40 Services & Products You Can Sell to Small Businesses

June 20, 2024

products and services you can sell to businesses

The services and products you can sell to small businesses are:

  1. Jewelry
  2. Pet supplies
  3. Stickers and magnets
  4. Candles and essential oils
  5. Cosmetics and beauty products
  6. Subscription boxes
  7. Digital products
  8. Handbags
  9. Socks
  10. Handcrafted products

Other services and products include auto accessories, bath bombs, and music. They also include bath salts, sex toys, phone cases, and ceramics. Plus, there are enamel pins, kitchen accessories, and food tools. Selling products and services to small businesses is profitable. They seek things that help them improve efficiency and revenue.

Smart Simple Marketing also says that small business owners focus on trust and relationships in business. They are ready to invest in products and services that drive their success. Since they need ongoing support and upgrades, it creates chances for recurring revenue. They come through service contracts, subscriptions, and repeat purchases. This makes them a lucrative market for tailored solutions. 

Anita Campbell CEO of Small Business-cropped

Anita Campbell is CEO of Small Business Trends also points out that big corporations often overlook SMEs. This creates opportunities for agile providers to offer custom solutions and great service. This focus can build loyal customers and make steady money. It's a profitable way to target small businesses.

A Reddit user reported earning $50,000 a year by selling their time on Facebook. They get information from local Facebook groups about consumer needs. And share these insights with businesses, who pay for them. This shows a profitable niche in offering data-driven services. It helps small-scale trade companies understand and react to local market demand. However, you need to do a thorough research to determine a profitable niche that is on demand and scalable to sell.


In this article, we discuss services and products you can sell to small businesses and strategies to market these. We also include what niches are in demand and challenges you'll encounter in this business model.

1. Handyman Services

Small businesses benefit from these services because they lack in-house maintenance teams. And they need professional help to ensure their operations aren't disrupted by facility-related issues. This dependency creates a steady and reliable revenue stream for handyman service providers. Handyman businesses on average pull in $540,000 in gross annual revenue from roughly 1,440 jobs. This is about 5-6 jobs per day. It shows the high volume and steady demand for these services.

The average income for handymen ranges from $42,930 to $44,920 per year. This underscores the financial viability of this market. By focusing on small businesses, service providers can tap into a profitable market. These businesses not only need their skills for upkeep. They may also seek out more extensive upgrades and installations. This ensures a diverse and lasting customer base.

Reddit user, tadam4u recommends to connect with realtors in your area. They are always looking for a good handyman to refer to their clients. They also add that all it takes is 4-5 referring agents to create a bunch potential clients. However, they advise avoid problematic realtors.


2. Teach a Skill

Small businesses often lack the resources for extensive training programs. So they're willing to pay for targeted skill development services. The Association for Talent Development (ATD) says companies with work trainings have 218% higher income per employee. This is compared to companies without formal training. It's able to boost their profits and growth. The Harvard Business Review also reports that organizations with learning cultures are 92% more to innovate. They are also 52% more productive and 17% more profitable than their peers.

This trend highlights a crucial market segment for educational services targeting small businesses. It's particularly key to business operations and competitiveness. These skills include digital marketing, data analytics, and strategic planning. Skillademia or Skillshare made it easier for companies to invest in their employees' development. They do this through digital education tools, like webinars and online courses. Skillshare states that teachers can make from $200 to over $3000 a month. The amount depends on how much you teach. Plus, teaching new skills lets you reach more people and adds another way to make money from what you know well.

better sheets

Course is only $197 and it's over 34 hours long. Comprehensive step-by-step training. He does offer weekly Q&A sessions as well. So if you're strapped for cash, this is definitely not a bad option. Read our full eCom Elites Review for more info.


3. Online Tutoring

Online tutoring services offer flexible scheduling. This makes them convenient for small businesses with busy employees and clients. Small businesses who offer online tutoring to their employees help improve their skills and knowledge. It will lead to higher productivity. An IBM report states that e-learning boosts employees' potential productivity by up to 50%. For every $1 a company invests in such training, they get back $30 of productivity.

By offering tutoring services designed for their specific needs, you enter a market that needs ongoing learning. And, you can do it all from the comfort of your home or office. Online tutors can earn from $15 to over $100 per hour depending on what they teach. Plus, some tutors make more than $10,000 a month. 

Quoran and business consultant Kathleen Taylor says that more people are using online tutoring. This is because of the Covid-19 pandemic. She also thinks that starting an online tutoring business is a good idea. It costs less and is more comfortable for students.
Kathleen Taylor
Reddit user who owns a tutoring business shares that they are earning $6,000 per month. However, they are able to achieve this by working all week days from 5 PM onwards and even on week ends. They use worksheets, review packages and automations to streamline their business processes. With this, they were able work with 100 plus students.

4. Cover Letter and Resume Service

Selling resume and cover letter writing services to small businesses because of their lack of HR departments. This stops them from creating high-quality resumes and cover letters for their job openings. An NFIB survey found that 64% of small businesses struggle to find qualified job applicants. This makes them willing to invest in services that give them an edge in hiring. This is especially true for those in competitive industries. SHRM found the small businesses that use pro resume and cover letter services cut their time-to-hire by 30%. By offering these services, you add value that helps businesses attract better candidates faster.

You can charge between $100 to $300 per resume and cover letter package, depending on the complexity and industry. When businesses see the benefits of pro resume services, like a 25% improvement in applicant quality, they often return or refer others. You can also offer customizable packages to cater to various needs and budgets. This increases the marketability and reach of your cover letter and resume service. 

by recruiters
Ana Colak-Fustin

ByRecruiters' Ana Colak-Fustin started her company in 2018 after noticing that many job seekers struggled to create effective resumes. Ana was a corporate career coach. She decided to design simple resume templates. They would help applicants succeed in the tough job market. With $5, she launched her business, which sells these templates on Etsy.

Her store has reached over 6,000 sales in more than 50 countries. ByRecruiters makes between $1,500 and $4,000 every month, totaling about $42,000 a year. Ana manages the business alone. She has turned her small startup costs into a successful enterprise that helps many with their job searches.

Reddit member, jonkl91 states that organizations severely underpay resume writers so they prefer to work for myself. The user's rates average to $100-250 an hour depending on the level of the client. This rate allowed them to earn $30,000-$120,000. Which is much higher than most organizations that pay $20-$35 an hour for cover letter and resume services.


5. Consulting

Small businesses often lack specialized knowledge. They lack it in areas like strategic planning, digital marketing, and financial management. They can also recommend more efficient processes and suggest affordable technology. This may involve streamlining processes and implementing new technologies to save time and money. The Small Business Administration (SBA) found that small businesses that use consulting services saw a 30% increase in their revenue within the first year. This translates to an additional $30,000 in revenue on top of their annual revenue of $100,000.

Depending on your specialty and the market need, consultants can charge $50 to $300 per hour. Consulting Success states that freelancers working with small businesses earn $75,000 to $150,000. This earning potential is due to the specialized knowledge and tailored strategies provided. Small business owners value these things. This shows the high demand and value placed on consulting services by small business owners.

Subredditor of r/Entrepreneur, Chief_tyu started their consulting side business with less than $2,000 five years ago. Their only cost was a laptop, $1,500 in business lawyer fees, contracts and business documents. They spent $0 on advertising and focused with content marketing  on social media. According to them, they have 350 clients and are hitting 6 figures this year.

consulting success
Michael Zipursky

Consulting Success' Michael Zipursky founded the company with an initial investment of $1,000. He established his business after running and selling businesses with his cousin Sam. They envisioned a business that could be managed remotely, allowing them the freedom to travel. They created content and used their expertise to do it. This cultivated an audience. The audience asked for courses and a coaching program.

This initiative blossomed into Consulting Success®, which now generates $2.4 million per year. The team started with three members. They grew the business to a lucrative 7-figure enterprise. They earned $200K monthly from their consulting and coaching services.

6. Done for You (DFY)

Done-for-you (DFY) services are popular because they help businesses handle tasks they don't have the time or expertise to manage themselves. In 2023, over 30% of small businesses outsource at least one business process. Highlighting the growing demand for DFY solutions. These services include website development, bookkeeping, and social media marketing. They offer expert execution. It's faster and often more effective than what businesses can do in-house.

