rank a site, it generally stays ranking longterm with a lot less maintenance.

Which is why I'm a fan of doing organic lead generation for small businesses.

Who created Client Kit 2.0?

Chris grew up near Charlotte, North Carolina and in 2012, moved with his wife Missy and their four kids to California to be a VP of Marketing for GoDaddy.

Three years later, Chris & Taylor started Traffic and Funnels.

Taylor Welch grew up in Shreveport, Louisiana and studied marketing at the University of Memphis.

Now, he lives in Nashville with his wife Lindsey and have had their first child this year. He also has a inbound closing course called Inbound Closer, which is headed by his brother Payton Welch.

Taylor jumped into this business almost immediately after graduating.

Today, he facilitates much of the high-ticket sales side of their business. 

In addition to offering online training, they also had a series of live events, the last one of which was at the beginning of November 2019. 

Chris and Taylor also share their tips and tricks on their weekly podcast "The Traffic and Funnels Show."

In their most recent episode (published on November 26, 2019), they talk about how challenges bring growth to their business. 

Who I Am

ippei kanehara

Believe it or not, I am also a successful funnel developer.

I was looking to level up my sales pipeline even more back in 2016 after having experienced some success in the lead generation field.

To date, I've made and optimized 79+ unique funnels (that have an average of 31.2% conversion rates).

I put in a ton of hours to get these funnels fine-tuned to the level they are.

It wasn't easy but, I was persistent and committed to always optimizing them.


Perseverance is what enabled me to quit my 9-5. 

Who I'm NOT

I am not an affiliate for T&F.

I write reviews to help others make their decisions in a well-informed manner. 

What to Expect in this Course

This course covers how to build a funnel and how to scope it in to your specific type of prospects.

  • Beginning with the End Goal in Mind (Deciding Which Service to Funnel Prospects Towards)
  • The Process to Develop Your Customer Avatar
  • Customized Coaching
  • Construction Converting Webinar-Serviced Funnels
  • Streaming Prospects via Facebook Ads
  • Automating Your Business to Live the 4-Hour Work Week

Review of Each Module

Module 1: Zero in on 1 Result (Focusing on a Single Service)

Before you can set up your customized funnel, you should know what service you're going to provide to the people who journey through your funnel. 

Chris and Taylor recommend having a singular, specific high-ticket product or service. 

Module 1 has two major points and they both involve focus.

Some business owners want to sell all their products through a single funnel.

Why is that a bad idea?

Funnels are too small of a structure to accommodate that many items. 

So, the Number One Rule in creating an awesome sales funnel is...

1. Learn to Say No: Finding Your One Service 

Later on, you'll learn that Chis and Taylor literally 10X'd their business by reducing the number of services they offered. 

Here's how I applied what the "Smartest Guys in Marketing" taught before I even knew them:

I started promoting my lead generation service through this kind of funnel.


To qualify my leads even more.

That way when I scheduled a phone call with them, they were already pre-sold on using my service. (often I'd focus my funnels on limousine rental businesses and tree services, but more on that in Module 2). 

How did I pick my lead gen service?

Initially, I was offering all kinds of services while running my agency after I got home from work. 

Ultimately I was trying to do too much and that wasn't working. 

I picked lead generation because it would bring in a lot of recurring income, help me quit my 9-5, and travel the world like I had always dreamed. 

2. Take the Time to Optimize the Funnel.

At first, I tried to set up a funnel for my lead gen service addressing my prospects as a group.

That didn't work so well. 

After watching a training by Russell Brunson, I learned how a focused funnel is just a much more effective one.

Why bring that up?

Well, I listened to a few of the recorded lessons in the course again and heard a student complaining about the same situation I was in.

Chris ended up recommending that the student tweak the funnel so that it appealed to a specific genre of his target audience.

He explained that if the student adjusted his funnel's copy to appeal to the middle range business, smaller businesses who couldn't afford his services wouldn't bother reaching out.

After, Chris share some helpful tips regarding the copy.

Here's 3 of them:

  • Personalize the Content: Write to a specific individual instead of a group
  • Focus on Pain Points: People react to pleasure but mostly, pain. Learn your audience's pain points and address them.
  • Make Evolving a Goal: It takes time to adapt your content so, have patience and remember that the best copy mirrors the prospect's frustrations, then shows them an applicable solution

Look, building a funnel is more of a process than an event. 

