Jon Jasniak Review: What Is Land Flipping Arbitrage?

July 17, 2024


Jon Jasniak is a real estate investor who teaches land flipping arbitrage as a strategy for beginners. This strategy involves funding your land acquisitions through seller financing. To profit, you find buyers to purchase your acquired lands at full or near-full value. These new transactions cover your repayments with extras. Jon Jasnuak offers the Land Flipping Arbitrage course to teach this strategy.

The Land Flipping Arbitrage course by Jon Jasniak doesn’t have any third party at the moment. There are also no testimonials and success stories from his students. The best that you can find online are Jon’s interviews with other real estate investors and his own content. You can also find testimonials of Jon Jasniak’s land buyers on Jaz Land’s website.

This Jon Jasniak review covers his overall land investing strategy. This includes land flipping arbitrage, creative financing, selling land notes, and land subdivision. In the end, we will discuss land flipping’s profitability and my recommended investment strategy for new entrepreneurs.

How Does Jon Jasniak Do Land Flipping Arbitrage?

Jon Jasniak does land flipping arbitrage through seller financing and reselling. Land flipping arbitrage is a real estate investment strategy that primarily leverages seller financing in property acquisitions. The investor can resell land properties in full cash payments or through another seller financing set up. For instance, they can issue a wraparound note for the new buyer while they continue to pay their loan to the first owner. They make a profit from the difference in the prices.

To give an example, let’s say the original owner A sold their property to investor B through seller financing. Investor B made a down payment of $5K. The term is 12 months with $1K monthly payments. The total purchase price is $17K. Investor B then resells the property to new buyer C at $7K down payment, with a total purchase price of $25K.

Buyer C pays investor B $1500 monthly for 12 months. Investor B continuously pays owner A with $1K a month. In these transactions, investor B takes the $2K difference from the down and the $500 from the monthly payments as profit. This continues until the original loan and the wraparound note are completely paid off.

In finding deals, Jon Jasniak more or less follows the same methods as other land flippers or wholesalers. He said that you can look up for properties using data services like DataTree, or online listing sites like Zillow. To send offers, you can use cold calling, text messaging, or direct mailing.

Jon advises that instead of sending offers all around the country, you should do business near you. He stresses the importance of knowing one or two counties like the back of your hand and building local networks. This way, you can easily find good deals whenever or wherever they pop up.

What Are the Subdividing Types Jon Jasniak Practices?

The subdividing types that Jon Jasniak practices are minor and major subdivisions. Minor subdividing involves running a surveyor to divide the property into smaller lots. This process is a lot simpler because of lighter county restrictions in places far off from cities.

Some counties may require major subdivisions. This involves making additional improvements as per a county’s rules. The necessary improvements may include building dirt roads and running power and/or water lines.

According to Jon Jasniak, subdividing land is what beginners should aim for when scaling. He doesn’t recommend doing subdivisions when starting up because of its complexity and costs. Jon proposes that beginners should start small by flipping land properties. With enough knowledge and capital, they can start subdividing land to sell smaller lots for higher profits.

Is Jon Jasniak Selling Land Notes?

Yes, Jon Josniak is selling land notes. He typically sells the smaller lots from his subdivided land properties through owner financing. This allows him to collect land notes from multiple buyers. Jon then sells these performing land notes to other investors. If a buyer defaults, he even helps the investor find a new buyer.

Who Is Jon Jasniak?

Jon Jasniak Review-

Jon Jasniak is a full-time real estate investor and entrepreneur who specializes in land. He has a track record of having bought and sold over 7,000 acres of land and completed more than 700 deals. Starting from scratch, he built a $10 million company. Recently, he made headlines by purchasing the small, unincorporated town of Cornudas, Texas. Aside from being a company owner, Jon also serves as a mentor and coach to hundreds through his Land Flipping Arbitrage course.

He graduated from Texas Tech University with a degree in Petroleum Engineering. Jon Jasniak is currently based in Fort Worth, Texas, United States.

What Is Jaz Land?

Jaz Land is a privately held land investment company led by Jon Jasniak. The company acquires and sells vacant land to customers worldwide. Since 2016, Jaz Land has been actively involved in acquiring and selling property, making land ownership accessible to anyone interested. They focus on raw land investments, offering stability, potential cash flow, tax benefits, and appreciation.

What Is Jon Jasniak's Land Flipping Arbitrage Course?

Jon Jasniak’s Land Flipping Arbitrage course is a learning program on land flipping, arbitrage subdividing, and wholesaling. The cost of the Land Flipping Arbitrage course is $1497.