Buildapreneur's Spencer Mecham says that a DFY online business can earn up to $75,000 per year. Certain DFY businesses deliver a one-time service. For example, website creation. They can also make money from maintenance. In contrast, other done-for-you businesses, like bookkeeping or accounting, need continuous, regular work.

User Citrous_Oyster shares that selling static brochure sites make them earn $3,500 for five pages. They've done more $5,000  sites because of the blog and extra page fees. They also offer an upsell for $80 a month for unlimited edits, 24/7 support, lifetime updates, etc. Their experience shows that DFY services is a profitable business for aspiring entrepreneurs.

done for you niche
maverick media labs

Maverick Media Lab's Gilberto Rosas founded his company six years ago without any startup costs, and it now earns $120,000 each year. It offers a "done-for-you" service that helps businesses get more customers using LinkedIn and email. Growing up in a family that moved to the U.S., Gilberto wanted to earn his own money. He learned a lot about marketing while working for another company. Right now, Gilberto runs the company by himself and expects to double his income to about $20,000 a month very soon.

7. Vlogging and Live-Streaming

Vlogs and live streams provide a platform for small businesses to showcase their products and services in action. Demos, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses help customers understand the value. This understanding leads to more sales. In fact, small businesses that use video marketing grow revenue 49% faster than those that don’t, as reported by Animoto. For example, if a business with an annual revenue of $200,000 and a profit margin of 15% uses vlogging and live streaming services, the profit would be $30,000. This highlights the effectiveness of vlogging and live streaming services among small enterprises.

A vlogging and streaming service can earn $120,000 a year. This is if it secures 10 small business clients. Assuming a profit margin of 30%, the annual profit would be $36,000. As the business grows and attracts more clients, the revenue and profit potential can increase. ZipRecruiter says video content creators make around $58,500 per year, on average. However, top earners in the field can make upwards of $100,000 per year. 

Redditor AuroByte says that as long as you provide reliability and quality, clients will stick to you. The user does live-streaming as a micro-team in Singapore and mange switching and stream and one camera op. However, their biggest challenges comes from AV companies who does everything. Because if a client needs to rent audio for their event, they are going to engage with the AV company instead of AV for audio plus lights and livestreamers.


8. Jewelry

Small businesses often have a loyal and dedicated customer base within their local communities. Supplying them with your jewelry items gives you access to this established customer base. It's hard to build one from scratch as an individual seller. They already invested time and resources in building relationships with their customers. By partnering with them, you can use their existing customer trust and loyalty. A study by the Local First organization found that enterprises that locally source products see an increase in profit margins by 7-10%. Which translates to an additional $7,000 to $10,000 in profit for a business with $100,000 in annual revenue.

Small businesses also have a loyal and dedicated customer base within their local communities. Supplying them with your jewelry items gives you access to this established customer base. A study by the American Express OPEN Small Business Monitor found that small businesses, on average, have been in operation for over five years. This indicates a stable and trusted presence in their communities. By partnering with them, you can use their existing customer trust and loyalty. As a result, you can see revenue going up by about $10,000 to $15,000 per year. This comes with a profit increase of around $3,000 to $5,000, stated by Local Business Institute. 

kendra scott
We Are Kendra Scott-cropped

Kendra Scott started her jewelry business in 2002 with only $500. She began by selling her jewelry door-to-door in Austin. Her business grew because her jewelry was unique and she cared about helping people through her work. By working hard and keeping her mission in mind, Kendra’s company became very successful.

 Kendra's jewelry and other products are now sold in big stores like Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom. She has over 75 stores around the world, including a special one in London. In 2016, a company invested in her business, making the value of her company $1 billion. This shows how much her business grew from $500 million to being worth a billion dollars. It's a testament to how merging a passion for beauty with a desire to help others can bring huge success.

jewelry kittenco
Maya Portorreal-cropped

Kitten Co's Maya Portorreal started her business with only $2,000 as a one-woman team in 2019. She used the initial investment to develop a single ring design. She used private label suppliers for faster brand application. Her business breakthrough came when an influencer posted her jewelry. It boosted her brand's visibility and sales. Maya used influencer marketing and Facebook ads strategically. This led to steady monthly revenue growth, reaching $10,000. They've grown to a lot of profits, earning $350,000.

Maya invests repeatedly in her business, broadening offerings and streamlining tasks. She also helps the entrepreneurial community. She plans a nonprofit to support female business owners. This shows her commitment to both business success and social impact.

A redditor, Nikhilsharmass also launched their jewelry business before COVID. They invested $250,000 and scaled their business to $500,000. They started with 20 products and used organic marketing to gain traction. After settling with a reliable supplier their store 40% in profit margin. They recommend having multiple suppliers to keep up with the holiday rush.

jewelry nikhilsharmass

2. Pet Supplies

The pet supply industry is a lucrative niche for small business entrepreneurs because of the increasing pet ownership and spending on pet care. The American Pet Products Association says about 85 million homes own a pet. Pet ownership has increased from 56 % to 68 % in the last 30 years. This translates to the increasing spending habits of pet owners. For example, dog owners spend an average of $367 on veterinary care and $339 on food. And cat owners spend about $310 on food and $253 on veterinary care. 

Quora user, Laura Brooks also asserts that a pet supply store can be a lucrative business. It is a $60 billion industry and continues to grow making it a good option for aspiring entrepreneurs. She shares that the average profit margin can range from 20% to 30%.

Laura Brooks

Another user, Founder of Fast Lane Academy's Chris Jordan says that pet supplies sell really well. He also advises users to perform a lot of research and due diligence. He recommends low hanging fruit products. These items make small profits but sellers only need to launch a few of them to compete with the best seller. 

Chris Jordan

The average pet supply store can achieve daily sales of $2,500-$900,000 with potential weekly profits of $92,700. Online shopping has also reshaped the market, with over 40% of pet-owning consumers preferring to buy supplies online.  And on average, a pet supply business owner in the US can expect to make a salary ranging from $30,000 to $60,000 per year.

tuft + paw
Jackson Cunningham

Jackson Cunningham started Tuft & Paw over seven years ago after he rescued a cat and realized that it was hard to find good-quality cat furniture. Jackson launched his business with $1,000, importing well-designed cat furniture from abroad. He then ran a successful fundraiser on a site called Kickstarter. He raised over $150,000 to make a new type of cat litter box. This was a big step that helped his business grow a lot. The company now generates $3.6 million in annual revenue. Jackson's story shows how he saw a market gap to improve things for cat owners.

diva dog bakery
Kristin Larsen-cropped

Diva Dog Bakery's Kristin Larsen launched her business over three years ago with an initial investment of $2,500. She transitioned from a side hustle after a job loss in the Great Recession. Kristin began by selling healthy dog treats at local farmers' markets and on Etsy.

Kristin founded the Diva Dog Bakery program, building on her Pinterest VA program success. It's generated $33,000 a month since November 2020. The program now guides students. It helps them start their own successful dog treat bakeries.

3. Stickers and Magnets

Stickers are a great choice for a small business because they are easy to make and send out, and you can keep coming up with new designs. You can choose from different materials like paper, vinyl, or polyester to make your stickers look good and last long. Starting a sticker business can be profitable and earn up to 80% profit on your sales.

Magnets are also popular and can be a good product to sell. A recent CBS News poll states that 87% of Americans have magnets on their refrigerators. This shows there's a big demand for magnets, which can be both useful and fun to decorate with. Making and selling magnets can be profitable. This is especially true if you're creative with your designs.


Online seller Cinquanta Cox-Smith suggests a smart way to sell magnets online by using service like Printify to make special, die-cut magnets that can be shaped differently to look more attractive. Cinquanta combines these magnets with her brand's other items. These include t-shirts and hoodies. She does this to sell more products. She also talks about these magnets on her YouTube channel and social media. This helps her fans become customers by buying from her store.

love from mim

Love from Mim's Mim Jenkinson founded her successful sticker shop during a challenging period in her life. In late 2015, Mim was diagnosed with breast cancer. She turned to her passion for paper planning and sticker making as a therapy. She taught herself to create stickers and, shortly after, decided to sell them on Etsy.

