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105 Profitable & Successful Small Business Ideas in UK

November 23, 2021

image of the UK flag

There's no denying that the UK has been pummeled repeatedly over the last two years.

The Brexit situation.

Boris Johnson and Prince Charles contracting COVID-19.

Lockdown-quarantines and the Bank of England predicting the worst recession in 300 years.

The 'Royal Rift' and Prince Andrew's current 'circumstances'.

A whole lot of bollocks-honestly one thing after another.

But you will survive-Brits always do.

You may need to shift gears-to strategize-to refocus.

As you plan for your financial future, it may be time to consider restructuring your game plan.

It has not been easy, and it is far from over.

Across the pond we commiserate and assure you we are no better shape.

But we've done the research and compiled a list of the 105 top profitable and successful small business ideas in UK to put you on the path to financial security and independence.

But before we get into it, let me give you the quick rundown on my story.


Hey, I'm Ippei!

Hi, my name is Ippei.

I got tired of grinding away at the 9-5.

The Monday to Friday monotony making money for someone else.

In 2014 I took this course-quit my job and am now a wealthy self-employed entrepreneur working from home in a sweet apartment in San Francisco making money for myself.

This business model taught me everything I needed to work from home building & ranking websites that generate leads for small businesses.

That tree service site above has been making me $2000 per month since 2015.

IMO this biz model is one of the best opportunities on the internet, and I'm going to show you why.

Quick Navigation


image of a man from the UK and a man from Europe shaking hands

There will always be a need for professional services no matter what curveball the economy throws at us.

These  top profitable and successful UK small business ideas are tailored to individuals with a degree or formal education.

Experience and skill hold a lot of clout however-and clearly anything is possible in 2021.

Take a look at your abilities and determine what transferable skills you possess that could be applied to one of these professional opportunities.

1. Brexit Business Lawyer

It's a done deal, but it's not over yet.

As the kinks continue to be ironed out with Brexit, if you have legal expertise, entering into this niche of the legal system promises lofty returns.

Business owners continue to seek professional advice on how to proceed with changes and implementing new policies around issues like:

Legal Considerations of Brexit For Business Owners
  • How reliant a business is on the EU 'freedoms'.

  • Import/exports of goods & services from an EU country.

  • Hedging (investments, potential losses or gains as a direct result of Brexit).

  • The sharing of data. 

  • Cross-border litigation. 

There continues to be so many unknowns.

The legal profession will undoubtedly see an onslaught of new clientele as people attempt to wrap their heads around the changes.

This article offers additional insight into the questions and why considering Brexit law as a viable business opportunity will see substantial monetary compensation.

2. Import-Export Trading Firm

Brexit will affect import-exports-there is no way around it.

As an entity, the EU is without question the UK's biggest trading partner with exports equaling £300 billion and imports earning £372 billion in 2020 as per this publication.

And Brexit has continued to wreak havoc around increased costs, price adjustments and supply/demand issues.

By offering your services as an import/export trade firm, you can assist corporations navigate uncharted waters while earning a generous compensation for your efforts.

Check out this post advising of questions that business owners will need urgent answers for to avoid being scathed by Brexit.

cartoon of a man at several computer terminals

3. GDPR Compliance Company

The GDPR (The General Data Protection Regulation) is the EU law around data protection and any personal data transferred outside of the EU or EEA area.

And it's sticky with red tape.

With the deal or no deal mantra around a trade agreement the next steps concerning GDPR are nothing short of inconsistent as outlined in this post.

Businesses in the EU must adhere to GDPR standards. 

In light of the growing uncertainty, UK companies that also operate in the EU will need to understand the new protocols to remain in compliance.

If you understand and can explain the ins and outs of the GDPR to business owners, you offer an invaluable service and an opportunity to generate a lucrative income for yourself with this top profitable and successful UK small business idea.

4. Employment & Recruitment Agency

COVID-19 has had disastrous effects on the economy and unemployment rates per this post.

Despite a looming recession and unemployment rates going back to the dismal days of the 1980s, there had been impressive industry growth in employment placement and recruitment agencies pre-COVID-19-to the tune of Â£38.9 billion during the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

The reality is that people will need assistance in securing employment-even if it's temporary.

If you have a network of potential candidates or skills in Human Resources, then considering a recruitment and employment agency may not be as insane as it sounds.

Consider the big players like Hays and Robert Walters-they've been around forever and charge for their expertise and established brand.

iamge of a man and woman looking at resumes

As the new kid on the block, you could charge a lower consulting fee and be willing to do what they can't or won't.

You need energy, sales expertise, and a ton of contacts, but if you have the determination, this idea could pay you back tenfold.

The pandemic isn't going to last forever and the end is in sight.

Even with a recession, the economy will bounce back-eventually-and with a shortage of job talent and an aging population, there will be jobs for those willing to work.

Brexit has also played a hand in people looking elsewhere for employment.

It will not be an easy climb, but when you make it to the top, you will secure substantial profits and financial security.

See the bigger picture.

If you build yourself and your brand now, you will be well established when the UK returns to an economic upswing.

Check out this article, providing step-by-step instructions on how to start a recruitment agency for more information.

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5. Consulting Firm

Business owners understand that sometimes you need to spend money to make money.

Hiring a qualified consulting firm offers companies access to industry-specific professionals who can provide advice, guidance, and actionable plans to improve their daily business transactions.

The UK management consulting industry saw an 8.6% growth rate in 2021.

While the pandemic threatens to decrease advancement, at least in the short term, businesses will have problems and will need to retain consulting firms to solve them.

Sectors predicted to see continued growth are:

Industries Predicted to Require Professional Consulting Services

  • Digital Strategies & Consulting

  • IT Programme Management

  • Robotics

  • Government & Public Sector

  • Infrastructure

  • Health & Life Science

  • Energy & Resources

  • Brexit Readiness Solutions

If you have experience or expertise in a specific industry, your talents will be in high demand as business owners work to bounce back from the financial challenges presented by Brexit and the pandemic.

This article offers additional suggestions on launching a consulting firm and begin capitalizing on this top profitable and successful UK small business idea.

6. Supply Chain Management

The landscape of business in the UK has changed drastically as a result of Brexit.

To maintain profitability, business owners have needed to alter their current supply chain management to ensure that the flow of goods and services is not disrupted while still making money.

The goal of supply chain management (SCM) is to cut costs and deliver products to the consumer efficiently.

There will undoubtedly continue to be a need for renegotiations or an alternate supplier.

If you have a head for numbers and logistics, this is a business idea that will generate substantial ROIs. 

This article offers advice on how to start a supply chain management enterprise you can facilitate completely online. 

Business Augmentation

picture of a man hopping from one pile of money to a higher one

Pre-COVID-19 over 45.1 million people in the UK were using the internet daily.

These stats have expanded dramatically.

With lockdowns, quarantines, and life online out of sheer necessity, individuals continue to look to capitalize on this trend and secure digital employment that could become the 'new normal.'

Here are a few of the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas that will unquestionably see future growth.

7. Tele-Video Conferencing

Remote work has quickly become the way of conducting business.

The use of video and teleconferencing experienced staggering growth as a result of the pandemic.

This technology dependency is here to stay-at least in some capacity-for the long term.

With a rise of new Briton users at 18%, popular platforms like UberConference and Zoom are just getting warmed up, and there are a host of free platforms to choose from. 

But tread with caution.

Not all are created equally.

There are several issues that business owners should be cognizant of before implementing any video or tele conferencing platform that you could assist with.

Things like:

  • Ensure there are no security breaches (think SaaS or Cloud options).

  • Address phishing risks.

  • Update software.

  • Implement organization policy settings. 

  • Provide online etiquette instructions.  

  • User simplicity courses. 

Check out this article providing a detailed list of potential conferencing risks and how to keep potential clients safe.

Tele and video conferencing will continue to be a necessity around the globe for the foreseeable future to maintain business productivity, profitability, and staff morale.

8. Cybersecurity

The cybersecurity industry in the UK is roaring and with good reason.

Currently, valued at £8.3 billion, COVID-19 has slowed the CAGR to 1.8%.

However, this number is expected to rise to 11.02% by 2023 as the economy recovers from the aftermath of the pandemic as per this publication.

Factors contributing to the expansion of cybersecurity are increased sophisticated attacks, disruptive digital technology, implementation of data protection and information regulations, and a rise in software supply exploitation.

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These concerns open job postings for those with the knowledge and experience to address analytics, engineering, software development, cryptography, or security consulting.

This article offers a comprehensive list of degrees and tips on securing employment in this exciting and rapidly growing industry.

This post may help those of you that do not have a degree or an interest in pursuing post-secondary education on how you can land a job in this field.

9. Software As A Service

Software as a Service-referred to as SaaS-is a simplistic way for business owners to hand over their software reigns and utilize off-site services.

Think platforms like Google Drive-Netflix.

Offer software to business owners for a recurring fee and handle all aspects of applications and connectivity.

This takes the onus off business owners and allows off-site services to take care of their organization's digital aspects.

image of people working on a computer software program

Globally, SaaS is valued at $135+ billion and is slated to see a CAGR of 18% in 2021. 

More businesses will be forced to adopt online solutions if they wish to remain profitable in these uncertain times.

This article provides some fascinating statistics that confirming SaaS is the wave of the future and one of the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas.

10. IT Service & Support

As individuals and business owners transfer their lives to digital, there come a host of opportunities for those knowledgeable in the IT service and support industry to capitalize on a real need.

For the majority of Britons, advanced technology is uncertain terrain despite the UK being a viable world leader in technology advancements.

 With the introduction of Smart Home devices and appliances taking the UK by storm, there are also software application infrastructures that are unfamiliar, and quite honestly are daunting for most.

Recent analysis advises that the tech industry has seen an increase of 34% since COVID-19-specifically startups.

There are a variety of positions in the IT support and service field that offer lucrative opportunities such as:

  • IT Managers

  • Database Distributors

  • Network Systems Administrator

  • Software Engineer

IT support and services have become a necessity for most Brits.

This article offers a comprehensive list of additional job postings and careers in the field that promise to be highly advantageous.

11. Immersive Technology

Immersive technology is simply automation that attempts to emulate the physical world.

Worth at least £160 million in the UK to date in 2021, think things like AR (Artificial Intelligence), VR (Virtual Reality), and Augmented Reality.

Technological systems combining physical and digital platforms to enhance any number of online experiences through sensory and mixed interfaces.

This is an industry that has seen little effects from the pandemic or Brexit as industry operators continue to work remotely.

With an increase in telepresence services as per social distancing protocol, immersive technology has enhanced the education and corporate sectors, and its 3D features will serve the retail market well in the future as per this post.

With a projected CAGR of 36.4% at the end of 2021, operators with the ability to design or implement immersive software programs, systems, or networks will secure lofty ROIs selling intellectual property.

12. CV Service

With unemployment nudging 3 million many people are going to be looking for work.

It was challenging to get a job pre-COVID-19, but now you must have your ducks in a row or rub elbows with the right people if you hope to find employment.

This will be the unfortunate reality for many, but it is the ideal opportunity to receive your CV accreditation and help others put their best foot forward.

CV writers are the professionals who weave words to clearly articulate work history and accomplishments showing recruiters a person's best assets and most transferable skills.

A qualified writer should hold the following credentials:


A member of the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches- (PARWCC)


Stellar reviews-personable & articulate


Proficient in the preferred language

How you market yourself and your brand will go a long way in building trust and generating a solid client base.

This article is written from the perspective of a client but offers valuable suggestions on what someone retaining your expertise might be looking for.

It's all about networking, so get connected with social media platforms.

Employ an online presence and provide transparency and quality writing for individuals, and you are sure to garner tremendous success with this top profitable and successful UK small business idea.

Corporate Calibration

Businesses continue to concentrate on developing their online presence. 

This has resulted in a host of opportunities to enhance corporate reputation and user experiences.

