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90 Day Pipeline Review (In-Depth) – Ahmad Munawar’s Consulting Coaching

August 12, 2024

Ahmad Munawar

Hey, hey, what’s up?

So you’ve landed here looking for more info on Ahmad Munawar’s 90 Day Pipeline course, right?...awesome, you’ve come to the right place.

I’m about to do a deep dive into the course, and I'll take you through everything you need to know about it.

Before we jump in though, there’s something you should know about me...

I run a local lead generation business that consults with local business owners and helps them generate more customers for their businesses. 

The cool thing about this business is that I don’t need to use any fancy consulting sales tricks (although they might help), and my business is now making me over $50K a month.

Allow me to reintroduce myself... My name is Ippei...

Even though I'm crushing it online, I'm always up for learning new skills, especially if I think they can help me grow my business.

So what that in mind, I'm gonna do a deep dive into this course, but on top of that I’ll show you how I’m adding a sh*t load of value to these local business owners, by helping them get more leads for their businesses.

I’ll give you a rundown on how I run this business a little later, but for now let’s dig into Ahmad’s 90 day Pipeline course and see how it stacks up.

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Table of Contents

First Up...Who is Ahmad Munawar?

After kicking off his career at Ernst and Young, Ahmad eventually decided to create a boutique consulting firm.


While most consultants are usually experts in various fields, he's an expert in...well...the field of consultants.

In a nutshell, he coaches consultants on how to be rock star of their profession, and grow their businesses in the process.

Just a few years in, he's managed to turn his coaching business in a multi million dollar firm that has now worked with thousands of consultants.

He's also appeared on a number of high quality podcasts over the years, with one of the more recent ones being the Business Innovators Radio Network.

Podcast Interview

It All Starts with his Adverts

Like most online sales courses these days, Ahmad pulls you into his ecosystem through a funnel. 

He kicks things off with what can only be described as a relentless advertising strategy. 

I mean I’m talking all in here. 

Facebook Ad

I started getting hit up by him with ads on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. 

What was interesting was that his ads were actually pretty engaging. 

He uses great wording, and what I like to call a “it’s no big deal” tonality that disarms the viewer into thinking they aren’t being sold anything.

YouTube Ad

One of his ads calmly tells you “Hey, if you’re not a consultant that’s looking for more leads and business, then skip this’s totally not for you!”

Of course, this made me want to hang around and watch past the usual 5 seconds that I normally would.

Time to Enter the Funnel:

So assuming you drink the kool aid that Ahmad serves you in one of his adverts, you’ll then most likely land on a page similar to the one below.


You’ll then enter your email address and be whisked off to a short video which frames the entire process of what you’ll get if you take the next actions.

Main Video

What Does the 90 Day Pipeline Coaching Cover?

When it comes down to it, the 90 Day Pipeline coaching program is for consultants who need more leads.

Getting leads is one thing though, turning them into customers is another, and Ahmad aims to help you with this aspect of your business as well.

It all kicks off with what he calls a 15 minute “Pipeline Call”.

Book a Call

Ahmad ensures you that this call will have no hard selling, and that it’s just a friendly conversation (sure buddy)...

Like I said, he’s really good at selling, and once again this is a great line that will disarm the viewer.

If they're even remotely interested in his coaching, they'll more than likely jump on a "no pressure" call with him.

I mean, what do they have to lose, right?

He also says casually that “A lot of people are watching this video right now, and the spots book up pretty quickly” - good old fashion sales.

90 Day Pipeline

The purpose of the call is to chat about where your consulting business is at, and then he’ll discuss how he can help you if you like what he tells you.

That opens up the door to work with him and really kickstart your business into a whole new gear. 

The coaching will then go over the process of covering the strategy of driving a steady stream of leads to your sales funnel.

The foundation of his coaching is built on the following lead funnel model:

Lead Funnel Model

  • People enter the funnel
  • You turn a percentage of them into leads
  • You turn a percentage of those leads into offers
  • You turn a percentage of those offers into customers.

He explains that the problem most consultants face is that what they fail to realize is that only 2-3% of people that they are pitching their services to are in a buying position. 

In other words, only 2-3% of people moving through their funnel will turn into customers.

Numbers Game

 Ahmad explains that while there’s not much you can do about that, what you can do is increase the number of people that enter your funnel, and part of his coaching will teach you how to do this.

He Structure His Coaching Around 3 Main Elements:

  • Power Positioning.
  • Results Mechanism.
  • Leadership Marketing.

Here’s how they all tie together:

Ahmad explains how Power Positioning is the process of differentiating yourself in the marketplace by charging premium prices. 

To me this sounds simple in theory, but there’s just one problem with this strategy. 

If you’re gonna charge premium prices, then you better be able to deliver results!

If you don’t, you’ll soon get found out and get caught wanting, and you’ll start running into serious problems (like angry clients knocking on your door).

Deliver Results

The foundation of the Results Mechanism method is that you show your prospects how you’re gonna generate their results, and then that you’ll charge for those results only.

In theory, this means you can charge at a premium, as it establishes yourself as an expert, and allows you to build trust because you’re showing them the way.

Again, all good in theory, but don’t forget you’ll actually need to be able to do what you say you will.

Lastly, Ahmad focuses on what he calls Leadership Marketing.

