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Owen Blue Ecom Insiders Dropshipping Academy Review: Scalability Secrets 2024

June 18, 2024

image of owen blue

Ecom Insiders Dropshipping Academy is an ecommerce course by Owen Blue who is the creator of the Ontario based ecommerce automation agency, Marketer Growth. The course offers subscription based training and step-by-step coaching. Dropshipping is a highly risky and unsustainable business model and has the lowest profit margin among ecommerce strategies. Experts estimate the fail rate to be as high as 90%.

I have found no Ecom Insiders Academy reviews online. The course is fairly new and its effectiveness is yet to be determined. Marketer Growth reviews are also sparse. It does not appear to be a popular or largely successful ecommerce automation agency.

In this Ecom Insiders Academy review, you will learn what you get with the course, who Owen Blue is, and what Marketer Growth is and what they offer. I will also discuss the business model and the problems that come with it.

Ecom Insiders Academy Pros and Cons


Affordable coaching subscription.

The training outlines four fundamental factors of digital marketing.


Dropshipping is not a sustainable business model.

There are additional costs for tools and fees.


Ecom Insiders Academy costs $47 per month.

Refund Policy



Marketer Growth was founded in 2020 and is based in Coburg, Ontario, Canada.


Marketer Growth has Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages and does have a very underutilized YouTube channel with 404 subscribers, and the last video was published two years ago. There are no online reviews and the company does not appear to have a very robust online reputation.

What Is Ecom Insiders Academy?

Ecom Insiders Academy is a self-paced dropshipping course.with step-by-step coaching. The training covers various topics to maintain a competitive edge, from marketing strategies to conversion optimization. The monthly subscription comes with access to a private community where you can network and get additional support.

What Do You Get With Ecom Insiders Academy?

  • Step-By-Step Training: A detailed breakdown on how to use Owen's "Selling System."
  • Plug & Play Resources: Comes with all the specific tools Owen uses to automate and scale their stores.
  • Shopify Store Reveal: The same layouts that Owen uses on his own 7-figure stores.
  • Q&A Chat Access + In-Depth Coaching Calls: Coaching sessions where you can get answers to your specific questions.

Who Is Owen Blue?

photo of owen blue

Owen began his ecommerce journey in 2018. But after months of failed attempts and almost zero profits, he was getting discouraged. Then, in 2019, in response to a DM Owen had sent to his inspiration, he got a call from Jared Goetz (the founder and CEO of the eCom Hacks Academy). Jared offered Owen a job managing his projects. (Owen is a talented photographer and videographer, and those skills helped him land this gig).

Owen worked on Jared's private mastermind, where he learned insider hacks and strategies from successful business owners in the ecommerce space. In 2020, he took his knowledge and founded Marketer Growth to help people learn directly from others who have achieved success with their ecommerce businesses.

Owen Blue’s $300,000/Month Dropshipping Secret to Scaling (2024)

In a video Owen posted on his YouTube channel, he shared his secrets to scaling a dropshipping business to $300,000 a month. Owen shared how his dropshipping store made $870,000 in 90 days. He shared that the secret to scaling is simplicity. Over complication creates problems with applied simplicity to various aspects of the operations, including product research, advertising, and overall business management. Owen states that over complication leads to led to burnout and a lack of desired results. He claims that by simplifying all aspects of your dropshipping business, you will scale faster and more efficiently. 

Key Points:

  • Embrace Simplicity: Implement simplicity in all business operations, avoiding over-complication. Charlie Munger’s principle of keeping business operations simple inspired Owen's belief in this concept.
  • Reduce Effort, Increase Focus: Shift from high-effort, time-consuming tasks to focused, efficient work. Owen Blue doesn't believe in building complex brands, landing pages, and trendy advertising strategies. He simplifies business operations to improve overall business growth. 
  • Simplify Key Operations: Owen believes that an efficient business runs itself. He runs the business himself along with just 2 VAs and a fulfillment team. 
  • Counter Industry Norms: You don't have to follow complex strategies often promoted by industry gurus. Owen believes in improving the results with less but more focused marketing strategies. 
  • Efficient Systems for Scalability: Develop straightforward systems for better scalability and profitability using minimal effort. Owen prefers 4 hours of deep, focused work over 12 hours of overcomplicated and unsystematized work.