Skill specific positions that will help business owners secure additional revenues from digital platforms and offer customers a valuable and enjoyable encounter.

Listed below are a few of the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas sure to result in impressive profit margins and financial security.

13. Translation

There are a plethora of languages and dialects spoken in the UK.

For business owners determined to catapult their consumer reach, the need for reliable and professional translation services is burgeoning.

Globalization plays a significant role in the increased demand for services. 

We recognize the need to communicate more effectively using language and dialects of potential consumers or business associates around the world.

Expected to gross well over £1bn per annum the industry is experiencing significant growth. 

cartoon of a translation logo

You can offer your services directly as a translator, or create an interface between translation experts and users.

With advancements to technology and other computer-assisted translation software, the result is a better and more highly efficient service.

Anything from transcreation to voice search and video translation is how business will be conducted in the UK as we continue to connect with global partners.

Check out this article outlining some interesting trends in the translation industry.

14. Press Releases

If you can intertwine words to create compelling and informative stories, then offering your services as a press release writer is worthy of consideration.

A press release is an excellent branding tool giving credibility to a company's products or services.

Sent to targeted members of the media, press releases are an effective and relatively low-cost option for business owners to increase brand awareness and generate a more extensive consumer base.

Trust is paramount. If nothing else is learned from the pandemic, it's that business owners need to be transparent and honest.

cartoon of a press release

Provide value and secure a reputation for offering reliable and quality goods or services, and sales will climb.

If you have the skills to make that happen, you will see generous compensation for your efforts.

This article offers instructions on the best strategies for writing and publishing a press release to assist you with the process.

15. Proofreader

A little OCD? Meticulous about grammar, punctuation, and spelling?

Proofreading is the final stage of a written document-anything from blog posts and websites to journals and books.

The role of the proofreader is to access the content and address any issues before publication.

While no formal education is required for this position, favour is extended to those with experience or a degree.

You can opt to launch your own proofreading agency or connect with freelance sites such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr.

This article offers some valuable suggestions on how to get a proofreading job and start earning money from home immediately.

image of medical research equipment

16. Market Research

There is rocky terrain ahead for business owners who will have no choice but to pony up if they hope to remain at the top of their respective fields.

Market research offers business owners an opportunity to glean information that will set them apart from their competitors.

Market research can be a game-changer and should include the following techniques:

  1. 1

    Focus Groups

  2. 2

    Interviewing Customers & Consumer Insight

  3. 3

    Conducting Surveys

  4. 4

    Utilizing Digital Communities

  5. 5

    Competitive Analysis

  6. 6

    Ethnographic & Neuro Solutions

You can apply for jobs or consider operating your own agency with no formal training.

Keep in mind that experience, effective communication, and enthusiasm are necessary to see success with this top UK small business idea.

This article breaks down qualifications, pay rates, and suggestions on how to get involved with market research.

17. Sales

The UK GDP fell by 10.4% in three months due to restrictions and significant economic activity reduction.

Very few sectors have not suffered tremendous loss as a result of COVID-19. 

However, there are a few that have maintained or seen growth as a result of the pandemic.

Think things like grocery delivery, essential services, PPE equipment, hand sanitizers/wipes/cleaning products.

As the world lies in wake over concern around a second wave, UK business owners are doing their utmost to regroup and position themselves to generate stay out of the red.

picture of a sales bullseye on a dartboard

The sales industry has not come out of this unscathed, but there are positions online where individuals with the skills to establish trust and brand recognition can earn substantial profits.

Despite financial strain it would appear that Brits are still shopping as evidenced in this publication.

Whether B2B or B2C sales-business owners will be relying on experts to help keep their doors open.

The strategy is to appeal to consumer emotion-offer a product or service they cannot resist.

Contactless options-online delivery-convenience and transparency are what consumers want.

New positions are emerging despite the economic gloom and doom.

You can outsource your services to local and online business owners or connect with platforms such as LinkedIn, Jobsite, and Jobs.Telegraph to secure employment in a variety of industries.

18. Dropshipping

Maybe selling for someone else is of no interest to you.

But if you do possess a gift for sales, then considering dropshipping as an opportunity to generate high cash flow is worth investigating.

Dropshipping is an order fulfillment method.

Essentially you do not keep any products in stock but instead order products from a third-party supplier to meet the needs of your customers.

Far from a get-rich-quick scheme, to succeed with dropshipping, you need to put in the time and implement some key strategies like:

  • Create killer descriptions for your products.

  • Test what you are selling so you can guarantee customer satisfaction.

  • Use the right suppliers-multiple is even better.

  • Copy what the big players are doing to increase sales and traffic to your site.

  • Automate your website and make sure it is user friendly to ensure the best possible shopping experience for your customers. 

  • Use unique and compelling content and crystal clear images.
  • Network-market and market some more.

If you are interested in dropshipping, check out this article I published explaining exactly how to start and become successful with this business model.


cartoon of doctors in a lab

The UK is known for having one of the best medical fields in the world.

The NHS is revered for its efficiency.

With advancements to technology and many Brits opting for private health care the 'connected healthcare' market is projected to be worth £1.9 billion in the UK by 2020 creating an onslaught of opportunity.

Listed below are a few of the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas in the medical industry that are sure to fetch substantial ROIs.

19. Medical Transcription

Britain's physicians have never been busier.

With an aging population, COVID-19, and technological advancements, the need for confidential and well-kept data recordings and medical records is at an all-time high.

Globally, the medical transcription market is projected to see a CAGR of 3.8% from 2020-2025 and reach values in excess of USD 29330 million.

Referred to as MT-medical transcription assists doctors fill in the gaps to ensure the highest caliber of healthcare in the UK.

There are several requirements to work in this industry including:

British Society of Medical Secretaries and Administrators (BSMSA) certification is preferred.

Possess an ability to retain confidence.

High level of accuracy.

Proficient in the English language and medical terminology.

Support medical professionals.

Efficient and skilled multi-tasker.

Open an agency and offer your services or those of your staff to overwhelmed medical professionals. 

Pocket a percentage of their earnings as a finders fee and voila-cash flow.

There is an ever growing demand for medical transcriptionists in the UK with the qualifications and honed technological skills as evidenced in this post.

With flexible hours and an ability to work remotely, this is undoubtedly one of the top UK small business ideas.

20. mHealth

mHealth (mobile health) services may eventually supersede the need to visit your local GP.

Currently estimated to be worth £27 billion, this market includes wellness, prevention, diagnostic, and monitoring services.

Devices like blood glucose meters, cardiac monitors, sleep and wearable fitness APPs, and heart rate-wireless technology that allows Brits to monitor  and achieve their health objectives.

Also on the table are smart devices, tablets, wireless systems, and personal digital assistants.

cartoon of medical staff

With mobile healthcare applications gaining momentum, this is the ideal time to capitalize on a growing need.

Consider a digital startup where you can either act as an interface between medical professionals and patients, or design and sell APPs for any variety of healthcare needs.

Strategic partnerships are paramount.

But if you have the tech ability and can brand and market your product successfully, this suggestion will see you significant profit margins.

Check out this article outlining some of the key players in the health sector to learn more about current trends.

21. Telehealth

COVID-19 forced the UK to hustle and implement telehealth services on a whole new level.

Already positioned to see a CAGR of 10.4% between 2020-2025, GPs across the country experienced radical changes to their day-to-day work routines due to the health crisis as per this post.

With lockdowns, an increasingly elderly population, and a rise in healthcare costs, telehealth appears to be a viable solution.

There are a couple of key players dominating the industry in the UK like-AccuRx and eConsult-but there is room for more.

Consider creating video chat software for frazzled physicians and offer sales and installation to capitalize on this rapidly growing industry.

Privacy and bandwidth are the biggest challenges in implementing this service.

Address those issues, and you have a highly lucrative business venture.

One that not only meets an ever growing need but offers profitability and scalability as evidenced in this publication.

picture of eyeglasses and someone writing

22. Medical Billing Outsourcing Agency

Compliance, risk management, efficient processes, and decreased in-house costs are the driving forces behind the rapid growth of outsourcing medical billing.

Statistics suggest that UK practitioners lose up to 20% of their revenue due to loopholes, coding mistakes, and errors in the billing process.

Medical billing is the system of submitting cases to the NHS or private healthcare providers into billable claims to ensure medical professionals receive compensation for their service.

Mistakes in the process have generated an onslaught of outsourcing services to address the billing issues.

Medical billers require several qualifications including:

Fundamentals of a Medical Billing Agency
  • Proficient in coding and medical terminology.

  • Ability to follow up with the claim process.

  • Optimize revenue performance.

  • Address invoicing and overdue payments.

  • Alleviate the workload of the practice.

  • Solid comprehension of relevant digitalization and technology.

This article gives a rundown of credentials, job description and how to institute a medical billing system.

Establish an outsourcing service and this suggestion is guaranteed to be a top profitable and successful UK small business idea to generate substantial profits.

23. Medical Delivery Services

COVID-19 has exacerbated a solution that has been in development for several years.

The delivery of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals to remote areas of Britain via drones as per this article.

With contactless delivery and curbside pick up now part of the everyday routine, starting a medical delivery service in any capacity will see you generous financial compensation.

Using APPs or an e-commerce style portal, consumers can order and fill prescriptions or medicinal products online without the worry of attending the shop to pick them up.

vector of medical professional in a lab

Courier and delivery sales have seen an annual growth of 23% in 2020-primarily due to the health crisis-and are expected to reach an estimated £13.5 billion by the end of 2021.

Medical delivery services will undoubtedly continue to be the preferred approach to fulfillment as per this post.

With the market seeing rapid expansion, now is the ideal time to capitalize on this business suggestion.

24. Online Medical Orthopedic Supplies Retailer

The NHS continues to face tremendous strain as Britain combats an aging population, obesity issues, and the prevalence of chronic disease.

With more Britons becoming cognizant of issues such as hearing loss, dementia, and overall health, the demand for medical and orthopedic supply retailers continues to grow.

Slated to experience a CAGR of 4.3% by the end of 2021, the market is expected to reach revenues of roughly £904.7 million.

External competition is the most prevalent challenge in this industry.

Position yourself online and establish credibility in the market, and there is ample opportunity to secure high ROIs.

Focus on specialist retailers and the private sector to capture market share and offer equipment online such as:

Trending Wholesale Medical Equipment & Supplies
  • Hearing Aids

  • Orthotic & Prosthetic Apparatus

  • Mobility Aids

  • Accessories-things like lumbar support cushions, scales, heat therapy

There are outlined legislation and compliance regulations that must be adhered to. 

You must meet the guidelines outlined by UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) before you begin to avoid any legal issues.

Take care of the red tape and this business idea will generate substantial profit margins.

25. Sell PPE Equipment

Wearing a mask doesn't limit your oxygen supply.

Wearing a mask does not cause a build-up of carbon dioxide.

Wearing a mask protects you and others from the transmission of COVID-19, and like it or not-they are here to stay-at least in the short term.

Masks are now mandatory in most indoor settings.

cartoon of PPE masks

Reports from medical professionals suggest that we will be wearing masks in some capacity for at least the next 1-3 years.

Consider selling B2B PPE equipment through an affiliate program like

This USA-based company sells not only masks but gowns, gloves, hand sanitizer, and more.

Sell your wholesale stock to business owners like Tesco, or the kiosks at the tram stations, for example, and earn a percentage on sales.

Senior Citizens

image of elderly folks being helped by young women

The age profile of the UK is shifting at a rapid rate.

The number of people over 65 expected to increase by 40% in the next twenty years and people over 85 are growing faster than any other age group.

Offering goods and services directed at eldercare is not only a lucrative business opportunity but will become a national necessity.

We have compiled a few of the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas in the elder care niche that are sure to be profitable and see continued growth.

26. Domiciliary Senior Care Business

There have been profound changes to senior living as we grasp a better understanding of the needs and wants of our seniors.

