Average Cost of SEO Per Month: PLUS Top 5 SEO Roles and Their Potential Monthly Salaries

June 12, 2024

The average cost of SEO per month is $501 to $1,000, per Ahrefs' data. The price depends on the business size, competition, website health, and goals of the client. The average monthly cost of SEO services in the United States is $2,500 to $10,000 per month. SEO should cost at least $1,500 per month. Andrei Saioc, CEO and founder of Softgurus LTD, shares that good SEO costs $1,500 a month.

andrei saioc



Good SEO services start from at least $1,500-$2,000 a month and can even cost 5-8k (or even more)

Don't fall for cheap services, most likely those people have no idea how to rank your site, and all they do is do some content, change some h1 and meta tags.

In the end you will want a really good SEO service that actually ranks you.

So why not get the service right off the bat, and not waste your money , time and business.


2:15 AM · May 30, 2024

Based on the study of Backlinko, clients who spent over $500 month are 53.3% more likely to be “extremely satisfied.” Providing SEO services can be profitable. The top 5 SEO roles and their potential monthly salaries are: 

  1. SEO specialist - $5,615 
  2. SEO manager - $7,183 
  3. SEO director - $9,444
  4. SEO Consultant - $7,958 
  5. SEO Content Writer - $7,012

But, doing SEO has become more challenging for SEO experts. Search Engine Online's State of SEO Report 2024 shows 62.7% of SEO professionals claim that "competition in SERPs has become more difficult." 

On Reddit, users are saying doing SEO today is difficult because of constant Google updates. One Reddit user says, "I don't understand how Google expects me to do well by my clients when they keep flip-flopping on practices and making changes that hurt so many sites." Another user shares, "I can't imagine the stress of doing SEO for clients today. You can't guarantee success, but that's what clients are paying you for."

This article will discuss how much should SEO cost per month based on the pricing model and size of business. We will cover other factors affecting the cost of SEO optimization, the top SEO roles, and potential salaries. Also, we will answer why SEO is expensive, some red flags in pricing your SEO packages you must avoid, and the easier way to earn with SEO. 

What Is the Average Price of SEO Monthly and What Does That Usually Include?

The average price of SEO monthly is $500 to $5,000. It usually includes SEO audit, keyword research, and on-page optimization. SEO services also cover content creation, link building, and technical SEO. SEO professionals also provide reporting and analysis. Costs could reach $10,000 or more for big businesses, according to WebFX.

The average cost of an effective SEO campaign per month for a small business is $750 to $3,000.  Backlinko found in a 2019 report that clients who spend over $500 monthly for SEO were 53.3% more likely to be “extremely satisfied.”

Here’s a complete pricing guide for SEO services per month based on different pricing models. 




$75 to $300

Monthly retainer

$500 to $5,000

Per project

$2,501 to $30,000

What Factors Determine the Cost of SEO? 

Business size, industry competition, current website health, and SEO goals determine the cost of SEO services. Here's how each factor affects the cost of SEO:

  • Business and website size. Big businesses with larger websites and numerous pages typically require more SEO work compared to smaller and simpler ones. Optimizing each page for search engines takes time and effort. Ask to be paid more for extensive websites. According to Nutshell, the average SEO pricing for startups ranges from $750 to $1,500 per month. It ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 per month for small businesses. For medium-sized enterprises, the average cost of SEO per month is $1,500 to $5,000. Because of its size, the price for enterprises is above $5,000.




$750 to $1,500

Small business

$1,500 to $3,000

Medium business

$1,500 to $5,000

Big enterprise


  • Industry competition. The level of competition in a client’s industry largely affects SEO costs. If the client is vying for top ranking in a highly competitive field, like finance or e-commerce, ask to be paid more for SEO strategies to outrank established competitors. SEO expert Ben Bridges shares that the most competitive niches in SEO include digital marketing, technology, and health and fitness. Conversely, niche markets with lower competition require less work and incur lower SEO costs. 
  • Current website health. The current health of a client’s website plays a crucial role. SEO expert Arafat Rahman explains that site health is how well their website performs technical functions. This includes page speed, mobile friendliness, and ease of navigation. Websites with technical SEO issues, outdated content, or slow loading times will require more work to optimize for search engines. Fixing these problems should add to the overall SEO service cost.
  • SEO goals and timeline. A business’ SEO goals should influence the price of the service. Ask your client whether their aim is local SEO dominance or national visibility for specific keywords. The scope and timeline of their desired results should influence the SEO strategy and its corresponding cost. SEO company Sprout Media Lab prices its national SEO package at $1,299 per month for starters. Aggressive goals with shorter timelines often require more resources and incur higher costs. 

How Do You Calculate SEO Cost?

