Wyatt Walker teaches how to make money passively online by using his viral video high-ticket affiliate marketing business strategy. His new 7-Figure Academy course gives you step-by-step lessons on how to create 7 second viral videos on Instagram to promote your affiliate offers. He also includes done-for-you systems, access to the tools, and a support group.
There aren't any reviews on Wyatt Walker online. He has a large following on social media but is quite private with his life. The 7-Figure Academy course is very recent and has no reviews yet. The only reviews available for Wyatt Walker are success stories from his students, which are posted on the private Facebook group and used by Wyatt for marketing.
Affiliate marketing is not an easy money making strategy. In a survey by Mediakix, it was found that 95% of affiliate marketers fail to make money. Can Wyatt Walker teach you how to be the successful 5%? In this Wyatt Walker review, you'll learn what his viral video business strategy is, who Wyatt Walker is and what his claims are, and if he is legit. I'll also cover his 7-Figure Academy course and what you get with it.
Pros and Cons of Working With Wyatt Walker
1 year refund policy, so you have all the time you need to see if Wyatt's system is for you.
Wyatt and his team handle many of the work, such as creating the sales funnels.
Private Facebook group.
Not much information on Wyatt or his programs. This makes him appear more shady.
No mentoring included in his course.
Wyatt makes high-ticket affiliate marketing sound too easy and does not talk about the downsides.
Wyatt Walker's 7-Figure Academy course costs $497.
Refund Policy
Wyatt Walker's 7-Figure Academy comes with 365-day refund guarantee as long as you upload at least 27 videos using Wyatt's program.
No reviews yet, as Wyatt's program is still new.
Practically an MLM. You learn the basics of affiliate marketing sure. But really, you’ll be promoting this exact same program.
How Do You Make a Viral Video Business Using Wyatt Walker's Strategies?
Wyatt Walker's viral video business model is a high-ticket affiliate marketing strategy that uses organic traffic. This involves promoting high-ticket digital products that cost $2,000 - $25,000 by creating 7-second viral videos on Instagram. High-ticket products often have the highest commission rates, such as 50%. Wyatt provides the blueprint to make a viral video and his team creates a done-for-you system where you get your sales funnels, lead capture pages, affiliate links, and more.
Who Is Wyatt Walker?

Wyatt Walker is a 7-figure affiliate marketer, creator, and coach of 7-Figure Academy. He made $5 million in profits in a single year from affiliate commissions. It took him 2 years of affiliate marketing to make his first million. Prior to affiliate marketing, he worked as an accountant for 80 hours a day. Wyatt keeps most of his life private offline, so it's hard to find any personal information about him.

What Is Wyatt Walker's Claim?
Wyatt Walker claims that his viral video business earns him $1,000 to $5,000 per day and that you could do the same regardless of your experience and background. He claims that by offering you a 90% done-for-you system, all you need to do is copy his blueprint of making viral videos and post it on Instagram. You don’t even need to join an affiliate program or find a product to promote as he provides you with the best-selling ones. Can anyone, regardless of background and skill, actually make $1,000 to $5,000 a day working with Wyatt Walker?
3 Reasons Wyatt's Claims Are Unrealistic
Is Wyatt Walker's Legit?

Wyatt Walker appears to be legit. In his best month, he made over $520,000 in that single month. He posted this on his 163K follower Instagram account @partnerwithwyatt where it showed him logging in into his Capital One account and refreshing the app to show that it was genuine.

His YouTube channel has 1.6 million subscribers and yet has no videos posted. It appears he has taken them down for whatever reason. Wyatt has mentioned that he is not one to go on social media. His Instagram page having only 9 posts.
What Is Wyatt Walker's 7-Figure Academy?
Wyatt Waker's 7-Figure Academy is his flagship course with done-for-you affiliate marketing systems. You get lifetime access to the course and access to all future updates. The course does not include mentorship, although it gives you access to the private Facebook group where you can ask questions and get support.
What Do You Get With 7-Figure Academy?
Are Students of 7-Figure Academy Successful?
The course is still fairly new and there have been no student reviews or complaints yet outside of the official website. In his presentation, Wyatt shows several testimonials from students who took the course early. 10 of his students are part of the Wyatt Walker $10K club, which is a prestigious group of those who made $10,000 profit in 1 month.