Despite advancements to specialist housing and residential care, as evidenced in this publication, there are a select few who prefer to stay in their homes.

Many, unfortunately, are not as independent as they would like us to believe.

This situation presents an opportunity to open an in-home care business and provide the aging population with services to assist them with daily living.

Qualified care providers need to be regulated by the Care Quality Commission and registered with the United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) to provide clients with confidence in your abilities.

27. Artificial Intelligence

Technological advancements have improved Artificial Intelligence (AI) and not just for fall detection and smart home devices.

Virtual companions and voice technologies offered through AI constitute a significant component to combating loneliness in the lives of British seniors.

Estimated worldwide to be worth more than £30bn by 2024, AI could be the answer for Britain's isolated elderly population.

image of AI paraphernalia

This article advised that 2 million seniors in the UK feel 'ignored or invisible.'

By offering AI implementation and tech support services, you not only provide a solution to feelings of alienation but improve the quality of life for seniors.

You could choose to hone in on a specific niche such as:


Home Health Supervision and Assisted Living


Smart Device Fall Detection


Virtual Companion

This American publication provides additional information on each of these elements and supports that AI is revolutionizing elder care across the globe.

AI can make a difference in the lives of seniors.

 As technology continues to progress, it will be in even higher demand, confirming that now is the perfect time to enter this exciting and highly advantageous endeavor.

28. On-Call Agency

In contrast to in-home assisted living, you could offer services to seniors through an on-call agency.

Things like transportation, errand pick-ups, shopping and meal prep, house cleaning, home improvements, laundry services, etc.

Establish an online portal where seniors can request and book a specific service, date, and time.

Build trust and a clientele base.

You will achieve financial independence and help make a difference in the lives of British seniors.

29. Home Medical Equipment Rentals

Medical supplies and equipment rentals or leasing is a massive business opportunity.

This top profitable and successful UK small business idea assists the elderly population and fulfills an ever-growing need for at-home products.

 Those with mobility issues or needing post-operative intervention are provided with the option to stay home without the added cost of purchasing medical equipment that may be required only in the interim.

image of people helping seniors

Worldwide the market is expected to see a projected growth rate of 4.5%-4.9% in 2021, with revenues exceeding USD 38.8 billion by 2025.

Create an online platform, connect with reputable equipment providers like Sumed International, and rent medical equipment for a fee.

Understand the demographics of your target renters.

Market your brand effectively.

Be transparent and honest, and you are sure to hit record high ROIs with this suggestion.

30. CBD Wholesaler

Seventy is the new sixty-five.

With the onslaught of mhealth, strains to the healthcare system, and higher life expectancy, British elders are looking to adopt alternative health and wellness techniques to enhance their daily lives.

cartoon of a CBD farm

Adults over the age of 65 have doubled their use of CBD in 2021 as they recognize its many health benefits, resulting in an astounding number adding supplements to their daily routines. 

The UK CBD market currently equates to roughly £50 million per year and expects to see values of £22 billion by 2022.

CBD with less than 0.05% THC is legal in the UK and offers a wide range of therapeutic benefits to senior citizens such as:

Benefits Of CBD For Seniors
  • Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Assists with irritable bowel diseases.

  • Mediates pain.
  • Helps with sleep issues. 

This article offers further details about the health risks and potential side effects for seniors choosing to use CBD.

But consider the possibilities.

As a distributor, you can opt for a high-street boutique or an online platform and sell a variety of supplements, snacks, oil, and hemp-based products.

Be informed about current legislation-that changes faster than people change their socks-but you can read more about the most up-to-date information here.

Capitalize on growing interest from seniors, and you are the owner of a thriving business that will continue to see considerable profits.


picture of childrens hands

Ask any parent, and they will confirm that their kids are lovely but the true definition of the best way to drain your wallet.

With the price of raising a child increasing 4-7 times faster than inflation, the CPAG estimates that it currently costs £75,436- £102,627+ from birth to 18 to raise a child in the UK.

And that excludes housing, childcare, and council tax.

So what are parents spending all of that money on?

We did some research and discovered not only where the dosh is going but also the top child-focused profitable and successful UK small business ideas.

31. Private Tutoring

The UK's education system is facing a crisis as schools struggle to recruit and retain qualified teaching staff.

With the focus on testing to achieve entry into elitist grammar schools, parents search for viable options to fill in gaps in their children's learning-and are willing to pay for tutoring services.

Globally, private tutoring is expected to reach over USD 272.9 billion by 2025.

With rates in the UK currently at  Â£30 – £60/hour, if you have the credentials or expertise in an area of study, big money can be made in the tutoring industry.

image of a woman tutoring a child

You can offer mathematics instruction-or enhancement to any field of study.

Choose to offer test-specific courses either online or in-person to parents with children who struggle to grasp concepts taught in school or who are looking to provide their children with the best possible resources to land a spot in the league tables.

This article offers additional information on the schooling crisis in the UK and supports that alternate solutions are needed to provide children with the best education possible.

32. Extracurricular Lessons

UK parents want to provide their children with every opportunity in life-driving the extracurricular activity market to monumental heights.

Willing to pay £28,000 per child from 0-18 as per this article, parents are determined to offer their offspring whatever their hearts desire.

cartoon of kids painting at easels

You could start an in-home, online or brick and mortar business in any variety of child-focused activities-hire staff and build your brand.

Among the more popular choices for UK kiddies are:





If teaching isn't your cuppa consider selling apparel or associated equipment using the dropshipping method.

Create an online store to take advantage of the market and establish one of the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas guaranteed to generate significant profits.

33. Toys & Equipment Rentals

We have established that children are expensive.

They also grow like weeds and often have the attention span of an aphid.

Add in consumerism stalking parents at every corner, and you are faced with an insurmountable market of potential to capitalize on toy and equipment rentals.

Globally, revenue in the toy and games segment equals USD 7,693 million in 2021, and reports suggest it will see a CAGR of 3.2% between 2020-2023.

UK parents are getting wise and interested in eco-friendly options in addition to teaching their children the value of money.

Toy rentals and subscription sharing boxes are quickly becoming the new trend for parents interested in cultivating the minds of their young ones while saving a few bucks.

picture of baby toys

Design an interface connecting parents in your region to renters for anything you choose-baby equipment, sports equipment, toys, books-you name it.

Charge a user fee or a percentage from earnings for your efforts, and you will secure solid financial gains.

Or start a toy sharing subscription box service offering the latest trends for a predetermined amount of time before it gets passed along.

Parents are interested in selection, and this trend is only going to increase over time.

This article provides additional information and outlines some of the key players in London to give you an idea of the competition and how you could structure your business model for maximum ROIs.

34. Interactive Digital Systems

picture of a video controller

The UK has been slow to embrace the digital entertainment market, with only 72% of children reporting to actively playing online games.

But that is about to change dramatically.

Gaming competitions have been a national passion of Americans since the days of 'The Space Invaders Championship' held by Atari in 1980, as per  this publication.

And finally, Brits are starting to take notice.

UK experts advise that esports and competitive video gaming are headed to popularity surpassing movie theatres and the music market as youngsters adopt digital entertainment as per this post.

E-Sports is breaking ground, and kids want in on the action, but there are other options.

VR, cloud, streaming, and interactive or world-building scenarios are what these little consumers want.

You can create a JavaScript-software-or APP and allow users to download your services for a fee.

Or you could launch a website offering a host of interactive digital systems from educational to gaming and charge a monthly user fee.

This top UK small business idea takes some tech-savvy abilities and a comprehensive understanding of digital platforms and marketing.

But play your cards right, and this suggestion promises to be a highly lucrative business opportunity.

Four-Legged Companions

cartoon of a dog

The UK is a nation of pet lovers.

40%-50% of adults own a pet in the UK-that's over 20 million people-twenty million!

With spending around £1,452- £3,000/pet a year on everything from food and gifts to boarding and training, most Britons think of their four-legged fur ball as a member of the family and are willing to spend to keep them happy.

This market is riddled with potential to earn big payouts, but here are a few of our top profitable and successful UK small business ideas.

35. Insurance

To sell pet insurance in the UK, you must be accredited and receive authorization from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Worth noting is that insurance is a heavily regulated industry overseen by the Bank of England's Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).

To open an agency, you must hold sufficient capital and well-managed risk controls, which you can read more about here.

But if you can get yourself in order, selling pet insurance is a hot market that is only going to see substantial growth moving forward.

Before you write this idea off as the dog's bollocks-take a look at these stats:

The market is worth £1.2 billion and on course to hit £2 billion by 2023.

45% of Brits own a pet, and only half are currently covered by insurance.

Vet bills and costs for incidentals are rising.

There's been controversy about coverage costs and pet owners not being adequately reimbursed.

But there've been revisions to plans, and the situation appears to be on solid ground for the moment with this publication reporting that the current average spend to insure your dog is around £385.32-£436.02/year.

Pretty reasonable.

There are several contributing factors, including the type of pet, where you live, and the coverage of choice.

If you have the background, then this suggestion is definitely worth further consideration as one of the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas.

36. Doggy Daycare

Doggy daycares are becoming exceedingly popular in the UK as harried pet owners succumb to the guilt of leaving their dog unattended throughout the day.

From small home-based businesses to full-scale facilities, this trend is growing quickly, and promises to be extremely advantageous.

With the opportunity to charge £15 – £30+ per dog/day, the more dogs you accommodate, the higher your profit margins.

Doggy daycares are required to be licensed, which you can learn more about here.

They must also adhere to current legislation to maintain compliance.

UK pet owners want this service, but to be successful, you must consider a few key concepts:

  • Define your brand.

  • Determine your competition.

  • Kit out your facility.

  • Create a user-friendly website for booking and billing.

  • Marketing strategies.

  • Pricing & overhead costs.

This article provides additional tips on how to open a doggy daycare and achieve maximum earnings.

37. Pet Minding

No need for the dogs to get all the glory and attention.

With 24% of the population owning cats and 2% proud rabbit owners, this article provides some interesting stats about pet ownership in the UK.

Consider offering pet minding services-either in your home or attending the home of the pet owner-to provide feedings, affection, and litter cleaning while pet owners are at work or on holidays.

Build a website and advertise your services on social media platforms to generate a client base.

Obtain reviews and provide stellar service, and you will quickly secure fiscal profits with the going rate between £10 - £15/hour.

Alternately you can connect with sites like Bidvine or Rover.

They do take a piece of the profits, but it is a great way to start your business as you build your customer base.

38. Food & Products

Pet owners in the UK treat their four-legged friends as members of the family. 

A hard fact that results in sparing no expense to ensure they are cared for, comfortable, stimulated, and often spoiled rotten.

For many pet owners mirroring mainstream human styling and healthcare trends has become the new norm.

picture of a sleeping cat and dog

Britons happily pay for fresh food, the hottest new products, clothing, and accessories.

You could offer a subscription box service or sell your products (or those of others) online. 

Offer a delivery method and watch your bank statements soar.

This article offers some staggering numbers on British pet spends that confirm this suggestion is one of the top UK small business ideas.

39. Grooming

Britons are quickly gaining a reputation for spending more on their pets than themselves.

Guilty as charged, pet owners continue to shell out money for grooming which globally is forecast to see a CAGR of 5.7% by 2025 and is estimated to be worth more than £5.1 billion in the UK.

 A cut and blow-dry just aren't going to cut it anymore.

cartoon of pets lined up front and back poses

These pet owners want high-end and are willing to pay for it.

Current trends in the UK pet grooming industry include:

  • Natural Products & Luxury Shampoos
  • Pickup & Drop Off Services
  • Mobile Grooming
  • Reiki Massage & Holistic Treatments

Love animals and have the skills?

Then the pet grooming industry might be the top profitable and successful UK small business idea for you.

40. Dog Walking

Dog walkers are in high demand in the UK as pet owners look for reliable resources to shoulder some of the responsibility.