You calculate SEO cost by evaluating the needs and SEO goal of the company and the strategy required for implementation. This will include looking at the following aspects:

  1. Target audience
  2. Number of pages to optimize
  3. Target keywords and their starting rankings
  4. Advertisement cost

Entrepreneur Udit Goenka adds that you may look into the links you are going to build. Consider the cost of writers and the time you will devote to achieve SEO success. Computing the price of SEO services also involves evaluating the cost of a targeted return on ad spend.  There are several SEO calculators online that help you find out an estimated SEO cost based on client needs. Below is an example of an SEO calculator from Upgrowth.

What Does It Cost to Get to Page One?

It costs approximately $2,300 a month to get to page one, based on a case study by Shortlist.  This varies based on the target keywords and the level of competition. Digital marketer Asim Ali emphasizes that keyword competition affects the price of getting to first page. He adds that you may ask for more than $5,000 to rank for some keywords. The cost to reach page one also depends on how quickly a client wants to see results. A slower, more organic approach may be more affordable. Meanwhile, expedited strategies come at higher SEO costs. 

Search engine optimization is an ongoing investment. It requires many services depending on the website's needs. A study by Semrush shows that fewer than 5% of websites can maintain first-page rankings for a year. These positions would fluctuate. The report said around 41% of domains take 6 months to rank in the top 10 positions. Semrush added that many of the sites fell out of the top 10 and reappeared later.

It is common for domains to lose their positions and gain from others every month. The same study shows that the top 10% of websites with consistent SEO got over 4,000 average monthly organic search visits. Reaching page one is a milestone. Yet, sustaining that ranking is only a way to achieve long-term success.

How Long Does It Take to See Results from SEO?

It takes approximately 3 to 6 months to see results from SEO. This is what a poll conducted by Ahrefs revealed. Unlike paid advertising, where results are immediate, SEO is a long-term strategy with a variable timeline. However, there is no definite answer. SEO success depends on the following:

  • Website history and authority. Older websites with more content rank for more keywords. SEO expert James S. Brady adds that a brand-new website with little to no online presence will take longer to see significant results.
  • Competition. Being in an industry with a competitive niche makes it harder to rank. SEO specialist Sunny Grewal shares that working on keywords with very little competition can get a website ranked within 2-3 months. He adds that working with keywords with high competition may take up to two years. Keyword research, he concludes, is essential to see improvements.
  • SEO strategy. SEO strategy must meet the business's needs and industry's demands. First Page Sage CEO Evan Bailyn shares that a good SEO campaign includes both technical SEO and high-quality content production. These services will see leads on the website within 4-6 months.

Top 5 SEO Roles and Their Average Salaries

1. SEO Specialist - $5,615

An SEO specialist optimizes website to improve search engine rankings. They conduct keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO audits, content creation, link building, and performance analysis. Sagar Traneja, an SEO consultant and co-founder of Two Creators, describes a SEO specialist as someone who focuses on on-page and off-page optimization. ZipRecruiter’s data shows that SEO specialists in the US earn $5,615 monthly, or $67,388 a year. 

2. SEO Manager - $7,183

SEO managers organize and manage a company's SEO research efforts. As an SEO manager, you develop and execute comprehensive SEO strategies. You manage teams and projects. You also communicate with stakeholders. The Digital Marketing Institute says SEO managers consider all aspects of a search. They help convert a website visitor to a paying customer. ZipRecruiter’s data shows SEO managers in the US earn $7,183 per month or $86,206 yearly.

3. SEO Director - $9,444

SEO directors lead and direct the overall SEO vision and strategy for an organization. They manage resources, evaluate results, and ensure alignment with business objectives. According to Zippia, as an SEO director, your responsibilities include:

  • Managing the development and execution of A/B testing

  • Overseeing teams to ensure timely content production and creative design

  • Redesigning existing sites 

  • Focusing on driving maximum brand appropriate advertising

  • Developing lead acquisition strategies

ZipRecruiter says an SEO director in the US earns $9,444 monthly on average. Among the top 5 SEO roles, they have the highest hourly rate at $54.

4. SEO Consultant - $7,958

If you are an SEO consultant, your responsibilities include performing comprehensive website audits. Site audits help identify areas for improvement and provide actionable recommendations to clients. SEO consultants check and analyze website performance. They use SEO tools and analytics platforms. Regular reports and insights are provided to refine and optimize SEO strategies. They also keep themselves informed of the latest SEO trends and algorithm updates. ZipRecruiter says SEO consultants in the US earn $7,958 monthly or $95,500 per year.

5. SEO Content Writer - $7,012

SEO content writers plan, create, and optimize content for ranking in search engines. As an SEO content writer, you conduct keyword research and ensure that content aligns with user intent. Unlike content writing, SEO writing aims to drive organic traffic to a website. Content writing has the goal of keeping site visitors engaged. ZipRecruiter’s data shows that SEO content writers in the US earn $7,012 monthly, or $84,151 per year.

Why Does SEO Cost So Much?