Some funnel gurus make it seem like all you need to do is slap each page of your funnel together in a matter of seconds and be good.

They're wrong.

The majority of work on a funnel happens AFTER all the major pieces are in place and traffic is flowing through the sales funnel. 

Also true with search engine optimization, the best funnels are those that have been edited, edited and edited again... 

Now, if you want a funnel building service to make yours and speed up the optimization process, check out Steve's Marketing Funnel Academy.

Steve not only educates you on the the funnel building process but his team also builds and optimizes it for you. 

Module 2: Zero in on 1 Target Audience (Developing Your Client Avatar)

Once you've decided which service or product you'll use your first funnel to promote, it's time to get more details on your ideal clients.

Taylor covers what those are such as...

  • Demographics (Age, Gender, Education, Location, etc.)
  • Wants (Their dreams & ambitions)
  • Challenges (Money, lack of education, negative mindset)
  • Objections (Money, not interested, have to consult with partner, etc.)

Below is a sheet that will become your friend throughout this module.

The course includes a similar one. 

Notice how there's a section for each part of your research?

At this point in the course, Taylor shows you how to fill up each section.

At the time I'm writing this, we have more information available to use than ever before thanks to the internet. 

In this module, Taylor shows how to use Google and Facebook to get the info you need.

Looking up this info via the search bar as well as using the Audience Insights feature in the FB Business Manager is a great way to scope out the population in detail. 

You don't want to be showing your ad to everyone.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

I'll give you a little hint for your Facebook ads:

Be Specific

You need to really zoom in...

Then zoom in some more to target particular sectors of the population using the demographics in the form above.

You must narrow down your audience and then put ads in that population to see if you get results.

Module 2 Conclusion:

The moral of the story is that your ad budget needs to correlate to the size your audience.

If you have a broad audience, you need a huge budget. 

Tiny budget, narrow audience. 

Take the necessary time to get this right and you'll see a great ROI.

Module 3: Build Your Feeder System (Creating Webinar Funnels)

This module is all about setting up your funnel and recording your HQ webinar.

Taylor drops some truth bombs here and explains what the 3 main mistakes funnel newbies make. 

Here's a basic layout of a sales funnel:

Sales Funnels are a very simple way to get either more clients or sell more products. 

Typically, they're made up of three pages. 

  • Sales Page - where people land after they click your ad
  • Order Page - this is where they enter their payment info
  • Thank You Page - Shows them what they ordered and thanks them for their business
  • Objections (Money, not interested, have to consult with partner, etc.)

Below is an infographic of the process your prospects go through as they enter your funnel through either Google, Facebook or LinkedIn. 

After laying out the structure, Taylor dives into the 3 common mistakes rookies make:

  • Over-complication: Too many steps/options. According the Brian Carter Group, more than 50% of your prospects will take the easy way out and leave your funnel. 
  • Not Enough Traffic: Only one source of prospects.
  • Absence of Thank You Page: People are genetically wired to appreciate gratefulness. Leave in them a good impression by setting up a thank you page. 
To conclude Module 3, the advice is simple, go the extra mile when you make your funnel, because as Grant Cardone has said, "there's no one on it."

Module 4: Turn on the Faucet (Setting Up Your Paid Traffic) 

Every funnel has two main parts..

The funnel itself and the traffic that's following through it. 

Taylor and Chris teach you how to fill up your funnel by targeting such a specific slice of the market via the Audience Insights section. 

They then show examples of some of their ads, diving into the best practices of copywriting and using attractive images.

Things to keep in mind and implement in your FB ads:

  • Eye Grabbing Headlines
  • Informative Descriptions that Pull Lots of Clicks
  • Call-to-Actions that Actually Work
  • Post Text Composing

At the end of this section, they include some information on the different types of feeds that your ads need to be optimized on, such as the desktop news feed.

By far, the most important part that this training helped me with was developing a great offer.

In the digital marketing world, an offer is a summary statement of the value you bring to your clients if they hire your services. 

A Great Offer
A great offer pre-sells prospects before they even get on the phone with you, instilling them with the belief that you are the one who can help them get to the next level. 

