Robert Nikic’s Why Unified Review: Is Dropshipping Branded Consumable Products Profitable?

June 21, 2024

Why Unified is a platform by Robert Nikic that provides marketing and automation services and done-for-you dropshipping business on marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay. You get to pick your store niche and sales channels and Why Unified will handle the rest for you, from store product sourcing and fulfillment to marketing and customer support. For a monthly subscription fee, you keep 100% of the profits. Why Unified previously offered 3 separate services which are advertising, funnels, and done-for-you dropshipping. All services are now bundled into a customizable all-in-one dropshipping store management service.

Why Unified reviews from clients are mixed. They have a 4.1/5 score on Trustpilot, with all verified reviews being negative, and a 3.26/5 on BBB with only 1 out of 9 complaints resolved. Reddit users who claim to be clients of Why Unified have mostly given positive feedback.

It is widely estimated that 90% of dropshippers fail. Major ecommerce platforms have banned or severely limited dropshipping. Why Unified claims it has a solution that can make you one of the successful 10% dropshippers. In this Why Unified review, you will learn what Why Unified strategy is, how to get started and what you get, if clients are successful, and if it has what it takes to bring you success.

Robert Nikic’s Why Unified Review: Pros and Cons


Provides access to popular brand-name products.

All-in-one full service from store creation to marketing and customer service.

Why Unified's centralized dropshipping system removes the risks of your store getting band on marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart.


Limited to 10 store niches to choose from.

No call support. Email and chat only.

Highly dependent on advertising, which can be costly for the client.

There are no earning guarantees. If your store doesn't make profits, you will just have to take a loss.


Why Unified costs as low as $689 per month for the done-for-you automated dropshipping store. Pricing will depend on your customizable subscription plan. This does not include the costs of the products and marketing.

Refund Policy

No refunds if the Marketing Plan Approval Agreement has already been executed.




Mixed reviews from clients.

September 11, 2024

I’m so confused. I have been with them for 9 months . Bought 4 stores at 10k a piece. Haven’t made even 3k in sales. But, they fix any issue my stores have I just don’t understand . But, they told me they could make 400k in a year and if they don’t make what I spent they will give me a refund at the end of the year. Well, it’s looking like a refund is near , but what if they don’t have the money to give me my refund ??? I’m broke right now about to have to sell my house. I had complete faith in them and they let me down .

Kelly Klaus
August 8, 2024

This company is a scam

June 21, 2024

Took more time than expected to get everything up and running. So far so good, been earning a little profit with about 10 products. Can’t say it’s worth it for now… Will see how it goes when more products are added.


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)

Is Dropshipping Branded Consumable Products Profitable?

Dropshipping branded consumable products is unlikely to be profitable unless you have considered several factors, such as having the right business connections, have built a good customer base, invest a lot in effective marketing, and more. Why Unified specializes in dropshipping branded consumable products at prices below retail. Consumable products lead to repeat purchases and creates customer loyalty better than non-consumable products. Why Unified has access to low-priced gated consumable products like dietary supplements, skin care products, and pet supplies.

How Does Why Unified Help You Be Profitable?

The biggest marketplaces have brand gating which restricts most merchants from selling branded products. Subscribing to Why Unified gives you access to permission to sell these gated branded products on these platforms as they are a trusted company. Why Unified uses tools, such as Jungle Scout, to get accurate estimates of sales volume, competition, and profitability. Tools like these use a combination of web scraping, machine learning, and human experts to provide up-to-date data. In addition, Why Unified also supplements this with data analyzed from their stores and sales channels to provide additional information and recommendation. They also have a team of experts that monitor trends. Why Unified also keeps your store from being suspended.

How Does Why Unified Help You Avoid Suspension?

To avoid account suspensions, Why Unified follows Amazon and Walmart’s guidelines for dropshipping. On Amazon, Merchant has to have a professional selling account, list items only in categories approved by Amazon, guarantee that product will be shipped in 2 business days, ensure the sellers address is on the return package slip, and be responsible for customer service inquiries and returns. On Walmart, merchants have to have a Walmart marketplace account, sell products only that are in inventory, guarantee that product will be shipped in 2 business days, provide accurate tracking on each order, and be responsible for customer service inquiries and returns. Why Unified ensures all these requirements are met.

How Do You Get Started With Why Unified?

Getting started with Why Unified is a 3-step process. You sign up by selecting your store niche and sales channels, then you will be given a subscription plan based on your selection. When you buy a subscription plan, it will take a couple of days before you receive your marketing plan. This is where the risk-free part ends. Once you approve your marketing plan, you can no longer refund what you paid for. You expect your store to make sales within 2 weeks of launch.

why unified review

Step 1: Choosing Your Store

Picking a store is a matter of which niche you want to focus on and the profitability of the products under that store. Why Unified offers ten different store options to choose from.

Store Types

  • Personal Care Store
  • Snack Store
  • Coffee Store
  • Trendy Store
  • White Label Supplements
  • Beauty Store
  • Pet Store
  • Baby Sock Store
  • Baby Swaddle Store
  • General Store
why unified review

Step 2: Choose Your Sales Channels

Why Unified gives you 9 sales channels to choose from, allowing you to target the right audience and expand your store’s reach. You can opt to add or remove sales channels on demand, giving you flexibility as your store grows.

Sales Channels

  • Amazon
  • Walmart
  • eBay
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • TikTok Ads
  • Amazon Prime
  • Google Ads
  • Google Search
why unified review

Step 3: Choose You Subscription Plan

After choosing your store and preferred sales channels, Why Unified will offer suggestions on the best subscription plan that fits your business goals. You will get the subscription plan via SMS or through a scheduled call if you want to discuss more. They’ll leverage their advertising specialties to drive exposure to your store and write captivating product descriptions for the target consumer.

