These are some of the top students in Wealthy Affiliate. Sometimes learning from other students is the best way to learn.
We did the research to find as much juicy details as possible. What was their key to success? What were the stumbling blocks? How long did it take?
We have continually kept our Wealthy Affiliate Review up to date and these success stories are no different.
Sure there's some Wealthy Affiliate complaints on the internet, but once you get inside the platform, you will also find some success stories. Here are the best success stories we found.
1. Bryon - $40,000 In One Weekend

Bryon is a Wealthy Affiliate member who joined in 2012 and after 2 years in the program, became full-time in affiliate marketing.
Aside from previously posting a blog about going from $0 to $10,000 in commission, Bryon made $40,000 in sales during a Black Friday weekend.
He rarely did Black Friday promotions, but he put a simple offer together in November 2016. As a result, he made 14 sales, which was good for around $9K in revenue. This was all done in only the first 40 minutes of his email campaign being sent out.
Over that entire weekend, Bryon made 55 sales good for just under $40,000 in revenue. Although he didn't mention what product he was promoting, Black Friday means it was a physical product, and it was most likely an affiliate offer for Amazon.
Clearly, it was worth the time and effort for Bryon to get some of that Black Friday action. He credits this success to the fact that he could build up his authority in the years prior to this weekend.
2. Eddie - $116,000 In 3-Month Span

Eddie was introduced to affiliate marketing in 2015 but initially didn't give it his all because he had started a new project in the business. By 2018, he got back into affiliate marketing.
In this post, Eddie mentions that his goal for the 3-month span of October to December in 2020 was to bring in $200K in revenue for the business he was working for. Though he came up short on his goal ($116K), he credits the success he had to the goal he set for himself. By setting it, he could stretch his talent enough and work hard to reach that goal even if he didn't get to it.
He was clearly on a mission to succeed no matter what and did.
3. Nathaniell Brenes - 9 Year Anniversary & a $30K Sale

Nathaniell started making money online while living in China and joined Wealthy Affiliate 12 years ago. He's the creator of a popular blog article that is focused on helping people make money from blogging.
At the time of sharing this testimonial, Nathaniell was 9 years into his affiliate marketing career and had sold the oldest website he created 9 months prior. This was a site that had at one point earned him over $12K in just one month alone.
Sales from this site eventually leveled out and earned him a consistent $1,200 per month. Clearly a drastic change from the $12K he'd earned. The point of focus here is the fact that he sold his site for $30K. That is proof of what's possible with this business model.
4. Grace - $100K in 4 Years

Grace, AKA, "littlemama" joined the program in 2016 and her success has earned her the title of Super Affiliate.
On her 4 year anniversary in Wealthy Affiliate, she had reached over $100K in commissions.
The main thing that Grace emphasizes is how she went at her own pace. This is an excellent lesson to keep in mind. There's nothing wrong with going at your own pace but you must remain disciplined and consistent to reap the benefits. You must always make progress no matter what.
5. Cristina - $4K In One Day

Cristina has been a member ever since she discovered Wealthy Affiliate in 2019.
Her product was cheap, there was plenty of demand and only available for purchase on Amazon.
Therefore, she made $4K in revenue in just one day! That's the type of money that many people never see in one month of work. This is a glorious reminder of the importance of doing due diligence whenever getting into any business model or deal.
When you do good market/product research, you're putting yourself in the best position to succeed. Your research might also let you know if you shouldn't go forward with a deal or business model.
Moral of the story, excellent research goes a long way.
6. Phyrb - $6,800 In Commission (One Month)

Russell joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2017 and found that there were good affiliate commissions to be earned by promoting stock trading products.
He shared his best month ever in this post. Those earnings are from 4 different affiliate programs, with the majority coming from a stock trading, educational program.
This type of commission made Russell want to focus on high quality, high ticket affiliate programs. He noticed that this type of success is possible if you go with high paying programs that have a solid sales funnel.
7. Doug - Over $6K In Commissions

Doug became a member of WA in 2014 after having learned about it from Nathaniell Brenes' blog.
In 2016, he'd already earned almost $3K in one month as a commission for promoting digital products. He was also approved to be paid $4K in commissions for another niche related affiliate program he was a part of.
Next on his agenda was to outsource certain parts of his business to scale much faster. That should be the goal of any smart entrepreneur.
8. Eric - $4000 Per Month In First Year

Eric Cantu joined the program in 2017 and in that first year, he reached a monthly commission of $4000 all by following what they taught in the training. This obviously took time and effort to get done but he did it.

To date, he's still one of the top earners of Wealthy Affiliate. Not everyone can earn this much money when they'd like to but that doesn't mean that it's impossible to accomplish. It all comes down to what you're willing to do for it.
9. Tony - A $20,000 Day

Tony is an army veteran and truck driver who joined WA in 2015 but has been making money online since 2009. By January 2021, his sales with Wealthy Affiliate were so steady that he was making thousands of dollars per day.
In one particular day, he blew up and made $20,000. Over the years, Tony's Paypal account is proof that making money online is a real thing.

Each sale doesn't seem like a lot of money, but when you add them all up, you're talking about a big lump sum. What would that type of money do for you?
10. Crystal- Milestone Reached ($500 Per Month)

Crystal has been a member since 2014. She doesn't share what products she was selling, what we know is that it was a product on Amazon. After 4 years in WA, she hit a milestone of $1000 in commissions in two back-to-back months. It took some time for her to reach success but his was possible because she implemented a suggestion that a fellow member had given her.
Many times, it's a good idea to listen to those who are already having success because if you look hard enough, you'll see that they've already laid out what needs to be done. All you have to do is follow the clues they leave.
11. Mary - Earning Commission From Facebook Posts

In 2014, Mary joined Wealthy Affiliate also because of Nathaniell Brenes' blog. She wasn't able to be as busy as other members were because of an illness. She isn't a Facebook guru at all but could still make some kind of commission all with a couple of FB posts.

Only half of these people promoted WA as an affiliate, the other half promoted Amazon products & other things. You should definitely check out our full review of Wealthy Affiliate for more in-depth look at what's inside this program, we also created a Wealthy Affiliate Alternatives page where we compare and contrast WA with other affiliate programs.