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25 Innovative Business Ideas-Best Picks For Entrepreneurs in 2024

February 5, 2024

cartoon of a rocket launching after a great idea

2020 was challenging. Just a bit.

But 2021 is turning things around and now's the time to shift gears.

Step out of our comfort zones.

Uncover new methods of conducting daily tasks and recreate traditional ways of doing things.

We've done some digging and unearthed inventive concepts to create financial stability.

Suggestions to alter current situations and take you off the careening path of uncertainty.

We've come up with 23 innovative business ideas that promise to generate substantial profit margins and pave the way for a better tomorrow.

But before we get after it let me give you the 411 on my narrative.

Hi, my name is Ippei.

I once rolled with the 9-5 thing.

The commute. The pitiful paycheck.

Answering to someone else.

But that all changed in 2014 when I found this course.

Because of this program I was able to quit my job.

Work for me. The result?

Now I'm a wealthy self-employed entrepreneur.

Working in my sweet SF pad making money for myself.

This business model taught me everything I needed to work from home.

Building & ranking websites that generate leads for small businesses.

That tree service site above has been making me $2000 per month since 2014.

IMO this biz model is one of the best opportunities on the internet.

And I'm going to show you why.

1. VR Retail Platform

cartoon of a man with VR glasses on

Retail was hit hard by COVID-19.

Stores were either under lockdown or told to limit the number of customers in their space.

Some places let you try stuff on.

Others tell you to take it home and if it doesn't work out-bring it back.

A system with long lines and even longer restrictions isn't cutting it for consumers.

Online shopping is the new normal.

And retail stores offering an interactive shopping experience will continue to lead the pack in sales and customer retention.

VR-virtual reality goes hand in hand with AR-augmented reality and the two are making quite a splash.

Projected globally to be worth $2,094.08 billion by 2027 as per this article.

That's an annual growth rate of 68.5%.

Retail and e-commerce VR can boost online shopping conversions by 17% as per this article.

A game changer for retailers struggling with the mandated evasive protocols caused by the pandemic.

Virtual reality offers customers the chance to shop like they would if they were in the store.

Get the real feel and look of pieces-not just a 2D image.

Online shopping and e-commerce were blowing up pre-pandemic but this industry has gone into orbit.

What's driving this market trend?

A few things as outlined in this publication including:

  • Globalization & Digitalization

  • 3D & Social Media

  • Integration of 5G

VR helps retailers meet customer expectations and improve post-purchase satisfaction as per this article.

Happy customer=happy online reviews and that can only be a good thing for retailers.

Check out this UK company who is currently killing it with this concept.

2. Rental Interface Platform

cartoon of people shopping online

You've heard of Poshmark and ThredUp. Who hasn't?

But rental platforms can rent or resell anything you want.

Rental platforms are projected to be worth an estimated $2.52 billion by 2025 per this post

That means an annual growth rate of 8.7%.

Sharing economy is the driving force behind increased popularity.

Add to the mix:

  • Consumer demand for resale and rental options that are cheaper than mainstream shopping.
  • The interactive and engagement rental platforms offer.
  • The price tags.

Everyone's quick to think of clothes but there's a multitude of untapped opportunities.

Don't believe us? Check out this Canadian company who-btw-is slaying it-like:

Sports Equipment

Baby Items



There's no better time than right now to get in on this and set up a rental interface platform.

Individuals pay a fee to list on your site.

You charge a service expense for rentals.

Double win-and you don't have any overhead.

Check out this publication for a breakdown on how to pull this off-even if you're not a joe coder.

3. AR Beauty Software

cartoon of a man & woman doing AR/VR

From quarantines and lockdowns to mandated shopping for 'essential items' only-the beauty industry took a bit of a beating.

But they refused to sit back and whine about it.

Predicted to exceed $716 billion by 2025 as per this post-it's all about going virtual.

Social media has been paving the way for AR for quite some time.

YouTube tutorials and digital channels showcasing the newest products like how to apply the perfect cat-eye.

Or trending-natural-and organic must-haves.

A few key players dominate the market, but if you sharpen your 'A' game you can carve out a piece of this lucrative pie.

