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J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping Course Review – What is High-Ticket Dropshipping?

May 9, 2024

j rich shopify dropshipping

The J Rich Shopify Dropshipping course is a comprehensive online program that offers detailed instructions on how to start a business from scratch. It has over 100 videos covering various aspects of dropshipping and other online businesses. Students get access to an exclusive private community chat. Additionally, it offers monthly giveaways and incentives. You will also get access to valuable strategies, templates, and apps relevant to dropshipping.

J Rich's Shopify Dropshipping course has no success stories and testimonial found on its pages. People from different review platforms are also saying very few things about J and his course. In Reddit, aiq25 said that J Rich offers interesting products, while hectic472 said that his videos are great. A YouTube channel called Online Marketing Review said that the course covers everything you need. But, he questions about the value of the training today. Mainly because of the growing nature of the business model. A review from Tropic Legacy said that he actually tried J Rich's course, but he encountered challenges with the budget for marketing. In the end, he struggled with traction and have zero sales. However, this is just for a 5 day challenge, so maybe if he waited a little more, he'll get more sales. 

Now, dropshipping is a popular business model that is still profitable. Duke Paul posted on X that it is the easiest and profitable side hustle idea in 2024. However, just like many other businesses, it becomes quite challenging as years passed. The drivers of its profitability are the growing numbers of online shoppers, easy startup, and minimal investment. On average, dropshippers achieve profit margins ranging from 15% to 30% only, which is lower than other online business model. Monthly revenues typically range from $1,000 to $3,000. There are many challenges associated with dropshipping. It includes unpredictable income, supplier issues, market saturation, and many more. 

This J Rich Shopify Dropshipping course review talks about its pros and cons, contents, and inclusions. We also show some reviews found online about the course and even discuss the profitability of dropshipping. In the end, we look at another online business model that is considered the best alternative to dropshipping. 

 J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping Course Review: Pros and Cons


J Rich presents and structures his Shopify Dropshipping course very well. 

The Shopify Dropshipping course offers lifetime access to material and resources.

 J Rich is an actual dropshipper who teaches based on his practical experience. 

You can access this course for free.


J Rich's Shopify Dropshipping course is for complete beginners only. 

The Shopify Dropshipping course has very limited success stories available. 

The course has no live mentorship call or one-on-one support  available. 

There is no guarantee that his methods work for everyone. 


J Rich's Shopify Dropshipping course cost $497, however, it can access for free following some steps. 


The Shopify Dropshipping course training is through step-by-step videos. 


The Shopify Dropshipping course has an exclusive private group chat where you can ask questions and guidance. 

Refund Policy

J Rich's Shopify Dropshipping course has no refund policy. 


The Shopify Dropshipping course started  in 2019.


J Rich's reputation appears to be that of a knowledgeable figure in dropshipping. He  successfully turned $100 into $100k as a teenager through this business model. He also boasts a huge following on different platforms, reaching over 1.3M followers combined. 

What is High-Ticket Dropshipping?

High-ticket dropshipping is where you choose a high-end product  that costs at least more than $200. J Rich uses scooters as a suggestion in his videos. The idea behind high-ticket products is that you have much higher profit margins and that you are not volume driven as much.

For example, if you sell phone cases at $15 per case and your profit margin is $5, then you need to sell 200 cases before you have $1k profit. In contrast, if you sell a scooter for $500 and your profit is $250, then you only have to sell 4 to make $1k profit. You can also use this method to build a brand and one product store. 

What is J Rich's Shopify Dropshipping Course?

J Rich's Shopify Dropshipping course is a comprehensive online program for individuals interested in high-ticket dropshipping with Shopify. It provides step-by-step guidance on building a business from scratch, even if you have limited funds. The course contains 100+ videos with over 20 hours. It gives access to training videos covering various dropshipping lessons, print-on-demand, drop servicing, and more.

