Alex Fedotoff’s Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Review: 3 Major Facebook Advertising Trends in 2024

July 22, 2024

Ecommerce Scaling Secrets by Alex Fedotoff guides business owners in scaling their brands. It talks about Facebook ads, product research secrets, case studies, and many more. The program claims to increase your online visibility and branding. This is so that you attract more customers and convert them on the spot. This program also emphasizes automation, enhancing customer service, and building a powerful brand. Automation can save businesses up to 30% in operational costs, as per McKinsey. Fedotoff's approach combines practical examples with theoretical insights.

Reviews about Ecommerce Scaling Secrets are mixed across different platforms. Participants report substantial business growth. For instance, some users have reported a 50% increase in their monthly revenue. This is after implementing the strategies from the course. Some commend the program's ability to provide actionable guidance and a supportive network. This makes it a good investment for those serious about scaling their business. However, there are recurring issues with customer service, quality, and refund processes. Potential buyers should consider these issues before buying the course.

E-commerce businesses face various challenges. This includes intense competition and high customer acquisition costs. The average cost to acquire a customer in e-commerce is around $45, according to Shopify. It makes standing out and attracting loyal customers difficult. Significant hurdles also include managing logistics and supply chain issues. In 2021, 57% of businesses reported supply chain disruptions. You also need to ensure better website performance and cybersecurity. Meeting high customer expectations for fast shipping and easy returns is also difficult. Narvar found that 96% would shop again with a retailer if they had a positive return experience. Keeping up with changing consumer behaviors and trends is crucial for achieving success. Effective marketing and updating technical skills are also important. Especially in the competitive online marketplace.

This Ecommerce Scaling Secrets review covers everything you need to know. It includes the pros and cons, contents, and reviews. We will also cover the major advertising trends of 2024. In the end, we discuss the best option for online business. 

Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Review: Pros and Cons


The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets modules are easy to understand.

The program offers self-paced courses that you can take again when necessary. 

Alex Fedotoff is an experienced mentor with his own brand.


The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets offers a lot of upselling.

Some students reported that the lessons were oversimplified.

Some students said that the information is available online for free.


The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets programs cost ranges from $27 to $2,000.


The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets offers self-paced training. 


Alex Fedotoff has a private Facebook group called Facebook Ads Rockstars with 47.5K members. 

Refund Policy

The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets refund policy comes with a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee.


The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets started in 2021. 


Alex Fedotoff and  eCommerce Scaling Secrets have mixed reviews across different platforms. He got 65.2K subscriber on YouTube, 5K on Facebook, and 153K on Instagram. 

July 7, 2024

I spent so much on the Ecommerce Scaling Secrets, but they are not secrets at all. Although the lessons are organized, the information is available online for free. If you follow Alex’s YouTube, you can easily learn the lessons too. There are also too many upsells if you want to learn more advanced techniques.

Dan Miller
3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

3 Major Facebook Advertising Trends in 2024

1. Video Advertising

Video advertising dominates as one of the most effective forms of digital marketing. In 2024, the focus is on creating engaging, short-form video content. Something that captures attention and drives engagement. Videos that tell a story or provide valuable information are effective.

Keep videos under 60 seconds to maintain viewer attention. Use the first few seconds to hook the audience with visuals or an intriguing question. It is also good to design videos to be mobile-optimized. This is considering that many Facebook users access the platform via mobile devices. End videos with a strong call to action. Guide viewers on the next steps. It could be visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase.

2. Influencer-Style Brand Ambassadors Videos

Many brands use influencer-style content to create a more authentic and relatable image. These videos often feature real people or influencers. They showcase the product in everyday use, providing testimonials or showing its benefits.

Choose brand ambassadors who align with your brand values. Make sure they have an organic connection to your product. Encourage customers to create and share their videos using your products. Highlight these on your brand’s page to build community and trust. Use storytelling to create emotional connections with the audience. Let ambassadors share personal stories or experiences related to your product.

3. Shoppable Ads

Shoppable ads integrate the shopping experience directly into the ad. It allows users to purchase products without leaving Facebook. These ads streamline the process, reducing friction and potentially increasing conversion rates. Use high-quality visuals to showcase your products. Ensure that images and videos are clear, well-lit, and visually appealing.

Provide thorough and accurate product descriptions, including key features, pricing, and availability. Ensure the shopping experience is seamless. The transition from ad to purchase should be smooth, with minimal clicks required.

