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Karla Marie Fiction Profits Academy Review: Amazon KDP Success Using FictionPub AI?

September 13, 2024

Fiction Profits Academy (FPA Workshop) is an Amazon self-publishing online course by Karla Marie that teaches you how to make money online on Amazon KDP by creating eBooks. You will learn how to publish on Kindle Direct Publishing without being an author or writer. Fiction Profits Academy features an AI writing tool that will do 90% of the work for you.

Reviews for Fiction Profits Academy are mixed. They have a 3.33/5 rating on BBB and a 4.9/5 rating on Trustpilot. There are plenty of duplicated positive reviews on Trustpilot that has boosted their score. Many students who found no success with Fiction Profits Academy course have posted on Reddit because of the deletions of negative reviews on Trustpilot.

According to Self Publishing School, a "minuscule percentage" of likely less than 1% of self-publishers succeed. Based on my experience with selling on Amazon, I can say that this is close to reality. The low success rates and increasing costs of marketing motivated me to look for alternative online businesses.

In this Fiction Profits Academy review, we'll go over how Kindle Direct Publishing works, what Fiction Profits Academy is and who it's for, what you get with it, if its students are successful, and who Karla Marie is.

Fiction Profits Academy Review: Pros and Cons


Karla has published 60+ fiction books on Amazon. She has also critiqued thousands of books. Many former FPA Workshop students are now part of the team of mentors.

5 Zoom coaching calls every week.

Private community, with over 7,900 members for support and networking.


Many hidden costs and upsells.

The quality of the mentorship will depend on your assigned coach.

Dubious practices with manipulating reviews on Trustpilot.


Fiction Profits Academy costs $1,995 or 3 monthly payments of $995. There are many hidden costs and upsells that could go over $10,000.

Refund Policy

6-month money-back guarantee




Mostly positive reputation. But there are duplicated positive reviews and deleted negative ones.

March 9, 2025

After spending an hour locked into the video and then getting hit up on a timer that was ticking for you to take advantage that was my first red flag. There shouldn’t be a timer if there was a timer it would be on my end with you slow, rolling it for an hour to get to the point on your video about FPA and that whole travel thing you lost my interest then I don’t even know what to do at that point, but the reviews tell me not to spend the money because there’s hidden fees that you’re not coming out with. That’s all I keep hearing in the reviews hidden hidden hidden, and I don’t like hidden anything. If I was going to spend this kind of money I would have to charge it on a charge card and I hesitate to do that. I’m looking for alternative ways to do this because I am a gifted writer. I just can’t seem to assimilate all that needs to take place digitally. It’s slowing me down to where I can’t get anything produced except the old-fashioned way, so I’m a little disappointed And again I don’t like the trickery on the money. It should just be straight out what you’re charging and straight out what it is and straight out what the hidden fees are the days are long gone when you’re hiding stuff from people and using that .99 pricing I won’t invest in anything that has a .99 pricing behind it Because that tricky has got to go that illusion to the cost is not warranted anymore so get with the times round up straight out with your pricing don’t make it look like you’re giving us something when you’re really not

December 12, 2024

The days where you could make money on Amazon KDP this way are gone!

I made money there when you could.

Paidletter is a much better (and more profitable) way to do this now.

Nora S
September 13, 2024

Barely anyone in this program is making profit. The amount you’ll be spending on marketing plus what you spend on the course will just lead you to bankruptcy. They don’t tell you this when trying to sell you the program.


1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)

What Is FictionPub AI?

fiction profits academy review

FictionPub AI is Fiction Profits Academy’s proprietary AI writing tool. It can't write entire books, though that is in development. FictionPub generates story ideas, chapter hooks, and plots. It does this based on your input of the category and story and character tropes. This outline will be used by your ghostwriter to create your book.