Mim's shop, Paper Planner Club, became popular. It drew global customers to its unique creations. Despite initial slow sales, through persistence and effective marketing, her business flourished. Today, Mim's shop makes multiple six figures each year. She earns close to $600,000 yearly from it and her course sales and online coaching. Last year, she earned almost $600,000. And, in 2023, she's on track to exceed that.

Subreddit user from r/Entrepreneur Jadafaa shares how their $100 side hustle made them $25,000 in total sales. They state that there is a big market for candles and the products are validated. The user also add that the candle making process is easy to learn and free resources are available to help with that. 

reddit Jadafaa

Another user Elegant-Day-5045 shares that they charged their items at $12-$13 at first. But changed it to $15 after doing enough local events. They recommend to factor in the materials, labor and add 10-15% when pricing your products.


4. Candles and Essential Oils

The candle and essential oils market demonstrates significant growth and profitability, supported by consumer data and industry statistics. The National Candle Association states 70% of US households use candles. This shows their wide appeal and integration into daily life and gift-giving.

The National Candle Association reports that 70% of U.S. households use candles. This shows their wide appeal and integration into daily life and gift-giving. 76% of consumers think it's appropriate for holidays. 74% think so for housewarmings, 66% for dinner parties, and 58% for birthdays. This strong demand creates a big market opportunity. Especially for those looking to enter the candle business.

Eva Maganja

Eva Maganja started A:musé shop with $6,000. She loves fragrances and wanted to make candles that are better for people's health. Instead of using paraffin wax, which caused her to cough, she chose natural beeswax and soy wax. With the help of her partner Urban Bradesko, they created beautiful and eco-friendly candles.

Now, their small business earns $8,000 every month. Eva and Urban run their business together and focus on making products that are good for the environment. They've been doing this for over two years and make $96,000 a year from their candles.


TERRA's Dianna Allen started her candle business in 2019 with $100. She was inspired by unique scents from her travels and decided to make candles in St. Louis, Missouri. Her candles are special because they remind people of pleasant places and times, like picnics in Seoul or walks along the Baltic Sea.

Dianna's online store grew and in only eight months, she was making $30,000 a year. She even got to sell her candles to big companies like Greetabl and Kinder Beauty. Dianna proves that with a small amount of money and a lot of passion, you can start a successful business.

5. Cosmetics and Beauty Products

The cosmetics and beauty products industry is always in demand. According to LendingTree, 75% of Americans think these products are important and spend about $1,754 on them each year. Women in America spend even more, averaging $3,756 yearly. This steady demand shows that even when money is tight, people still buy beauty products.

With skincare products, businesses can make a profit of about 70%. This means that for every dollar they earn, 70 cents are profit after paying all the expenses. Starting a business in this industry is a chance to make and a way to offer new and exciting products to customers.

Redditor LaoAPG says that selling cosmetics can be profitable if shop owners but the excess from new brand production to fill the orders. They recommend brands that only has 200,000 bottles of retail share but the factory MOQ of 250K.

keauty Cosmetics and Beauty Products
Kellie Yavalar-cropped

Keauty's Kellie Yavalar was inspired to create DIY face mask kits during a sales meeting where the idea of using food packaging for beauty products was suggested. After a trip to Turkey, she became determined to mimic the soothing, natural feel of a homemade face mask. She made an initial investment of $45,000.

Kellie devoted many nights and weekends to research and develop the brand. She overcame many production challenges and learned all about Shopify. Keauty yields an annual income of $18,000, a testament to her diligence.

6. Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes are becoming very popular, with over half of online shoppers (54%) signed up for at least one. These boxes are filled with different products like snacks, beauty items, or puzzles. They come right to the customers' doorstep. People like them because they offer new and exciting items in a convenient way. Many customers even subscribe to more than one box, showing they enjoy these services.

These boxes can be quite profitable, with most making a profit margin between 40-60%. Paddle even states that company that starts with 1,000 customers and charges $100 per month will have $475,000 more after 18 months. The key to a successful subscription box business is picking the right items. These items keep customers coming back. This creates a steady income from repeat customers who often spend more than first-time buyers. Plus, there's a chance to make extra money by selling products at full price on websites or in stores.

launch your box
sarah williams-cropped

Launch Your Box's Sarah Williams started her store while running a retail store. Her subscription boxes became popular. She attracted many local customers to pick them up in person. This helped her business grow fast. When the pandemic hit, Sarah decided to focus only on her subscription box business.

Now, five years later, she has thousands of subscribers and has made over $5 million.Sarah’s experience shows that a subscription box business can be very profitable. For example, if you make $20 from each box and have 50 subscribers, you earn $1,000 every month. The more subscribers you have, the more money you can make.

7. Digital Products

Digital products are popular, as 96% of Americans have purchased at least one digital product online. This illustrates the vast reach and demand in the digital market. Tidio's research shows a significant shift: 70% of Americans shop online. In 2022, digital buyers in the U.S. reached 268 million. Projections estimate that digital buyers will grow to 285 million by 2025, and experts expect this trend to continue.

These products, such as eBooks, online courses, and software, do not need physical inventory. They can be sold many times without more production costs. This makes it easier for entrepreneurs to start up and increases profit margins. It's a lucrative opportunity for those looking to capitalize on the digital economy's huge growth.

Reddit user Fast-Thing-929 claims that digital products can generate significant one-time earnings. They recommend to spend money on ads in order to get consistent sales. A dollar spent on ads brings $3 dollars back. They suggest earning good money on selling digital products then invest it to somewhere else.

think tank teacher

Think Tank Teacher's Lisa Fink used to be a teacher for 15 years, but started her own business making educational printables from home. In two years, she was making over $100,000 a year, and now she earns more than $400,000. Her printables have been a big hit. Teachers, parents, and people planning kids' parties downloaded them over 250,000 times.

Lisa’s big secret to success is using email marketing. It helps her tell more people about her printables and turns them into loyal fans. This approach has helped her business grow a lot, and she even made a special course to teach others how to do it too. Lisa says building a good email list and using it well is the best way to ensure that many people see and buy your products.

User Buttercup_Wildflower says that if you sell website templates for $100, you only need to sell 10 a week to earn $1,000 in revenue. This means sellers only need to sell a dozen to make a profit of $10,000. However, they warn users that creating these templates takes skill so it might not be plausible for a lot of sellers. They assert that there is a ton of money to made in the digital space if you create unique and high quality products.


8. Handbags

Handbags are a very popular and profitable business idea. According to a study by MightyGoods, American consumers spend more on new handbags than any other country, with an average of $313 per bag. This high spending shows that there is a big demand for handbags in the United States.

The profit margin in the handbag industry ranges between 25% and 40%. This means that for every $100 you make in sales, you could earn between $25 and $40 in profit. Starting a handbag business can be a great way to make money while also indulging in a passion for fashion and accessories. For example, large, durable purses are for moms who need to carry a lot of things. Stylish clutches are for women who are going to parties. And practical backpacks are for women who travel.

Nica Yusay

FashioNica's Nica Yusay started her online vintage purse store in January 2021 with a $15,000 investment. She quit her $82,000-a-year marketing job to run FashioNica full-time. Her TikTok video on price negotiation went viral, gaining three million views and increasing her following. By the end of her first year, Yusay's earnings from FashioNica reached $300,000. Since 2022, the store has generated about $1 million in revenue. FashioNica operates in the luxury secondhand market, worth $33 billion. Nica competes with major players like The RealReal, which had sales of almost $1.5 billion in 2021.

Nica's business strategy focuses on selecting timeless purse styles to ensure her products stand out. She works six days a week, planning weekly releases of 20 to 30 designer bags priced between $170 and $19,000. This disciplined approach helps maintain FashioNica's visibility and sales in a competitive market.


9. Socks

Socks are a demanded product, with over 50% of people in the U.S. purchasing them as holiday gifts, according to recent market surveys. An NPD Omnibus Survey revealed that 64% of U.S. adults wear socks at home. This highlights their wide use in many places. This consistent need makes socks a stable and profitable business venture.