One of the key features of this course is its exclusive private community chat. It offers VIP access to J Rich and other successful business owners. You can use this chat to get your questions answered and receive extra advice when needed. J Rich also offers monthly giveaways and incentive for enrolled students. You'll also receive access to strategies, secret methods, copy & paste templates, apps, and more. You may access the content at your convenience from any desktop or mobile device.  

What are the Inclusions of J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping Course?

The inclusions of the Shopify Dropshipping course are: 

  • 7+ make money online courses: This includes Shopify Dropshipping, Stock Market Investing, SPAC Investing, Amazon Dropshipping, eBay Dropshipping, and many more.
  • 24/7 lifetime access to 100+ videos: These videos cover step-by-step training on everything about building a Shopify dropshipping business from scratch with little to no money.
  • Dropshipping Products Platform
  • 900+ Influencer List
  • Custom Shopify dropshipping stores built just for you
  • Bonuses: This includes strategies, secret methods, copy & paste templates, apps, and many more. 
  • A chance to win $1,000: This is J Rich giveaway to help fund your businesses/stock market investments.

What Will You Learn From J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping Course?

You will learn from J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping course lessons about having the proper mindset, setting up your Shopify Store, finding products on AliExpress, Oberlo, Dropify or a few other apps/tools with access to US suppliers. Then, you will learn to import products by adding all the relevant info, such as product headings, descriptions, photos and videos, and shipping.

It also covers  installing the Facebook Pixel, setting up FB Ads Manager, creating an Ad, and running an Ad Campaign. J Rich also shows how he sets up his ads, what his bidding strategy is and then which scaling methods you can use. The course is then closed off with tips on remarketing, scaling your store and finally selling your store. 

What are the Bonus Courses and Incentives Included With J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping Course?

Stock Market Investing Course

In this course, you'll learn the basics of stock market investing and how to make money from it, step by step.

SPAC Investing Course

In this course, you'll learn step-by-step about SPACs. It covers both the basics and complexities of making money by investing in SPACs.

Amazon Dropshipping Course

In this course, you will learn how to start an Amazon business from scratch, even if you have limited funds. RC Simon, a trusted expert in the field and a friend of J Rich, delivers the course.

eBay Dropshipping Course

This course unlocks the secrets to building a successful eBay dropshipping business. You will gain access to step-by-step videos, strategies, and insider methods, available 24/7.  

Drop Servicing Course

This course unlocks the secrets of building a Drop Servicing business from scratch. With step-by-step videos, strategies, secret methods, copy & paste templates, and more.          

Print on Demand Course

This course covers the ins and outs of creating a Print on Demand business. It includes step-by-step videos, strategies, secret methods, and more.

Shopify Dropshipping Products Platform

This gives you access toan array an array of high-demand dropshipping products through the Shopify platform. You can explore hundreds of products that are currently best-sellers. It has detailed description and estimated profit analytics. It also comes with an AliExpress seller link and a complimentary video ad for your advertising needs. This product catalog updates monthly to ensure you always have access to the latest trends and top-selling items.  

Huge Instagram Influencer List

It is a downloadable list containing over 900 profitable Instagram influencers. The list spans across various niches. It provides you with a diverse selection of potential collaborators to promote your products or services.

How To Get J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping Course for Free? 

  • Step 1: Sign up for a free Shopify Dropshipping store using the link found on Ecom Everything page.
  • Step 2: Shopify will send a welcome email containing the details of the free Shopify Dropshipping store. Within 5 minutes of signing up, you will receive this email.
  • Step 3: Click the link from the Shopify email and then sign up to access the course. 

Moreover, in his TikTok , J Rich mentioned that by clicking his link, he and his team will build a Shopify dropshipping store for free. Their AI tool will add 10 products that are currently trending on the market. You will also get 1500 dollars in TikTok ad credits which you can spend on free advertising.  As Shopify partner, they receive commission once your store is earning. He said this comes from Shopify so you can keep 100% of your revenue.

