Sean Kochel’s Online Landlord Biz Review: A New Way To Make Money Online Or Rebranded Content?

August 9, 2024

Online Landlord Biz is an ad-lead generation course by Sean Kochel and Josh Osborne. It's their most recent course. (Not to be confused with Social Ad Tribe, BAM, or Map Pack Hero). But is it a new way to make money online or just rebranded content?

In this article, we take a closer look at what you get. Including how much the course costs. Plus, how much you can make as an online landlord. We'll also cover topics like how an online landlord generates passive income and how to drive traffic to your digital assets. And why starting a local lead generation company is a better way to make money online in 2024

What Is An Online Landlord?

An online landlord owns internet property that gets to the top of the search engines and drives online traffic to their digital storefront. You own the asset and are like a property manager. The key is to create a virtual entity that has value. You can use SEO tactics, or leverage paid ads to monetize your online property. And once it's at the top of the SERPs, you own prime real estate.

Of course, it takes time to rank your online asset. But it's a low-cost option compared to traditional real estate investing. Plus, you don't need to worry about bad tenants or deal with flooded basements. And because this is an online business model, you don't need to invest a ton of cash to build and rank your rental property so that you can scale faster. Your digital property can be things like:

Examples Of Digital Real Estate

  • Websites & Domains

  • Social Media Accounts & YouTube Channels

  • Email Lists & Subscriptions

But our number one recommendation is to start a lead gen business. Building and ranking generic websites that generate leads for local business owners. Get your sites to the top of the SERPs; they're front and center for an audience of potential customers looking to purchase your service right now. Then you sell those leads to small business owners and generate a passive income.

Plus, once your sites are at the top of Google searches, they're pretty hands-off. So you earn time freedom or the ability to build more sites. Then you can create an empire of lead gen properties. And because you own your asset, you control every aspect of your business. 

What Is Online Landlord Biz?

In a 34-minute pre-recorded sales pitch, Kochel shares the framework of his Online Landlord Biz course. Sean explains how you leverage 'one-page landers' to quickly generate leads for local businesses. Kochel says this is a legit business; you can make real money helping people. But it's not an MLM, affiliate marketing, or drop shipping. So you're not selling cheap products from China.

Instead, you use premade templates that you can copy and paste. Plus, their templates are so dialed in that you can get your small business owner leads fast. (Kochel states that you can build a business in 1-2 months). They also show you how to use their 'value in advance strategy' to land high-paying clients. And walk you through the process step by step, including:

Online Landlord Biz Process

  • What to say in your ads
  • Social proof you can show
  • Pre-built landing pages
  • How to track phone calls

The templates and done-for-you campaigns mean that most of the heavy lifting is done for you already. (Kochel says it's a copy-and-paste way to build a business). Plus, they don't just focus on Google and Facebook ads. Instead, they teach students how to leverage other platforms like Snapchat, Pinterest, and YouTube.

The Online Landlord Biz Course Training Includes:

  • Sales Training (access to BAM's '6 Steps 2 Close' sales system)
  • Facebook Training (how auctions work, how to create ads that convert, how to launch profitable Facebook ad campaigns, etc.)
  • Google Ads Training (what keywords to use, how to leverage paid ads for maximum profits, bidding techniques, and how to create compelling landing pages)
  • Over 30 Done-For-You Ad Campaigns & Landing Pages (You can copy and paste for Facebook and Google ads. Plus, they include keywords, ad text, and targeting)
  • Live Calls (Sean and Josh host weekly live streams for students twice a week in the members-only private Facebook group)

But it looks like Online Landlord Biz offers almost the same course material found in Sean Kochel's Social Ad Tribe course. And there's a carry-over from Josh Osborne's BAM coaching program. So Online Landlord Biz doesn't appear to be new material. Instead, it seems to be a rebranded version of other courses offered by Kochel and Osborne. Or even an introductory offer to a bigger upsell.

Who Is Sean Kochel?

Sean Kochel is a 30-year-old professional media buyer and a 7-figure agency owner. Kochel grew up in a small beach town in New Jersey. But after college, he realized that the 9-5 grind wasn't for him. So now he's the go-to ad guy and Josh Osborne's partner. But Sean also manages millions of dollars in monthly ad spend for clients.

As a result, he's considered a master on platforms like Google, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat. An industry leader, Kochel knows how to get in front of a target audience and get conversions. So now he's sharing his expert knowledge. And industry hacks in his new course Online Landlord Biz.

Who Is Josh Osbourne?

Josh is the epitome of perseverance. Osbourne grew up in a trailer park stealing food to feed himself and his siblings and spent time in prison. But not anymore. Josh now has a net worth of 12.5 million and is considered one of the best digital marketers in the industry.