How do you do it?

Implement (AR) Augmented Reality.

This mobile technology allows businesses to create interactive and virtual experiences.

The idea with AR is to reconstruct the high-street shopping experience.

But virtually.

Customers can 'try on' different shades-products-etc. as per this article.

Augmented Reality can be used on numerous platforms including:

  • Websites & Shopping APPs

  • Social Media-TikTok/Snapchat/Instagram

Build software that focuses on user experience like:

  • One-to-one consultations
  • Live streams
  • Beauty shows

Check out this post highlighting a company that has offered this service to retailers. 

4. E-Commerce

ecommerce infographic

E-commerce isn't exactly what you'd call the new kid on the block.

In fact-this innovative business idea may even bend the definition of innovative but hear us out.

In the United States alone the e-commerce market has reached sales predicted for 2022.

Statistics indicate that sales from e-commerce in the US alone will hit over $794.50 billion as per this post.

With an annual growth rate of 32.4% in 2021 consumers transitioned to online shopping.

For safety reasons and compliance with mandated restrictions e-commerce provides so many positives for shoppers worldwide.

The landscape of buying habits is experiencing a rapid shift to online.

Additional trends propelling market growth as per this article include things like:


Celebrity Endorsements

Interactive & High-Resolution Imagery

E-commerce is here to stay so if you're already in this niche you're going to experience some serious landfalls.

Not doing it and want the inside track to being successful with e-commerce?

Check out this post I published recently sharing a guide on how to accelerate your e-commerce business.

Get it right and you could bring in serious cash with this innovative business idea.

5. Subscription Boxes

cartoon of a subscription box being parachuted to a woman

Subscription boxes command the e-commerce scene.

This 'right to your door' service is erupting.

With offline shopping restricted people could really use a little something to brighten up their day.

And this $10 billion market is clearly one solution.

Consumers love the personalization-convenience-value-and charm component of subscription boxes.

There's a bit of overkill in specific niches like:

  • Beauty & Fashion
  • Pets 
  • Food Delivery

But what if you had a unique idea that would take subscription boxes to a whole new level?

An innovative-exclusive-and offbeat option to fully capitalize on this market.

This post lists some of the tried and true players, but it also includes some fresh ideas like:

  • Wine & Flavored Water
  • Escape Rooms & Outdoor Adventure
  • Socially Conscious Brands & Indoor Planting
  • Vinyl Records & Gourmet Treats

New businesses can grab a piece of the market if they are willing to diversify and be flexible.

Research current trends and deliver an out of this world user experience as evidenced in this article.

cartoon of subscription options

Subscription boxes have the potential to be an innovative business idea, if you're willing to do the research and put a spin on your service.

Interested? Want to learn how to get started?

This post gives a comprehensive analysis of how to start a subscription box business.

6. Scan & Go Shopping App

cartoon of hands holding devices

Imagine a world where there are no lines or wait times for checkouts.

Personalized-convenient-and contactless technology to streamline any shopping excursions.

Welcome to the world of the scan and go mobile APP.

Estimated to be worth $45 billion globally by 2023 as per this publication.

This is one innovative business idea that will put your ROIs into overdrive.

Applying QR (quick response) codes-shoppers use their iPhone to scan codes.

Media data is saved and voila make your payment and the deal is done as per this post.

cartoon of a man and woman with QR codes

Don't have an iPhone? No worries.

A scan and go app can be downloaded on any device to scan both barcodes and QR codes.

Incorporate a dedicated checkout QR code that allows people to pay from their phone.

This article headlines a New York grocery chain and gives a prime example of a company that has implemented this innovative business idea.

7. Internet of Things (IoT)

cartoon of people with cell phones booking transportation

Smart clothing and wearables go together like peas and carrots.

This is an innovative market somersaulting with economic success thanks to the internet of things.

Currently 90% of Americans are utilizing wearable technology as per this article.

Close on their heels is the smart apparel industry with a global market slated to see revenues of $5527 million by 2026.

That's a CAGR of 74% from 2021-2026.

Health and wellness have become focal points for individuals.

People are becoming increasingly cognizant of physical activity, reducing stress, proper nutrition, and healthcare.