Who is J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping Course for?

J Rich's Shopify Dropshipping course is for individuals interested in dropshipping. Especially, the high-ticket dropshipping through Shopify. This course is for those who want to build a business from scratch with limited funds. It caters to beginners seeking comprehensive guidance on various e-commerce models. It includes dropshipping, print-on-demand, investing, and drop servicing. Thus, it is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to enter the e-commerce space.

Is J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping Course Worth It?

Yes, J Rich's Shopify Dropshipping course is worthwhile if you are a complete beginner. It covers a step-by-step  guide to starting a dropshipping business. However, it is basically the same as other dropshipping contents available for free on YouTube. His insider info is his own strategies and methods used in building his own store. However, he cannot guarantee that it works for everyone.  

What People are Saying About J Rich’s Shopify Dropshipping Course?

People are saying very limited things about J Rich's Shopify Dropshipping course. In fact, even his Ecom Everything website offering the course has no success stories or testimonials available. In a Reddit thread asking for thoughts on J Rich's Shopify store, aiq25 said that J Rich offers interesting products. However, there is no information available for shipping times and contact page. 
On another Reddit post, hectic472 said that his videos are great for showing you how to build a website and looking for winning products. However, hectic472 also mentioned that you need to know how marketing actually works to be successful.  

The Online Marketing Review channel on YouTube mentioned that it has diverse content. It covers Shopify dropshipping, investing, drop servicing, and print on demand. The course also focuses on setting up stores, selecting high-ticket products and mastering Facebook ads. Despite its accessibility, he questions the value of the training. Given the growing nature of dropshipping and its associated expenses, the strategies may no longer be relevant. 

In this review from Tropic Legacy, he mentioned that he tried a one-week Shopify dropshipping challenge using Jay Rich's course. The aim is to achieve at least five sales with a zero-dollar budget. However, he finds limitations because of time constraints and budget with influencer marketing. Despite challenges, he selected two products from Jay Rich's library and build a Shopify store from scratch. Despite his best efforts, he struggled to gain traction, with TikTok views remaining low and zero sales.

Most reviews online praised that J Rich has an experience being a dropshipper. They also mentioned that private group chat included is a good idea for peer support. However, many reviews find the training very basic and generic and his methods may not work in today's e-commerce age. 

Who is J Rich?

J Rich, whose real name is Jeraun Richards, is a 26-year-old online entrepreneur, investor, mentor, and lifestyle vlogger. He lives in Miami, Florida, USA with his partner and their four boys. Jeraun started his online business are 18 years old. He achieved six-figure revenue by 19 and seven-figure revenue by 21. J Rich now has over 8 years of experience in e-commerce.  He gained recognition for his expertise in making money online. Over the years, he has amassed over 268K YouTube subscribers by sharing his knowledge and experiences. His videos amassed over 12,000,000 views. 

Coming from a humble background, Jeraun's journey from rags to riches is undeniably captivating. Jeraun offers guidance to individuals looking to achieve financial success. He shared them through his company called Ecom Everything. Additionally, he provides a free courses for those who build Shopify stores using his affiliate link. He also boasts a huge following on different platforms. He has a TikTok with 972.8K followers, Facebook with 1.2K followers, X with 7.4K followers, and Instagram with 66K followers. However, it is worth mentioning that he has not posted on his YouTube channel since last year. His last post on Facebook was in 2020. He remains active in Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

Is Dropshipping Profitable in 2024?

Yes, dropshipping is still profitable in 2024. Dropshipping continued to be profitable because the number of online shoppers continue to grow. Advantages of this business model include easy startup and minimal investment. It also has the potential to sell various products across a wide variety of niches and locations. Success relies on selecting the right niche and products, and effective marketing strategies. Dropshipping remains a low-cost business model. 