Is Wyatt Walker's 7-Figure Academy Worth It?
Wyatt Walker's 7-Figure Academy is worth it if you want to learn how to create viral videos and have done-for-you affiliate marketing systems on the side. However, if you are looking to learn more affiliate marketing strategies, I would recommend other more broad affiliate marketing courses. Wyatt's 7-Figure Academy doesn't have much depth into it. The lessons are limited to creating viral videos on Instagram to generate traffic.
Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It In 2025?
Affiliate marketing is worth it in 2025 to create extra income. It is best used to compliment your main business. It's a great way to earn extra income by simply promoting other products related to your business. This way, you don't have to spend for ads or build organic traffic solely for your affiliate offers. Running paid ads is the most effective way of promoting products, but it is also the most expensive and riskiest method. Building organic traffic is great in the long-term, but it takes a very long time to build.
My Number 1 Passive Income Business Recommendation
Local lead generation is my recommended business that creates passive, predictable income. Compared to affiliate marketing, you don't have to promote any product and drive traffic to your sales funnels. You don't have to rely on making sales in order to earn a commission. With local lead generation, you earn by creating and ranking a site on Google and rent it out to local businesses who will benefit from the traffic the site gets. This means you get paid monthly as rent.

Compared to affiliate marketing, where you have to compete with hundreds or thousands of others, you only have to outrank a handful of sites with local lead generation. It takes a few hours to create and rank your site on Google. Once you have it rented out, it's practically hands-free. A site can stay ranked on Google for years before you need to update it.
Scaling a local lead generation business is as easy as repeating ranking and renting more sites. There is no limit on how many sites you can rank and rent. You can earn as much as $2,500 from one local lead generation site. This means your earning potential is virtually limitless. These are the reasons local lead generation is my recommended passive income business to create time and financial freedom.
My Experience:
I purchased Wyatt Walker’s 7-Figure Academy Program for $1,997 on January 10th 2024. The way Wyatt presents the program is that he will show you how to set up three Instagram and three TikTok accounts and make nine 7 second “Reels” or posts a day and post three originals on each Instagram account and three copies on the three different TikTok for a total of 18 posts a day.
He claims that if you copy video “reels” exactly the way that other affiliate marketers do on Instagram you should be able to make $1,000 a day within three months. The program offers a 100% money back guarantee for one year if you make a minimum of 27 posts.
The curriculum was very sparse to say the least. I did a lot of research and got answers to fill the voids in his program. In reality I found everything he “offered” online relatively quickly. There was a lot of missing information on his website about how to be an affiliate marketer and more specifically how he would pay you commissions for funneling prospects to his website. His customer service was lackluster at best. He said he would pay you a commission for the people that saw your “reels” or (posts) on Instagram and TikTok that fed them to his website. If he closed the sale the commission would be 50%.
There were multiple reviews online that must have been generated by Wyatt and friends because they were seemingly good reviews. Apparently he helped 10 people get to where they made $1,000 a day. I didn’t find any other people that were able to do that.
On February 7th 2024 the realwyattwaker online academy took another $1,997 from my bank account. I contacted Hector in their “customer service department” and he assured me the money would be put back in my account. I contacted my credit union on Thursday 15 February to cancel the debit card. That same day they attempted taking out another $1,997 from my account.
I had a hard time finding contact information for this company.
Very Important:
A lot of people told me they got billed multiple times too. I was not the only one. Do you know what the real name of dba Wyatt Walker's 7-Figure Academy is? Where he incorporated? What his company address is? What their phone number is?
What you can do:
File a fraud complaint with your bank, cancel your credit card immediately, don't pay with a debit card, contact the FTC if your bank doesn't, contact your state attorney general, the BBB, the IRS for tax fraud (they don't charge tax for their program).
actually after i dig a little deeper, i found out that he teaches people how to advertise his course and make commission off of selling his course. like a typical mlm. smh