In The Wing Girl Method program by Marni Kinrys, you learn all the lessons that Marni has learned in her over 10 years of being a wing girl and helping men become confident when interacting with women. In this Wing Girl Method review, we'll go over what she teaches, if it's legit, and how the popular local lead generation business model can help change your life like it did mine in all areas of my life, including with women.
Who Is Marni Kinrys?

This "ultimate wing girl" is a Toronto-born, self-taught, relationship coach and author who lives in Los Angeles, California and who got a BA in psychology from the University of Ontario.
Her comfort around guys allowed her to see time and time again how her guy friends failed miserably at trying to pick up women.
That's why she decided to do something about it.
Ever since she was 23, she's been very active coaching men and helping them have success with women.
At a PUA (Pick Up Artist) Summit in California, she was named the World's Best Female Pick-Up Artist and in 2010, was awarded the World's Best Wing Girl.
Her advice has helped thousands of men and she's still going strong posting content on YouTube where she has a following of over 771K subscribers.
There's no way her advice is worthless if she has a strong following of men.
Let's see what this course is all about and what you'll learn.
3 Biggest Attraction Killers According To Marni Kinrys

Lack of Certainty: Marni explains that nice guys often let their insecurities overcome them. It shows when a man hesitates to ask a woman's number or doubt their choices when planning a date. Women prefer confident men who are assertive in making decisions over men who are always second-guessing themselves.
Lack of Leadership: Men who don't take initiative or lead interactions is an attraction killer. She points out that women are attracted to leadership and decisiveness.
Playing It Safe: According to Marni, men who always play it safe is an attraction killer. She said men who avoid getting flirtatious are likely to get themselves in the "friend zone", whereas men who assert sexual tension attract women.
What's not mentioned in the video: According to IBIS World, the dating industry is already worth $4.4 billion. The demand for dating services has increased by 3.4% in 2023.
What You'll Learn
This entire program is made up of a lot of smaller ones.
When you login to the platform, you're going to see all of the programs she offers.

The first one teaches you to Become a Man Women Want.
The lessons you'll learn in that program are...
There are also a bunch of special bonuses that she includes in this program.
Unlike most courses, these programs are a combinations of videos, audio, and PDF files.
Let's jump right in to the review.
The Wing Girl Method Review

For the introduction, she welcomes you to this program and emphasizes that this isn't a magic pill that will solve everything.
She emphasizes that you need to apply what you learn.
Her promise is that in 30 days you should already see positive results.
The first thing she has you doing, is discovering yourself.
Lesson 1: Discovering You
To get started, Marni gets you using your brain.
She has you ask yourself what it is that you actually want.
This is so you can discover yourself and learn how it is that you want women to see you.
You can't turn anyone else on, until you can turn yourself on
- Marni Kinrys
To help you figure this out, she created two guidebooks.
Her goal with these is to help you build character and confidence when it comes to women.
Confidence is definitely a big deal.
If you don't have any, you can't expect women to even give you the time of day.
The first guidebook is...
Discovering Who You Are & Where You Are Right Now
I wasn't expecting a questionnaire, to be honest.
Marni's purpose for creating this questionnaire is to help her learn more about you.
It's also going to help you learn about you.
Some of the more important questions she asks in this questionnaire are...
Important Questions...
I liked that she gets you thinking about your friends.
I'm a firm believer that who you surround yourself with matters.
If you're around negative people, it's going to rub off on you.
For example, if you're around successful business-minded people, you're more than likely to become successful too.
Ever since I became an online entrepreneur, I made sure to choose wisely who I associate with, because it matters.
Here's my crew.

This questionnaire will definitely let you take a step back and analyze yourself so you can learn what it is you want and then create a game plan to achieve it.
Next, Marni has you discovering what your values are in the next guidebook.