A redditor shares that the demand lies on fancy socks with unique colors and expensive yarns. The long lead time and the time it takes to produce them drives up the cost of textiles that use performance fibers.

socks business

Another user suggests to avoid products that other shops market and to base the price on what you need to sell to make profit. Making your own designs and original IP will make your shop stand out. Otherwise, your business will just be another reseller.


The sock market's profitability is also reinforced by consumer habits on sock replacement. Studies by Josette Olivera-Sanson, suggest socks should be replaced every 4 to 7 months for optimal wear. The frequent usage often shortens this period to 3-5 months. This regular replacement cycle creates continuous demand for new socks. It boosts the sock business, making it a lucrative and lasting opportunity.

feat sock co
chelsey wilson-cropped

FEAT Sock Co's Chelsey Wilson and her husband Johan have been running Feat. Designer Goods in Cape Town since Johan joined in August 2020. They design and manage products while taking care of their young child and their terrier, Teddie. It all started with a love for colorful socks in October 2012. Now, their business includes stationery, memory games, and activities for kids, all made in South Africa. They focus on making fun products that stand out and spark conversations. Chelsey and Johan use smart branding and social media to grow their business.

FEAT Sock Co started by selling socks on a college campus. It grew to earning $200,000 a month. This happened after Olympic athletes wore their socks and posted about them on Instagram. Chelsey and Johan keep their business fresh and interesting. They do this to make sure it stays successful. They care a lot about quality, comfort, and good service. They make sure everything is made locally in South Africa.

10. Handcrafted Products

Handcrafted products are becoming popular around the world. 81% of consumers prefer handmade items because they are unique, according to Ask Your Target Market. 72% of people believe handmade items are more special than those that are mass-produced. People want these products because they are unique and high quality. They also want them for the personal stories they carry.

These products involve a lot of skilled manual work. Artisans spend considerable time crafting each piece, making them distinct and of high quality. This is why 58% of buyers see handmade items as better than factory-made ones. Customers like the personal touch of handmade goods. Many are willing to pay up to 17% more for them, especially when buying gifts for loved ones. This trend supports small businesses. It fosters a link between the product and the buyer. This connection adds value to handcrafted items.

humble knives
chris sofia-cropped

Chris Sofia founded Humble Blades over eight years ago. He transitioned from a career in design and marketing to pursue his passion for knives. He started with a $5,000 investment from his last unemployment check. But, he had no prior experience in knife-making. Chris built his business to generate $24,000 per year by being persistent and using social media for marketing. His focus on being real and personal service has set up Humble Blades for future growth. 

Redditor Repulsive_Trifle expresses their success how they are shy away from achieving 350 sales after opening their shop after six months. They add that they do $1 per day ads to market their products.


User Snapdragonstars shares that also own a shop for two years now. They sell handmade plushies that they design and sew. They say that success is whatever your goals or averages are. They claim that their shop is doing better than their initial goals. They advise to focus on a bigger picture, the whole year - rather than month to month. Preparing for the holidays ahead of time will ensure your shop is stocked up and ready.


11. Auto Accessories

Sellvia reports that the auto accessories market has a vast customer base, as 91.3% of American households own at least one vehicle. This translates to over 112 million potential customers in the U.S. alone. Auto accessories like steering wheel covers, floor mats, and window tints are in high demand. These accessories improve functionality and comfort, making them essential for many car owners.

About 80% of new car buyers buy accessories in the first 120 days of car ownership. They spend an average of $1,000. Seat covers, air fresheners, and DVD players make driving more enjoyable. They also make it more comfortable and appealing to a wide range of consumers. Industry data suggests that auto accessories shops can achieve a net income of 5% to 10% of revenue. This shows a healthy profit margin for those who tap into this market well.

Adrenaline Offroad
Mitchel Matthew

For example,  Adrenaline Offroad's Mitchel Matthews started his company after inheriting his grandfather's 2005 Ram 1500 truck in 2014. This truck sparked his love for vehicle modifications. He shared his adventures and truck modifications on YouTube. He gained a large following and got over 30,000 subscribers by October 2017. Mitchel saw a chance to expand. He began selling truck items like decals and clothes through his business. As his business grew, he expanded to selling more types of truck modifications, starting with an affordably priced rock light kit.

By the end of 2018, Mitchel dedicated himself full-time to Adrenaline Offroad. He focused on helping others make big upgrades to their vehicles without overcharging. He aimed to make customers proud of their custom rides. His efforts have led to over 4,000 custom transformations. Currently, Adrenaline Offroad is thriving, bringing in $540,000 per year. Mitchel’s key advice is to never give up. Engage daily with like-minded people. Focus on offering great value with each product.

A Redditor also shares their story about running a successful truck parts business. They started small, selling only three types of truck parts, and focused on a specific type of repair. Over time, they added more parts until they had everything needed for those repairs. They ship their parts directly to big companies that make trucks. The business really started growing when an investor gave them $50,000 to help with the early costs. Now, they make over $100,000 every month and keep 70% of that as profit.

auto accessories

12. Bath Bombs

Every year, businesses in the U.S. alone sell over 10 million bath bombs and can see profits of 40% to 70%. And according to Aventive, the US sees over 10 million bath bombs sold each year. Starting a bath bomb business is also great because it doesn't cost much to begin, and you don't need a lot of room. You can use ingredients from your home, and since bath bombs are small, you can store many of them. 

For instance, if you make 100 bath bombs a month for 50 cents each and sell them for $3 each, you make $2.50 profit on each one. This means you earn $250 a month. If you make more, like 1,000 bath bombs, you could earn $2,500 a month. Customers come back to buy more, especially if you also sell soaps, which can increase your sales. You can buy materials in bulk at lower prices. Insurance is also available for small businesses. Making bath bombs is a smart way to earn money.

dabomb fizz
dabomb fizz-cropped

DaBomb Fizzers' Caroline and Isabel Bercaw started their own business, DaBomb Fizzers, when they were 10 and 11 years old. They began by making bath bombs at home in the summer of 2011. They used $25 of ingredients their parents bought for them. They sold their first batch at a local art fair in Minneapolis. It quickly sold out and encouraged them to keep going.

Now, their company makes and sells 500,000 bath bombs every month. They sell them at big stores like Target and Ulta. They make millions of dollars each year. The company has over 100 employees, and the Bercaw sisters help run it while still going to school. They started with a small idea and turned it into a big business that a lot of people love.

13. Music

The music industry is thriving, with 90 million U.S. subscribers to music streaming services, according to Statista. Streaming accounted for 84% of all recorded music revenue in the U.S. that year, according to Statista. Digital platforms dominate the music industry.

Despite digital formats, there's also a big demand for physical music. A YouGov survey revealed that 46% of Americans still prefer buying physical music. Despite digital formats, there's also a big demand for physical music. A YouGov survey revealed that 46% of Americans still prefer buying physical music. This trend spans generations, with Baby Boomers at 47%, Gen Xers and Millennials both at 48%, and Gen Zers close behind at 45%. Interest in both digital and physical music shows that small businesses can make money in this niche.


Singer, songwriter, and business owner Charles Cleyn advises artists to make their music available everywhere. He recommends using streaming services, radio stations, and live concerts. They can help you get noticed. Charles also recommends making CDs or vinyl records for fans who like to collect them.

Charles says that musicians must update their websites and social media. This way, fans see that they are active and doing new things. He explains that musicians should make music that their listeners will love. They should keep improving their songs to sell more. Charles' advice shows that with the right steps. Artists can reach more people and earn money from their music.

Reddit user Kuklaa, a freelance composer, has earned $50,000 annually over the past decade. Recently, they were hired to compose music for an app designed to aid in sleep and focus. Kuklaa is now working with neuroscientists. They are developing music that affects mental states. Kuklaa emphasizes that making music for others is key to financial success.

Another user reports earning $2,400 annually from 100 hours of work. They were selective about their collaborations. They focus on advancing their career over promoting their music online.


14. Bath Salts

Bath salts are popular in the personal care and wellness industry. The global bath salt market was worth about USD 2.5 billion in 2022. It's set to reach USD 3.3 billion by 2030. Zion Market Research & Reports and Data states that the market will grow by 3.2% to 3.5% from the previous year. This indicates a gradual but consistent rise in demand for bath salts. Sellers can customize these products. They can add scents, colors, and ingredients, such as essential oils, herbs, and minerals.

