Is Dropshipping Hard? (6 Methods To Make Your Biz Easier)

July 26, 2024

Is dropshipping hard? Starting dropshipping isn’t hard because the barrier to entry is low, but being successful with dropshipping can be very hard. Anyone with at least $50 can throw up a website, fill it with dropshipping products, and experiment with different marketing channels to drive sales. However, Ecommerce platform App Scenic says that over 90% of dropshipping businesses fail within the first 30 days, and according to one dropshipper on Reddit, one of the main reason is lack of differentiation. 

Dropshipping products are not unique. They are accessible to nearly anyone, even your customers, who can bypass you completely and buy directly from the source if they know where to look. Even if you find a trendy product on AliExpress that gets sales, it’s likely that the market for that product will become oversaturated at some point and the product will no longer be profitable to sell.

One of the most popular strategies for dropshipping is to use a spy tool like AdSpy to see which products other dropshippers are selling well and the kind of advertising materials they are using. Dropshippers use this data to try to replicate their success by selling the same product with a similar ad campaign. This can quickly dilute the effectiveness of the original campaign as online audiences grow tired of seeing the same ad repeatedly. 

Finding a successful dropshipping product requires you to test many products until a combination of your product and specific advertising strategy generates a profitable result. Then you scale it up by investing more into your advertising strategy until it becomes unprofitable at some point. In response to a Redditor's question about the difficulty of dropshipping, a dropshipper expresses that you need to fail in order to collect enough data to make dropshipping decisions with a higher probability of success. 

Online business YouTuber with nearly 100K subscribers Mikey Again affirms this sentiment through his personal experience with starting a dropshipping store. Mikey started a new dropshipping store and needed to test 31 products to find just 7 successful products. That means over 77% of the products he tested weren’t profitable. 

Those looking for an online business model with less competition than dropshipping can consider local lead generation. Local lead generation entails creating websites that attract customers for local service businesses. A local lead generation website drives relevant traffic by using local SEO to appear on the first page of Google in a specific location for a specific service. Local SEO is low competition because you only complete against a handful of businesses in one location, instead of competing for sales with everyone across the internet like a dropshipper does. 

In the following article, we'll expand on what makes dropshipping so hard, including 6 common difficulties dropshippers are facing in 2024

6 Methods To Make Dropshipping Easy

1. Sell Higher Quality Products With An Increased Perceived Value

 To make money with your dropshipping business:

  1. Pick the right ecommerce platform.
  2. Create a website that looks like a real business.
  3. Include a compelling product description for every item and add a professional-level image.
  4. Keep your color scheme simple and congruous.

The idea is to design a store that's easy to use and simple to navigate. Focus on your product's worth. But choose things you can sell for $15-$45 and get a 3X markup. Find products that aren't easy to find, have a WOW factor, or solve a problem in a person's life. Then consider; How can you increase the perceived value of the item you're selling? What unique angle can you create to evoke emotion or impulse buys? Again, the goal is to be different and better than the competition. So to set your Shopify store apart, do things like:

  • Sell sustainable & eco-friendly products
  • Be socially responsible
  • Post hyper-valuable content online
  • Become a top-of-mind business
  • Offer 24/7 customer service & self-service options like chatbots
  • Share social proof, like posting reviews and testimonials

The secret is to build a community and foster relationships. Lead with value and put the needs of the customer first. Then you become a trusted source. But you'll get more loyal customers and can make more money.

2. Develop Strategic Shipping Methods

Online shoppers want fast shipping, and they want it for free. TrueList says 42% of shoppers online expect a two-day shipping option. The key is to be transparent about delivery times and offer your customers options.

Data suggests that the primary cause of cart abandonment, as noted by 63% of customers, is hidden shipping costs. Instead, offer a tiered pricing model. Then you give your shoppers the option to pay for faster shipping (like free shipping after they spend $X). Other strategies to consider include:

Online shoppers want fast shipping, and they want it for free. TrueList says 42% of shoppers online expect a two-day shipping option. The key is to be transparent about delivery times and offer your customers options.