An offer like above will have 3 main pillars:

1. Risk Reversal (often in the form of money-back guarantees)

2. Bonuses (i.e. 20% discount for signing up now)

3. A Sense of Limited Supply (sometimes, a bit of scarcity will give buyers the motivation to take action now)

Module 4 Conclusion:

Once you've created your ad campaign down to your ad set, it's time to turn on the flow, tweak the copy as it runs, and hop on all the sales calls that your funnel generates. 

At that point, it's time to close some deals!

Module 5: Automate & Leverage Your Time (Using Systems that Run 24/7) 

At this point in the game, you've reached your max capacity of what you yourself.

In this module, Taylor and Chris, chime in on how they scaled their business and suggest some things they would have done differently.

They focused in on the consulting service they were offering and cut out the content and funnel creation services they used to build their case-studies that showed their expertise. 

The result?

Their revenue went from 0 to $1 million dollars a month in 4 years

Taylor shared the proof in the FB group...

One of the mistakes that Chris shared was that they didn't keep their sales funnel optimized.

From 2016 to 2018, this made them reduce what they could charge their clients.

Now, their marketing gets updated annually. 

A second mistake they made was thinking that they needed to work more to earn more.

Since then, they've learned that scaling should be like a flywheel, it gets easier the larger it gets. 

Moral of the story?

Try to use something like an automated on-boarding system where prospects fill in a Google form and then added to an email list, then given access to the course.

Chris and Taylor are excellent examples of entrepreneurs because they made mistakes, realized them, and then implemented solutions.

It's all about finding ways to move forward and not make the same errors again. 

Bonus: 5 Steps to The Mindset You Need Growing from 0 to a Million in Months not years

Chris starts off by saying that the only thing holding you back from 100k a month, is yourself.

He states that without the underlying mindset, "strategies and tactics are garbage."

He then goes on to share 5 fundamental steps to keep in mind so that you can build a successful business.

Step 1: Correct Your Belief System

Shift from negativity to positivity.

Instead of thinking that X amount is too high for your services, believe that it's the right price.

Think about what can you do with the additional money? Who else can you help?

Book recommendations:

Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

Summary of Psycho-Cybernetics:

Maltz reveals that the key to succeeding in business and in life is self-awareness, the ongoing management and development of your self-image.

He then walks through a variety of practices that you can implement to improve your future founded on your positive past. 

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

This is a classic mindset expander.

Chris found this book helpful early on in his career because he often felt guilty about wanting more money.

Schwartz walks through the process of how you can change your mindset from negative to positive, and then achieve your dream lifestyle. 

Definitely a bit idealistic, but if you know you need to revamp your thinking, this book is a pretty light investment of less than 10 dollars. 

Step 2: Know Your Numbers (Classic, but an often missed point)

Take the emotion out of the decision. 

If you want to make 100k a month, how many clients do you need?

If your service costs 5k a month, you'd need 20 clients.

To get those 20 clients, how many prospects do you need to get on sales calls?

With a closing rate of 1 out of 3, then you need to talk to 60 interested business owners. 

To get 60 biz owners on sales calls, how many leads do you need to cultivate in your funnel?

Discover this number by calculating the conversion ratio of your marketing funnel(s)

(If you have multiple funnels, calculate the average)

By repeatedly going over your numbers, you'll ingrain them in your mind and then over time, your actions will take over and you'll be close to your target. 

Grant Cardone, talks about Doing the Math, which basically comes down to working backwards from where you want to be in 5 years to see what you need to be making today.  

Here's GC's 5 Step Program: (Details are in the 30 minute video below)

1. Set Your Target

2. Save 40% of Your gross Income 

3. Store Your Money (to then Invest 100k at a time)

4. Invest in Assets which are Guaranteed Not to Lose Money #realestate

5. Repeat until you're a Millionaire

Step 3: Offer Less, Not More

It's a good idea if you audit your business.

See what you're doing and how much time each service takes to do.

Chris's business revenue blew up when they niched down and focused on their consulting service.

They also eliminated most of their done-for-you services. 

I can relate here, because when I started my agency, I tried to do it all too.

But, I wasn't able to scale to the levels I dreamed of until I zoomed in on the single service that offering reliable recurring income: local lead generation.