A relatively low-cost startup venture, the barrier to entry is minimal, and the profits considerable.

Dog walkers can earn 20% more than the average UK salary and charge Â£10-£20/hour dependent on location.

While no formal requirements are necessary, it is a good idea to affiliate yourself with the National Association of Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers (NARPS) in addition to obtaining a CRB check.

Liability insurance is a must, and obviously, you need to be comfortable around dogs.

Marketing and building a client base will be your biggest challenge.

This article gives a breakdown of how you can start a successful dog walking business.

41. Poop N Scoop

If you can stomach it, becoming a professional pooper scooper is not only a low-cost business but extremely advantageous.

With pet harried parents faced with limited time-or unable to physically take care of the mounds formulating in their gardens-poop and scoop companies offer a service seeing increased growth in the UK.

cartoon of dog poop on a shovel

You can offer one-time cleanups or subscription options.

The going rate is £25-a-week per dog, so you do the math, but this is without question one of the top UK small business ideas worth further consideration.

Check out this post for additional information on how to start a pooper scooper business.

Company Outreach Services

cartoon of a man walking up stairs

Brexit wasn't enough for UK business owners.

COVID-19 came around and created additional strain on daily business operations and bottom lines.

Some have been forced to close.

Others are searching for ways to increase engagement and offer viable solutions to consumers to stay in the black.

Here are a few company outreach suggestions and top profitable and successful UK small business ideas sure to achieve profitability.

42. Career Transitioning Service

Foreclosures-bankruptcy-advancements to technology.

There are so many reasons why people look for alternate employment.

By offering your services as a professional career transitioning service, you can establish a highly advantageous business opportunity.

image of a man walking up blocks with a briefcase

The average session costs Â£75 to £350 suggesting there is potential for significant returns.

A transition coach's role is to work closely with clients to help them navigate a career change.

Coaches are expected to be experts in the client's field and hold a high level of competency in the following areas:

  • Revamping resumes-social profiles-etc. and sharpening interview techniques.
  • Assist with networking & current in up to date knowledge of the job market.
  • Flexible with excellent communication skills and the ability to problem-solve.

Additionally you need to be tech-savvy, forward-thinking and possess a diploma in Careers Guidance.

Check out this publication for additional skills and traits of a good career transition coach.

Start an agency and offer services virtually and in-person to maximize profit potential and address the growing number of individuals seeking alternate employment solutions.

43. Business Coach

Business coaches differ from career transition services.

Business owners hire a business coach for assistance in distinct areas, including decision making, increased self-awareness, ideas and options, team-building techniques, and accountability to grow their brand.

cartoon of business professionals talking on the phone

The business coaching industry has seen exceptional growth and globally is worth an estimated USD 1.34 billion, with an expected CAGR of 6.7% by the end of 2021.

The driving force for business owners who choose to hire a business coach is expansion.

Business coaches partner with clients to maximize their professional talents and should be proficient in several skills including:

Business Coach Attributes
  • Positive and flexible.

  • Ability to hold people accountable.

  • Effective communicator and current in business trends.

  • Confident and an excellent listener.

  • The capacity to see the 'big picture.'

This article offers additional insight concerning the character traits of a great business coach.

While no formal education is required, you may have increased success with this suggestion if you are willing to obtain accreditation, which you can learn more about here.

44. Webinars 

If coaching is not your forte, why not consider webinars  to teach business owners on how to take their enterprise to the next level?

You could offer any variety of instructions to help business owners build their brand, generate sales, increase customer engagement, or determine alternate delivery methods to customers during these uncertain times.

Webinars are typically live events conducted online, but it's highly advantageous to offer replay options to maximize viewing opportunity.

By charging a fee for your expertise, you generate an income and provide a service.

Perform your due diligence and hone in on your target market-niche specific is ideal.

What do business owners need now?

What can you offer that would be beneficial to their current situation?

picture of a computer screen hosting a webinar

The key here is value.

If you can captivate, motivate and add valuable suggestions, then you stand to make significant profits with this suggestion.

Alternatively, you could launch webinars on behalf of business owners and charge a fee for your service.

This article suggests that webinars are one of the best content strategies to generate high-quality leads for B2B enterprises. 

Webinars' work. 

When done well, they may be among the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas to secure handsome monetary compensation.

45. Blogs

Blogs are an excellent way to build customer engagement- get the word out about new products and services and build trust with consumers.

Most business owners do not have the time or creative writing skills to manage their blog page and look for outsourcing options to handle the responsibility.

If you have a way with words and can captivate an audience while promoting sales, consider selling your services to business owners for a fee.

To be successful with blogs, you must utilize quality content, regular posts, and integrate media images.

cartoon of a man in a computer

Think videos-audios-infographics-etc. to build authority and maximize SEO strategies that best leverage Google and social media platforms.

With the option to scale to an agency level with numerous staff to handle specific tasks, there is a host of profit potential in this business idea.

Blogging is unquestionably one of the best ways for a business to market their services.

Far from dead, this post offers some interesting stats and additional information on the future of blogging.

46. BETA Tester

BETA testing is the final step before a business launches a new product.

While many business owners have an in-house team, there is a growing demand for outsourcing the task of BETA testing to individuals that fit the mandated demographics and can provide unbiased and skilled analysis.

BETA testers are responsible for the following tasks:

  • Access for issues and submit 'bug reports' as needed.

  • Propose new feature suggestions to enhance user experience.

  • Complete surveys.

  • Communicate with associated testers and business owners. 

  • Maintain records. 

  • Draft mock reviews or testimonials.

There are numerous job postings on local sites such as and you can apply for while you get your business up and running.

47. Data Entry

Data entry is another task often outsourced by overloaded business owners.

Not the most beguiling job, but if you can offer a reliable and efficient service that takes unstructured data and readies it for analysis, you stand to earn big bucks.

Business owners are embracing outsourcing solutions as a means of cutting costs.

cartoon of people filling out a survey

Contracting data entry allows them to better utilize their staff for the day to day operations of their enterprise.

Data entry also fills a void left by technology that doesn't allow for automated data transformation.

Start an agency and offer remote data entry services to business owners, and you are looking at one of the top UK small business ideas sure to secure substantial ROIs.


cartoon of people standing beside a big bag of money

The finance world has taken some hard knocks over the last few months.

With the sharpest fall in forty-one years, the GDP fell 20.8% in June due to the pandemic.

But money is funny.

People are still looking for investment opportunities, and books still need to be balanced despite the dismal disarray of the economy.

If you are numerically inclined or interested in investment strategies, these finance suggestions have the potential to earn impressive capital and are some of the top UK small business ideas in the financial world.

48. Day Trading

Day trading is one of the UK's favourite trading styles and involves buying and selling financial instruments during a single trading day.

The premise of day trading is to buy and sell multiple assets on the same day to take advantage of small market movements.

This trading style takes dedication and focus-not to mention quick decision making and an ability to balance multiple trades at a time.

Top day trading contenders are cryptocurrency, shares, indices, and Forex.

Pick what interests you and be mindful of your budget and expectations.

A couple of critical factors to bear in mind with day trading include:

Day Trading Components

  • Liquidity

  • Predictability

  • Volume

With day trading you earn small increments over short periods as opposed to large payouts over an extended time.

There are several recommended platforms for day trading in the UK, like Saxo Markets, Interactive Investor, and DEGIRO.

If you are interested in learning more about day trading or looking for some tips before you start, check out this article outlining the a-z to magnify returns.

Not much of a gambler, I prefer to use my money to build my digital empire-one where I have complete control without having to worry about the ups and downs of the market.

Ian Stanley 90 DTF Course Review

After taking this course, I learned everything I needed to know to build and rank websites to get to the top of Google searches.

With the ability to go into over 400 niches anywhere in the world, these digital properties belong to me and generate leads for small business owners.

I sell those leads for profit and have managed to secure a monthly income in over $52K-all because I followed the step-by-step instructions outlined in this course.

Lead gen is without question the best way to secure a semi-passive income stream and offers:

  • Local lead generation doesn't base its success on finding the right trending product week after week, month after month.
  • You don't have to consistently make adjustments to your advertising methods or budgets. In fact, you don't have to run Facebook, Instagram or Google ads at ALL...
  • There's no buying and selling of products. You don't have to worry about profit margins. Or shipping. Or returns. Or any of the other problems associated with selling physical products. EVER!
  • You get FREE organic traffic from Google.
  • If you set it up properly from the start, you can leave your lead gen site for months without having to tweak it.
  • It provides you with a passive income. THAT'S the golden ticket!

49. Peer 2 Peer Lending

Peer 2 Peer lending is another popular industry in the UK and with good reason.

With more than £6.1 billion funded in 2020 and a 22.0% revenue growth in 2021, this market continues to see expansion.

P2P lending is where individuals or organizations pool their money to support borrowers' efforts without the intermediation of traditional financial institutions.

You lend capital to individuals for a rate of return-one much higher than the lovely 2% high street interest rates.

Now regulated by the UK's FCA, investors are better protected against significant losses, but there is legislation around how much you can invest, which you can read more about here.

image of hands shaking through computer screens

P2P lending platforms run on algorithms and protect investors from the risk of borrowers defaulting on loans.

By utilizing an online lending platform, you further negate the risk of a borrower defaulting on a loan.

Some of the top UK P2P lending platforms are Zopa, Ratesetter, and Assetz Capital.

This article offers additional sites and a descriptive analysis of each.

It is essential that you conduct your research to determine if the investment aligns with your financial plans and any associated risks.

With better than average returns (5%-7%), if you understand how to play the game, you stand to earn significant money with this top profitable and successful UK small business idea.

50. Property Crowdfunding

Property crowdfunding is another popular investment strategy in the UK.

The benefit of property crowdfunding is that it allows investors to participate in the real estate market with a much lower investment than if you were trying to go it alone.

Depending on the platform, investments can range from as low as £100 to £1,000.

cartoon of a large hand depositing a coin into buildings

A form of equity funding, multiple investors, contribute to specific properties until the funding goal is met.

Unlike P2P, you own a piece of the real estate in the form of shares proportionate to your investment.

Once a tenant is procured, investors are paid-minus expenses-in the form of dividends.

Platforms like Property Moose, The House Crowd, and Yielders are a great place to start.

Also regulated by the FCA, this article lends additional specifics to this form of investing.

51. Personal Budgeting Firm

Brits have been hit hard by the pandemic.

Finances are stretched thin.

For most, money management has never come easy, and the current situation has only exacerbated the situation.

Consider creating downloadable budget templates and individual finance lists.

Add in online support and education on how to use your product and tips on how to save money and minimize unnecessary spending.

You could offer a variety of services, including:

One-Time Consultations

Ongoing Budget Analysis 

Financial Reviews  

Webinars Or Online Courses

Build a website or APP and market your brand to generate a buzz.

Here is an article offering free services with a catch.

Take a look to get an idea of how you could create and monetize your brand to hedge out the competition and create a lucrative opportunity with this top UK small business idea.

52. Bookkeeper

The good, the bad, and the ugly need to be documented for tax purposes.

Business owners know well enough by now to keep their ledgers in order.

Despite a turndown in the bookkeeping industry due to a perceived lack of confidence and more business owners opting for in-house services, the bookkeeping industry is expected to experience an upswing in 2021.

image of a ledger on a computer screen

Projections suggest that the revenue of bookkeeping, auditing, accounting, and tax consultation will equate to around USD 44.2 billion by 2022.

If you hope to succeed as a bookkeeper, you will need to embrace technological advancements and offer online or cloud services for your clients.

Start your firm and build your brand.

Expand to an agency and offer your numerical expertise to business owners around the country.

No formal education is required for this position, and this article offers valuable tips on becoming a bookkeeper.

53. Financial Advisor

Financial advisors help Britons increase savings, cut tax bills, and better position them financially.

Formal education and accreditation are required for this position.