Data suggests that the primary cause of cart abandonment, as noted by 63% of customers, is hidden shipping costs. Instead, offer a tiered pricing model. Then you give your shoppers the option to pay for faster shipping (like free shipping after they spend $X). Other strategies to consider include:

  • Add the cost of shipping to the product price
  • Leverage bundles & order breaks
  • Offer cross-sells & upsells to increase the order value
  • Capitalize on incentivized free shipping
  • Promote special deals & limited-time offers

Customize and personalize the customer experience with chatbots, content in their native language, or geo-locations on your website. Again, the more you know about your target market, the more personalized you can make their shopping journey. Use scarcity tactics like countdown timers, limited-time offers, etc. But studies show that FOMO can increase conversions by 8.6%.

3. Source Multiple Reliable Dropshipping Suppliers

In dropshipping, your supplier is the crux of your business. But there are a ton of scammers and pretend mediators. Genuine dropshipping suppliers can guarantee high-quality products and fair prices. But avoid suppliers who want ongoing or per-order fees or minimum order sizes. Instead, choose suppliers that offer things like:

  • Stellar customer support & knowledgeable staff
  • An ability to take orders via email
  • Are located close to your geographical target market, or can provide a central location
  • A modern website with multiple reviews
  • Doesn't sell to the general public

But source more than one supplier. Then you never have issues around a lack of inventory or product delays. In 2024, the best solution is to find a local supplier like Salehoo, Worldwide Brands, or Inventory Source. Or do a Google search and contact the manufacturer directly. Another option is to leverage marketplaces like CJ Dropshipping or BigCommerce. The advantage here is that they all integrate with your Shopify app or any other ecommerce platform app. And they can offer faster shipping times.

Or you can try Amazon dropshipping. Amazon gives you an edge because the people are already there. It's a trusted platform with a consumer base ready to buy. It offers better profit margins and higher conversion rates. But it's still a cutthroat business model. Amazon reports that more than 5 million active sellers are on its platform. However, it's a chance to leverage a ready-made market and test products. Then you can fine-tune your processes, connect with the right suppliers and practice what you're learning. 

4. Conduct Market Research & Leverage Niche Targeting

Invest in research and learn as much as you can about your buyer persona and your product. Then focus on your marketing strategy. For example, niche marketing is a highly targeted form of promotion. But it presents more opportunities for specialization and niche targeting.

The premise is to advertise products to a small, specific, and well-defined audience. Then you support and sell to an underserved or untapped population. Base your niche targeting on your customer's geographic location or psychographic data like interests, attitudes, and values. But it can also be based on demographics like age, income level, gender, education, etc. 

However, this technique allows you to compete against fewer brands. Then you can create better marketing spend. The key is to use your ad budget in the right places. Go where your ideal buyer hangs out online.

For example, if they enjoy written content, start a blog. If they prefer videos, post content on YouTube or leverage TikTok creatives. Develop a unique angle. Then create content that shocks people or gets them to stop their mindless scrolling and check out your product.

5. Provide The Best Customer Experience Possible

Customer expectations are changing. Now buyers expect around-the-clock customer service, fast shipping times, and transparency around delivery. Online customers also want data safety and privacy guarantees and integrated online experiences. As a dropshipper, you have to exceed expectations. Deliver beyond even the highest expectations of a customer.

Don't lose a potential customer because you can't solve a problem. Instead, provide the best solution. Stay current with market trends. Build your online store on a reliable ecommerce platform like Shopify or WooCommerce. Then automate tasks with a dropshipping app like ZenDrop or Spocket to manage inventory and order fulfillment.  

dropshipping video ad

But again, make sure your store looks like a legit company. Data says you only have 15 seconds to grab visitors' attention on your dropshipping site. So become a customer-centric online store. Forbes suggests 82% of shoppers want brands to embrace a 'people-first' approach. But if you focus on your buyer's needs first and provide the best solution to their problem or sell a product that invokes emotion. Then you can make money with the business model in 2024.

6. Leverage Organic Traffic & Be The Better Marketer

The only way to drive a ton of eyeballs to your offer is to be the better marketer. Paid ads will get you a few fast wins. But they cost money and will cut into the already uber-skinny profit margins of your drop shipping business. Instead, leverage organic traffic with an omnichannel approach. Be active on all the right channels. Get on social media and host live streams or share content that adds value to people's lives. 

Become a content creator, prioritize social commerce, and build an online presence. According to Abdalslam, dropshipping stores with at least one social media account often generate 32% higher revenue. Connect with influencers. Learn SEO tactics to get your site to the top of the SERPs. Make your offer unique. Something that standouts from the competition and will stick in people's minds. Provide the best answers and the reason why people need to buy it right now. 