Again, this is another questionnaire.
This time, with 18 questions.
She states that discovering your authentic, real self is something that's going to drive women wild.
These questions went a little more in depth than the questions in the first questionnaire.
Some of the questions that stood out to me in this one were...
Questions That Stood Out To Me...
I think every person in general should ask themselves questions like these.
Identifying your personal roadblocks is a great thing to do.
Once you do so, you can then take the action necessary to overcome those and move forward in any aspect of life.
Marni then writes about why confidence in a man is so important.
She uses nature as an example.
In the wild, weakness is attacked.
Just think about impalas and gazelles that get eaten up by lions, jaguars and cheetahs.
Confidence is nature's signal that, "I'm not weak"
Marni Kinrys // Wing Girl
Confidence is shown through your body language and what you say.
Marni also mentions that Pseudo-confidence is a real thing.
Women can sense when your confidence is fake so, don't expect to get a phone number or a second date.
Marni encourages you to just be real.
Don't be a "weak gazelle" with no confidence.
In lesson one, Marni also shares some bonuses.
In the first bonus, you'll be able to listen to Marni coach a student so that he can be more confident when approaching women.
The second bonus of this lesson, Marni interviews Dr. Ben Karney from the UCLA Relationship Institute for almost an hour and they talk about many things that attract women to men.

Not only that, they talk about how to keep a woman attracted.
In the next bonus, Marni is then interviewed by Carlos Xuma who's a dating coach.
They speak on how men can be the masculine, irresistible men that women want.
Something that happens to men all too often is that they get friend-zoned.
This is a problem.
In this interview, Marni talks about how to avoid that.
Bonus #4 is another conversation Marni has, this time with Adam Gilad.

Adam is an Emmy-nominated producer, entrepreneur and best selling author who teaches about love.
Marni's next bonus is pretty good one too.
It's a recorded coaching call with a student about how to maintain his confidence and dignity even though he's unemployed.
This is some valuable info especially since COVID is the reason so many people are unemployed.
She then shares a PDF that's focused on improving your negotiation skills.
You'll Learn How To...
I think this info can be super valuable for when you talk to women but also, if you're new to business.
After all, Marni got this info from the Program of Negotiation at Harvard Law School.
You should definitely keep this PDF close to you.
Another PDF she shares is one that touches on what the 5 love languages are.

According to Marni, these love languages show that everyone feels love in different ways.
She encourages you to become well-spoken in all 5 of them so that you know how to interact with not only women, but also your family.
This can really help you to be aware of other people's feelings.
The final bonus in this lesson is all about how you can approach women with ease.
She has an entire conversation with dating coach Jon Sinn about that.
Lesson 2: Activating Your Attractive

This second lesson is all about how you can attract and entice women.
Even though the video quality is real old, Marni shares different secrets.
The first is that women want to be a man.
Sounds obvious, right?
Not really.
Truth is, so many men are acting more and more like women these days.
She also says that the top characteristics which women find attractive in men are...
- Confident
- Proactive
- Fun
Marni gives you different assignments for you to accomplish for each characteristic so that you can get comfortable and increase your levels of confidence.

For 30 days, she wants you to approach 10 people per day and strike up a convo.
She also wants you to change your routine.
This is to help new experiences and people to come into your life.
Her second assignment is for you to be proactive by joining 3 groups and do things you've never done.
That should be easy these days because there are so many ways to link up with new people such as Tinder and Meetup.

Back in the day, Craigslist was a good place to check.
Seems sketchy these days for sure but the point is, there's no excuse to not find new groups to join and meet new women.
Your third assignment is to add "fun" to your interaction with people at least twice a day.
This can be done at work, at a bar or on the street.
If you can add this type of "funny aura" around you, more women will gravitate towards you.
A playful tease can be real effective.
You won't be a pro over night, but rest assured, if you stay consistent, you'll become the man you've been hoping to be.

Marni then shares the top 11 characteristics women want in their men.
The following are the top 5 that stand out the most to me...
Women don't want a guy that's a pushover or soft.
You need to be authentic & honest.
If you can manage that, you'll have women after you more than you can imagine.
You might be thinking to yourself why Marni wants you to do all of these exercises.
There's a 10 minute audio clip where she explains why.

The whole point is that the more self improvement you do in life, the better you'll become as a man.
In this lesson, Marni also has some bonuses.
The first is another PDF about the difference between being an introvert and being shy.
What's the difference?
Introverts are born like that.
They like to stay home and enjoy quiet settings when they do go out.
Shy people on the other hand, aren't born this way.
It's all rooted in social anxiety as the PDF states.

Marni says that women can be attracted to introverted men but not shy men, because it shows no confidence.
In the next bonus, she shares an audio file of a conversation she has with Brad P, who is a dating coach.
They Talk About The Following Points:
These talking points are to help you master approaching women often and with a high success rate.
Her next bonus is another convo with Greg Greenway who's the creator of The Social Supremacy Blueprint.