What's not mentioned in the video: Owen claims to have made $300,000 per month in sales. However, he did not mention how much profit he makes from it. Dropshipping's typical profit margin is around 15% to 20%. So, we can estimate that Owen's monthly profit is around $45,000. 

What Is Marketer Growth? 

Marketer Growth is a social media ads manager company that offers done-for-you services for Shopify store owners like:

  • Ad Account Manager

  • Proven Niche Testing ($300 minimum budget + agency fees)

  • Proper Store Build Guide
  • Supplier Network

Marketer Growth's free training session is where they share four insider secrets to scaling a dropshipping ecommerce business:

 Let's check it out and see what's on offer:


Marketer Growth focuses on ecommerce automation and designing profitable ad strategies for Shopify dropshipping stores. With numerous done-for-you options, their goal is to create tailored ad structures and marketing campaigns to increase sales and profit margins. The free training they offer shows people how to model their profit hacks. If you want to sell on eBay, you can check Wealthy College Kid

image of marketer growth free training

Marketer Growth Free Training Review:

Marketer Growth shows you how to grow your income streams with an automated online store (or you can pay them to do it for you). Learn insider tricks on how to grow a passive 6-7 figure Shopify store on autopilot. They list four simple strategies to scale your ecommerce dropshipping store, including:

The Product

Marketer Growth has some detailed criteria for product selection. Learn the difference between a winning product that will only generate a few sales. And a hot seller that you can use to create a long-term brand and scale your dropshipping store.

Owen and his team focus on brandability and why you need to build your brand around your niche-not the product. Learn why every product has an expiration date and the importance of collecting data. Marketer Growth also shares tips like:

Marketer Growth's Strategies:

  • How to avoid saturated and impulse-purchase merchandise.

  • Why you need to understand your niche audience.

  • Why you need to focus on broad target market appeal products if you want to scale.

  • How geography impacts scaling your ecommerce dropshipping store.

Shipping Times

Marketer Growth shares exactly how they leverage 7-14 day shipping and why you need to build a solid logistics team for your dropshipping business.

Shipping inventory from China isn't going to cut it in 2022 when you're going up against big players like Amazon. So you need to find reliable US dropshipping suppliers to secure the fastest shipping times. Get access to a list of private suppliers and their 'special lines' with 7-10 day worldwide shipping.

Marketer Growth also offers branding options that include things like:

  • Customized Packaging
  • MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) Breaks
  • Private Label

Marketing Strategy

If your advertising isn't dialed in, you're going to lose time and money. By connecting with a team of experts to outsource your marketing, you tap into proven data-driven methods and will increase conversions and sales for your ecommerce store. But Marketer Growth encourages dropshippers to do what they do best. (And leave the advertising to their agency).

Proper Dropshipping Infrastructure

If you want to increase your dropshipping success rate and scale your business, you need a team or be willing to outsource to an agency. A lot of dropshippers fail to understand that to grow you need systems in place. And that includes people to handle aspects of your business like:

  • Marketing & Advertising

  • Fulfillment 

  • Customer Support

  • Management Team (where you pay for the above-outsourced services)

Is Marketer Growth’s E-Com Automation Agency Worth It?

Marketer Growth's free training is a blatant pitch to sell their services and doesn't share anything of value. Instead, it's a presentation riddled with spelling mistakes and repetition. A webinar-style session that portrays dropshipping as a simple business model if you're willing to outsource.

Marketer Growth highlights what they can do for your ecommerce dropshipping business. But they don't include any content on actionable strategies dropshippers can use to scale their stores. So if you're game for doling out cash to Owen Blue and his team, then it was well worth it.

picture of marketer growth ad

But if you want to learn the best ways to grow your business or scale your brand, this free session was a waste of your time.