Chris shares a book that helped me through this period in expanding and fine-tuning Traffic and Funnels:

The One Thing, by Gary Keller.

Keller begins with the classic:

"you can only do a few things well or you will end up doing a lot of things poorly."

One of the primary illustrations Keller uses is the one below.

It shows how your priorities, productivity and profits are all founded on your sense of purpose. 

He encourages you to eliminate a lot of the time-wasting activities and focusing on the main task that you're best suited, hired, and most skilled for.

Then he takes you through his process for delegating and outsourcing.

Finally, he helps you focus in on your purpose.  

Step 4: Knowing Your Value

Chris talks about raising your prices.

Often times, business owners charge way less than what they're worth to their clients.

Many just don't value themselves as much and that reflects in their pricing.

This usually happens when you're new to entrepreneurship.

Therefore his suggestion is to go back and revisit your self-image. #psycho-cybernetics

When how you view yourself and your skills improve, your pricing will go up. 

You've got to believe in what you can offer your clients.

Step 5: 10X Your Business through Comparison

Chris' primary encouragement in this step is be practical. 

When you hit an obstacle, don't let yourself get stuck.

Keep moving forward by analyzing people who have bigger problems than you. 

Let's say things going well for you.


Someone else is doing better than you though.

It would be wise to see what they're doing and imitate them.

Don't judge yourself for what you're doing wrong.

What's important is that you fix the problem.

No, you won't learn this overnight.

The point here is to put things in perspective and realize that the it's not the end of the world.

Like my business partner says, "be a problem solver".

Should You Buy Client Kit 2.0?

Chris and tayler have assembled a great course that will help you build a high quality funnel so that you scale your business.

In order to get the most out of this course, it's important that you have a business currently generating revenue.

Chris and Taylor are brilliant consultants, excellent at providing insight and advice on how you can bring more clients on-board. 

You can't go wrong with this course if you're dead set on messing with paid traffic.

Personally though, I'm not dealing with paid traffic in 2021 and beyond.

When Things Changed For Me

Remember at the beginning of this post when I invested in building out the automation in my business?

I already had a business generating revenue that'd I'd been trying to scale since 2014 (started building funnels in 2016). 

In 2014, I'd graduated from college 3 years prior and held a boring 9-5 for nearly 3 exhausting years.

One evening I got home and began scouring the internet in order to find other ways to generate income so I could live life on my own terms. 

After scrolling through post after post, I stumbled onto a page where a guy showed how he was ranking websites on Google and using that skill to generate income for local small businesses.

I was hooked.

This biz was unique.

All the others business models I'd seen were about how to run paid ads or they required me to put down $20,000 dollars on products to sell on Amazon. 

I was making $14 dollars an hour, so I didn't have that kind of money.

In fact, I made barely enough to rent my small 1 bedroom apartment, keep wheels on my 1998 Toyota Corolla and pay my college tuition's minimum payment. 

I thought back to the aspirations I had in school.

I wanted to do something that allowed me to help people and yet travel the world whenever I wanted.

This lead generation business model seemed like the solution I was looking for all along.

What did I do?

I dove in head first and now, after all these years, I'm financially free!

How I'm Making 50K Per Month With Local Lead Generation (Not Using Funnels)

To run funnels using ads, you need a lot of cash upfront.

It's only really advisable if you already have a business that's grossing some legitimate revenues.

If you're new to business, I recommend taking advantage of free traffic on Google.

This is where the lead gen biz comes into play.

After joining the coaching program, I got to work.

Initially, I had to figure out how to setup my schedule.

I figured it out though.

Working in the evenings for the first 6 months is what enabled me to quit my depression-inducing job.

Fast forward 7 years, and I've built a local lead generation business that generates 52k per month.


This wasn't easy and required a lot of upfront time investment but, some websites I've built and ranked in 2014, still pay me even to today. 

That's what I call true passive income.

Here's an example of one of my sites which pays me $750 a month on autopilot...

Don't believe me?

Google, "lansing limo services," and check the first search result.

You'll see my company name at the bottom of the page.

This program has literally revolutionized my life. 

If you want to lose your dead-end job, and change your life for the better, check out the coaching program

Follow Me
Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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