How can you pair the two together and make some money?

A few unique ideas outlined in this article include things like:

  • Canes & Stress-Relieving Devices

  • Interactive Wear & Belts

  • Smart Rings-Jewelry-Glasses

  • Helmets & Speakers

Technology is the future as per this publication, and advancements will only continue to propel this market on an upward spiral.

8. Blockchain

cartoon of hands connecting blockchain

Blockchain. You hear the term and immediately think of Bitcoin.

Take off the blinders.

Multiple sub-sectors have begun implementing blockchain.

But truth be told-they've barely scratched the surface of this $3 billion global conglomerate.

Projected to reach $39.7 billion by 2025, that's a staggering CAGR of 67.3% as per this publication.

So what is it-and what's all the fuss about?

Defined as a digital record book blockchain connects multiple databases or computers at the same time.

These recordings (referred to as blocks) link together and form a chain of transparent and traceable interactions.

image of stacks of blockchain

Think of it like this.

Banks-suppliers-retailers-distributors-all connected and free to exchange info directly without security concerns.

Blockchains construct a physical and digital link that can be used in numerous sectors.

A few top industry's are outlined in this post and include:


Banking & Hedge Funds


Retail & Healthcare


Education & Law Enforcement


Messaging APPs & Internet Advertising

'Track and trace' handling can reduce confusion within the supply chain.

Monitor inventory and allow investors around the globe to eliminate processing and transaction fees while minimizing risk.

This article offers some excellent insight regarding the importance of blockchain and its innovative components for the future.

9. 3-D Printing

cartoon of a 3D printer

3D printing helps clients visualize ideas and get a look at the whole picture.

Equipment costs are on the decline making now is the ideal time to capitalize on this innovative business idea.

The industrial 3D printing market is projected to reach market values of $5.3 billion by 2025.

That's an annual increase of 20.9% from 2020-2025 as per this post.

More companies are purchasing AM (additive manufacturing) hardware.

This not only decreases prototype costs, but streamlines production as evidenced in this blog.

Machine Printing Cash

3D printing opens all kinds of customization possibilities for numerous industries.

A few top contenders are listed in this post and include things like:

  • Aerospace & Robotics
  • Education & Fashion
  • Medical & Construction
  • Transportation & Automotive

There's a definite accelerated interest in 3D printing from identified industries.

One driving demand creating exponential growth moving forward.

This post highlights industry trends and the potential profitability associated with 3D printing.

10. Sustainability Consulting

cartoon of a man with a cell phone and trees

People have raised the bar and the expectation moving forward is clear.

Businesses need to recognize the significance of sustainability and be willing to implement strategies.

Whatever it takes to make them more socially and environmentally responsible as per this post.

The whole idea of sustainability is to ensure that companies meet their goals without depleting resources impacting future generations' success.

Expected to reach market values of $33.3 billion by 2023-this sector saw a dip in revenues due to COVID-19 and a pause on investments.

Fast-forward to a life where we are no longer in the clutches of a pandemic-and this market will rebound and continue to see expansion.

Market growth will propel the demand for sustainability coaches in industries like:

Property Management Companies

Construction & Design Companies

Renewable & Fossil Fuel Consulting Firms & Utility Companies

The climate crisis is a serious situation and it's time to rethink-reinvent-and reinvest in our environmental landscape and economy.

Rewrite the playbook and get all businesses participating in more responsible and sustainable practices as per this article.

11. Drop Servicing

cartoon of people working on a computer


Everybody and their brother's got a hand in this lucrative pie and with good reason.

Do it right and you can make big bucks with dropshipping.

So what's drop servicing?

Think of it like dropshipping with a twist.

Instead of selling physical products-you're selling services.

You get the business and outsource the work to someone else.

Buy low-sell high.

You can offer drop servicing for any service you like.

But a few of the top niches to maximize your ROIs are listed in this post.

And include things like:

  • Social Media Management & SEO

  • Video Creating & Copywriting

  • Programming & Development

  • Logos & Website Design

Drop servicing is an innovative business idea you can do from the comfort of your own home.

Get it right and you are set to collect a serious cash flow with this idea.