With a CAGR of 1.8% by the end of 2021, the country is experiencing a significant demand for financial advisors, suggesting that now is the ideal time to consider this option.

Consumers are more concerned than ever about better managing their resources and are willing to pay for actionable strategies and sound advice.

A financial planner assists individuals with things like:


Saving for the future.


Take advantage of tax breaks.


Meet ultimate financial goals.

With options to work for an existing firm or start your own, this is an excellent way to offer your expertise and create financial freedom.

The Beauty Scene

cartoon of ladies getting their nails done

The UK has always been a world leader in beauty, setting trends around the globe for what's hot and what's not.

With the introduction of the 'selfie-culture,' the beauty industry has experienced staggering growth.

Estimated to be worth over £30 billion to the UK economy, starting a small business in this industry is not only lucrative but brilliant.

Fast-paced and technologically forward, this market boasts a ton of potential to capitalize on niche-specific markets and generate substantial cash flows.

If you enjoy beauty, fancy yourself a bit of a trendsetter and are interested in a career in the industry, check out our top profitable and successful UK small business ideas listed below.

54. Pop Up Shops

Pop-up shops are where it's at folks.

Whether you opt for a brick and mortar or online boutique experience (or a combination of the two)-the pop-up industry is changing the face of retail in the UK.

Estimated to achieve yearly revenues above £2.3 billion, pop-up shops are the ideal way to augment personalization and new experiences for shoppers.

The idea is to cater to peoples 'fear-of-missing-out' (FOMO) mentality by offering your wares for a short period of time.

This opportunity allows retailers to connect with shoppers, but you need to continually offer unique items and foster that sense of urgency.

This article offers some interesting insight as to why pop-ups are so prominent in the UK.

55. Make-Up Artist

The face of the makeup industry is changing.

With a primary focus on 'the natural look,' British consumers are after eco-friendly, organic, sustainable, and inclusive products.

With overall skin care sales in the UK equating to over £605 million in 2021, if you have the application skills and can enhance a person's natural beauty, there is a demand for your services.

To maximize your profitability in this competitive industry, consider becoming a 'digital influencer' and utilize online platforms to reach a bigger audience of potential clients.

No formal educational requirements are needed to be a professional makeup artist in the UK, but this article outlines options to help further your career.

56. Skincare Spa & Clinic

There is an acute transformation on how the Brit consumer views wellness.

Spas are no longer considered a luxury.

People are becoming more mindful of their wellbeing and the role microbiomes play in their overall health and the focus is now more about taking care of one's self inside and out.

Skincare in the UK is forecast to reach over Â£85.4 billion by 2021, with a projected CAGR of 5.2% between 2019-2024.

cartoon of a woman standing in front of shelves full of beauty products

The styles of spas and services you offer know no boundaries.

People are after a hyper-personalized approach focusing on overall wellness-not just wrinkle-remover.

You can opt to open a small scale establishment or offer mobile services to your clientele.

Brand-marketing and a unique experience geared at your identified target market will drive sales as per this publication which also outlines steps to opening a spa or skincare clinic.

A competitive industry, if you are honest, work with integrity, and build a reputation as a market leader, you will see impressive payouts.

57. Hair Salon

Hair salons were especially hard-hit as a result of the pandemic.

The good news is that the majority have reopened with safety measures and social distancing protocols in place.

It won't be this way forever, and the hair salon industry is currently worth £6.6 billion to the UK economy.

After the COVID-19 dust settles, the hair salon is slated to experience a growth of 2%-3%.

Forces driving the market are:

  1. An increase in disposable income.
  2. Increased awareness of the benefits of receiving professional haircare.
  3. Expanded knowledge of scalp disorders.

Britons want organic products and implementation of technological advancements to colour treatments and procedures to address thinning or balding.

Check out this article offering tips on how to open a hair salon for a significant profit.

vector of women with varying beauty products

58. Beauty Products

The UK consumer spends over £27.2 billion a year on beauty products and services-38% of which is allocated for personal care and maintenance products.

Do the math, but this works out to over £482.51/year per/person-the equivalent of £2.39 per day.

Launching an online store to sell your handmade products or those of a reputable existing brand is a low-cost business venture that can achieve big bucks.

Alternatively, you could consider the pop-up methodology or go all out and establish a high-street location depending on your budget and long-term goals.

Get niche-specific and identity with your target markets' preferences and spending habits.

If you opt to sell your own product line, be sure to adhere to mandated legislation, which you can read more about here.

Vehicle Based Services

cartoon of a hand booking a car with a cell phone

There are about to be some serious changes to how Brits get around.

With the government's plan to invest £6 billion into the nation's busing and bike markets, the pandemic has expedited the situation.

The focus is now on encouraging people to engage in active transportation as the economy reopens, creating a floodgate of business potential.

But with 38.3 billion licensed vehicles in Great Britain and weekly spending over £80.20 per household, we have other ideas for you too.

Check out our top UK small business ideas in the vehicle niche that are sure to secure substantial payouts.

59. Bicycle Rentals

Pro-cyclist Andrew Gilligan said it best in his tweet when he wrote:

"Sometimes, good things can come out of bad ones."

The bicycle market is worth over £1.5 billion, and the projected growth rate of 5% may be well off the mark if the government gets its way.

Since the ease of lockdown measures, the UK has seen a 70% rise in the number of people on bikes, and the active transportation industry is at the top of the government's agenda.

Armed with a budget of nearly £6 billion to revamp infrastructure and create safer, more bike-friendly roads.

The government has also advised that they plan to implement a Cycle to Work scheme to get Brits riding that you can read more about here.

image of a woman renting a bike from her phone

While London has already seen a couple of big players enter the market with rentals as per this post, there is an opportunity to create a profitable small UK business with this idea.

Create an APP or pop-up shop and rent bicycles for Brits and meet an ever growing demand as this trend gains momentum.

You can charge for the unlock and by the minute, a flat fee, or in time increments.

Active travel is sure to be a big part of how Brits get around moving forward, so if you hustle now, you will be able to claim a piece of what is sure to be an extremely lucrative market.

60. Micro-Mobility Service

Urbanization-lockdowns and a £6 billion government plan for a complete overhaul of the UK roads and public transport system are sure to drive the micro mobility market into orbit.

Micro mobility refers to short-distance transport (typically anything less than 5 miles) and globally is valued at over USD 3 billion.

Poised to experience a growth rate of 19.9% between 2020-2025, this industry is headed to a global financial worth of about USD 9.8 billion.

Driving factors behind market expansion include:

  • Generation Z & Millennials

  • Advancements to GPS tracking software

  • Better connectivity and mobile payment options

  • Lower cost transportation option

  • Active life and health enhancement

Micro mobility solves a couple of issues for Brits.

It's cheaper than owning a car, easier to store, and more convenient than public transportation.

The government has invested £2 billion into green transportation initiatives and made changes to legislation, making it easier to rent e-scooters in the UK as per this publication.

Micro mobility rentals will only gain popularity so the time to act is now to cash in on this industry and secure substantial profit margins.

61. Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair

While the green initiative is a wonderful step in the right direction, many have no choice but to battle it out on the A1 every day.

The pandemic has created a sharp decline in new vehicle sales as people do their best to trim spending habits and make do with what they have-and that includes driving their beater as long as possible.

Cost-cutting measures have resulted in an increased need for motor repair and maintenance shops, with 53% of Brits reporting that they prefer to drive over utilizing public transport.

The motor vehicle repair and maintenance industry is worth an estimated £28 billion in the UK and is forecast to see a CAGR of 3.5% by the end of 2021.

cartoon of a mechanic fixing a car engine

If you are mechanically inclined, then opening a motor vehicle repair shop is an excellent opportunity to achieve financial gains.

With numerous niche-specific areas within the market, determine what type of service you wish to offer.

You can open a street location or consider mobile repair as a lower cost venture.

This article gives a run-down of what it takes to open a successful motor vehicle repair and maintenance shop in the UK.

62. Mobile Car Wash

vector of a man washing a car

The UK is experiencing a growing trend in vehicle maintenance as people look to boost the resale value of their automobiles.

The global car wash market is expected to see a CAGR of 3.2% and reach a value of USD 41.1 billion by 2025.

Mobile car washes have become increasingly popular in the UK over the last two years.

Britons love the convenience and 'at your finger-tips' service of a mobile option.

Good news for you as this is a much lower startup than an automated car wash.

Mobile car washes hold the promise of substantial profits and are one of the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas.

For more information on how to open a mobile car wash, check out this post.

63. City Parking Spaces Finder Interface

We've all been there.

Driving up and down the lanes looking for a parking space.

There are free APPs that currently provide available parking space information in the UK, but consider creating an interface that connects desperate drivers with available spots.

People living close to the city centre, hospital, footie ground, or transport links such as an airport or railway station could utilize your site to rent out their drive or garage when not in use.

Charge a flat fee to list and upsell ad options.

Take a percentage off the rentals for your service to fully capitalize on this suggestion.

This publication lists some of the top players that you could model your site after and determine how to best edge out the competition.

64. Courier

Online shopping rose to meteoric heights as a result of the pandemic.

More online shopping means an even higher demand for trucking, delivery, and courier services.

The courier and the express delivery market was thriving before COVID-19, but is now estimated to see a 92% increase between 2020-2025 and retain a value of £21 billion as per this post.

A competitive industry, you need to offer a specialized service.

Consider a specific market such as:

Courier Niche-Specific Suggestions
  • Medical Or Healthcare

  • Hazardous Materials

  • Regulated Temperatures

  • Fragile Items 

Marketing and brand recognition will be imperative to getting your first client and being successful with this top UK small business idea.

You also need to determine your transportation method-van-motorcycle-bicycle-etc.

This article offers recommendations on how to start a courier business and achieve monetary success with this opportunity.

65. Private Hire Driver

The Uber craze took North America by storm, but they were not met with open arms in the UK.

Amidst scandal, noncompliance issues, and breach of TfL regulations, Uber is currently running in only 20 cities in the UK, which opens the door for new players to capitalize on this investment strategy.

Due diligence is a must.

Drivers must be carefully vetted to ensure that they have valid license and insurance.

If you adhere to TfL legislation-which, you can review here-then the ride-hailing and private hire driver business promises to be both profitable and scalable.


cartoon of a man in front of junk food

One of the UK's most prominent manufacturing sectors is the food and drink industry.

This market contributes Â£28.2 billion to the economy annually and holds a plethora of small business ideas that are both profitable and economically strategic.

We have ascertained that the recommendations listed below are the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas in the food and drink industry.

Suggestions that are guaranteed to see market growth and future profitability.

66. Street Food & Food Trucks

Food trends come fast and furious as consumers crave new experiences and the latest culinary sensations.

Topping the charts for its far-reaching influence is street food and the food truck craze.

This market has grown faster than any other in the industry and holds an estimated value of over £1.2 billion.

Continued changes create new trends like:


Food Hall-Style Pop-Ups


Vegan Street Food


Biodegradable Packaging

Influential movements like a digital presence, high-profile social media status, and brand recognition only serve to propel your success, as evidenced in this post.

This venture is all about location-unique offerings and niche-specific cuisine.

Which is similar to starting a restaurant, but with greater flexibility.

Highly competitive, you need to establish a reputation and be willing to think outside the box to see profitability with this top UK small business idea.

Check out this article on how to start a food truck or street food biz in the UK.

67. Online Food Ordering & Delivery Platform

Like everything, the food industry has been heavily influenced by online technologies and mobile options.

The market is currently valued at £20 billion and projected to see a growth rate of 29.4% by the end of 2021.

This demand has created an opportunity for online aggregators and delivery platforms to capitalize on the market and secure substantial ROIs.

If you are interested in pursuing this industry, determine which option best aligns with your skills and long term goals-aggregator or delivery platform.

image of online membership process

Aggregators offer access to multiple options using a single online portal but do not offer delivery service.  

Revenue is generated through restaurant sign-up fees and commissions on orders.