This customization allows businesses to create unique products that stand out in the market. Bath salts are made from simple and cheap ingredients. These include Epsom salts, sea salts, baking soda, and essential oils. This low cost of raw materials can lead to higher profit margins. However, it's important to note that about 1 in 100 high school seniors in the U.S. have misused them to get high. This shows a need for better education on their proper use. 

A redditor reports having average sales of $100-$150 per day selling at the farmer's market. They also add that holiday markets can be more lucrative, with sales reaching up to $400 in a single day.

bath salts
soak society
natalie thorogood-cropped

Natalie Thorogood founded Soak Society four years ago as a student in Brisbane. She started with limited funds but had an entrepreneurial spirit. Her six-month stint in Guadalajara, Mexico inspired Natalie. It led her to launch Soak Society with a basic website. It featured a single product, the Originale Wellness Soak, and an Instagram account to market her brand.

Despite her initial inexperience, her drive led to the slow growth of her product line. This included adding an all-natural Bubble Bath, BathDew. Today, Soak Society has flourished under her leadership. It earns $18,000 a month and has expanded to about 100 luxury department stores in Tokyo. This happened through a partnership with a Japanese distributor. 

15. Sex Toys

The sex toy industry is an expanding market, currently valued at over $30 billion globally. This demonstrates a high demand for these products. The growth is fueled by changing attitudes and easy access. Products are available online and in stores. Statista shows that most of the population owns sex toys. 86% of Americans aged 25 to 29 own at least one. And Findmodels also states that sex toys companies earn a profit margin of 40% to 60%. This shows widespread acceptance and use of these products.

Entering the sex toy business now is a strategically advantageous decision. The industry offers high profit margins, ranging from 40% to 60%. For instance, purchasing a vibrator at wholesale for $20 and retailing it for $60 yields a 200% profit margin. New businesses can expect to earn between $1,000 and $5,000 monthly. With effective marketing and increased visibility, monthly revenues can surge to $10,000.

Quoran and adult business entrepreneur, Maloney Graham shares that sex toys that use to be taboo are now becoming very normal with partners and individuals to gain extra pleasure. This means that selling toys is a profitable industry and money can be made selling these products. They recommend checking out xMarketplace script from Adent to access over 70,000 sex toys and products.

Maloney Graham
betty's toy box
Carolyn Eagle-cropped

Betty's Toy Box was started by Carolyn Eagle with $2,000. She saw a need for a friendly online store where people could buy adult pleasure products. Over ten years ago, Carolyn set up Betty's Toy Box to help people learn about these products. She wanted to help them feel comfortable with them.

Now, her business makes $1.5 million a year and sells about $125,000 worth of products each month. Last year, her business grew by 60%. More people became interested in these products during the COVID-19 pandemic. Carolyn's team has grown to 14 people who help run the business.

16. Phone Cases and Accessories

The phone case business is very profitable because many people buy smartphones and want to protect them. Ecell Accessorize the store has made over $12,474,800.00. They did this by selling custom phone cases for many phone models. The profit from selling phone cases can be very high, ranging from 50% to 200%.

Selling phone cases is also easy to manage because they don't break often, so there are fewer returns. This means that if you buy a phone case for $5 and sell it for more than $10, you can make at least a 50% profit. For example, if you sell 100 phone cases a week at $15 each, you would make $1,500 every week. If each case costs $5, your cost is $500, and other expenses like website upkeep might be $200 more. This shows how selling phone cases can make good money with the right setup.

Quora user Pratik Shah asserts that a phone case business is lucrative online. He says the business should focus on iPhone cases. This is because iPhone cases are becoming more popular. He notes that self-managing a business of this type is possible.

Pratik Shah
andrew moore

Andrew Moore launched his iPhone case business 12 years ago. He was inspired by a metal-studded case he saw on Twitter. Motivated by the praise of friends, Andrew began making the cases himself. He soon caught the eye of fancy retailers like Holt Renfrew. The company began as a small Etsy shop. It grew by partnering with a factory in China. This allowed it to meet demand and expand.

Felony Case now boasts an impressive revenue stream, generating $1.44 million that is equal to $120,000 per month. The brand has achieved global recognition. Its unique designs are sold in major retailers such as Nordstrom, Indigo, Urban Outfitters, Revolve, and Free People. The team has grown and succeeded. But, it's still small. This highlights Moore's skill at management and strategy.

17. Ceramics

The ceramics market demand is driven by a rising consumer preference for unique, handmade items over mass-produced goods. This shift presents a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs in the ceramics business. FinModelsLab states that owners of pottery shops can earn from $40,000 to $100,000 per year. This shows the high earnings potential of this industry.

Starting a ceramics business requires buying specialized equipment. However, the returns are promising. Shipping fragile and heavy items is challenging. It requires strong packaging. But, the profit margins are compelling. They range from 20% to 40%. A basic ceramic vase may retail for $30, while more exquisite pieces can command prices up to $80 or more.

Jon Schmidt

Potter, Jon Schmidt, shared that he made $66,600 in 2019 by selling his pottery. He sold his work at his coffee shops, Mocha Monkey. He also sold it on an online store called Etsy. He sold work through a Kickstarter campaign and at a local art gallery named Unearthed Arts. Jon earned the most from Etsy, where he made $19,000. He also made a lot from his Kickstarter campaign. It helped him collect $16,000 for his new studio.

Jon pointed out the importance of using different places to sell pottery. He also stressed the value of joining in community events. Doing so helped him sell more, especially during festivals and holidays. He also suggested using online stores to sell special items. For example, Valentine-themed pots would attract more buyers. Jon’s approach shows how keeping track of sales and using various ways to sell items can help in making more money.

18. Enamel Pins

Selling enamel pins can be profitable for small businesses. WizardPins reports 2.5 million sellers moved at least one item, like enamel pins, on platforms such as Etsy. This shows the big market and consumer interest in these products. Enamel pins are appealing because they're versatile. They can reflect personal or brand identities. This quality makes them valuable for businesses as promotions or retail items.

Enamel pins retail between $10 and $15 each. If the cost to produce each pin is around $5, this results in a gross profit of $10 per pin when sold at $15. This margin demonstrates the financial viability of the enamel pin business. This success is also shown by sales volumes. For example, big platforms have sold one million enamel pins since 2017. Amazon, for instance, gets 50 million visitors a week.

Reddit user Kurohimiko says that enamel pins are generally sold for $10 to $20 each, depending on size, complexity, and special features. Whereas, limited edition or detailed pins can fetch higher prices, sometimes up to $50 or more. This means that if you sell all 50 pieces of your enamel pins, you could bring in anywhere from $500 to $1,000. 

reddit Kurohimiko

Another user, thependingdoctor, shares that they have expanded beyond their Etsy shop. They report that their enamel pin listings are doing well. Their new store is still gaining traction. But, they are optimistic about receiving pre-orders for their new pin designs.


19. Kitchen Accessories

The demand for kitchen accessory stores is constant. It comes from both homes and businesses, like hotels and restaurants. Modern consumers focus on convenience, sustainability, and personalization in their kitchen tools. This has led to steady growth in the household kitchen tools market. It's forecasted to have a CAGR of 9%.

The profitability of these stores ranges from 3% to 8% of their total annual revenue. These stores earn between $500,000 and $1 million in annual revenue. Technavio projects that the kitchenware market will generate $17.19 billion in revenue. With an annual growth rate of 3.08% from 2024 to 2029. It's consumers' increasing interest in high-quality kitchen accessories and tools drives this growth.

Affiliate marketer from Quora, Youssef Lakssir notes that selling kitchen equipment can be profitable. But, success depends on effective promotion. He suggests using Facebook ads, Google ads, and YouTube ads to attract customers. However, he warns against excessive spending on these ads. This is especially true for cheaper products, to avoid wasting money.

Youssef Lakssir

20. Food Tools

Kitchen tools are in high demand, with over 31% of U.S. consumers planning to buy kitchen tools within the next year. Statista's 2020 survey found that 31.1% of U.S. consumers are likely to buy kitchen tools and gadgets in the next 12 months. This strong interest is partly due to the growing emphasis on healthy living. This translates to the increasing demand for kitchen utensils, which are essential for cooking. They range from knives and forks to specialized tools for cutting, heating, and blending food.