What Do You Get With FPA Workshop?

fiction profits academy review

With Fiction Profits Academy, you get a 6-module, step-by-step course. It teaches you to find a profitable niche, create your ebooks, and list them on Amazon. Then, you can turn this investment into a passive income business. Since the launch of the FictionPub AI, you also get the new AI Publishing Course. The main package includes 5 coaching calls, Monday to Friday. It also gives access to the private Fiction Profits Academy Facebook page. You also get access to the following bonuses listed below.

  • Access to the Fictionpub AI Tool
  • Top 100 profitable book niches
  • Fiction Profits Academy approved ghostwriters
  • ABCs of technology for publishers
  • Best-seller monthly breakdowns
  • Generational wealth secrets
  • Extra Fiction Profits membership for you to gift

Who Is FPA Workshop For?

  • Newbies who want to learn how to create fictional books and sell it on KDP. You don't have to be a writer, as you will learn how to use AI writing tools or hire ghostwriters.
  • Publishers who want to learn how to scale. Writing a book takes a long time and Fiction Profits Academy teaches how to speed it up. It shows how to use AI tools and ghostwriters to write books quickly.

What Are the Fiction Profits Academy Reviews?

The reviews for Fiction Profits Academy vary widely based on where you look. The course has a high rating on Trustpilot but a negative rep on Reddit. Fiction Profits Academy has a  3.33/5 rating on BBB but all complaints have been resolved. 

Rachel Harrison-Sund, a self-publishing coach, recommended Fiction Profits Academy. It is 1 of the top 3 courses she took. She praised the coaches and the course content but criticized the process. She noted the limited coaching time, extra costs, and unclear marketing.

Fiction Profits Academy Trustpilot Reviews

Fiction Profits Academy has a 4.9 rating on Trustpilot from over 1,890 reviews. Of those, 1,300 are from verified students. But, on closer inspection, many students left multiple reviews to boost the score. As shown in the screenshot below, this is common practice. Many students leave 3 or 4 reviews. Positive reviews lack details of a success story. They don't say how many books the reviewers sold or how much money they made.

fiction profits academy review

Fiction Profits Academy has been accused of deleting negative reviews. Unsatisfied users noted false marketing. You will be spending more than just the course price. This user praised the training to be quite good, however.

fiction profits academy review

This next student expressed the concern regarding the limited 1-on-1 coaching. Mentorship is crucial in a new business. The high-learning curve means the limited coaching is not enough.

fiction profits academy review

Fiction Profits Academy Reddit Reviews

fiction profits academy review

Fiction Profits Academy reviews on Reddit are overwhelmingly negative. A long Reddit thread on Fiction Profits Academy had a student who exposed its deceptive marketing. The user said that FPA claims that it costs $250 to publish a book by ghostwriting. But, the reality was $1,000 to $1,200 per book. No one was succeeding with cheap, low-quality ghostwriting.

fiction profits academy review

Even ghostwriters have weighed in on the thread. They warned others about working with students of Fiction Profits Academy. Many admit the Fiction Profits Academy is giving ghostwriters work. But, they are hard to work with and expect to pay little for the quality.

Desiree Fredenburg - $0 To $710 Journey As A Fiction Profits Academy Student and First-Time Kindle Direct Publisher

Desiree's Background and Story

Desiree "Dez" is a single mother who started her Fiction Profits Academy journey 5 months ago. Before becoming a Kindle publisher, she had various jobs. They included an aesthetician, massage therapist, mortgage officer, and skin care business owner. However, these ended because of the pandemic and she needed to find a job she can do from home. So, she turned to Karla Marie and entered the world of Kindle publishing. 

How Desiree's KDP Business is Doing Today

Dez made $710 two months into her FPA Workshop journey. As of the interview (January 2024), she had published three books and reached the "Tiger" level of the FPA Workshop. Dez claims she has hit her first $1,000 and aims for bigger figures this year. She credits her success to the low start-up costs and quick returns of Kindle publishing. Dez also commends the FPA Workshop community and coaching. They were vital to her growth as a Kindle publisher. 