Here’s the course outline:

Land Flipping Arbitrage Course Outline

  • Introduction

  • Why Land

  • 3 facets - Land Flipping, Land Arbitrage Subdividing, Land Wholesaling

  • Where to Start Flipping Land

  • Making Offers on Land

    • Direct mail (Direct Data Pull; GIS Scraping; exercise 1 - mail out 100 offers; how to mail merge and create offer letter; direct mail case studies)

    • Find land online (online case studies and examples)

  • Land Economics

  • Selling Land

    • Facebook (how to sell on marketplace; how to sell on business page)

    • Land Websites

    • Email marketing

    • The Perfect Roadside Signs

  • Land Notes and Creative Financing

    • Presentation with Mike Mitchell

    • How to Sell Land Note

    • How to Find Land Notes to Buy

  • Subdividing and Land Arbitrage

    • Where to Subdivide

    • How to Find Subdivide Deals

    • The Art of Subdividing

  • Wholesaling

  • Managing the Land Business

    • Managing Customers

    • Working with Investors (buying land with 0 capital)

    • Record Keeping

    • Taxes (accounting call with mentorship group)

  • Final Remarks

  • Bonus

    • Documents and forms

    • Vault of live training calls

    • Lifetime access and future updates

What Do You Get With Jon Jasniak's Land Flipping Arbitrage Course?

In Jon Jasniak’s Land Flipping Arbitrage course, you will get valuable insights and practical strategies for land investing. Here’s what you can expect from the course:

  • Fundamentals of Land Flipping: Learn the basics of land investing, including how to identify undervalued properties and negotiate favorable deals. It also covers the key factors that impact land value, such as location, zoning, and potential use.
  • Creative Financing Techniques: Explore various financing options for land deals, including seller financing and creative payment structures. Discover how to structure win-win deals that benefit both you and the seller.
  • Market Analysis and Research: Learn market research techniques to identify promising areas for land investment. Understand how to assess demand, growth potential, and future development in specific regions.
  • Deal Execution Strategies: Gain practical tips for executing land transactions efficiently. Learn about paperwork, due diligence, and legal considerations. This includes regular land transactions and wraparound notes.
  • Case Studies and Real-Life Examples: Benefit from Jon’s experience by studying real-life case studies. Understand the nuances of successful land deals through practical examples. This also covers land subdivision.

Who Is Jon Jasniak's Land Flipping Arbitrage Course For?

Land Flipping Arbitrage is for beginners and experienced real estate investors. The first part of the course discusses a simple land flipping strategy, so it caters to beginners. The second part deals with subdividing properties. This is meant for savvy land investors with decent portfolios. Taken as a whole, Jon Jasniak intends to teach land flipping for those starting up. Then, he promotes subdividing as the direction to scale.

For Jon Jasniak, capital is more important than finding good deals. Good deals can pop up everywhere, but not everyone has the capital to take them. To start small, he recommends having at least $10K capital to spare for land investing. He said this should be enough for a campaign budget and a down-payment when starting up. This is another consideration before taking this course.

Is Land Flipping Legal?

Yes, land flipping is legal in the USA as long as it does not violate any law. It is only legal if there’s no fraud or deceit committed in the transaction. All aspects of the transaction should be done with honesty. Local zoning laws and environmental regulations should be complied with. Sellers should disclose all information about the land, including known issues or liens, to maintain the legality of the transaction.

An example of fraudulent land flipping is when an organized set of individuals repeatedly buy and sell a land property from each other. The goal is to artificially raise the property’s market value. Not disclosing the known issues of the land property is also a fraudulent practice.

Is Land Flipping Profitable?

Yes, land flipping is profitable. You can definitely find motivated sellers willing to accept a lowball offer. The bigger the discount, the more profitable a land property is when you sell it. The real challenge is finding these deals. Sending offers through direct mailing can be very expensive. And there is always chance of running a bomb direct mailing campaign, wasting thousands of dollars in the process.

Create Low-Risk Passive Income With Digital Real Estate

Digital real estate is online property you own. This includes websites, social media pages, YouTube accounts, online stores, web or mobile apps, etc. Compared to land flipping, investing in digital real estate has lower start-up costs. For instance, you can build a website for as little as $500. This website may serve as a blog, an online store, or an affiliate marketing page.

The key to digital real estate investing is to create value for your audience. Your target audience may be looking for information, services, or even entertainment. If you consistently provide this value, you can gain an army of loyal audiences. In a lot of cases, digital estate can also be a source of passive or semi-passive income. Digital products such as online courses, ebooks, or lead generation sites can generate income passively.

My Recommended Digital Real Estate Business

Although I mentioned creating a YouTube channel or blogging, my best recommended digital real estate business is local lead generation. In this model, you build mini websites for specific niches or services and rank them on local search engine results. Ranked websites for a service niche (like plumbing, tree removal, etc.) automatically attract leads. Small businesses need these leads.

local lead generation

Since you’re ranking your site on local search engine results, it is not as difficult as competing with websites at national or international level. It may take 3-6 months to rank a website high in search results. But the entry costs are significantly lower than starting up as a land flipper. This is exactly why I recommend local lead generation to aspiring entrepreneurs with very limited capital to start with.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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