Delivery platforms handle the logistics side of things and earn money through commissions on orders and service fees paid by the consumer.

Both have the potential to be highly advantageous, so it is recommended that you complete your due diligence and determine which would get higher revenues where you live.

This article explains the difference between the two in greater detail and offers pros and cons to each method.

68. Cafes & Coffee Shops

Coffee culture is taking the UK by the reigns.

Say goodbye to your cuppa-there's a new player in town.

With a market headed for a CAGR of 4.8% and a value of £6.6 billion, the café and coffee shop industry holds significant monetary promise. 

Factors driving industry growth include an increase in disposable income, the attraction of the social ambiance, and more consumer curiosity around coffee blends.

Cafes and coffee shops often sell light snacks in addition to a wide selection of coffees.

With kiosk and mobile options also worth consideration, it really comes down to how much you are willing to invest with this venture.

Your biggest cost is the coffee machines themselves-however-there are rental options available to reduce start-up expenditures.

This post offers some excellent suggestions on how to open and be successful with this idea.

69. Ready-Made Meals & Subscription Food Boxes

The meal delivery market has seen a steady incline in success as people look for alternatives to the dreaded beans on toast dinner.

The key to this industry is to identify your target market and cater to its specific nutritional nuances-be it vegan, fat loss, or high-protein.

cartoon of subscriptions

Consumers like the convenience, but the landscape is competitive, so marketing and concise branding techniques are fundamental to establish yourself as an industry leader.

This article lists a few of the top players in the market to gauge the competition, pricing and delivery methods.

70. Juice & Smoothie Bar

The UK has embraced the health craze as people become increasingly mindful of proper nutrition and how it affects their overall health.

The juice bar and smoothie market have enjoyed the shift from fish and chips to fresh fruits and vegetables' nourishing properties.

Valued at an estimated £93 million, the annual growth rate in the last five years has been 7.3%, confirming that this industry is poised for rapid expansion.

This relatively low-cost start-up can be offered through mobile options-think a converted truck or street food stall-or you could make the product at home and provide a delivery service.

Taste and convenience are the name of the game.

If this top UK small business idea appeals to you, check out this article on how to open a successful juice bar sure to glean impressive profit margins.

71. Caterer

Brexit wreaked havoc for many industries, and the catering market was no exception.

With dips in consumer confidence, the industry has repositioned itself and is ready to go with all tins loaded.

Increased household disposable income and business expenditures have prompted the upsurge of private and corporate functions.

The industry is expected to see a CAGR of 5.6% through 2021 to exceed the current market value of £1 billion. 

cartoon of catering staff

People in the UK are particular when it comes to their food and hold themselves to a high level of standards.

To be successful in the catering market, it takes more than networking, marketing, and branding techniques (although very valuable) consumers are after the following:


Great food & excellent service.


Healthy & organic options with the use  of local produce and transparency in the food supply chain.


Prefer customized menus & a unique experience.

Keep in mind that 67% of consumers are influenced by word of mouth so reputation management and outstanding delivery will be crucial to your success.

The beauty of this suggestion is that you could start your business from home for little to no overhead costs.

As you build your client base, you can consider expansion.

This article is somewhat dated but offers great advice on starting a catering company from home and capitalizing on this top UK small business idea.

72. Vertical Farming

The UK farmer is under tremendous pressure with increasing concerns around climate change, crop sustainability, and national food shortages.

By partnering with farmers to build vertical farming infrastructures, you eliminate the climate issue and offer the luxury of growing food all year long.

Globally the vertical farming market is expected to hit USD 9.66 billion by 2025, climbing at a CAGR of 21.3% between 2020-2025 as per this post.

With advancements to the Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, biopharmaceutical products, predictive analytics, and automation, vertical farming is the perfect solution to addressing an ever-growing crisis in food security.

image of a vertical farming setup

To raise capital, you could consider a real estate crowdfunding platform and pay your investors a share of market profits or secure funding from your local government.

Vertical farming offers a unique solution to a global issue.

 While many fail, this article provides suggestions to ensure that yours prospers.

Around the House

picture of hands holding power tools

For many UK'rs, the days of being able to tend the garden and take care of the washing are far and few between.

With work, children, extracurricular activities, and a host of odds and ends to address daily, many utilize services to outsource the jobs they don't like or no longer have time for.

Here are a few top business ideas around the house that are not only profitable but in high demand in the UK and worthy of consideration.

73. House Cleaning

The house cleaning market has seen a growth of over 25% since 2015, and with the lifting of lockdown restrictions, the call for house cleaners is in high demand.

House cleaners were prominent in the UK pre-COVID-19 as working adults spend less and less time on domestic chores.

People are willing to pay for someone to walk their dog-they may as well cough up the dosh to have someone clean their house as well.

Gone are the days of feeling embarrassed by paying for outsourcing household tasks.

People want to enjoy their leisure time, and there is precious little of it to begin with.

So hiring a house cleaning service is not only adding quality to their life but allows them to feel restful and relaxed in their home.

cartoon of various cleaning supplies

With disposable income on the rise, cleaning services are an affordable option, and thanks to the gig economy have become more accessible and acceptable.

There are several options to consider if house cleaning appeals to you, including your target market, pricing, legalities, and staffing.  

This article gives a complete overview of how to start a house cleaning business and secure monetary compensation.

74. On-Demand Laundry Service

Drycleaning and laundry services are worth over USD 119 billion globally and are expected to see a CAGR of 10.9% to hit market values in excess of USD 18.9 billion by 2025.

The laundry industry has had a complete overhaul as mobile APPs cater to an increased call for on-demand service options.

Customers can now order drycleaning and laundry services and advice of particulars like time, preferences, etc. remotely with the help of their smartphone or mobile device.

picture of a row of washing machines

Convenience is essential, and this article outlines how you could start this business from home.

The market is gaining momentum, and some of the UK's key players are laundrapp and, so invest some time to create an APP and user experience that shines above the competition.

Check out this publication outlining the steps required to build a laundry APP and cash in on this top profitable and successful UK small business idea.

75. Landscape & Gardening

Landscape and gardening services have become increasingly popular in the UK and are currently valued at £5 billion.

The horticulture industry is extensive, but gardeners specialize in growing and caring for plants in private or commercial gardens.

There are several areas where you could offer your services in addition to homeowners and include:

  • Public Parks

  • Sports Facilities

  • Plant Nurseries

  • Historic Gardens

  • Cemeteries 

  • Green Spaces 

The UK has seen a rise in the demand for landscape architects, garden design, and construction, and as consumer confidence continues to grow, so does the need for services.

This article offers a job overview and suggested training.

As the economy bounces back from the pandemic landscape and garden services will see increased profitability, suggesting that now is ideal to capitalize on this venture.

76. Home Security

You see it on the telly-you read about in the news.

Public concern over crime and terrorist attacks is very real in the UK, with three out of five burglaries being successful and costing the victim an average of over £3,000 per this post.

They seldom catch the bastard, and with a conviction rate of 3.1%, homeowners are taking matters into their own hands.

Currently, the security service industry is valued at £1 billion, but has seen a CAGR of 6.4% over the last five years and is well on its way to reaching £1.4 billion by the end of 2021.

The best strategy with this suggestion would be to incorporate Smart Home features.

77. Gutter Cleaning

There's no glory in gutter cleaning but this job is in high demand in the UK.

People don't relish the thought of climbing around on their roofs, pulling out leaves, debris, and lord knows what else and so they look to outsource the task.

cartoon of a man cleaning gutters

A seasonal business, like HVAC, gutter cleaning stands to earn you hefty payouts in a short period of time with relatively low start-up costs.

Get yourself organized with the right equipment, market your services, and you are sure to generate significant financial success with this top UK small business idea.

Check out this article for tips on how to get started, pricing, and recommended equipment.

78. Painter & Decorator Company

More and more people are turning to DIY methods to address their home painting and decorating needs.

Despite the Pinterest craze, the industry continues to experience high demand.

A lack of professional tradespeople in the field and a continued reliance on expertise for jobs deemed too challenging to take on alone, people still retain painters and decorators to improve their home or business.

The market is currently valued at £4 billion and forecast to see annual growth rates of 2.5% between 2020-2025.

image of a man painting a wall

The trick is to specialize.

Think high ceilings-plaster jobs-intricate places in people's homes that they cannot complete on their own.

You also need to be exceptional-it's a tough crowd-so you need to offer not only stellar service but top-notch quality work to build a reputation and consumer confidence. 

This article breaks down what is necessary to start your own business and generate high cash flows with this suggestion.

79. Carpentry & Joinery 

Carpenters and joiners are the glue that holds the residential and commercial building construction sector together.

The industry is worth an estimated £5 billion and expected to rise at a CAGR of 4.2% by the end of 2021 to hit revenues of £5.5 billion.

cartoon image of a carpenter

While carpenters and joiners have distinct roles and responsibilities, there is some crossover.

The most common difference between the two is that joiners are involved with constructing the wooden products (think doors, window frames, prefabricated buildings), while carpenters are the ones that handle the installation.

There is a constant demand for carpenters and joiners in the UK.

Employment in the market projected to grow by 8% by 2026.

Carpenters can work in a variety of niches including:

Carpenter & Joiner Job Options
  • Construction Sites

  • Residential Homes
  • Home Studio

  • Bespoke Workshops

Create your own company and if you have nimble fingers and a creative spirit, you should nail it with this top profitable and successful UK small business idea.

Check out this article for everything you need to know about becoming a carpenter. 

80. Home Stager

The world of real estate is a dismal situation in the UK.

Like countries around the world, this sector has been especially hard hit as a result of the pandemic.

With housing prices falling from 4%-13% as per this article, it is an excellent time for buyers-not so much for those wishing to sell.

Time to consider hiring a home stager.

Studies suggest that home stagers can increase property sales by up to 10%, and come highly recommended by realtors.

If you have an eye for style, enjoy organizing and redesigning rooms, then starting a home staging agency is not only lucrative but will see increased demand as the housing market continues to experience drops in pricing.

You do need certification for this position that you can learn more about here.

cartoon of a woman staging a room

But with online options available, it would not take long for you to complete the program and build your reputation and client base.

As is the case with any real estate ventures, networking is key.

Market your services and offer a unique and branded experience that is not only memorable but sets you apart from the competition to glean impressive profit margins with this top UK small business idea.

81. Gig Walker

The gig economy is making big waves in the UK labour market.

Gigs are short-term contracts or freelance work derived from a rapidly expanding IT revolution.

Offering temporary positions for interim commitments, the gig economy has experienced significant growth and has more than doubled in the last two years.

Accounting for over 4.7 million, UK residents are capitalizing on this opportunity to create a side hustle or secondary income.

image of a person on a headset with task icons around them

As unemployment rates climb due to COVID-19 as per this post, many business owners look for contractual employees-cutting costs, saving time and their bottom line.

There are a few big dogs in the market, like Rota, TaskRabbit, and Gigtogig.

Create a niche-specific or location-oriented APP/website and connect would be gig-walkers with potential employers.

Cater to specific needs and offer better than your competitors to rise to the top.

You could charge a user fee for both parties to maximize profitability with this UK business idea.

Odds & Ends

image of a woman on a headset

There are other service-based industries that not only procure high cash-flows but that are currently in demand from UK residents.

Services that offer in-home or on-site solutions for dilemmas in any variety of markets.

We looked at some of the most commonly searched service-based industries in the UK to provide you with a few scalable and sought after options.

Businesses that promise to be among the top profitable UK small business ideas to consider.

82. Event & Party Planner

The Brits love their events-so much so that not even a pandemic could hold them down for long.

Leading the world with event planning in the age of COVID-19, the UK held the first outdoor concert with great success as per this article.

Worth £42.3 billion to the UK economy, the event and party planning industry is projected to see a growth rate of 11% by the end of 2026.

image of champagne glasses clinking through computer screens

There are limitless opportunities for event planning in the UK.