This bonus will help you learn how to create your own social circle.
One that women will yearn to be a part of.
Next, Marni shares a video of when she was interviewed along with her "co-wing girl", Nina, back in 2005 at a seminar by David DeAngelo.
This video is an inside look at what women want so that you can understand how better to approach women.
Marni and Nina spend about 30 minutes giving you some pretty interesting tips.
Let's now get into what lesson 3 is all about.
Lesson 3: Approaching & Conversation
To start, Marni has you go through a manual for approaching and creating attractive conversations.
She has you understand why approaching attractive women gives men anxiety these days.

It's usually rooted in the fear of rejection.
Then, she shares different conversational starting points to help you break the ice with women.
This is good because it will help you feel like you can start a conversation about anything.
Later on in the manual, Marni also explains how to make yourself interesting to women and how you can "seal the deal".
Many guys have issues talking to women.
It happens more often than not which is why this section can be very helpful especially for young guys.
She has a video where she talks about what OSA is.

Observation, Sharing & Asking.
By keeping this in mind, you're able to get through any barrier that a woman can put up.
This method helps you to skip formalities which are awkward.
Of course, once you do strike up a conversation, you need to keep it going.
That's what Marni next touches on.
If you can't keep a conversation going, you're never going to get to where you want with a woman.
Marni also encourages you to find ways to make your life interesting.
The more you do in life, the more you'll have to talk about.
Small talk will also help you big time.
In this section, she shares an extra bonus where Bobby Rio talks about the art of small talk and how you can establish sexual intent.

In the next bonus, she emphasizes how important it is for men to listen, confirm and affirm.
In a conversation with Bill from PUA Forums, they go in depth into how exactly you can accomplish those things.
As you've already noticed, Marni has many conversations with other experts in the dating field.
She even interviewed one of her girlfriends boyfriends.
She said it's because her friend was always talking about how well her boyfriend was at communication.
marni & bill discuss...
To finish this section off, she shares an article she wrote that's focused on how to deal with the tests that women try to put men through.
Marni then shares a checklist that most guys might be interested to read.
These are signs that a woman is into you.
She gives you scenarios and explains what each one means.
Keep these close to you and study them if you feel like you need to learn about how to understand these female signs.
That's not the only checklist she gives you.
She shares 5 more to help you stay on top of your progress.
These will walk you through key items that will help you remember what you need to do before you make your next move when dealing with women.
Obviously, you choose how you move.
These are just a helpful guide.
Now, let's say you've gotten to the point where you can finally approach women.
You don't feel that nervous talking with them.
But, you want to get more intimate.
Well, Marni teaches how in an audio recording she shares.
She recommends you say something bold like...

"At some point tonight, I'm going to kiss you"
Marni Kinrys ‧ Bold Recommendation
On a call with one of her students, she tells this guy to try lowering his voice, looking at both a woman's eyes, and then her lips.
This is something she says has worked so many times for men.
As Marni has done in each lesson, she finishes off with bonuses.
The first one is a video by Brad Jackson of PUMA Skills and he shares what's called, "The Hiroshima Opener".
It's a way of easily breaking the ice with women.
What he did was make a sign that said...

Then he explains to girls that are at a club or bar that he wants to make his friend "jealous" with this sign.
Obviously, girls are going to be excited to do this.
As a result, it will make women more comfortable in your presence.
This is actually pretty genius.
It might be a gimmick, but....
so what?
It's different and fun.
After all, you should be going out to have fun, right?
Finally, to end this lesson, Marni is interviewed by Thomas J. Edwards, a professional wingman, where she talks about the signals women give men and what they mean.

That guy is a real life, Hitch.
Remember, the Will Smith movie?
Well, that's what this guy does.
This 20 minute interview is basically a recap of what she shared in a previous checklist.
To conclude this program, she shares the 2 PDFs below...

These will definitely give you some great ways to flirt effortlessly.
Final Verdict
I think that there's no doubt that the Marni wing girl method program really went in-depth with it's content.
She also has so many other programs in her entire Wing Girl platform that could be useful.
If you were to invest in every single one of those, then I'm sure you'll learn plenty from the female perspective.
The information in this program was really good and I thought each of the interviews you have access to were solid.