There is merit in outsourcing aspects of your dropshipping business. I'm not disputing that. But in 2024, old methods don't work anymore. Now you need to be the best marketer with scroll-stopping creatives and high-converting copy. 

So either you take the time to learn the skills or pay an agency. (And cut into your already super-slim profit margins). If you’re interested in numbers-here’s the price tag for Market Growth’s services:

Marketer Growth Pricing:

  • Standard Package: Facebook Ads Management only-$697/month (+20% profit share)

  • Premium Package: Facebook Ads & Store Build-$1497/billed monthly (+20% profit share)

  • Full-Service Package: Full-Service Management-$2997/billed monthly (+20% profit share)

Problems With The Dropshipping Business Model:

The most significant issue with dropshipping is a lack of control. You're the middleman in a business model that runs on thin margins. You rely on suppliers to handle fulfillment. And because you don't manage any inventory, you don't deal with quality control which can be a customer service nightmare if your wholesaler isn't on point.

Then there are the concerns around shipping times. The old way of sourcing products from China has become less effective. People aren't willing to wait 7-10 days for items when Amazon offers the same and next-day shipping options. Plus better price points because they've cut out the intermediary. 

If you want to see success with dropshipping in 2024, you need to be quick on the hustle and jump on the latest trend before the market gets saturated. You need to find unique marketing angles that either fill a void in the market or tap into the existing pain points of your target market. 

That means you need to be on your game with your video marketing. Create scroll-stopping content with a WOW factor that invokes impulse purchases. Dropshipping isn't a get-rich-quick scheme, and a lot of dropshippers go in blind and don't take the time to conduct a dropshipping review or weigh the pros and cons of the business model before starting.

Because of the low barriers to entry with dropshipping, it's become super crowded. It also doesn't take much skill for another dropshipper to come in and copy your ideas. Or offer the same product at a better price tag and push you out of the running. 

And it's tough to build a brand because you're typically focusing on fads and fast trends. Changes to Facebook's algorithms and increases to their cost-per-click make advertising on social media an uphill battle-even with a viral TikTok ad. 

Dropshipping is a great way to make money online without a ton of investment or overhead costs. But as Marketer Growth pointed out-the real winners are the ones that can offer the services directly and not rely on any go-between. As a result, they'll get higher profit margins every time.

Common Dropshipping Mistakes:

99% of dropshippers fail because they fall victim to common dropshipping mistakes. Like choosing the wrong niche or product. Not connecting with a reliable wholesaler or failing to take the time to learn the fundamentals of the business model. 

Dropshipping is a thriving industry projected to be worth $5.5 trillion by the end of the year. But if you want to win, you need to be the best in a few core concepts. Like persuasive copywriting, popping product descriptions, and creatives that leverage a multitude of social media platforms and put your storefront and center. 

You need to increase the perceived value of your merchandise and build an easily identifiable brand. One that people will trust with social proof and that looks like an actual ecommerce store. You also need to take advantage of software and tools like AdSpy and Ecomhunt and always be one step ahead of your competition.


Dropshipping is a way to own an online business without investing large sums of cash or the hassle of storing inventory. But it's a competitive industry with low-profit margins and an even lower success rate (10-20%). 

Using an ecommerce automation agency like Marketer Growth is a solid option for those with the funds-or dropshippers who want to build a brand and scale fast. But you'd be better off using your money to learn the fundamentals of the business model. Fine-tune your skills, become the best marketer, and build your team for a lower price tag.

An Alternate Option To Dropshipping I’m Doing Now:

I tried my hand at dropshipping in 2017 and saw some pretty sweet success that you can read about here. But the business model has changed, and what worked in the glory days isn't working now, and it's getting tough to generate any kind of profit.

Far from a passive income, you need to be constantly on the hunt for the latest hot-ticket item. You need to be able to create stellar video and curated content. Stuff that grabs the attention of your ideal customer and convinces them to purchase your product(s).


My number one recommendation is lead generation because it offers a steady passive income stream. Websites like the one above that I created in 2015 are still making me between $500-$2000/month seven years later.

Are you interested in learning more? Check out this local lead gen program.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.