Starting a business in this field can be profitable. Small kitchenware stores often earn $60,000 to $100,000 a year. The increasing use of digital technology in consumer goods helps the market grow. It's making kitchen tools a promising business opportunity.

User EcoPackingGuy also asserts that the profit margins in the kitchen supply niche are good. The new laws banning styrofoam and plastics is a good opportunity to get customers. However, they warn the users about the competition in the niche and to leverage the changing laws to get clients to their shop.

midnight kitchen tools
steve chou

Michael Chou, an aerospace engineer, founded Midnight Kitchen Tools over nine years ago. He was driven by a personal challenge: scooping hard ice cream. His breakthrough came one night. He envisioned an ergonomic ice cream scoop, the Midnight Scoop. It uses body muscles, not wrist force. After many redesigns and prototypes, Chou launched the product. He did so through a successful Kickstarter campaign. This new tool gained market traction. It brought the business from zero to $18,000 in monthly sales right after release.

Right now, Midnight Kitchen Tools makes $216,000 a year. It operates with a small team of four. Michael Chou's dedication to reengineering common kitchen tools didn't stop with the ice cream scoop. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he also designed the Midnight Slice, a user-friendly pizza cutter. This continues his trend of enhancing kitchen tools with ergonomic designs.

21. Office Organizers

Data shows that about 20% to 30% of an office organizers store’s revenue comes from online sales. Each year, businesses spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on supplies to keep their office running. They generally spend around $200 per employee each year on office supplies. Law firms can spend up to $1,000 per employee due to their high paper usage.

Stores selling these office tools report average annual revenues between $500,000 to $1.5 million. For instance, if an owner sells 4,000 items at an average profit of $0.75 per item, they can make $3,000 a month. This demand and the shift to more online buying make starting an office organizer business a good opportunity. 

branch office furniture
greg hayes-cropped

For example, Branch Office Furniture's Greg Haye identified a market gap for premium office furniture while working at Breather. He saw the challenges in getting office furniture. He envisioned a business model that supplies businesses with products without intermediaries. Greg launched his business in early 2019 with an initial investment of $350,000. The company quickly gained traction. It made over $1 million in sales in its first few months, including nearly $400,000 in one month alone.

 Currently, Greg Hayes has greatly expanded the business. It makes $500,000 per month, which is about $6 million per year. This success shows that Branch Office Furniture's strategy works. They offer quality furniture with integrated services like space design, delivery, and installation. And they do it at competitive prices.

22. Furniture Maker

The furniture business is thriving because people tend to buy new furniture every 2 to 5 years. Data shows that customers usually spend $500 to $2,000 on each furniture purchase. Depending on whether the pieces are custom-made or mass-produced. The preference for new over used furniture is strong, with 84% of consumers opting for brand new items. This high demand provides a solid base. It's for independent furniture makers who craft unique, original pieces.

A successful furniture business can manage to sell around 300 pieces monthly at an average price of $1,000 per item. This leads to monthly revenues of about $150,000. This translates to a yearly income of $150,000 to $300,000. Furniture making offers business owners a profitable and imaginative career path.

Reddit user, Creative-Nikki says that responding to queries allowed their business to grow. They also  express their shock on how other businesses are badly managed in the trades/service industry. They suggest to make the process clear and transparent in order to satisfy clients.


Another user shares that they are earning $1,000-$1,500 flipping furnitures. They find best items from Facebook Marketplace, Craiglist and local thrift stores. They recommend to look for pieces that require minimal work. They further explain that they only spend 10-20 hours of work.


23. Gift Baskets

The gift basket industry is both growing and profitable. With good marketing and careful product choice, you can build a successful business in this sector. Especially for special occasions like holidays, and for saying thank you or congratulations. In some Asian countries, people even use fruit baskets as decoration. In 2023, 61% of online shoppers bought a gift basket. According to Gift Rabbit, 62% of U.S. consumers prefer personalized gifts over store-bought ones. This shows why the gift basket industry is booming and becoming more personalized.

Starting a gift basket business can be profitable. Profitable Venture says the average profit before taxes for gift basket businesses is around $65,700. But, profit depends on how many baskets you sell. A business selling 5 baskets a day at $45 to $50 each can make between $82,125 and $91,250 a year. With profit margins between 30-50%, even a small part-time business can do well.

Quora user, Bhargav Patel says that if business owners can promote and market their shop well to the corporate they will be able to distribute a lot of goods in the market. They recommend going digital to promote their startup business, work on delivery and presentations. Since the niche thrive on the customer's satisfaction, they suggest to give the products the wow factor.

gifting business

Redditor awardsurfer states that sometimes the real product is the service. They recommend targeting B2B offices as potential customers. So that offices can quickly pick a basket for employee illness, promotions, etc. These offices will order from your shop for convenience and prefer to use your service to save time. 


24.Picture Frames

Starting a picture frame shop is low-cost and low-risk. It often begins as a hobby with tools on hand, which reduces initial costs. A picture frame serves as a protective and decorative border for artwork. It enhances the display and its integration with surrounding decor. A typical retail store usually makes about $200,000 or more in sales each year. After paying all expenses, the owner can expect profits of around 15%.

Community user, KittiaktB states that custom frames are expensive. They also note that people buy frames to mount their artwork and needlework. Because of this people prefer professional framers. Experts who can properly frame and mount their work.


For example, Hart Fraeme Gallery generates roughly 75% of its monthly income selling custom frames. According to Startup101, a solo picture framing shop owner usually makes about $200,000 a year. They do 10-15 custom framing jobs each w eek, charging $150-300 for each one. The cost for materials takes up about half of this, so the owner ends up making $100,000 in profit.


25. Selling Online Courses

Selling online courses shows significant revenue for course creators. Teachable reports that their creators earn about $456.7 million from 183,744 courses. They average over $40,000 per creator. This shows growth from 2016, when the average earnings per course launch were around $5,000. Platforms like Coursera saw more and more enrollees. They grew by about 7 million students each year after registering 21 million students in 2016.

Creators of these courses have many ways to make money. Successful ones earn $1,000 to $10,000 per month on average. These numbers highlight the high demand and potential profitability of online courses. The scalability of online courses allows some top creators to generate six to seven-figure incomes. Strategic marketing and unique courses can generate passive income.

User, Powerful_Try6172 shares they earned more than $400,000 creating courses in five months. They spent zero on ads and used organic TikTok content to promote their products. The user now plans to scale their business by running ads to their free incentive email exchange landing page. And continue to sell the course via their email lists.


Quoran Olesand Piatak says that digital goods is a great way to earn money online. He said various tools like Udemy, Teachable, Thinkific and more to create and sell your course. And if you are reselling they recommend using Clickbank, JVZoo, and WarriorPlus to find courses to promote and sell. Olesand also say that the most popular types of digital products to resell is Private Label Rights (PLR.)

Oleksandr Piatak

26. Sweets

Candy is a popular treat among Americans, and it's a part of many people’s lives. Gitnux states that about 97% of U.S. households buy candy at least once a year. To succeed in this industry, you must keep innovating. Try new flavors and styles, and always listen to customers. Spend time perfecting your recipes and creating unique treats that stand out.

Running a sweet shop can be very profitable, with some earning between $2,000 to $10,000 per month in profits. LLCBuddy even states that some stores make up to $100,000 per year. Starting a sweet shop can be less stressful than other food businesses. You can sell pre-made sweets at a higher price. 

Reddit user sweetlife1973 talked about their business, Bombshell Sweets, which makes special cotton candy and has been around for five years. They are now in nine states with 17 places selling their candy and are starting a new partnership to grow even more. Their success comes from making unique flavors like caramel macchiato, cherry tootsie pop, mojito, four types of huckleberry, and ten spicy flavors. They suggest making flavors that adults will like to attract more customers.


Another user who owns Soul Chocolates says that they mainly sell wholesale and 30% on retail. They have prior experience when they started back in 2017. For them, success is about being able to stay creative and pay their bills.