To be honest though...
Everything I learned in this course wasn't anything that was new to me.
I agree with what Marni says when it comes to working on yourself and just being you.
Many guys do have issues with this which is why they don't do well with women.
I was doing a lot of what Marni and all of the other dating coaches taught in this program.
It felt like a re-fresher, in my opinion.
Being confident is key when you're going to talk to women.
I wasn't always a confident guy, but I eventually grew into that.
Truth be told, I don't credit superficial stuff like pick up lines to the success I've had with women.
This course just reaffirmed to me that if you want to have women after you, you need to be a high value man...
- Ippei kanehara
A man that has an interesting life.
If not, women won't be attracted to you.
This course is geared more for younger males in their 20s that really don't know or understand how women work.
How then did I make my life more interesting and, as a result, made my dating life much better?
Let me talk about what was the key for me.
How I Became Successful With Women
Over time and through different experiences, I came to the realization that women are hypergamous.
What's that?
It means that women are always looking for men that are of a higher status than they are.
Women love these type of men because they're confident.
I can attest to that.
Instead of chasing tail each and every weekend hitting up the clubs, I was working on my lead generation business at my mentor and friend's house.

As time passed and as I scaled my business, I was able to earn thousands of dollars a month.
Earning all of that money made my confidence shoot through the roof.

Nothing has given me more confidence than working on getting my money right.
Women can sense that inner confidence.
In my experience, women are more attracted to you if you do have your life together.
Even other guys tend to respect you more.
Listen to me, when your finances are in tip top shape, everything changes.
This is something all men should do.
If you're a young guy or even if you're not so young, ask yourself...
Is my money right?
If not, shift your focus and priority from women, to money.
Chasing women is a mistake.

Get yourself multiple streams of income.
Use your energy to increase your cash flow and believe me, you'll have the women coming after you.
It's all about working smarter.
Don't believe me?
Try it for yourself.
I joined the lead generation coaching program in 2014.
This was huge because I was now surrounded with other entrepreneurs whose goal is to also get money.

I put my head down, began building out my digital properties and scaling.
Seeing my income go up was amazing.
It still is.
I've been able to travel the world in style and live in a dope house.

Check out my laptop lifestyle on Instagram.
If I never prioritized my business over women, I would still be working at that auto parts counter back in Detroit, Michigan.
It sucked working for someone else's dream.
Don't get it twisted though...
I didn't get do all of this just so women could like me.
I became an entrepreneur because it has allowed me to enjoy financial freedom.
Not only that, I have time freedom.
As you can see, I'm able to go anywhere I want, at anytime with anyone.
My passion is being an entrepreneur.

No woman other than my sweet mother can bring as much value to my life as my business does.
By focusing on me first, I'm able to live my life authentically.
No need to try and be someone else.
No need to try and impress any female.
I live my life how I want.
That to me, is fulfilling.
Yea, I have a very successful dating life...
But, it's all a result of going after my financial goals, FIRST and becoming a high value man.
I stayed in the "cave" and worked hard.

I literally put chasing women on the back burner.
If you do the same, I have no doubt in my mind that you too can live your best life.
Women will be trying to qualify themselves to be a part of it.
Trust me homie...
Local lead generation was the solution to it all.
Let me show you how you can do the same with lead gen.
My Lead Generation Business Earns Me Over $50K Monthly
Yes, that's right, I make over $50K every month because of my lead generation efforts on autopilot for work I did years ago.
This is all accomplished by ranking websites on Google.
Check it out...

This is one of my over 50 sites that I've ranked on Google.
It offers limousine rental in Lansing, Michigan and pays me while I sleep.
What I love even more than making the money I do, is HOW I make it.
Like I said, I built these sites years ago.
Once they rank, there's nothing else I really need to do to them.
I just exclusively forward all of the leads that flow to my sites to local businesses looking to take on more work every month.
All I do is collect my commission and scale.

I have sites that I haven't touched since 2014!
That's what makes this biz model passive.
What other business is going to allow you to earn that kind of passive return?
Don't worry, I'll wait...
The fact that lead gen can do that, allows me to have a feeling of abundance in all areas of life.
I'm way more confident and happy this way.

If you want to be able to live life on your terms, get your money right.
Lead gen can get you on track to earning a passive income.
The formula is simple...
Don't prioritize women.
Get your money right first.
Then the women will eventually come to you.
Local lead generation will help set yourself up financially only if you put in the work.
Here are the reasons why lead gen is, in my opinion, the #1 online business model...

If you're coachable and ready to get your financial situation right...
Click the link below.
This is the way...