Why Do People Say Dropshipping Is A Hard?

People say drop shipping is hard because they've tried the business model and failed. But they didn't take the time to understand the concepts. Or they quit before they made any profit. So now they think the business is a scam. But instead, they should have been ready to test more products and invest the time to learn as much as they could about their target market.

Dropshipping is a legitimate business model. More people are buying products online than people selling products on the Internet. Data says that approximately 23% of all online sales are fulfilled by drop shipping. So in 2024, it's a path to building a successful ecommerce business and making a steady income.

Can You Lose A Lot Of Money Because Dropshipping Is Hard?

Yes, you can lose a lot of money dropshipping because dropshipping is hard. Sadly, this is not a business where you get rich instantly. Dropshippers can face problems connecting with the right customers or sourcing multiple suppliers. Other ways you can lose a lot of money dropshipping include:

  • Picking the wrong niche & overspending on product testing
  • Customer support issues & negative reviews
  • Slow shipping times & supply chain complications
  • Account bans & high ad costs
  • Payment gateway closures & inventory management problems

Be ready to lose money for at least a year. Keep a close eye on your ad spend. Data suggests that paid advertising costs will rise by 20%-30% this year. And this is one of the leading reasons people quit dropshipping.

So take the time to research. Learn as much as you can about your potential customer. Then be ready to pivot fast when things aren't working.

How Many Dropshippers Fail?

90% of dropshippers fail in the first thirty days. Research shows that the average success rate of a dropshipping business is between 10% and 20%. Dropshipping is work. It takes some savvy business sense, product research, and an understanding of how to read trends.

To succeed, you need to stay one step ahead of the hottest new product. Then sell as many as you can before the market becomes saturated. Dropshipping is about being the best marketer. Create a unique angle and tap into buyer pain points. The key is to give people a reason why they need to buy your item.

What Is The Hardest Part Of Dropshipping?

The hardest part of dropshipping is finding a reliable dropshipping supplier. Dropshippers need a supplier who can deliver high-quality inventory and fast shipping time to buyers. Data suggests that 84% of ecommerce retailers say securing a good supplier is the biggest barrier to starting their Shopify dropshipping store.

In addition, you need to trust that the product and packaging are on point. But any mistakes your supplier makes are on you. Unfortunately, you don't have any control over the supply chain, delays at the border, or customs rules. Truelist suggests that 42% of online shoppers expect a two-day shipping option. But the customer has no way to track packages. So dropshippers could face customer service issues, chargebacks, or negative reviews.

20246 Common Difficulties That Make Dropshipping Hard

1. Unrealistic Expectations & Low-Profit Margins

A common difficulty with drop shipping is unrealistic expectations. People see the gurus on YouTube that make the business model look easy. But dropshipping takes time to learn and really understand the concepts. Start by using the right tools for product research, like Google Trend, Keywords Everywhere, Ahrefs, or People Also Ask. What questions are people asking? What is your ideal buyer searching for online?

Next, check out competitor sites on TikTok and Facebook. Use Facebook Audience Insights, TikTok Made Me Buy It, or Amazon's most popular list. Or utilize third-party spy software like AdSpy or BigSpy. See what kind of ads get the best traffic. What channels get the most attention? What's trending on social media? The key is to shift your mindset. Then be ready to commit. Get good at the skills you need to win with drop shipping, like:

  • Copywriting & web design
  • Video editing & marketing
  • Product research & SEO

Do the right things and sell the best products. Find items to sell that will generate a profit. The margins of this online business model are razor-thin. For example, data says that profit margins for the drop shipping model span from 10% to 30%.

So don't take what's shown on YouTube at face value. It's easy to show overall earnings. But they don't tell the whole story. For example, How much did they spend on ads? What number of products did they test and fail with before they landed a winner? How many chargebacks did they get?

2. Slow Shipping Times & Breakdowns In The Supply Chain

Slow shipping times and breakdowns in the supply chain are other business model challenges. Because you rely on third-party suppliers as a dropshipper, you have zero control over how long it takes for a product to get to your customer.

But slow shipping times and a high shipping cost are one of the fastest ways to get a ton of customer complaints. In fact, research suggests that 66% of online shoppers will purchase from a competitor with multiple shipping options.