Check out this post giving the a-z on how to start a drop servicing business.

12. Social Media Network

cartoon of a computer screen with data

This innovative business idea will take more than a little tenacity.

But if you can pull it off-you will detonate your profit margins.

Social media is cutting edge for business owners and it's dominated by seven key players as outlined in this post.

But why not build your own social media network?

Used for anything from networking and entertainment, to brand awareness and education.

The type of network you build requires some research and an actionable plan of attack.

A few of the more popular options as per this article include niches like:


Business & Professional Network


Dating & Entertainment


Information & Education

Think you have what it takes? Check out this publication.

It shares a complete dissection of how to build a social media network.

13. P2P Lending Platform

cartoon of a man & woman under and umbrella with coins

Banks and governments have promised financial assistance during these challenging times.

But many aren't putting their money where their mouth is and are falling way short on their promise.

Personal debt is rising at an accelerated rate as per this post, and for a lot of people consolidation loans just aren't goin cut it.

P2P-(peer to peer lending) was growing in popularity pre-pandemic, but intrigue is off the charts as per this article.

Valued at nearly $68 billion in 2021.

P2P is slated to experience a CAGR of 29.7% from 2020-2027 as per this post.

infographic of p2p lending platfprm

So what's driving the trend?

A few key factors evidenced in this publication which include things like:

  • P2P offers financial facilities banks aren't delivering.

  • A widening customer base.

  • Greater acceptance of digital banking.

  • Technological advancements offering more transparency.

  • Low operating costs and better rates. 

An excellent way to not only diversify your investment portfolio P2P also offers investors higher yields without the risks.

This post offers information on building a peer-to-peer lending platform, and earning generous compensation with this innovative business idea.

14. SaaS

cartoon of people working on a computer

Enjoy Netflix?

Every time you go on a binge you're utilizing SaaS.

SaaS-(Software as a Service) is a cloud-based software distribution system.

The premise is simple. Software delivered and handled remotely.

Businesses access software via their web browser or mobile device.

This platform is not only cost-effective but offers numerous advantages.

A few top contenders are outlined in this article and include things like:


No Extensive Initial Investment


No IT Issues Or Security Breaches


Seamless Connectivity


Opportunity For Expansion & Scalability

SaaS is a customizable CRM software.

Beat the rush as the industry scales with this innovative business idea.

Curious? Want to learn more?

This publication offers tips on how to start a SaaS company.

15. DDoS Cyber Attack Prevention Security Company

cartoon of a man in a mask hacking a computer

Little bastards. Sitting in their gaming chairs in their parents' basement with too much time and tech-savvy ability.


Business owners who don't want to see their online traffic or livelihood disrupted need to pull out the big guns to beat these asshats at their own game.

We're talking about DDoS cyber-attack prevention.

Expected to see revenues of $9.10 billion by 2025.

DDoS (denial of service) protection and mitigation stops malicious attempts at flooding online service providers with phony requests.

image of people around a locked computer screen

These attacks not only cause network traffic to be impeded, but can be costly to both rectify and explain.

DDoS cyber prevention services are precautionary measures for business owners.

Securing several aspects of their business as per this post including:

  • Improves Customer Experience & Business Reputation

  • Reduces Financial Hardships & Costs Associated With Rebuilds

  • Eliminates Physical Threats & Insecure Networks

DDoS attacks are at an all-time high.

Business owners understand the risks and are looking to implement third party dedicated hosting.

Fill a void and launch your own service following the process outlined in this post.

16. Internet Infrastructure

cartoon of a labyrinth leading to different devices

Our world becoming increasingly digital and everything's being done online.

If business owners want to keep their traffic and online property they're going to have to embrace internet infrastructure.

Internet infrastructure interconnects users around the world.

This massive conglomerate is looking at annual growth rates of 4.5% from 2020-2025 as per this post.

5G is on the move and for companies searching for solutions to handle their internet demands it couldn't come at a better time.

Businesses need high-capacity backbones.

Tech lingo for data routes between interconnected networks and core internet routers.

cartoon of a magnifying glass inspecting a computer program

Think of it like a major highway connecting a city.