What Do You Get With Why Unified?

Upon subscribing, Why Unified will assign a personal account manager to oversee your dropshipping store. You’ll receive real-time predictions on product performance and the team will continuously optimize your store for maximum visibility. The following is a list of what you get with a subscription.

  • Branded Store
  • Professional Logo
  • Licensed Suppliers
  • Product Photography
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Customer Service
  • Verified Sales Estimates
  • No Fees Per Sale
  • Marketing Dashboard
  • Secure Hosting
  • Domain Name
  • Real-Time Optimization
  • Real-Time Team Updates
  • Real-Time Predictions

Why Unified Reviews

There are plenty of subscriber reviews that claim they made money with Why Unified. Besides the handful of testimonial videos on the Why Unified website, clients have posted on Trustpilot, BBB, and Reddit. Reviews on Trustpilot and BBB are mostly negative, while reviews on Reddit are mostly positive. Most of these reviews cannot be verified, so take them with a grain of salt.

Why Unified Trustpilot Reviews

Why Unified has a 4.1 rating with 273 reviews. There are only 7 verified reviews and all are negative. The reviews all mostly complain about the lack of performance with the stores and the lack of accountability from the company and its representatives. Why Unified has only replied to 4 of these reviews with no resolution achieved.

Why Unified BBB Reviews

Why Unified has a 3.26 score out of 38 reviews. Negative reviews talk about the lack of store performance, increasing ad spending, and lack of support from Why Unified. Positive reviews mention the great customer service, with some giving a shout out to their assigned representative, and the good performance of their store. Unfortunately, all the positive reviews and most of the negative reviews lack any real-world examples, such as how much money was made or lost, sales figures, KPIs, etc. There are also 9 complaints filed, with only 1 of them being resolved.

Why Unified Reddit Reviews

In a Reddit thread that asked about people’s experience with Why Unified, most of the replies from those who claim to be clients were positive. Most of the post were short and talk about how there are times where you make profit and times where you don’t, but overall the service is legit.

Who Is Robert Nikic?

why unified review

Robert Nikic is the CEO of Why Unified and is one of the fastest-rising entrepreneurs in e-commerce. Hailing from Tampa, Florida, Robert made groundbreaking strides in dropshipping by providing an all-in-one solution for aspiring dropshippers. Why Unified is No.418 on the Forbes Inc. 5000 in 2023.

Robert Nikic is an official member of the Forbes Agency Council and the Fast Company Executive Board, both roles signifying his visionary leadership. Today, Robert Nikic leads his company Why Unified, turning it into a dropshipping powerhouse, all while setting industry benchmarks. Robert is dubbed as “The World’s Number 1 Dropshipper” by Entrepreneur Magazine, has been featured in several publications, such as Guardian, and ABC News, and featured in several TV interviews with NBC, Bloom, and more.

why unified review

What Is Robert Nikic's Claim?

Robert Nikic and Why Unified doesn’t actually make any claims or make any promises. They explicitly state that there is no guarantee that you will get any results at all. Even Robert Nikic himself says that dropshipping is not as easy as it appears to be. So just how likely are you to make real money with Why Unified?

Why You Are More Likely To Fail

Why Unified has over 20,000 subscribers with only a few thousands seeing success while even fewer achieving 6-7 figure stores. Therefore, you are taking a gamble by investing in their services. Ecommerce does not create consistent income. Some days you will make sales, some days you will break even or even lose. Competition is a big barrier to success and beating your competition means you need to invest a lot in marketing in order to increase your store's visibility. As mentioned in many of the customer complaints about Why Unified, they lost a lot of money because of the increasing ad spend. Even the successful ones mention that it is slow for the first few months and you will most likely have a negative income.

Why Unified has 10 niches and only pick the best-selling products that are currently trending. This means that your store will even compete with other clients who pick the same store type and sales channels. To sum it up, success with Why Unified depends on variables like your store type, product trends, season, ad spending, who Why Unified assigns to your store, and more. It will take a few months of growing your store and spending on ads before you see profit, if any at all.

Is Dropshipping Worth It in 2024?

Dropshipping is one of the high-risk online businesses in 2024. Major ecommerce platforms have banned or severely limited dropshippers because of the poor practices of some earlier dropshippers. As the typical dropshipper doesn't keep inventory and only orders once the sale is made, delivery could take longer than expected. Many dropshippers also order from overseas to increase profits, which leads to long shipping times. Unreliable suppliers can also lead to delayed shipping, customer complaints, and order returns. As you are selling brands that already exist, you will need to compete with other sellers, and sometimes, the manufacture themselves.

Even if done-for-you automated dropshipping services like Why Unified can help you source products, keep inventory, provide customer service, keep your store from being suspended, etc., you still have a high risk as you will be spending for their services besides your ever-increasing ad spending. These are just some reasons 90% of dropshippers fail.

Create Sustainable Passive Income With Local Lead Generation

Local lead generation is a low-risk passive income business model that you can start with as low as $500 in initial investment. Unlike dropshipping where you will need to spend on marketing, products, and other fees, you only spend about $30 a month maintaining a local lead generation business. You don't have to deal with customers, refunds, suppliers, or how many sales you make. Local lead generation creates predictable passive income by creating and ranking a website on Google, then renting it out to local businesses.


A tree care site of mine has been earning me $2,000 a month of passive income since I launched it in 2015. Since it’s ranked on the top of Google, people who search for tree service in grand rapids see my site first. This brings the business a lot of leads and I get paid every month as rent. The great thing about local lead generation business is that there is no limit to as how far you can scale. You simply need to repeat the rank and rent process. Each site can earn you up to $2,000 a month hands-free. Having multiple sites bringing you passive income makes local lead generation the best business to create time and financial freedom with.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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