Think things like:

  • Corporate Events
  • Charity Events
  • Private Functions

Event planners need to be flexible, enthusiastic, and uber-organized to secure a solid reputation.

No formal training is required, however, there are courses you can take to advance your career.

This post offers further insight into recommended training and tips on starting your own event planning agency.

83. 3-D Printing

It may sound futuristic, but there is an increasing demand for 3-D printing.

Imagine being able to create pretty much anything-all with the click of a button.

The 3-D printing market is valued at USD 51.77 billion worldwide.

A highly specialized player in the field, the UK is recognized as a world leader in 3-D printing.

The crux?

3-D printers are expensive, and as technology advances, they are not likely to get any cheaper.

Consider opening a 3-D printing company with a few printers that locals can access and print in-house for a fee.

You can start with a couple, and as you gain recognition and build a customer base, you can expand to secure even higher profit margins with this top UK small business idea.

84. Cell Phone & Device Screen Repair

The cell phone repair industry is valued at USD 4.0 billion globally and is projected to experience an annual growth rate of 1.62% by the end of 2021.

This service is indispensable to Brits, as evidenced in this post.

With new models being added every six months, it is impossible to continually own the latest model, but financially it becomes crippling.

For most people, fixing their current device is cost-effective and logistically smart in a time of financial uncertainty.

The issue with any device is its questionable durability.

image of people repairing a cell phone

Sure there's the manufacturer's warranty, but you have to jump through a thousand hoops to navigate it.

Despite advances to technology, most devices' sturdiness remains unchanged, suggesting that cell phone and device repair services will continue to be in high demand in the future.

With the option to open a high street shop or offer mobile services, the linchpin will be how large you wish to scale and the profitability level you hope to achieve.

This article offers a comparison and some suggestions worth consideration if you are contemplating opening a cell phone & device repair business.

85. Personal Trainer

The Brit quest to get fit was only marginally derailed as a result of the pandemic.

Many people in the UK sought free online and streaming options to carry them through lockdowns until they could again participate in face-to-face training.

People will become more conscious of hygiene in a gym setting, but there is no replacement for the hands-on training provided by a personal trainer.

A shift to at-home training sessions as per this post, has opened up a new market riddled with potential.

vector of men doing physical activity

By 'bringing the experience' to a client's home, you have some flexibility regarding pricing and scheduling.

The personal training industry is expected to grow to market values over £670 million by the end of 2021.

You do need to be qualified and have the necessary credentials for this position, which you can read more about here.

You can set yourself up as an at-home agency and connect other PTs with clients for a finders fee.

There is a demand for personal trainers in the UK, confirming that this is one idea earmarked with profit potential.

86. Telephone Answering Service

The telephone answering service market is worth an estimated £3 billion.

The stress from the pandemic and the reopening of the economy has created additional challenges for business owners. 

Many of their staff continue to work from home, disrupting the ebb and flow of daily business interactions.

cartoon of a woman with a headset and tasks icons around her head

With lifts in lockdown and a resurgence of the economy, this is the ideal time to consider starting a telephone answering service business.

Answering services are outsourced specialists whose role is to take messages, act on behalf of the business, and implement processes in real-time. 

Telephone answering service providers should be skilled in the following areas:


Experience working with clients from numerous industries.


Articulate with clear annunciation.


Efficient and able to work well under pressure.

Consider starting a company to assist business owners scrambling to iron out logistics of their daily routines and ensure that no calls from potential clients are missed.

 Several competitors are outlined in this post.

Take a look and offer better or niche-specific solutions to carve out a place for yourself with this highly lucrative business opportunity.

This article offers advice on starting your own business and being successful with this suggestion.

Software Solutions

image of a man filling out a survey

Businesses and individuals continue to rely heavily on electronic devices and automated software solutions to conduct their everyday lives.

Worth over £33 billion, the software development industry has seen a CAGR of 7.6% in the last five years.

The industry is made up of folks who create, test and modify various systems and application software.

Technological advancements will continue to drive the market and create an increased demand for those with the skills and tech-savvy ability to address a multitude of services.

Below are some of the top profitable UK small business ideas in the software application and development industry that promise to be advantageous and see tremendous growth.

87. Cloud Hosting Reseller

Remote working has propelled cloud hosting to colossal levels, and the market is expected to experience annual growth of 19% by the end of 2021.

Businesses looking to be digital leaders in their industry will need to leap to cloud hosting platforms for conferencing, messaging, and telephony.

There is a skills crisis in the UK. 

Many individuals lack the technical and digital skills to handle the influx of demand and effectively implement cloud hosting services for people and business owners.

If you have the talent, then building a cloud hosting reseller agency is sure to generate substantial cash flow and bring in numbers like this:

  • The public cloud computing market is forecast to exceed USD 330 billion by the end of 2020.

  • One-third of UK businesses' IT budget is spent on cloud services.
  • Hybrid cloud enactment is 58%.

If you need some additional convincing take a look at some of these stats as charted in this post.

The top complaints from business owners reluctant to embrace cloud hosting are privacy, security, and limited training options for staff.

Your business could offer training and support to supplement your product, putting you in a position to provide a service that many of the competition may not offer.

This American based article outlines specific details on how to start a cloud hosting reseller business that is also applicable in the UK.

88. Chatbot Agency

Brits understand the importance of AI, and chatbots are at the top of the list.

This article advises that 57% of people residing in the UK know what a chatbot is and appreciate the 'instantaneity' they provide.

Chatbots are the perfect complement to digital marketing services and can generate significant revenues for businesses willing to include them on their website.

cartoon of a man talking to a chat bot

An easy upsell, chatbots are inexpensive and relatively simple to build and learn.

You could start an agency selling chatbots to business owners and include support and online training to set yourself apart from the competition.

Chatbots are what the British consumer rely on when they are looking for quick solutions to contacting businesses or purchasing goods and services online.

Chatbots offer four distinct features, including:

  • Engage potential consumers 24/7
  • Acknowledge the needs of the person
  • Provide a solution
  • Collect data

This article outlines how to start a chatbot agency, which will prove to be both profitable and scalable.

89. CRM System Provider

Customer relationship management-referred to as CRM-sells software and applicable platforms to manage interactions between business owners and their potential consumers.

The CRM market is worth approximately £903 million in the UK and has experienced staggering growth with a CAGR of 56.5% during the last five years.

CRM's popularity will only continue to rise as companies increase their dependency on accessibility and real-time data using mobile and cloud solutions.

Automated and more personalized, CRM enhances the dynamics between clients and business owners.

image of a subscription model

It also offers a host of benefits, including better customer service and marketing techniques.

The field is becoming progressively more competitive, so you need to come up with an angle if you want to be profitable with this business venture.

CRM system providers that offer in-house consultations, sales, and marketing personalization and training will become the UK expectation.

Consider offering instruction on AI, mobile, or cloud computing to really drive an edge over your competitors.

The statistics in this publication confirm that if you can iron out the logistics, creating a CRM service will result in impressive ROIs.

90. Software Development Company

SaaS was mentioned earlier in this post, but software development is a different ball of wax.

Instead of renting software as a service, consider developing, selling, and implementing software for business owners and including additional online tech and user support.

Valued at over USD 500 billion globally, the software development industry is slated to experience an annual growth rate of 21% from 2018-2028.

Selling and implementing software is a competitive industry, so think outside the box.

Offer a free trial period, subscription options, or customized solutions for business owners, and present your product as unique.

Add support and maintenance to fully capitalize on what has the potential to be one of the top profitable and successful UK small business ideas.

This article is a wee bit dated but offers some excellent insight on how to start a software development company.

91. APP Design & Development

The APP development industry is a blended effort of developers, writers, designers, and testers of mobile applications.

Worth an estimated Â£13 billion in the UK, over 79% of adults own a smartphone, and 72% have 4G mobile connections as per this post.

Smartphones continue to dominate the market, which has resulted in a significant expansion in the APP development market.

With expansion comes opportunity.

If you have the skills, consider building an agency to design and develop APPs.

You need to be tech-savvy, analytical, and able to perform meticulous research and design details to be an APP developer.

cartoon of people building an app

But if you can check off the boxes, you stand to earn generous compensation for your efforts.

Augmented reality and niche-specific specialized software would be the best way to capitalize on an increasingly competitive industry with some of the current APP trends including fitness, COVID-tracking, and video conferencing.

Offer better or different from your competitors, and your expertise will not only be in high-demand but, if executed correctly, will procure substantial profit margins.

Online Enhancements

cartoon of men with megaphones generating leads

Broadband speeds are getting faster and faster, and 5G is here to stay.

As a result, UK business owners are becoming increasingly aware of the need to shift to online options to grow their consumer base.

88% of businesses with ten or more employees currently utilize online and social media platforms to inform, educate, and share product updates with users.

 As a result of the pandemic, this number has seen rapid expansion and is sure to experience continued growth.

Outsourcing options for UK business owners will not only become more common but have the potential to be a highly lucrative entrepreneurial opportunity.

Here are a few of the top profitable and successful small business ideas UK in the online world that promise profitability and are sure to see continued demand.

92. Web Design & Development

Web design and development includes activities like building websites, coding, optimizing, and analytics.

Currently, the UK's web design service industry is valued at Â£564.3 million and expected to grow 4.6% by the end of 2021. 

As more Brits utilize the internet and smartphone or mobile options, business owners are feeling the pressure to create an online presence to gain exposure and potential customers.

Specialization is key in this market.

image of web design sign

Think niche-specific augmentation and more behind the scenes offerings like SEO/SEM and real-time communication products to differentiate your brand from that of your competitors.

Create an agency and outsource numerous areas of mastery to business owners currently in need of a website build or an overhaul on their existing model to maximize profit potential and generate a substantial client base.

This post offers some interesting stats about the web design and development industry that you may find interesting when building your brand.

93. Social Media Manager

There are at least 45 million social media users in the UK.

That's 67% of the British population.

Thirty-nine million of those Brits are mobile users.

The UK is a mobile-first nation.

Businesses hoping to gain an edge with social media will need a social media manager to ensure that their campaigns meet the preference of the masses.

There is no more prominent digital player for business engagement than social media which boasts three primary elements:

Promotes purchases and customer reviews.

Connects consumers and links business owners with potential clients.

Offers online interactions for consumers.

Build a social media management business where you can offer a plethora of service options, packages, and prices to business owners.

Establish brand recognition and create a reputation for the best in the biz, and you are sure to secure hefty payouts with this top UK small business idea.

This publication offers a compilation of global social media stats, demographics, and usage of social networking platforms.

94. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing in the UK has grown "from strength to strength" as per this post.

Recognized as a world leader, digital marketing is expected to reach £3.72 billion in the UK by the end of 2021 with a growth rate of 15%.

Driven by digital video spend, digital marketing allows UK business owners to shape their online presence and shift gears in spending and strategy.

cartoon of a man with a megaphone filled with digital marketing icons

Most business owners rely on a digital marketing agency's skills to handle the campaigns.

If you can offer trackable systems that drive sales and hone in on the identified target market, you can advertise your results and achieve substantial payment.

Business owners want tangible proof-more sales-higher traffic-whatever the focus was-so it is your job to over-deliver, create value upfront, and produce 'more juice for the squeeze.'

Check out this article outlining the benefits of digital marketing and why this is such an advantageous opportunity.

95. Graphic Designer

With the advancement of digitalization comes a heightened need for graphic designers to assist businesses to survive and thrive and convey detailed descriptions and brand recognition.

The graphic design industry in the UK is worth an estimated £3 billion

There is no question that it will continue to grow as more businesses turn to online options to generate brand awareness and stimulate sales.

Graphic designers that specialize in advertising solutions and integrations with websites and mobile-friendly platforms will continue to be sought after.

Consider starting an agency that specializes in certain aspects of graphic design.

Things like:

Visual communication to clarify information to consumers and a company's visual identity online.

