Here are 7 complaints that are made about the Wealthy Affiliate program.
No course is perfect, and because of that, there will always be someone to complain about something.
Are these complaints legitimate?
Let's find out.
1. Poor Advice
In the lesson about choosing a niche, you're taught that there is no wrong niche to choose.

Kyle has a point when he says that you need to find a niche that you like. But to say that there isn't a wrong one and that you can create a lucrative business with any niche is false.
That would imply that you could be lucrative if you chose the "wheelchair rockets for Canadian veterans" niche. No, you would not get rich.
Of course, if you're going to write content and choose products to promote, like the niche you're in or else it will feel like work. But choosing the wrong niche is a possibility if you don't do enough solid due diligence beforehand.
2. Ambassadors Not Providing Much Value
The top 25 ranked Wealthy Affiliate members are called ambassadors.

Where you rank depends on your contribution to the community. Members can improve their ranking by posting messages and comments. In one case, a member could rank in the top 15 in just one year because of her engagement alone.

It surprised her to have receive ambassador status. But, where were her success stories? There weren't any. Wouldn't it be better to receive help and guidance from someone who was actually very successful with affiliate marketing?
The entire system of having ambassadors on Wealthy Affiliate ruin the image of the platform and can discourage other members from being active or succeeding.
3. Lack of SEO Training
This is clear when you come across the section where Kyle is talking about how you can create readable content. As he lays out the content, he says that using an H1 tag (Heading 1) is too big for a new section and goes with an H3 or H4.

This clearly shows that he doesn't know the importance of those tags.
If you know anything about SEO, you know their importance and you also know that you can change the size of those tags.
Also, when you come across the SEO section of the course, you'll see that there's only under 700 words and a 15 minute video explaining SEO. That's not enough training if you really want to dominate the search engines.
To gain access to more SEO training, you need to become a Premium Plus member even though at the bottom of this lesson it says you need to only be a Premium member. They are omitting a word.

4. Too Much Written Material, Not Enough Videos
Most of the content within this course is all written. It can feel overwhelming for a beginner once they click into each lesson. There are few videos in each lesson but, it would be easier to digest the content if it were in video format.
According to Business Insider, there were 244.4 million people watching digital videos in the US. Everyone is on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram watching endless hours of video content.
The Wealthy Affiliate crew dropped the ball on this one.
5. Unorganized & Contradicting Content
In the Affiliate Bootcamp section of the course, there are 10 lessons in Phase 6 that are all about how to run ads on Bing and Yahoo. What stands out is that they teach you PPC (Pay Per Click) ads on those platforms but not on Google because they say it's the most difficult to work with. They most likely say that because their SEO training isn't up to par.
Google is the most important search engine so don't ignore it.

It can make you wonder if the course creators are trying to limit the competition on Google for their own benefit.
A part of the course that is contradictory and a waste of time is that they encourage you to use Google Adsense in Lesson 7 of Level 3 (Making Money). They show you how to create your account and get started but in the next lesson; they tell you it's more effective for you to do affiliate marketing without Adsense.

This communicates to me that the course creators were not on the same page when they created the course.
6. Wealthy Affiliate Dashboard Is Too Cluttered
When you first glance upon the Wealthy Affiliate dashboard, you'll notice how crowded and confusing it is.

There are blog posts, your ranking, statistics, revenue and more. Also, at the top of this main page, you have the navigation panel. Next to that, there's another navigation panel with more options to choose from where you can manage other sections of your profile.
7. No Phone Number For Support
If you need help at any point, there's no phone number for you to call. That doesn't mean that you can't get help.
For any help and support, you're at least able to reach out to the Wealthy Affiliate team in the Help Center in various ways.

The complaints in this article are more than just surface level. They are serious issues that the course creators should address immediately.
Surprisingly, there weren't many complaints about the Wealthy Affiliate compensation plan. Wealthy Affiliate success stories prove you can still make money if you join.
If you'd like to see what other affiliate programs offer, we've made a Wealthy Affiliate alternatives page.
Alternative to Affiliate Marketing
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