Gerry Cramer’s Profit Engine Review: How Does ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Work?

July 15, 2024

profit engine review

Profit Engine is an 8-week comprehensive training program by Gerry Cramer, Mark Ling, and Rob Jones.  It teaches affiliate marketers how to use paid traffic to generate a high return on investment (ROI) using the ClickBank platform. ClickBank is a leading global retailer and affiliate marketplace. Gerry Cramer has been one of the top affiliate marketers on the platform and has coached 8 top marketers as well. Profit Engine program covers various strategies to attract high-quality traffic.

The program offers live coaching sessions, high-converting pre-sell page templates, weekly Q&A calls, and many more. Affiliate marketing using ClickBank is a performance-based marketing strategy. Affiliates promote products or services from the platform for a 10%-75% commission.

However, affiliate marketing faces many challenges, especially using the ClickBank platform. One of them is market saturation. The low barrier to entry makes it easy for new entrants to enter the market. Some affiliate marketers succeed in less saturated niches and effective conversion strategies. Also, promoting products through paid advertising can be very costly. 

This Profit Engine review covers the mechanics of ClickBank affiliate marketing, who the program is for, its pros and cons, content, and many more. We will also look at another sustainable business more profitable than affiliate marketing. 

Profit Engine Review: Pros and Cons


The Profit Engine course offers a comprehensive training on affiliate marketing. 

Gerry Cramer is a well-known marketer with many years of experience. 

The Profit Engine course offers access to affiliate marketing tools, resources, high-converting pre-sale templates, and community support. 


The Profit Engine course is expensive. 

The course requires significant effort and time commitment to see results. 

There is no guarantee that it works for everyone. 

It focuses on paid traffic, which can be costly. 


The Profit Engine course cost $2,497.


The Profit Engine course offers an 8-week intensive training with live coaching calls.


Gerry Cramer has a Facebook page called Rise To Freedom with 1.3K followers.

Refund Policy

The Profit Engine course offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.


The Profit Engine course started in 2018. 


Gerry Cramer’s reputation is positive. He is one of the top affiliate marketers on ClickBank for many years. He also owns a YouTube channel with 10.6k subscriber, Instagram with 162K followers, and Twitter with 14.9K followers. Gerry also appeared on Dan Lok's show.

July 15, 2024

I joined the platform way back in 2018. It is now inactive. I actually like the structured guidance on affiliate marketing. I have been in the affiliate marketing for several years. However, when I tried paid advertising, it seemed not to work for me.

William Andrews
3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

How Does Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Work?

Clickbank affiliate marketing works by using the online platform to list and promote digital products. This can include eBooks, software, online courses, and physical goods. According to Gerry Cramer and his colleagues, it works this way:  

  • Product creators, or vendors, use ClickBank to list their products. They also manage sales, payments, and delivery. 

  • Vendors set commission rates for their products. This can range from 10% to 75%.

  • Affiliate marketers sign up on ClickBank to promote any of these products. 

  • Use the unique affiliate links generated by ClickBank to track sales and receive the correct commissions.

  • Affiliates can then use paid advertising to drive traffic to their affiliate links and convert them into sales.

  • The customer purchases a product using an affiliate's link. The affiliate earns a commission based on the predetermined rate.

  • ClickBank handles the transaction and deducts its fees. They also credit fees to the affiliate's account with the commission.

  • Affiliates receive payments from ClickBank, provided they meet the minimum payout threshold.

What is Profit Engine?

Profit Engine is an 8-week comprehensive training program designed for affiliate marketers. It focuses on using paid traffic to generate sales. Such as using platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads.

The course starts with the basics of affiliate marketing. It also covers selecting the right products and understanding the target audience. The course also talks about setting up affiliate campaigns. It also teaches different strategies for using platforms like Facebook to drive targeted traffic to affiliate offers.

Gerry Cramer also emphasizes the importance of pre-sale pages or web pages. It is critical to warm up potential customers to the product before sending them to the sales page. It also includes training in copywriting techniques, creating interesting ads, and pre-sale pages. Advanced modules in the course discuss how to scale successful campaigns and optimize the less successful ones. This includes A/B testing, tracking, and analytics.

What is in the Profit Engine Course?

The Profit Engine course includes: 

  • 8-week intensive training
  • Live coaching sessions
  • Pre-sell page templates
  • Ads swipe files
  • Ad Challenge
  • Community support 
  • Weekly Q&A calls
  • Techniques for e-mail list building

2024Who is the Profit Engine Course For?