SEO costs so much because it is an ongoing strategy. There are constant algorithm changes. SEO is expensive because skilled professionals possess technical skills and devote time to keeping up with SEO trends.  Search Engine Land reported that, on average, Google search is changing 13 times per day.

Reddit user 805foo shares that the quantity of content needed to catch up with competitors may cause high SEO rates. He adds that the number of quality links that need to be developed is a factor. SEO price could also reflect the high ticket nature of the product advertised.

Is It Worth It to Pay for SEO?

Yes, it is worth it to pay for SEO. SEO experts have more experience. As an SEO professional, you can systematize website optimization to attract more clients. Hiring you as an SEO consultant is also ideal for businesses that lack in-house expertise or resources for SEO. Here are some reasons businesses would hire you:

  • Time and resource management. The alternative to not paying for SEO is for a client to do it themselves. Marketing manager Jason Darell says that if a client does their own SEO, they will have to give up something else. In order to save time and resources, most businesses hire an SEO company.
  • Long-term ROI. Unlike paid advertising, where results cease when you stop spending, SEO benefits are long-lasting. Digital marketing expert Rizwan Ahmed explains that SEO typically involves lower initial set-up costs but requires an ongoing investment in content creation and optimization. A well-optimized website continues to attract organic traffic even after the initial investment.
  • Brand visibility and credibility. Businesses want to rank in search results to signify authority and trustworthiness. Data shows that 93% of all web traffic begins with a search engine. It is a worthwhile investment for businesses to create a strong website user experience. It enhances brand perception.

What Are Some Red Flags When It Comes to Pricing SEO Packages? Insights From SEO Experts

Some red flags in pricing SEO packages are promises of guaranteed rankings and incredibly low price. The lack of transparency and a one-size-fits-all package should also alarm clients. Here are some red flags to avoid when creating a pricing structure as an SEO provider.

Guaranteed rankings. SEO providers who promise specific rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) are not trustworthy. Nathan Gotch, co-founder of Rankability & Gotch SEO Academy, explains that companies or Google employees do not control search rankings. There is algorithm which analyzes every website on the internet. Every search term fluctuates in ranking positions. Nathan adds that this makes it unlikely to get specific results. Companies that give such promises will appear to rely on black-hat SEO techniques that can penalize the website.

PRO TIP: Focus on strategies that improve a client’s overall website health and user experience. This will  lead to organic ranking improvements.

Unbelievably low prices. Rock-bottom prices indicate low-quality services. It may involve automated tactics or content spinning, which can negatively affect a website's reputation. Samuel Edwards, Chief Marketing Officer at SEO.co, says cheap SEO packages will give the impression that the provider lacks the financial resources. Resources are important to address two critical elements for a strategy to work: content and links. Low prices can also indicate a generic SEO strategy. It may not fit a business’s specific needs.

PRO TIP: Provide the client with a breakdown of the services included in the package. Be clear if you're doing keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, or link-building efforts.

Lack of transparency. A reliable SEO company will be transparent about its pricing structure and the services it offers. For instance, Nick Stamoulis, Fractional CMO at Brick Marketing, illustrates how you can be transparent with the client for link building. In an article for Search Engine Journal, Nick says, "I like to outline a 6 or 12-month link building strategy for the site and review it with the site owner before we start any link building activities." He adds it "serves as a guideline and reference point for both my team and the client."

PRO TIP: Give clients detailed proposals. Outline the specific tactics, timelines, and performance metrics to use to measure success. 

What Is the Easier Way To Earn With SEO?

Local lead generation is the easier way to earn with SEO. Doing search engine optimization can be a lucrative opportunity for SEO experts. Businesses will pay for SEO because they want to rank in search results. Nutshell CRM says the average SEO allocation of businesses makes up 5% to 10% of their total marketing budget. The cost of SEO budget ranges from $2,500 to $7,500 monthly. You can also earn at least $5,615 per month as an SEO specialist.

However, earning as an SEO service provider, whether freelancer or through an SEO agency, is challenging. The State of SEO Report in 2024 shows that 62.7% of SEO professionals say that competition in SERPs is now more difficult. According to the same report, one of the major causes of shifts in the SEO industry is the competition for talent. The other causes are AI and Google updates. 

With local lead generation, you can narrow the competition by choosing a niche and local area. This geographic barrier helps you become expert in a chosen locality. Then, you will build a website and offer it for rent to local businesses. In local lead generation, you own these websites. You treat these websites as your digital assets. Unlike having an SEO agency or working as an SEO freelancer, you have more control with local lead gen. It is easier to keep clients because you own the leads. 

You can also earn $500 to $3,000 per website per month. This gives you a more scalable business. I own over 80 websites. I still earn up to $2,000 monthly from a website I made in 2015. Learn about local lead gen, an SEO business that gives you a more predictable monthly passive income. 

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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