These trends will shape the way Facebook advertising will be profitable in 2024. Experts say that people no longer want to see static ads on their Facebook feeds. Instead, they will become more engaged with short-form videos. Something that gets to the point in 30 seconds or less. This explains why influencer marketing videos are highly profitable. The modern consumer has a limited attention span. They gravitate towards noticeable ads. 

What is Ecommerce Scaling Secrets?

The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets course helps ecommerce entrepreneurs grow their online businesses. Alex Fedotoff designed the course. He is an expert in e-commerce and digital marketing. The course provides comprehensive training on essential topics. This includes Facebook advertising, sales funnel optimization, email marketing, and many more.

It also includes advanced strategies for scaling. It covers things like automating processes and expanding to new markets. The course comes with actionable tips, real-world examples, and practical guidance. Additionally, participants gain access to a supportive community of fellow entrepreneurs. This makes it suitable for both beginners and experienced business owners. 

What Does Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Offer?

Ecommerce Scaling Secrets offers step-by-step instructions on scaling established ecommerce brands. It promises to build brands to six or seven figures in a few months. This is done mostly through Facebook ads. However, it also touches on finding the right product and building a lean ecommerce brand. This is first seen in Alex’s secret Brand Builders Academy course. 

Regardless of the program you choose, you get directed to an online scheduling system. This is where you can speak with Alex or a member of his team, who will then upsell you on a private mentorship. Depending on your experience or needs, this coaching can cost you an extra $1,000 to $2,000. 

What Will You Learn From Ecommerce Scaling Secrets?

  • Facebook Advertising Mastery: You'll gain in-depth knowledge on creating Facebook ad campaigns. This is to drive traffic, increase conversions, and scale your business.
  • Sales Funnel Optimization: You'll learn how to build and refine sales funnels. Ensure it maximizes customer acquisition and retention, enhancing the customer's journey.
  • Email Marketing Strategies: Discover effective email marketing techniques. This is to boost sales, engage with your audience, and encourage repeat purchases.
  • Product Selection and Sourcing: This helps you understand how to select profitable products. You will also learn how to source them efficiently. This includes finding reliable suppliers and managing inventory.
  • Shopify Store Setup and Optimization: You'll get guidance on optimizing your Shopify store. This ensures better performance and higher conversion rates.
  • Advanced Scaling Strategies: This includes automating processes and expanding to new markets. It also covers using data analytics for informed decision-making.
  • Real-World Case Studies: You study successful ecommerce businesses and practical examples. You'll learn how key concepts and strategies apply in real-life scenarios.

What are Included in Ecommerce Scaling Secrets?

  • Product Research Secrets: This reveals an approach to finding profitable products through niching. Aside from videos, you will also receive five free fast-action bonuses. This includes live product research and pricing for maximum profit. It also covers hacking your productivity levels and sourcing from reputable suppliers. Furthermore, it discusses how to grow your product line.
  • TikTok Ads $80k/Mo Case Study: This gives the exact strategies to make over $500k/month using TikTok ads.
  • CBO Blueprint Case Study: This helps you generate a consistent 3x return on ad spend (ROAS) using Facebook ads. The program will help you spend $100,000 a day profitably.
  • 7-Figure Media Buyer Training: A three-part video series that teaches you how to become a successful media buyer.

What is Ecommerce Scaling Secrets' Brand Builders Academy?

The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets' Brand Builders Academy is a training program. Brand Builders Academy follows the same formula as eCommerce Scaling Secrets. Alex teases you with a new ecommerce business model. This is called a "lean e-commerce brand" that might earn you $10,000 to $20,000 per month.

There is no actual secret behind Brand Builders Academy. Based on what Alex mentions, you will learn how to find a profitable product. Additionally, you get to run ads and build a store through paid traffic.

Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Reviews

The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets reviews across different platforms are mixed. It has a rating of 4.1 from Trustpilot. The Ecommerce Scaling Secrets' positive reviews include its effectiveness. Users like Alex Billaut and Aashi have experienced significant sales growth. Billaut relaunched his business to immediate success. Aashi achieved $235,000 in monthly sales within five months. Reviewers also praise the detailed instructions, clear videos, and exceptional customer support. Carlos appreciated the quick and helpful response he received. Many, including Roma R. and Jay A., highlight the comprehensive and motivational content. Personalized coaching and a supportive community are also mentioned as key benefits. This is seen in the experiences of Serhii Biletskyi and Paul Freeman.

However, there are notable complaints showing potential issues. Justin and Jehanzeb Sultan reported administrative and communication problems. Justin experienced unauthorized billing and poor email responses. Jehanzeb criticized the mandatory strategy session process. Allen S. and Willem Willem raised serious concerns about the refund process. Irina and Annie had negative experiences with the quality of the purchased services. Ahmed Issa outright labeled the services as scams. 