On average, dropshippers achieve profit margins ranging from 15% to 30%, with monthly revenues ranging from $1,000 to $3,000. However, top earners can amass annual earnings ranging from $100,000 to millions. For instance, Andreas Koenig and Alexander Pecka sell pet accessories online. They gained over 500,000 customers worldwide, generating an impressive annual revenue of $10 million. Duke Paul posted on X that it is the easiest and profitable side hustle idea in 2024. He added that it has less upfront capital and is easy to start.  

Duke Paul


Happy New Year 🎆 🎊 🍾 📈
What side Hustle you plan to venture into in 2024?
Me: Dropshipping Business!!!!
Dropshipping Business is the easiest and profitable side hustle idea I can recommend in this New Year. Less upfront capital is required, easy to start.

Despite the potential for success, not all dropshipping ventures yield significant profits. Approximately 80% to 90%, fail within the first few months. Here are some issues with dropshipping that can affect its profitability:
  1. Constant attention: With dropshipping, you always need to be on the lookout for new products. From a marketing perspective you need to run, check, kill or scale ads. Then there's also managing your shipping to customers, etc.
  2. Competition cloning: With dropshipping, it is easy to steal your entire business. This includes your website, your products, and your ads within a few hours.
  3. Marketing budget: You need to run FB Ads and Google Ads, and more. You also have to worry about the cost of running Ad Campaigns.
  4. Longevity: Dropshipping is a short-term business model. Trending products reach a saturation point within months. You need to start a-new, unless you set out to start a brand - which takes years to build up.
  5. Unpredictable Income: With dropshipping, you never know what you get from month to month. Your success depends on a lot of variables, such as your products, advertising, and competition.
  6. Supplier Issues: Reliance on third-party suppliers means you have little control over things. Including inventory management, product quality, and shipping times. This can lead to delays, stock outs, or issues with product quality, affecting customer satisfaction.
  7. Shipping and Fulfillment: Shipping times can be long. Especially when sourcing products from overseas suppliers. Customers today expect fast shipping. Any delays can lead to negative reviews and customer dissatisfaction.
  8. Low Profit Margins: Dropshipping profit margins is lower compared to traditional retail models. Competition is fierce. Price undercutting is common, making it challenging to maintain profitability.
  9. Customer Service: You are not handling inventory or shipping, but customers often contact you for support or inquiries. This is challenging, especially if you rely on suppliers for order fulfillment and tracking.
  10. Quality Control: Ensuring product quality can be difficult. Because you're not directly involved in the manufacturing or shipping process. Poor-quality products can lead to returns, refunds, and damage to your brand reputation.
  11. Market Saturation: Dropshipping niches become highly saturated. This makes it challenging to stand out from the competition. Finding unique products or niches with high demand can be difficult

Why Local Lead Generation is the Best Alternative to Dropshipping?

Local lead generation is the best alternative to dropshipping because it is has a more passive and predictable income. Dropshipping is where you sell products online and let suppliers handle the shipping. Local lead generation involves generating leads for businesses in your area. For example, finding potential clients for a dentist or a real estate agent. It's much simpler because you're not dealing with physical products or shipping logistics. It can be more profitable since you're providing valuable leads to businesses in your community. 

No doubt that dropshipping can make you money if you know what to do. However, it takes a lot of hard work, a lot of marketing skill and a lot of luck to succeed. Local lead generation creates a true passive income. You rank a site organically on Google and rent it out to local businesses. As long as your site supplies leads, your client every month and they are happy to pay $500-$3000 per month.
Setting up a dropshipping store and marketing your products can be difficult. In local lead generation, getting your site ranked is the hardest part. After that though, the site runs on auto-pilot. There's no advertising, no looking for new products, no shipping or return worries. You focus on your lead gen site, build it up, rent it and then repeat the process. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Lead gen is a true long-term business opportunity. Dropshipping can be too, if you will spend years building your brand and audience. However, with the challenges like high competition and advertising cost, it can be very difficult. If you want a more stable business model, check out local lead generation
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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.