27. Apps Tools)

Apps are popular because they make our lives easier and are used by lots of people every day. Every month, between 150,000 and 200,000 users download a typical popular app. Build Fire states that there are 150,000 and 200,000 users who download a typical popular app every month. 57% of the people who shop using apps come back to use the app again. This shows that many people like using apps a lot. Companies also make a lot of money from apps. It's 70% of a company’s sales can come from people using their mobile devices, and most of this money comes from their apps.

Making a successful app can also be a good way for developers to earn money. For example, 16% of Android app makers and 25% of iPhone app makers earn more than $5,000 each month from their apps. The ones that are among the top 200 in the App Store can make about $82,500 every day. This is why making apps is a popular and smart business idea. But, it's important to make sure your app stands out. There are so many apps available.

User lil_pig_boy says that the industry follows a guideline that a software company's value is somewhere between 10-15x the net income it generates annually. They recommend users to do research and create their own valuations when pricing their apps. 


A member of the Subreddit Entrepreneur, zerkstof, shares that they make $33,000 every month from their app on the Play Store. The app is used by 1.5 million people every month and gets downloaded 400,000 times a month. It used to get 270,000 downloads a month. Since starting in 2018, they've spent just $180 on ads to help people find their app.


29. Tote Bags

Selling tote bags can be profitable because they are versatile and widely used. Tote bags are everywhere and not going out of fashion. With a variety of options like printed, plain, cotton, canvas, and organic tote bags, there's always a market.
ProfitableVenture's data shows that owners of tote bag businesses usually make about $51,000 a year. How much money they actually earn can vary, ranging from $23,751 to $140,935.

The growing interest in tote bags extends to the fashion industry, with their presence notable in the 2024 fashion collection. And their resale value reaches up to $500 for brands like Trader Joe’s on platforms like eBay. Starting a tote bag business could be profitable. This market also aligns with increasing consumer trends towards sustainability and style.

Redditor, WildPeony22 suggests finding good quality convas totes. They also recommend combing decoration methos and lithography with some hand painting touches. This would make it quicker to reproduce the same design. This will expedite production and allow you to focus on marketing and promoting your products.

natacha pope-cropped

CoconuTacha's Natacha Pope founded her company in 2015, selling art prints and illustrations on Etsy. She has a degree in Graphic Communication. She used social media well to grow her presence. She expanded her sales from online to independent stores across the U.K. But, the details of the first investment are not given.

But, the growth of CoconuTacha into eco-friendly products shows good finance and scaling. Today, CoconuTacha offers many items. These include greeting cards, enamel pins, and desk calendars. All of them match the company's commitment to sustainability.

31. Blankets

Selling blankets is a profitable business because of its high profit margin of about 45%. Which means that for every blanket sold, almost half the price is your profit. This high profit helps businesses grow and manage costs better. Companies are making blankets. People can customize them with their favorite colors or designs, making them special. This means that more people want to buy them to match their style or give as gifts.

User TEA-in-the- says the market is flooded with average newbies who overprice their mediocre work. The only way for established crocheters to earn money is to  release more patterns. Do custom requests and valuate the costs before its made.

baloo living
Elizabeth Grojean-cropped

Elizabeth Grojean started Baloo Living in 2018 with $20,000. She left her marketing job and found inspiration in Bali. The company focuses on premium weighted blankets. They improve sleep and reduce anxiety. Baloo Living rose to great financial success. Within months, the company reached monthly revenues of $100,000. They grew to $416,000 per month and made an annual revenue of $4.99 million. Today, the business has a team of five. They are known for their high-quality products, excellent customer service, and thoughtful design.

33. Christmas Decorations

Selling Christmas decorations is a great business because many people buy them every year. Statistics show that the average American spends about $147 annually on holiday decorations. A report from Deloitte says 82% of shoppers plan to buy lights and decorations for the holidays. This is 5% more than last year. This shows that demand for Christmas decorations is growing.

Christmas decorations can also make a lot of money. Businesses can expect profit margins of 25-45%. This is if they offer services like Christmas Décor Installation. This is because Christmas sales are huge for retailers in America. Forbes reports that these shops can make $1 trillion from Christmas sales. This makes selling Christmas decorations a profitable choice for businesses.

Reddit member, homiesmom, who sells Christmas ornaments both locally and on eBay, mentions that they consistently make sales. They suggest selling locally as a way to avoid the fees charged by platforms like eBay.

The Christmas Tree Hugger
Ryan Kenny

The Christmas Tree Hugger's Ryan Kenny launched his business over seven years ago. He was dissatisfied with the look of the green base pole of his fake Christmas tree. Ryan failed to find a pre-existing solution. So, he designed a fake tree bark wrap. It got positive feedback from his friends. This response encouraged him and started his crowdfunding campaign. It will

cover the costs of production and trademarking. Ryan's venture has flourished. It now generates about $35,000 monthly and has annual revenues of about $420,000. His product got 5-star ratings and received exposure on platforms like QVC and Shark Tank. This all contributed to its rapid growth and success.

34. Easter Items

Selling Easter items to a small business is profitable because many Americans actively participate in Easter celebrations. The National Retail Federation says 80% of Americans celebrate Easter. Each spends an average of $140.62 on related items. This high level of spending translates to a total expected expenditure of $22 billion in 2024.

Easter symbols, like eggs, bunnies, and baskets, have been popular for centuries. This ensures they remain in high demand. The cost of an average Easter basket has increased over the years. Households spent $71.40 in 2022 and $79.57 in 2023. This shows a growing market. It means higher profit potential for businesses that sell Easter products.

Yummy T Cakes & Treats

Yummy T Cakes' Tenechia Stokley shares insights on the profitability of selling Easter items by focusing on personalized, themed baskets. She capitalizes on the seasonal demand. She uses her crafting and baking expertise to create unique offerings. These include 'LOL' and 'Frozen' themed baskets. She adds custom features like children’s names by using tools like Cricut machines and Photoshop.

This increases the baskets’ value and lets her charge more. She uses a simple pricing strategy. It has a base price and an extra charge for customization. Tenechia's direct-to-consumer sales through online platforms cut costs and broaden her market. This maximizes profits and taps into the trend of personalized gifts.

35. Wine Corks

Selling wine corks to small businesses is a smart move because they're in high demand and can boost the value of wine. The American Association of Wine Economists did a study. It showed that people in the U.S. are willing to pay about 8% more for wines with cork than those with screw caps. This means they could pay about $1.00 extra per bottle.

Wine corks cost about 10 cents each to buy. Many winemakers prefer them because they allow the wine to age better. New types of bottle closures are entering the market. But, traditional wine corks remain the most popular choice for sealing wine. 

alincork etsy

Allincork excels in delivering unique, high-quality products. They highlight the company's dedication to craftsmanship and customer satisfaction. They have 29,465 sales and are a star Etsy seller. Allincork focuses on creating a great shopping experience. They carefully craft each product to stand out in quality and design. This ensures they meet the highest standards. They do this by streamlining the website and checkout. This ensures a hassle-free experience. Allincork understands the anticipation of receiving a new purchase. So, it commits to fast shipping to keep the excitement and integrity of every order.

39. Personalized Gifts

Personalized gifts are a hot trend because they make each recipient feel special. Reports show that the personalized gift market in the US generates revenues between $50,000 to $500,000. According to Yahoo News UK, 68% of people enjoy giving personalized gifts more than generic ones. This is because they are memorable and cherished as keepsakes. This demand makes starting a personalized gift business a smart choice.

Starting a personalized gift shop can be profitable with low initial costs. For instance, you could start a mug printing business with an investment of about $250. It could yield a profit margin up to 498%. Owners can expect to earn between $30,000 to $100,000 per year. With profit margins ranging from 20% to 40%, this business offers a great opportunity for those with creativity and a knack for marketing.

An Etsy store owner, Twitchh_ opened their shop in 2021 to sell custom artworks. They became a Star Seller for April after hitting 14 orders, and then 26 orders for May. They advise other sellers not go on vacation mode as it will momentum and do whatever they can to be Etsy's star seller.


A redditor who sells commissioned items between $120-$400 through close networking. They say that they are luck to have a decent number of people around them to see the value in a well hand-crafted piece. This shows that making and selling unique, hand-crafted items can earn a good profit. But, this only works if people see their value and will pay more.

handcrafted products

How do you Choose a Product & Service to Sell to Customers?