Alex Fedotoff's platforms also showcases a lot of testimonial from clients. For instance, Giulia said that joining this program has been one of the best decision she has taken. She said that the group calls have been game changer. 

Is Ecommerce Scaling Secrets Worth It?

Yes, Ecommerce Scaling Secrets is worth it, especially for beginners. Its cheapest program ($27) may not teach you advanced strategies. But it offers valuable knowledge to get started. Many students reported being invited to be in Alex's more expensive coaching. But it promises more tailored support and strategies to your business needs. If you’re interested in working with him, it would be cheaper to skip the other courses. Schedule a call with Alex on his main website, and everything will be explained to you directly. 

Who is Alex Fedotoff? 

Alex Fedotoff is a successful ecommerce entrepreneur. He is the founder of several seven- to eight-figure brands. He is originally from Ukraine. Alex worked hard to learn English while building his companies. In his career, he’s lost thousands of dollars trying to advertise on Facebook.

Then, he learned what works on Facebook. He has since scaled all his businesses using the platform. Also, Alex has given himself the title of “King of Scaling Facebook Ads”. He believes that anyone can use the techniques he teaches to achieve success. Alex said that it is almost inevitable as long as you are diligent with your strategies.

Alex’s history is quite impressive. Having moved to America, knowing little to no English, but determined to make his impact on the world. Eventually, he founded eCommerce Scaling Secrets. His goal is to help more entrepreneurs scale their businesses in less time and with high success.

He also claims that other online business models are not as effective for online stores. This includes affiliate marketing, Amazon FBA, or even simple Google ads. He claims to have a net worth of at least $20 million. Alex receives 7- to 8-figures each month from each business he owns. He also claims to have made over $100 million for his clients in the ecommerce industry. This may or may not be true. Alex has likely generated most of his income from his coaching. This might explain why eCommerce Scaling Secrets is toward becoming his student.

This means that Alex's success, such as it is, is not precisely based on what he teaches, but because he teaches. This is a distinction that needs to be made. Alex’s marketing tactic works to get you interested in his programs. However, whether the lessons are helpful is not defined. 

Is Alex Fedotoff a Scam? 

Alex Fedotoff is not a scam. He has built a successful brand, and his methods have proven effective for many. He is a legitimate figure in the industry, though he has received some criticism from students. First, he was not very upfront about its pricing. Many students also reported constant upsells. While opinions on the value of his programs vary, many find that they can learn a great deal from his teachings.

Is Facebook Ad Marketing Still an Effective Strategy in 2024?

Facebook ad marketing is still an effective strategy for ad marketing in 2024 for any ecommerce store. However, experts caution against relying solely on the platform to generate new leads. As a Facebook advertiser, you must know your target market. Align your marketing strategies with their specific needs. 

For example, if you are catering to an older audience, you may encounter difficulties. Most senior customers do not use Facebook often or click on Facebook ads as much as younger people do . 

Why is Local Lead Generation the Better Option Than Facebook Ad Marketing?

Local lead generation is a better option than Facebook ads marketing. This is because of its targeted reach, cost-effectiveness, and ability to build relationships. Among all other online business models, local lead generation is more passive. This is with no need to spend on ads or creating sophisticated sales funnels. Local lead generation is straightforward. It has a low entry point and benefits from one of the lowest competition rates out there today. 

By focusing on a specific geographic area it ensures that the outreach is relevant. This results in higher conversions because leads are more likely to become customers. Also, this method is helpful for businesses that depend on local clients. This can include restaurants, gyms, or local services. Cost-effectiveness is another significant benefit of local lead generation. It requires less investment than running and optimizing Facebook ad campaigns. Local lead generation provides a better return on investment. This is without necessitating substantial ad spend.


Local lead generation strategies are often simpler to implement and manage. This allows for quicker adjustments based on immediate feedback. Also, it ensures a more tailored marketing effort to the unique needs of the local market. Optimizing for local search can drive more organic traffic to the business. Appearing in local search attracts relevant traffic without the ongoing costs of ads. Facebook ad marketing is powerful for reaching large audiences and targeting specific demographics. So, if you want to help local businesses with cost-effective and targeted marketing, try local lead generation

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. It's full of highly successful ecommerce business owners who started from nothing and his content is worth every penny. Just watch any one of his videos on YouTube and you can tell he is actively doing what he teaches, and sharing everything.

    Alex does have a higher priced mastermind, but you cannot get in until you are making serious money, which is what makes it great.

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