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JR Rivas Review: How to Correctly Use Leverage to Maximize Your Business?

May 29, 2024

JR Rivas made his fortune as an Airbnb Superhost. An expert digital marketer, JR invested into buying properties to list on Airbnb. He has 15+ properties with themed rooms, like Friends TV show and Blockbusters. JR has Airbnb listed properties in multiple states, some of which he never even visited in person. He runs his business almost entirely online by what he calls “the correct use of leverage.” He offers this same leverage as a done-for-you Airbnb service with his company BNB Leverage.

Hosting Airbnbs is a risky investment. Whether you buy your own property or utilize rental arbitrage, you are risking thousands of dollars. The future of short-term rentals is unsure as more areas tighten their restrictions and the market saturation post-COVID.

Reviews for JR Rivas are very positive. His Airbnb business service, BNB Leverage, has a 4.4/5 rating on Trustpilot and plenty of testimonials. JR and BNB Leverage receive praise for their commitment to delivering on their services without making big claims.

In this article, you will learn all about JR Rivas and how he uses leverage to build his business. You will also discover about his BNB Leverage program and about the current state of Airbnb.

How to Correctly Use Leverage to Maximize Your Business?

JR Rivas talks about leverage in business as using what you have available so that everything works together to really boost your business. This refers to resources like money, people, technology, or information. He explains that when you combine these resources effectively, they can do much more together than they would on their own.

For example, he uses his business experiences to create informative content that helps teach potential clients and convince them to work with him. This means he sells courses, offers programs, and gives free content to promote his businesses. He also mentions the importance of using relationships and connections to open up more opportunities. JR has properties in Florida that he has never even visited. He outsources the management and cleaning to locals in the area. JR also hires and trains VAs from the Philippines to outsource work and keep costs low. The heavy use of tools also helps with automation and improves productivity.

Who Is JR Rivas?

jr rival review

JR Rivas is a real estate investor, Airbnb Superhost, and entrepreneur. Located in Denver, Colorado, he has over Owns 15 properties in Colorado and Florida. Born into a poor single-parent household in New York City, JR started working hard early in life. At just 18, JR opened his own tax service company. By the time he was 21, it expanded to three locations with 53 employees. After finding success in the tax world, JR moved into digital marketing and then into real estate, focusing on short-term rental properties. He has created Airbnb courses like Client Acquisition Automation.

In 2022, he co-founded BNB Leverage with his partner, Phillip Tran. Their company helps investors start and manage an Airbnb business. JR Rivas also works with Viral Business, a content creation and social media growth agency. The agency increases the visibility of its YouTube channel and other social media platforms to promote BNB Leverage. JR has posted over 400 videos in his BNB Leverage YouTube channel with over 7.9K subscribers.

What Was the Client Acquisition Automation Course?

JR Rivas’ 10K Customer Acquisition Automation was a course that teaches you how to find and hire VAs for your marketing. You learned how to screen top-tier VAs and train them with the use of various digital marketing tools. The course emphasized the 'lease and leverage' method, which simplifies the process of client service by focusing on a single niche. This approach automates significant parts of the business, allowing you to focus more on the overall business. This course is no longer offered.

What Is JR Rivas’ BNB Leverage?

jr rival review

JR Rivas’ BNB Leverage is a company that provides a done-for-you Airbnb business. BNB Leverage secures a property for clients in just 45 days and takes care of the work. This covers finding and negotiating with landlords to set up the properties for Airbnb. They also offer an interior design service where a team is sent out to furnish the property. BNB Leverage can also provide your business with a manager upon request.

The package includes group training calls, a comprehensive course on managing short-term rentals, access to a mastermind community, and a client success representative for ongoing support. There are also plans to add an STR-arbitrage course by the expert and co-founder Phillip Tran. BNB Leverage has over 300 clients that earn $1,000 to $33,000 a month.

Who Is BNB Leverage For?

BNB Leverage is for busy entrepreneurs or professionals who have more money than time. To qualify, you need a minimum annual income of $100,000 and a credit score of at least 650. This will help mitigate risks and cover unforeseen additional expenses.

What Are JR Rivas’ BNB Leverage Reviews?

BNB Leverage reviews are positive, with a 4.4/5 rating on Trustpilot. Since none of the reviews are verified, take them with a grain of salt. I found no negative reviews of JR Rivas or BNB Leverage.

jr rival review

Kevin signed up with BNB leverage and they were able to help him acquire a house within the 45 day's time-frame. He also explains that he and his partner worked with BNB Leverage several times.

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John Wyche was one client who signed up early for the program. He says that he has made around $100K in a couple of years with properties in Denver and Phoenix. Keep in mind that results in this do not reflect the typical outcome of an Airbnb business.

Is Hosting Airbnb Worth It?

Hosting Airbnb is worth it, as the average host makes $13,800 annually. This figure will depend on factors such as property type, location, and level of service. However, it is also very risky and expensive. Listing a shared room in your own residence can be a great idea to create extra income. But buying or renting out property solely to turn into an Airbnb may cause the loss of investment. Low occupancy rates because of a variety of reasons will lead to you losing money.

Why Are Many People Quitting Airbnb?

Many people are quitting Airbnb for several reasons. This phenomenon that began in 2023 is popularly termed the “Aribnbust.” One major factor is the market saturation, with a significant increase in listings leading to fierce competition and lower profits for individual hosts.

Rising prices coupled with revenues dropping significantly in various cities financially pressures hosts. Additionally, the rising operational costs for maintaining properties and ensuring guest satisfaction have become burdensome. Guest-related issues, including property damage and unsatisfying dispute resolutions, add to the stress. With the unsure future of short-term rentals, it may be safer to explore other, more stable investments.

Create Passive Income With Local Lead Generation

Local lead generation is a digital real estate business model that creates low-risk passive income for a low cost. By ranking a website on Google, you can rent it out to local businesses for the leads it generates. You can start with as little as $300 to $500 in initial investment. It costs as little as $30 a month as there are no physical properties to maintain. You don't have to deal with bad tenants and natural disasters.

It's also more sustainable in the long-term as any issues with real estate market do not affect the business. You don't have to worry about market saturation as here are hundreds of niches and thousands of areas to choose from. Compared to investing in Airbnbs, local lead generation is way more scalable. Scaling an Airbnb business means buying or leasing more properties. Scaling a local lead generation business is as simple as repeating the rank and rent process. You can earn as much as $500 to $3,000 a month from one rented website. There is no limit to how much you can scale. This makes local lead generation the best business model to create time and financial freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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