Josh began his rise to wealth after taking Dan Klein's Lead Gen coaching program. Then he took what Dan taught him and created his own rank and rent course, BAM (Cool Marketers). Dan is the mentor behind Josh Osbourne and Sean Kochel is Josh's business partner. But Josh and his wife are also the owners of Mr. & Mrs. Leads, and they run a successful digital marketing agency. 

Both Josh and Sean live in Colorado and have created several online courses. But Online Landlord Biz is their most recent venture. And they teach people how to leverage paid traffic to get leads for local business owners who pay you for your service. 

What Is BAM?

BAM is a lead generation course that teaches the rank and rent business model. It's an online training program created by Josh Osborne in 2018 that teaches students how to earn recurring revenue every month. And how to leverage local SEO and get to the top of the Google search engines. Josh also spends a lot of time on the importance of client attraction. And he shares a step-by-step blueprint on how to find and keep high-paying clients. BAM students also learn things like:

BAM Course Material:

  • Web Development & Design

  • Search Engine Optimization (On & Off-Site SEO)

  • Google Map Pack Optimization

  • Paid Advertising (Google Ads & Facebook Ads)

  • Client Retention

  • Finance & Structure

  • Hiring & Outsourcing

  • Scaling Your Agency

With 2000 students and live streams twice a week, students get ongoing support and training. They also get access to BAM's exclusive Facebook group. Here they can ask questions, share wins, and discuss strategies. BAM costs range from $5000-$7000+, and the course covers content very similar to Dan Klein's local lead generation coaching program.

In fact, a lot of the tools and software used inside of BAM were created by Dan's developers. But of all of the proxy coaches who have learned from Dan and gone on to create their own programs, Josh is the only one who has remained loyal. And he gives Dan a percentage of the money he makes from his BAM training course. 

Who Is Dan Klein?

Dan Klein is a bit of a legend in the digital marketing space. A talented and dynamic coach, he launched his coaching program in 2014. Dan has devoted his life to the lead generation model. And he now has a net worth of over $30 million. His lead gen group has over 7000 members with thousands of 6 and 7-figure success stories.

Dan's been showing up for live streams twice a week for eight years, covering topics like staying focused. And tips on being the best entrepreneur possible. He remains one step ahead of trends and has updated the course content six times since its conception. He's also active in the private Facebook group. After eight years and counting, Klein continues to share industry hacks and tips on starting a lead gen business. And show his students how to scale to build an empire of digital assets. 

Dan Klein is the coach that taught Josh Osborne

Is Online Landlord Biz Legit?

Online Landlord Biz is legit. It's a digital landlord course that teaches people how to launch profitable ad campaigns on platforms like Google, Facebook, and Snapchat. Sean and Josh focus on helping people-specifically small business owners, who they say "are too important to fail." (28% of local companiesdon't have a website. 

But in 2024, you will fail if you're not online. And paid advertising is a way to get your clients quick wins. Plus, global digital advertising is headed for a valuation of $1,065.8 billion in 2031. So there's plenty of money on the table. And with over 41,683 zip codes in the USA alone, there are a ton of untapped opportunities. 

Students of the Online Landlord Biz course get access to weekly live streams, ongoing support, and an internet community. Plus, both Josh and Sean have solid online reputations for delivering content. So if you pay for the course, you'll get the material. 

Online Landlord Biz Review FAQs

How Much Does Online Landlord Biz Cost?

You need to get on a sales call with one of the Online Landlord Biz coaches to learn the price tag of this digital landlord program. But this post on Reddit shares that when they called, the coach advised:

"Usually, they charge up to $1,500 to join what they call their extensive training and tell you if you follow it step by step, you could start making up to $10,000 in 3 months". (Not everyone will make this kind of money).

How Much Is A Digital Landlord Salary?

Online Landlord Biz will show you how to make money online. But how much you make is up to you. The program isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. So you need to be ready to invest a minimum of 5-10 hours per week. And you need to follow the process exactly how it's laid out in the training.

But you can make a semi passive income and earn up to $50,000/month. Or if you want to run your business part-time, at least be able to make enough money to quit your job or afford little extras. Sean says by day 90: "you should have at least $10K/mo coming in if you follow our step-by-step process".

How Do You Get Online Traffic? 

To create an online entity with value, it needs to get in front of eyeballs. There are two ways to do this: paid ads or SEO. But SEO takes a long time, whereas ads are quick wins. With the skills you learn in Online Landlord Biz, you can get leads for business owners on the same day. You learn how to find clients by targeting businesses on page five of Google.

Then employ Sean's value in advance techniques and send a 'potential tenant' a few free leads. So you can close the deal when you show that you're the expert. Plus, because you lead with value, you build trust with business owners who will pay you to run their ads. But keep in mind that paid ads are expensive, and ad costs are rising.

So you want to be transparent with your clients. You need to ensure they understand that they cover the costs and all expenses (plus your fee). Plus, you need to comply with Facebook and Google's rules (which are constantly changing), or you run the risk of having your campaign suspended. That's why I prefer the lead gen model. Once you learn to find 'low-hanging fruit,' as we teach in our coaching program, you know what niches and locations to target.

