Jake Leicht The Flip Secrets Review: 5 Mistakes When Using OPM for House Flipping

August 11, 2024

The Flip Secrets is a training program created by Jake Leicht. It teaches you how to flip houses using other people’s money (OPM). This is using other people’s money to finance, renovate, and sell properties. You also learn how to buy property at a low price and sell it at a higher price, creating an optimized profit margin. Jake Leicht claims that you can do this part-time, full-time, locally and remotely. His training may help you avoid the major mistakes when flipping using OPM.

The Flip Secrets reviews are positive, with a 4.9/5 Trustpilot rating. Almost all reviews are verified and out of 300+, only 1 verified review is negative. Students praise the program for the wide range of topics it covers. Reviews often highlight the effective lead generation techniques and contractor connections.

Rahi is one of Jake's student who closed his first deal within the first month of joining The Flip Secrets. He explains that as long as you put in the work, you will see results.

Demarkus had a negative experience with The Flip Secrets. He complained that couldn't secure funding for any of his deals. His refund was denied as he requested it 2 years after completing the program.

In this article, you will discover all about The Flip Secrets. You will learn what the biggest mistakes are when flipping with other OPM. You will also discover all about Jake Leicht.

The Flip Secrets Pros And Cons


Jake is an experienced house flipper

Streamlined house flipping course focused on OPM

Private Facebook group with over 900 members


No price transparency

Many hidden costs in transactions

The program is limited and is usually on waitlist


The Flip Secrets has no price displayed online. Jake does mention that you need at least $600 a month to invest.

Refund Policy

The Flip Secrets has a no refund policy


There is no date explicitly mentioned on the site, but videos and testimonials have been circling around since 2018.


The Flip Secrets has a mixture of positive and negative reviews. Testimonials can be viewed on Jake Leicht’s Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit discussions.

July 10, 2024

Great program! Jake is really knowledgeable and helpful. The community alone is worth the price.


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Using OPM For House Flipping

  • Not Doing Enough Research - Flipping a house needs careful research and planning to make sure your project turns out profitable. You must research the local real estate market, the property’s potential value, and the cost of repairs and renovations before actualizing your potential profits. A survey by ATTOM Data Solutions found that 12% of house flips resulted in a loss, primarily because of inadequate market research.
  • Overestimating Potential Profits - Do not assume that you will make a significant profit on your flips unless you’re experienced. Overestimation can lead to borrowing too much money from private lenders or investors. This can lead to you not being able to repay the loan if the property doesn’t sell quickly or at your set price. A study by RealtyTrac found that 28% of new flippers overestimate their profits by at least 15%. This often leads to financial strain.
  • Underestimating Renovation Costs - Renovations can be costly. You should never underestimate how much you should spend to make a profit. This can lead to overspending and can eat into your potential profits and ultimately result in losses. The National Association of Home Builders reports that unexpected renovation costs can increase the budget by an average of 20%. This will significantly lower profitability.
  • Not Having A Solid Business Plan - Flipping a house is a legitimate business and you should have a solid business plan before starting. This should include your budget, timeline, and a marketing strategy to sell your property. Jake recommends you to lock in a deal first before pitching to a private lender. That way you can secure financing faster and it’s a win on both ends.
  • Failing To Manage Cash Flow - It’s important to manage cash flow carefully to make sure you can cover all necessary and emergency expenses. Do not overspend, because this will limit your potential profits. Beginners are especially vulnerable to this for having little to no experience. This will lead to problems with finances down the road. A report by the U.S. Bank states that 82% of small businesses fail due to poor cash flow management.

What Do I Get In The Flip Secrets?

In The Flip Secrets, you get 4 courses and many additional resources. The Flip Secrets program will focus mainly on OPM-focused financing strategies like. This includes partnerships,hard money lenders, and private money lenders. Here’s what you get in the The Flip Secrets Mentorship Program:

  • Course 1: The OPM Playbook - Buying houses using other people’s money.
  • Course 2: Lead Generation Mastery - How to get properties sent to you while you sleep
  • Course 3: The Contractor Connection - Finding the best workers for the job (with Q&A)
  • Course 4: Exit Strategy Essentials - How to get out and get paid (with Q&A)
  • Lender/Contractor Documents And Templates
  • Pre-Built Lender/Contractor/Lead Generation Scripts
  • Tutorials - Real Life Implementations
  • My ULTIMATE ADVANTAGE Secret Weapon Flip Calculator
  • Access To A Couple Of My Best Private Lenders

The program will run for five weeks and is open to beginner and experienced real estate investors and house flippers.

Is The Flip Secrets Worth It?

The Flip Secrets is worth it if you’ve taken a lot of interest in real estate flipping. Jake Leicht will teach you a streamlined course on using OPM to flip houses. This will make it easier for you as compared to learning freely online. The Flip Secrets will teach you everything you need to know to flip houses. But remember that flipping houses with OPM can be a high-risk, high-reward strategy. It is important to have a solid plan in place and work with experienced professionals to minimize your risks and maximize your returns.

It is important to weigh the risks and rewards of flipping homes using OPM. Working with experienced professionals can minimize the risks.. But adding people to work with you means giving them proper compensation.