The Profit Engine course is for:

  • Beginners in affiliate marketing

  • Have some experience but are looking to improve their skills in paid traffic and conversion optimization

  • Entrepreneurs interested in paid traffic

  • Marketers looking to enhance copywriting skills for ads and pre-sell page

Who is Gerry Cramer?

Gerry Cramer is one of the top affiliate marketers from ClickBank, earning millions of dollars. He began his online career in 1999 as an SEO specialist. He founded Profit Engine together with other marketers, Rob Jones and Mark Ling.  Gerry worked in the software industry before transitioning to affiliate marketing. 

Gerry Cramer is an accomplished internet entrepreneur, investor, keynote speaker, and mentor. He grew up in a financially challenged family, raised by a single mother with eight children. He also mentioned that he experienced a period of alcoholism, but overcame it. Gerry had coached eight of the top ten ClickBank affiliates. His guidance has enabled many to achieve financial independence, with some earning up to $30,000 in a single day. 

What People are Saying About Profit Engine?

People have divided opinions about Profit Engine. Since the Profit Engine platform is no longer active, it is difficult to find successful testimonials of the course. ScamRisk said that one of the positive sides of Profit Engine is its structured guidance on affiliate marketing through paid advertising. However, their review also notes concerns about the affiliate marketing industry being saturated, or close to it. This makes it challenging to achieve the income discussed in the Profit Engine course. 

Reviewengin mentioned that even with guidance, you need to take action to succeed. The review also mentioned that even if the Profit Engine program can be for beginners, it can still be challenging for those new to affiliate marketing.

A YouTube comment from charlesvoiceoverdotcom7266 said that some claim that they get a 14-17% click-through rate (CTR). JoshuaElderLive said that Gerry and his team showed proof in their live program. 

Jeremy Wayne from Freedom From Failure appreciates the comprehensive content of the training and the wealth of resources provided. However, he also noted that the cost of the course is high and it demands significant time and effort to gain results. Jeremy rates the Profit Engine course 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Is the Profit Engine Still Active? 

The Profit Engine is no longer active. Gerry Cramer posted on their website that the doors to Profit Engine have closed. However, in his parting video, he mentioned that he was moving forward with another venture. Looking at his YouTube channel, the last video he posted was from 4 years ago. Gerry is also associated with other courses such as Profit Singularity, Healthy Commissions, Passion to Profit, and many more. 

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It in 2024?

Yes, affiliate marketing is still worth it in 2024. It remains profitable, with potential annual earnings ranging from $1,000 to $100,000. Typically, it takes 6-12 months to earn money through affiliate marketing. This can increase based on niche selection, product choices, and digital marketing strategies. 

However, like any business model, its success depends on many factors. Online shopping continues to expand because of new platforms, technologies, and products. This allows affiliates to target less saturated niches. The continued growth of social media as advertising platforms offers new channels to reach potential buyers. 

It is also worth noting that there are still challenges to affiliate marketing. This includes high competition, changing consumer habits, high advertising costs, changes in commission structures, and many more. To succeed with affiliate marketing, you need to choose your niches wisely, invest in high-quality content, use data analytics, and keep up with the latest digital trends. 

Why Local Lead Generation is Better Than Affiliate Marketing?

Local lead generation is better than affiliate marketing for several reasons. First, while affiliate marketing is easier and cheaper to start, local lead generation has a higher profit margin. It can go as high as 80%-95%. Second, with local lead generation, you can have more control over your income. Third, since affiliate marketing has a low barrier to entry, it is a more saturated industry compared to local lead generation. It is also very volatile, so your income could never get steady.  Much of your success is based on some external factors that are outside your control. Moreover, it always takes several months before you can start earning. 

With local lead generation, your success depends on actual skills & real value you’re able to bring to these small businesses. You can generate the leads upfront to a local business, and help them get more customers. In return, they pay you by the lead or percentage of the business they close from my leads. Because there are so many niches and so many cities out there, local lead generation can be difficult to get over-saturated.

So, if you are looking for an online business using free, organic traffic that gives you the most control and the highest ROI, try lead generation business. It is a stable, consistent, passive income generator. It can help you walk away from your 9 to 5 job forever and live a completely different life of freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. Be very careful with Gerry Cramer and Rob Jones Their course "Profit Engine" does not work. There are dozens of people losing a lot of money.
    They do not care. Hopefully they will face the consequents one day!

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