Advertising and corporate branding techniques.

Print media and web design.

Marketing campaigns.

This article offers specifics on how to become a graphic designer in the UK.

If you have the creative skills and the ability to sell yourself and your expertise, you will see substantial ROI's with this suggestion.

96. Freelancer

There are currently over two million freelancers in the UK, and with a market equating to roughly £125 billion, their skills are in high demand.

As the world leans more on a digital presence, the need for freelancers to fill gaps in daily business activities will only continue to grow.

This article outlines the most sought after freelance positions, including web design and development, copywriting, and graphic designers.

We live in a time that appears to have created the perfect environment for remote and freelance positions.

image of faces talking on a computer screen

With unlimited video conferencing and file-sharing technology, it has never been easier to secure a substantial income with freelancing.

Of course, there are the usual suspects when it comes to existing freelance platforms.

Think Upwork,, and People per Hour as outlined in this post.

However, you could create your own freelance interface and connect workers with potential employers for a fee or skim a percentage of sales to monetize this concept fully.

Offer a quicker turn-around, better price points, or specialized skills to create a niche for yourself.

Establish a reputation and clear brand, and you are sure to achieve financial success with this top profitable and successful UK small business idea.

97. Copywriter

There continues to be a high demand for copywriters in the UK-specifically web and social media copy.

If you have a gilded pen, then you can charge hourly rates from £35-£150 or day rates for more significant projects between £250-£1,000+.

Price depends on the job and your level of expertise as per this post.

The all-powerful Google expects unique and keyword-rich copy that also includes SEO and topical relevance.

You can check out this published article courtesy of Google to get a better idea of what they're after and the relevance copy plays in ranking websites.

Establish yourself and your agency as gurus, and you are sure to create a highly lucrative business with this idea.

98. Digital Media & Content Production

Copywriting isn't the only way to engage and captivate an online audience.

Video-specifically YouTube-podcasts, and webinars generate substantial traffic and allow business owners to utilize every available channel to generate customers and potential sales.

Video and social media are like peas and carrots. 

cartoon of a giant video camera and people around it

Popularity will only continue to increase, confirming that digital media content is one of the best ways for business owners to establish themselves online.

Take a look at these stats as outlined in this post:

  • Video is the second most-used style of content on social media for increasing engagement.

  • 88% of video marketers are utilizing YouTube or plan to soon.

  • 93% of labels generate new clients as a result of posting video content on social media platforms.

Build an agency specializing in digital media and video content and offer your prowess to business owners looking to climb the digital ranks.

By offering content services and digital media production, you will set yourself apart from digital marketers who have not yet embraced this brilliant strategy.

 Build your empire, and you are sure to snag lofty returns with this UK small business idea, as further evidenced in this publication.

99. SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is THE way to rank websites and improve search engine rankings.

Without an SEO strategy, even the best on-site optimized webpage will not generate the traffic business owners crave.

An elusive and ever-changing landscape, SEO is often outsourced to professionals who have a better understanding of Google's nuances and changing algorithms.

Digital marketing strategies that drive results with the evidence to prove their talents are highly sought after by UK business owners.

If you have the skillset, hire a team, build an SEO company and offer your expertise to those in need of online assistance.

Check out this article that does an excellent job outlining price points for SEO in the UK.

Quality SEO comes at a price, so know your worth to ensure financial success with this suggestion.

100. Reputation Management

Never underestimate the power of an online reputation.

Reputation management is pivotal for business success.

Not only does it build and retain consumer trust, but it fosters positive sentiment among current and potential clients.

People are looking for a transparent and honest business to meet their needs for goods and services, and COVID-19 has compounded this expectation.

image of stars on google

If business owners cannot effectively manage reviews and engage customers, they look for outsourcing options in the way of a reputation manager.

Build a business or establish yourself as an expert in reputation management and explain why business owners need your skills.

You can tell them things like:

  • 85% of consumers perform online research before they buy.

  • 89% of consumers trust online reviews and will often be the deal-breaker.

  • 72% of buyers trust online reviews as much as they do word of mouth recommendations.

This article offers additional statistics that confirm the need for reputation management.

Revered reputation management companies can charge anywhere from £1,500 up to £5,000 per month as per this post.

This suggestion will not only be highly advantageous financially but will offer a viable solution for UK companies wanting to maintain or establish consumer trust.

Earn $$$ Online Ventures

vector of people shopping online

The UK-like other countries around the globe-were forced into lockdown for what felt like an eternity due to COVID-19.

Brits took matters into their own hands and utilized their online expertise to become shoppers, fitness fanatics, embrace education avenues or learn a new skill to get through the stress of an economy and a country in the throes of a situation like none seen before.

Online retail and opportunities to earn cash were already a massive market ripe with potential and variety, but in June 2020, internet retail in the UK hit an unparalleled  Â£2.34 billion.

The writing is on the wall.

There is money to be made online-and a lot of it.

Here are some of the number one ways to earn substantial profits with the internet.

Suggestions that are without question some of the top profitable and successful small business ideas UK.

101. Affiliate Marketing

British consumers clearly cannot get enough affiliate banners, text ads, and promos as the affiliate marketing industry soars to new heights above £510 million.

With an 8.4% growth in 2021, affiliate marketing continues to see spending increases of 10% every year as per this post.

An achievement-focused marketing strategy, business owners employ affiliates to market their products or services and pay a commission rate on all sales procured.

The name of the game with affiliate marketing is brand recognition, consumer engagement, and increased sales.

cartoon of two men shaking hands after a business deal

With measurable growth, trackable algorithms to monitor spending, and low (cost per action) CPA options, affiliate marketing is one of the most potent marketing strategies for business owners and can result in hefty payouts to affiliates.

If you are new to affiliate marketing or want to learn more about how to effectively implement this strategy to secure monetary success, take a read through this article I published walking you through the process step by step.

Hook up with some of the best affiliate parent programs like ShareASale, Shopify Affiliate Program, and others outlined in this post.

Check out this article I recently published, outlining the top best affiliate marketing niches in 2021 to fully capitalize on this business idea.

102. E-Commerce

The UK is a highly digitalized society, so it makes good sense that Brits enjoy online shopping, but the pandemic threw e-commerce into overdrive as further evidenced in this publication.

Already the largest B2C e-commerce in Europe, 96% of the population purchases online.

Add in COVID-19 and you get a projected annual growth rate of 19% slated for 2021.

E-commerce in the UK is worth an estimated £78.9billon as per this post, suggesting that now is the ideal time to consider this top UK small business idea.

image of ecommerce sites

If you have a product or service you can sell online-get crackin.

If you don't, consider purchasing from a supplier/distributor and selling goods at a price higher than what you paid wholesale.

Check out this article I recently published if you need some ideas or some quality suppliers to help get you started.

To secure optimal success, consider the following:


Niche-selection & identified target market.


Google trends & keyword research.


Marketing strategies & ad spend.

Do your homework and understand what is driving British consumerism during these uncertain times, and you are certain to achieve profitability and scalability.

103. Digital Marketing Arbitrage/Re-seller

The bog roll crisis in the early days of COVID-19 is behind us-for now-thank god.

But the supply chain was hard hit as a result of the pandemic.

With Tesco shelves bare or often poorly stocked, there has never been a better opportunity to make money with retail arbitrage.

The premise is to locate goods or services on the web for resale instead of personal consumption, as outlined in this article.

cartoon of a discount store

Build a website and post pics and detailed descriptions of items you wish to sell for a mark up value-and voila-make some money.

Digital retail arbitrage is exceptionally competitive at the best of times, but with the current situation, you will need to be on your A-game to outmaneuver your competitors.

The key is what you choose to sell.

Use Google trends and keyword research to ascertain what Brits are looking for online and meet the demand.

This article gives an excellent overview of the lay of the land and suggestions on how to utilize this idea best to secure impressive profit margins with this top UK small business idea.

104. E-Learning

E-learning has been the saving grace for many Brits during the pandemic.

Worth an estimated USD 24.35 billion, the e-learning market is projected to see a CAGR of 12% between 2020-2024, confirming that this is the perfect time to capitalize on a growing trend.

E-learning is anything electronic that teaches a new skill or focuses on higher education.

Convenient and available to anyone in the world, the market is being driven by enhanced network connectivity, more internet users, and increased demand for online courses.

Emerging trends for e-learning in the UK, as outlined in this article include:


Mobile learning


Microlearning & Social learning


Corporate MOOCs (massive open online courses)

You can choose to create a course or program in anything that interests you.

The key is to provide informative, original, and valuable content to your audience.

The beauty of selling e-learning courses online is that it truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

Design your course, market your product, and build a client base.

Consider adding upsells like online tutelage, consulting, or 1:1 info sessions to fully capitalize on this business idea.

Check out this post for more detailed instructions on creating a digital e-learning product that sells and will generate substantial revenue.

105. IMO The Top Profitable & Successful Small Business Idea In The UK

Lead Generation

Brexit left Brits with a lot of unanswered questions and uncertainty about the future.

Then COVID-19 showed up and essentially gave people three options.

Curl up in a fetal position-run for the hills-or dive into a new skill or business opportunity and take control.


I chose to go into overdrive with my lead generation business.

What Is Lead Generation?

I built new websites following the step by step instructions outlined in this course for businesses offering essential services.

With over 400 niches to choose from in any city in any country in the world, there is no shortage of opportunity.

I ranked those websites by leveraging Google just like I was taught in this course until they were sitting at the top of the search engines.

They start bringing in leads and I sell those to business owners looking for business.

I discovered this lead gen model in 2014 after years of plodding away at a 9-5 that gave me no satisfaction and even less income.

The program itself is so easy to follow we have grans in our program making bank with lead generation.

And me? Well check out this tree site.

One of my first attempts at lead generation it's been making me $2000/month for over six years and it's only one of over 80 lead gens I've been able to rank and rent.

How Does Lead Generation Work?

Your lead gen properties are like online billboards generating consistent leads for business owners willing to pay for the work your sites provide.

You see you own these digital properties.

The leads belong to you and so do the leads.

Find a business owner hungry for opportunity and strike a deal-flat monthly fee, commission, on-call basis-whatever and watch that income come in month after month.

That my friend is passive income.

Best part is that if you set your sites up like it's shown in the training-once they're ranking they're pretty hands off.

There is no limit to how many sites you build or how much money you can make when you apply the skills taught in this program.

Just follow the steps and trust the process.

Lead gen model

Why Lead Generation Is The Best Business Model In 2021:

  • Every postal code offer multiple opportunities.
  • The market isn't saturated like other online ventures.
  • Low overhead & minimal start up costs.
  • Higher barrier to entry-this is a skill & takes hustle if you want to succeed with the business model.

You have three options.

But if you aren't ready to turn tail and run and are looking for a way to generate a semi-passive income stream from the comfort of your own home...

If you are ready to take control of your financial future...

Ready to make more money than you could ever imagine?

Then you need to consider this lead generation program.

Without question, lead gen is the top profitable and successful small business idea UK that gives you the freedom to sit in the driver's seat and take control.

There's nothing like this program on the internet.

You can look but you'll never find a course so comprehensive, so simple to follow and so focused on generating a semi-passive income stream if you are willing to put in the time and effort to do the work.

If you are curious or would like to learn more about this business model, click the link below and book a time for a call.

Well there you have it.

105 top profitable and successful small business ideas UK and hopefully have given you some suggestions on strategies moving forward.

This list is comprehensive, but it is by no means exhaustive.

Have a small business idea that isn't listed? Leave it in the comments, please, and let's see how big we can grow this thing.

Follow Me
Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2025, is to build your own lead generation business.

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    1. Hi Halle-glad you enjoyed the article. Did you have a fave idea? Thanks for taking the time to comment-appreciate it.

  1. You can look but you'll never find a course so comprehensive, so simple to follow and so focused on generating a semi-passive income stream if you are willing to put in the time and effort to do the work. Yes its true.
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