Lessons Desiree Learned on the Biggest Challenges She Faced

Embracing Risk: Desiree stresses the importance of being willing to take risks. She believes we must trust ourselves. We should be open to new opportunities, even if they are uncertain.

The Power of Persistence: She uses her story to emphasize the value of perseverence. As a single mother, she faced limits. But she used the challenges to rise and succeed.

Leveraging Community Resources: Desiree advises new publishers to leverage on community support and coaching. 

What's not mentioned in the interview: This video was about how Desiree made $710 in two months as a complete beginner. However, what she didn't mention is how much it cost her to achieve her $700 revenue. Also, Desiree didn't mention the $1,995 one-time fee to join the program (it's higher if you pay in installments). Amazon also charges a 30% or 70% fixed royalty on every book published and sold on the KDP platform.

Who Is Karla Marie?

ficiton profits academy review

Karla Marie Blocka is a successful Amazon KDP author from Penticton, BC, Canada. She is the founder of Fiction Profits Academy. She wrote romantic fiction stories and has a large loyal following. Karla has a psychology degree from the University of Alberta. She has made a living as a touring musician across Canada. She also waited tables and taught yoga. Karla has been teaching Amazon self-publishing since 2013. She created Fiction Profits Academy 2 years later.

Who Is Roy Lewis? 

Roy Lewis is the current CEO of Fiction Profits Academy from Jacksonville, Florida. He was a student of Fiction Profits Academy in 2016. Roy made over 2.3 million dollars with over 200+ fiction books published. He became Karla’s business partner and the CEO of Fiction Profits Academy in 2020.

What Is Karla Marie's Claim?

Karla Marie claims that the Fiction Profits Academy can give you the tools to quit your 9-5 by creating a passive Amazon KDP business. She claims her methods are low-risk and create passive income quickly. She also claims that 87% of the students make 6-7 figures within 12 months. Just how realistic are Karla’s claims?

Why You are More Likely to Fail with Karla's Method

There are many disadvantages with self-publishing books on Amazon KDP to replace your 9-5. Hiring a ghost writer can cost as little as $0.1 per word, which totals $200 for a 20,000 word book. The problem here is that the less you spend on ghostwriting, the lower the quality of the book. This leads to lower ratings and lower sales. You should invest $2,000 to $4,000 for quality ghostwriting. If you sell an ebook for $9.99 to maintain the 70% royalty rate, you make $6.99 per sale. This means you need to sell 286 copies to make $2,000. Amazon statistics show that 90% of self-published books sell under 100 copies. The average self-publisher only makes $1,000 a year on Amazon.

Second, you need to publish books consistently which will cost a lot of money. You may get lucky with some of your titles, but most of them will not sell. Only about 1,600 self-publishers, out of hundreds of thousands, make over $25,000 a year. These are self-publishers who have been writing and publishing for at least 10 years. They would already have strong following. One of Karla's students, Rachel, made 6-figures. But, she spent tens of thousands on Facebook ads. Plus, she spent a lot of time and effort to build a following for her series.

In September 2023, Amazon limited self-publishers to three ebook listings a day due to a surge in AI-written ebooks. If you use AI to write the whole book to save money, Amazon's guidelines require you to disclose that it has AI-generated content. This may reduce sales. Also, AI-written books aren't copyright protected. So, anyone can copy and sell your book for less.

Is Amazon KDP Worth It?

Amazon KDP is worth it as an extra source of income if you are a passionate writer or aspiring author. Writing and selling your own ebooks on Amazon takes away the risks of losing money from hiring ghostwriters. As with selling anything on Amazon, you must pay for ads to boost your listings' visibility. That said, you should not expect to make a living out of selling ebooks on Amazon.

My Number 1 Business to Create Passive Income

Local lead generation is my number 1 business to create passive income online. As a type of digital real estate business, you create a site, rank it on Google, and rent it out to local businesses. You don’t need to spend on ads or hire ghostwriters, which keeps your costs low. It costs as little as $500 to start and $30 a month to maintain, which makes it a low-risk business.