Who Is Jake Leicht?

Jake Leicht is a real estate investor and mentor from Knoxville, Tennessee. After his first real estate deal in January 2012, Jake has now flipped over 900 properties using 100% OPM. The inspiration came to him when he was surrounded by people that are successful in their businesses. Around the same time, he quit his sales job, hoping to start his own business.  He has a business administration degree from the University of Redlands.

Jake Leicht is currently a dedicated house flipper, a featured speaker, and mentor. He has shared knowledge with thousands of real estate investors in house flipping using OPM. Jake has been a keynote speaker at over 50 real estate investment conferences. He has also spoken at the prestigious Real Estate Wealth Expo.

5 Risks In Flipping Houses With OPM

  • Increased Debt - When using OPM to finance your flip, you will be taking on debt that you may not repay if the project fails. Not repaying your loans can lead to legal action and a damaged credit score. According to Experian, missing a single mortgage payment can lower your credit score by up to 100 points. This makes future borrowing more difficult and expensive.
  • Limited Control - The lender may require specific contractors and timelines which may not be in your best interest. It’s important to have your plans laid out before having any form of agreement to avoid confusion and can do harm to the project. A survey by the National Association of Home Builders found that 35% of house flippers experienced delays due to contractor issues imposed by lenders.
  • Unexpected Costs - Discovering hidden problems that can add to your renovation cost is quite common. However, it is still a risk that reduces your potential profits in a project, especially in areas prone to natural occurrences. According to HomeAdvisor, unexpected issues such as plumbing or electrical problems can add an average of $2,000 to $5,000 to renovation costs.
  • Market Volatility - The real estate market can be volatile. It’s possible that you won’t be able to sell the property for the price you are looking for—leading to losses in profits. A report by Zillow indicates that home prices can fluctuate by as much as 10% within a single year.
  • Legal Issues - Flipping houses involve legal and regulatory issues like zoning regulations, building codes, and permits. It would be better to exercise due diligence beforehand to avoid facing legal problems that can cause fines or legal actions. According to the American Bar Association, 22% of real estate investors face legal challenges related to zoning and building codes. This leads to project delay and increased costs.

These are just some risks of flipping houses. Investing in real estate is risky because of the high capital requirements. Using OPM does not replace the risks, as you will still owe the lender/investor. Look into digital real estate for a less risky and lower cost investment.

Digital Real Estate VS Real Estate

With real estate vs digital real estate, each has its own strength and weaknesses.

  • Nature of Assets
    Digital real estate comprises assets, such as domain names, websites, and social media accounts. Traditional real estate comprises tangible properties like land, residential homes, and commercial buildings.
  • Investment and Ownership
    Investing in digital real estate typically requires lower initial capital and offers higher liquidity. Traditional real estate investment requires substantial capital and has lower liquidity. It also involves legal documentation requirements.
  • Market Dynamics
    The market dynamics of digital real estate are highly volatile, driven by technological trends and user adoption. Revenue is generated from advertising, digital products, and virtual leases. Traditional real estate markets are generally more stable. It is influenced by economic cycles and local market conditions. Revenue streams coming from rental income, property appreciation, and commercial leases.
  • Accessibility and Barriers to Entry
    Digital real estate offers easier entry with lower costs and fewer geographical limitations. Although it requires knowledge of digital markets and cybersecurity. Traditional real estate has higher entry barriers due to large capital requirements and legal complexities. You need a good understanding of local real estate laws and property management.

Ways to Make Money With Digital Real Estate

There are several ways to make money with digital real estate. One popular method is by renting out digital property. You can do this by creating websites or blogs that drive traffic. Another way is to monetize them to earn from ads, sponsored posts, or selling products. Social media accounts can also be valuable. Build a large following and companies might pay you to promote their products. These are just some methods to make money online with digital properties.

My Recommended Digital Real Estate Investment

Local lead generation is my recommended digital real estate investment. Ranking a website on Google will generate free organic traffic. You can then rent your site out to local businesses who will benefit from the leads. This creates predictable monthly passive income. You can start with as little as $500 in initial investment. Operating costs can also be as low as $30 a month. When investing in traditional real estate, you have to worry about various other costs. This includes maintenance, renovations, repairs, management, etc.

Local lead generation real estate

Local lead generation is more scalable than house flipping. To scale a flipping business, you will need more capital and increase spending on marketing. It will also be necessary to hire a team. Scaling a local lead generation is just repeating the rank and rent process. You can repeat this as many times as you want. This limitless scaling potential makes local lead generation my number 1 business for creating financial freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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    1. I have read about individuals flipping houses in Hawaii. You can get sizable income once you get years of experience. However, some people eventually quit because of unforeseen expenses and high startup costs. I recommend local lead gen as a more stable business model. Visit https://ippei.com/best/ for more info.

    1. Hey James-yep that’s it. We build and rank websites that produce leads we then sell to a local business owner. Think of sites like HomeAdvisor. We’re similar but instead of selling high-quality leads to 10+ companies we partner with one and they ‘rent’ our site and we earn passive income. If you have questions or want more info about our local lead generation coaching program you can book a call and speak with one of our coaches using this link: https://ippei.com/best/ Look forward to connecting and all the best.

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