This is the process of positioning yourself as a leader in the marketplace.

He talks about being very visible. In other words “omnipresent”. 

Remember, only 3% of people are in the “buying mindset”, so when push comes to shove, you really do need to attract a lot of people into your funnel, and the best way to do this is by being omnipresent!

If you can get that right, it means that the 3% of people in your funnel that do have a buying mindset will end up being a big enough number to make an impact on your business.

90 Day Pipeline

So that’s the breakdown of the coaching in a nutshell.

The idea is that he will break down your business and then coach you through how you can implement these 3 power moves into it.

He also touches on 3 additional areas to focus on, which are client clarity, profit packaging and expert selling. 

Testimonials: What do Customers Say?

Overall, the testimonials seem pretty legit, with the sales page being littered with dozens of 5 minute videos and written messages about how good the coaching is.

One reviewer mentioned they’d already landed 6 new clients that would collectively make $100,000 difference to their company, and this was only from their first campaign (remember the funnel cycle?).


They also said that although the cost of the course feels like a lot of money, you won’t feel that way when you’re finished. 


Not all testimonials are glowing though...

There were a few dodgy reviews from Reddit users, which claimed the coaching wasn't all it was made out to be. 

Reddit Reviews

I'll admit that I always take Reddit reviews and feedback with a pinch of salt...I mean how do we know this isn't one of his competitors leaving a fake comment, right?

It's always good to get both points of view though, and then make up your mind for yourself!

How Much Does the 90 Day Pipeline Cost?

The cost seems to be a bit of a guarded secret, and I suspect that it may differ depending on the current state of your business, and the size of your goals.

From what I found though, it appears to be around $8,000 for the coaching.

Cost of course

So how does this stack up and is it too much?

Honestly...probably not. It’s easy to think that $8K is a lot to spend on coaching, but what you need to really weigh up is the value. 

I’ve learnt that in most cases, it’s not the price that counts, it’s the value you get in return for that price.

I have no problem dropping $10K on coaching or training that will make me 10X back in return. I’ve done that numerous times over the last few years, and I can honestly say that investing in myself has been a total game changer for me.

So, Does That Mean You Should Buy the Coaching?

Look here’s the deal.

The 90 Day Pipeline Coaching is all built around taking your consulting business to the next level. 

That's great, but the problem with that is that in order to take your consulting business to the next’re gonna need to be a consultant.


Let’s be honest, consulting is not exactly the best way to create passive income. In-fact it’s the polar opposite of passive income, as you are essentially trading your time for money. 

I don’t know about you, but when I left the 9-5 rat race a few years ago, I decided then and there that I would try my best to never have my main income source built around trading time for money.

Fortunately, I’ve managed to set up my local lead generation business which is about as passive as it gets, once it’s firing on all cylinders.

Passive Income

The other thing to consider is that to be a truly effective and high quality consultant, you’re gonna need to be an expert in your field.

Now I’m not saying you can’t become an expert in your field over time, but just be clear that the 90 Day Pipeline coaching is not going to make you a consulting expert.

It may teach you how to grow your consulting business, but if you’re gonna take your business to the next level, then you better be able to deliver results!

Local Lead Generation - My #1 Business Model

I've mentioned throughout this post that I'm currently running a pretty successful local lead generation business, which generates me a lot of passive income each month.

The beauty of this business model is that it doesn't require a lot of "consulting" or "selling", and for most part it is extremely passive compared to the traditional formula of trading time for money (like a consultant does).

Lead Generation

The local lead generation process is pretty simple, and as the name suggests, you're generating leads for local business owners, like plumbers, electricians, tree services, carpet cleaners. 

Here's a bit more about how it works...

Let's say you build a little 10 page website about a local tree service. You then start ranking the site in Google.

Lead Gen Control

Next, you put a call tracking number on it, and redirect the number to a local tree service company that is looking for more customers. 

When people search in Google for a tree service provider, and find your website, they'll call the number and be redirected to the tree service company who takes the call.

In return, they pay you for the leads you send them, and the best part is that they are happy to do so, because they're getting more customers. 

In other words, because you're adding a ton of value to their business, you get paid in return.

Local Lead Generation Online Property

Payment could be a fee per lead (say $25), or a flat fee per month (say $750), or a commission on any closed business (say 10%).

Imagine taking 10% of a $10,000 tree removal job, without doing any of the work?

I've now got over 50 of these sites collectively making me over $50K a month, and to be honest, I feel like I'm just getting started!

Here's a few reasons why I love local lead generation:

Local Lead Gen Always Wins..

  • High Profit Margins - Usually 90% - 95%
  • Zero Risk - No inventory to purchase like Amazon FBA.
  • Very Low Competition - You're competing against local business owners.
  • Easy to Scale - Building a new website costs less than $20 a month.
  • Full Control - You decide who you send leads to and how much you charge.
  • Passive Income - Very hands off once your site ranks in Google and you have a customer.
  • Low Cost to Get Started - Only need a few hundred bucks.
  • Value - You're adding real value to your customers (local business owners).

In my opinion, local lead generation is the number one business model on the planet.

The truth is, the only limitation with this business model is the level of your ambition. 

They sky truly is the limit! 

If you want to find out more about how I do local lead generation, click here.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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