Unlike self-publishing ebooks, you don't need to anything else once your site is ranked and rented. This makes this business model sustainable and creates time freedom. Scaling a local lead generation business is as simple as repeating the rank and rent process. You make up to $2,000 a month from 1 site. I make $52K+ each month from over 50 lead generation sites. This is why local lead generation is my number 1 business model to create financial freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2025, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. I recently had to leave my job to facilitate my grad school internship. My husband and I were looking for ways to supplement our income. We decided to take $2000 of our money and invest it for a quick turnaround. That was money I saved ahead of time, and allocated to my bills. I had no idea after joining FPA that it would be such a time-consuming process. I could only dedicate 2 hours a day, expecting that after a month, I could start getting a return on my investment. After meeting with the coach at the very first meeting, when she starts explaining what it entails, and when I should expect to start making money, I go whoa whoa whoa. I cannot wait that long to make some money, and I damn sure don't have more time to dedicate to speed up the process. And I absolutely don't have more money to invest in the group with a higher price tag and quicker turnaround. Because that's what was offered to me to sign up for the more expensive group. I am already in grad school, FULL-TIME!!! And instead of being understanding and considerate to that, they dragged their feet in getting back to me, even missing one of the scheduled calls. Then they sent me an email that they wanted to understand more, so let's schedule a call. After explaining everything, FPA decided that they would keep my money and not give me a refund. Please be honest about the timeline for publishing a book and how much extensive work goes into it. I hope my $2000 keeps you feeling good about yourself and your business practices as I fall behind on my bills. Talhah Farooqi I need my money back. I am not in a position to lose 2 grand and not flinch. I am not rich. That's a scumbag move!!! I am allowed to speak to my experience and thanks to social media I will tell everyone because this is not fair.

    1. Never seen that one coming, thanks for the heads up, your in school, u can do it, do both just the to get one, don't lose your money, go for it, u can do this

    1. I paid as well… thousands. I was forwarded to several different people for support after voicing frustration in understanding and specifically following the training modules. A terrible feeling to have spent so much money and trusting the site leaves me perplexed by my ignorance.

  2. I saw you not sure what site but i stayed to the end and got.
    got disconnected and then i could find you

  3. Good morning Ippei! Darren here, coming to your inbox from Vancouver, Canada.

    I have been watching and consuming all the info I can find and the videos you have up from Dan, and am super excited interested. This so resonates with me, and I have been combing the internet for weeks trying to find something that grabbed me, and this did just that So I went to the book a call link and began to fill things out but stopped because I'm currently on long term disability, with no likelihood to go back to working a regular job, due to sickness and chronic health issues now.

    I wanted to book the call because at the end of one of the videos it's mentioned that you guys offer a limited number of scholarships to qualified applicants. However I also want to respect the time of those people running the calls, because I don't have the money to invest currently. So i am taking a leap of faith and reaching out to you. Can you tell me how one with entrepreneurial experience, drive, tenacity, and a hunger to change his situation by smashing through the ceiling poor health and social assistance have placed above me, goes about applying for a scholarship to JK??


  4. I am asking for a refund, nobody gets back to me. Not Joey, not Trevor or anybody
    Connected with the company.
    Joey told me they would take care it the refund inmmediately and now he blockrped
    My number. So don’t fall for this.
    I invested $2000.00 and no answer. I will get my lawyer to sue them because they
    Wrote “money back guaranty” and now they are all hiding
    George Ugarte

      1. It takes at least three hours a day for the first couple months. It is hard. I think you need more than a tablet. You need to write a lot to hire people and to wrte your book blurb.instructions are hard to see as they sign up for numerous is 10 modules with about 10 videos in each. It takes hours, and then you should repeat them again. It is tough. I have a lot and I want to quit.

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