Internet service providers hook up with each other securely by utilizing NAPS (network access protection) referred to as peering.

NAPs determine how traffic is routed and provide connectivity to users.

Internet infrastructure is part of the bigger picture and offers real benefits for business owners.

A few key notes outlined in this post include things like:

  • Employees can access the cloud securely with no cyber breach.
  • Prevents theft of employee information.
  • Monitor employee productivity.

This article lays it all out for you. The good-the bad-and the ugly on starting an internet infrastructure.

Pull this off and you're looking at making some dope cash with this innovative business idea.

17. Disaster & Emergency

cartoon of survival items

It's not just natural disasters that are on the rise in 2021.

It's time to consider introducing disaster emergency survival kits.

Prepare and plan-should be our motto for 2022..

This market offers tremendous monetary opportunity.

Create kits that include enough basic necessities for families to survive for a few days.

Think of things outlined in this post like:

  • Food/Water & Medical Supplies

  • Blankets & Tools

  • Solar Generators & Off-Grid Energy Solutions

Couple your product with online tutorials.

Hit up social media platforms to educate and build your brand like this company is doing.

18. Robotics

cartoon of a robot doing household chores

Time is money, which might help explain the massive surge in automation and robotics for anything and everything.

From personal and domestic to professional and industrial.

Robotics are the future.

Worth $76.6 billion in the United States alone, the robotics market is slated to see a CAGR of 18.2% to reach just under $210 billion globally by 2025.

Robotics not only lower labor and production costs but can provide better quality products more efficiently.

cartoon of people rewiring a brain

Other factors driving the robotics industry as per this article include:

  • The evolution of technology.
  • Advanced modular platforms.
  • Enhancing human skills.

The robotics revolution is becoming increasingly predominant in specific sectors as per this post.

Which includes industries like:


Defense & Public Safety

Manufacturing & Automotive

An innovative business idea that takes some hard work and capital, but if you have the tech skills your services will be in constant demand.

This publication offers additional information on launching a robotics start-up.

19. AI Telehealth Platform

cartoon of a doctor coming out of the computer

Shortages of healthcare professionals equals long wait times and limited appointment times.

Enter the telehealth market.

A visionary solution that could be the answer to at least some of the global medical crisis.

Telehealth in the United States saw a tsunami growth of 64.3% in 2021 and it's not done yet.

Projected to grow by a mind-boggling seven-fold with a CAGR of 38.2% from now until 2025 as per this publication.

Telemedicine offers a safe and effective way for people to consult with a physician without long lines.

cartoon of nurses and doctors

It can also remove risk of communal spread or clogging the system with minor ailments.

Telemedicine utilizes technology-but by incorporating AI (artificial intelligence) user experience is enhanced.

AI brings to the forefront several benefits for telemedicine as evidenced in this post like:


More Accurate Diagnosis & Treatment Recommendations


Reduce Physician Burnout & Reduce Hospital Visits


Enhanced Healthcare for the Elderly & Our Vulnerable Population

Of course there's red tap affiliated with the healthcare system so be mindful of a few factors when creating and implementing AI or telehealth software.

Confidentiality and security are two of the biggest concerns, but this article outlines compliance standards and how to launch a telehealth platform.

20. VR Live Events

cartoon of people on their computer screens sharing a drink and talking

The art and entertainment sectors were hammered as a result of the pandemic.

But the days of catching a concert or live performance are returning.

It's been slow and we want the good times to roll.

Virtual live events offered a solution to keep these industries alive.

Revenue from virtual events is currently sitting at $78 billion.

Statistics found in this article suggest that the industry will see an income of $774 billion by 2030.

So what's driving this monumental market growth?

A few things apparently as evidenced in this post including:

From live concerts to corporate conferences and education, VR is positioned to become an integral component of daily life moving forward.

This post offers some insider tips and ideas on how to be start and be successful with this innovative business idea.

21. COVID-19 Geared Products

cartoon of people with masks staying away from covid19

You thought it was over. It's not.

Society continues to adopt new techniques and ways to maneuver through daily life due to the pandemic.

Sit tight and get ready for the ride because it's going to be with us for awhile so why not make some cash while you wait?