And because you're ranking locally, it only takes 6 weeks to 6 months to get your lead gen property to the top of the SERPs. So you don't need to worry about ad costs. Or a prospective tenant who might be dissatisfied with ROIs from your ad campaigns.

How To Become A Successful Digital Landlord

The key to becoming a successful digital landlord is to understand customer psychology. Then you need to learn how to use reciprocity. (The principle behind the value-in-advance method and giving prospective clients free leads). People want to provide you with something when you offer something for nothing.

So not only do you build trust. But you show how you can give exemplary customer service. Remember, business owners, need customers. But if you create an empire and act like a property management company. And you can provide them with high-quality leads-ones that convert into paying customers. Then they will want to pay for your service and you will make money.

Plus, you can track the leads because you own the digital assets. In fact, you control every facet of your business, including how you structure payments. For example, you can opt for a flat fee, a percentage of ad spend, or even a portion of earnings. So land a few high-ticket clients, and you can secure a recurring income and a steady cash flow.

Can Becoming A Digital Landlord Create A Passive Income?

Becoming a digital landlord is one of the best ways to secure a passive income in 2024. It's a straightforward business model where you build and rank websites for service-based businesses. Get to the top of Google, and you own prime real estate. Plus, because the business model is online, it doesn't require a ton of capital to start.

The key is building and renting digital assets. Sean and Josh teach paid ads using one-page 'landers.' You run ads to these landers and generate leads you sell to local business owners. And your clients are like tenants who make a monthly rent payment in traditional real estate investing. So they cover ad spend costs and pay you a percentage for your work. 

Think of sites like Airbnb or HomeAdvisor. You're like the middleman between a paying client and a business owner hungry for more leads. And with at least 8.5 billion Google searches a day, the size of this opportunity is astronomical. So there's no shortage of money in the market. If you learn the skills and can get people to call business owners, you can bet they'll pay you well. (You only need a few clients to make 5-6K/month).

Why Our Local Lead Generation Program Is A Better Option In 2024

Paid ads are a great way to get quick wins for your 'renters.' But there are so many variables. Like rising ad costs, fraudulent clicks, and the ever-changing rules of the platforms. And as a service provider, you need to be able to justify expenses. So either you're taking a smaller cut of the monthly fee.

Or you need to develop high-converting ad copy to get local business owners the leads you promised and secure them the highest ROI possible. That's why local lead generation is still my number one recommendation. You learn the skills to build and rank websites that get to the top of the SERPs for minimal costs. So you're not out of pocket for ad spend; as landlords, what you charge all belongs to you.

Local lead generation

In fact, profit margins with lead gen are as high as 80%-95%. This is because you control every aspect of your business. And because you target the local market, it doesn't take a lot of time or money to get your lead generation property to the top of Google. Take this site above, for example. I built this site in about 10 hours for $500 over 6 months.

But this one site has been making me $2000/month since 2015. So in 7 years, I've made $168,000 from one website. And now that it's at the top, I rarely touch it, but my renter continues to send me monthly rent payments. Plus, this site is only one of over 80 I own. So now I'm bringing in a steady cash flow, resulting in time freedom and a passive income.


Sean Kochel and Josh Osborne are both highly revered digital marketers who have achieved tremendous success. They've helped a lot of people and shared a ton of value. But Online Landlord Biz appears to be a rebranded version of course content they've previously offered. So if you're a member of BAM or Social Ad Tribe, it doesn't look like there's anything new here for you to learn.

On the other hand, our lead gen coaching program might be a better option. At least for people who want to make money online as a property owner. Not only is lead generation a proven concept. But our coaching program has been around since 2014, and it's updated constantly. So our students stay one step ahead of trends and learn the best way to make a passive income in 2024

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. Heyy!! Super awesome, super interested, highly teachable.The phone tracking number website (52k let me show you how) I could get a verification after clicking the green submittal button below that you sends you my my info just fyi .. trying here 😀

    1. Hi Emma! Thanks for letting me know. Would love to connect and talk to you more about our lead generation coaching program. This link should let you book a call with one of our coaches: Look forward to connecting!

  2. Looking into this: Just checking to see if this is a legitimate way of earning a top tier income. I have a real estate license but want to work from home.

    1. Hi Jackie! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my article. Dan Klein is the founder of our lead generation coaching program and is also the mentor to Joshua Osborne, the course creator behind Online Landlord Biz. Our program is different because Dan still updates and handles all coaching. Therefore, you get direct information rather than the same content via a third party. In addition, Dan’s team of developers created many of the tools and software that Josh and Sean use in their program. There are other differences between the two programs, like live support, coaching calls, updated training, etc. If you want to speak with one of our coaches or have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to use this link: to schedule a call. We would love to connect and wish you the best Jackie.

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