3. Product Quality & Unreliable Suppliers

As a dropshipper, you don't have any authority over product quality. Again, you're beholden to the suppliers to deliver high-quality inventory to your customers. But the product is everything. If your product isn't good, you don't have a business. The secret is to build a strong relationship with the manufacturer. Then source multiple suppliers. But remember, their errors are on you. So if the customer complains, it's your job to make it right.

4. Cut-Throat Competition & Picking The Wrong Niche

Dropshipping is competitive. Data suggests that there are 24 million ecommerce retailers worldwide, many of which are dropshipping sites. But the model doesn't work the way it did ten years ago. The old way is saturated. Now it's about marketing and knowing your target audience. Tap into psychological principles and the buyer's biggest pain points. 

For example, What problems do they have? Where do they hang out online? What kind of content do they consume on the Internet? The goal is to be ready to learn new ways to get your Shopify store in front of a ton of eyeballs. Then pick the right niche and know what dropshipping niches to avoid. Choose one that is evergreen and has products that are hard to find. Ones with a WOW factor or that are part of the hottest new trend.

5. Customer Service Issues & Payment Gateways

One of the most common difficulties with dropshipping is customer service. A bad customer experience is one of the fastest ways to fail with the business model. In 2024, it's all about the customer journey. The secret is to provide more value than the competition. Online shoppers expect transparency, fast shipping, and no hidden fees like sales tax or shipping costs.

The other issues are payment gateways and account bans. Financial institutions don't like dropshippers. For example, if you start earning a ton of money or there's an influx of cash going into your account, it can be a red flag. One that could get your store shut down by your payment processor. In addition, chargebacks and fraudulent returns can result in money lost. In fact, Dropshipping Helps says that fraudulent or unauthorized transactions may impede market expansion.

6. Paid Advertising & Online Traffic

Getting traffic to your online store is hard. SEO is really the only viable option. But it can be complex and time-consuming. As a result, you need to buy traffic with things like a Google ad or Facebook ads. But ad costs cut into your already super-thin profit margin. Plus, it's so easy for another dropshipper to come and copy your creatives.

Or offer a better deal and outprice you from the market. The secret is to gain a massive advantage in one area. For example, sell a product with a high perceived value. Or jump on a trend before it becomes saturated. But even then, it's hard to stay profitable unless you can set yourself apart from the competition. 

Is Dropshipping Easy?

Dropshipping is not easy because ecommerce is highly competitive, with millions of sellers. Also, profit margins are very thin since you buy one product at a time. You constantly need to find and test new trending products, as they often don't last long. Customers expect fast shipping like Amazon, but dropshipping usually involves long shipping times from overseas suppliers. Additionally, handling returns between the customer and supplier can be difficult. 

Moreover, most dropshipping stores rely on paid ads like Facebook Ads, which have become more expensive due to increased competition. Building a loyal customer base is hard since dropshippers sell generic products. Also, take note that ecommerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart have strict dropshipping rules. Lastly, platforms like Temu and SHEIN dominate the market for low-cost Chinese products. It makes it harder for dropshippers to compete.

Conclusion: Why Local Lead Gen Is Easier Than Dropshipping?

Local lead generation is easier than dropshipping because it offers higher profit margins, lower competition, and more stable revenue. Local lead generation can command margins of up to 90% by using free traffic, while dropshipping typically has margins of 15% to 20% because of high advertising costs. Additionally, local lead generation faces less competition, as it competes with small business owners in specific areas, whereas dropshippers compete globally against major brands and other dropshippers.

Local lead generation also provides more stable revenue by forming long-term partnerships with business owners who pay a fixed amount monthly for leads, ensuring consistent income. In contrast, dropshipping requires constantly acquiring new customers each month and adapting to changing trends, advertising performance, and seasonal fluctuations, making revenue less predictable.

Lastly, local lead generation grants greater control and has more scaling potential. A lead generation business owner manages their own sites and client results, whereas dropshipping relies on third-party suppliers, risking potential issues. Local lead generation also allows for passive income, as once a site ranks on Google and is rented out, it requires minimal oversight. This stability enables business owners to focus on building a network of lead generation sites, unlike dropshipping, which demands ongoing product testing and marketing adjustments.


One lead generation website can earn between $500 to $3,000 in monthly passive income. If you're looking for a simpler, more profitable online business model, consider diving into local lead generation.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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