A product or service that can provide a viable solution?

Check out Google or Facebook and you'll see all kinds of new products.

From custom masks to plastic birthday cake covers with holes cut out.

Look at this time of uncertainty as an opportunity to investigate new options like the ones in this post that includes:

Hygiene Hooks

Hygiene Smart Bands

Pool Noodle Social Distancing Products

The coronavirus will be with us for some time-vaccine or no vaccine.

If you have an innovative business idea, product or service that could help people navigate post-pandemic life, the time to act is now.

22. Online Consulting

cartoon of a man and woman at computers

Consider yourself an expert on a particular topic or subject?

Got the know-how to back up your claim?

Take a look at online consulting.

Highly lucrative and an innovative business idea and one virtually unscathed as a result of the pandemic.

Companies are looking to stay lean and streamline their systems. 

Industries want to expand or implement new strategies effectively.

The answer? A specialized consultant.

infographic of consulting

The beauty of online consulting? You can offer your services to all kinds of disciplines.

Popular choices outlined in this article include:

  • Education & Public Relations
  • Marketing & Finance
  • Fitness & Travel

Business owners are looking for expertise and actionable techniques.

So you need to know your stuff and be able to demonstrate your expertise.

Think you've got what it takes? Interested in knowing for sure?

Check out this publication outlining how to launch a successful online consulting business.

23. Senior Living

cartoon of people caring for seniors

Over 55 million seniors are living in the United States and will be an estimated 83.7 million by 2050 as per this post.

People are living longer and they're staying in their homes.

Good news for entrepreneurs on the hunt for innovative business ideas.

Think about services focused on assisting seniors.

Some of the top contenders are listed in this article and include things like:

If you are seniors looking for more alternative side gig, you can check my ultimate list of retirement side hustles

Cleaning & Property Maintenance

Transportation & Delivery Services

Tech Support & Mobile Beauty Services

Seniors have money to spend and they need particular services.

Provide a solution to a problem with your unique business idea and you stand to earn significant profits in this niche.

Check out this post highlighting tips on an errand service for seniors as an example.

24. Mobile Car Wash & Detailing

cartoon of man detailing a car

What if you could earn $75,000+ a year in profits?

Low start-up costs and an annual growth rate of 5.3%, as per this post, mobile car wash and detailing is the next big idea.

Motivated to keep vehicles clean, Americans are jumping on the idea of people coming to them.

Washing and detailing their vehicle in their driveway.

cartoon of a shiny car

Apps make it simple to book and pay online.

But it comes down to customer service and on-point delivery.

You're going to need a few things to get started like items found in this article including:




Equipment (Power Washer/Hose/etc.)


Network & Marketing Strategies

Like the sound of this innovative business idea and want the inside scoop?

Check out this post providing the a-z on starting a mobile car and detailing business.

IMO The Best Innovative Business Idea On The Internet

Lead Generation

Life gives you three choices. Fight **** or hit the fence. It's always been like that.

2020 didn't change the narrative, but it made a lot of people realize they needed to make a decision and take a closer look at their current situation.

Decide if they have what it takes to become an entrepreneur, act on that innovative business idea and alter their life course.

That's what happened to me in 2014 when I found this online training program.

A way to build and rank local websites and feed free leads to business owners.

Like I did with this tree site below. One of my first lead gen sites was this tree site which has been making me $2000/month for the last six years.

I have over 80 sites-all making me a monthly income.

It wasn't hard given that there are over 400 niches to choose from.

Lead gen is local so it's faster than other biz models found in this list and once you get it there's no limit to the money you can make.

Even better is that it's so simple. Six easy steps-that's it.

Lead gen model

What's your why? Where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, tomorrow?

Are you happy with things the way they are now?

Are you fulfilling your dreams and goals for the future?

If you're not living the life you want lead generation might be your answer.

Find out for sure and schedule a call today.

The playing field is primed.

If that entrepreneurial fire is burning there's no better time than now to fulfill your dreams.

We've given you 25 innovative business ideas to get those juices flowing.

But if you have a suggestion that didn't make our list-please feel free to leave it in the comments below.

Follow Me
Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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