To choose a product & service to sell to customers you need to:

  • Identify customer needs: Identifying customer needs is key to driving innovation. Businesses can develop new products or improve existing ones. They can do this by understanding what customers want to help them better serve their market. Research shows that customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable. Focusing on customer needs helps build a loyal customer base. This base is key for long-term business growth. 
  • Leverage your expertise: Using your expertise when choosing which service or product to sell to customers is crucial. It ensures the offerings match your strengths. It builds customer trust and boosts business success. According to a study by Edelman, 63% of consumers trust a company more if it has expertise in its industry. You also show the ability to deliver effective solutions.  
  • Market research: This helps businesses understand their customers' needs, preferences, and behaviors. According to Kantar, knowing your customers is the first step in running a successful business. It shows purchasing behavior and motivations. This allows businesses to tailor their offerings to better meet these needs. David Bitton of DoorLoop says that businesses should make decisions based on data to allocate market needs, strategies mirror market conditions. 
  • Evaluate market demand: Evaluating market demand helps you understand the possible sales and revenue. It also helps you find market opportunities. To figure out how much people want a product, start by collecting information. Use tools like SEO analytics and social media monitoring. They help you understand what potential customers are interested in. A study by Bain & Company, companies that forecast demand can increase their profit margins by 5-10%. Deloitte also supports this by stating that businesses that fail to test market demand are 2.5 times more likely to miss growt 
  • Ensure profitability: Ensuring profitability is crucial because it determines the long-term viability and success of a business. Price2Spy states that 85% of consumers find the price to be the primary factor when deciding. Good pricing strategies help you nurture the most profitable customers. Business Gateway recommends segmenting customers. This ensures that you divide your resources for higher returns. 

What Types of Services that are in Demand to Small Businesses in 2024?

The types of services that are in demand to small businesses in 2024 are:
  • Artificial Intelligence and Automation: AI-driven applications, automation tools, and innovative tech solutions address industry needs. They're promising areas for small businesses. These solutions help businesses stay competitive and efficient.
  • Subscription-based Services: These services provide a steady revenue stream and foster customer loyalty. Subscription models are for many niches. These include beauty, pet care, hobbies, and it's personalized items. 
  • Education Technology (EdTech): These platforms offer online learning, tutoring, and skill courses. They also offer educational tools for personalized learning. They're growing in popularity. These services cater to the increasing demand for flexible and accessible education solutions.
  • Financial Strategies and Funding Options: Small businesses are exploring many funding sources. They want to ensure their financial stability and growth. Options include crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending, venture capital, and it's angel investors. These alternatives provide financial support and flexibility for different business needs.
  • E-commerce and Niche Markets: They're finding success in the growing e-commerce. These online stores specialize in specific products. They are dropshipping businesses. They sell unique niche products. Highlighting green practices and environmental stewardship draws in nature-focused buyers.

The services people need the most are services that solve common pain points and free up people's time. These services solve problems people can't handle. They tackle things like IT repair, plumbing, and legal advice. These services help people improve in specific areas. They cover topics like personal training, language tutoring, or marketing. Small businesses can tap into a constant stream of customer needs.

Reddit user, sillyboy544 asserts this by saying that business who solve customers' problems will always do well. This is because people regularly pay to have their problem solved. They recommend these are the best businesses to get into. 

reddit silly boy

Another user, LarryDonahue states that providing assistance with Google Adwords are the most valuable marketing services. They also say that there only a few businesses who offer this type of service. This translates to an increase need and demand that you can leverage and profit from. 

in demand services

What are the Best Strategies for Selling Services and Products to Small Businesses?

The best strategies for selling services and products to small businesses includes building relationships and trust with business owners. They value personal connections. They want to work with companies that understand their needs and challenges. Also, providing great customer service can set your offering apart. HubSpot says 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases. They'll do so with companies that offer great customer service.

Small Biz Genius states that half of small businesses spend less than $10,000 on digital marketing per year. Yet, 47% of owners run marketing on their own. This shows a big chance for vendors. They can offer cheap and effective digital marketing solutions. The most profitable service business is accounting and bookkeeping services. Foundr states that business owners earn a net profit of 18.4%. This is because of the specialized knowledge and skills required that allows them to premium rates for their services. 

neil patel

Marketing expert Neil Patel emphasizes the importance of stating the clear benefits and specific outcomes of services. He uses his ad agency, Neil Patel Digital, as an example. It boosts traffic and sales. Neil also advises on showing the added value of a service. This can include saving time and increasing efficiency. This is especially important for businesses that can't afford to hire enough staff.

Neil also discusses the use of "anchoring". It shows how one's services are better than the competition in terms of speed, cost, and results. This makes the offering more attractive. On pricing, Patel mentions his preference for low prices over discounts. He justifies his agency's higher prices by explaining the better results they deliver. This presents a strong case for the value of his services.

gillian perkins

Digital CEO and YouTuber Gillian Perkins shares her 5W marketing strategy to promote businesses. Gillian advocates for focusing marketing efforts on one main product at first. This will optimize impact. She stresses the need to define a target demographic. And to tailor marketing messages to resonate with it. She says knowing the customer's needs and preferences is crucial for standing out.

Gillian also discusses practical tactics. These include picking the right marketing platforms and making engaging content. It should convert potential customers. Moreover, she stresses the need to measure marketing outcomes with analytics. This is to refine and improve marketing strategies. They should align with business goals and customer responses.

What are the Challenges of Selling Services and Products to Small Businesses? 

The challenges of selling services and products to small businesses are attracting and retaining customers. A 2024 survey by Wix says 27% of small businesses found raising brand awareness to be a big challenge. For budgeted business owners it's difficult to stand out and build a loyal customer base. Owners with $10,000 must prioritize investments in marketing, technology, and product development. They should do this to maximize returns and make a strong market presence.

Redditor kabekew explains that finding good professionals willing to work for a startup is hard. This is because potential applicants are scared by the uncertainty of startup environments.

reddit kabekew

Another user says that small business owners face challenges such as not understanding customer acquisition or marketing, leading to poor visibility. They often fail to spend on marketing because they've quit their jobs too early, resulting in insufficient funds. Not delegating tasks or standardizing processes limits scalability. Failing to pivot when necessary prevents adaptation to market needs. They stress the need to tell apart self-employment from business ownership. Doing so lets you scale up and earn more.


Why Most Online Businesses Fail?

Most online businesses fail due to fundamental shortcomings. This includes a lack of basic business knowledge. Also, insufficient commitment and a poorly developed website. Many entrepreneurs also skip vital marketing research. They fail to set clear goals and milestones and to establish standard procedures. 

The lack of good customer support hurts. And, an inability to adapt to ongoing marketing changes hurts too. The online marketplace is fiercely competitive. Businesses must adapt and understand digital strategies and key business principles. Recognizing and fixing these common pitfalls is crucial. It's key for any entrepreneur aiming for long-term success online.

Conclusion: Why Local Lead Generation is Your Best Bet to Maximize Profitability?

Local lead generation is your best bet to maximize profitability because it allows you to target qualified leads who are already interested in the specific services you can offer. This means you're spending less time and resources convincing someone they need a solution. This focused approach also ensures that marketing efforts focus on selected individuals. Who are likely to become customers because they're near and relevant to your business. Focusing on a local audience lets businesses tailor their marketing messages. They can make resonate more with the community. And boost the chances of conversion and customer loyalty.


In contrast, the broader approach to selling services and products can result in a lower ROI due to the higher costs and lower conversion rates. The need to appeal to a wide audience can weaken marketing. Marketing to a broad audience can also be significantly more expensive. It requires larger budgets for advertising, extensive market research, and more complex logistics. Leads can cost more. And the wider scope may waste resources on uninterested or irrelevant audiences.

Local lead generation allows businesses to develop deeper relationships with their customers. Being known in the community creates trust. It's able to lead to loyal customers and word-of-mouth referrals. This personal connection is harder to achieve with a broader, less targeted approach. 61% of marketers also rank lead generation as their number one challenge. This translates to the consistent and high demand for local lead generation.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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